Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 25, 1898, Image 2

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The Gazette.
Friday, Feb. 2o, 1898.
The annual school meeting,
which will be held Monday, March
7th, should be well attended. The
voters of each district in the county
should take greater interest in
school matters, for upon the prop
er condnct of our schools depends
in a large measure the future well
fare of our country. It is a duty
that every parent owes to his chil
dren, that every lover of our free
institutions owes to his country,
and every friend of education owes
to himself, to be present at all
school meetings, and see that only
nrntrrPHBive men are elected as
directors men who are personally
interested in educational work. If
greater interest was taken by the
voters in this matter there would
in many cases be less ground for
paper received a write-up of the
institute from the person who was
to furnish the Times with a report,
in sufficient time for his issue of
yesterday, but having the article
intended for us partly set up, be
concluded to use it, regardless of
the fact that it was in no sense his
property, and that he knew it was
not. This friendly move on the
part of our able contemporary may
make it appear to some that the
Gazette is a little behind in rustl
ing up the news, but it can be
seen that it was no fault of ours,
neither does any blame attach to
the party who got up the report
for us and intended it for Tues
day's paper. The Times man has
our thanks. lie does so bubble
over in his efforts to be neighborly.
Public attention has been some
what diverted from Elondyke the
past week, and is now turned to
ward the all-absorbing subject of
the Maine disaster. The develop-
... . . . .I t I
complaint of incompetent leacners mentg in this CMe are pointing
and mismanagement or anairs iy Btrorjgy to tne theory first
Pbesident McKinley's firm at
titude in regard to the Kansas
Pacific railroad is likely to be as
advantageous to the government
proportionately as was his action
in the Union Pacifio matter. By
rejecting the proposition of the
reorganization committee in the
Union Pacifio matter and insisting
upon full payment of principle
and interest, he saved to the gov
ernment $13,311,000 in excess of
what a former administration had
indicated a willingness to accept,
obtaining full payment of princi
nnl An d interest. A Dart of the
Kansas Pacific which extends west
ward from Kansas City is covered
by a second mortgage held by the
government amounting to $0,003,
000 principal and accumulated in
terest amountmg to 10,50,000,
An offer of $2,500,000 for full pay
ment of this claim was made, but
President McKinley, unwilling to
see such a sacrifice of government
interests, despite the constant as
sertionB that the poition of the
KatiBBS Tacifio covered by the
government mortgage was of no
greater value than the first mort
gage which the government must
assume in foreclosing its own lien,
orderd BtepB taken in the direction
of foreclosure. The result of this
has already beon an offer of settle
ment bv navment of the full
amount of principal of the govern
ment claim, instead of one-third of
it, as was originally proposed.
Nlcholi 6 Leach ire Invoicing tbli week with
C. E. McAliiteru assistant.
Crop are looking fine in thU vicinity, but a
good rain would help things wonderfully.
C. A. Johnaon ii making extensive improve
ments on the property bought by him lately.
John Bandy was up from Ella after supplies.
He baa rented hit stock and ranch and ia living
a retired life.
The republican! of this precinct will have a
business meeting on the 4th of March, 2 p, m.(
at Penland's hall.
George S. Crane took a large load of supplies
out to his sheep camp a few days ago. George
says he has one of the finest bauds of sheep In
the county.
Mr. J. C. Thomson left last Monday for hit
new home over in Klickitat county, Wash. W.
C. Metier went with Mr. Thomson for the pur
pose of looking up a location for himself.
John T. Mc A lister has rented his ranch to W.
E. Leach and will soon move to Pullman, Wash.
where he intends making hit future borne. Bis
son, E.L. McAlister, and wife, who have been
visiting relatives here during the winter, will
also go to Pullman.
HLexington, Feb. 24, '93. X-Portee.
Beauty la Blood Deep.
Plr-an blood means a clean skin. No
beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
otirrinir nn the lazv liver and driving all im
purities from the body, liegin to-day to
banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cascarets, beauty tor ten cents. All arug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 5Qc.
advanced by many in this country,
that tnis terrible calamity to our
nation was not caused by accident,
neither can it be attributed to
carlessuess on the part of the
Maine's crew, for it is well known
that the discipline of the ship's
crew was perfect. The court of
inquiry is pushing its labors and
no doubt we shall soon be at the
bottom of the matter. If it should
turn out to be the treacherous
work of Spanish subjects, Spain
will have serious trouble on her
The republicans of the country
seem entirely willing to accept the
gage of battle thrown down by the
democratic congressional commit
tee in their declaration in favor of
the proposition of the Chicago
platform of 1896. Every congres
sional convention and othor utter
ance by republican conventions or
organizations during the present
year has been clearly and distinct
ly in favor of keeping the currency
of the nation at its very highest
standard. The republicans have
weloomed an opportunity to meet
the enemy upon the same battle
ground in which they won their
splendid victory of 1890,
Lichlentbal t Co, foreboea. Eiolnsive
boe store. Handles the best. 83tf
Constipation and ehronia beadaohet
are positively eared with Kiekapoo In
dian Pills. Sold by all druggists.
Jan. 26. '9& Notice i hereby given that
tne loiiowtng-named settler has filed notice of
hit intention to make final proof in support of
bis claim, and that said proof will be made
With wheat at 7U cents per
bushel, wool at 12 to 15 cents per
pound, sheep $2.25 to $3.00 per
head, beef cattle at $18 to $25 and
work horses at $75 to $125 it would
appear that the people of this
country are just now enjoying a
season of financial prosperity. Yet
howlers of the populistio and dem
ocratic schools, with characteristic
temerity, disordered livers and
disregard for the facts and then
procuring causes tell us that these
8itoscd facts are deceptive, in
other words are "optical illusions,"
that in fact the conditions are
growing worse continually, that
we are living on a slumbering
financial volcano, that an eruption
is enevitable and liable to come at
any moment, and then the country
will be blown iuto "smithereens'
and all our hopes, our prosperity,
and the country, as well, will go up
in smoke. Itut the people see the
facts as they exist and the plain,
practical business portion of them
know that this prosperity is very
largely due to the conservative,
safe financial policy of tho republi
can party and the wise manage
ment of the McKinley administra
tion and are not disposed to risk
the management of governmental
affairs in tho Lands of calamity
howlers and fortune wreckers.
The fusion of so-called reform
forces iu Oregon seems now pretty
well assured. Willi the exception
of a very few counties nud districts
in the state, the idea seems to be
taking well. Republicans will
have to put on their fighting bar
ness and got to work in good earn
est in order to head off this bold
attempt to turn over the state to a
lot of office grabbers and agitators
for mismanagement. A united
effort on the part of the friends of
good government and national
honesty will prevent this.
London Needlework (lulld.
The clukr. tf York, win of the prince
of Willed, Iiiih lntcly Imtohic vii-e presi
dent of the Ixitultin NcecllrworU (iuilil,
huiI In till I'lipiicily Iiiim rout rilmtril tin
ninny ua 107 lirtirlt'H to the iililiiuil ex
liiUitiou of the uiUI, wlilrli wiw oeiie(l
reeenlly nt the IiiiwrUil Inxtitule.
Mwt of Uie worker iiiitnnilly lire
ladies, but there are nJao men hhho
r lutes. The (IlieheaM of Teek, the (fell-
eral president of the ifiiild, is rcHMiiKl-
hle this year for a total of S.flllll artirlc,
while tlin dm-hes of Y'ork semis In
4,134; Princess I'dwsrd o( Nuxe-
Welmsr. 342; Iily Vernon llHreoiiH,
2.HH8; Hon. Mrs. llnlford, I.S'.'S, and
Mis. Iliifil I.llis, the honorary w-ere-Utrv.
3.-. The irruiut tmul of articles
reeelved from the vnrlous lusnehes of
the Ixndon gnU Is 6S.o.0 a consider
able advance upon the number sent In
lust year.
General Debility r
and Loss of Flesh
Spring weather.
Early gardening.
Spring seeding is on In full blast
Real estate dealings have been brisk here the
past week.
Ed Miller and wife departed for Roslyn, Wash
on Tuesday night's train.
The city Sag waved at full matt on the 22d In
honor of the Father of our Country.
Rufut Cochran, of Southern Oregon, vitlted
relativei here last week whom he had never
teen before.
Chat. 8perry returned Tuesday from Condon
and Interior points where he had been solicit
ing life insurance.
The Dalles nursery was repretented here the
past few days and many trees and shrubs will
be added to the town.
Horse and mule owners are finding ready tale
for their ttock at good pricet. Surely timet are
getting better right along.
The annual school meeting Is drawing near
and we would like to tee everyone come out-
It it our urgent duty to school our children and
this will also add to the upbuilding of our little
city. Turn out to the tchool meeting.
A petition is out for a saloon license and we
understand that a remonstrance it also being
circulated. Intoxicating goodt have been told
here for yean and we think It 1 in Justice to
the citizens of any town to either prohibit the
business entirely or grant a license to tell
liquor according to law and keep an open house
where people that want to indulge can get off
the street.
Ed Holloway, the bonanza wheat raiser, hat
told hit entire tract of land to Frank nillngham,
the energetic young man who hat been general
manager of Mr. Holloway'a business here for a
number of years. This thowt Mr. DUlngham
bat much faith in the future of Morrow county.
We understand Mr. Holloway will embark In
the mercantile business In tome valley town.
Sorry to lose you Ed, but wish vou tuccesa In
the new venture.
The citizens of lone are Interested In the com
ing election. We have no office teekert, but we
will give the hog law an overwhelming majority.
It seems tome people who own hogs will not
keep them up, but persist In allowing them to
run at large and leed on their neighbors. Tbl
It wrong. Keep your twine shut up that your
neighbors' early garden! may not be rooted up
and destroyed along with anything else that the
brutes come In contact with
Kiokspoo Indian Salve, tbe greatest
of all healing salve, ouree itchlDg piles.
II never fails. Ask your druggist tor it.
Bring your bides, pelts and furs to
Ben. Mathews, at the Liberty Meat
Market. He pays bigbeet market prioe.
Best aooommodation and eourteous
treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Wash. 8ts., Portland, Oregon.
Indian Oil, tbe great relief for both in
ternal and external pain, convinces tbe
most skeptiosl. Ask your druggists for
Kiekapoo Indian Prairie Plant, a
Female Specific- of rare merit should be
investigated by all ladies. Has reoeived
the endorsement of some eminent pbys-ioiaDB,
Cure that cough with Shiloh's Cure.
Tbe best oougb onre. Relieves oroup
promptly. One million bottles sold last
year. 40 doees for 25c te. Sold by Con
ser & Brock. y
Tbe largest and best 25c bottle of
oongh onre in Amerioa is tbe Kiokapoo
Indian Cough Cure. Cures coughs and
oolds. Croup in obildren on red In fifteen
minutes. Sold by all druggists.
Kiekapoo Tape Worm Secret, reoom
mended by some of the leading medical
oolleges of Amerioa as being tbe best
and one of tbe safest and only oertHio
remedy for the expulsion of tape worms.
Dyspepsia cured. Sbilob's Yitalizer
immediately relieves sour etomRcb, oom
ing np of food distress, and is tbe great
kidney and liver remedy. Sold by Con-
ser & Br ck. y
Kiekapoo Indian Sagwa ia a blood
oleaDsing and blood making ; medicine
made from tbe cleanest and purest roots
and herbs, cleanses tbe stomaob, gives
a good, healthy action to the liver and
regulates tbe kidneys. Sold by all drug
gists. Tbe Oazette will club with the Oregon
Senator, tbe great Pbtbian paper of Ore
goo, Washington and Idfbo, published
at Portland, tor 82.75 tor tbe two. Tbe
Senator is all right. No Knight of
Pythias should be without it. tf.
Frank MoFarland bss been appointed
speoial agent of The Equitable Life As-
suranoe Co., of New York, tbe strongest
in tbe world. Cssb surplus to policy
holders of over 50 millioi: dollars. Don't
take insurance without seeing tbe new
plans of the Equitable. Insures both
sexes at same rates. 77 tf
Tbe Marqiinm Oram, on Morrison
street in the Marquum bnilding, is under
exoellent management and tbe public
ill be royally entertained this winter.
New companies and new faoes will ap
pear from time to time at this popular,
first-class theatre of Portland, and when
in Portland our denizens should not fail
to take in some of tbe fine dramas that
will be presented. tf
before i. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
irtCBUU, uu in a re n IB, VI
5-1' 742' ,or NE Bee 29, Tp. 1 8.. B.
He names the following witnesses to prove
hit continuous realdence upon and cultivation
of said land, tU: William Barrett, Edmund
Baling, Mifflin J. Devln and William J. McCarty,
m ui xicppuer, uregon.
618-28. W- BaeTL,tt' R81"ter-
-a. oi uregon, lor the County of Morrow.
In the matter of the estate of John M. O. Spen
cer, a minor.
To J. B. Bperry, guardian of the estate of laid
minor, greeting:
In the name of the 8tate of Oregon. You are
hereby cited and required to appear in the
County Court of the State of Oregon, for the
County of Morrow, at tho Court room thoranf
at Heppner, in the County of Morrow, on Tues.
uay, me eigmn aay oi Marcn, 188, at 10 o'clock,
in the forenoon of that day, then and there to
oeiue your accounts at guaraian of J. M. O.
opencer, a minor, and show cause, if any exiBt,
why he should not pay over to the taid John M.
O. Spencer, the sums of money now in his
nanas Deionging to said John M. O. Spencer.
Witness, the Hon. A. (i. RfLrthnlnmaw. Jiiriro
of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for
me wouniy oi Morrow, witn tne seal ol taid
court amxed, thit 26th day of January, A. D.
Attest: J. W. MORROW,
618-28. Clerk.
Land Office at La Gbandk, Obegon,
Jan. 19. 1898.
following-named settler hat filed notice
of hit intention to make final proof in support
of hit claim, and that laid proof will be made
before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
urcguu, ou Ainrcn iz, ibhs, viz :
H. E. No. 6082, for the SB of Sec. 14, Tp. 8 S, R
27. E. W. M.
He namea the following witnesset to prove
hit continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz: Walter Crosby, John Mar
shall, Sterling P Florence and Andy S. Steven-
ton, all oi Heppner, Oregon.
E. W. Baetlett,
616-27 Register.
Notice of Intention.
The Leader
Of Course!
The man that Leads is the one from whom
people like to buy. The slow, plodders all
stand aside for him. That suggests a good
reason why so many customers are being
added to the list at
The Beginning of this
New Year 1898.
A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures,
is a "joy forever." That's what
you'll find at
Heppner. Oregon-
Educate You Bowels With Cascarets.
Candv Cathartic, curn conntlnntinn fnrAver.
lOo. If G. G. C. fail, druggists refund money.
The finest
lone, Ore., Feb. IS, 1898.
Karl's Clover Hoot Tea Is a pleasant
lsxstivs. Regulates tbe bowels, purities
tbe blood, Clears tbe complexion. Easy
to make atid pleasant to take. 2d cts.
Bold by Conser k Brock. J
II IUttle4 tha Lawyer by Ills Eipllrlt
"Now, sir, I hoi sliull have no
difficulty In ffetthiK you to spvak up,"
seid the lawyer, In a very loud, coin
mumling voice, according to the Texas
"I hope not, sir," shouted thewltnesa
at the top of his lung.
"How dnre you sieak to me In that
way?" angrily aaked the lawyer.
"llwaww I can't trpenk no louder,
sir," said the hostler.
"Have you lieen drinking?"
"Yes, sir."
"I should infer so from youreonduet
What have you beendrinkinff?"
"Coffee," hoarsely vociferated the
knl?ht of the al stile.
"Something stronger than coffee, sir
you have been drinking! Don't look at
me like that, air!" furiously. "I.ook at
the jury, ulr! Did you have something
in your coffee, sir?"
tt nm an ii,
"This ninn Is no fool lie Is worse!
stormed the counsel,
"Now, sir," turning to the witness,
"look at me. What lienldes sugar did
i'oii tske in Jour coffee this morning?"
The hontli r collected his forces, drew
n deep linn Ui, ami In a voice that enuM
have been henrd hnlf a mile away, bcl
lowed out:
"A rrptinc! a spune! an iiuthln' else!"
Art of Flirtation Is Adapta-
The finest art of flirtation is adapta
bility, says Lippinoott's. I do not mean
altogether to mold one s sell alter tne
mind or mood of the object oi ones
solicitude, but. as rapidly as possible to
diacover the brood lines of his or her
character and disposition, then, with
the courage of a military leader, turn
the force of our friend, the enemy, in
that channel which may best please
one's own inteUicwnce and purpose.
With a little executive ability, and, in
case the object be a man, just a tinge
of judicious flattery, this can lie accom
plished. Sometimes, of course, we run
our heads against a stone wall; then
something must go, and it is generally
not the wall. This is as fatiguing u
process in the mental faculties as
standing on tiptoe is to the muscles
of tlw tool; but the nuntai exercise,
like the athletic, hue its advantages.
The ridvr of one hobby has generally
another in training, if not in actual
use; and the man who cannot make
himself Interesting on either of the
subjects that most absorb bis own in
terests is not worth one's solicitude,
and therefore provea nothing. "Sup
pressed stupidities avail themselves of
extraordinary opportunities to come to
light, ays Heine. But there are few
eople in tho world, except those who
I y undue gnrrulousnesa give an un
necessarily emphasized illustration of
iinU-cllity, and will not, if taken in the
right spirit and treated with a certain
8iKlulgenc prove entertaining from
one atandpoint or another.
Cure tick hcaUm-he, bad saa.
UMe In II n mouth, eoatril ILgP I I
tHKu, (U In tlis stomach, ( III
dutrMs mi4 Indlgvitlon. lo
n4 Mkm, bal have anM aAVi. M rent.
Tbe only fills to lake IUi Hooa't Sum par 1 1 la.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon.
Januarv 18. 1898.
followine-named settler has filed notice of
his intention o make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on Saturday, February 26, 1898, viz:
JAMES R. NUNAMAKER for Heirs of Maria E.
H. E. No. 8619 for the BWX of Seo. 5, Tp. 2 8., R.
24 E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz: David F. Baker, Georfte
w. i'tt, David H. UrabUl and Thomas King.
an oi lone, Oregon;
16-27 Register.
Notice of Intention.
Land Orrics at LaGrande, Oregon,
T... ,n luno
Urn,. io. i
following-named settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore County Clerk, Morrow county, Oregon,
at ueppner, Oregon, on iarcn a, usau, viz:
H. E. No. 6029, for the Etf 8EJ4 Bee.
11. To. 3 8. R 27. E. W. M.
He namet the following witnesset to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
oi said land, viz: cnariet B. Jayne, Bruce u,
Kelley, George A. Stevenson and William Stew
art, all of Heppner, Oregon.
E. W. Babtlett.
616-27 Register
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at La Grande. Oregon,
January 81, 18!W.
following-named settler has filed notice of
hit intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before the County Clerk of Morrow county,
Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on March 19, 1898,
ltd E No. BSM. for the BlA N Wrt & H'4 NE 8ec
23. TdI B. R 28. E W M.
he names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon ana cultivation
. . , ..;.! I ..... U.nh.ll Thnmoa U a r.
UI nmu imm, via. ,uu .ii.uniii inumaa
shall, Hugh Field! and James Johnson, all of
Heppner, Oregon,
1929 RewUtor.
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at La Grande. Oregon.
January 31. lMiR.
following-named settler bal filed notice
of his Intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
before the County Clerk ot Morrow county,
Oregon, st Heppner, Oregon, on March 19,
1898 Viz1
HdENo2l8, for the Nvt NE, BE NEii,
N K4 BK4 See 82, Tp 1 B, K 28 G W M.
He names the following witnesset to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of laid land, viz: John Marshall, Thomas
Marshall, Hugh Fleldt and James Johnson, all
of Ueppuer, Oregon.
1919 Register.
When you hear dem bells V
Belled express is coming. Does delivery work
- on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This
wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it, ,
or at "Central" telephone office.
o r c o oc o
fc: i km hi of Merchandise
Including all the Staples, Hardware, Tin
ware, Harness, Stockmens' Supplies,
Wood and Willowware.
First Class Goods and Low Prices
is his motto.
Best 'vb Brrufk Taua U.L Vm F"l
Toe Ivpiiublicann of Oregon this
year have a heavy renponiiiuUity
rmm their uliouldora. Oregon will
raat ita ballot in Juno, and ita vote
will he watched by the nation. All
the iaine ami factions will unite to
defeat the repuhlicaua, and should
they fail to do it the fact will be
to the lovers of good
and eound money
the land. Chicago
Tbe rfiHitt of the teachera local
inatitute should Lave appeared in
our iue of Tuesday, but through
luiatake the (H raon who was desig
nated by the suiriuteudent to
write it op for the Garotte sent it
to the Times otlice. We are In
formed that the editor, of that
Scott's Emulsion hu bun the
sundAra remedy tor nearly
quarter of a century. Phyticlim
readily Admit that they obtain re-
tulti from it that they cannot eet
from any other flesh-forming food.
1 here arc many other prepara
tion! on the market that pretend
to do what
Joes, but they fall to rxrform It.
The pore Norwegian Cod-liver Oil
made Into a delightful cream, skill
fully blended with the Hypophos
chiles of Lime and Soda, which
arc such valuable tonics.
makes this preparation an
Ideal one and checks the
wasting tendency, and the
at lent almost immediate-
v commences to put on
iieih and gain a strength
which surprises them.
l mn t i OTT' hlaM toi iM Mm
ku 4 n-fc ft lh tariOT.
.. mni . all 4ngfcta,
SCOTT 4 )1. U-s Mr Yrfc.
s Tim na.'riT roi'RT or tue htatk
for Morrow couiujr.
4 rffarl of Too Much (aadur
ArtatorraM Manilas.
Two fnir young girl Ml in dainty
txuuloir ft'n(t Intu rni'h nlhrr'a ryr,
mj thf rw ork Hi ralil.
Ve rr auch (fixxl frii'tula, Mnrria
on I J one, "ami Mr run alToni to my lu
rm'h othrr jtit wlril r think. Now, I
hat auch ailrnlii aclwnir. Kiiixa
nr al.irt mil to-Oay ly IrUing rach other
t lit- rxnrt truth, without n-ganl to any
(juration of xilitrnraa."
"How M-rfrrtly lovely, Ixitx-lia,'
roortl the younjrrr girl of tn two.
"I'a twgin rltfht away. What do you
think if mr7
"I think." U Man la, "that you ar
alnnt a prrtty aa you think you arr,
ami wlirn u don't trr to W vou ar
Ihr nioat charming girl In thr world,
"How aw fully g'd of you," rrj.il nr. I
Hi ullicr, "and il.i you know that whrn
you ia ma In I wsi (Muling thai you
Uxiktd Jilat lik onr of thoae big frathir
duitrra which had takrn a notion to
walk? Only your Irrt ar 10 rrr larg
Ibal Hit illusion wai not quite trrfrrt.'
Two diabrti ll.il young women, with
thrlr farra rriwa llnrd by arratrhea,
wrr taken out of thai arlatorratio
maiwloa flvr niiniitea Itlrr and hurrlrd
In an anilnttauT to th nnrtst bmpital.
ot UI
W. I', l-r.l, l K. Klnralil
I OrMflH! Von ar
i aifl anavrr lha
lilt. MrUa'hrn aa
Ui txxirit ol rommla-
aluuari ale., I'lalullrts,
Aitrllna llnarrll, Hrnry
llowall. Maty Hoaall.
Jnhn H'l, NalMa
Howrll, William Hll.
Htaiilnnl rlovall. Jnarh
llimrll. Ttlila ll.iell,
Ma Howrll. rrank H
rll.lhoinaa Mow. II, IJIIjf
ll.iwrll, Ill-Ill" farrf.
kit rarrr, a tellnr How.
rll, a a.linliiltlralrl
anil Henry Hnnallaaatt.
mlnl.irabir of aiauloM
ll.m.ll. daar.t, t)a
tah'laiita. To William Hnwatl, llaltla farcr and Kit
rarer. IMemlanla
In th namaot lha Stat ol
herh rtNiulrwi Wi ailwar
romulalnt Ple-I acalnai In lha ahora an'
llllel lull on or heli.r lha flral day 'l lha neit
reMlar term nl uoaroiin. - Ttia 7ih day
ot Han h. lo. and II yon tail to anawar (r
ant tharaol th Blalntlll ll ai l'ly l Hi
rouri (rant tl rvllel ilaman.l-l In Iharnw
l-lalnl, fc all rf (udimeitl aaalnat you ni-i
aN-ertalii .nnnlwnry i.lr tnr Ilia aura rl
allh Inlrreal lliara al lha rata 4 aiihl f
enl r annum Iruia 'll lit, Iwu, lha fim u
lii aili'iiwrt leaa and ttsa rnU and tfiahnra
mania M Ihta ami, and tHat lha morlcay t in
In arenr lha parmanl ol aald not ou lha
nin dMtrtlw.1 raaJ ropart s'lualed la
aaai tiarar ol aae. , Tp. 4. luUi ol rna v
I W V . ha fnn.-l.oed and aald f mreiy sold
and lha praU id aald aa!. h ai pllad la Uia
manial tl amount flu alaluiin,
I hi. anmnioii t. ard ! yoa la enran-
I ane id an nnler ol Ilia II a lxa A loaall.
Imln ol lha ab"a inmlel e...rt, ma.1 and
rwrt In aald lull on h a rlat or Jan.
uua a i w at Kaiiriii
! Alwrnais lot rialalU
A of Oregon for Morrow county.
The American MnrtKair
Company, of Hcotlaiid,
Mmited. a corporation.
John Q. Cmfti, Annie
('rails, J. W. Smith, M.
V. Ilar.lion, Jauol)
Bnrtrer, and Cnltln A
McKarlanil, at iartnera,
To John O. ( rafti, J. W. Smith and U. V. Harrl-
alon. ilnleiiilaiili. almve named:
III th name of th Htate of OreRon: You are
hereby required to appear and answer the
complaint Bled against you In the above entitled
nit. on or before the nrat nay of lha next regu
lar term of th above entitled court following
the einlratlnn ol tne time prearrinea in the
order (or publication of this summons, which
nrat nay win oa Monday, maun nay oi aiarcn.
1, and you and each of yon will take notice
that If you fall lo ao appear and answer, for
waul thereof planum win apply to unci
court for the relief demanded In Ita com
rlalnt,towlt: For Judgment against John 4.
rails and Annie ( raf la for the mini of ti to
gether with Intereat thereon al the rate of eight
per centner annum from the Drat day of l)e-
cemlier, fl, tn accordance with th terms ot
a certain promlHorv not, by them made and
delivered to plaintiff, on or about the IHth day
of June, 1n7, lor aald sum; fur the sum of I)
attorney! lee, and for th mm of $.Ht ad
vance for laea, and for th rnsta and dlnbiirse
mentaolthla suit: alao a decree for Ihefore
rlo.ur ol Ilia certain mortgage executed and
delivered by aald defemlaiiU, John VI. Craft
and A nut t'ralta, to plalnlHTs to aecure the
payment of the aliove deaenhrd now, and lor
th aale ol aald mortgaged property aituaied In
Morrow county, Oregon, described as lollowt,
lo-wlt: The aoilth eaul quarter ot arctlon 2,
Tn. J Kiiith of range i eaat W. M.. and that the
procee.U ol aald aale ha applied Ui the paym.nl
th amoiini uu planum, aiiorneji ires ana
Coats nl lull.
1 his fiimmons Is aerved upon you by publi
cation thereof, In pureoanre of an order of Hon,
Htenhen A. Ixiwall. Indge of the above entitled
court, maile al rhanitiera. at I'endlelon, Orejon.
Is that of plain and decorated
Chinaware & Queensware At
Gilliam & Bisbee's
And by the way they have anything you ran call for In the Una ot
Hardware, Stoves and Tinware.
on the Din day ol January, w.
1.1.1 A MI T. LPS.
Atloruevt for I'lalnUfT.
undersigned ha been duly appointed by
lh County Court of th Mat of Oregon, for
Morrow County, a.muni.traior m in ratal of
Nelaon Jnnea. dn-eaavd All neraon having
claims agalual aald eaiala ar hereby notlltrd to
pn-aeut tame, rnerly verified, to ma, al th
omcaol Kill! l'hel. al Heppner, Oregon,
wllliln ill mnnlhi Irorn the data of thla nultoa.
Uainl ihle l.'th day of February. !.
jAwiit jnsyn.
Admlnlalratnrol th talalaof N.lann
l.'I M Jouea, tXr eaaed.
xToncg HKarnr
etork holder ol tn Morrow County Land
A Trual Co.. Dial th annual meeting nl lh
t kholdar a III be held ralurdav, March I .111,
al lha hour 01 7 P, m.. In lha national Hank
building, lor th Mirpoe ol lerttn omcera lor
Iheviisiilng year au.l th tranaa tt.m ol tm'h
oth.r biisluw aa Biay b btouil.l before lb
Bteelln. H. r 1IVU,
li it rwretarv.
, l I
nartnanhta haraiofn- axlstlna pctweau
Frank lugelman and Ed tfngelnian. dolus
bnainiaat Inn. Oregon, under the trta name
ol Fng.lmaa Br , ha been diaaolied by
mutual conaeiil. All lol.. and ecimnia oalhf
bi aald Brat will txt Pail by Id if rein. n
at lena, Ot., Fab. 2, . J
G. Noble & Co..
Successors to Noble & Co.,
Ar in thlt field at th old stand with Harneei, Saddle. Whlpt, Spurt, and an endleea
lol ot everything In their Una. E. O. Noble and Mr. Geo. Noble comprlM th
new nrra who will pay all bills of the old firm at well at collect what la due.
o. Jvoisris & co.
Are out to do business and plenty of It. Don't
overlook this. Repair work a specialty.
Frank Enoelman
I agent for this uaeful household
artici and will thoroughly ranvaaa
th county for the earn. II a la aim
th general agent for th ita I of
Oregon. Territory for aale.
at, Lou la, Manufacturer!.
Prices Reasonable.
They Ark Thk "Mustard"
, , The Pioneer BlacksmltHs
ITava mad anm elegant Imrmvamenla In their eatabll.haient and added a Urn Mock or
Iron, boneaboe and other anaieriala aaaenlial to lh happineai of th. who Bted autrk ranalra
to tbalr wagioa, bu.,1. or Bhloery. lh.lr wrtalty I borarholn(. H 1 '
Mtt'low I Bittri in tit Boys lo do Your Work Eilit, rJ do it QcifJ; U