Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 01, 1898, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Friday, March 1, 1898.
Senator Wolcott, of Col., has
more than once Bhown himself to
possess the faculty of calm judg
ment in times of public excite
ment, and to be a real, not a bun
comb patriot, uut never more
strikingly than in the short speech
he made against the misguided
attempt to publish to the world
a distrust of our navy department,
by providing for a congressional
investigation of the wreck of the
Maine. Mr. Wolcott said: "I de
sire to resent as utterly unfounded
the suggestion that there is a
patriotic citizen in the broad con
fines of this land who has not the
fullest and most splendid and
glorious confidence in every de
partment of this government, and
in the department of the navy in
particular, and it has been true in
every administration since the time
of Washington. The people of
the U. S. have never yet been
called upon to distrust one of the
co-ordinate branches of this gov
ernment, and they never will while
the flag floats. The officers ap
pointed to investigate this tragic
disaster will do their duty. I do
not underrate the importance of
the legislative branch of the gov
ernment; I believe in its dignity
and in its wisdom, and in the open
ness of its discussion of public
questions; but what we need now,
in my opinion, is a decent and
dignified silence in the face of the
appalling calamity which has fal
len upon our people. There are
times for speaking and there are
times for silence, and at thiB time,
when we face the awful event that
has overtaken us, we should re
strain any expression or opinion
or expression of our belief as to
the causes of this terrible disaster
until in a proper, regular, and
formal way, an investigation may
be had by the navy department,
which we know will be conducted
with the utmost uprightness and
the utmost integrity." Senator
Lodge, of Mass., said on the same
subject: "Does any one suppose
that the captain of that ship, who,
wounded and stunned by the ex.
plosion remained the last upon the
sinking vessel, - and who, in the
runlet of that awful excitement,
sent a dispatch showing a coolness
which is an honor to the American
name, is going to lie about his
ship? The secretary of the navy
is a man of distinguished ability,
of honor and patriotism. If any
one imagines that Secretary Long
will not tell the truth and insist
upon the whole of it, he little
knows the character of the man.
I think those who know Theodore
Roosevelt would be slow to boliove
he would seek to conceal the truth
in regard to this disaster. We
want to know the truth. If it was
an accident which destroyed the
Maine, then let us provide, bo far
as human foresight can, against a
recurrence. If it was treachory,
then the righteous wrath of the
American people will take a signal
vengoance for the treacthey which
Bont that snip to the bottom. And
let no one think to stay it" Con
gress showed its good sense by
confining its action on this subject
to making an appropriation of
$200,000 to be used in trying to
save as muoh of the costly equip
ments of the Maine as possible.
Every indication now points to
trouble with Spain. The temper
of the American people is being
sorely tried. Should any fresh
outrage be committed against the
American residents of Havana, as
reports indicate there is probability
of,we fear the patieuce of theAmcr-
ican pitoplo would not be equal to
the strain, but that they would
riwo in their might aud forco
war regardless of consequences.
We are cot advocating war, as we
have had some cxpivrienice in the
past, but if it must coiiiO we are
glad to know that Uncle Sam will
not be caught asleep.
Sen. A. W. Gowan would like
very much to be re-elected to the
Oregon senate, however, Morrow
county claims the senator, and has
several aspirants.
The above from the Eagle is a
mistake. Morrow county has no
aspirant, in the republican party
at least, for joint senator. Sen.
Gowan has many warm friends in
Morrow county who would like to
see him get the nomination. The
democrats may nominate Collector
Blackman on their ticket, there
has been such talk. No one knows
what the populists and democrats
will do, but every one knows that
they can never fuse on the propo
sition of the populist county cen
tral committee. Every one knows
that the democrats will only fuse
if they are allowed to name clerk
and sheriff. This is all they ask.
hey always were noted for their
The Morrow county silver club
met Saturday. Ho business was
transacted. Several speeches were
made which plainly showed that
there was not that unanimous de
sire for fusion or union that will
be necessary for success. The de
sire for fusion we beg pardon,
union" we mean seems to be
greatest in the democratic ranks.
The populists are ready to fuse
there we go again unionize with
the d 1 on a two plank platform
with iniative and referendum first,
ree coinage they say will be sure
to come then and in only that way
can it be brought about. The
democrats ask that free coinage
shall come first and in fact it
should be the only issue in their
opinion. There promises to be a
hot time in the old ranks soon.
Bottled Up!
Whether in the form of pill powder
or liquid, the doctor's prescription fot
blood diseases is always the same
mercury or potash. These drugs bottle
up the poison ana dry it up in the
system, but they also dry up the marrow
in the bones at the same time.
The suppleness and elasticity of the
joints give way to a stiffness, the rack
ing pains of rheumatism. The form
gradually bends, the bones ache, while
decrepitude and helplessness prema
turely take possession of the body, and
it is but a short step to a pair ol
crutches. Then comes falling ol
the hair and decay of the bones, a con
dition truly horrible.
Contagious Blood
Poison the curse
of mankind is the
most horrible of all
diseases, and has al
ways baffled the
dpctors. Their pot
ash and mercury
bottle up the poison,
but. it always breaks
forth again attack
ing some delicate
organ, frequently
the mouth and
throat, filling them
with eating sores.
S.S.S., is the only
known cure for this
disease. It is guar
anteed purely vege
table, and one thousand dollars reward is
offered for proof to the contrary. It
never fails to cure Contagious Blood
Poison, Scrofula, Eczema, Rheumatism,
Cancer, or anv other disease of the
blood. If you have a blood disease,
take a remedy which will not injure you.
Beware of mercury; don't do violence
to your system. Don't get bottled up !
Our books sent free to any address.
Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
The memben of tbe Morrow County
Democratic Central Committee are oalled
to meet in the parlor of tbe Palace hotel
at Heppoer, on Saturday, March 5, 98,
at 2 o'olock p. m., for tbe purpose of
arranging time of holding primaries
and oouoty convention, and transacting
uoh other bnsineis aa may reqnire tbe
attention of the committee.
J. W. Mobbow,
Silver ( Inb Meeting.
Tbe silver olub held a meeting Satur
day at the oourtbonoe. Speeohes were
made by Elias Friend, H. Clay Myers
and Wm. Crabtree. As there was con
siderable going on in town to attract the
attention of people, neither tbe silver
olub or republican olnb had a very large
attendance. No business of importance
wsa transacted. The olub adjourned to
meet March 12, at the courthouse, when
a general discussion will take plaoe.
Nearly Two Carloads
Of Fish Bros, wagons, buggies, buck
boards, &c, bave arrived for us. We
bought them at speoial prices, direct
from tbe faotory. , Too should see them
and get prices if jou need anything of
tbia kind. No middlemen. No com
mission. Minor & Co.
runuifoHtod in tho enmiug bcIioo!
election. This is as it should be,
When there is iutereat shown there
is prom mo of a good attoudauco at
tho meeting. Let each voter iu
their selection of directors KhA
only to tho good of the school.
The future welfare of Ueppner
depeDilu largi ly upon the r access
of her public school. Let us use
every effort to keep it up to the
Ligh standard it ha always hold
ftmocg tho achnoU ttf the nUU
Many of the intelligent men
who two years ago espoused warm
ly the cause of free coinage at 16
to 1 are now admitting frankly
that the plan is no longer a practi
cal one and that it ought to be
abandoned. When such men as
ex-Governor Boies, of Iowa, Whar
ton Barker, of Philadelphia, and
others who are considered among
the most intelligent and influential
leaders of the free-coinage move
ment of two years ago admit, as
they now do, that the plan is no
longer feasible, it will be seen that
those who voted against it in 18
were entirely justified aud will be
more than justified in repeating
that action in 1898. Ex-Governor
Boies, who months ago announced
his conclusion that the lG-to-1
proposition was no longer teuable,
is urging a plan for the utilization
of silver by depositing it with the
treasury and issuing for it certifi
cates luiHod upon its market value
at the data of its presentation at
the treasury, the certificates to be
redeemable at the same value.
He also proposes that the treasury
shall hold silver and gold bullion
in like quantities at their market
value Buflicient to equal 25 per
cent of the face value of all gov
ernment notes outstanding. While
it is scarcoly expocted that Mr.
Uoies' proposition will be looked
upon as foasable, it is interesting
in showing the rapid disintegration
ll a
or tue io-to-1 movement among
the most intelligent of those who
supported it two years ago.
Portland, Or., Feb. 28. July wheat
warm active demand this morning by a
orowd that was very much short over
Sunday. Brokers supposed to repre
sent Leiter were aotive bidders for May.
Private oabled messages from Liverpool
were very bnllista although publio
cables were only & higher. Cargoes
off ooaat were 3d lower. English coun
try markets partially 6d to 11 cheaper.
The world's shipments were 6,906,000
bushels, of which Amerioa contributed
about 3,700,000 bushels. The amonnt
on passage increased 300,000 bushels for
the week Antwerp and Paris markets
were quoted weak. The American visible
supply decreased 1.845,000 bushels and
now totals $34,088,000 bushels. It may
be mentioned that Leiter is supposed to
own 20 million bushels. There was cot
muoh doing in pork and prices after tbe
immediate opening were lower. There
were 30,000 hogs at the yards and there
were 20,000 estimated for tomorrow.
Receipts of wheat at primary points were
768,000 bushels and shipments 320,000
JBest accommodation and courteous
treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh
ana wash, ttts., Portland, Oregon.
Tbe Gazette will club with the Oregon
senator, tbe great Pbtbian paper of Ore.
gon, Washington and Idaho, published
at Portland, for J2.75 for tbe two. Tbe
Senator is all right. No Enigbt of
Pytbiaa should be without it. tf.
Frank MoFarland has been appointed
speoial agent of Tbe Equitable Life As
suranoe Co., of New York, tbe strongest
in tbe world. Cash surplus to policy
holders of over 50 milliot dollars. Don't
take insurance without seeing tbe new
plans ot the Equitable, Insures both
sexes at same rates. 77 tf
Tbe Marquam Grand, on Morrison
9treet in the Marquam building, is under
excellent management and the public
win be royally entertained this winter
New companies and new faces will ap
pear rrom time to time at this popular
first-olass theatre of Portland, and when
in Portland our denizens should not fail
to take in some of the flue dramas that
will be presented, tf
Fill a bottle or oommon glass with
urins and let it stand twenty-four hours;
a sediment or settling indioatet an un
healthy condition ot the kidneys. When
urioe stains linen it ia evidenoe of kid
ney trouble. Too frequent desire to uri
nate or paio in tbe baok, is also convinc
ing proof that the kidneys and bludder
are ont of order.
There is comfort in tbe knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, tbe great kidney remedy
fulfils every wish in relieving pain in the
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every
part ot tbe nrinary passages. It oor
reots inability to bold urine and soald
ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol
lowing nae of liquor, wine or beer, and
overoomes that unpleasant necessity of
being compelled to get np many times
during the night to urinate. Tbe mild
and the extraordinary effect of Swamp
root soon realized. It stands tbe
highest for its wonderful cures of tbe
most distressing oases. It you need a
medicine you should have the best. Sold
by druggists, price fifty oeots and one
dollar. Ton may have a sample bottle
and pamphlet both sent free by mail,
upon reoeipt of three two oent stamps to
onver cost ot postage on the bottle.
Mention tbe Heppner Gazette and send
your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing
hampton, N. Y. The proprietors of tbis
paper guarantee tbe genuineness of this
partnership heretofore existing between
Frank Engelman and Ed Engelman, doing
business at lone. Oregon, under the firm name
of Engelman Bros., has been dissolved hv
mutual consent. All bills and account owing
V. .i ..M M. w .. : 1 I I. .1 u 1 0
vj miu mm Tf .11 DV pitlU UJT JM1 IM'STC! 11111.
Dated at lone, Or., Feb. 2, '98. 20-28
Thos. Ayeri returned to Pendleton on
Friday evening after visit ot a week in
Ueppner looking after buameat affairs.
Mrs. Ayera will remain in llrppuer for
sometime yet.
Albert A. Willis mails final proof on
bla homestead before Clerk Morrow on
Saturday, Thos. Driekell and Jas. II.
Willis being bis wltnease.
Modern Treatment of
The latest work on the
treatment oi diseases, witten
hv fortv cmlrunt American
physicians, uyst "Cod-liver t
X oil has done more for the con
X lumptive than all other reme-
t dies pot together." It also
t 11711 "The hypophosphitei
J of lime and soda are regarded
Dy many nngusn observers as
A Woman's Burden.
From the Evening News, Detroit, Mich.
Tbe women of today are not aa strong
as their graodmothers.
They are bearing a burden in silence
that grows heavier day by day;' that is
sapping their, vitality, olouding their
happiness, weighing them down with
tbe woe of ill health.
Mrs. Alexander li. Clark, ot 417 Mich
igan Ave., Detroit, is a typioal woman
ot today. A wife with anoh ambition as
only a loving: wife oan have. But tbe
joys ot her life were marred by tbe ex
istence of disease.
Suffering as thousands of ber sisters
have suffered, she almost despaired ol
life and yet she was cured.
She wauta others to profit by ber ex
perience; to grow well ; to enjoy health ;
to be as happy as she is.
For flvs years I suffered with ovarian
trouble," is Mrs. Clark's own version ot
tbe story. "I was not free on single
day from headaobe and intense twitoh
ing pains io my neck and shoulders.
For months at a time I would b
oeoflued to my bed. At timet black
spots would appear before my eyes and
I would beooroe blind. My nerves wera
in tuoh a state that a step on the floor
unsettled me, Eminent doctors, skill
tul nurses, the beat food and medicine
all failed. Then 1 ooneonted to an opera
tion. That, too, failed and tbey said
auother was neoessary. After the seo-
ood I was worse than ever and the world
was darker than before.
"It was then I heard ot Dr. Williams
Pink Mil for Pale People. I beard that
they bad cured cases like mine and I
tried them.
"They oared met Tbey brought snn
shin to my life and filled my cup with
happiness. The headache is gone, lbs
twitching Is gone; the nrrvouaneaa it
gone; the trembling haa eeaaej, and I
bay gaitieJ twenty-, I pounds.
"Health and strength is mine and I am
thankful to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People fur tbe bliHwiog."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla have proven
boon to womankind. Aetiog directly
on the bliHd and nsrvea, they reetort the
riiil vitality to all parta ot tbe body
eroating functional regularity and per
fect harmony turoughoal t'ie nervous
Tbe pallor of the cheeks ia changed to
the delicate bluab of health; the tm
brighten ; the mnaolrt grow elastic am hi
lion it created and good health returns
of Oregon, for the County of Morrow.
in me matter oi me estate oi John M. u. Bpen
cer, a minor,
To J. B. Bperry, guardian of the estate of said
minor, greeting:: '
In the name of the State of Oregon, You are
hereby cited and required to appear In the
County Court of the State of Oregon, for the
vuumy oi morrow, ai me court room thereof,
at Heppner, In the County of Morrow, on Tues.
day. the eighth day of March, 180H, at 10 o'clock,
in ine toreuoon ol that day, then and there
settle your accounts aa guardian of J. M,
Spencer, a minor, and show cause, if any exist,
why he should not pay over to the said John M.
O. Spencer, the auma of money now In hla
hands belonging to aaid John M. O. Spencer.
Witness, the Hon. A. (. Rarthnlnmeur. JiirivA
of the County Court of the Htate of Oregon, for
ine ouniy oi morrow, witn the seal ol said
i;ouri amxea, this 'Jem day of January, A. D.
Attest: J. W. MORROW,
618-28. Clerk.
U va I
I he Leaaer
Of Course!
I J Jan. 26. '98. Notice 1b hereby riven that
the following-named settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof in support of
Oregon, on March 18, 1898, viz
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before J. w. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
H. E. No. 7742, for the NEJ4 Bee. 29, Tp. 1 8., B.
27, E. W . M.
He names tbe follow Ine witnesses to prove
his continuous residence noon and cultivation
of said land, viz: William Barratt, Edmund
Baling, Mifflin J. Devln and William J. McCarty,
all of Heppner, Oregon.
IS. W. BAttTLKTT, KeglBter.
The man that Leads is the one from whom
people like to buy. The slow, plodders all
stand aside for him. That suggests a good
reason why so many customers are being
added to the list at
The Beginning of this
New Year 1898.
A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures,
Is a "joy forever." That's what
you'll find at
Heppner. Oregon-
f. 00 0--
Notice of Intention.
Land Officii at The Dai.lis, Obeoon.
January 18. 1898.
followinsf-named settler has filed notice of
his Intention ro make final proof In support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on Sftturday, February 26, 1898, viz:
JAMES R. NUN A MAKER for Heirs of Maria E.
H. E. No. 3619 for the BWU of Sec. 5. Td. 2 8.. R.
24 E. W. M.
He names the following witnessea to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, Bald land, viz: David F. Baker, George
w. i tt, uavio H. urablll and Thomas King,
all of lone, Oregon.
J As. I . HUUKE.
16-27 Register.
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at LaGranoe, Oregon,
Jan. 19. 1898.
following-named settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof in support of
nis claim, ana tnat sam prooi win te made Be
fore County Clerk, Morrow county, Oregon,
at ueppner, uregon. on iarcn vi, is'.m, viz:
H. E. No. 6029, for the Eft NEX, NU 8EJ4 Sec.
11. Tp. 8 8, R 27. E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
nis continuous residence upon ana cultivation
of said land, viz: Charles 8. Jayne, Bruce B,
Kelley, George A. Stevenson and w 1111am stew
art, all of Heppner, Oregon.
iptcific for consumption."
Scott's Emulsion
FJ lUnl.or Eitfhl Mile, vtalll lUrp
nrr ou Hattmlay.
J. ('. Keithlrjr waa down from Ilar.l
man on Hattifilay.
Tho. Mnrtf'ti in from liia IKht
lurry (MNMmiainiit on Fn-lajr.
Mr. atitl Mra. O. W. Hmilh wtrt
Hatnr.lav In altro.l lh auj Com
$ I miN'tinga.
Tha (JHietif'a kikkI frivtitl, C. N. I ck
waa a liir Itt llltlir Haturdat from
Clark Canyou.
J. T. FiIkd.1. too in lavof T. A. IttiM,
arrival (rum California Kri.IaT morning
conUini the best cod-liver oil
in A partially digested form,
combined with the Ilvpophos-
1 phltts of Limt nd &Jj. This
$ remedy, standard for a
jj quarter of a century, is in
exact accord with the latest
viwtvi aawivmi yruic tm W , . .,,11
2 Be aurc you Kct SOOTTS t!J. twll (n Mfrpo,r aqri lh.
Land Office at La Ora.ide, Orroon,
Jan. 1U IK'IK.
1' following-named settler haa filed notice
of hla Intention to make final proof In aupport
of hla claim, and that said proof will be made
neiore J. . Morrow, county Clerk, at tleppuer,
If . E. No. 802, for the BK!i of Sec 14, Tp. S 8, R
, r-. n. 01.
lie names the following witnessea tn nrnve
ntacoiiunuouareaiiifiice uoon ana cultivation
of, aald land, vis: Walter Crosby, John Mar-
snail, meriing r riorerice ana Andy . Bleveu
sou, all of Heppner, Oregon.
616-27 Register.
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at La Granpe, Orkoon,
January 81. 18!8
ll following-named settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof In support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before the county Clerk oi Morrow county,
Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on March 19, 18-J8,
Hd E No. nam. for the N & BVt NEU Sec
SI, Tp 1 8, R 28, E W M.
tie names tne louowing witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: John Marshall. Thomas Mar
shall, Hugh Fields aud James Johnson, all of
Heppner, Oregon,
W. DAKl IjF, 1 1 ,
19 29 Revister,
Land Office at The Dalles. Oreoon,
February 2ft. lw.
(ol low I n (.named settler haa filed nolle
of hla Intention to make final nroofln
support of his claim, and that aald t.root will
be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk,
at Heppner, Oregon, on Monday April 11, Mm,
of Islington: Hd K No 4.11 for the H'i NE
aim iota i ami I tne a, xp i B it in K w M .
Ha names the follnwlna wltneasea to nrov
his continuous rreldenca unon and cultivation
of aald land, vis- John T. McMillan, Edward L
ralmer. I'harlea K. MCAllster and Thomas H
Mlchole, all ol Lexington, Oregon.
JAS. r. MOO Kb,
2H-T3 Register.
Land Offici at The Dalles, Oreoon,
February . ItfW.
1 follnwlnE-named settler has filed nolle
of his Intention Ut mak filial proof In euppnrt
oi nia claim, ana mat aain prom win ix mad
before J. W, Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
uregon, on Monday, April ll, iw, vis:
of Islington : Hd K No Wl for In NW' See S,
Tp J S K K W M
lie naiiiM lh following witness to nrov
his continuous residence upon am! cultivation
ol !, I laud, vis: Cbarle P. naruett, John T
MeMillan, Edward I. I'almer and Charles R,
McAiisitr. all ol Utliiftou, Oregon.
T. . H( liter,
E. W. Bartlett,
When you hear dem bells !"
Belled express is coming. Does delivery work
on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This
wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it,
or at "Central" telephone office.
t Keeps A W U ol Mer Use
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at La Granpe. Oreoon.
January HI. IK'.ia.
following-named settler haa filed notice
of hla Intention to mak final proof In aupport
of hla claim, and that aald proof will be made
before the County Clerk ol Morrow county,
Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on March 19,
1MW, viz:
W1I.I.1AM K. lll.l.ARU,
Hd E No If-' I A, for the N4 NKy KE!4 NEi,
NK HK Hoc XI, Tp 1 8, K 28 K W M.
He name th following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of aald land, vis: John Marshall, Thomaa
Marshall. Hugh Fields and James Johnson, all
ol Heppner, Oregon.
t. W. BAKU. El I,
19 to Register.
Including all the Staples, Hardware, Tin
ware, Harness, Stockmens' Supplies,
Wood and Willowware.
First Class Goods and Low Prices
is his motto.
- ... u4
All atuatfett t. sad i aa.
j winter.
I III I m HI I M . KMtetk .uaV.L W t - . .
. - ' - . j i r..iar ' aar ns i unwt
44444444r . cau.if l .'hwOe. et.re r. .t.ll..a forr.ef.
a oi orvgoti, lor Morrow county.
W. I'. I.t.1, II H kliM-aid
and I'M!. Mrtarhrii a
lh hoard of eononls
auuirra U, I'laliitirta,
Adeline Howell, Henry
Howell, Mary Iloatell,
John Mowed, Nellie
Howell, tt llllam Howell,
ftaulord Howell, liwrph
Howell, lii.u well,
Ida Howell, Krana How
ell, l tiom.s Howell. Ullf
Howell, Heme tmt,
hi a rarer. Adeline How.
ell, aa edmluUtnUrU
and Henry Howell ul.
nilutstrabir of aiatilonl
Howell. devMMnl, l
To wmum Howell, Haiti farer and Rli
Farer, lirlendani
In the name ol in Mat of Oft on Von are
herrhv rr.inlre.1 kt a a-ar and answer th
ronifilahil lie. I against you In the sunt en
titled soil on or lirlor lh first day ol th ties)
rrMir terra f lliiseiMirt. to wn Th lh day
ol Mar. h, m, and If Tou fail to answer hf
am thereol lh plalntltt J HI ly to lb
rotirt l (rant the relief demanded In the com
plain., to all Fof Judgment aaalust you iiwi
O'tisin promlsaory n, i lur th auia ol 4 wi
lib Inl. r, t thereon at the rat l eight rf
rent r annum Imia April 1st. mi, th Sim ,4
l attorney lee and lh costs and dlinr
mma ol this suit, and that th snoMaw atn
to th ivtnveul of aaid t on th M-1
lowing ilrli. real property situated la
Morrow rnty, atat el iWnn town sxuth
east ouarUr of awe J. Tp 4. antiH at rang v
' b .r l.. and said r-mtn i,id
and lh pmewota of aaM sal b t j.;iJ to IDs
parmenl o th amount do plalntin.
1 his summon 1 served III1, yui In pu
' an nrtrr ol lh How ptphea 4 I."
lu ll f th !' nltle.1 eoiirt, na.t
riterl In aald anil "n th ath dv ot Janoary,
two httowaj RlVrin
1 of (Iregon for Morrow county.
The American Mortgag
Company, of n-otlanil,
l.lmlle.1. a oorporatlon,
I' lain tilt a,
John Q. Craft, Annie
Crafta J. W. bmlth, M.
V. Herilaon. Jacob
Bortter, ano Oofhu 4
McFariand, as partners,
To John u. Crafta, J. W. Smith and U. V. Harrt-
alnn, defendauu, ahova named:
In tbe name of th Huie ol Oregon: You ar
hereby required to appear and answer the
complaint filed against you In tbe abov entitled
suit, on or belore the first day of th neat regu
lar term of th above entitled court following
tha expiration ol th time nrcerrlhed tn th
order for publication of this summons, which
nrst day will ix Monuay, maun nay ol Nairn,
m, and you and earn ot you will take nolle
that If you fall tn en appear and answer, for
want thereof plaintiff will apply to aald
court for lh relief demanded In It coin-
rlalnt, to w it For Judgment against John (J.
raft and Annie C'ratta for the sum ol I M. to
gether with Interest thereon at th rat of eight
percent per annum In on th first day of Ist
cmlr, l-vl, in accordance wild the terms ol
a certain pmmlsaory not, hr them made and
delivered to plaintiff, on or about th llh day
of June. I've, for aald sum; lor the sum of aJ
atlornes lea, and lor th sum of t.w.V) ad
taiir for taav. aud for th cost and disburse
menta o( this suit; also derre for tbe fore
cliwur of th certain nnrta'age eteruted and
delivered by aald deleudanl. John (J t raits
aud Annl t'ralu, to plalntirts hi aecurw lh
pavment of the abate described not, and lor
th sal ol said eaortiraged property situa'ed In
Morrow county. Oregon, described a lollnws,
to wit' Th south east quarter of section
Tp. a south ol rangieaat W .M .and that th
Is that of plain and decorated
Chinaware & Queensware At
Gilliam & Bisbee's
And by th way they hav anything you can call for la the line of
Hardware, Htovea and Tinware.
proceeds of said sale be applied to In pavment
oi tn em.'uni oil piaintui, attorneys lee ami
cos's fl suit.
Tins summons la served npon you by publl
iilon there., I. in pursuance ol an order ol Hon.
atephen A Lowell, )u. ol lh alwv entitled
Court, made at rhanitare, at I'endleton, Oregon.
on lb i nn day ol January, !
tlXM A riiEi.ru,
1 9 AturtiTs lor I'lalntllf.
al undenign.l ha len duly "tnt
lh County toiirt of th atateol orecon, for
Morrow t oiinty. administrator of th est' ol
Nelson Jone. iieceased AH persona having
rlaltns aa-elual aald estat ar herel.y notified to
present same, properly vertrled, U nw, at the
um,ol Km A rhel, at Heppner. Orenn.
Illilusii mouths Iniiu llidatol till itottcw.
IMied this l.th day wl )vtrurr I
Administrator ol Ut tsutvol iin
H Jones. Isa
E. G. Noble &
Successors to Noble & Co.,
Ar ia thla field at th old stand with Harness, Saddles. Whip, Bpurs, and an endles
lof of eterythlng In their lln. E. 0. Nobl and Mrs. Ueo. Nobis comprise th
new firm who will pay all bills of th old firm a well a collect what It due.
K. G. 3VOJBI,I$ Ss CO.
Are out to do business and plenty of It. Don't
overlook this. Repair work a specialty.
Frank Enaelman
or ionc,
Is agent lor thla useful household
article and will thoroughly canveae
the county lor th same. He I. also
the general agent lor th state ol
Uri goo. Territory lor sale.
at. Louis, Manufacturer,
Trices Reasonable.
V- yf J
NOTlfF 1 Rllllir ftlTF" TO TBI
nrahaid ol ta Morrow County tan I
A Trust to, that lh annual meeting ol th
: storthoHiera will he nr,, winM, March I'Jth,
They Are Tub "Mustard"
Ttie Pioneer Blacksmiths
i j
AlWriMi M I laiaU" I
' at the hour ol Is m , In lh SallonaJ Haii ' "a mad nm eleaanl Impmrrments In their establishment and added a Una
'ell, building lor the purp.M of lsrllng cmi-wrt lr ' Iron "oeswrioe and other material earfiiial to th h.t.nlne ol trow who lull tnl k
and th i,.uln( ymut and lb Iran, turn of such ; I their wagon, tu(ilw or lurhlnery. 1 h.lr specialty Is horaeahoeltig
MfikM I Mf vt ttt Mi U it Tear M EiH tti it it fo U
nihef tutn
is l
y be bmih ri,,r u
Murk of
' aw. 11 I Ul lu, auugaieiai masssnwr,