UP Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD SCENIC USE OF THE WORLD TO THB GIVES THB OHOICB Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ry- OREGON SHORT LINE. VIA VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha . iMn-- m.r v - Chicago Kansas City LOW RES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean fttnamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO, Steamers Monthly from Portland to vuhnmi nnri Hnnir Kong: vis. lbe Northern Paoifio Steamship Go. in con nection with O. K. & . For full details call on 0. R. A N Airent at Heppner, cr address Dodwcll. Carllll, & Co., Oon'l. Agts., Nor. Pac B. 8. Co., Portland, ore. W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland. Oregon. IRST AND ONLY ... PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSION . . EVER RUN BETWEEN Tie Pacific Northwest AND BOSTON, MASS. T Commencing February lt, TOURIST SLEEPER leavei Portland every Tuesday at 9 p m.,via O. R. & N., Denver & Rio Grande, Rock Island Lake Shore, New York Central, and Boston & Albany Railroads. Excursion car carried on Fast Boston Special East of Chicago, making the run in 28 hours; several hours quicker than any other line. For rates and all Information, call on or address, R. C. NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, General Agent, uen. rass. mi. Agt. 251 Washington St., Denver, Col Portland, Oregon. J. C. Hart, Local Agt., Heppner, Or. ELY'S CKEAltt BALM laepattlenre. Apply into the nostrile, It is quickly absorbed. M cent at Droirglsta or 1 , : aamplea 10c by mail. BROTHERS. 6 V. irren ou. New lork CiUf. fRLIN6T0N-F0SSIL STAGER LINE Proprietors. H. REED & A. G. OQILVIE FARE FROM ARLINGTON TO Fossil (fil) miles)... 15 00 Round trip 900 Mayvllle (53 miles). 4 00 Round trip 7 00 Condon (39 miles).. 3 00 Round trip 6 00 Clem (28 miles).... 2 00 Round trip 3 50 Olex (19 miles) 1 50 Round trip 8 50 Stage leaves Arlington every morning (Sunday exoepted) at 6 o'clock; is due at Condon at 3 p. m. and arrives at Fos sil at 7 p. m. Comfortable covered coaches and care ful, experienced drivers. riK&GWAY NEWS. Keep sip ana Get Bid. THE WOOL RECORD Tails You Hew to Do It. MM 601 ebst ? If so, be sure and see that your tioket reads via The nwestem Line ....THE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS THB Great Short LiQC BETWEEN DULUTH, Sr. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vcstlbuled 1J1IIIMK aim niwimiK ' Trains, and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME' has given this road a national reputation. All ..i.. .... ,.. ,. 1-nrriiul oil till! Vt'Stilllllcil trains without extra charge ship your freight mill travel over this famous line. All agents have tickets. ,., if wri K C. fllVAGK. ' (Ihii. Airin'it. Trav. K. A; P. Agt. 21S Waslilugtou St., Portliind. Or. CHICAGO NOHTH PACIPIC Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 1669.) Published Weekly at Portland, Or. DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. we offer to By a speoial arrangement our readers The Wool Record and Semi-Weekly Gazette, one year for $3.00. The Wool Reoord is the only national wool organ and covers the wool industry from the raising of the sbeep to the sell ing of the manufactured artiole. It is published weekly at New York and the regular price is $2 00 a year. lis market reports are full and oomp e and its Sheep Bieeders' Talks alone are worth 10 times the prioe of the paper. Sample copies on application. We heartily recommend this combi nation to our subscribers. . The following letter from Leslie Mat lock to bis father, will prove of interest not only to bis friends here, but to all who read the Qasette: : Skaqwat, Alaska, Jan. 28. '98. Dsab Father. I arrived at Bksgwsy all right and find it is not very oold here at present. The mountains are pearly straight up and dowo here. I am writ ing this at Unole Will's brewery. Among Heppoerltes here I have met Frank Roberts, Charley Smith, Os Burob, John Lyons and Abe Jones. I would not advise anyone to come bere unless tbey intend going to the interior, as there is no work. There are between four and five thousand people bere and the only business that seems to pay is the hotels and restaurants. No one seems to be spending any money there is little gambling and the saloons are not doiog much business. Hiok Mathews wanted me to write him about the barber business. It is good, and I think that were be bere and hal a good looation be could do well, but I do not want to advise any one to either oome or not come. I like it very well so far, but as bave only been bere two days I oannot say how I will like it later on. We were seven days on the trip from Portland. I was helping Uncle with his trunks and household goods yester day. Heoould not get the horses on the boat we came on so left Jack in Portland with them. There is a "For Sale" notice on nearly every cabin and lot bere but they aBk pretty good prices for moat of them. Board oosts from 35 to 60 cents a meal and you get a very good meal for that price. I paid 50o tor a single bed last night and slept on a oouob. Every boat that comes in is loaded with people and every man that has money enough to buy a tioket seems to be coming to Alaska. The man yon sold Villard to is here with a paok train of mules. I thought if I oould get in with two or three men of the right kind I might go to the interior. I will write attain in a few days. With love to all, I remain, Your Son, Less. MANY ASPIRANTS, THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE A List of ThoM who Deair to 8rve L'aele Baa la Eaatera Oregoa'e Pmblte Land Otters. LUNG TKOUBLLS AMD CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. From all over Eastern Oregon applica tions bave been filed at Washington by those who bave a deeire to serve the government in the capacity of registers and receivers of the different land offioes of the distrust. Of coarse all these men are oapable and worthy, and no doubt hve the beet of endoisements. but the greater portion are doomed to disappointment. At La Grande the appointment of register baa been made and the, new official has been at his post of duty for sometime. For the place of receiver' tbe following applications are on file: Lot Livermore, A. R. Price, of Umatilla oounty ; O. H. Craig, C. T. Wise and L O. Smockbammer, of Union; John J. Dooley, of Baker oounty. Tbe term of tbe reoeiver at La Grande expired last September, but for some reason unknown to this paper, a new appointment baa not yet been made. For register at Tbe Dalles office: John W. Lewis, of Wasco ; Jay P. Lucas, of Gilliam; E. M. Sbutt, of Morrow, and J. W. Williamson, of Crook oounty. For receiver: D. J. Cooper, G. J. Farley and W. H. H. Dafur, of Wasoo; Clark Dunlap, of Sbermao; O. A. Daoaman, of Gilliam county. John W. Lewis, men tioned above as an applicant for register at Tbe Dalles, served io that ospaoity under tbe administration of President Harrison and was a very faithful and efficient tffioer. For the positions in tbe Burns offioe that district furnishes material as fol lows: Register, G. W. Hayes and Henry Levans, both of Harney county. Re oeiver, O. W. Piatt, Malhuer; N R. Msxey, Grant; Obas. Newall and J. J. Dooegan, of Harney county. Aa Eaiaeat New York Cbeaiiit aid seleatiat Hakes a Free Offer to Oar Header. The distinguished obemiat, T. A. SIo com, of New York City, demonstrating bis discovery of a reliable oure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronobial, long and ohest troubles, stubborn oougbs, oatarrbal affeotions, general deoline and weakness, loss of flesh, and. all conditions of -wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of his New Dis coveries to any atflicteci reader or mis paper writing for them. His "New Scibntiflo Treatment" bss oured thousands ' permanently by its timely use, and be considers it a simple professional doty to Buffering humanity to donate a trial of his infallible oure. Soienoe daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently expert meeting for years, baa produoed results as beneficial to humanity as can be olaimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and oon sumptioii are curable in any climate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," tiled in bis American and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those oured in all parts of the world. The dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and certain death. Simply write toT. A. Slooum, M. 0., 98 Pine street, New York, giving post- office and express address, and the free medioine will be promptly sent direct from bis laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of bis generous proposition. Please tell tbe Dootor that you saw this in tbe Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 r. FORYOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore tbe Gazette's job depart ment baa tried to do no work other than' plain printing. However, this shop is now prepared to tackle anything in any line and will meet prices of any person under tbe sun in tbe"1 line of druggists supplies, blank . books, back work oounty work, or any sort of book bind ingwork that you have heretofore sent away to get done.' - Tbe Gazette shop is not a oharity concern but if you will give us a obanoe we will see that you are satisfied in every particular. Buy your goods at borne. Remember that Abe Linoulo said that when , one bought goods away from home tbe" foreigner got the money and we got tbe goods. Bat when tbe goods .were, bought at borne we had both money and goods. This is good doctrine. We are willing to abide by it. Wben the printing drummer cornea to . town, re member it and call up 'phone No. 8. 560-tf Worth its weight in gold to every farmer and breeder in Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION: 82.00 PER YEAR. Sample copies free.) Rami Spirit and Gazette both for 3.00, oasb, at this oflloe. BO YEAR8 EXPERIENCE Tradc Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anvnnn fnrilnir A sketch and description may quickly unrertnln our opinion free whether an llivwmmn m itrimmnj ftii,iiii. . ,mmu,,i w. tlriiiii ntrlctlTnnili;ntlnl. llnmllwKi ull I'atflnta sent free, OMcst fluency for securing patanta. I'mmits tiiken thriiuub Munn A u. receive tptrhil nutice, without clmrue, lu tbe Scientific American. A hanilsnmnl llliistratiwl weekly. Lsnrast Pir. dilution of miy sclentlnc louniHl. I ernis, s.l a ynar: four moot us, si. Boiauyaii nawsnnsiers. MUNN &Co.38,Bro'd""' New York Hrauch utiles, tra r etc vvnsniugiuu, u, i NEW NAME I Wm, Gordon has re-named his stand the old Jones livery stable flio Central. Billed hnv for sale. Charlies reasonable. Call ou mm and nave vour nones wen careu ior, LOCAL SQUIBS. "The Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portland k Astoria Navigation Co. . STEAMEHS . Milwaukee & St. Paul B'y This Railway Co. liftavn. Him A. M II ml A. M :I0 A.M.. Ktinkam. ItimNlatid Ni'luou... Arrlva. Mil I'. M. . : f. M. ..M.1 P. M. CIima onnnoHions at Nxlmin with atritmora fur KaHlo, ami all Kootnal Ijakit pomta. l'niMHitiiiira for'Ki'llld Itlvnr an, I PoiiniUrt Crock cimum't Ht Marcus with atai daily. SPOKANE FALLS k NORTHERN NELSON 4 FORT SIIE1TARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All-Rail Route Without Change of Cars Between Spokane. Operates its trams on the famous Diooi I tonal ho. i and Nelson. Also between system, Nelson an t Uoaalaml. dailv sinxnt . . , .,. K I Lights Its irains oy eieoinony luruuKu- fl,imja- out Uses the oelnbrated elootrio berth read ing lump: Runs spetdily equipped passenger trains vr ilav and niifht between Ht. Paul and Chiosgo, and Omaha anil UUloago; the r.hir.ano. Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operates steam-heated vestilmled trains, carrying Hie laiesi pnvais compartment cars, library buffet smok- fnir rars. and DaUoe drawing room eleepers. Parlor oars, free reclining olistr oars, ami (ha verv best dining onair oar ervice. For lowest rates to any point io the United States or Cauaila. apply Io axent or address C. J. EDDY, J. W. OASKl. General Agent, Trav. Pass. Agent. Portlsml, Or. 1nllT Mill III lie World Almanac 0 Encyclopedia fr HUSH u X s THROUGH CARS. TO Hr. PAUL MINN KAPOLIS lll'l.UTU KAROO HIT T l'L U K.LENA Tickets issiisd to all points in the United Htates and (Jauede. hi cpeuu Will Answer Any Qitcstiori You may Ask It. II, Holway, phonograph man, is at the Palace. Mrs. O. E. Farusworth is reported on the siok list. O. L. Warden, of Portland, was in town Wednesday. The Kiokapoo Indian Remedy Co. are io town this week. Os Mitchell, of Lower Rbeacreek, was io town Wednesday. What is Hop Gold? Rest beer on earth. Mee ad. elsewhere. A. Koighten, of Eight Mile, was in on a business trip Wednesday Felt boots and rubbers, and Arotio- overshoes at T. R. Howard's. 616-tf, W. H. Hendricks, of Tacorca, was reg istered at tbe Palaoe Wednesday. Miss Lena Glassoook has been quite sick the past week with tbe grip One Minute Coutib Oure cures quiokly. That's what yon waotl Conser k Brock There will be s meeting of tbe Lei- inuton reiublicao olub Saturday, st 2 p. m. W. O. Van Hchuyner, a wide swske knight of the grip, was doiug Heppner Wednesday. Fine home-made taffy at tbe Orange Front. A olran, frtsb stock of goods leave your orders. If. Lieut. G. W. Uot bstedler and Msj. 3. U. Aitken were guests of tbe Palaoe while here yesterday. Painless remedy for Mlrsoting Isetb. If not as stated, no oharges. Try Dr. Vaugban'e new plan. ti04-tf. Geo. F. Roberts, Zao Bros.' hustling renresautative. was registered at the Palace Wtdnraday. If you nerd something tor your system call st the 'Phooc-The Telephoue sa looo, City hotel boildirg. tf Attorney (I. W. Kea Is moviog hie law oil'ioe into tbe building on Malo street recently vaoated by M. B. Galloway. Dvntietiaia cured, htiloh's Vilaliser The Coming Woman Who goes to tbe olub wbile her husband tends tbe baby, as well as tbe good old fashioned woman wbo looks after ber borne, will both at times get run down in health. Tbey will be troubled with loss of appetite, headaches, sleepless ness, fainting or dizzy spells. Tbe most wonderful remedy for these women is Eleotrio Bitters. Thousands of sufferers from lame baok and week kidneys rise up and call it blessed. It is tbe medi cine for women. Female oomplaiots and nervous troubles of all kinds are soon relieved by the use of Electno Bitters. Delioate women should keep this remedy on band to build op tbe system. Ooly 50c. per bottle. For sale by Slooum Drag Co., E. J. Hlouam, manager. MUtn nf flllin tlitv nf Tularin " ' ' , J " , , Lucas County ' Frank J. Cheney makes oath tbat be is lbe senior partner of the firm of F. J . Cheney & Co.. doing business in tbe city of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and tbat said firm will pay tbe sum of one hundred dollars for esoh and every case of catarrh tbat oat not be oured by tbe use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6tb day of December, A. D. 1896. , , W. A. Glesson, seal Notary Public Hall's Oatarrb Cure is taken internally and ads directly on tbe blood and mucous surfaces of tbe system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney, Co., Toledo, O. tSTSold by druggists, 75o. John Hall, a laborer from Portland, on bis way to Riparia, while under the in fluence of liquor, walked off the platform of acoaoh while running at full speed. He struck on a ledge of rook and was deBd wben pioked up, near Heppner junotion, on the main line. MEN ! beci Gave Bondi and Was Released. W. B. Ewmg, who shot James Fitz. gave tbe necessary bond last Tuesday evening and left for bis borne on Lower Willow oreek. Owing to tbe (act tbat Filz has been declared out of danger by the attending physician, the bond was reduced by Justice Riohardson from 82,500 to 11,500. can cured If von suffer from anv of tha I ilia of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, I OR. JORDAN A CO.. .1051 Market St Est'd 1862. Young men and middle , Used men who are suffering ftiwtih. flTcta nf vnnthfiil indiscretions or ex- t cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical l-lllltv,lnip4iencj,M.OK junniiwifu in al I it comnl ic.it ions: H r ni ator r hr a, Iroatatrrli-n, Joiirrliec, Ulrrt, , 1'rrnuruc.T of Urlnatinc, etc. By a i combination of remedies, of great curativepow- , the Doctor has so arranged his treatment that it will not only afford immediate relief but nermanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to nerform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair , ana sauare rnvucian ana ounccou, urc-uuuvu. in his specialty uiaeaseR si jjs-ii KTnhllla thoroughly ystrm without using Mrrc-ury 'DALLES CITY" AND "REGULATOR' Leave Tbe Dalles daily (except Sunday) at 730 a.m. Leave Portland at 700 a. m. Wben yon go to Portland, stop off at The Dalles and take a trip down the Columbia; you will enjoy it, and save money. W. CALLAWAY, General Agent. QfJXOK TIME t Stan Franolsco And all point In California, yia the Mt. Bhaata root of the . Southern Pacific Co ih California to a Grand Hoenio Route Hen. indicated from the Uniform Rank, K. of P. Tbe Uniform Rank. E. of P. held an informal meeting Wednesday evening at tbe castle ball. There were preseot about 20 Knights and Lieut. Col. Hoohstedler and Major AUken presented the benefits to be derived by keeping tbe U. R. alive so strongly that every member present voted to re-organiza then and there and several Knights present were ready to sign application cards. Through tbe aid given by tbe visiting brothers this Rank now has abetter prospeot before it than it ever bad, and if Uncle Sam should wantaoompaoy of men wbo could do n . . . L . -It L 111 up Hpsio Deiore oreastaai, an uo win bave to do Is to call on Capt. Freelaod. Tbe officers elected last evening were: CaDtaio. E. L. Frreland; Lieut., J. J. Roberts, Herald, E. G. Slooum. J. A. Perkins, of Antiquity, O., was for thirty years needlessly tortured by phy sicians for tbe cure of eczema, lie was quiokly cured by using DeWitt's Witcb Hazel salve, the famous healing salve for niles and skin diseases. Conser & Brook. On Hand Again. 8. L. Riley, who represented the Al bany Woolen Mills last season, is again in tbe field witb the same firm. Mr. Riley cams up yesterday morning ti re new bis acquaintance with tbe growers and perhaps contract a little wool. His company bss beeo re incorporated into a stronger company than tbey were before. Tbe mill, owing to Klondike orders, bss about ran oat of stook and are desirous of getting some early shorn wool. r.VDKY ,ii A budIvIm to na win re-' ceive our honctt rmtnioh of his complaint. H' Kill Guarantee a POSITIVE CVEE in ' every ease we undertake, or forfeit One 'Alionnana voiinra. . . Consultation FREE and strictly private. CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. Treat- rtie great highway through nninta Kfut una Month. 01 toe raoino uoaai. runinan nnutjt Hleepera. Second-class Sleepers Attached to express trains, affording superior accommodations for aeoond-olaaa passengers. For rates, tickets, sleeping oar reservations, eto, call upon or address tt. KOEHLKR, Manager, C. H. MARKHAM, Gen. F. & P. Agt, Portland, Oregon ment personally or oy letter. Send for book. "Til FhU free. The Philosophy of Mrelaa;y (A valuable book for men. J VINIT DR. JORDAN'S! Great museum of Anatomy i the finest and largest M useum of its kind in the world. Come ana learn now wonuenuiiy you i are made; how to avoid sickness and disease. We are continually adding new specimens. CATALOGUE tT.EE. Call or write. 1051 Market Street. San Francisco, Cat. seeds sown I .The best aeeda known are I terry's. It pay to plant FERRY'S Famous Seeds Ask the dealer for them. Bend for FERRY'S SEED ANNUAL and getau mat gooa sun new the latest and Dreadrally Nervosa. Gents: I was dreadfully nervous, and for relief took your Carl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and strength ened my whole nervous system. I was troubled witb oonstipalion, kidney and bowel trouble. Your Tea soon cleansed my system so thoroughly tbat I rapidly regained health and strength. Mrs. 8. Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold by Conser k Brook. 1 Two Millions a Year. When nmnle luiv. trv. nnd huv again, it ineana they're annulled. The people of the I'ltiled State are now buying (WnreU Cantly Cathartic at the rate of two million noxea a year and it will lie tnree minion ne- t V I -' - T . .n.il navt.xut Hire lirw irnrs, 11 mmim iiii-in nm. thnt Caararets are the moat delightful liowel rrmilatnr for everybody the year round. All druggists 10c, Hk, "50c a box, cure guaranteed. QUICK TIME TO. Standard & American & Annual. ClMCAIHl WAHlllNllTIIK Hai,tiihs " Nw Yumk llvrraui All other points io the Kaal and houtheail (Omaiu I Kannss I'ity NT. JohsPH Ht. bona Ronton PRICE GENTS I'oiun llepot rouneotions at Ht. Paul, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Omaha, Ht. Units and oilier promi nent poiott Batigaiis checked through Io destination ol tickets. Through tickets to Japan and CLIue, via Taooma and Northern Pat-ifin Hteam sbip Company's, line. For full information, time cards, maps, tickets, etc., call on or write .C. Alia at, A. D Charlton, Agt N P. It. Asst. Gail Peas. Agt. The lUllee.Or. Portland, Or Ready Jan. I, 1398, On All News Stands, 01.4 .4 Ji .4 . Ji .t Ji Jl Jt Lamer, Hotter, More Complete lhan Ever. ."rfv mnl X,r uU Anmtktl R'er- THF. WORLD, PulitT IKiihltng, New York. liiuue.lialely relieves sour stomach, oom lug up of lixxl iliaUeaa, and la lbs great knlney ami liver remedy. Hold by Con ser A Hr.u k. 7 K (1. NubleA Co. are rustlers after buaine:s. Tie fhest saddl.e and bar neaa io be found In Hrpiner. rke Ibrir new ad in this Issue. tf. M. U. Oallowsy. tbe photo men. now ootulortaDiy locaiea id ma new oiiartera. Wbeo eoniplsted alike will have one t lbe urates! gallsry's Eastern Oregon. Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleassot Isi alive. Regulates tbe bowels, puntlee the blood. Clears tbe coinplstioB. Easy to make at.d pleasant Io take. 28 els. Hold by Crnieer k Hrotk. 7 N. C. Maris and W. O. Miaor are over at l'endli tou attending tbe rallleoWe ronvetilion. 'e Wlisve eooveotiooe ol Ibis nature eooJuolve of greet good to io ialltirl Bee. In response to invitstlors lasusd by Mesdsmes P. B. McHwords and H. W. Bartholomew, about 30 ladies gsthsred at tbe resident of Mre. MoHwords oo Wsdoesdsy afternoon to participate In a quilting io honor of Mrs. F. K. Bartholo mew, and for whom tbe quill was mads. Tbe ladles worked very diligently on Ihe quill, eaeb one "worklsg in" their names. and Ihe article of eomfort will always be a reminder to Mrs. Bartholomew of tbe many pleasant acquaintances she baa made during ber stsy io Ueppoer. At 5 o'clock tbe ladiee were looted Io sit dowo to so elegantly prepared dinner and greatly er-Joyed this, tbe elosiog ex erciaes of a very pleasant after awn. I. R. Esteb oame in from Gooseberry ' yesterday atd reports quite a oold snap oot bis wsy. People bave been busily engsgsd getting io Ibeir spring crops ul muob wheat remains to be sowo yet. All crops in bis neighborhood look well at present. Core Ibst congb witb Sbiloh's Cure. Tbe best ooogh oars. Relievee eronp promptly. One million bottles sold lest ... . . rtw . a tit rs yeer. ) aoeee tor zoci. ooiu vj tu- eer k Brock. 7 Tbe city is doiog some good work io lbe wsy of putting in sevsrsl new and subatsotial croeaiogs oo Malo street. I As springtime approaches il woold be a good idea to look after the eidewalks io maoy parts of tbe Oily ebiob are badly io ored of rrpaire. Eastern Oregon State Normal School, Weston, Oregon ONLY STATE SCHOOL EASTERN OREGON Located on tbe O. R. k N. Railway midway between Pendleton and Walla Walla. Students admitted at all times of tbe year. First-Class Training School for Teachers. Vocsl and Instrumental Music taught by competent instructors. A gradu ate of tbe Boaton Conservatory bss charga of tbe instruments! depart ment. OTlio rnclies BoordliiK Hall Is thoroughly equipped and offers ei eellsnt accommodations at reasonable rates. Bend tor eatalogue. aaa.... M C. ROYAL. Prealdent'of Faculty er P. A. WORTHING TON. Secretary Board of Regente, Weston, Ore. fl TUF m 111 A Has Thlna foe Yost. A lranavctioii In Willi, b VOUralinot loaelsa an.viUii.iK lilliouanesw, alt k linnlmiu', lr- red UiiikiM, levar, plktw aud a UioumoU otiier II a ai t auavd bv couatiuinii and aluttisli ii.,.. i'j.n.lv I'utliarth'. the vtnti- derfut new liver alimulanl aud tule lual toulo are by all dmggiau giwrwiviwal u cure or iiione rafuniliHl. f. V -. are a sure thins. Try a boa tontay; loc. u ooo. Handle and booklet free. bue our big ad. Kilre Over Tfceir aeeeeaa. Prof. J. E. Adame is reported to have beeo tbsbsppU'sl man In Morrow county wbeo be bearJ that four of bis paplle, Missee lVae Beroetl, looe White, sed OertroJs Hkioeer, sod Mr. Wetter Hill bed psaaed in the teacher's examination of Feb. 0, laal, with general average of 8.V4. Tbie average telle a tale of ear teat endeavor and bard stady oo ih. i.,t.r. u ol Ihe far tusrs of Oregoa and I Ihe perl of Ihe poplls ooopleJ wilb ia- tl ey ihould be held more In queotly. Itelllgeal direetmu oo lbe perl of tbe I ., teseher. leiieK)e is jia iy pmno or Mrs. Msry Hiru, liarriaimrg, , sk, wmtw, ! "My . biid is worth aitlltoos to me, yet 1 1 ,nw r. ' ... , . k... ft.. SkAl I RaI T , I L - k . 1 . Iff . M . t. fiiui.i iiavsi nm srr vj v.v "- v. ( p. sans mow vww., ii wvm - itvrsled Iweuty fls citts In bottle of' iruuhlrj with ronalipslloB, sallow skin Ona Minute Cough Cure." Il cone tBd a tird fweliog. lake Karl's Clover .......1.. .i.U aii.l all throat and lane Tea. II te pleasaet Id take. SIIUBUfl W"awi w - 1 - Iroublts. Cousei k Brock. lOJus-r k Biok, (told by I PKHMOMAL.LV VONPUFTkU BXCl tUIONs TO ALL POINTS' BAST. Etery Toeaday night personally eoo dueled I urist car excursion will leers i Fortlaod for Denver, Kaosas City. Oma ha, Cbioago, and Boston, wltboat chsnge, vie lbs Oregon R.ilroad k Savigalloo, Oregoo Hbort Lioe, Rio Grande Westero, llenver k Ri Oraode, R-xk Islaod, LakeHbore Micblgaa Houthero, New York Central sod betoo k Albsey lioee. Tbe too rial care io Ibis Hoc will be operated by lbe Pullmso Company, thus losuriog to ine paaaaogers ail 01 ins eom'orts of modern dsy travel al half! ths aaual Pollman raise. Tbe rootel lakes the peaeeegar tbrooeb Hall like Citv. Iheoce eeroes ths Rocky Moun tains to LeaJville, LVever, etc., offering the toonst a view of the grasdeel scenery on Ihe American eondaent. For addiilooal parluntara, printed matter or ralee, write M. i. Ilnfba Nortbaeat Paaaeofar Agent K. G. W.I Uy , 142 Third HI , Portland, Oregon. Tbe O as tie earriee a full slotk of Bsaurerof sole, eerrsspoodeoee style, witb envelope Io match. Tuna desiring each ststiouery ceo have their wante sopplied at tble oflce. If. Weekly tallll LARGEST C1RCUL1T10I OP MI POLITICIL PIPER II THS WEST aj-j-rtrylasa -a a It is radically R publican, advocattof O . k 1 I Aj--im ni fK.I BATVV pa lust tsiwiiM r -r with ability and twrsWcvajM.-J' jtjtfhA h can always be rclird on J lor fair and honest r porta of all po- Utical taovtmtaajijtjtjtjtjtjtjf THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN SURPLUS ALL THE NEWS AND lEtT CURRENT LITEWATURE It U Morslly Cleas sad at s FamUy PPr U Without s Peer. Tbl Uttruturt ot Id coluraai It tquMt to Ittst ot tbo bwtt mtgrn ines. It It IttttrtUlag to tbt ctll tfrea at wtll t tbt psnatt. 'T'HE INTER OCEAN Is a TESTERN NEVSPAPER, I and while H briruri to the fimily THE NETS OF " T-U1 THE YORLD and aives its ttx6tn ths brat and abkst ss rliinswi-n ol aQ quntions of the day, rt Is in full rympathy J 2 with the kbae and asptralioos ot Western people and dtacusaea Utsratur and politia from toe Western sUndpotntJ'j' s Sseeei i ft ft Mt nfllllB Bfl YF1I il.fiQ SB St laf lev bt bb msj wsrSbi S)SjSww Ses w Awwaw w w Fee M. LtcMeotbal A Co. for stiae, a lull TWV BAITY AID STVDAT IDtTTOWl 1TI OCIAX All sin or 11x11 af m m .mt SHI Els- S l a 4 04 T Tr SHIS t.0O pr yaae J Tl J rrleaaf Dally hf wall rHr ( sssiIst by snail , f 111 ..A bv Basil "whirTl" Gazette, S2.50 per Year.