t e Poor and Weak Catarrh and Bronchial Trouble Had no Appetite- Now Better In Every Way-A Delicate Child. " Some time since I took a sudden cold and could not get rid of it. Being subject to catarrh and bronchial trouble I coughed terribly. I lost my appetite and grew poor and weak and I did not feel like work. I began taking Hood's Saraapa rilla. In a short time the cough disap peared, I slept well, had a good appetite and I was better in every way. Last spring I was not feeling well, I had no ap petite and no strength. I resorted to Hood's Sarsaparilla and soon felt more like work. My little nephew was a deli cate child and had a humor which trou. bled him so he could not rest at night. He has taken a few bottles of Hood's Sar saparilla and now he has a good appetite and is able to sleep." Miss Abbib J. Fbeeman, South Duxbury, Mass. 'e Sarsa-parilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. Jl. Hood HftrtH'c Dillc a the best after-dinner l,wu s rlUS ulll9, aid digestion. 25c. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. The Gazette can offer the following dabbing rates: The GAZETTE ta.00 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonian, (1.50 $3.00 " 8. F. Examiner, fl.50 3.25 N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 2.75 " Inter-Ocean, $1.00 2.50 " 8. F. Chronicle, $1.60 , 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle and map $2.00. . . 8.75 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 2.75 Webfoot Planter, 50c . 2.00 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 4.50 Rural Spirit, $2.00. 8.00 New York Wool Record, $2.00... 8.00 McCall's Magazine $1.00 1.80 Yearly subscribers to the Gazette oan get clubbing rates with any paper on earth. METH. EPI8C. CBDKCH. 'SERVICES. Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Claisei No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m. Epworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m. rrayer meeting, inuradar. 7 d. m. "The Hpibit and the bnda say, Come." The pastor may be found at the parsonage ad Joining the church, where he will be glad to meet any wko may desire to oonBtilt niro on reliaioua, somrI, oivio, pliilosophio, educational, or any other subjects. J. W. FLESIIKR, Minister. M. E CHURCH, SOUTH. SERVICES. Sunday, preaching 11 a. m.,7 p. m., class meeting following morning service. Sunday school, 5 p. m. Epworth league, Fri day, 7 p. m. "Let us forsake not the assembling of our selves together." Pastor's residence In parsonage, next door to Church. C. K. Howard, Pastor. The Ladies' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at 8 o'clock, p. m., on the first Wednesday of each month, at the home of Mrs. T. J. Matlock. T. J . Alien paid the metropolis a short visit Saturday. W. O. Laoy and wife were in from Blaok Horse Saturday. Hyle Oorbin and Robt. Watkins, ot the reservation, were in Saturday. I Lichtenthal & Oo, for shoes. Exclusive shoe store. Handles the best. 83lt 8ilns Wright and Hank Sobersinger were in from their Hardman farms Sat urday. . Wm. Campbell, a prosperous and pro gressive farmer ot Social Ridge, was a visitor to our town Saturday. Jas. Matlock and family moved into the property reoently vaoated by E. J. Muir and family, 00 Friday last. Henry Piper and wife were up from their farm north of Lexington Saturday laying in supplies for spriug work. Constipation and obrooio headsohes are positively cured with Kickapoo In dian Pills. Sold by all druggists. Kickapoo Indian Salve, the greatest of all healing salve, oures itching piles. It never fails. Ask your druggist for it. R. W. Turner, t'.d Baling sad W. G. MoOarly, of Sand Hollow, were among the many visitors to our city Saturday. Bring your bides, pelts and furs to Ben. Mathews, at the Liberty Meat Market. He pays highest market prioe. 619-tf. Indian Oil. the great relief for both in ternal and external pain, convinces the most skeptiosl. Ask your druggists for it. Mrs. Sarah Padberg, of Rhea oreek. who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Frank Elder, the past week, returned home Sunday. Ed Palmer, Wm. Burnett, C. A. John son, Rev. U. 8. Drake and 0. N. Peok were among the LexingtoniBua seen on our streets Saturday. jy r nqna ana Asubangh were in from Eight Mile Saturday. The slight 001a spell has mterferred somewhat with spring work in that looalily. xne salvation Army lassies will go to Lexington some time this week where they will hold meetings for a few days, when tuey will return to Heppner. A. A. Roberts came up from Portland Sunday and will remain as long as duty will permit in or lei to be with his wife who has been quite sick the past week. Kickapoo Indian Prairie Plant. Female SpeoiBo of rare merit should be investigated by all ladies. Has received tbe endorsement ot some eminent phys-ioiaus. LITERARY NOTES. "Inside figures" are always interest ing, and tbe following are certainly some striking ones about tbe Ladies' Home Journal. During 1897, 8,183,113 copies of this magazine were printed and so thoroughly sold that the latter-year issues are entirely ont of print. It con sumes 3,134.362 pounds of psper in year, and absorbs 30,902 pounds of ink. It runs 23 presses. The advertising columns oontained 8498.325 worth of advertising daring the last year. Tbe editors reoeived 9290 manuscripts and less than one per cent were aocepted. ThemngRz ne employs 22 staff editors. 24,643 letters have been reoeived and answered in the year oy tbe editors of the OorreSDOndenoe columns. The Journal has over 15,000 aotive, woiking ageuto on the road getting subscriptions. It has eduoated 442 girls free of charge under its free educational plan. In single day it has received as high as 18,000 subscriptions. 300,000 oopies of the Journal are sold eaoh month on the news stands alone 425,000 people sub scribe for it by the year. Through Tourist Cars to St. Loals. A tourist Bleeping oar will leave Port land every Monday, via Mo. Paoiflc, and every Wednesday, via the Burlington route, at 8 o'clock, p. m., via the O. R. k N through Salt Lake and Denver, with out change to St. Louis, and under the supervision ot experienced conductors XT , - . TT . ao cnange or cars to Kansas Ulty or St. Louis. Keep this servioe in mind when going East, and oonsult O. R. & N. agent or, add reus W. H. Hurlburt, Gen. Pass, agent, Portland, Or. Clay is put into M cheap" baking powder to fill up the can ; alum to raise the dough. Alum is bad for the insides, but the manufac turer doesn't mean you any harm, he just wants to get rich. San Frandsco jo, A. Schilling & Company a GRAND CHARITY BALL BIT Heppner Lodge No. 358, B. P. O. ELKS. Heppner Opera House, TUESDAY EVENING, FEB. 22, '98. GENERAL Frank Gilliam R F Hynd A M S locum EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE W E Brock E L Free I and 6 W Phelps INVITATION Jack Hornor C R Wills Take Notice. 1. The sum of five cents per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions ol TMDect." lists of weddlns Dretents and donors. bud obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give h a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue Is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of flvs cents a line. 1 neat rules will ne nncur aunur ed to In everv lnitance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. Here and There. Old Song- Get a bottle of good whiskey and a bottle of good wine, And you can drink to jour true love, and I will think on mine. New Bong here shall we get the whiskey, where shall we get the wineT We'll bur them from Llsh Bperry, whose goods are extra flue At the Belvadere Baloon, Heppner, Oregon. The train on the Heppner branch was three hours late Sunday morning owing to a wreck at Huron, a small station near Meaoham. We did not learn the particulars. Karl's Clover Root Ten, (or Constipa tion It's the best and it after nsing it you don't say eo, return package and get your money. Sold by Cooaur & Brock. z Qeo. 8. Crane and wife were up from Lexington yesterday. Mr. (Jraue says grain is looking well throughout tbe northern end of Morrow county, and that grass is growing .fast. Tbe largest and best 25c bottle of oongb oure in Amerioa is tbe Eiokapoo Iudiau (Jo neb Cure. Cures congbs and colds. Croup in obildren oured In fifteen minutes. Hold by all druggists. Kickapoo Tape Worm Seoret, reoom mended by some ot tbe leading medioal colleges of Ameiion as being tbe best and one of tbe safest and only oertnio remedy for tbe expulsion ot tape worms Republicans sbonld attend the busi ness meetiug of tbe Morrow County olub next (Saturday. There is a oertain amount ot preliminary work that is nnoessary to pnt tbe club in trim for effective campaign work. Prosperity comes quickest to tbe man whose liver is in good condition. JJe Witt's Littlo Early Risers are famous little pills for oonstipation, billioosness, indigestion and all stomach and liver troubles. Conser t Brock. Kickapoo Indian Worm Killer saves thousands ot children's lives. Baths down at the Jones' barber shop, 23 oents. Or villa Jonrs manager, tt Statements for tbe Famous Simple Account File printed al tbe Gazette of fice. If. OniDDesse'i famous old "Dublin Stool," imported, at Chris Borober' Common and select stock of tomatoes and canned corn at T. R. Howard's. 605 tf. "Oo'n juice" is all right but Low Til lard has a brand ot 14-year-old goods that is bard to beat. 6u3-lf. Bsppnsr Csodr Factory for fresh. ereams and tsmes. W. II. Van Duyn Prop., with E. J. Blocom. 6o8-t Aoy oos desiring to build either bouse or baro will make money by call ing on lbs Ossett offion. 67 tf llill Colin is baring lbs blgbesl pries for sbeep pelts, baf bidrs green or dry, fare, eto. D o't forget Poll. 6 If Oo to lbs Matlock corner end try Armstrong t Cooper's whiskey snd eiaera. If rou like lbs sample bay ODHk. IS UNABLE TO LEAVE. Tbe Gazette has been pleased to men tion each issue during the past three weeks, tbe continued suooess of Dr. AS . y- . marguerite uarnsey, now sojourning in our midst. This article has nothing in particular to add to what has already been said in former Issues, further than to say that ber suooess continues, and those under ber care are rapidly im proving. Having some modesty in com- ing before tbe publio in a bold adver tisement, BBnonncicg her wooderfu! suc cesses in the medical line, Dr. Garosey rather prefers to allow ber work to speak for itself; and this is a virtue much to be sought after, Suffice it to say at this particular time, however, that she is be mg almost over-taxed by those seeking treatment and ad vine every dav and is under tbe necessity of oonfining ber offioe hours to the time between 10 a. m. and 6 o'clock d. m. This la nn. oessary that the doctor may have time for needed rest and recuperation. In our last issue something was said ot Dr. Garnsey's methods of treating those afHioted with chronic and acute diseases She uses no remedies whatever of a nar- ootio nature, tbe medicines beios ore- pared nearly entirely from roots and herbs, seleoted under her direotion and many of them gathered by the doctor person si Iv. There is absolutely noth ing harmful in the remedies given by Dr. Garnsey. Another thing. Dr. Garnsey does not belieye in this matter of everlastingly dosing the human system with medi cines. If you are really siok, she un dertakes to make yon well, and when you have tsken eumoient medicine for this purpose she tells you so. This is common sense. Remember Dr. Garnsey will be at the Palaoe until further notice. Office hours from 10 a. m, to 6 p. m. Con saltation tree. W E Brock DrER Swlnburn FINANCE R F Hynd E W Rhea W R Irwin E J Slocum DECORATION J J Roberts Ike Ennes W A Richardson S P Garrlgues i C Borcners Frank Roberts ', RECEPTION Henry Blackman Peter Bora E L Matlock Otis Patterson J W Morrow FLOOR AND MUSIC Frank Rooers Frank Natter J J Harris Geo Conser J A Patterson Geo Conser C E Redfleld TICKETS S W Spencer E L Free land 6 W Phelps Frank Ollllam J A Woolery Just Arrived ! ONE CAR LOAD OF DRY GOODS FOR MINOR & CO. We are opening these Goods up as fast as we can for your inspection. There's more coming every day. You will see a new, bright, clean stock of goods which will open your eyes. These shipments mark a new era in merchan dising in this part of E. O., it being the first oc casion where a merchant went into the Eastern markets to personally select goods suited to the wants of this particular community. Com In and ths New Goods. They art right and the prioes absolutely oorreot. There is a Beautiful Line of Suitings and Silks for the Ladies. THE ART OF BREWING. Music Will be Furnished by The Dalles Orchestra. Tickets $1.50. Entire net Proceeds for Charity. Was Perfected by the Production of.... HOP GODD And now the entire world Knows this verfect vroduct As tlie Star Brewery beer The Leader Of Course! The man that Leads is the one from whom people like to buy. The slow, plodders all stand aside for him. That suggests a good reason why so many customers are being added to the list' at m m m Cif Come to ths Osteite offioe sod (el decent lot of aovelop prialed. (lovaromeot envelop look cheap, snd kaaMaa Von tSODOt ft fOQf bast eard printed tbersoo. tt Rmitw T!rna. hats aocdd Willis SUwart la ths livry business, nut door to ths OntMl efflo-, and will do s saeral lUerf sad fd boioS. Big, eddl horse and stall room at rwop bis rates. l ,f- OHvf Holder bss taken eherg of tbs Hotel Uppof feed bara and will lor tUb stall room, frsia or bsr at rsn M fig-arc. bwi nf ,,t. I'd at 7i nu. WM Ho ao aray wor beuliDf 'Ho to sod fm treis. if Cordrs. lbs piwt tbtrs Bo of fur Ileal la Iks Us ol "popu'w ptom,u bas rfitUd lb Wsstlofloa HI. Ibtr. tonamtj ktos lb ! P'k." Onrdrsy aJasrs bs sBMof . d ar paopl "baa Uloa. raa pod a pUaaaal oi at b' plas, tf Dr. Joba W. Rfcn. of Iba "R4- Tbs Oazetts will clob with the Oregon Heuhlor, tbe ureal Fbibian paper of Ore Hon, Wssnmglon ana idrno. published at Portland, for 02 76 for tbe two. Tbe Henstor is all right. No Knight of Pythias should be without it. tf, W. U. Oarrett, ropreeentatire of Wad hsms A Co., ot Portland, arrived at Heppner Hatnrday from the Milobell conntrj. U reports times lively over that way, people ars prosperous and get Iior ready for tbe spring work. Kickapoo Indian Bagws is a blood ole,Husiug and blood making medicine mads from tbs olesoeel and purest roots and herbs, cleanses Ihs stomach, gives a good, bealtby sotion to ths liver and regulates tbs kidneys. Hold by all drug gists. II Black ra so came op from Portland Sunday morning. Mr. Blaokman ex pert lo b oalied open to surrender bis offioe of rolleclnrsbip this week, tiion as bs does bs will return to Hepp ner In sgaln take np his permsneol resi- dsne. P. P. Vangbo, of Eight Mile, was in lotfo Halordar. lis sent sway aootber lol of ora from bis newly discovered ledge, to tbe assay offioe in Denver, wbUs in town, being desirous of tenting to tbs foiled exeot bis recent disesveries along this lies. Mrs. Htsrk, Plxssant Kidge, O., ssys; Alter two doetors gv np my boy to die, I savsj bira from croup by using Ons Mmots Ojngb Curs." It is Ibe quickest sod mol cwrtaia remedy tor soughs, cold and all throat an lung trouble. (Jooser a Drook. Frank McFarUnd be b eo appointed speoial ageol of Ths Eoaitabls Life As- saranes Co of New York, lb strongest la lb world. Cmu surplus to policy holders of over 5u millloL dollars. Don't Uks Ibsnranoa without soemg ths new plans of ths Equitable. Insures both tries at sam rate. 77tf flora buyers bv Wo quit plentiful to liepptior th past , Tbs bora market Is Improving thin sprier, demand making price thai ar sattsfnolory to lb owner. A oar borma bsv sot ferd mor severely tbn ny other cls of storkmeo, w are glad the r Is s bright oo I look ah4 for them. lUv. U. H. lrke. wbo ba been ia eharg tA tb Oonireg aliooal church al Limgtna tbe pl two year, will mov to Hulero. Or.. I lb near tutor. Mr tfk bu ha ebneea a ptr for lbs rWnnd Cooarrgsllotisl choroh at thai dIso. Itibtft.in m a hrighl. soer geiin, btlmioilrd worker and a good cilitn. Tb yoangeel na of Mr. aod Mr. Ol Jtii m y III at the bom of bi par) In ibis city, offring from o ilerk of plesrtsy wbieh wm brenghl oi b lb BMle. Tbe (Utl hope thai It is easy to r.atob a oold and just as easy to get rid of it if yon oommeooe early to nse One Minute Conch Cure. It cores oongb, colds, bronchitis, pneu monia aod all tnroat and lung troubles. It is pleasant lo take, safe to use and ears lo oure Conser t Brook Tbe Kinkapoo Dramatio company will show at the opera bouse all of this week. Ibis coropaoy gives a good entertain ment snd as consequent bve crowded house eaob evening. This I no donbt lo a measure due to their liberal patron age or in leading newspapers in the towns where thev show. They believe in a live and let live policy that ia very gratitying to ye editors. kai Jf added to the list' at 3 I T. R. HOWARD'S I The Beginning of this t) W New Year 1898. . fx yuuu, llcan iiuiiti uuuyni at icaauiiaiiit iiyuiSt y- (f is a "joy forever." That's what (j) (t vou'Il find at t' (t 0. R. HOWARD'S (l H Heppner. Oregon- Ujr On draught at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY COMPANY, 203 Waahlngton St., Portland, Or. The Best Bargains- ARE NOT THE GOODS BOUGHT FOR THE LEAST MONEY But are those of greatest value in proportion to cost If you want to get your . money's wurth ol hnuest goods In IT 1 mi n a Hardware, ware, UODiectionery 0R MACHINERY, CALL ON O. THOMPSON OO., W are Increasing our stock (or full and winter. Call and i i us. That U-Year Old Stuff, 'holm's Best," On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon a a a ix ia hahid ooona a a a Nsw Stand, City Hotel Building, IvOW OTir,I,iYRI. Wop. Bark From tb East Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Minor returned home I Sunday morning from their trip to Chicago and other points East While In Chicago Mr. Minor purchased a very Urge stock of merchandise 1 and hardware (or the firm of Minor & Co hlch is now arriving every day. Ths trip was maddons of pleasurs also, and Mr. and Mrs, Minor viiited relatives at different points in I Iowa, returning boms vis Kama City and Den ver, thus being able to see much of the beauti ful scenery on the American continent. They were highly pleased with their trip. A NEW FIRM E. G. Noble & Successors to Noble & Co., Are in this Held at the old stand with Harness, Baddies. Whips, Spurs, and an ndlss lof of everything in their line. E. O. Noble and Mrs. Geo. Noble comprise tb new firm wbo will pay all bills of the old firm as well si collect what Is due. K. O. NOB1VB CO. O. O. Roberts, of Tbe Dalle, oame oo Hntnrrisy. Mr. Roberts I Llerlog agents for spring sale of Cooper' Sbeep Dip, having secured the service of Minor A I Co., at this plane. Mr. Roberts bs been In tbe Held bnyinff wool for Kosh- land k Co. for a nnmber of year, and will again represent a strong wool firm this Season, Are out to do business and plenty of It. Don't overlook this. Repair work a specialty. i itoitt IT HAS BEEN SOLD ! i J, L Yearar Bought several car 1 ads of furniture last fall, but It's all gone now. New orders have replenished the stock, however, and he Is In It yet Low Trices and Good Quality all count. See him at tho old stand. Undertaking a specialty. Atteatio Republicans. Th Morrow Coanty Repnblioan Club will bold a bnsines meeting at tbeennrt honse Bslordsj, Feb. 2Ctb, at 1 o'clock sharp. All republicans wbo possibly can are invited to be present. By order of Kieeativ Commute. Todsy being legal holiday th First National bunk was not opn for business. Mrs. JulU Bradley Is confined to ber room at tbs Pilar hotel, by sever spell of sickness. rVrvlres will be held at the Christian church on tomorrow, Wednesday evening, to which all ar !nvltd. Preaching by Rev. Crawford. Heppner srhnol had spprnprtat eierciaes today In honor of ths memory of Geo. Washing Inn, than whom there Is none dearer to tb hearts of th American peopl. Mrs. H . M. Bryant, wife of Conductor Bryant, caul np I ram Portland Sundsv morning. Tbls Is Mr. Bryant's Brat visit to Heppner. rlli In tend! lo only remain about two weeks at this lima. HhmiUl th cllinaU agre with Mrs. Bryant they will probably mov to Heppner In April d4 make tlila their futur bom. CO an v. - - SELF-HEATING FLAT IRON THE GREAT FUEL AND LABOR SAVER Frank Enoelman or ionc, Is agent for this useful household article and will thoroughly canvaaa the county for th same. He ! alno the general agent for the slate of Oregon. Territory for sale. JOHN F. CASEY & 8C Louis, Manufacturers. Prices Reasonable. P00TS AND SHOES D a TMC fLCC TO OtT THCM It Of jvi. jiciiarimxiiTv cs CO. They bavs anything In this Una that yn mar d1r and yntt ran dapend en It you get a goud artk Is when Uiay guarauUw lb SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Ols) Stan, Mala 6trt Rlrlea a 8lalty i Ihs srrv fe enUrttined for tb f- liAitala aUvl (of amMtbiO : onver r,( tl little may 0"t b i.k IK. .l enrk- rlied. Trtit, rather lb St b Bay rv.B Vmoab r 0-ad b 10 w. k..,aa t)rt)B la atl tak lb .....UHuanlk. t MC- - - liJ. MUud smt. r iwu Him r ua. Ar mui-h in Mile; aioayi Mav m m fwly. efficient, sstlaf se- ILJ m I I f liy.pfeveutaeoklw fever, ' I I I S ear all Bv Ilia, etfk hr ark. )aa4W. mtmH'iHn, me. Vri'-m X eanta The aaly Mil to w)Ua m4 I SUHpiiUii. WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia River and Puget Sound Navigation Co Sleomera THEI'UONii, BAILEY CATZtRT AND OCEAN WAVE. Leaving Alder Btreel Dock, Portland, for Astoria, Ilwsoo, Loog Desob, Ooa rark aod insbcotta. Lnreot oonrjeotioo wim Ilwaoo aUamsr aod rail road; also at Yoodh's liay wltb Beaslior Kailrosvl. TEIiUPIIONn Leave Portland ? A. X. Daily, except Sunday. Leavo Attoria I P. M. Daily, sscept Send Leaves Portland I P. M Itally. eirept Snnl.y. Haturrtay nlaht, II p M. Imw Astorl D att.Ki A. M., except Sunday and Monday. Runuay aiht, J V. M Leava Portland and rnna direct to 1 1 warn, Tuelay and T hunday al I A, M. Halnrday at I P. M Laavas llwaco weauea'lay ana Friday at 7. so A, M. On BumUr aht a4 P. M. Baggage Ckcled to Biilmd Dtititition Both Bevbn Frte if Ixptsst. IlKPIKrR, OR., Mov. utim. Mrr. ()nuee A ', llipyurr, (Jr. (tssTLSas:-I wa rwwntly Uien with sever wild wblrh Made vary hnarae and rendered ate anat to atteud to bualnaas. A friend of nln railed Biy alUntli.ii to your lr. funlilow s en.ih syrup sad I booght s bottla, Htlni atSms, whb h relieved ma at anre and mm pletely erd ma. am tir.)-t to tknial dllRmlty and I navs found nothing thai gat an murk ralMil a this rmif h er, I am Informed that It I irallanl tot snlda, hfrtn hills, wkmplag migh and all Uifoal and lung trouble. I be toremal. moat truly your. t'TIS PmilM)N, Id. Da telle. A. ABIIAHAMSICK, Merchant Tailoring! Ha jut "fcurt'l tho M-rvicru of Mr. Clia. O MttlU v, a practical cutti r of New York City, flu guarantee atifaction. CALL. AND HEE ME. ON MAY BTHEET tf W V - " -