Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 18, 1898, Image 3

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Oil, Kow Thankful
Pain Was Maddening and Hope
Had Been Abandoned Wonder
ful Results of Purifying tho Clood.
" A very severe pain came i:i my left
knee, which grew wo:so and vcme, and
finally a sore broke out above the knee.
It discharged a great deal and the pain
from my thigh down was maddening.
Large, hard, purple spots appeared on my
leg. I suffered in this way for years,
and gave up all hope of ever being cured.
My wife was reading of a case like mine
cured by Hood's Harsaparilla, and she
advised ma. to try it. I began taking it
and when J. had used a few bottles I
found relief from my suffering. Oh,
how thankful I a.m.for this relicj I I am
stronger than I have ever been in my life.
I am in the best ot health, have a good
appetite and am a new man altogether."
J. P. Moors, Lisbon Falls, Maine.
1 9 Sarsn-
aw sjr wm
pari!. a
Is the best in fapt tlie One True Blood Purifier.
Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. 25 cents.
I B li "1 i
The Gazette can offer the following
dabbing rates;
The GAZETTE 3.00 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonian, $1.50 $3.00
" S. ft. Examiner, $1.50 3.25
1 N. Y. Tribune, $1.00. . . . . '475
" Inter-Ocean, $1.00 2 50
" 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50. 3.25
" 8. F. Chronicle and map $2 00. . . 3.75
Thrtce-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00... ..... 2.75
Webfoot Planter, 50c 2 00
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00.... 4.50
Rural Spirit, $i.00 3. 00
New York Wool Record, $2.00 3. 00
McCall's Magnzlue $1.00 1,30
Yearly subscribers to the Gazette can
get clubbing rates with any paper on
bar consumptives;
8'inday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday' school
10 a. m. Clateea No. 1 and 2 at 12:111 p. m.
Epworth LeaKue Devotional meetinu at 7 p. m.
Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7 p. m.
' The Hpibit Jd the odd 1 say. Come. "
The pastor may be found at tho pnrsonane ad.
joining the church, where he will be glad to
meet any wo may d Hire to consult Itiin on
religious, souiil, civic, philosophic, educational,
ot any other subjnota.
J-. W. FLESIiEB, Minister.
Sunday, preaching 11 a. m.,7 p. m., class
meeting following morning service.
Hunday school, 3d. in. Epworth league, Fri
day, 7 p. in.
"Let us forsake not the assembling of our
selves togiinr.
Pastor's residence in parsonage, next door to
church. C. K. Howard,
The La lies' Guild of the Episcopal church
will meet at 8 o'clock, p. m., on tho first
Wednesday of each (month, at the home of Mrs.
T. J. Matlock.
Not to Ee lVrnilttc-.l to Land A Sanitary
Kostrictive Measure.
. Lovul physician are discussing the
point of an immigration bill pending
before the New Zealand r.ailiunicnt
with a view to culling the attention of
congress to a similar protective meas
ure. The bill in question is to prevent
consumptives from enterk-gr the coun
try. To effect that object the captain
of any uliip who lands a patseng-jr suf
fering, from luug disease iu liable to a
penally of $050 for every cite nee, and if
during the voyage lie is pioved to have
allow ed eucb a sutYercr to share a cabir.
with another passenger, an artcUtior.ul
fine is thereby incurred. I'm trier
more, there is u provision which holds
a captain personally responsible ami
liable to fine if, three months after
lauding his passengers; any one of
them should develop hing disease.
Fancy a captain of nervous tempera
ment laboring under this law, siiggcssts-
tne ht. James lSudget. "Given that he
has started with a list of, passengers
free frbm all palpable lung tiisi use, still
his life would not be worth living.
Every cough, every splutter fiom a
crumb in the throat as his passengers
sat at meals, would would serve to
dangle tlu fine demon before his ryes.
One can imagine a captain getting into
such n state of mind as to secretly clip
overboard any pasnenger developing a
genuine cough. Men have doi-.-a worse
for less than $250. One canfol'low him
on shore. Having landed, his passen
gers, lie is still within the 'clutches' of
the state. Weeks afterward he' may be
dining 011 shoie. He hears n cough at
table. A cold sweat comes in beads on
his forehead as he recognizes a passen
ger. 'Another $250,' he murmurs, as
he is carried out in a deud faint."
Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Kidne. O . sava:
"After (wo dnotors gave up mv boy to
me, 1 Haven mm iroro cronp hy using
One Minute Cough Cure." It is the
quickest and most oertaio remedy for
coughs,, colds and all throat nai luug
troubles. Oonser & Brook.
Grain Saved is Money Hade. . ,
To save the grain nee Fry's Concen
trated Squirrel. Poison. , This prepara
ti( n is the cheapest and most .econom
ical for . the farmers. One grain kills.
Guaranteed. Prioe 25a per ono or $.50
per case of two dnz-m. For sale by
Blocum Drug Co., Heppner, Or. tf
Like BueceM Dr. iarnsy Is Provinc the
Trathfulnrae or this Trlie Saying.
Dr. Marguerite Oarnsey, who has been
io Heppner for some weeks past, and
treating a large Dumber of persons
afflicted with various ohroniri and Route
diseases, is an evidence of the (act that
"notbiog succeeds like suoeess," for she
has surely-been Very successful in all
the cases that she bas undertaken to
treat. . The further faot that her list of
patients is daily increasing is another
proof of the successful methods she uses
iu the treatment of disease, as is also
the fact that those under her oare are
constantly improving and growing better
from day to day. ' "'" ' "'
Anyone tlllieted with a ehroDio disease
of any Bort heed not hesitate to call od
Dr. Qarbsey at "the Palace hotel where
she gives free consultations.' All the
remedies that she uses are put up by
herself for each particular ailment.
They are not otie hue bf remedies put
up as "cure alls", but specially prepared
medicines for the peculiarities of eaob
individual case. ' This is one great
secret of her success, arid is the only true
system of battling with disease. No two
human organisms are exactly alike, con
sequently it is necessary to prepare dif
ferent treatment for different persons
sffl'oted perhaps with the same disehse.
This is oommon sense, and ooramon
sense applies to medicine and the cure
of disease the same as to other sciences.
Dr, Garnsey will remain in Heppner
until further notece.
Bucklen'g Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cute,
Bruises, Mores, Ulcers, Salt Pbeum,
Fever Sores, Tetter,: Chapped Hands,
Cnilbliiin?, Corns, " ritx" all 8k'tD Erup
ti us, end poritiveiy cures Piles or no
pav r quired. . ti is cuaranteed to' give
perfect suMr-fiio'iO'i or m""ney refunded.
Pi ice 2") cents per but. For sale by
Sl curu Druj Co., E. J,. Sloe u j ,. -inuager.
Take Notice.
1. The sum of Ave cent per line will be
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
raspect," lists of wedding present and donors,
bud obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give aa a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue Is to bo de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
e 1 to In every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application. , v
Through Tourist Cars to St. Louis.
A toiuist sleeping car will leave Port
land every Monday, vi M), P.oifi. and
every Wednesday, via th Burlington
route, at 8 o'olook, p. in.', via the O. R. &
N , through Halt Lake and Denver, with
out change to tft. Louis, and under the
supervision of experienced conductors.
No cbange of cars to Kansas City or
St. Louis. Keep thU servioe in mind
when going Ewt, and oousnlt O. R. &
N. agent or, address W. H. Hurlburt,
Geo. Pass, agent, Portland, Or.
'J he following is a list of the arrivals fit the
Hotel Heppner for the week ending Feb 17, '98:
F Engeunan, lone' ' M Rohrbeck.&tui Fran
Ed Short, city ' Jack Clark Bluo Mts.
J P Murray Baker City M Bennett, Ogdeu I'tah
Jas Brown, Haystack L W Cottengin, Condon
John Craft", city SThomas, Butter creek
D A Greenwood, L Kock W O Hill, Lexington
W H Spivey city W Love, Susanville
J Ingresli I Wren, city
Mrs D Tillls, Salem H Fowler, Boston
H Wade, sand Hollow C Long, Sand Hollow
R Dextep, city L Simmons, San Fran
Here and There.
Kickapoo Indian Worm Killer eaves
thousands of children's lives.
Baths down at the Jones' barber shop,
25 cents, Otville Jonts manager, tf
Statements fortbe Famous Simple
Aooouut File printed at the Gazette of
fioe. tf.
GuinDesse's famous old "Dublin
Stoat." impoited, at Chris Borobers'
Common and select stook of tomatoes
and canned corn at T. R. Howard's.
605 tr.
"Co'n juice" h all ribt but Low Til
lard has a brand of 11-year-old gnnds
th it U bBrd to beat. 6u3-lf.
Heppner Candy Factory for fresh,
creams and taffies. W, II. Van Duyn
Prop., with E. J. Slocam. 6 jH-t.
Any one desiring to build either a
bouse or bara will make mouey by call
ing on the Gazette otllon. 67 1 f
Phil Oobo ii paying the highest price
for sheep pelts, beef bides green or dry,
fure, etc Dou't forget Phil. 5tt
Go to the Matlnok corner and try j
Armstrong k Cooper's whiskey lit id ,
cigars. If )on like the sample buy
tome. 6it
Come. to tbe OHtette office arjJ get
decent lot of envelops priuted.
Goveromeot envelope look oheap, and
betides you canuot gel your bullosas
card prioteJ thereoo. tf
Snyder Bros, have aorMtded Willie
Stewart io the livery businett, nut
door to tbe 0stle odloe, and will d a
general livery and fred bmineM. Kigi,
taddle horses and stall room at reason
able ratea. (ill-If.
Oliver Snyder has taken charge of the
Uoiel Ileppuer feed bam and will fnr-
fiitb etall room, grain
able flgoret.
M Kecs & fain, lone
Geo Moore, city
John Kern, city
K M Shutt & fain, cltv
J Bellenbrock 8 Mile
C Iugraham, city
Al Cooper, LaG ramie
Lapton Jones, city
F McKaniara, Ellensb'gW F Maulclin.Vernon.Tx
Every Dollar
caved counts.
Buy Sdi Mugs Best bak
ing p )vcler and use only one
heaping teaspoonful to a
quart of flour., : ' 610 '
Constipation and chronic headaches
are positively cured with Kickapoo Id
diuo Pills. SjIJ by all druggists.
Indian Oil, the great relief for both in
ternal and external pain, convinces the
most tkeptionl. Ask ynur druggists for
Bring your bides, polls and furs to
Beo. Mathews, at tbe Liberty Meat
Market. He pays higbee t market prioe.
Kickapoo Indian Praiiin Plant, a
Female Specific r f rare merit should be
investigated by all ladies. Has received
the endorsement of tome emineut pbys
ioiunt. The largest and best 25c bottle of
cough oure in America is the Kiokapoo
Indinu Coilgli Cure. Cures coughs and
colds Croup in children oured Iu fifteen
minutes. Sold by all druggists.
Be uot deceived! A cough, hoarsuess
or cronp are not to be trilled with. A
dose io time of Mliilcb'a Cure will save
you much trouble. Hold by Coui-er Ar
Hrock. y
KU kapoolape orrc necret, recom
mended by some of the leading medical
colleges uf Aoierioa as being the best
am! one of the safest and only oertnio
remedy for the eipulstoo of tape worms.
Prosperity cornea quickest to tbe man
hose liver i in good condition. 1. -Witt't
Little Etrly Itinera are f.iroous
little pills for coustiputiou, billiousne-s,
Indigestion and all stomacb and liver
troubles. Conter A Brock.
Miss AIIia Hughes, Norfolk, V., was
frightfully burned ou the fans and neck
Pain was instantly fflieve.l by DeWitt't
VVitob IU11I ti.lve, winch healed the in
jury without leaving a scar. It it tbe
farnoot nit remedy Couser k Ilrook.
The Gi.zdte will club with the Oregon
Henalor, the great Pb'bUn paper of Ore
gon, V'blngton nod Idsbn, published
at Portland, for 75 for the two. The
I. .11 .,,.!.( V'.. ,.t
or bay at retaon- ,,,.. .,,.,,, h, ,,,,. "
Un.n nt.AP t.i.i,l r.,,1 at T. !
C L Keed, Hardman
(i A Bleakman, do
B P Bleakman, do
J H Williams, 8 Mile
A V Burlington
L Lester, Long Creek
F C Frlnk, New York
C E Hicks, Hiltsboro
B F Morris. Portland
T Hogne, Hardman
J M Livingston
Tom Buckley, city
T D Stewart, Walla W
W 8 Graves. Silverton
8 W Adams, Hardman
L Handsfonl, do
8 D Masson, Portland
J O'Nell
Grant Oopplc, city
G W Wlntler, Spokane
'Al LaVena, New Haven
E D Bobc San Francisco
W R Wilson, Hardman
CE Hatfield, L Rock
W T Hatten, city
8 L Riley, Albany
J O Morehouse, Walla W
F M Montgoinry Pomr'y
W II Robinson, HardinnE M WiPard, Portland
E T Farrell, Portland C W Adam, Inilepen
J C Short, Kansas, City denee, Mo
C C Wilson Willie Wise
J R Smith J W Blake
LK Reaman M T Clorth
P 0 Martin E Corey
J N Beeler Chns Burnett
H C Gay Jas C Murray
J C Thomas F Lacley
A H Weatherfonl J D Glass
F Melviii; A C Petteys
Goo A Petteys A Hoclson
M Smith and wife Ed Day
E B Stanton C E Jones
P Trenton J W Banister
P Barrett W R Leathers
Chas Stanton O Pearson
E H Kellogg J F Boothby
Henry Cannon A Kileup
P Barry M Kenny
Matt Mosgrove Dick Howard
Geo McKay KB Gray
E J Mulr and wife L E Cochran
Mike Roberts J 8 Reld
I) Rerger J M Long
Frank Sloan D P Ketehlim
I! 1 iih SB Hunter
N O Royse P T C'opplnger
P Dnherty E 1) Root
Win LtieUIng P Kellher
John Trmit W N Casey
H W Adiims G Pavlilson
Clcs Gcrty W C Relnlrrgur
Chin Iiiernbam L I' haner
l,n vtoi. .limes Mitchell
11 SluttfHtm Tom PhvIiIhoii
V While I .ee KlltKiiirne.
W K MxtliH-k 'o K Roherts
I let Piincati W' o Vhii l-htivxer
WB'irnv O I. Stanleii
M II Him,, ,, k John K.,v
J W III, kin M11 Itovae
ti W Hik huteilh r I'- t Q'lllM
II llnlway W H Mfrreii
l,,e p.Bi I' I Miller
4 W Vincent W Neluiti
K iMin-cne 1lio Wonlcrv
II N,i,c W K Mcl.iiunlgal
li.lm McFerrln K '' Ji.Iiiik.mi
Mrs J CIcliKrds K K ilpHtrlck
-tchlieu N Lwi II W M wvenali-r
J A klie W II Mitchell
I. UobliiFon Hr J M Vmfcl
P Hrcimi r 1 '. Harnett
I. Illumerttlial I R K.teh
J y W.pI II r Karnay
eentt. Will alto do dray work
hauling. 'Bat to end from trains.
and iura. i. o rnr,i, iniiiii s, 111.. aor-
' f..1 9 .. .,!..!. ..... f.. . ,V
tm irivi, ri(ui rifiiif iiiiu ujirniq nuu
" I nlimftln AnhBtinalifin nnt .a ti.fct1v
Cordray, tbe pioneer tbeatre mat) of , L''," K"rlM
, , . ... , ! Kisers. the famon little pills for all
'ortlaodio tbe hoe ofpop.ilarpr.ee.,' ,to,n.h ,, ,VM ,.mi,fM. Goiter 4
Heppner Lodge No. 358,
B. P. O. ELKS.
Heppner Opera House,
TUESDfiy EVENING, FEB. 22, 98.
Just Arrived !
- OF
Frank Gilliam
R F Hynd
A M Slocum
W E Brock E L Freeland
e W Phelps
Jack Hornor C R Wills
W E Brock Dr E R Swlnburn
R F Hynd ' E w Rhea W R Irwin E i Slocum
i J Roberts Ike Ennes W A Richardson
S P 6arrigues J C Borcners - Frank Roberts
Henry Blackman ' Peter Borg E L Matlock- .
Otis Patterson J W Morrow
: Frank Roqers Frank Natter J J Harris
as fast as we
more coming:
Qeo Conner
J A Patterson
Geo Conser
C E Rcdflcld
S W spencer
E L Freeland
6 W Phelps
Frank Gilliam
J A Woolery
Music Will be Furnished by The Dalles
Tickets $1.50." Entire net Prpceeds for Charity.
; We are opening these Goods up
can for your inspection. There's
every day. ou will see a new, bright, clean
stock ot goods which will open your eyes.
These shipments mark a new era in merchan
dising in this part of E. ()., it being the first oc
casion where a merchant went into the Eastern
markets to personally select goods suited to the
wants of this particular community. '
Come in and see the New Goods. They are right
and the prices absolutely correct.
There is a Beautiful Line of Suitings and
Silks for the Ladies.
The Leader
Of Course!
The man that Leads
people like to buy.
stand aside for him.
reason why so many
added to the list at
is the. one from whom
The slow; plodders all
That suggests a
customers are bem
The Beginning of this
New Year 1898.
A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures,
is a "joy forever." That's what
you'll find at
Was Perfected by the
Production of....
Jlnd now the entire world
Knows this verfect product
As the Star Brewery beer
Heppner. Oregon
G. Noble &
Successors to Noble & Co.,
Are in thin field at tli old xtuiid with Ilm-iicx, Pnddlca, Whlin, Kinim, und mi cudlcmi
lo( of everything in their line. K. U. Nohlc xnd Mrn. (leo, Nohle coniirlne the
new linn who will h all hllU ol the old linn im well hh C(dlei t n Imt In due.
K. G. OlJJvI ; CO.
Are out to do business and plenty of it. Don't
overlook this. Repair work a specialty.
II On draught at
I! all popular saloons
203 Washington St., Portland, Or.
The Best Bargains
Hut iiro those of greatest viilne In proportion to cost. If you want to get your
money'! worth ol honest goods In
fnrwltrnrm Tlmrnrm
We arc UiukiuIur our itck for full and wlntt-r. Call and boo iih. ,:
That 14-Year Old Stuff,
"Kolm's Best."
.... On Tap Down at The
Telephone Saloon
e e e IT 14 KA.I41C UOODM e e e
New Htend, City Hotnl Building,
r-,ow rirvTvvio, prop.
P.nnpnninc 11
uiuttuw, naiuw an
be ft fitted tbe WMtlDutnu Ht. tbeslrc, Hrtrk
formr1y koo m Ibe "New rrk."
Oordrey Uyi Lhi euaietbinir ov, tad ,
oor people, lien below, chu (M-nd ft
pltMi nit Kcnina tt hie plnec. if i
Dr. John W. liwom, of IU "Iti d- I
liifht," ever on U' l,' f"f "mthwg
new, en fn'ninh oa tbe tnr cx-k-laile
io the Uod MttiiUtlvo, Jt-rtey,
Vrtnootli or dm made by ee erliit io
tbe bntioeM. Drnp io tnJ tk tte
taste oot of (or mnutli. f
Tbe Meiqmim Urend, oo Morriwo
ltrt la tbe Mtiq'lxto lioildmif. ie nudrr
Frrik McFiirlnnd beo ppolntd
pinl iifnl (if Thn Kqoitehle Life A
iimiinn l'o.f -f Ni Y(k, I be itronifMii
to lli wi.rld l'h enrplu to p-du-i
liolilfm oi ovrr Tki ruillin: ilulliim. I'on'l
take fnxqrenre wnliont nhi the now
plmii of Hi K'i'iiUbl, liiiiir ImiIIi
rim et ttive riii'. 77'f
Hit tr !" lit J. V. Ht, ho dl -4 it lh
Hi'Ui-Ur ti.,u- in I .rtlsud, nrrlve I llns m.."i.
inif. 1 In Iinprs1 hi laktt from lite r'ft
cl'iirool Mr H 1 lllsrd loin irrn allrriMXHi
1hr . rtlilii rum lth M k W'llllnf.
hsiii that It. iK.lhli.f wrl'. 1 hit linf
iMerUI nn .'r .ff IM ri-ir Vim fl rl
Unix H''i Is i !lfl ul Iu (rMiud Iff li
nO'llfUl mo-cDut eort the poNie flllli,y lll((t,, xih-riii rh.ld d..n. tlL
ill be royelly eniefUln.! Ibie winUr. , n ii
JfeW Compeuire tod CfW fnfire will 1 llh I irrrmlui , lrl tho dlaxinrwi !'
pr from time to time et thie popnUr, ( ,h, ,hr, h, i u-t sniwiiiit ii.r
il I LI...II..4 .. I l .1. SFi'Of l,ll llnll-l U- !! id ll,.fli- t III
Dr. Vomd Is ul the I'nlsi'p for fi'W iTy.
Pi ti-r Hrennir Is Iu from Ms Klht Mile form
Tm Wonli'rjr.Niiil VS'. Nidstm, ol lone ere In
toWII tlMl)'.
V. K Mi ion I if 1 1 1 wm In fti-r supplli'S for his
sheep ciri today,
F. Kiindman rmM this ollli'i! vory pleasant
Call Hits iiiuriilnic
P J. Miller, ot OiMischiTry, paid the towns)
ti y i 1 1 sr visit ymnrday,
John and Jni Roys, nf Hardman, ere
n-Uli red at the I'alate UmI)-.
JndiivH. A. Ixiai'll Is out from I'rudli ton
aitiidtiiir t'laoiiie leical niatti-rs H'rttiiltia to
lids i Irnili.
Mrs H HolinMi. of tli H'llmi-a liiislnvas ml-
iK ril I'iirMs'id. III Ii i.rcsf'iit and assist at
Ilia (oral Inalltnteto he hrld f-ii l ull.
Wlllsrd llrrn rtnrni-d !' rdav
llt to ndallv and frlenda In lhiVally.
LH?iDU Alder Street l) ck, PurtUml, fnr Atorin, Ilvmoo, Ijonif Iltinnb, Occur
I'hrk and Nnhrottit. IHttA onnriirti'Mi wild IIwhu'i floiinicia end rnil
roHil ; alio et YonriK'i liny wilb SfHf liiue Kallroad.
U-avos Portland 7 A. M. Ially, exct-pt Hunday. U-avri AtorinV I'. M. I'bIIv. rsifpt KiiihIa
Uaviis t'ortlmid a P.M. Dully, mild Cnnday. hMtunUy nluhl, II I' M . lNva Astoria l'a
the slock, however, and he h in it yet
Prices illi'l ( Sim m (l;llil y ;ill culinl.
tlie iii hlillll. I'lnlel'tiikiii ;i
Bouyht several car I ads
of furniture last fall, but
it's all gone now. New
orders have replenished
pee in ill
icciait y.
nlf.: I'j A. M., t i i il Minday and Mnndsy. Huimh uiylit, 7 I'.
U avis Portland and runs rtlnid to llwai , Tu- sday and 1 hurslny at H A. M. Hniurday al I P.
Uiavee Ilaaco Wednsitay and frlday at 7 J A. M. On i-uliU muht at P. M.
I'ajjrape Clirrkfd Io Ihilrwid Dtstiiiation Koth Pifaclirs Free of Kxpfnsf.
Frank Enoelman
Ii'pt nil no II ynu k a
Tin y hate anything Iu this lint- that ynu may di Iim and you i nn
K'd nli In K Inn I Ii Kimrsni) c ,
Old Stand, Main Street Reoelrlno a Sa.el.liw
or IONC,
from a
mother iri.ni.iikd hi in on his r. turn and
III s.iid Hie t ii iutii.fr KHh tA illard and I A.
Wl.al it nitnlu on Ih rlw. Vie are liilolinad
thai sviral hnids ild ln-r mlrrday al '.I i la.
ffhilifl llur farmra nd all lhy run rl
lofthiir h,l and liofM- lln mark will
iro yt;l hivlo'r.
('. f. Ilailirld. ol Iiih- !. Is now In rdiarar
ul the "it al I In- ri-..nrr Mir 4 Unlit 1 1. a
Ih work Is priisrpsalne nlKht slid day,
an avrra f lour f. tMtti mail mrh 'ii
hour Mr. HatArld salt h will l very rare
l ii l.iat li. i m.(i a' Idciils ixi-ur at the rll.
It ssnt for this usi.fiil hoiisihiild
arliria and will thoroughly rmii
thrciuiity fur the im. II Is at.,
thn vrnrai atffiit ..r thir sl.it ol
Orrgoti. T- rrlUiry fur sah'.
M lyiula, Msiinls. turiTI.
M4 ,
'riccrt HeiHuiialdi
. 111 !!vPf sr.
..( this .
Il ti tak allr fl.niK r
1- n . I . - I - J.. !.. .kn.l.l fall ......I u rt.. an Ir fu.l. I ""1 '"r f II II t 1 1 t I
,B " . . . flat II a. m. I ia.i t t'. W.. ..n "t Pur'if wii. !. a r'U
to take In eorue ot tbe D'e uremae mi Mli, . .mi,, ,itmn.. ' tin iih'ii.i ' !" "oe sii timwf
Will be pfWOtnt. tf "I Hi -all U ( Ci.y.114 twy ki t. I Hwl I
i Pills1";:;
! Old H.in-
I lie! a tvitll of (nh hisLy and
(od win.
And you can drink to your true hop, and I a III
think on nilii.
Hew tone
i hrr shall wet the whiskey, ahrr shall
1 Hi wlni.'
We'll boy Uiin fr mi Llth nixtrry, li' !
ar ttra no -
a.Ur nal.Kin, ll'tnf, iin i iii.
IIKPPM II. nit., Nov I.', 1,17,
art. rn.r A Hurl, ...,., r. Or.
i.r.KTi rafK M.a ruiy uk. n w Ith a sin-rti mid
M' l nisdii In ri-ry h-Miis.. mid r.'ii.l. r, I n,. unfit to
allrnd Io Im. In... a frliuid u( lulu ralli d my allullon
Io your ir. Ihirthlow a ioiikI, syru, and I hound! a litn.
fwtliiK Hi aiiioils, al.l. h r-lli'Md in t no. n an I n.i.i
.hd ly i nr. d in I am suhji i I 1. lln,,l dirlirully ami I
ism' found noil, Ink II. xl h, an ln1l n ,. aa Una
ioiikH i nn.,
I am IiiIoiiih.I thai II a i...rlln.l ,,r ., I roix hilie,
H l..n..iiK i oiinh and all Ihioat and Iuiik Ironl.ln
I 111 to r.'inaln. in. ..I truly yonra,
"114 PA1 IHS-ilN, Kd. l;. M...
art f oi,siiMsi urn turtr.
J t.is. ' T ihs r ia. m' I uiiiir I a'n in .c u i.r S.Ve.
la.u Um i It t'. C. C fil tucjri, ur jkn.Kl . lunii bk.ij'T.
It Is ay to (Hlnli Milil n'l just as
I bV III 0..I .1.4 if ,1 if M.,lnBn.l
early to oa One Minnl (Viniib Cur. It I
euri'S eoniilia, ri., lirmiolntia, pn-'ii- 1
moiia ami ell tlirnat an I Itna troiililre, ,
It ia plaatit tit take, a' u use anil
rife to curs. 0,nsr 4 Urnck
KiraKMi Indian Halve, tlie (jrfa'ial
' I all Ii.iIiiik aalvf, mire llrlili.a pile. I
Il tifviT (ail Ak n'ir ilnirfUt for It. !
Imal t our ltowla M II k 'aaart.
ii y I'Tliurtt". cur roneiina' mi forvuf. i
Vl. It C. C . C'.fall, (ln..i r.uiMlRwu.
Merchant Tailoring!
UlH jll-t M'Clllcil tlie M-rvices of Mr. ClliH.
(MaIley, a practical cutter of .New York
City, lie pi. tranter cati.-factiori.