The Gazette. Tuesday, Feb. 22, 1898. been made public in a legitimate manner, its contents would have justified the most extreme meas ures upon the part of this govern ment, but it was stolen, and that fact was not mitigated in the least I by the acknowledgment of its The gov- MORROW COUNTY POLITICS. Aa Via Aata nf tVio cnnntv r.nn iinn rftw noftr r,RnHidatfifl for authorship by de Lome. the various offices begin to make women, oi opaine, oy accepting themselves known. So far no one J.ei resignation t has .relieved has been mentioned by either th" V J h disagree party for representative. For able contingency of taking official clerk, the names of Vawter Craw- eogmiance of a stolen letter and ford,R.F. Hynd and E. L, Free- at the same time has placed itself land, of Heppner, and Tnos. Mor- 1D a P081n 'om whl?h ll caDnot gan, (of Eight Mile, are being escape without renouncing respon- mentioned by the republicans. for he ?ODtefnts .? he The democrats, populists, free !etter aP &mD or J hav" ., ... -i . ing been written, without losing Bilver republicans, silver party A , . 6 , .. n, the respect of this and every other conglomeration, are mentioning the . ... , . T . , . t w ivr a a i civilized nation. In fact, the Span- names of J. W. Morrow ana Al . , , , ' . n . . , ish government has either got to U .Jl. JLJ. U PBtsB COMMENT. Among the republicans the name call de Lome a liar or acknowledge The Oregonian, in a head line oyer a olippiDg from tbii paper, calls the Jour nal a Mitchell paper. Tbe Journal is no more a Mitohell paper than it is a gimon-Bcott paper. It belongs to no faction and will belong to none. Tbe bead and front of our offending ii that we refuse, and intend to oontinue to re fuse, to eobo tbe Oregonian's insanely bitter, personal bue and or; against John H. Mitchell. That is all. Our reoord on tbe money question is, in its own small way, as consistent as tbat of tbe Oregonian. We never for a moment be lieved in free silver and would not sup port, directly or indireotly, tbe best man on tbe foot-stool of tbe Almighty if be were not soundly oommitted to tbe gold standard. But every sentiment of our bead and heart protests against the oruel and relentless persecution with which the Oregonian dogs the steps of John H. Mitohell nnder tbe false and lying pretense of devotion to sound money, when tbe world and their wives know that if Mitohell were an an from heaven and bad a sound money reoord as unimpeachable as tbat of Ly man Gage tbe Oregonian's persecution would go on just the same, as long as its editor could shove a pen. No; tbe Journal is not a Mitohell paper; nor is it oompelled to take sides between two factions, both of wbiob bave done some very bao; things; but it it were, every sense of moral right it b as ever possessed wonld revolt at tbe thought of approv ing the actions of a faction that, in order to defeat the will of a legislative ma jority and under tbe bypooritioal pre tense of being tbe only defenders of sound money, formed an open alliance with tbe free ailverites to bold up the legislature, bought tbe populists, in .. L l At Mnm etan i infl UaA 11UB.CHB 111 WD UC1U IB OIUIUDU HU I I,.. ,1 (-, I J J 1, Ull.,.1 ;il, D..IJ jcuyuiauuci ujnuo ujr a uauiuui a Liu i ouu uuouou b uaicw, uucu w iiu i uiuauu assureaiact. io party can anora legislature. There is no doubt prostitutes, to oooupy the time of tbe to publish to the world that it has about the seating of Thorp. grosser beasts and keep them from only one principle to stand upon. answering roll call. No; the Journal is mL . j i j I nnt a Mitchell oanar. and for these and xne uemocrais ana populists are We do not anticinflta an v trouble ' . . j . i , I r lunuy ujuuj utuot icoouud i l uvu uevoi OpUifcv0uay in i.uui between the United States and be a Soott-Simon paper-Crook County upon everyimng except tne silver Spain over the sinking of the Journal, ouestion, and to imagine for a uii,; . ui;.,J ' i uabtinoui lj luaiurj. lui wm urjiirjvn .... ... ...... tnnmpnt thftt ftithfirnftrtr in rninr . ,.... ... " inerepnmioao party is aeteatea attne r..rf o-.-o j,. De I0Una tDat U to surrender those principles is situation to cause any patriotic American to feel otherwise than c w nc ii' i. j u ui itself to be both liar and hypocrite at Kruno IllnAIiarar la nvnnnnlw i i Surely there is nothing in this assessor than any other. A. C. PattATTa is olan a nflninfa Viafnrn the convention and no doubt will Proud of hia Pre8ident have a strong following. Jay W. Shipley is, so far, the The majority report of the elec only one mentioned for county tion committee of the house in school superintendent by the re- favor of seating Thorp, the repub publicans. lican contestant from the 4th Vir- We hope to see the republicans ginia district, contains a scathing put up tbe best possible material arraignment of the election laws of for the various offices, and then if tbat state, and of the methods they stand together they can elect employed in that paiticular dis them. That there will be three triot' hoh. waB designably made overwneimingiy repupncan oy a Rheumatis Is a blood disease and only a blood reme dy can cure it. So many people make the mistake of taking remedies which at best are only tonics and cannot possi bly reach their trouble. Mr. Asa Smith, Greencastle, Indiana, says: "For years I have suffered with Sciatic Rheuma tism, which the best physicians were un able to relieve. I took many patent medicines but they did not seem to reach my trouble. I gradually grew worse until I was un able to take my food or handle myself in any way; I was abso lutely helpless. Three bottles of S.S.S. re- lieved me so that I was soon able to move my right arm; before long I could walk across the room, and when I had finished one dozen bottles was cured completely and am as well as ever. I now weigh 170. A Real Blood Remedy, S.S.S. cures Scrofula, Cancer, Eczema, and any form of blood troubles. If you have a blood disease, take a blood med cine S.S.S. (ruatanteed Surely vegeta table) is exclusively for the blood and ia recommended for nothing else. It forces out the poison matter permanent ly. We will send to anyone our valuable books. Address Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. NOTICE OF INTENTION. LAND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON, Jan. 28. '9ft. Nntica 1. harehv rfvan that the followine-named Kttler hu Sled nntica of hli intention to make final proof In support of hia claim, and that laid proof will be made uTMuro j . vr . morrow, uounty uiera, at ueppner, urcguu, uu marcn IB, I8W8, via: WILUAM E. GENTRY. He name the following witneaaei to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: William Barratt, Edmund Baling, Mifflin J. Devin and William J. McCarty, 618-28. BaaiuTT, Register. CITATION. TN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE 8TATE m. oi uregon. lor the County of Morrow. In the matter of the estate of John M. O. Spen- a iuiuur, TO J. B. BDeiTV. Vllftrdlnn of the, oitatA nt auM minor, irreetin?: In the name of the Btate of Oregon, You are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the Btate of Oregon, for the buuuiv ui morrow. &l in I n n rrwtm rnpranr at Heppner, in the County of Morrow, on Tues. I uay, me eigntn aay oi Marcn, l8,at 10 o clock, in the forenoon of that day, then and there to neiutj your accounts as guamtan oi j, M. O. opencer, a minor, ana show cauBe, If any exist, nuy ae Biiouiu not pay over to tne said John M. o. spencer, the sums of money now in bis nanas belonging to said John M. O. Soencer. Witness, the Hon. A. G. Bartholomew. Jurlcre of the County Court of the Htate of Oregon, for uie county oi aiorrow, witn tne seal oi said wto amxea, tms atn day of January, A. D. Attest: J. W. MORROW, 618- 2b. clerk. 1 1 wuo tjltuol nnlln in ,Tnn. it will hn Attrihninhln tn an accident or that it was done bv the Oreaonian. Rimon. U'Ren and Yonnir. asking more than human nature Lome one witn0ut the knowledge In tbe same laneuaee that tbe OreBonian has ever before been able to stand. 0f ne gpaniBh authorities But "Te to C0DBre,8Ulftn Ellis before the There is no democratic party in i it Bhould UDOn ieatieation be vo,e 00 the Teller resolutioc WM uken Morrow countv anv more The I P u lhve8tl8a"on' De they are -at tbe forka of tbe road," and Morrow county any more. Ine pr0ven that such was not the case, the 0teBonian and it. followers will oniy possioie way me lew aemo- and that it wa8 by aD(j through have to show tbe.r sincerity for the St, craucoince seeKers can get into 1 desiczn .and directlv or indirectlv Loois platform of protection and sound office is to fuse with the pops. By Lne fauH of the Snaniards this money, or stand good for the defeat of doing this and making a few trades government should not, and we be- ,he 'epublioan ticket in the state of in nthPr nrmrtera wrinrA thv Iiava liave will not. 1os snv timo in Oregon, if tbat should occur. They will i ... ... . L,'r,n. flQf i o.. have a ohanoe to abow their band. oeen quite buccobbiui in ine pasi, rouu"js ' "ji . ri, . ., . , . ' fnm ita rlfimamls. unri thia nn. Polk County Observer tney nope in ine coming election I i 7 i r . . ... witnnnt vfirv mnnh inner whkIhiI. to elect sheriff and clerk, the two exasperating red tape. Simply a Too oan't be a democrat and serve ths best paid offices in the county. I twontv-fonr hour iiltirnAiniYi nhnnld I PPollsts, or be a populist and serve tbe The populists are to have the repre- be sufficiently long enough time demoorata.-Yaguina News. oanfofiiTO on1 lUn minn. fl',nn nf 1111 OUT ODlIllOn I " " " . m..uu1 ,oul - -r "Fnsion" means a Rrab for offioe and tne county proviaing goods are all : ? th6t ..pBrtv principle" oan go to hades. delivered accordmg to contract. Toe death of MiBa Willurd re- YaquinaNewa, governor was detested successively by Cornelius and Thompson; tbat Henry McOinu was appointed circuit judge for Multnomah oounty at tbe request of tbe W. C. T. U.; that the republican Port land primaries of 18'Jb were held in sobool houses and churches; that tbe Oregon legislature of 1895-7 transacted its proper business, then we will begin to believe that there baa not been sucb a man as Mr. Joseph Simon. Corvallis Gazette. THE BIG BRICK HOTEL, The Palace ...Has been leased by... J. C. BORCHRRS Who has secured the services of MRS. MARGARET VON CADOW As manager. It will be run in first class shape in every department. Rates reasonable SAMPLE ROOMS IN CONNECTION. ASSIGNEES' NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT THE underslernert rkhil'tipb nf F a nnrt S H. Cox, Insolvent Debtors, has filed his final ac count as uuch assignee with the clerk of the Circuit Court of Morrow County, Oreeon, and mat sam account will oe called up lor hearing, aim De passed upon Monday, the 7th day o! March, 1898, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m. of said day, or as soon thereafter as the same can De heard and passed upon by the judge of said Dated this 21st day of January, 1898. W. P. Fell, 616- 25. Assignee. THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. O. BOEOHEES, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Gbandk, Oregon, Jan. 19. 1898. MOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE x following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made I Deiore j. w. Morrow, county uierk, at ueppuer, uregon. on Marcn vi, isus, viz : CHARLES S. .TAYNE. H. E. No. B082, for the BE of Sec. 14, Tp. 3 S, R 27, E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation oi, saia iana. viz: waiter Crosby, John Mar shall, Sterling P Florence and Andy 8. Steven son, an oi Heppner, Oregon. E. W. Bartlstt, 616-27 Register. When you hear dem bells!" YOU BHOULD KNOW THAT THE HEPPNER TRANSFER CO'S Belled express is coming. Does delivery work on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it, or at "Central" telephone office. WE MOVE ANYTHING ! Beauty Ia Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities trom the ooay. uegin to-aay 10 banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking (. ascarets, heauty lor ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. WHEAT AND PuEK. Notice of Intention. Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon, January 18, 1898: XTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1 1 following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of Mb claim, and that said proof will be made be fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, February 26, 1898, viz: jAJita it. hujnauakek lor Heirs ot Maria JK. Downing, H. E. No. 3619 for the SWJ4 ol Sec. 5, Tp. 2 8., R. 24 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: David F. Baker, George W. Utt. David H. Urabill and Thomas King. an oi lone, uregon. JA8. F. MOORE. 16-27 Register. t MAT HALVORSEN, LEADING MERCHANT OF I0NE awt deepsiUUofllsrcUse If we remember rightly, two years moves from the scene of action one RPO Some OnB failed tndnlivw. nf fl.a umrM'a nrof0ut rhara tV.r "N BQBU Oft0 erT6 Qod Bn(1 MBnl- D i v a. tiv 'i " iva a as v va v- a u a. ws. i . . -, . , . , nit n r ...... ... , 1 liion." ieituer cnu buv uiba servo iwu the republicans of Morrow all that is good and nothing that Lnliti(.ttl nRrlia. h h. Rn, 0a fnr i . i .. . i . ... ... 1 1 coumy stand togetner ana vote Ms bad. bhe was the leader of the pBrty principle. Yaqiitoa New. together, they will elect their en- VV. 0. T. U. and they will indeed tire ticket by a large majority, find it a hard matter to fill her Une thing tbat is an assured fact place. tSho was also a strong the democrats will not be allowed advocate of reform in a creat to name any delegates to the re- many other ways than that of publican county convention this temperance. Her name will be I i i . i . i time; that day is past. Earnest, PRnaBa l,own 10 POH,nty R ne the matter bM been officially reporttd loval republicans are "sora onto 01 V18 8rpfttpHt womeu OI l.U 1 n.b ".tr detail, tbi. government can nnnlnrv rtna u;rin tiava nor lira l . . , , m, ueoisive oiioo. ine tie Moment wu onioten- tioosl, does not leem tenable, and it will take mora than sweet-worded ooodo- lenoei on tbe part of Spain to oonviooe tbii oootitry tbat there wai not a Hpan Tbe country will await the report from the investigation of tbe Maine's disaster with the deepest solicitude. It ia bard, nnder the sorrowful oiroomstances, to rttbhold an opinion, and there are many tbat will be unable tndoao; bat until js.,i,H ii : iiai . VVH1M,J MV, i do. iitKn more aoisive ouoo uuntu uu turn puiiu bhu iuoho who gorvico8 to the un-buildinc and ud- ih.r. ih.k u, l t . 1 i ... . . .. ! . " nave uereioiore woritea wnn me lifting oi numauity. Who could republicans and voted with the aek more, rlnmnnrata will finil flinv Iiava . ..... ' ... The Uld Calforala Grape Crop, reacneu a point wuere tney will The nartial loss of the crane cron this liave to unmask, it they attempt yer, roseJ by tbe heavy rains, is esti- their old tricks this time. This IB mated to rxceed 81,(X0,U0. Farmers no idle talk but the expressed ni vineyards all oer the northern part n.ini I l l . of the state hae auffi-red. Whiletbisls ,u.UUUa UUU1 true, it is ,..all7 a fact fbat lost and publicans with whom the writer failing strength may be restored by the l,a .l,; .... :. persislHiit. systematio use of tbe great u..uK luo Fn national lonie, Uostetters Htomaoh Hit- days. ters, wbiob renews and tones the activity ot tne stomaon, liver and tne bowels, t ....-?'.. i ciiuuirrmn irnuenov in ruruiiiaimin a HKMiuitNi- iuciviNLET uss never and kidney ooraDleint. and prevents ma- justified the confidence reposed in di"rders. Afte eihaustinu dis- . . I easne bave mo their onuree, reonvery ii uiiu iuo Aiurriuau pm.pie 10 a greatly aooelerated by the use of the more marked extent than since the ''' b'h improves appetite and i- :..n imparts renewed vigor to the debilitated ui iuo bM.nBijr lurtmi- physique i n ft 1 nl I nr wrtllnn ho UnnA, .11 1 1 - . 1). A. Ilerrej, wbile below recently, ixime, laie opanisn minister to ttie parohased a One French Canadian stal. U. lu tuat letter, beuor de Hod of 1. L. Kennedy, of Wnodlawu Lome personally insultml tho nrna. This is probably one of the flneet and r ' ... tu.4 b. ..... I i. . 1.. II. ident, as well as hit own govern ment When Washington was in a ferment of excitement and mon of prominouco who are usually cool headed were advising all sorts of hot-headed steps on the part of this government, President Mc Kinley nover for a momeut lost the coolness which has always marked his acts at critical periods, aU though there isn't the slightest doubt that his blood fairly boiled at de Lome' insults. Like the true patriot that he is, he sunk Lis individuality and acted only as the country's executive. Hit mere If requested the Spanish govern ment, through tlio American win inter at Madrid, to recall de Lome, Benor de Lome had anticipated that and cabled his resignation, and it was accepted by his govern meet before the request for bit recall was presented. The wisdom of this moderation on the part of the president is daily becoming mora apparent There wat an other important feature of de Louie's letter, in which he declared that autonomy for Cuba and ne gotiatiout for a reciprocity treaty wert only shams. Had this Utter oounty, and birsmeo should ses bltu. Punv i (Children Who would prescribe only tonics and bitters for a weak puny child Its muscles and nerves arc so thoroughly ex- aa ivM j vciiiivi w g nvhipfxJ Into activity The 4 tt 4 emu neeai texxs a tiooo mklnf, nerve-itrtngthcnlnf and muscle-budding food. Scott's Emulsion of Cod-Liver Oil is all of this, and you still have a tonic in the hypophojphitrs of lime and soda to act with the food. For thin and delicate children there Is no remedy superior to it in the world. It means growth, strength, plumpncu J and comfort to them. Be sure J you get SCOTT'S Emulsion, j tttt. jU i m, .1! sivIm. 2 ft SCOTT SOWNt, Ch.muu, Kr Yi. IMMvUtNttvvMMHvt ish triok in oonoeotion with tbe explo sion. Dalles Cbrooiole. A reoent issus of tbe Fortland Ore goniao oonlaina a snori paragrapu in relation to Representative Ellis' vote against lbs Teller resolution which is disreputable and should be utterly be neatb tbe dignity of sucb a paper as ibe Oregoniao. Mr. Ellis stands as tbe representative of the people of this oon graoMionel distriot and baa always com manded tbs respect of tbe press of saat ero Oregon, regardless ot party. It remains for tbs Portland Oregoniao alone, of all tbs papers Id tbs slate, sod on professing republicanism, at tbat, to vent a petty persooal and pnerbs spite upon on ot Oregon's ablest represents tives at tbs national capital. It oan not help bat redound to Mr. Ellis' personal and political credit. Bunipter News. Ltt do populist wbo values tbe Land Money and Transportation platform of lbs people's party -true Reform Frio oiplee, cot machine politics and pie be absent from the preoinol primaries Marcb 1Mb. Trust nothing to luck or friend be there. Hbtit out all but pop a lists. Take a referendum vote tor or against fusion, onion and co operstion to learn tbs rank sad file's true stecdiog od tbat all-important questioD. Helect your best tod safeel meo for delegates to tbe oouoty convention meo who will be here ni-a who will etsod by their instructions: make your instructions clear and positive. Tbis done, lbs rlo politicians' slate will be smashed and botb deuiorrets and republicans beaten in Jane. Do out be deceived. We have corns to the life or death battle for the people' party, with both old parties with their bundle and army of trained, glib poll tioiene arrayed against us. It we are huueel io oar principles sad they worth anything to us, let at stand by them and tight tbe monopoly-ridJ-a taemiet ot genuine lUform to a Boieb. -Harney Co, News. We bave the Oregoniao'e word for it that Mr. tiitnoa it do boas, ant it f set srver wee a boas. If IheOrej iBlaa will only eonvinre at tow that Waldo de feated Btratio tor tbt offlce ot lupreme JaJe that Fen soy et is hie rae fif Portland, Feb. 21. There was a hot old time in tbe wheat market at Chicago today. Tbe opening range was from 107 to 1(6, the greater part of the day's business was transacted at around 107. Loiter brokers seemed to be selling May wheat on all bard spots and buying July on tbe breaker. Tbe visible sup ply decreased 201,000 bu. and now totals 35.433,000. Tbe amount on passage in creased 2,500,000 bu. Tbe world's ship ments for the past week were 7,373,000 bu. wbiob America contributed 3,932,000 Northwest reoeipts were 330 oars. Cargoes off coast were 30 higher and Liverpool futures were up d. The trade in pork was light bnt pack ers were buyers or turn, za.uuu nogs wer received and 21,000 are estimated for tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tuesday, there will be no aeseioo ot any American exenaoges on acoonnt Washington's birthday. Notice of Intention. Land Office at LaOsandk, Oregon, Ton tO 1UOO U an, WO, NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that, said proof will be made be fore County Clerk, Morrow county, Oregon, at Heppner, ureon. on March vi, 18U8, viz: WALTKR liROBBY. H. E. No. 6029, for the EV4 NE4, 8E) Sec. 11. Td. 3 8. R 27. E. W. M. He names the loUowine witnesses to Drove his continuous residence upon and cultivation said laud, viz: Charles 8. Javne. Bruce B. Kelley, George A. Stevenson and William Btew- art, all of lleppner, Oregon. Miss Allie Hughes, Morfolr, Vs., was rightfully bnroed on tbe face and neck Pain was instantly relieved by DeWitt's Witch llHzel sulve, which healed the in n ry without leaving s soar. It is tbe famous pile remedy. Conger k Brook. Charles Jayoe was io town over Bun- day from Clarks oaayon, where be is now working. Mrs. M. O. Oney bat secured tbe Social Kidge sobool and will oommence teach ing there today on t four months' term Land Offick at Thi Orkoon, January 17, 18SW. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice ill iiib iiilcui,iuu iaj iiinito una. uiuui 111 support of his claim, and that said proof will be made Deiore J. w. Morrow, county (Jiers;, at Heppner, Oregon, on February 26, WJg, viz: AL.HE.K1 A. niLLia, H E No. .1990, for the SW of sec 29, Tp 2 8, R 25 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Frank Smith, James H. Willis and James Brown, of Lexington, Oregon, and Thomas A. Driskell, of Heppner, Oregon. JA8. r. MUUKC, 615-625 Register. ' din LUlitS HHtiit ALL Best ( ouifh Brrup. ThimUu In ttm. H.tld bv rtmirirtpti. m m ssv4jti A. Use Fl Heppner Opera House FOR TWO WEEKS Commencing February 15 In an up to date Vaudeville hntertamment. Wednesdsy and 8atordav, tdmiealon IS cents. All other nigbis free, ltrserv- d seats eaob evening for ladies and their esooria without extra charge. Kntiro Clmnpo of Program haoh hvoninjr. Children art charged tdmissioo eaob evenin. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. VOTItK I lirRKBT OIVKS THAT TH il iiiiilrtltnr. h. Iwn duly apimlutaHt li lh Cuuniir ( iiurt ol the KUMol tirrvon. f Momw I uiuiljr, adiiiliilatratnr ol th. cuts of ,-NiM.on jntim. aira-muMsi All rwrmms havln rlalni. Mid nial arv nvrrliy uivtlnnl to pn-wiil umi, iMirrl)r vrrinil. to ni, at Ih oitir ol Ills A I'hflK at HrpiMirr. Orvann lihln .Ii ninnth. I nun th dal ol ihls nolle. IMM Mis l.'lh day ol February, w J A M art JON FX Ailmlul.iralnrof the E.laleol Nelaoo HKH'kHULnr.KM' MtrflNU. xtotuk is nyRKRY oiti" to th il .Un khul.lrri i th. Morrow CoiiHly Lan A TrmHo, thai th. annual mating ol th iu kin.i.irn t h.M naluMar. Marrh 1.1 al th hour ol 7 , n, . In Ih. National IUii bullillns. Inr tht piiriiMf .Io lln oltlcvrs lor lh i.nlt tnr .11,1 ih tratiMrilon ol stn-h nth.r buslum as may b bmihl hfnr th Biriin. h. f . H 1 n O, 'ti l ferrvtarv. 616-27 E. W. Babtlett, Register o o 9 Including all the Staples, Hardware, Tin ware, Harness, Stockmens' Supplies, Wood and Willowware. First Class Goods and Low Prices is his motto. MflT HALVORSEN, IONE, OREGON. 1 o o 9 NOTICE OF INTENTION. Notice of Intention. Laud Ornci at La Grands, Orkoon, January 31, 18!8. XTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to maka final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on March 19, 1898, vis : VELORIAH W. T1LLAKD. Hit E No. 6-JM, for the S NWU NEU See St, Tpl 8, K 28, E W M. He names tne iniinwing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ol said land, vis: John Marshall, Thomas Mar shall, Hugh Fields and James Johnson, allot Heppner, Oregon, a., nr. daai i, r. i 19 29 Kenister. They Are The "Mustard" MEADOWS & HATTEN, '"The Pioneer Blacksmiths Have made some elegant Improvements In their establishment iron, horseshoes and other materials essential to the happiness of those who need auirkrenalra to their wagons, buggies or machinery. Their specialty is horseshoeing. Meadows 4 Hatleo are the Boys to do Your Work Right, and do it Quick, loo. Notice of Intention. Land Ornci at La Gbandi. Oriooh. 1 . i, ui tuna TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE followlni-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof tn support oi his claim, ana tnst saia prooi win oe man before the County Clerk ot Morrow county, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on March 19, 1898, vli: ..... ..... n ... . n VI1L.L.1AH A. 11L,I.AHU, HIKNo02l8, for the NH NKV, 8E!4 NE4, f. f KV 8eC 32, Tp 1 H, K 28 K W M. He names th following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John Marshall, Thomas Marshall. Hunt) Fields and James Johnson, all of Heppner, Oregon. &. TT , DAAJLILl 1, Register. A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is that of plain and decorated Chinaware & Queensware At Gilliam & Bisbee s And by the way they have anything you can call for in the line of Hardware, Btoves and Tinware. 60 WHERE YOU CAIN GET WHAT YOU WANT. SUMMONS. TN THE CIRJUIT COURT OF THE STATE a W of Oregon, for Morrow county. P. Lord, H. R. Ktncaid SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCl'IT COl'RT OF THE STATE ol Oregon lor Morrow county. The American Mortgag Company, of Nrotland, l.tmltnt, a corporation, rialiititts, v. John l). Crafts, Annie Craft.. J. W. smith, M. V. Harilaon. Jacob Rortier, and Coffin A McKarlaud, as partners, bWendauts. To John o. Crafts, 1. W. Rmlth and M. V. Hard- el slon. defendants, above named: lu th name of th htate of Oregon: Yon ar hereby required to appear and answer th 'by reoul plaint Hli complaint tiled against you in th. above entitled ult, on or brio re ih. drat day ol th nest regu lar term nl Ih abov entitled court lonowtng Ih eiptratlun ol Ih time pmcrlbeil in the nnter lor publlratlon of this summons, which tint day will b Monday. th7th day ol Marvh. Iww, and you and each of you will tak nolle that If you fall to tn appear and answer, fnr inreoi ant court Inr plalntllt will apply to said th relief demanded in its com plaint, to wit-. For Judgment against JnhnQ. I LUStmtXTION MUTICK. VOT1CF. I HIREBY OlTIls THAT TH pannvrabip asretofiw .ilrtlng bti Frank tnanlman and IA Cnnlman, dnln hii.niM al iii. Oregon, und.r th. firm nam. ol Kni.lnt.n Hnw . hM hnrn illtsilv.! bf milt, il nuiM-nl Ail bills and arroiiiita on In. bj said Bra aii! k nu l by M Fi'fl'nn. rttANIC KMiriMAN, tO IStilLMAN PaW4 al loa. 0 . F.. L xa. KM ralta and AnnlcCralu lor th sum ol till to gether with lntarv.1 thereon at th rat of eight per rent wr annum from th flr dayol II ember, ls2. in arconlanc with lhtarmaof a rvrtalu promlraorv Dot, by them mad and dellverwl to plalutllT. on or about th 1Mb day ol June. Iw7, tor saM sum: for th sum of $-0 ailortipys leva, and lor in sum oi ad vane for late, and for th ciwta and dlnbur- mrnlaofthia suit: also a decre for tli. lore rln.ur of th pertain mongag executed and d.llrrl by said defendanu. John Q. t raits and Annt. Cralta. to plain II ITS to sccur th paymvnl of th abnv dearnbed not, and for ih. aal ol aald mortgaged prnrwrty ilua'd la Mnrmw munty, Oregon. drribd as follows. kvwlt: Th eouth-MM Quarter of section 2. and thai the payment rlalnutt, altoroeya les and roan nf .ult. This .nnimoni Is served upon yoa by pnhll ration thtref, tn pnrauanre nf an order o) Hon atrphen A. Lowell. Jnds of th abnv enllilrd court, mad at chambers, at Kvudktoo, Ongon. OB lb iMh 4y ol January. 1. tLUS FHKin. M-M lor f . Anuff. Tp. t. snatb of rang U at W. M., and prnr1s ot said Hi. b applied k th 1 ol Ih. amouot du. plalnUn, attorneys and Phil. Metschen as the board of commis sioners etc., Plaintiffs, vs. Adeline Howell, Henry Howell, Mary Howell, John Howeil, Nellie Howell, William Howell, Stanford Howell, Joseph Howell, Tilda Howell, Ida Howell, Frank How ell, Thomas Howell, Lilly Howell, Hettle Farer, Klx Farer, Adeline How. ell, aa administratrix and Henry Howell as ad. mlnistrator of Htauford Howell, deceased, Defendant. To William Howell, Hattle Farer and Rlz Farer, Defendants: In the Dame of tbe State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint Bled against you In the above en titled suit on or before the Brat day of the next regular term of this court, to-wlt: The 7th dav of March, 1M, and If you fall to answer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court to grant the relief demanded In the com- plaint, to-wlt: For Judgment against you upon ascertain promisaory not for the sum of ii') with Interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from April 1st. lmtt, the sum of 140 attorneys fees and th cost and disburse ments of this suit, and that the mortgage given to secure the payment of aald note on the fol lowing deecribed real property situated Id Morrow county, Btate of Oregon to-wlt: South east quarter of bee. 28, Tp. 4. south ol ranse K. W. M., be foreclosed aud said property sold and the proceeds of said sale be applied to the pavment of the amount due plalntlR. This summons Is served upon you Id pursu ance of an order of the Hon Stephen A. I owell. Judge of the abov entitled court, made and entered in aald suit on the Mh day ol January, It. BRtiWN At REDKIKI.D 1 Jn Attorneys for Plaintiffs. Beat Moommodation aod ooartaoat treaimenl Bt the Imperial Hotel, Seventh od Wash. Sti., Portland, Oregon. D. E. GILMAN, General Collector Put your old books and notes In hi hands and get your money out of them. Make a specialty ot hard collections. Office ia J, N. Brown' Bnildina. Ellis & Phelps, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All business attended to in a prompt and Sfcti.lactory manner. Notaries Public aud Collectors. Office In Natter Building, Heppner, Or. Mathews 8c Gentry, BARBERS Shaving D. A. CURRAY, Formerly of Psndleton Tonsorial Artist. Shaving, 18 Cants Hair Cutting, 25 " Shop, Matlock Corner, Heppner, Oregon. J. L. GIBSON, At Chas Jones' Old Stand. Shaving. - - 15 Ctt. Hair Cutting. 25 " Joe Is keeping op th reputation of this shop for flrst-claas work and would b pleaeed to 15 Cents. v Shop two doors South of roetomoa. The Old Shop! LIBERTY MARKET Is tbe place to go to get your fine pork tod Iamb chopi, iteaka tnd routf . FISH EVERY FRIDAY Fin sugar-rnr.! hams and bacon Pure Ir.f rd.,. old ut Ii.k.Uih"t " BENJ. MATHEWS.