A LITTLE SUFFERER Faoe, Hand! and Arena Covered With Sorofulous Humort How a Cure Waa Effected. "When five years old my little boy had scrofula on his face, hands and arms. It was worst on his chin, although the sores on his cheeks and hands were very bad. It appeared in the form of red pimples which would tester, break open and run and then scab over. After disappearing they would break oat again. They caused intense itching and the little sufferer had to be watched continually to keep him from scratching the sores. We became greatly alarmed at his oondition. My wife's mother had had scrofula and the only medicine which had helpd her was Hood's Barsaparilla. Wo decided to give it to our boy and we noted an improve ment in his case very soon. After giving him four bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla the humor had all been driven out of his blood and it has never since returned." William Babtz, 416 South Williams St., South Bend, Indiana. You oan buy Hood's Sarsaparilla of all druggists. Be sure to get only Hood's. HnnH'o Dilfc cure Liver Illneaiy to take, I1UUU 9 r Ills easy to operate, as ceuta. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. ..The Gazette can offer the following clubbing rates: The GAZETTE M.00 and Club Kate Weekly Oregonian, 1.50 13.00 " 8. F. Examiner, $1.60 3.25 ' N. Y. Tribune, 1.00 2,75 " Inter-Ocean, $1.00 2.50 " B. F. Chronicle, $1.60 8.25 " S. F. Chronicle and map $2.00. . . 8.75 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 2.75 Webfoot Planter, 60c 2.00 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 4.50 Rural Spirit, $2.00 , 8.00 New York Wool Record, $2.00... 8.00 McCall's Magazine $1.00 1,80 Yearly subscribers to the Gazette oan get clubbing rates with any paper on earth. BETH. EPISC. CHUKCH. SERVICES. Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday sohool . 10 a. m. Classes No. 1 and 'i at 12:10 p. m. Kp worth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7 p. m. 'The Spirit and the bnda say. Come." The pastpr may be fonnd at the parsonage ad joining the ohurch, where he will be glad to meet any w; o may desire to consult aim on religions, social, civic, philosophic, educational, or any other subjects. J, W. FLE85ER, Minister. M. E CHURCH, SOUTH. SERVICES. Sunday, preaching 11 a. m., 7 p. m., class meeting following morning service. Sunday school, 3 p. in. Epworth league, Fri day, 7 p. m. "Let us forsake not the assembling of our selves together." Pastor's residence In parsonage, next door to church. C. K. Howard, Pastor. The Ladles' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at 8 o'clock, p. m., on the first Wednesday of each month, at the home of Mrs. T. J. Matlock. Take Notice. 1. The sum of five cent per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists of wedding presents and donors, had obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meeting for whatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five cents a une. These rules wiu De strictly aaner ed to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. Here and There. Old Song- Get a bottle of good whiskey and a bottle of good wine, And yon can drink to your true love, and I will think on mine. New Bong M here shall we get the whisker, where shall we get the wine? We'll buy them from Llsh Bperry, whose goods are extra fine At the Belvadere Saloon, Heppner, Oregon. Percy Dawson, of Manitoba, Is registered at the Palace. Wm Pierce was in from the Gooseberry sec tion yesterday. The Kickapoo will be in Lexington all next week, oeginnlng Monday night John Depny and Hyle Corbin were down from the reservation a few days this week. B. McGahey, traveling freight agent of the O. R. & N., was in Beppner on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Thompson attended the charity ball given by the Elks Tuesday night. The Gazette is under obligations to Bupt. Shipley for favors extended to the paper this week. Heppner was in darkness last night on ac count of some accident or other at the electric light plant. Born To the wife of Johnny Kirk, on Rhea creek, Feb. 24, a daughter. Mother and child doing well. Mrs. Ada Curtis arrived from Sumpter on last Tuesday morning and Is visiting her relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. F. K. Bartholomew and daughter, Fay, departed for Portland Monday night to join Mr. Bartholomew. L. O. LaklU and J. P. Ford, of Portland, and J. M. Christainson, of Ban Francisco, were at the Palace yesterday. Mrs. C. E. Redfleld will depart for New York Monday night on a visit to a sister who Is very low with consumption. Ed Day and wife were in the city Thursday from Band Hollow renewing acquaintances with their many friends. Wm Wattenberger and family have moved to town to reside and taken up their residence In the Grandma Hayes property. J. V. Crawford, who has been visiting rela tives in Heppner for the past two weeks, de parted for his home at Waitsburg, Wash., today. Prof. Wm. Birgfeld, Carl Gottfried and J. P. Benton, members of The Dalles orchestra who furnished music for the charity ball on Tuesday night, departed for home Wednesday evening, J. L. Gibson and Wm Berger have formed a partnership in the barber business. They have purchased the Jones stand, Including the baths and will run the' shop in a strictly first class manner. A letter received from Editor Patterson an nounces that he reached the home of his par ents in Indianapolis In due time, having had a very pleasant trip and meeting with no acci dents on the way. Thos. Ingram returned on Tuesday morning from a visit of several weeks with his relatives down In Washington county. He was glad to get back to a country where It does not rain all the time and the mud is a little less than knee deep. A letter received rjcently by Jas. Neville, of this city, from Ed Bmith, formerly section foreman on the Heppner branch, announces the arrival at their home in Metz, Cal of an 11 pound daughter. The Gazette extends con gratulations. , Mrs. J. L. Edwards, of Sand Hollow, met with a very painful accident a day or two ago. While whitewashing she accidently got some whitewash in her eyes which burned them very severely, in fact fear Is entertained that she may lose the sight of one eye entirelv. Ed Baling was In from Sand Hollow Wednes day. He Informs this paper that his brother Clyde, who went to Alaska a short time since, has returned and is now at Walla Walla where he will probably remain during the summer and work for Milt Morgan. Clyde failed to get the employment he expected in Alaska, and decided to return to a warmer climate. We are reliably informed that Free Green, Sachem of the reservation up near the head waters of Willow creek, is going into the dog business quite extensively for the Alaska trade, He has been busy a few days this week in the vicinity of Upper Rhea creek buying up what dogs he could in that locality and attending to some other business matters in that connection. The Klckapoo Medicine Co. gave a very pleasing entertainment Wendesday evening. The prize in the naildrlving contest was carried offby Mrs. H unlock. The prize was a beaded cushion and very handsome. The prize for the best looking young lady in the house was awarded to Miss Grace Hager and consisted of a box of Colgate's perfumes. Miss Hazel Mallory was given the prize as the best looking little girl 6 years old or under. This prize was a very handsome beaded horseshoe. Kickspoo Indian Worm Killer saves thousands ot children'! lives. Batba down at the Jones' barber shop, 25 oents. Orville Jones manager, tf Statements tor the Famous Simple Aooonnt File printed at the Qazette ot fioe. tf. GnioDesse't famous old "Dublin Stout," imported, at Chris Borohers' Common and select slook of tomatoes and oaoned corn at T. R. Howard's. 605-tr. "Oo'n jnioe" is all right but Low Til lard haa a brand ot 14-year-old goods that ia bard to beat. 603 -tf. Beppner Candy Factory for fresh, oresma and taffies. W. II. Van Darn Prop., with E. J. Slocnm. Co8-t. Aoy one desiring to baild either a bonse or barn will make money by call ing on tbe Gazette offloe. ' 67 tf I'bil Coho ia paying tba highest price tor steep pelta, beef hides green or dry, fari, etc Don't forget Phil. 6 If Go to the Matlock corner and try Armstrong k Cooper's whiskey and oigari. It yon like tbe sample boy some. 6tf Come to tbe Oaiette offloe and gel a decent lot ot envelope printed. Government envelope look cheap, and besides yorj cannot get yonr business card printed thereon. tt Snyder Bros, have succeeded Willie Stewart io tbe livery business, next door to tbe Gacette office, and will do a general livery and feed btuineta. Rigs, addle horses and stall room at reason able ratea. 611-tf. Oliver Bnyder baa taken charge ot tbe Hotel DeoDoer feed bam and will fnr- oteh stall room, grain or bay at reason able figures. Span over night, ted at 75 cents. Will also do dray work and banlinsT. 'Bat to and from trains, tf Oordray, tbe pioneer theatre man ot Portland in the line of "popular prioee," baa refitted tbe Waatiogtoa 81. theatre, formerly known as tbe "New Park. Oordray always baa something new, and oar people, wbeo below, can spend 1 pleasant evening at ble place. tt Dr. John W. Keemua, of tbe "Red light," ever ea tba alert for something sew. can famish yon tbe floeet cock taile la the laod Manhetlea, Jersey, V.rmonth or Om made by aa artist In tba bojieess. Drop la and take tbe Ueta oat of yonr month. tf Everybody Bays So. Cosenrets Candy Cathartic, the most won derful moilicul ili'scoverv of the age, pleas ant and refreshing to the teste, net gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansinsr the entire system, diiel colds, cum tioadnolio, fever, linMtual constipation anil biliousness. Please buy and try a box of C. C. C. to-dav; 10, M cents. Bold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. TEACHKR'8 LOCAL INSTITUTE. The teacher'e local institute of Feb. 19, was oalled to order by Supt. Shipley at 10 o'clock. After appointing Prof. Wm. Howard, ot Heppner eohoola, to act aa reporter for tbe Gazette and Prof. J. E. Adams, bt Lexington schools, as reporter for tbe Times, Mr. Shipley read a paper entitled "Thoughts and Suggestions Re lative to Sohool Work." This paper was devoted principally to nrging Morrow oonnty's teacher's to more thorough training for their profession. Under professional training be disoassed insti tute work, professional reading, asso ciation ot teaober with teacher, oalis tbenios, and school hygiene. Miss Jones followed with a discussion ot sohool neat ness. Among other things she talked of room-deooration, window shades and sohool ground. General disoussion oame next in or der with Prof. O. G. Morey on one side and Miss Hastings, Rev. Flesber, Rev. Thomas, J. E. Adams, Wm. Howard and J. W. Shipley on the other. Several points were disposed of with much warmpth and interest. It was the sense ot the meeting that teachers as well as others should seleot their reading matter with care. During tbe 10:30 recess the teaobers made it a point to get acquainted with euoh other. After recess Bev. 1 bom as read a scholarly and highly appreciated paper tbe subject of which the writer of this article failed to get. Meeting adjourned till 1:30. Singing. Promptly at 1:30 Miss Barker began the disoussion of morals as relating to school work. Her work was ably done. l'rcf. J. E. Adams discussed vooal music from a blackboard obart which be had previously arranged. The disons- eion of tone perception finished, be took the teachers through a lung-stretching oourse of interval development, and fir. if-bed an interesting and instructive period with a few remarks on transpo sition ot the scale. C. G. Morey believes that, ba it ever so bumble, every piece of written matter contains some thought worthy of being treasured. To this end be keeps bis eoissors ever near. Mr. M. has over 2,200 pounds ot dippings, pamphlets, books, etc., for nse in teaching. A por tion of this material be spread out be fore ob on a table; and, taking up each piece in turn, told us, if it were a clip ping, where be get it; if a pamphlet or a book, where he sot it, what it oost, and bow to get it. Singing. Miss Hastings discussed patriotism in eucb a way as to oonvince all that Ameri can patriotism is not a thing of the paBt, and that patriotism in its truest form does not dwell exclusively in the mason line breast. Sba showed that our yontb should be taught that tbey are eons and daughters of a great race and tbe only keepers ot a great country wbioh must be mamtained by their loyalty and intelligence. Disoussion. Meeting adjourned in- eflnately. Thousands are Trying- It. In order to prove the great merit of Ely's Cream Balm, the most effective cure for Catarrh and Cold in Head, we have pre. pnrcd a Donerous trial size for 10 ccuts. Uot it of your druggist or send 10 cents to ELY BROS., t j Warren St., N. Y. City. I suffered from catarrh of the worst kind ever since a boy, ami 1 never hoped lor cure, but Ely's Cream Balm seems to do even that M.iny acquaintances have used nth excellent results. Uacar Uatrum, 43 Warren Ave., Chicago, 111. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh ana con turns no cocaine, mercury nor any injurious drug.' Price, 60 ceuU. At druggists or ty mail. WHAT 1 NOW NEED. More Red Corpuscles in Their Blood Paine's Celery Compound. Killed at Pendletoa. Clarence Dupuls, an employee at the Pendle ton woolen mill, was fatally Injured by belli wound around a shall last night. Heonly lived a few hours. Re was a young married roan, his wife bavins given birth to a child only a short time before the accident. MrKlnlry and the Maine. To a senator who called upon him Wednesday the President used the following plain language: "I do not propose to do anything at all to ac celerate war with gpaln. I'p to the present I do not think war Is either necessary or In evltable. I would be lax In my duty, however, if I did uot prepare lor the future. The ltu atlon is grave, and the policy of the admlnls tratlonwlll be determined almost entirely by the course of events from time to time. There Is no necessity of alarming tbe people, but con. grass must be ready to awtst the administration without making too many Inquiries as to the course of current events." At lyea. In a letter to a friend here, Joe tnsley says he Is now at Dyea, and that the weather is not very cold. Joe does not advise any one to come there looking for work aa there Is more men there now than neceeaary to pel lor m all work there is to do. Joe will start tor the Interior soon as it Is possible to getacruts the mountains, Tke Kkaapooa, Tba Kickspoo Remedy Company bee been in Heppner tbe peat two weeks and giving entertainments at the opera boose almost every eight Tbe 00m paey ia 00m posed of men who are artiste in their several lima, and tbe en tertai omenta bave proven to be all that the most exaotiug could ask. Tbe Kickepoo Co., Ilka all other legitimate 00m pen lee, believei in choosing its owo channels ot advertising, and we most say for those wbo arc Id rberge of tbe ork. tbey are very liberal ia this re spect, all inaiooatiuni to the contrary notwithstanding. Hatorjay night will eloee tbe eompny'e eogagrmenl 1 Heppoer. From this place tbey go I UextngUtfi, wbere tbey win remain ! one week, begin ling on Monday sight. Tbelr stay Id Heppoer baa beea both pleasant and profitable. Schilling's Best costs more to make than any other baking powder; but you don't have to pay more Never mind why your money back if you don't like it. iu Miss Franoes . Willard, wbo bas been j attending tbe world's convention of tbe W. C. T. C. says that better health for women is today a more urgent matter than woman's suffrage. She says: "What women at present most need is a better supply ot red oor pusoles." From every section of tbe country, from Maine to California, oome well at tested reports of women, bloodless, dys peptio, nervons, seriously run down, and in many eases so weak as to be bed ridden, wbo bave been enabled to re sume their places in the family olrole and in social life healthy, ruddy, well oured women, by tbe aid of that great blood-maker and health-maker Paine's celery compound. Mrs. E. A. Ward is one of these unfor tunate women whom Paine's oelery com pound bas saved from an ailing, un happy invalid condition, as her letter shows: 213 Miobigan Ave., Mason City, Ia., Sept. 12, 1897. Wells & Richardson Co.: Gentlemen; My greatest trouble seemed to be a general weakness and all-over tired feeling. I am 66 years of age and I did not ezpeot to be very strong again, but I need four bottles of Paine's celery compound and was greatly strengthened, and my oougb seemed better so that I stopped using tbe reme dy and bave not since felt tbe need ot aoy further belp whatever. Very reepeotfully yours, Mrs. . A. Ward Persons ot large experience among nervous women wbo, as a rule are thin Just Arrived ! ONE CAR LOAD OF DRY GOODS FOR MINOR & CO ' fV-eV and laok blood, reoommend Paine's celery compound as beyond all question tbe only remedy that oan be dependeu on to renew tbe vitality ot feeble persons. This settled confidence in Paine's celery oompound is not a hearsay belief, but rests in nearly every oase on personal nee or acquaintance with men or women wbo bave been restored to useful health by no other means. The rapid obsnge for tbe better in oolor, flesh and expression of tbe fane is so unmistakable that repair of tbe wasted tissues might well be oalled a renewal ot lite. Tbe process by wbioh Paine's celery compound is able to build op health in the run-down body is not bard to under stand when one observes bow surely it disposes the bowels to not regularly, bow it increases tbe ospaoity to take and assimilate food, and regulates the nerves all over tbe body. Tbe heavy, alarming pain in tbe baok and loins disappears; the growing pale ness and loss of flesh is stopped and bright, buoyant feeling gradually takes tbe place of that unending sense ot tire and depreseion. Paine's celery oompound is tbe exact remedy for that large clans ot feeble, t did blooded, often hysterical persons whose greatest need is a thorough re furnishing ot their blood with the red corpusoles upon wbiob health and happi ness in enob a large measure depends. Tbe extraordinary virtue of Paine's oelery oompound to inorease tbe propor tion of red oorpnsoles in the blood is the source of its great power over all blood diseases, rheumatism, tienralgia, kidney diseases, baok aobes, loss of flesh and general run down oondition. We are opening these Goods up as fast as we can for your inspection. There's more coming every day. You will see a new, bright, clean stock of goods which will open your eyes. These shipments mark a new era in merchan dising in this part of E. O., it being the first oc casion where a merchant went into the Eastern markets to personally select goods suited to the wants of this particular community. Coma In and see the New Goods. They ara right and the prioea absolutely correot. There is a Beautiful Line of Suitings and Silks for the Ladies. THE ART OF BREWING. 4nd now the entire world Knows this verted product As the Star Brewery beer 550 Years.... IN THE WORK WILL TELL. Undisputed Supremacy World's Competition Ccfr's Shcop Sip ! Increaees Yield of Wool. Enhances Value oi Flock. Cheap, Safe, Han dy, Clean, Wboleeome, Odorless. CHAS. G. ROBERTS. GENERAL AGENT, 247 Alt) Street, Portland, Oregon, Heppner, Or. It appears to be tbe policy of many en gaged in tbe profession of medicine to make large claims through the columns ot tba newspapers of tbe wonderful sac cess tbey have In the caring of any and all diseases that human fleab ia beir to. This bas its effect, for there is no deny ing tbe fact that tbe newspaper Is a great medium by whlob to gain the M g0ld by Minor & Co., rauiivu v a auv puunv vv iiuin a u matter, and these people suoceed io a I great meaeara in establishing them selves iu the good groove ot tba public, when in reality much ot their saooess appears on paper only. Looking at tbs matter In this light, it is a pleasure to find some who are disposed to ltl tbeir work do the talking, for work ill tell. Dr. Margoerit Onrns'y has been io Heppoer for nearly fonr weeks, and daring this time baa met with remark able soeoess in her treatmnt of dis eases. BI.e believes in t,atronling the Jn an up to (late Vaudeville TH1C DAILKH NURSERIES, R. H. WEBER, Prop. Orowit and Dealer in Fruit, Shade and Ornamental Treee Grapa wines and Small Frulta Our Trees are Grown With out Irrigation. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. LEXINGTON FOR ONE WEEK Commencing: February 28. m mam newspaper wreo eba haa anytbing to tell tbe people, but ber aucceee here is speaking muob louder Ibao worda aod it la daily adding to ber popnlarity as one wbo makes do claims but wbat sbe can substantiate, It ill not be difficult for those inter ested to flud many in Heppner wbo bave been and are now being aaocese fully treated by Dr. Grosey. Tbey will gladly treti'y of ber ability as a pbysi elan, aod ber aaeciwsful methods of treatment. Mo narcotic or opiate ot aoy a at a re, whatever, are need. All remedies are purwly vegetable and pre pared by the doetor for all canes which he undertaken. Knows at the Palace bote). Offloe hoors from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. Con soltalioa frea. Entertainment. Wednesday aod Saturday, admieeion 15 cents. All other nights free. Unserv ed seats each evening for ladies and their escorts without extra charge Entire Chance of Procram Each Evening. Children are obarged admieeion eaoh eveoiot . Ckarea AaeeaaerateeU. Neil Betorday aod Sunday, 2Ctb and 27th, will ba tba aeoond quarterly meet ing ot tba M. E. ebnrob, Hontb, pre siding elder, Itov. O. II. Othbe. will be present, preaching Hatnrday eight and oo Monday. Good mucks will be for oibl. All aot worshiping else w bare are cordially Invited. C. 1C HowAkb, factor. Itev. It) ber I Warner will conduct ?nrtfly nutting at tbe M. E. cbnreb. rb. 2C27. l'reeohlng Saturday and Hnodav morning and eveoiog. Yua are cordially lotita-1 to the eervW-e. 4. W. rLinaia, l ector. Tkreask Toarlut Car la 81. Loal. A touriet aleeping car will leave Port- lend every Monday, via Mo. PaciOc, and every Wedoeeday, via tbe Burlington roots, at 8 o'clock, p. m, via tba O. It. t N., through Halt Lake and Denver, with out change to Ht. Loots, and ooder the supervision of experienced condootors No change of cara to Kansas City or Ht. Loo i. Keep tbi service io mind when aoinf East, and eonault O. 1L N. agent or, addre W. II. Ilorlburt, Uea. Pane, agent, Portleod, Or. Altntia Kpabiiraa Tba Morrow County Itepublioen Club will bold a boloes meeting at the eoort bonce Batoidey, Feb. 2Cb, at 1 o'clock sharp. All fepublioeo who poecihly can arc invited to ba present. By order ot Eiecalive Committee. Mrkt! DlrrrLnri If yonr erbool t ia el of a flret claaa anatomies! chart this office baa one at lea than ball price. Coel V'f will cell for 123 cash. 21 tf. Call at this offlee Was Perfected by the Production of.... On draught at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY COMPANY, 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. The Best Bargains- ARE NOT THE GOODS BOUGHT FOR THE LEAST MONEY But are thoie of greatest value In proportion to coiit. K you want to got your mouey' worth of honeat good In Gonfcctionery J UUilUMUlVI llliHUlVt OR MACHINERY, CALL 0N Jfc. O. THOMPSON We are increasing our atock for fall and winter. Call and lee ui. Gibson & Berger, At Clm Jonoi' Old Stand. Shaving. - 15 Cts. Hair Cutting. - 25 " Haths 2")c. Everything Strict ly rirnt Class. That 14-Year Old Stuff, Kohn's Best." On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon c c it lea HAHit ooonsj New Stand, City Hotel Building, X,OW 'TlIvTVRI), Prop. D. A. CURRAY, Formerly of Pendleton Tonsorial Artist. Shaving, Hale Cutting, Hliup, Matlock Corner, 18 Centa 25 " Uejipuer, Oregon. Mathews 8c Gentry, BARBERS IT HAS BEEN SOLD ! I Bought several car loads w of furniture last fall, but i It's all gone now. New orders have replenished V the stock, however, and he Is In it yet 1)W I'ricea and Good Quality all count. Sto him at the old stand. Undertaking a Specialty. Shaving ? 15 Cents. ? ? Hhop two door South of Poftofflc. D. E. GILMAN, General Collector Put our old IkmjIi anil not In hi IkiiiU sii'l (at them. MitkNI collections. your money out of a iwclalty of hard Office ia J, N. 1'rown't. BaildiDg. Ellis & Phelps, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All hu.lneM attended I Mti.liv'tnrr manlier. Collector. In a prompt and MoUrle public and Office la Natter Building. Heppner, Or. The 01(1 Shop ! LIBERTY MARKET 4 "ti lt tba place to go to get yonr floe pork aod lamb chops, atealia ami rout FISH EVERY FRIDAY Pine tnM""feH tim nd heron. Pure !( Urd, kettta render"!, out I fie. iflghett eab lirtn bald for let itork. ULNJ. MATHEWS. J. L m P00TS AND SHOES D THC PLACC TO GIT THCM It OP M. :DICIIXlSnriIiYJL, Xj CO. Thejr bare anytblni In this line that yon may deelr nt yon ean depend on II yon set a food article when they suarante IU SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Start!, Main Street Reaalrlna a fi.eel.lt. ntPPNCR, OR., No. 12, lavt. M'ut$. Voiutt 4 Brort, ll,)Vntr, Or, Osrtlbni:-! u recently taken with a eetereeold which mad m very hoem and rendered me unlit to attel d to bmlneee. A friend ot mine relied my attention to year lr. lurthlow cough ayrup and I hti(M a hotile, eotltiBiMlniit, whlih relieved me at on e end rm ptetaly cured me. I an ul.Jert to throat difficulty n4 I her found nothing the! ( m o miu a relief a thl couh cur. I m Informed that II I Mrellanl for colde, hmurbltl, hooplni con h snd all throat and lunf trouble. I bog to remain, mnet truly your. OTIS I'Am.fcX)!, Ed. 0111. Merchant Tailoring! Has just necuretl the ncrviccit of Mr. Chan. O'Mallcy, a practical cutter of New York City. Ho guarantee satisfaction. CALL AND SEE ME. ON MAY HTHEET