Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 01, 1898, Image 1

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    Portland Library
Seml-WeeKlo Gazette
Semi-Weekly Gazette
AT $2.00 A YEAR.
NO. 627
WF s.
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man.
At f 9.0) per year, $1.00 for six months, SO ote.
;or three montns, etriotly in advance.
Aduertising Rates Made Known on
Entered at the Fogtofflce at Heppner, Oregon,
aa second-class matter.
THIS PAPER ie kept on file at E. G. Uake'e
Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merchants
Kxohangs, Ban Franoiaoo, California, where cou
raotfi for advertising can be made for it.
. ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Build
ing. Ban Francisco, Is our authorized agent.
This papsr is kept on file at bis office.
0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p. m. daily except
Sunday arriving at Heppner Jnnotion 12:05 a. m.
Leaves Heppner Junotioa 3:30 a, m, and ar
rives at Heppner 6:00 a. m
Spokane Express No. leaves Portland at 2.-00
p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. m.
and TJma'illa 8:50 p. m.
Portland Express No. 8, from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla 6 110 a. m. and Heppner Junction 7110
.m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Jnnotion 8:25 a, m. and at
Umatilla 1:30 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Junction 12:25 a, m. and at
Portland 7 :2t a. m.
For further information inquire of J. C. Hart,
Agent O. R & N., Heppner, Ore.
United States Officials.
Pcosident. William McKinley
V'cevPtesldent Garret A. Hobart
, Secretary of Btate John Bherman
cwcretaryof Treasury Lyman J, Gage
Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss
Secretary of War Russell V. Alger
Secretary of Navy John D. Long
Postmaster-General James A. Gary
Attorney-General ,. Joseph McKenna
Secretary ( Agriculture ....James Wilson
State of Oregon.
iovemor W. P. Lord
Secretary of Btate H. K. Kineaid
Treasurer Phil. Metsohan
Bupt. Public Instruction G. M. Irwin
Attorney General C. M. Idleman
Senator. G.W.MoBride
Congressmen iR. luT.n8Ue
Printer.; .' W. fl. Leeds
!R. B. Rean,
F. A. Moore,
C. E. Wolverton
Sixth Judicial District.
Circuit Judge Stephen .Lowell
Proseouting Attorney H. J. Bean
Morrow County Officials.
joint Senator A, W. Gowan
Representative. J. N, Brown
County Judge A. G. Bartholomew
'' Commissioners J.R.Howard
J. W. Ronkatt.
" Clerk J.W.Morrow
" Sheriff E. L. Matlock
Tnuuinrar Frank Gilliam
Assessor A. C. Petteys
Surveyor J. W, Hornor
Sohool Bup't. Jay W. Shipley
Coeoaer i B. i Vaoghan
Munnr Thos. Morgan
Councilman Geo. Conser, Frank
Gilliam, Arthur Minor, E. J. blooum, itt.
I.KtAntVinl and .T. K. Himnns.
ltaoorder W. A. Richardson
Troainrsr L. W. BrigKS
Marshal A. A. Roberts
Precinct Officer.
.Inatina nf tha Peace W. "E. Richardson
Constable N. 8. Whetstone
United States Land Officers.
J. P. Moore Register
A. 8. Biggs Receiver
B. F, Wilson Register
J.H, Bobbins Receiver
Q. A. B.
M-wta at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of
act montn. A.I1 veterans are mvimi w joiu.
G. W. Smith, C. G. Fuooa.
Adjutant, tf Commander,
Dr. P. B. McSwords,
Offioe In the City Drug Store, near
City Hotel. "
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
Offioe hours, 8 to 10 a. m., and 12 to
2 p. m., at residence, W. A. Kirk's prop
erty, east of M. E. cbnrch, Soatb, od 10
to 12, a. m , to 2 to 5 p. m., at oBloe in
tbe rear of Borg'i jewelry store.
Brown & Redfield,
Attorneys at Law,
Offioe In the First National Bank
Hetphib, : : Obroon.
Justice of the Peace
and City Recorder.
.aaawk OFflCC T
Belli and bun real estate, rents houeee, paya
taxes, does conveyancing and will aerve you in
any way in his line, M reasonauie ngurea.
First National Bank
C.A. Rhca.
T. A. Rhca.
Vie President
Asa'l Cashier
Transits I General Banking Boiicess.
-On all parts of tha world
Bought and Sold
Collections mads on all point on
reasonable Terms.
Surplus and undivided Profits, la I.OO0.0O.
Tbs Oaselto will take potato, apples,
eg go or butter on eolieoription eoroaote.
Any one owing this offioe can settle tbetr
acooanU la tbis meaner d eao't do it
loo soon io soil a.
Going East?
Iteft Important Points.
FIRST Go via. St Paul be
cause the lines to that point will
afford you the very best service.
SECOND See that the coupon
beyond St. Paul reads via. the
Wisconsin Central because that
line makes close connections with
all the trans-continental lines en
tering the Union Depot there, and
its service is first-class in every
THIRD For information, call
on your neighbor and friend the
nearest ticket agent and ask for a
ticket reading via. the Wisconsin
Central lines, or address
Jas. C. Pond,
Uen. Pas. Agt.,
Milwaukee, Wis.
or Geo. S. Batty,
General Agent,
246 Stark 8t,
Portland Or.
H. W, Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B, &
H., v. m. a st. r ., v. s a., r. Kt. w. 4 a,
and the C. St. L. & P. Bailroads.
HATES )a.oo PBR 13 AY
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sta.,
Published Every Saturday
13 Astor Place New York
The Outlook will be in 1897, as it has
been during eaob of its twenty-seven
years, a History of Oar Own Times. In
its various editorial departments Tbe
Outlook gives a compact review of tbe
world's progress; it follows witb care
all tbe important philantbropio and in
dustrial movements of tbe day; bas a
complete department of religious news;
devotes muoh space to ' tbe interests of
tbe borne; reviews ourrent literature;
furnishes cheerful table-talk about men
and things: and, in short, aims to give
freeb information, original observation,
and reasonable entertainment.
Beginning witb tbe fifty fiiftb volume,
tbe paper will assume tbe regular maga
zine sice, which will add greatly to its
convenience and attractiveness. Tbe
Outlook is published every Saturday
fifty-two issues a year. Tbe first issue
in eaob month is an Illustrated Magaiine
Number, containing about twice as many
pages as tbe ordinary issuer, together
witb a targe number of pictures.
Tbe prioeof The Outlook is tbree
dollars a year in advanoe, or less than a
cent a day.
Send for a speoimen onpy and illustrat
ed prospeotua to Tbe Outlook, 13 Astor
Plaos, New Yoik Oltv.
While roe ep roar subscription paid op in
ean keep your brand ia free of oharge.
Borw. P. O.. HeDiinar. Dudma P n , UK
nnumer; oaiuo, same on lert nip.
Cook. A. J..Lene.Or. Hnraaa fln.m rl,t.k.i
dor; Cattle, same on right hipt ear mark equare
wwipwu witiou emu in nejnu
Doaglaes. W. M , Galloway. Or.-Cottla, B Dsn
right aide, swailow-fork in each aar; Bursas, U I)
on left hip.
Ely, Hroa.. Dooglaa, Or. Hrarsea branded ELI
on left shoulder, oatUa same on lafthip. bols
la right ear.
Plormoa, L. A., Heppner, Or, Cattle, LP oa
right hipt bones. F with bar amler oa right
Jonas, Harry, Heppnnr, Or Hnraaa branded
H i on the left ehnnldar; cattle branded J na
right hip. aleu anderbit in left ear. lUnge la
aunow aounty.
Jnhnenn. Palix. Lena. Or. Hnraaa. HrrlaT m
left atiHe; eattle, aame ua right hip, aadat halt
snip u n aim auui m ten ear
Kenny, Mike Heppner, r. Rontt branded
KNV on left hip oatUeaarneaod crop oS Ml
pri anaav aiope on ma rwu
Laahey, J. W. Mappner Or. Monte hrandt
L and A on left ehouidari eattle aame oa left
hip, wattle over right eye, three elite ia right
all nor, Osnar, nappoar Or. atu. H O oa
rucnt nip', Buraa oa Mrtabunktar.
Morawfi, H. ft., Happoar, Or. Hnraaa, M )
nv tmi wnnm wia aame rm SHI BIP.
Oabora. t. W.. Dma-laa. Or.) km O ua laf
ehoaldar; oattloaaoiaoa riant hip.
Parker A niaaaoa, Hariaaa.Or. Horses IPos
rt snnauisr.
Prarnni, Oliver; hnnws hrandad bar and
hlrhl on irrt ahoulder; rn, r.luhl Ml Ik,
Morrow muniy.
Pioar. i. H . Utlnsif. tr.HM. IT
aertad t left .hmlUr ; OatUa, aajna ua Ut hip,
aiidar bil ia Mtch aw.
HarUv.. W HapiHMT, Or.-Hofaaa. JO
wn anoauMr. itue. o oa nant hip.
I ".parry. K. Happoar, Or. rattle f Cm
I lart hip. evnp na ni.t and aMarhtt la Ui tsar,
wlM,i hanw Wtkh efconldar.
ItMimpaiia, i. A., Happoer, Or. Hireea, u
.left ehoutaVr: MiUa. iua Uft . Mar
I Tnroar R. W Hatter. Or. mall earl'al T
i laft ttumXAt. bmi ealU eaoe ba laft hi
I with eplitiabniaaar.
I Watuharar, W, t ., Oalloway. r. boiMa
qmrtar cirri. J W on nelit anuoliW-, aaitt
quanar r.rr 4 w na rit,t hip and naM awa,
rr. and b-.U in laft ear, Kar . ia Umvm sail
vaiaiiua eoaanaa.
slmilatlng theToodandRegula
ting theStomachs andBoweis of
ness andRest.Gontains neither
SiurrXMorphind nor neral.
flnptm Smi
ALx.Stnnm AnijtSa
ftppiit intnt
flimfud Jkumr .
ttiheiyiMa tlarm
Apcrfecf Remedy forConstioa-
tion. Sour Stoniach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions Jevensh
ness and Loss OF SLEP
Tac Simile Signature of
ui3 smm mi
(Formerly the GRAND CENTRA L.)
MRS. L. SMALL, Manager.
Now Open. New Methods. New Manage-
mcnt. strictly
Rates, $1.00 Per
ta 1 1 -1. l .
hb n. urai-ciasB ieea oarn run
nun irom an trains, vve solicit your
11. . ... ....
For more than fifty-six
in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers
and villagers throughout the U. S.
IT HAD lalltifully lalmre1 for their prosperity ami happlneaa, for the Improvement nf their
tmaim-M ami home Interests, lor education, (or the elevation ol American manhood and
true womaiihiKMt.
IT HAS told at the llr.uMe, lntcrestlnf and Inatrurtlve atorlesof thadoliiKaof Hie world, tha
mtlim stid statm.
IT HAS advlawl the farmer aa to the moat apprnvrd melhrMls of cultivating; and harvesting; his
crops, and the proper time to mnvrrt II Into the largi-st poaallile amnimt of iiiuiier.
IT HAS lid In all matti-ri iH-rtaluliig In the welfare o( tanners and vlliaa-era, and lor over shall
a century naa nem inrir counnrnce anu
New York Weekly Tribune,
And we furnish it with tha
$2.75, eash in advance.
Addrre, all Order, to
Write your name and addraea on a pul rant,
York City, and a aarnuia onpy ol Uie New York
Columbia Hirer and Puset S
Stfiorn TrlFJIlQNr; BAILXV
Ieam Aider Htreet IV-ck. I'ortleo l,
lan sou Aabrotla. liret eonuefllKio witb Ilwaeo aUamsra aad rail
road; also at Voang's Us; with Kearhore Hailroa.1.
Leaves rortland 7 A M. Uliy.earvpt fuiwlsy, Ltavaa Artntiaf P. M. Isllr. ti.t Pusdsis
tetat iortUud I P. IIIy. etpt Sunday. a.i.,rday pl.M, II P M U.a iaUjgia If
at " A, M.,e-4 auitday and M'aiay, Buwiay gis!. t P. M
Leaves fr'rtlend and rnnadlrart ta llaani. Tnaadty aad Thum-tay at A. W Male' av al I P, M
LaatM liaer KaduMlay and Prt-ley al 5 m A. M. On awfer alt 11IC U.
Upx, ON t Rilini Mu'm Ui Efvfeei Frt of liyu.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
You Have
t irst lass. .
Day and Upwards.
in nonriBPtinn wra 'ftn mn tn
- -v" . Ull uv
patronage. 587-nov,12
years it has never failed
GAZETTE, one year for
amd It Intleo. W. R.t. Trllmna Om.e, Me
Meekly T film ns will be mailed Ut yu.
for Atria. Ilwaori, Umg Itearb. Ooaae
the .
iture Xtf
Always Bought.
ound Navigation Co
Tbe results of the republican clnb oon-
veotieo seems tn be worrying tbe Ore
gonian, A torian and Pendleton Tribune.
For papers that profess tallest satisfac
tion witb tbe harmonious gathering,
tbey exhibit a surprising anxiety to "ex
plain" that tbetr political favorites were
not "drowned." And tbianooneolaime.
Tbe convection was not held to "down"
any one, but to help the repnblioan
party. If Mr, MoOamant lost prestige
it was bis own fanlt, and as for Henry
MoGiun, the oountry delegates quote
the old saying, 'a bad egg oannot be
Tbe letter of Hon. 0, W. Fulton, pub
lished in the Oregon fan last week, was a
manly and straigtforward declaration
and worthy of oarefal consideration.
Many republicans at one time believed
tbe tree ooinage of silver to be of bene
fit to the country, and Mr. Fulton bas al
ways stood on the party platform. Tbe
republican national convention held at
Minneapolis, in its platform, advooated
the free and unlimited coinage of rilver,
and tbe Oregon i an aivooated the plat
form and supported tbe nominees. The
Oregoninn has changed its views
sinoe that time so have a large number
of republicans. There was a time in the
history of Oregon politics when tbe Ore
gonian, under toe management of Mr.
Soott, was a rank free trade paper. Tbe
Oregonian has changed its views on that
question. There was a time in tbe his
tory of Oregon when Hatvey Soott lav
ished his effections on a two-year-old
heifer. As to whether be bas ohanged
bis views on tbia subject we have not
sufficient knowledge or information to
form a belief, eto. The Oregonian treats
Mr. Fulton's letter witb contempt, and
infers that Mr. Fulton is not a good
republican. Mr. Fulton is a better and
truer republican than Harvey Scott ever
was. Mr. Fulton bas always worked for
tbe sucoess of the party, no matter who
the candidates were, but witb Scott It is
different. He is a repubiloan on con
dition tbat be is tbe repnlioan bogs and
diotator, otherwise he will attempt to
defeat tbe party. Astoria Herald.
Tbe Oregonian is doing untold damage
to the repnblioan party in Oregon by its
attempt to rend out of tbe party men
who in former years may have misunder
stood the money question and leaned a
little toward the side of silver. Tbe
Oregonian forgeta that time makes
changes, and men's opinions are changed
itb greater study and observance.
There are many voters in Oregon, earnest
believers in tbs gold standard, who four
years ago did not ste theVlght so dearly
and these men the Oregonian would
he glad to hound from tbe party ranks.
Are we not seeking converts, and glad to
get them when they come? For wbat
other purpose are speeohes made and
editorials written? Yet whenever
former silver mao wants to come back
into tha repnblioan party, tbe Oregonian
objects. It all comes baok to tbe aame
old question tbe Oregonian is aerving
Joe Simon and bia gang more than it is
tbe republican party or tbe general wel
fare. Eiobange.
when the vote In the bonse on tbe
Teller resolution, was first aouonnoed
and tbe Kepoblioan learned tbat Oon
greaaman Ellis voted against its adoption,
we wrote him a letter congratulating him
on tbe position he bad taken, although
assuring bim that we bad do doubts as
to bow be would vote after bia publlo
declaration In tbis oity daring tbe last
In answer to nnr letter, among other
tilings, Mr. Ellis says:
"I hope my friends bad no doubt as
to what my aotinn would be in regard to
thai matter, as I took particular pains
to state in tny canvass throughout tbe
ataU lo after tbe adoption of tha Hr.
Loo Is platform, tbat I was in bearty ee
cord witb tbat platform, and would do
everything lo tny power to oarry ont tbe
principles therein eounctaled, and every
dap I am more and more ooovinoed that
the principlrs therein promulgated are
the true ones, and tbe aaooess of tbe re
pnblioan parly depends on lite faithful
carrying ont of tbe aame,'
Tbis atatsrosnt from Mr. Ellis to qnite
satisfactory to lb Itepablkan. It is al
tbat any republican eonld eak for
Congressman ElliS bears ao i eel lent
reputation aa clean mao, and nbite be
does not poaaees tbe gift of gab of Dude
Le is of our sister state of Washington
be knows bow to vote, and, as tha Or-
gnniao says, "that ia all weeersaboat."
I'eodletoo lUpoblioso,
It Is question carrying witb il some
peculation as to wbat iasna or issues
tha populist party of Oregon to going
before lbs people of tbe elate with in ins
neil campaign. Aerxirding lo Dr. Fin
brie, f folk souaty, a ltaditig popalial
the frea silver fad la deed. This is tbs
only tblog left, bowever, for that party
to cling lo. Their "cheep" wheat and
"cheap'' every other stents product cry
to ao longer ac argument li present to
tbe people. Tbe voters of Orrgoo are
too well eoevltxed bow I i lletee lo cue
ctatensaats. Oa every bead are to k
seen erfnmeate agaiost tbetr fa-Is and
lama Tbere to sol thing Uft It do bal
lo relnro to Ihair "rsfrreudiirn," whinh
was lost sight of so completely ia tbeir
fraatio ff -rte U wio 00 Ida free silver
fsoottoMU. IsmmI conditions ere ejfalosl
tbot. f'rle eai Cusditivn arc co
changed tbat no hope remains for them
from tbat quarter. The same is said of
the entire state. Tbere is not one con
vincing argument left for them. Con
ditions are so wonderfully changed from
eighteen months ago tbat tbe honest
voter will consider well his action before
casting bis ballot with them again.
Every oondition bas resulted absolutely
reverse to the populist prediction, and in
socb, people have lost faith. That their
strength is weakening there is not a
question. Tbere is not one thing for
them to base an argument upon. Tbe
stroke tbat has the paralytio effeot has
been conceived in tbe tact that the oonn
try is forging ahead in a business sen si'
at snob, a rapid rate as to render all ad
verse argument unconvinoing. Their
bBttla ory will oertainly be "We want
tbe offices ; they, at least, are desirable."
Oregon Mist.
Tbe gathering of populists, democrats
and silver parties in separate .conven
tions at tbe same place, savors too muoh
of tbe dioker plan of "how muoh will
you give" and "how much do you want."
Tbey collect at the market place to con
duct, banter and traffic jobs in publio
offices, not principles. Walla Walla
The Dangers of Bprlng
Whioh arise from imparities in the blood
and a depleted oonditiou of tbis vital
fluid may be entirely averted by Hood's
Saraape.rilla, This great medicine cures
all spring bumors, boils, eruptions and
sores, and by enriobing and vitalizing
the blood, it overcomes that tired feel
ing and gives vitality and vigor.
Hood's Pills oure nausea, sick head-
aohe, biliousness and all liver ills. Price
25 cents.
Washington, Feb. 13. Representative
Tongue says tbat a correspondent in tbe
Portland Oregonian bas done bis col
league, Mr. Ellis, a rank injustice. He
said to Tbs Tribune correspondent witb
reference to tbe publication :
"Tbe recent communication from
'Sound Money' in one of the Portland
papers tbat oharged Representative Ellis
witb having voted in favor of silver in
supporting an amendment from the sen
ate upon one of the appropriation bills
for tbe support of assay offices, is very
unjust. There was no question of silver
involvbd. The existing laws with re
lation lo assay offices provides tbat if
gold is deposited at assay offioea tbe
government pays all express oharges on
snob consignment of preoioos metal.
The tendenoy of tbe government at Ibia
time is to close tbs exieting mints and
center all its ooinage at tbe Philadelphia
mint, In one of tbe appropriation bills
recently passed tbe house oommlttes bad
inserted a provision that tbe oost of
transporting tbs bullion offered for ooin
age should be paid by tbe owner of the
bullion, Tbe senate struck out tbis
provision, leaving tbe law as at present
tbat ie, tbe government Is to pay
transportation obarges. Representative
Ellis, having In mind tbe interests of tbe
gold miners of Oregon and other West
era states, voted to sustain tbe senate
amendment. The queetion of silver
coinage was in nowise conoerned, as was
obarged by 'Sound Money.'"
The Greateat Dlsoovcry Yet.
W. M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa, III.,
"Chief," says: "We won't keen bouse
without Dr. King's Mew Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Ei
perimsnted witb many others, but never
gol tbe true remedy until wo need Dr.
King'c New Discovery. No other reme
dy oan take Its place io our borne, as in
it we have a certain and snre cure for
Coughs, Colds, Whooplne Congb, etc
It is idle lo eiperirnent witb other rerne
dies, even if tbey are nrged 00 you as
just as good ss Dr. King's New Discov
ery. They are nut aa good, beosqee tbia
remedy bas a reoord of cures and besides
is guaranteed, II never fails to satisfy
Trial buttles free al Hlooom Drag Go's,
K. J. Hlooom, manager.
Kepthllraa Claw Meatlai.
Tbe Morrow count f repnblioan club
held business meeting Saturday al tbe
office of County grtl. Hblpley. Tbe
president appoioted . v, cxeootive coin
mlllec consisting ol E. L. Freelaod. O.
W. Phelps, Ii, 11. Kelly and It. F. Hyod;
committee 00 membership and finance,
J. W. Shipley. E. U. Honlock, A. O
llartholoraew, J. W. Uoroor aod W. W
Hmeed; committee 00 mosio, M. B. Oal
loway and J. W.Shipley. Tbe club to
not Iboronghly organised ,B(j 0 rca,,
oeas lor active campaign work. Tbe
nait meeting will be bald at tbe call of
the proaidnel cud will be mods very lo-
Ureetiiig with mualo and speaking, and
pernspe r literary program.
Mwara ef Otataiaata fur Catarrh I a at Coo
tela Merrary,
as mercury will onrely destroy tbo tenec
of smell and Completely detente Ibe
whole system whso entering II through
the mooon snrfaaec Huch artielee
should never be uoml eirept 00 presonp
ti'ms from reputable pby eloleue, as the
oaaBga may win 00 IS ton rolij lo tbi
good yon cec possibly derive from then
Hall's Catarrh f'nra maaafaetn.a k.
If. J. Cheney k Co., Toledo, O., contains
o mareary, ana 10 lalea Internally,
aelibg directly npo the blood aad
fetirwiri surfaces of the system. Ia buy
liig Hail's Calsrrb Core Im snre yon gel
the sanolne. It Is taken la tern ally and
made ia Toledo, Ohio, by . J. Cheney
A fin Testimonials Ire
VrQ4 bp drsggtstt, 79 per bottle,
Absolutely Pure
The Last or the Kickapoos.
Tbe Kiokapoo Medicine oompany. who -
have been in Heppner for tbe past two
weeks, gave tbeir final entertainment '
on Saturday evening and on Sunday de-'
parted for Lexington where they show
and advertise their inedioines tbis weeki
Tbe entertainment on Saturday evening
was rather a novel affair, beins for the
most part given by local talent, the idea
being for eaob person of looal reputation
to take part on the program in any way .
tbey saw fit, and a prize of 85 in cash
was to be given by vote of tbe audience
to tbe best performer. Tbere were sonsa,
a wrestling matob between Oh as. Man
ning and Erb Hayes, and other attrac
tions, inoluding a representation of the
"Kiokapoo Remedy Co.,", whioh failed
to represent, owing to an apparent lack
of appreciation on tbe part of tha
andienoe. Honey Abrabamsick sang a
German song and when the vote was
taken to award tbe prize, she was winner
by several ballots, During tbeir slay in
Heppner, tbe Kiokapoo oompany proved
themselves gentlemen in every, respeot
and made many friends for the remedies
tbey advertise.
Bnoklen's Arnica Salve.
Tbe Best Salve in tbe world for Cole,
Braises, Sores, Uloers, Salt Pheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, one, all Sk in Erup
tions, and positively cures Files or do
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfeot satisfaction or money refunded.
Prioe25 cents per box. For sale by
Slooum Drug Co., E. J, Slooum, manager.
Aceldent to Harrow.
Two sons of Sam MoBride. of this oitv.
while at work np on tbe rsnoh near Bob
Dexter's place, met with quite an aooi-
lent to tbeir team and barrow last Fri
day. Tbe boys, Jaok and Harold Mo
Bride, were busy harrowing a piece of
ground they were preparing for sowing,
when tbo teem became triabtened. and
running some distanoe tbey dashed
through a barbed wire fence, outting
tbe horses up pretty badly but doioit no
other damago worthy of mention. Bob
Dexter, our informant, states tbat the
horses made a lively time of it for a little
wbile, lodging from tbe way tbev sued
around the field and tore tbrongb the
Everybody Bays Bo.
Cnscarets Candy Cathartic, the most won
derfui modioul discovery of the age, pleas
ant and rorresliina; to the taste, act gently
and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
cleansing the entire system, dispel colds,
euro headache, fever, tiuhltual constipation
and biliousness, please buy and try a bos
ot U. C. C. to-day ; 10, & M) cents, bold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
The Big Dog Killed.
The big dog Tom, brongbt here by V.
D. Maddook, from Seattle, started out
with tbe evident Intention of making the
return Irip on bis own book, and was
ran over and killed about one mile tbia
side of Lexington. Mr. Maddook left
Ibe dog io charge ot the Palaoe hotel
people while be went into the country
for a couple of days to buy horses. Tom
wandered away Friday evening and was
killed by tbe train when il was 00 Ua
way op Saturday morning. This r?s
one among tbo largest doge In the world,
having weighed, at 00a lime, 2'27 pounds.
Tbe Osxette ooderstands Mr. Maddock
had been offered 1150 for tbe dog, bnt
ref need to sell him al that prloe.
J oat ArrlTfd.
Nearly two carloads of wagons, bug
gies, bnokboards, direct from Fieb Bros.
Wagon Co., bought for spot cash prioes.
Wo doo't pay commission lo any middle
man. Mikor k Co.
Aaothrr Aocideal.
Reob Sparry oamo near meeting witb
a very serious accident last week. Wbile
cowing grata be used a saddle borsa
aod while gelling onto tbo horse witb
sack partly filled with graio, bs bore
too much weight on tbo stirrop of bia
saddle, wblob was wbat Is called a
jockey saddle, witb the result tbat tbo
saddle turned. Kenb's foot hung io the
attrrnp and be was dragged quite a dis
tanoe when Ibe girth broke rslraaiog
bim from bis deogerons position. Kttub
woe pretty badly bruised up bnt fort a o
etely do bones wero broken.
Ta Krpahllrans.
The nis in hers of the republican coouty
central eomiuittoe are rrqufated to meet
at tbe 00 art boose la Ueppner, 00 Wed-nee-lay,
March Oib, at 1 o'clock,
p. ta. fall ettendeocw reqoeated.
I. U. IIaoBh, Chairmen.
Dated lleppnar, Or., March 1, lh.t.
Catarrb oared. A clear bead and
swee-l braatti 0cured witb Millob's
Catarrh IWuiedy; sold on guarantee.
Nasal Jeir tree. NvlJ kg Uotiser 4