Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 18, 1898, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Friday, Fkr. 18, 18'98.
While it is the province of the
Gazette to furnish its readers the
news, both local and general, the
paper also has other duties to per
form and other objects in view,
and among these it desires to men
tion that of upholding the good
order and decorum of the city in
which it lives and derives its sup
port, lleppner, as a general rule,
can be said to be a first class town
in many respects as regards mor
ality and the UDholding of the law,
but in some things she is lacking
and it is to these things that the
Gazette desires to direct attention.
If this town is to continue to be a
place to which we desire to attract
the attention of outsiders; if it is
to be a city of which no citizen is
ashamed, viewing it from any
standpoint, then it is necessary to
take some action looking to a bet
terment of conditions as they now
exist. Perhaps no town in the
country can boast of better school
facilitiep, church privileges and
social surroundings than can llepp
ner, but the good effects of these
environments are in a large meas
ure, at least, hindered by the evil,
and in a sense, lawless condition,
as they now exist. Our youth are
being brought up in a community
where there is too great a laxness
in the curbing of evil influences.
and it is little wonder that many
of our boys and girls go astray
and fathers and mothers are caused
to weep over the waywardness of
their children.
One of the evils worthy of notice
is the fact that saloons, many of
them in the town, are what may be
termed "wide open" houses, and
it is no uncommon thing to see
boys of tender age, going in and
out of these places of public re
sort. That this is permitted at all
is doubtless the fault of oflicers of
the law, and may be attributed, in
part, to the carlessuess of the pro
prietors of these places, but never
theless it is a violation of law nud
men in charge of the business in
the town should see to it that this
matter is corrected at once. A
stringent enforcement of the law
here will have a tendency to put a
chockon some "of Jlje youngsters
of flit? town who aro last forming
evil habits. Anothor thing right
in this connection, and a mutter
the Gazette has spoken of before,
is the congregating of boys on the
streets in front of saloons and
other business houses, blockading
the sidewalks many times until it
is impossible for people going
up ami down the streets to pass,
and indulging iu talk unfit for
ladies to hear. To somo extont,
this has been stopped, but not al
together, aud is an opportunity for
the city marshal to exercise his
authority a little more severely.
The city also has a curfetv ordi
nance aud if this is enforced to
the letter, much good will lio the
result. These matters are called
more directly to the attention of
those whoso sworn duty it is to
uphold the dignity of the law.
Our intention is not to find fault
with the administratis of affairs,
but more particularly to call atten
tion to au apparent 1oonihss in
some of these matters, tho correc
tion of which will give our city a
better appearance in this respect.
Nothing adds more to the repu
tation of r town than a strict en
forcement of all its laws, aud wo
hope to see lleppuer take a for
ward step in this line, as it will
be an aid, ami a great one, too, in
attracting tho attention (if a very
desirable olas of people to our
The Salvation Army laosies ire
halding regular services again at
their hall. In this connection we
would like to say to the young
men who attend their services, and
for that matter any other meetings,
that no one is compelled to go to
meetings of any nature in this free
country of ours, but every one who
does go, should be made to behave
himself like a gentlemen, or be
made pay fines for not doing so.
No young man has the shadow of
a right to call himself a gentleman
who by his actions, whispering,
etc., keeps those in his vicinity
from hearing what is said. To do
so is simply robbing others of
tneir rights aud privileges. The
writer sat in the back part of the
hall one night la6t weekJand the
confusion was such that lie could
not hear one-half that was said by
the speakers. We believe in young
people enjoying themselves, but
don't believe public meetings to
be the place for' such conduct as
we have witnessed at various
gatherings in lleppner. Why
those in charge put up with such
things we connot conceive.
Another thing. Why does the
marshal allow the hoodlums to
gather around the doors of the
churches and halls when services
or meetings of any nature are be
ing held? The language of these
youDg men' (we cannot call them
boys as some of them sport a
mustache) is unfit for any woman's
ears, and yet our girls are com
pelled at church, Sunday school,
or meetings of whatever kind they
desire to attend, to push and crowd
their way through a lot of these
young ruffians, lleppner is fast
gaining the name of having the
toughest hoodlums of any town in
Oregon, and wo are forced to admit
that unless decisive measures are
taken to subdue them, that the
name will not be undeserved.
.The above is also applicable, in
part, to a few of Ileppner's would
be young ladies. We dou't like
to say this, but truth and in jus
tice to the young men, we are com
pelled to say that there are a few
young giiln, (we realize that the
term girls instead of ladies is nl-
mot-t a mortal offense) have no
regard for the rights of ' others.
We know that parents sro in a
great measure responsible for this
state of nITiiiis, but the, way to
make thenr fully eogTiiz;int"of their
responsibility is to place them in
a position where they' have proof
and not asset tinn of f'lcts.
It if illy to claim a victory in tbe
Portland league meeting. Tbe Simon
faction wan equally criminal with the
anti Simon faction in tbe stuffing of that
convention and bat for Messrs. Hume,
Fulton and 0. B. Moorra, there would
have bnen some broken noses following
the eh1. rueful talk of McGinn, MoCamant,
et. al. of the Simon f.tolioo. The man
who apologises for them, and claims a
big victory for tbe Simonitea, enoofione
tbe disgrace h Salem anil had best ar
range for bis political funeral before be
onmeg ont for the suffrages of the people
in Oregon. No resolutions were adopted
that aoy republican in tbe nation does
not endorse. Tbe Simon faction dared
not offer a resolution endorsing tbe
Salem outrage as then "victory" would
have been off.-Observer.
Diamond Dyes Color Ad J thing Any Color
Make Old Cloak, Gown, Hearts, and Soil
Look Like New-How to DrrM Well at
Small tost.
Diamond Dye's bob a worjderfol belp to
economical dressing. These simple tome
j Jan. Jrl, 's8. Notice la hereby (riven that j
the following-named settler lias tiled notice of
nil intention to make hum proof in support 01
hia claim, ar.l that said proof will be made
before J. W. Morrow, Conntv Clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on March is, lsus, viz:
H. E. No. 7742, for the h'E). Bee. 29, Tp. 18., B.
27, E. W. M. - '
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: William Barratt. Edmund
dy- s will color anything any color, at d Baling, Mitlllii J. Devln and William J. McCarty,
-they make, olouks, starting", dreests,
feathers, laces ourtains, etc., look like
Many of tbe Diamond DytB are made
from specially prepared dyestoffj, and
in no other way can borne dyeing be
done so simply and satisfactorily.
TLey oome in ell colon, aud the pluin
and explicit directions on tbe package
make it easy for tbe must inezpierenoed
The Jo Siraorj-GbTtett Oregooian puth
are moving heaven to carry the Multno
mah factional riht into tbe farming dis
tricts of Oregon, hoping thereby to cover
up their iniquitous proceeding? in'Salem
shonting for gold! golu! "nothing re
publican but geld! Their "great victory"
in tbe league meeting at Portland,
"home of verbage, simply reminds one
of Aesops' fable, "Themountaiu groaned
and was greatly troubled, and the peo
ple flocked from all directions noxiously
awnitHig a great calamity, and out of it
ran a little mouse.'' Observer. '
The idea of Hafrve Scott attempting to
oast reflections on Charley Fulton's re
piib'ioanisnj? Why, there's more true
minbood and prinoiple in Mr. Fulton's
little fioger than there is in Harve
Hoott's, whole rotten ' caroas? He ar
raigns Mr. Fulton for once having ex
pressed an idea favorable to silver, and
8B9 that be is not to be trusted beoause
of that fuot. What does this old dema-
uogne; this old treacherous heretic;
this Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde on
all cnbjio questions; this old reprobate
who visa kicked ont of the
custom house for dishonesty and
corruption a few years ago; tbis
rimtiug old free trader; we say what
does he propose to do with President
MeKinley, with John Sherman, with
Carlisle, with Congressman Tongue in
fact with about all the lending men of
the country, when it ooiii-b to that
proposition? They have all poss seed
and expressed the same ideas as those
of Mr. Fulton. Tbe fact is Harve Scott
and his narrow minded vampires don't
care a snap of their fingers for the money
question that they prate so muob about
it is only for tbe purpose of venting their
personal spleen that tbey attack snob
men as 0. W. Fulton. Charley Fulton
will be a anint when the d I has Harve
Scott wheeling ooiil to keep up his fires
Valley Transcript.
E. W. Bartlett, Register.
of Oregon, for the Countv of Morrow.
In tje matter of the eBtate of John M. O. Spen-
To J. B. Sperry, guardian of the estate of said
minor, irreetiiiE:
In the name of the State of Oregon. You are
hereby cited aud required to appear in the
Oounty Court of the State of Oregon, for the
County of Morrow, at the Court room thereof,
I at Hpnnnpr in thf. f'oimtv nf Morrow on TllPR-
to use them with success.. Even a obild dav, the eighth dey of March, lH'.w.at lOo'clock,
,.p .;. . ' r. ! nin n,,rl the forenoon.of that day, then and thereto
. uJU i.uu, K5iituiiui, .u.."".. settle your accounts as guardian oi j. w. u.
The Palace
Dven are naod Spencer, a minor, and show cause, if any exist,
Dj not risk yonr material with dy S O. Spencer, the Bums of money now in his
. . -. i nanus Deionuine to snia jonn .u. o. Miencer.
trial claim lo Oolor bolD cotton ana wool Witness, the Hon. A. G. Bartholomew, Judge
with the same dvo f.ip it in imnnssihle of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for
who tue same aye, lor u is lmposeioie the t.olIIlty -of Ml)rroWi with the Bell of 8Hid
to get Satisfactory results with dyes of Court affixed, this 2(ith day of January, A. D.
nut cnaraoier. in uinmpna uyea mere
are spepial dyes for cotton and spioial
dyes for wool, and tbey are all guaran
teed to giva satisfaction, if used accord
ing to directions.
...Has been leased by...
Who has secured the services of
. As manager. It will be run in first class shape
in every department. Rattjs reasonable...;! ..... t. '
undcrs'gncd assignee of K. 8. and 8. H.
Cox, Insolvent Debtors, has filed his final ac
count as such assignee with the clerk of the
Circuit Court of Morrow County, Oregon, aud
that Baid account will be called up for hearing,
and be passed upon Monday, the 7th day of
March, INW, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m. of
said day, or as soon thereafter as the same can
On the street before the be Heard and passed upon by tlie judge ot said
Dated this 21st day of January, 18!W.
t W. P. Fell,
JBlti'i"'. Assignee.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Takes a Spurt in Chicaso. esterday
Reaches $107.
Portland, Feb 17.
regular market opened May wheat sold at 107
and the first prices on the exchange, were. at
from 101 to.lO;! For the first hourthe Huctu
ations covered a very wide range back and
foith between 10!tt to lOV J. but hnally steadied
to about 101. ,LlverpooUppur8d,to be iuilifl'ereuf
to the Chicago gyrathrtis ahd 'showed a net ad.
vance for the day of Id. , Cargoes oft' coast were
said to be steadier and on passage inclined to
firmness. English country market, Patis '.and
Antwerp, were quotably linn and ' slightly
higher. New York and San Francisc o were not
visibly affected, in fact New York was about
5c under Chicago. Receipts at Dnluth and
Minneapolis were light at 2o0 cars for the two
The pork market seemed to be neglected and
the regular traders were taking advantage of
the great scalping opportunities iu the wheat
" . "Land 0'fu b At La Gbindb,' 0kooh,"-
, Jan. 1. lH'.w.
i' following-named settler has filed noticS
of his iutentiou to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof wiM bemade
ocio'e j. v. Morrow, i;ounty i;ierK. at tieppner,
Oregon, ou March 12, 1WH, viz: ,
CHAKI.F.8-8. JAYKE. " -
H. E. No. B0K2, for the SK of Sec. 11, Tp. 3 S, R
27. E. V. M. v. .'
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz: ' Walter Crosbv, John Mar
shall, sterling P Fldreuce and Andy 8. Steven
son, all of Heppner, Oregon.
010-27 Register.
Notice of Intention.
Land Office' at The Dallks, Orkoon.
January is. 1X!.
following-named settler has filed notice of
Tl, Vml..nnn A ,1 nami'a ., ,. l.mn.
. lie uii.iiip'u LU.niiiniii vi'liij'nuj I my
now at tbe Heppner opera house be- J
longs to tbe oliieat traveling medicine his intention to make final proof in support of
nomnnnv n rh wni lil heino one nf n anu uihi snui pnnu win oe inane oe-
oompany in ids woiiu, oeiog one oi two fore J, w. MorrowvCounty Clerk, at Heppner,
hundred and faltv of tbese parties tbat Oregon, on Saturday, February 20, lH'.W, viz:
are travelina oyer tue dinereD! psrta ot Ja.mks k. kukamakisk wr Heirs oi juana u.
tbe world advertising Kiokapoo Indian
remedies. Tbe Kiokapoo remedies bav
in;? been before the publio eighteen
leara and tbe (not tbat tbey are baudled
b) all wbolesalo drtiggiela fully attests
to their legitimacy. There is perhaps but
few houses in America that enjoy a
better reputation for prompt payment of
bills, honesty and square dealing. Enob
of the remedies have made, a repntation
for itself. Ask your druggists for them
H. E. No. :i(',19 for the SWU of Sec. 5. Td. 2 8.. R
21 E. W. M. .
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, Bald land, viz: David F. Bnker, George
w. itt. David H. tirabi and Thomas Kini:
au oi lone, uregon.
16-27 Register,
Tine (Jnzt'lto Iihh no di'siro to
"stiiud iu" with tin) cliisH, either
religious or otherwise, siiuply for
policy sake. We have convictions
uuJ try to live up to tlicm because
wo believe in them. The world
generally has no use for a hypocrite.
Til K iniitti'i of granting nuU'riiye
to woiiiou is iiuw before the Iowh
legislature, but there in no pros
pect of the iiineudiiient being
adopted during the present HCHsiou
at least, as the measure was de
feated in tho upper house on
The energetic .lapaiieso manu
facturers want the products of our
mines and fields, and without wait
ing for the much-desired comple
tion of the Nicaragua caual, nro
already receiving direct shipments
from our southern ports. A cargo
recently shipped from Mobile for
Yokohama consisted of Hiitning
ham pig iron and '2,1100 bales of
Twkntv-hevks states will elect
governors thin year.
WiiEvr wim again clone to the
dollar mark iu I'hicigo ot) 'fuot
day. Ti;Fsrnv receipts under the
IMngley law are now running a
million dollars a day, and when
knnnnii n i
One of America's most fa- w
mous phyiiclAns iay$i "Scrof-
$ uli is external consumption." J!
1 C f .1 .t.!U sli
.Aiummui Liiuurcn arc oitcn x
Free of Charge to Sufferers.
Cut this out aud take it to your drug
gist and get a eamp'e bottle free of Ur,
King's New Discovery, for consumption,
coughs and colds. Tbey do not ak you
to buy before trying. This will show
yon the great merits of this truly won
(icrful remedy, and show you what can
be iiccoraplisheJ by the regular size bot
tle. This is no experiment and would
be dirtBKtrons to the proprietor, did
they not know it wonhl invarlubly oure.
Many of the best physicians are now
lining it in their practice with great re
sults, and are reiving on it in most severe
CHHi'S. It is guaranteed. Trial bottles
free at Nloctim Drug Co., K. J. Hlocum,
mgr. K 'gular 50 oents and $1.00.
Church Aiiiiotiiii fiurnti.
Elder It. L. Shelley, of Hillsboro, Or.,
will arrive at lleppner in time to begin
work as pastor of tbe Christian ohmoh
at this phioe the 1st Huuday in March.
Members of the congregation are re
quested to bear this in mind and lie
present to assist in the services and
organization of the chinch for active
and aggressive work.
Father Thomas Ilnody, of Condon,
will be iu lleppner the last Sunday of
February, the 27th, and will conduct
services both morning aud evening at
the Cut holm church. All are invited.
M. K. church, Smith. Service will
he held every night, l'rayer meeting
each day at ':'M p. in. Sunday, the sub
ject for the moriii ig service will he "Tbe
(Ircat CoiuiniHsion," F.Teniiig. ' Fu
ture Punishment of the Wioked." The
best of il.tlHio will be rendered.
C. It. HllWAUI).
Ill-Ill! I) III IIIimmI Iic.
Chun blnnil iiu.inx a cli. in akin. No
hciuly w 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 it. ( an ,111'N, ( anil. Cathiii
lie i ll ill) Moil' liloiid mill ki i'p it i ll , ill, b
.tiniuu up the l.ir hvi'i ami ill iviug nil iin
nuiiliiK Hum tin; IhhIv. Ikktiu toil.iv to
I i.l 1 1 1 -1 1 plllllll'H, IhiiU, I'llitllll'l, hi. II UliMil-,
ami I luil miiI.Iv IuIiimik imiili i:iiii by tukiiia
( aw .iii'lx, - lu iiiity tnr ti n ii'iita. All ding
fJiM , mil infill turn glial antei'd, I'k; '2.x; frk:
ll.'l'purr LoiUr No lilt A V. A. M
Wiikiikah, It has pleased Almighty
(lod to remove from our midst our be
loved brother Nols iii Jones, and
WiiKHUArt, In In demise this lodge
hi lost a worthy member, the common
itv an honored and respected oiln o,
be it
iiVxiifi'iif, That we deeply deplore
hi l.ia nltenrd with the hope that his
Farewell Party.
Dr. and Mrs. E. R. Hunloek gave a very
pleasant party on last even int? in honor of their
niece ami nephew, Miss Maggie an.t Master
Boyd Kricksen, who have been stopping with
them this winter and attending the lleppner
school. Ahout VO of the schoolmates of the
young pi-ople were invited in and were enter
tained luri g the evening by agraphophone and
magic lantern exhibition, Interspersed with
various gtmcs of amusement, all of which was
followed by an eleuant lunch. In all respects
the party was a very pleasant one Indeed. Boyd
anil Maggie departed .this morning for their
home at W'aldron, CroiA; county.
; Notice of Intention.
tiANn Office at LaOkande, Orkoon,
Jan. ill. WAR
1 1 following-named settler has filed notice of
hisintention t make final proof in suppnrtof
tils elnim, and that sain proof will he made oe
fore Couuty Clerk, Morrow comity, Oregon
at tieppner, Oregon on Ma'cn vi, lws, viz:
H. E. No. BO'in, for the E'i NEi, NU8E4Scc,
Jl. To. US. R27. E. W. M.
He names the following wilneiseB to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said laud, viz: Charles . Jaynp, Hruce B,
Kelley, (ienrge A. Stevenson aud William Stew
art, ail of Heppner, Oregon.
61fi-27 , . Register
"For five weeks I lived on oold water,
81 to speak," writes a man who suffered
terribly from indigestion.
Land Officb at Tub Dam.. Orkoon,
.laiiiiary 17, WM,
1 followlng.named sottlor hss filed notice
of his intention to make final proof In
support of his claim, and that said proof will
lie mane oeiore j. w. .inrrow, iiiiuiy v.iera
When you hear dem bells!'
V CJBelled express is coming. Does delivery work
' .on short order, 10 .cents and upwards. This
Avagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it,
' or at "Central", telephone office. . -
OF I0NE .xxxxv
w.L- a n m.x .mi- -1 n
' "Including all the Staples, 'Hardware, Tin
ware, Harness, Stockmens' Supplies,
Wood and Willowware.
First Class Goods and Low Prices
is his motto.
. . ... . . I lie 111(1
He could hardly Keep any thing on tils Ut lleppner,Orernn. on Kcbrnary i, 18'., viz:
Ai.vir.ui a, Ibl.in,
stomaeti. VVbat Htuyed, wasn't properly
digested and gave him terrible pnngs.
' Tbis i not an uncommon cage. Dys
peptics don't get enough nonrisbmeDt,
Tliey are generally tbin and weak.
Tbey tuny eat enough, bat they don't
digest enough. Muoh of what they eat
turns into poison. It tbis keeps on
there'a no telling what diteuae they may
get next.
That'll why it is best to take Shaker
Digestive C irdial as h ion as symptoms
of indegestiou appear.
Hold by druggists, prioe 10 oents and
$1.00 per bottle.
Ht'huol Ulrri'tiim.
H E Ko. :'.'(!. for the SWU of sec l"J, Tp 2 S, R 25
E W M.
lie names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous resilience upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Frank Kmith, James H. W illis
and James Brown, of I.exliiKton, Oregon, and
Thomas A. iiriskell, of lleppner. Orcein.
jas. r. MOOKK,
Notice of Jntention.
Land Ofkii s at La Ukakme, Obkoon,
Janua'v :tl, IH'.is.
followinK-nauied settler has filed notice of
his intention to niakn final proof in suppo't of
his claim, and that said proof w ill lie made
tiefore Ilia Countv Clerk of Morrow county,
Oremui, at Heppner, Oregon, on March 10, law,
ltd K No. H''l. for the S'J NW4 AMKEHSec
:i'l. Tp I H, K JS. E W M.
lie iiHines Uie following: witnesses to prove
his continuous reililene upon aud eiilttvatlon
II your school is in med of a first class of said land, viz: John Marshall, Thomas Mar-
nnHtiKoioal chart this otliee Ims oue at
less than half price. Cost glio; will
sell for ?2-" cash. Call fit this illiue.
21 If.
shall, Hndi fields and James Johnson, all of
Heppner, DrcKon.
19 Keuisler.
Heppner Opera House
tang February 15.
In an up to date Vaudeville
Wrdues.lay ami Hatnrdav, admission 15
oenU. All other nighis free. Keseri
e l seat fhi'Ii tveuiog for ladies and
their eeorl4 without extra charge
Kntiiv Change of Program
Kaeh Kvening.
Children are charged admission each
even 1 111
J beautiful children, but they J "i'li is wuh thmif who have fought tlur
!.uk nerve force, strong bone, ,l,,r '"" ,b" "'l
T r
J stout muscles and power to
.... ..
a rcsisi disease, ror delicate
r children there is no remedy
X equal to
tl... imjunUof wtNil hii.1 nu-Hr U-.j$ MOU S U Illtl ISlOIl
Kin next moiitlt tlioy will ho nil ? amm -
that i iiiM'dnil to iniM-ttlio rilllliiliiJ
t'Xju'iiHi'a tif tin Ljivtrij tiKMit.
lodge on high ;
iiKofi'ri, That we tender our sineers
s)iipatli) to bis relatives, that til lodge
he draped in iiiourning for thirty da) aud
a copy of tbise resolutions Im (rd
iipeii the. iniiiiil.'s of I It lodge and
oop given t the. cnuiity papers for
pill Ili'aUoli.
I'll. R Ihsuoi',
(liv t'oNSFM.
... t ......
r,hirl.!f..n;.n.ln.l XI aiOKHOW.
of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo-
The tiuiiii'rou iIis hIims to vo-
ncl in AUsLau wnti'iH, an well hi
1 It fills out the skin by cuttinc vi
good flesh beneath It. It makes t
the cheeks red by making rich
uWh BU, a..-trnctiu to ht hd.I;J or lood Ani give, th; fcody J
.ro,.ortylom,MhfltrlulM..oni rot; power enough to digest IU B
lonciKAK wnrcitiB to lli . who sure you get SCOTPS Emul
havn gut thrt ,.11 foyer, atiJ tlo slon.
r-li I., lb.. U't... .1 L.. .. ..i;.. ...... 1 ? . .
. .ii.i4 kit Vl'll l 111 ui n. vwiifiw, an uiuma.
Many lifo will ho Haoritlc-vl in t ' 01T iwnk. "h.i. k.w York.
thia tns I rush to tho north. k Vt
lleppner, r'eb. Ii, H."
Kii'kapoo liiilun Siigwa is a hi od
Oleatislng and blood making lue ln Hie
tusde from the clesi est and pure rout
Mint Ileitis, drains Ihe stoiiiach, givi
a good, liraltliy seliD to the liver so I
retfulsWa Ilia kidue)i. Hold by all drug-gists.
IM l't. .
llililemiitiied has I..hII itillv sptHilnted hy
Notice of Intention.
Land Omra at La Grandk. Ohruok.
January sys
ful low i mm named settler has tiled notice
of his Intention to make flnal proof in support
of Ills-claim, and that sahl proof will he made
before the toiiuty i lent oi 51 or row county,
iirrgnn, it lleppinr, Oreijon,. on Varch 1,
l, vl:
MdRNofUIH, lor the N't NK'4, E'4 KEV,
S K' HK Hoc Tp t B. K W K W M.
He names Ihe folloln wltneswt to prove
his roiitluuoiis res'denee lip"" slid cultivation
of said laud, vlr: John Marshall, Thomas
Marshall, llnuh Kh hls and James Johnson, all
of lleppuer, OreKou.
, . E. W. BARTI.ETT,
Id ' Register.
They Are The "Mustard"
"TUG Pioneer Blacksmiths
Have made some elegant Improvements in their establishment, and added iur .(..i.
iron, horseshoes and other materials essential to the happiness of those who need quick ienairi
to their wagons, buggies or machinery. Their specialty Is horbeshoeing.
Meadows Hattvo are (lie Buys lo do Your IVork Bi?lit, and do it Quick, loo.
Is that of plain and decorated
Chinaware & Queensware At
Gilliam & Bisbee's
And by the way they have anything yon can call for in the line of
Hardware, Stoves and Tinware.
of Oregon, for Morrow county.
W. I'. Ix.rd, H. K. Klmald
and I'll 1 1. Metschen as
the board of commis
sioners etc., I'lalutlfts,
Adeline Howell, Henry
Howell,' Mary Howell,
John Howe I, Nellie
Howell, w llliain Howell,
f tauford How ell, Joseph
Howell, Tilda Ho'vell,
Ida Howell, Krans. How
ell, Thomas Howell. Lilly
Howell, Hettt rarer,
KU Earer, Adeline How.
ell, as administratrix
and Henry How ell .!.
inlnlttrator of Hianford
Howell, deiuased, Ve-
To William Howell, liattle rarer and Rlx
litrcr, Ueleiiilauts:
In the name of the Htste ofOtvson: Yon are
hereby rfiiiln-d lo appear and answer the
complHlnt tiled against yon in the almve en
titled suit on or before Ihe tlrst day of the next
regular term of this court, to w It : The 7th day
of March. 1km, mid If you fnl to answer for
want thereof the pialntlft will 'apply lo the
court Ui grant the relief demanded In the com
plaint, lo-w It: Kor Judgment sgalnat you upon
ertln prnmlMMirv note for the sum of IV
with Interest thereon st the rate of eight per
cent per nuiiiim from April 1st. lvsi. Ihr nut f
in attorneys fees and the routs and Otuhnrite
inents of this suit, and that the mortgace given
to si-cure Ihe payment of said liote oil Hie ol
lowln iteM-rlu-.l real troiMrtv sltlluted III
suit, on or lielore the llrt day ol the next regu- vrr,,w co.iulv, -late of uregon lo wlt: tioiitli
lar term of the alxive entitled court follow lug rttt (tisirtr ol ftv. . Tp. 4, south of range 1
the expiration oi the time ptvacrllwd In the m w (,inrIIM an, I mid proHrty sold
order lor pulilli-K'lnil ol this .iiiuuioi.s. which ' ,, trle proreinl. ol mid sale I applied lo Ihe
i s II
I nf Oregon lor Morrow county.
The AnuTu-sri Mortgaga
lotiipauy.of Kotliiud, ,
l imited, a corporation,
John 'I Crafts. Annie
( rails. J. W. limith, M.
V, ilufdson, .'acoli
portser, and Cnlliii A
Mi-Ksrland, as partners,
Ii feiidaiiis.
To John ii Crafts, J W. Smith and M. V
slon, di'teiidaiits, sioe nauic.1:
In the name of Ihe Htate of im-gon: Yon an
herebv rtHiulrisI to MMH-sr and answer the
eonipislut llie.1 agalii.l you In the atHiveriitillcd , lng ilcv rlu I
Beat acoummodation and ooarteuot
treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Web. Sti Portlhnd, OregoD.
Tut your old books and notes In hi
hands and get your money out of
them Makes a specially of hard
Office in J N. Brown's Building
Elis & Phelps,
All business attended to In a prompt and
Oillwulrs'5' Nu,''e I'ubllc and
Office In Natter Building, Heppner, Or.
1 llr.t da) 111 Iw Monday, the ith da) ol March. ( nurment of the amount due plain
I . and you siul w h hI ym III uke noth-e ; This siiininoiis l s..n-d iin i
i tlml if ton lull lo o aiix-nr and answer, for ... ,.i .,, .,!... ..i il.a ll..i aii.h
H.llt Ihennif IiIhIiiIHI Will SI'l'IV U Mid , I. ..I II,.. -Iw,v ..n.lll.l ...iirt ma.la
K. lJ,,, court for Ihe rell.-f demanded In Its com- j entered Iu said suit on the ath lav ot Jmmary,
r,rl,M"" pUlut, town: r'or (iiduineiil against John i). , M, BR iV N A KMH-TKI.D
you In pur.ii-
eiephen A I owell,
Ylil'h'K la lirHHIV Ir.N TO THE
.l.N'kliol'lera ol the Morrow Coniily l.aiiil ;
Attmeii lor I'lalnttlTs.
the Countv Court of the State of Oregon, for
Morrow Coiiuty, Hdiiilnutrafor of the estate of
el.oii joins. ileecHse! All persona itsvlngl
claims again.! .aid c.Ih'ii re hereby uolilird to I
present .mne. proi-rly verltle.1, lo me, at the j
omieot mus A. riulp. at lleppoer. umnHi
w illiln .1 x inoiiths from the dale ol Hits notn
Dated I his I Jlli ilv ol K.l.rur, !'
J A M JDS Kit.
Ailuilutsi rnt'r of lite r.slateof
e.'l .11 J.'iin, lc eaw-u. il.. Ili l.i.
t - i geiher Ith Inli-re.l lliereoii ut In rate ol eight
hlllt MUM.UKKH' MKKriNli I er rent r stmiiiii In m th Itral IT nl lit
. .-..itilH.r l vt i ii a,-,..iMi,tit with Iheti-rmsof
I .....lull, i.,i,iUhirii tint., I.v lliMltl ttia.te ml
ieiuerx'd lo plulntirl. on or about the lath day
,x Tfu.tCo, Hint the animal meeting t the ' "me. ixpt. tor aai'i sum; ior mt .iim m t
On 0,,.i,i,t. w ill U hel.i N,liir.l , Mnrt li l.tli, 1 attornct (wa, and or Ihe sum ol l ilnl
at the hour of 7 t, m , In the Sailonal lunk ! auee lor tase. and lor Hie et and dl.biirea.
bull Hug, lor the (oifiMMie of eln ting otticers lor Inenlsol this salt: Bleu a devrw lor iie lore
Ihe ensuing tear and Ihe trui.Mi ti.in ol such loauewi.il the rertslii tnortgaae executed and I
other hiilues as may be brought Ivloie the Wittered by said defendant.. John Vj. Craita
In., Hug. K. V IH NO. aud xuiilt I'rs'ts. lo Mnlmirti In seeiiewthel
U ;t Heerelarv, enetil of Ihe above ileaertlinl note, ami lor
. . . . j the tale ol said UKieigaged proerty aitua'ed In
mad i. i-.i..v v.. 11,- Morrow pmiiitv, Oregon, dcserlixtl at lollowt, 1
IMStl.ll.l I lll'x Mll(t. 't.i-wtt: Hie south eat quarter of a-etlon t, !
' lp. i t.uth of range iteatl W . M , and that Ihe i
VOTK K l IIKKFRY UlVKS 1 HAT I HI ' proeee.lt ot said sale h sppllol lo tn pavment I
imrlner.hlp herrlolor existing between , of lite amount due plalntlit, attorneys lees and '
rrank rnselman and t d t iigeliusn, doing rot's ol suit.
imiiiim. ir. inriiin, miner ine nrin name 1 his tniii'iiont It tervr 1 Uhiii you ey punii-.,, .
of lugelmaii Hrt , hat ten dl.ed by e.lh.n Ihereol. In unrtiiaure .f an order ol Hon, ' !lllVili IT.
nun. i.l eoiiteni All hill, and ouute nw lug H epheii Uwel(. In
bl sxl.l htm will tte tMtel t.v Id 9 it.-linaii. . -I I.r
IHtVK I Nil M M A N, uu tlie I ah day ul Januarx !. Joe It eT tig up the rvput.tioti of this tliop
I I I S'tl 1 M N. ' F l.l.la I'liri.Pw, j for tl't! vlata wyrk an I wonid It pleat, ) to
lint.tt al Ion,.. ir., feb. .', m, . Ivst Allornett toe I itinllT. tare you call.
Mathews & Gentry
Shaving i r
rihop twu doors .Smth of roslnftlce.
Formerly of I'eudlrtuu
Tonsorial Artist.
Hair Cutting,
Shop, Mathak Comer,
IS Cents
25 "
lleppner, Ore m.
At Chas lonra' Old ta"d.
. . i r
idge of tl-e aUite etititbtl t fiittimr
art. at I end i. ton, Oregon, 1.,,U V-,U"'1-
The Old Shop!
It the place to go to get
your 6ce ork aud Uxab
cLops, rteali ind roatf.
llllfa.'lirtf.l ban,. m.A 1
Pure le.t lard, kettle-rendered. old
Ut s'ua k. " ,'"" ,,r,r' '"'