Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 25, 1898, Image 1

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Seml-WeeKlu Gazette
AT $2.00 A YEAR.
IF THE ....
Seml-WeeKI11 Gazette
NO. 626
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON. Editor and Bus. Man.
Ac tlO) pr year, $1.00 for six monthi, 50 at,
tor three moncos, striotly in advanoe.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Entered at tbe Postoffice at Heppner, Oregon,
a second-class matter.
THIB PAPER is kept on tile at E.C. Dake's
Advertising Agency, 64 and 85 AlerohanU
Exohangs, Ban Francisco, California, where con
note for advertising, can be made for it. -
. ing agent, 21 Merohaate' Eiohanm Build
ing, Ban Francisoo, ie onr authorised agent
This papar is kept on file at hie office.
0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD.
Train Iaawm Hennner 0:30 n
daily except
Rnndav arriving at Heppner Junction ViM a. m.
oa a. m.
Leaves HeDDner Junction
8:30 a. m. and ar-
rives at Heppner ojw a. m
Bpokane Express No. t leaves Portland at 2.-00
p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. m.
and U ma' ilia 8:60 p. m.
Portland Exorese No. S. from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla BOO a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00
,m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m.
Fast Hail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Junction 8:25 a. m. and at
Umatilla 1:80 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Junction 12:25 a, m. and at
Portland 7 :2C a.m.
For farther information inquire of J. C. Hart,
Agent O. K A N., Heppner, Ore.
United States Officials.
President William McKinley
Vine-President Garret A. Hobart
Beoretaryof State John Sherman
Secretary of Treasury Lyman J, Qage
Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss
Beoretary of War Russell K. Alger
Beoretary of Navy John D. Long
Pnatmnatar-AAnaral James A. Gary
Attorney-General Joseph McKenna
Beoretary if Agriculture James Wilson
Htnt. if OrMrnn.
Governor W. P. Lord
Beoretaryof Btate .H. R. Kinoald
Treasurer. Phil. Metschan
Bnpt. Publio Instruction G. M. Irwin
Attorney General M. Idleman
( G. W. MoBnde
senators.. 1 .
t Thos. H.Tongue
Congressmen 1W. H. Ellis
Printer W. H. Leeds
( R. B. Bean,
Unr.Min InAae F. A. MoOTO,
- C. E. Wolverton
Sixth Jadlcial District
rirmiit Jnilm Stephen . Lowell
Pnmaantinii Attorney H. J. Bean
Borrow Count Officials
Joint Senator
A, W. Gowan
County Judge
' Commissioners.,
J. W. Beckett.
" Clerk.
" Sheriff
' Treasurer
Bchool Bup't...
" Coroner
, J. N. Brown
k. ft. Bartholomew
J. R. Howard I
....... 3. W. Morrow
,.....&. L. Matlock
Frank Gilliam
, A. C Petteys
J. W. Hornor
Jay W. Bhipley
B. F. Veughan
mmm .nwi nvnoxnfl.
Thos. Morgan
r..n.ii.n.n Geo. lonser, irana
Gilliam, Arthur Minor, E. J. blooum. M
""u W. A. Richardson
Sm-. ..... L. W. Briwrs
ir:-"::""" : """v;:;a. a. Boberu
Precinct 0 toners.
Justice of the Psaoe....
.W. E. Richardson
...N. 8. Whetstone
United States Land Officers.
t. P. Moore
A. B. Bigg
. Register
, Receiver
aw nrn Register
J.H. Bobbin.'.'.'.'" Receiver
Q. A. R. x
Or . the last Saturday
a'eh month. AU veteran are roviudtnjoin.
i u-i.l C ft. FrjurjA.
AHtaSkt. tt Commander.
Dr. P. B. McSwords 1
Office in tbe
City Hotel.
City Drtg Store,
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
I MIm hnnre. 8 to 10 a. m.. and 12 to
On m l rsnldenoe. W. A. Kirk's prop-
at nf M. V, church. Sootb. and 10
n ii. a. m . to 2 to 5 p. m.. at offloe in
Iba rear of Berg's Jewelry store.
Brown & Redfield,
Attorneys at Law,
tb First National
Hipphir, : : Ohiook,
Justice of the Peace
and City Recorder.
erncf T 1
coowcit CManatae I
Bells and burs real UU, rents hmise, pars
. . a. .,.inWna and will serve TOU In
any way in hit line, at reasonable niure.
irCt Nutinnnl HanK
I m I w h , v .i w. ,w.
Vie Preelaent
Aas't Caehler
Trinsvti I GfUffil Baking Wxwt
all part of tbe world-
Bought and Sold.
CullaMtone aad ea all poiuls oa
reasonable TtreM.
arplo and aadlvtdaa rroSta, Ml00.
Tbe 0aetle will lei potato, applee,
ae or bolter ea eabMriptkifl aereanta.
.. . ..!..
AO OB 0tOf inw onioecaa eatua
aceooate la this Baaaet 1 eea I
loo anno to se4 a.
Three Important Points-
FIBST Go via. St. Paul be
caase the lines to that point will
afford you' the very best service. x
SECOND See that the coupon
beyond St. Paul ' reads via. the
Wisconsin Central because that
line makes close connections with
all the trans-continental lines en
tering the Union Depot there, and
its service is first-class in every
THIRD -For information, call
on your neighbor and friend the
nearest ticket agent acd ask for a
ticket reading via. the Wisconsin
Central lines, or address
Jas. C. Pond, or Geo. S. Batty,
Gen. Pas, Agt
Milwaukee, Wis.
General Agent,
246 Stark St.,
Portland Or.
H, W. Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. A
Q., C. M. & St P., C. fc A., P. Ft. W. & C.,
and the C. St. L. A P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Bts.,
Published Every Saturday
13 Astor Place New York
The Outlook will be fn 1897. as it has
been during eaob of its twenty-seven
years, a History of Our Own Timea. In
its various editorial departments Tbe
Outlook gives a compact review of the
world's progress : it follows with care
all the important philanthropic and in
dustrial movements of tbe day; has a
complete department of religious news;
devotes mnoh space to tbe interests of
tbe home; reviews ourrent literature;!
furnishes cheerful table-talk about men
and thiogs: and, in short, aims to give
fresh Information, original observation,
and reasonable entertainment.
Beginning with the fifty fliftn volume,
tbe paper will assume tbe regular maga-
sine siie. wbiob will add greatly to its
convenience and attractiveness. Tbe
Dntlnnk U nnhliahod everv Hutnrrlnv I
fifty-two Issues a year. Tbe first isfie
In eaob month is an Illustrated Magaiins
Number, eontaining about twice as many
pages as tbe ordinary issue, together
with large bomber of pictures.
Tbe prtoeof The Outlook is three
dollars a year In advance, or leas than
cent a day.
Send for specimen oopy and illustraU
ej proapeotos to Tbe Outlook, 13 Astor
Plaoe, New York Cltv.
While foe aoep roar nbeeripUoa paid ap r re
u amp your brand la free of chart.
Bnr. P.O.. HeDDner. Or. Hone. Flu left
snooiaeri oatue, same oa left blp.
Cook. A. J..Lna.Or. Horses. 0oa rlcbtshnnl
don Cttla, samaoo rurht hipi ear mark aqaare
etup on len aaa eout us new.
Drawlase. W. M .. ftalluwer. Or. CatU. R Dm
rihl eiila.twailow-fork ia tseh ear; Burses, H 1
oa lerl blp.
oa ln stxioidar, aetUe Sam an Uftaip. aole
ia nchl ear.
Finrenea, li. a., Heppner. Or. 4Ula, Lr oa
rtht hJ pi botm. w witk bar aadar aa
Jonsa, Harry. Heppn, Or -Homa braodd
tl J oa the Ufl ehcrnhb-; eattla bfiidl J on
ncbt hip, also aadartnt ia Ml ear. Kane la
Bturruw eonoty.
Jnhnoia. Falls. IrfiBa. Or-Hiwa. alreleT aa
left UBi eattl,aiMaa Hchtbip, aadat kail
snip ia n" A sola ji Uft w
INK oa Urnhla o.U-r..d amp of Ml
aw, aadar alopaoatha rlM
lki. J. W. Havpnor Or Hotm brada4
L aad A Mt arwmkUr; eottla aaaa aa laft
hip, walU aver ribi eye. Uma aiiu la right
Mirmr, Oanar, Meppewe tH.- attla.
ricbt kip, buna H oa Ian sBMUOar.
Mortal), M. Happasr,
g - -
oa Mt hoaldt eattla
Mhnn. I. W., Dnaalas. Or
aboaldari aatti eaaw oa rM
Parkar Olaaaoa. Hatdaiaa.Or, Bosaas IP oa
Pearenn. nllvar; bona brarided bar and
stili-ld on Irft houlder, rang. Klshl Mile,
Mnrrow ronnty.
Pipw. J. H , !
11 -m.
aaiHad onMt ebnaldari
n.t Iwi l Ma mm .
Ut kip.
Hato J. W . K uirtM. Or Ho
Mtabualdar. CaiUa. O aa rtht kih
Mparry, E. O. Hfpar. Or. - Tawla W C aa
Mt hip, amp of niU and adWtnt la Mt soar,
oVvtapi km W ta Mt fcaol'tar.
Tbaaipaia, I. k- Mppa. 0-Har,OB
left sIxiI4oti a'Us.loa tan aaaid.
Tr K. W. Hwmi. lH.-iaaii aapltal T
i sn eantiiow. win i m. v sn aip
rUI plil US kM ar.
W. 1 . (Ulneir, Or.t Ikm
nrr;. JW
neht MmHHi exile
it 1nm nrrW JW m rtatit hip awl nM av&
. rme an kx in mi eat. Hat g ia am ruw eaa
tatauua inma
Hotel Heji3nLer
(Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.)
MRS. L. SMALL, Manager.
Now Open. New Methods. New Manage
ment. Strictly
Rates, $1.00 Per
JUST" A first-class feed barn run
and from all trainB. We solicit your
For more than fifty-six
in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers
and villagers throughout the U. S.
IT HAS faithfully labored for their
lly labored for their prosperity and happiness, for the Improvement of their
! and home interests, for education, for the elevation of American manhood and
true womanhood.
IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and
nof Inn o i rt stutju
IT HAS advised the farmer m to the most approved
croDi. and the Droier time to nnnvart thfim
rup., aim nie proper nine w convert mem into tne largest possible amount of money.
Hi in all matters pertaining to the welfare of farmers and villagers, and for over a naif
century has held their confidence and esteem.
i ii u ad icu in an nmiiviB
New York Weekly Tribune,
And we furnlah It with the
$2.76, oash In advanoe.
Address all Orders to
Write your name and address on a postal card,
i or uity, ana a sample copy 01 tne new lor
Who baa secured the services of
As manager. It will be run in first class shape
in every department. Rates reasonable
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
. - . hi aw
1 1 ,LL -VI!!.4"
"inr 'T
Horse ?
I All these can be procured at ThotnpBon k Binni, Lower
The fentlemrn ar well araualnted with
ana ru an money ana lime in maain uia
Prkwa Id keeping with Ui time.
THOMPSON" & BTisrisrs,
Columbia River ani Put Sound Navigation Co
sifiEcn mnmt, bailly
Laefloc Al.ler HI real IXk. PortlaoJ,
1 ark ana naneuiie. Lnraei sonneettoo wito iiwaoo Uamr aad rail
road ; also at Tooog's list with Beaabore Railroad.
Leave Portland T A. M. Dally, etwpt Snndsy.
U.VM fVrtUrl. T M Pally . etr S'lrwlsf .
l 4 th A. M, n4 MuBday and
Leave Portland and rtin, dlrart to Ilwaro,
Leaves II a Wednawlay and Phday
Bf;e CkAfi io Eiilrwi Drdiutioi Eoli Uuha Fret if Expnse.
rirst Class.
Day and Upwards.
in connection.
Free Bus run to
years it has never failed
Instructive stories of the doings of the world, the
methods of cultivating and harveitin hit
into thn larirAMt nnamihtA gmmmf ntlu
GAZETTE, one year for
send It to Geo. W. Best, Tribune Office, New
weekly X rlbune will be mailed to you.
The Palace
...Has been leased by...
C. ORCHies
You Want a Rig ?
You Want a Place to
up Your Team ?
You in Need of a Saddle
Main Street,
Grant. Harney. Crook. (Illllam and other eountlK
sections who iravdlng men.
umi and ocean wave.
for AsWirla, II goo, hung Beaoh, Ooea
Laaeae Astoria t P. M. Dalit , airapt aodart
Patarday Blit, II p V. Imw Astoria te
Moaday. uauay eight,) P. M
Tnasday and TT ii radar at I A. M
1,1 li.H Haiardar al I p.
all W A. M. Oa SuaiUr ilit at P. M.
Fill a bottle or oommon glass with
urine and lei it stand twenty-four hoars;
sediment or settling Indicates an no
healthy condition of the kidneys. When
urine stains linen it ia evidence of kid
ney trouble. Too frequent desire to uri
nate or pain in tbe baok, is also convinc
ing proof that the kidneys and bluddsr
are out of order.
WHAT TO 1)0.
There is comfort in tbe knowledge so
often expressed, tbat Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the Brest kidney remedy
fulfils every wish in relieving pain in the
baok, kidneys, liver, bladder and every'
part of tbe nrinary passages. It oor-
reots inability to bold urine and so aid
ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol
lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and
overcomes that unpleasant necessity of
being compelled to get up many times
daring the night to urinate. The mild
and the extraordinary effect of Swamp
root is soon realized. It stands tbe
highest for its wonderful cures of tbe
most distressing oases. If you need a
medicine you should have the beat. Sold
by druggists, price fifty cents and one
dollar. You may have a sample bottle
and pamphlet both sent free by mail,
upon reoeipt of three two oent stamps to
oover ooBt of postage on the bottle.
Mention the Heppner Gazette and send
your address to Dr. Kilmer A Go., Bing
hamptoo, N. Y. Tbe proprietors of this
paper guarantee the genuineness of this
New York , Feb. 23. A dlepatob to the
World from Havana says:
Tbe situation in Havana is more erave
than it was a week ago. Although tbe
offioerg of the hayal board of inquiry
preserve an impenetrable reserve, it is
learned tbat some of the best naval ex
perts now believe tbat the explosion was
the result of treachery. They do not be
lieve tbat Spanish omoials were parties
to the oonspiraoy. From evidence now
In their possession they believe tbe Span
ish government, Qeneral Blanco and all
his military subordinates were guiltless.
It is believed to have been the work of a
Oonsnl-Qeneral Lee hag informally ad
vised Amerioansnot necessarily detained
here to leave for borne at onoe. Many
tbe families will sail by the Olivette
tomorrow. This ia an indication that
those on the ground realize tbe possi
bility of trouble arising suddenly and
their inability to proteot women and
children if any outbreak ooours.
New York, Feb. 23.-A Herald dis
patch from Havana says:
Tbe further tbe inquiry into tbe causes
that led to tbe Maine disaster prooeeds
tbe more remote appear tbe obanoea
that any evidenoe will be discovered to
show tbat tbe disaster was due to an bo
oident. Those divers who penetrated
into tbe forward part of tbe wreck found
that tbe whole forward end of tbe abip,
from a point just abaft the forward tar-
ret, bad been twisted 15 or 20 degrees to
starboard. That part of the vestal was
a wilderness of debris and curled and
wisted plates. Tbe harp, and jagired
edges of some of tbe plates added danger
to tbe difflonltiee of tbe divers. In one
instaooe Ibey almost out throngh a rob
ber tube wbioh supplied the diver wKh
One important discovery made was tbe
position of the bodies found in the wreok,
100 of whiob were floating about in the
torn compartments. A full soore of
these were examined by my informant.
All of them were in bammooki and all
bad tbe arms ourled upward. They
looked aa it the men had been startled
by some sudden shook of danger, and
were in the sot of reaching np for tbelr
hammock hooka to awing tbemseves on
deck when death eeme. Ibis seems to
cooflrm all tbat bas already been said
about there bavlog been two exploaiona
tbe flrat startling tbe men into tbe aot
of rising from their hammocks, tbe
other dashing out tbe lives.
Before tbe explosion tbe 10-inon msg-
silne waa looated on the atarboard
side, forward and beneath tbe forward
turret, What ia left of tbe magazine
seemes to have been driven toward tbe
port bow in a diagonal and upward dl
Tbe slx-loob magszine, wbiob had ite
loottion io the port side forward, waa
burled io a direotioo direetly oDDosite
to tbat taken by the 10-lnoh magsiioe
One ef the copper cyllndnoal tanks of
tbe sii-inoh magaiins was found by tbe
divers io tbe wreck of tbat structure. It
contained do powder charge.
Ibe theory of tbe two eiploeions Is
borne out by the testimony of Benor Aa
tonio Cabalero, tobacco dealer of Ha
vana, Benor (Jabalero was erosaiog tbe
bey in ferry-boat at tbe time of tbe sx
plosion. He was familllar with tbe
Maine, bad paid aeveral visitg to tbe
craft aad waa polotiog oat to group of
friends on tbe ferry-boat bar pecnllaritee,
There came jaal at tbat instant, be says,
dull report from tbe forward part of
Ibe ship, tbe upheaval of a gnyser of
water about tbe boat, followed almost
Instantly by Urrifls roar aod a blinding
Daeb of light H is positive about Ibe
first eiploeioo, and says Ibat itwasoo
tired by bia companions. Tbie atale.
meat of bts came Io tbe ears of mem
bar of Ibe eonrt of loqnlry, acj lest
tight ao ofTioef waa sent to Benor Oaba
isro io aat nun ir lie would appear as
wito before tbe court. Ueaanouooed
bis williegaaae Io do eo.
The urgent necessity of having the
new works of defense at points of forti
float ion along the Atlantio and Oulf
ooasts completed at the earliest possible
day, in order that they may be prepared
to defend the ooasts against a possible
enemy, has prompted the war depart
ment to use every available means to
hasten tbat end, and as a result General
Merritt, in command of the department
of the East, will leave New York imme
diately on a tour of inspection of the
coast fortifioations, with the purpose in
view of giving imperative "rush" or
ders to the oontraotors in onarge at tbe
various points and in other ways pro
moting progress.
Not Troubled Now.
"From my childhood I have been in
poor health and ray skin , was yellow.
When I was 10 years old I had salt
rneum on one. or my bands, i got a
bottle of Hood's 8areapanlla and before
I bad taken all of it my band was well.
I have never been troubled with salt
rheum siooe." Mrs. Bertha Reid, Baker
City, Oregon.
Hood's Fills are easy to take, easy to
operate. Cure indigestion, headache.
Trail Blocked and 200 Tons of Supplies
xaooma, r eo. vis. two weeks ago an
avalanobe came thundering down tbe
mountain alopes at the south end of
Lake Bennett. An immense mass of ice
and snow was deposited on the trail
and 200 tona of supplies were Durried
many feet deep. Their owners bad
staoked them np together in what
seemed to be a sheltered spot while they
were wbipsawing lumber for boat-building.
Now they have left only the whip
saws, and are trying to dig out their
So far aa on be learned no one was
injured by tbe avalanobe, though people
in tents not far away had narrow esoapes.
This news waa brought down by John
Ohlegsleger, of Puyallup, who baa just
arrived here from Alaska.
Bnoklea's Arnica Salve.
Tbe Best Salvo in the world for Outs,
Bruises, Bores, TJloers, Bait Pheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all 8k in Erup
tions, and positively cares Files or no
pay required. It ia guaranteed to give
perfeot aatisf action or money refunded.
Prioe25 oenta per box. For sale by
Blooum Drug Co., E. J. Blooum, manager.
A Sensation In La Grande Over a Deserted
A little baby boy was left In the vesti
bule of tbe Presbyterian obnreh Sunday
evening, says the La Grande Chronicle,
while Bev. It. M. Hayes was oonduot
ing services. His plaintive orying at
tracted attention and be was discovered.
The bright little fellow, who waa wraped
io blankets, is about eight to ten days
old, aod waa dressed in olean and good
clothing, and baa evidently bad carefal
attention. With him was found tbe fol
lowing note:
"February 20, 1898.
"I, James Donald, bave loat my wife
and have do relation here but my babe,
aod can't take care of bim without
borne. Please lake good oare of bim.
am going to tbe Klondike. I bave been
living in Baker oouoty, Or., for about
three months. Some good woman pleaae
take oaro of my baby."
Those who baveeeeo tbe little stranger
and noted tbe eareful arrangement of
bis olotbing are ooovioosd tbat be bas
known woman's tender care and ore
not impreesed with the Klondike theory
given in tbe note. Rev. and Mrs, Hayss
bave taken the fori k en one In charge
and will see Ibat he seoores good
It is reasonably oertain thai tho mys
tery baa been cleared, as yoong work
ing girl in La Oraode early on Sunday
evening went to family with whom she
waa aoqaaioted and asked Ibem if tbey
did not wish to adopt baby, saying Its
father was going to the Klondike. It Is
supposed sbe tbeo took tbe obild to tbe
Household Goo's.
Tbe anoient Qreeks believed tbat tbe
Penates we'e tho gods who attended to
tbe welfare aod prosperity of tbe femily
They were worshipped aa household
gods In tvery borne. Tbe household god
of today ia Dr. King's New Dieoovery
For consumption, coughs, colds and fur
all affections of tbroat, ebest and lungs
it is invaluable. It bas been tried for
quarter of century aod ia guaranteed
to cure, or money returned. No house
hold sboold bo without Ibis good acgel
II ia pleasant to take and safe and or
remedy for old and young. ' Free trial
bottles at Hlocum Drug Go's, E.
Rlociim, m'gr. Regular sise &0o and f 1
Tho members of the Morrow County
Demooratlo Central Committee are ealled
to meet la tha parlor of the Palaoe hotel
tt Ueppoer, oo Saturday, March S, tM,
at 2 o'clock p. a., for Ibe parpoeo ot
arranging time of boldlog primaries
and oouoty eooventioo, and transacting
suob other bosioeet as may equlre Ibe
attention of the committee.
J. W. UukltOW,
Absolutely Pure
Til Competition to Which New England
Hills are Subjected.
Tbe American Wool and Cotton Re
porter in a reoent number gives an in
staooe of the profits made in Southern
factories. Fifteen months ago, tbe mill
at Sumpter, S. C, was closed onaooount
of debt. Exaotly a year ago, tbe mill
company was reorganized and operations
resumed on money borrowed at a heavy
rate of interest. The results were aston
ishing, for during a year of remarkable
distress in the cotton spinning industry
all expenses, inoluding interest on tho
borrowed capital, were paid proptly aod
net earnings of Y per oent were turc ed
over to the stockholders. The capital
ization was $45,C0O, and the mill em
ploys 100 operatives. Moreover it has
bought all the raw cottou it needs for
this and the next season ; has oon tracts
enough to run on full time for seven
months, and expeots to deolare a 15 per
oent dividend for 1898. The Sampler
mill was not an exceptional earner, ac
cording to tbe statement of one of its
offioers, who ssid :
You think we did something remark
able to earn Yl per oent daring last
year, do yon? Well so we did, consider
ing the condition of tbe mill's finances
and conditions a year ago. But let me
tell you this was not tbe only mill in
South Carolina or North Carolina that
earned 1 per oent and more daring
tbe 1897 season. Some, most of them,
have nol "declared" auoh a dividend, but
tbey have "earned" it, and the owners
know it all tbe same. And the mills
this year, being in better condition than
for tbe last seven years, expect to earn
more net money than ever.
Tbe oontrast shown by this statement
to the strikes and tbe reduoed dividend!
f tbe New England mills, says a South.
ern journal, is an impressive proof of
Southern advantages. Manufacturers
with luob opportunities aa tbis before
them have no need to engage In trusts.
The Kickspoo Advertising Company
now at tbe Heppner opera bouse be
longs to tbe oldest traveling medioine
oompaoy in tbe world, being one of two
hundred and fifty of these parties tbat
are traveling over the different parta ot
tbe world advertising Kiokapoo Indian
remedies. The Kiokapoo remedies hav
ing beea before the publio eighteen
years and tbe faot tbat tbey are bandied
by all wholesale droggista folly atteate
to tbeir legitimacy. There ia perbausbut
few bonnes in Amsrioa Ibat enjoy a
better reputation for prompt payment of
bills, booesty and square dealiDg. Eaob
ot Ibe remedies bave made a reputation
for itself. Ask your druggists for them.
Tbe opposition now criticising tbs re
publican revenue measure for insuffi
ciency ia tbe ssme opposition tbat de
nounced previous republican rsvsnuo
aws for producing too moob rsvsnuo.
It Is bard to please tbat class ot critioe,
but tbe present year ia likely to vindi
cate the republican revenue legislation
at an inoomt producer. Burlington
Aside from tbe oottoo menfaoturing
Industry every promise made by Ibe re
publican parly in 1890 aa regards do
mestic busiosis flairs bss been re
deemed, and tbat with anch suddenness
as to lesve no room to doubt tbat the re
turn of the rspnblioan party to power
was tbs csose of tbe improved oon-
diliona, Bpnogfleld (Mo.) Republican.
Tbs fact should not be forgotten tbat
no small part of the egpeodiluree wbioh
tbe Dingley Tariff la oalled upon to meet
is made np of interest on tbs 1200,000,
000 of bonds wbioh a free-trade ad
ministration wss oompelled to Issue in
order to proviJe fur tbe deficits created
by a tariff law Oonstruotsd upon free
trade lines. Amer'.oan Economist.
Bs nol deceived I A congb, boarsneee
or croup are not to be trilled witn. A
dose in time of Hlnloh s CJnrs will save
ton much trouble. Bold by Conner k
MoClurs't Msgtxine for Msrob will
oontaio a valuable article on the Klon
dike. (Vithlo tbe last month govern
oisot survsyort aod siplurers bave re
turned with fu'l Information regarding
tbe obaraoter ot Ibe country and tbe
ways of reaching il aud living io it; aod
Ibis trtiole, pitpared by Mr. Hamlin
Oarlaod, will embody luformatioo de
rived from these surveyors tod siplor
ers ia special Interviews with Ibem, tod
from their official reports, soras ot wbiob
tre not yet pablisbad. It will be illus
trated with toeoes aloog tbs several
rootas from no published olilolal photo-graphs.