Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 18, 1898, Image 1

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Semi-Weekly Gazette
AT $2.00 A YEAR.
, IF THE ....
Semi-Weekly Gazette
NO. 624
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON. Editor and But. Man.
At $2 0) per ysar, 1.00 (or m month, (0 ota.
Sot three monuu, etriotly in advance.
Aduertising Rates Mad Known on
Entered at the PoatoOice at Heppner, Oregon,
aa aecond-claaa matter.
THIS PAPER ia kept on file at E. G. Oake'a
Advertising Agenoj, 64 and 05 Merchant
Exohange, Ban Francisco, California, where eou
raota tor advertiairm can be made for it.
ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exchang i Bulid
ing, San Franoisoo, la our authorized agent.
Thie papir ia kept on file at hie office.
0. ft. & H. Local card.
Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p . m. dally except
Sunday arriving at Heppner Ju
Leaves Heppuer Junction
(unction 1205 a. m.
8:30 a. m. and ar-
U.t,,,nui- ft 1 a m
Hpokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00
p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. m.
and Uma ilia 8.50 p. m.
Portland txpreBS no , irum Diw, niira
at Umatilla 810 a. m. and Heppner Junction 1: U0
. Br.A ...ia.. nh Pnrtlnnd I2:!KA. m.
m. anu
and at
nd 12:!
Fuut. Mail Nn. 2 leaves Portland :25 p.
arrives at Heppner Junction :25 a. m
Umatilla 4:30 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leave! Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Junction 12:25 a. m. and at
Portland 7 :2C a.m. . .
For further information inquire of J l. Hart,
Agent O. H 4 N., Heppner, Ore.
FIRST Go via. St. Paul be
cause the lines to that point will
afford you the very best service.
SECOND See that the coupoD
beyond St. Paul reads via. the
Wisconsin Central because that
line makes close connections with
all the trans-continental lines en
tering the Union Depot there, and
its service is first-class in every
THIRD For information, call
on your neighbor and friend the
nearest ticket agent and ask for a
ticket reading via. the Wisconsin
Central lines, or address
Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.)
MRS. L. SMALL, Manager.
Now Open. New Methods. New Manage
ment. Strictly First Class.
Rates, $1.00 Per Day, and Upwards.
W&FA. first-class feed barn run in connection,
and from all trains. We solicit your patronage.
Free Bus run to
Jas. C. Pond,
Gen. Paa. Agt.,
Milwaukee, Wla.
or Geo. 8. Batty,
General Agent,
246 Stark St.,
Portland Or.
CiiNed States Official.
Pieeident. William McKinley
Vice-President Garret A. Hobait
Hswetaryof Btate John Sherman
'(Secretary of Treaaury ...Lyman J, Gage
Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss
Beoretary of War Russell . Alger
Secretary of Navy John D. Long
Pn.t,nutiHjan.nil James A. Gary
Attorney-General Joseph McKenna
Seoretary f Agrioulture James Wilson
, .. .. w . r. .Liura
. H. K. Kincaid
.Phil. Hetachan
G. M. Irwin
.(!. M. Idleman
. W. Mo Bride
Secretary of Btate........
Bnpt. Pulilio Instruction.
Attorney General....
J Thoe. H. Tongue
t W. R. Ellis
w. ti. iveeua
; R. B. Bean
, Moore.
. Wolverton
Sixth Judicial District,
nnm;tJn1fl Stephen .Lowell
I'muMlni Attarnev H. J. bean
Morrow County Offloiala,
Printer .....
Supreme Judges.
(R. B.
. F. A.
f C. E.
joint Senator -
i! mnty Judge
' Commiaaionera,.
J. W. Beckett.
" Ulerk.
" Hheriff
1 Treasurer
School Bup't...
Coroner.. ........
....A. ft.
J.K. Howard
. A, W.
J. N
H, W. Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Half block weat of the Union Depot of C. B,
Q C. M. & St. P., C. & A , P. Ft. W. & C,
and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madiaon and Clinton 8U.,
CinCA-OrO. XXjI.
For more than fifty-six years it has never failed
.in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers
and villagers throughout the U. S.
for their prosperity and happtnesa, for the improvement of their
a, tor eaucaiion, lor me elevation oi American mapnood and
J. W. Morrow
,....E. L. Mat look
.... Frank milium
A. C. Petteya
J, W. Hornor
,...Jay W. ffiipley
B. F. VThan
Published Every Saturday
13 Astor Place New York
IT HAS faithfully labored
ouaiiieaa ana nome uitereata.
true womanhood
ITBAStoldat the tl reside, interesting and Instructive atorleaof the dolngi of the world, the
nation and atatea.
IT HAS advlaed the farmer at to the moat approved methods of cultivating and harveatlng hla
crops, ana me proper lime to convert tnem into tne largest point me amount ot mone
IT HAS led In all mattera pertaining to the welfare of farmers and villagers, and for over a naif
Fill a bottle or oommou glass with
urine and let it stand twenty-four hour;
sediment or settling indicates so un
healthy condition ot the kidneys. When
urioe stains linen it is evidence of kid
ney trouble. Too frequent desire to uri
nate or pain in the baok, is also convinc
ing proof that the kidneys and bludder
are oat of order.
WHAT TO 1)0.
Tbere is comfort in tbe knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy
fulfils every wish io relieving pain in tbe
baok, kidneys, liver, bladder and every
part of the urinary passages. It cor
rects inability to bold urine and scald
ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol
lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and
overoomes that unpleasant necessity of
being compelled to get up many times
daring the night to urinate. Tbe mild
and the extraordinary effect of Swamp
root is soon realized. It stands tbe
highest for its wonderful on res of the
most distressing oases. If you need a
medicine you should have the best. Sold
by druggists, price fifty oecta and one
dollar. Yon may have a sample bottle
and pamphlet both sent free by mail.
Mention tbe Heppner Qazette and send
your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing-
bampton, N. Y. The proprietors of this
paper guarantee tbe genuineness of this
New York Weekly Tribune, JT ,7b
Thoe. Morgan
Councilman eo-, m M
Gilliam. Arthur Minor, K. J. Blooum, 41.
Lichtenthal and J. B. Simons. .,mn
k .Mr W. A. Richardson
Precinct OtBcerp.
UnlteS States Land Officer.
A. 8. Biggs Beoeiver
B. F. Wilson R2Si"r
J.H. Robbins Beoeiver
.L. W.Brigge
.A. A. Roberta
And we furnish It with the GAZETTE, one year for
$2.75, oash In advance.
Address all Orders to
Meets at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday ot
aoh month. All veteran are Invited to Join-
a. W. Smith. J- "
Adjutant, tf
Dr. P. B. McSwords
City Drug Store,
Offioe in the
City Hotel.
D. J, McFaul, ,M. D.
I Ifflna hnnra. 8 to 10 B. DO . and 12 to
1 n m at residence. W. A. Kirk's prop
ertv. east of M. E chnrch. Soatb, and 10
rt 11 a m . to 2 to 5 d. m . at omoe in
the rear of Borg's jewelry store.
Tbe Outlook will be In 1897. aa if basl
been durlog eaob of its twenty-seven
years, a History of Our Own Times. Io
its various editorial departments Tbe
Outlook gives a oompaot review ot tbe
world's progress: it follows with care I
11 ibe important philanthropic and in
dustrial movements ot the day; bas a I
omplete department ot religious news;
devotes moon space to tbe interests of
tbe home; reviews oarreot literature;
furoiebes cheerful table-talk about men
and things: and, in short, aims to give
fresh information, original observation,
and reasonable entertainment.
Beginning with tbe fifty flifth volume, I
tbe paper will assume tbe regular maga
zine siz"i wbiob will add greatly to its
convenience and attractiveness. Tbe
Outlook is published every Saturday-
fifty two Issues a year. Tbe first issue
Id eaob montb ia an Illustrated Magazine
Number, containing about twice at many
pages aa tbe ordinary issuer, together
witb large Dumber of pictures.
Tbe prioeof The Outlook ia three I
dollars a year In advanoe, or less tbao
cent day.
Send for a specimen copy and illustrat-1
e prospeotus to Tbe Outlook, 13 Aetor
Place, New Yoik Oltv.
Write your name and add rem on a poatal card, lend It to Geo. W. Beat, Tribune Office, New
iom city, and a aainpe copy oi the Hew ork weekly, T rlbune will be mailed to you.
Brown & Redfield,
Attorneys at Law,
nfflne In the First National Bank
Justice of the Peace
and City Recorder.
amec T
Rella and buva real eata'e. renla hoiiae. pa
taiea. doea conveyam lng and will aerve you
any way In hla Hue. at reaaouabl ngurea.
First National Bank
Vie President
Asa't Cashle
Tranofb I General BnkiDg Bumucssl
A Campaign
Of Education
How to Get it (f a en
While yoa aaep yoar aboriptioa paid ap vre
au keep roar brand la free ot ehart.
Bnrc. P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B bl Uft
ahooidar; oatiie, aame oa len btp
Conk. A. J..Lna.OT. Horaaa.tOon riahtatMiol
der. tuie. Mm on rtcht hlp: ear aaark eqaan
crop on ten ana apiii in ncuu
Dooalaas. W. M . Gallowat . Or. ('ttla. R Dan
riaht aida.awailnw-tork ia aaoh eari arnraae. B It
on left Dip.
Elr. Bma Dooalaa.Or.-Hnraaa brandad ELY
on left ahoaldar, cattle same aa Uftaip. kolt
is relit ear.
Plorenoe, L. A., Happnar. Or. Cattle. LP as
riahthiDi korsas f with bar aader ea riahl
JotiM, Harry, Heppnr, Or Horaae hrandad
rl J on the left ahoaldar: cattle bra triad i
riht hip. alao aedarbtt to left ear. Hangs Is
Borrow eoaaty.
inena-Hi. Fall I. Laaa. Or. Hnfsaa. elfflaT aw
left stifle; cauls, earns oa rlfhl kip, aadas kail
wup la n and sunt -B Ian aar
Rsaay, Mike, Hsppner, Or. Horses aeandMl
INY oa left kip euls sans sad sruS) ot isfl
sari aodar slop oa toe right
Lwhey, J. W. Happnar Or Hiirsa a brsndjal
To be ed a pa ted one mint read
the best literature.
The beat literature la eisenalve.
Leslle'a Illustrated
ruhWined at 110 MIth Avenue,
New York, la full of the best thlKa
Ite llluatratlona are luperb; Its
stories charming; and Iti literary
departmentt are edited with con
summate skill.
filch a paper la a treat popular educator. It ahould tie in every
The aiiherrlptlon price of Laslle't) ' It P nntitn.
We make the unparalleled offer of a copy of
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi
Weekly one year for only $4.50.
No aiirh oftYr was ever maris before. No such offer will ever h made
attain. These two papers make a most acceptable Chrlatmaa or birthday
lilt, and will be conatant reminders of the giver's klodnesa.
Kern It by poatal order or cherk to the
11. Xf
Heppner, Orcitroi
Rogers & Roberts,
CoDtractora tod Builder.-
Plans and Estimates Given on Short Notice.
All Kinds of Repair Work Dune-
Land A os Uft ahooldan eattle aame sa I aft 0FFICK HOURS Da v and N'icrhL Leave Tmir nrprs "Anv 01(1
hip, wattle over right ays, ferae elite la rfht , ' , .,? . .
nace ana kolt. or iim win gei em. o o o o o o o
H Dee I
Jn all parte of the world'
Bought and Sold.
Collections mads on all point on
reasonable Term.
urplu and undivided Profits, tSl.0110.00.
Tne Ostetls will take potaloe. apples,
effi(S or boltsr oa sobeeriptloo aacooots.
Aoy oos owiog this offloacan seitls tbeir Qnj;.r"
aceoaoU in tbis maooer end oau I do II
too swa to sail os.
Minor, Danes, nsppoar nr. artia,
rbjbt bipi kuras, M uo lat abxakiar.
M N fl. Mr
oa left aboolriat eaule aasM oa left kip,
Oshxrn. J. W Dnaelas. Or.t hnrsas M
snoaldsrs eattl same oa right hip.
Parker A Oleasoa, BardatM.Or.-HoraasIPat
left ahoaldar.
Itl'rarsoti. Oliver: hnm-s branded bar and
hleld on left alMiulder; rsties. Eight Mils,
Morrow county.
Pipar, J. H., Latlnetna. (rr.-Horaas. It sna
eaMsd on loft sbnabUri sauie, sssae oa Isf kip.
anriar btl la auk aar.
HmHar. t. W llsppaar. Or.-Huraaa. iO m
Uftsboolds. Cattle, O a rWbt bl
Mparry. K. ft. HavpeV IH. - feitle V us
Uft kip. emp off natil and aiutartnl la Uvft yaa,
sVwIaoi koraas W nt laft sblkr.
TtMKnpa,, i. A.. Hactmer, Or-H i rasa, too
Uft ahler: eaUle, I aa Ml atMaiWWw.
Tarnar H. W., Hacpnar. I tt. IMnaU aaptial T
lafl skaahipf. iw. eallie sum aa lafl k p
vrtfc spin ia kntk can.
Waitaenarsw, W. I., Ilall'.sm Or.i knnas
lartar nrrta JW M rt,t stMMldwi eaiils
ooartaf rirria JW e rlatil kip sikI rihl ai 'a,
rrup and kola ia Uft aar. IU"a ia M'rr.w and
1 aasiilU eeontiaa.
Do You Want a Rig ?
a t ej s tfvat
Don t You Want a 1 lace to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
Morse ?
All tin cno procured tt TbnniLon k Iiiooa, Ixwer Mnio Htreet,
tlpppoer, urf gon.
Thaa eautlamas are aall arqnalnlad Hk (Irsal, Harnaf. f rok. Ollllsm and other couutle
end caa aa.e mntrnj pad UM la ataalus iheaa satttsas alia iravsiiM( Bias.
Prbse la apln allb lb time.
"Yoa ask me to tell yoa a story, boys,"
I said to gome old matioians and com
paoioos wbo had oome to wiah me "i
long and bappy life."
Tbey wera spendiDit tbe eveolog wltb
as ia oar new borne.
Tbe nigbt was oold aDd we bad gatb
ered round a oberry bluzlofr fire to bave
a chat, aa we bad io days ot yore, before
I was married.
"Yes, you were always a food band
at spinning, Frank; tell as something
about yoar booeymooo," and tbe boys
smiled a little.
"Well," I replied with a smile, "it
mar not be very long, bat I tbiok yoa
will agree tbat it is interesting and even
However, you know tbat Am-
utta to spend tbe first
month ot our married lite and to visit
ber father and mother, who lived tbere.
"Ot coarse we meant to see as much
of the great mining oamp is possible.
and one night resolved to pay a visit to
tbe oew opera house. It was then tbat
I witnessed tbe tregio ocoarrenoe of
wbiob I am going to tell.
A very beautiful aud young prima
donna bad just taken the town by storm
Having only a week's engagement eo
route to Han Frsnoisco, she and her
husband had taken apartments in tbe
very botel at wbiob we were staying, and
ot coarse we beard a great deal about
ber. Her lovely recherche toilets bad
been duly canvassed by tbe ladies and
wera unanimously voted 'lovely,' while
the gentlemen were one and all agreed
tbat a taoe ao witobiog and beautiful, or
a voice eo thrilling and sweet, had rarely
it ever been known in tbe lively mining
oamp of Butte.
"Her husband had whetted curiosity
almost to fever beat by bis mysterious
behavior. For, whenever she went out
driving or to tbe theatre, tbere be was,
neither railing nor seeming to utter a
word, yet watohing her every movement,
and always by ber side. Rumor bsd it
tbat be was only a mercenary rogue
wbo, foreseeing tbe splendid career be'
tore tbe gifted and talented actress and
singer, bad befriended and pushed ber
forwsrd ia ber profession until she had
mistakec gratitude for love and married
him, only to find out tbat be was a keen,
oynioal worldling, oaring for her do
more than for others she knew not of.
wboee lives be bad blighted.
Tbe reason of bis mnrrylng her
seemed simply to gain possession ot ber
aroiogs Lately, however, be bad fits
of sulleoness and jealousy, and rarely
allowed her out of bis sight. Borne ol
tbe goasipers averred this was because
of tbe attention ot a young banker of
good family, aod wbo stood high io so
oiety in Butte, wbo bad been deeply
mitten by tba cbaruniog and gifted
woman, and wlio, bad aba beeo unfet
tered, would willingly bave laid bis
lile and bis fortooe at bar feat.
As it was, however, ber handsome
lover and wealthy suitor were to be seen
every oigbt wherever aod whenever she
ssug, and always provided witb a oostly
booijnei in silver or jeweled bolder, as
bis offering at her abrine. It was said
whether truthfully or oot, I oannot tell
that the sweet faoe of the linger grew
brighter, perhaps oominsoiously, when
she observed him seated in bis private
box, aod that ber eyes weia often drawn
thitber msgnetioally, as it ears ot bis
"This ber husband noticed and re
pented, and bs bsd beeo ofteo besrd to
declare only lbs even lug before that of
which my wvill'etioo ia so keen that it
she offered to lift Lis bouquet sgain or
dared to Oatow one glanoe upon her
handsome admirer, La would take a re
venge at which all Butte would be hor
rified. "01 oooree we learned all these de
tails after the tragedy, but 1 bave ex
plaioed tbrtn to yoa before hand in order
that yoa may the better oiderstasd
what follows, as well as the fact that
Mie Ulyodoo, as she was profeseiooslly
known, bsd been heard to say, in
answer to bis threats, that she bad few
frien 3s, and oertainly would not, by re
fusing bis flowers, offend one wbo bad
never shown ber aught but kindoees and
' 'At yoar peril, mademe, piok them ap
tonight,' said be, glaring upon ber witb
red, vindictive eyes, which might have
warned ber tbat tbe fiend within was
fully aroused.
" 'I know tbe love letters wbiob you
gloat over when alone, that be sends
oonoealed in tbbee bouquets. But dare
to look either at him or tbem tonight(
and I will not be responsible for tbe
oonsequenoee.' .
"Miss Qlyndon shrugged her shoul
ders, but did not reply, thinking it only
jealous raving. This, then, was tbs po
sition between those two on tbe evening
that Amber and I went to bear the bril
liant songstress in her famous role of
Marguerite, in 'Faust.'
"We got good seats, almost facing the
stage. The performance tbat oigbt
was to be patronized by the Odd Fel
lows on aooount of tbe benefit wbioh
Miss Glyndon was giving to help build a
hospital, and, as usual on such an event,
tbe bouse was orowded. All went well
ihe bouee tilled, and tbe girted prima
donna ooald not have looked better. She
was indeed a sight to make ao old mao
youog, and tbe audience listened spell
bound to her marvelous voice. I bad
already pointed oct to my wife the band'
some banker at one side of tbe stage ot
tbe cpera house and Miss Qlyn
don's grim, sardonic looking husband
(Mepbistopbelea I called him to myself)
on tbe other.
The theatre was small, and the dis
tance aoroas at the extreme ends not
great, so that evory movement ot Mar
guerite oould be easily noted. When
tbe curtain fell after the garden scene
the enthusiasm of tbe bouse knew no
bounds, and after repeated calls the pale
young actress was led before tbe cartaio
while showers of boqueta fell from all
parts of tbe house. The banker, as
usual, bad thrown his, and she, either
out of misobief or tempted to bravado
by some evil spirit, singled it out, and
witb a brief, sweet glanoe at tbe box
whence it oame, held it to ber while she
bowed ber acknowledgments.
"Instantly there rang out the sharp
report ot a pistol shot, followed quickly
by a seoond, and the spectators were
horrified to see Marguerite fall, while
the crimson blood flowed Ireely from
her side, making a long red trail on ber
quaint while satin gown' witb its jiweled
girdle. Immediately all was uproar, I
remember seeing the flying figure of the
banker dearly defined in tbe glare of the
footlights as he leaped forward beside
the dying girl.
"While many followed the young
banker others made for tbe box wbenoe
oame tbe ratal shot, and tbere tbey
found this modern Mepbistopheles witb
tbe smoking pistol still in his hand, ex
tended on the floor, witb a ghastly bullet
wound io bis temple dead.
"On tbe front ot tbe box was found a
paper, on wbiob was written in penoil:
'I am tired of life, aod tbe doctors
say my end is near, but shs shall not
live to be bsppy in bis smiles. One
glance tonight and it shell be her last
I have sworn it.'
"The hapless girl was oarrisd to tier
oom aod one of the leading doctor
brought to ber aid, but nothing oould
be done. Slowly ber life blood ebbed
away, and in balf an hour all was over.
Bbe only regained oonsoioufoeea for one
brief moment, aod, looking op into the
anxious eyes ol tbe handsome bsnksr as
he bent over her, sbs murmured the oos
word, 'Forgive.'
"Thus expressing the wish that the
man wbo bad brought ber to ber uo
timely end might he forgiven for the
orime he bad committed.
"Then with a slight pressure of the
band and a look ot love, which until now
ber marriage vow had restrained ber
from showing, sbs sank baok aud ex
pi red.
"Tbe tregio speotsole of tbat dying
actress on tbat brilliantly lighted alags
and Ibe excited emptying of tbe crowded
theatre will ever remain indelibly photo
graphed on my memory."
Absolutely Puro
If Yob Wink to be Well
You must fortify yonr system against
tbe attaoka of disease. Your blood must
be kept pure, yoar stomach and digea
tivs organa in order, your appetite good
Hood's Hsrsaparllla is tb modiolus to
build yoa ap, purify and euriou yon
blood and give you strength. It creates
an appetite and gives digestive power.
Hood's Pills are tbe favorite family
oathartis, easy to take, easy to operate.
Tke Clara Nevada Haak.
Manalino, B, C, Feb. 17, A aperlal from
Juneau, Alaaka, under data ol Kali. II, fonflrma
the newa ol the lot of tlis Clara Nevada, and
Thecaiiaeof the dlaaater M duiilitlrta the
eiploalun of hsr bollera Of ) people on hoard
none I believed to have beeo saved. It la
thoutflit li carried about M pasaensvrs, of
whom two or three were woman.
Rfsrybody Bays Bo.
Caacaret Cari'W Cathartic, the moat won
derful medical disooverv of the a, pleas
ant and rnfr-shinx U tba taste, aa f-ently
liini positively on k 1.1 tic) a. liver and bowel,
rli-knaint: the entire iiiitm, dl'l Co III a,
cure headache, fever, habitual constipation
and billoiianoss. I'teaae buy and try a bni
of (J. C. C Ui-ilav; ID, V rente, riold and
giiarauU4 to cure by all druKgial.
Llohleotlial Co. forsboea. Eioluaive
shoe store. Handles tbs beat, Mif
The Kattleshlp Maine was Blown Up While
Riding at Anchor In the Bay of Havana
Was it Accidental or Design?
Havana, Feb. 15. At a quarter to 10
o'clock this evening a terrible explosion
took place on board the Uoited States
battle-ship Maine, in Havana harbor.
Many were killed or wounded.
All tbe boats of tbe Spanish cruiser
Alfonso XIII are assisting.
Aa yet the cause of the explosion ia
not apparent. The wounded sailors of
tbe Maine are uoable to explain it. It
is believed tbat tbe battleship is totally
Washington, Feb. 16 After a diiy of
intense excitement at the navy depart
ment and elsewhere, growing out ot tbe
destruction ot tbe battle-ship Maine in
Havana harbor last night, tbe situation
tonight, after tbe exchange of a number
ot cablegrams between Washington and
Havana, can be summed op in the words
of Secretary Long, who, when BBked, as
he was about to depart for the day, if he
bad reason to suepeot tbat tbe disaster
was tbe work of an enemy, replied:
"I do not; in tbat I am influenced by
the faot that Captain Sigsbee has not
yet reported to tbe navy department on
tbe cause. He Is evidently waiting to
write a full report. So long as be does
not express himself, 1 oertainly oannot.
I should think from the indications, bow
ever, that there was an acoident that
the magazine exploded. How that oame
about I do oot know. For tba present,
at least, no other warship will be sent to
A telegram to Seoretary Long from
Qeorge Bronaon Knaves, a newspaper
correspondent, Baid:
' Bo t xoitement ; all quiet. The only
feeling is of sympathy and sorrow tor
tbe acoident." ' J :
Seoretary Long has sent tbis telegram 1
"Sigebee, U. S. S. Maine, Havana: Tbe
president direots me to express for him
self and the people of the Uoited States
his profound sympathies witb the officers
aod orew ot the Maine, aud desires that
no expense be spared in providing for
the survivors and oaring for tbe dead."
Tbe navy department was the soene of
intense exoitemtnt before 9 o'clook this
morning. Commander Foray the, at Key
West, wired tbs navy department tbat
the lighthouse tender Mangrove left Key
West at 8 o'clock tbis morning for Ha
vana, and tbat the tugboat Fern would
promptly follow her.
Havana, Feb. lG.-Out of 354, tba total
number of tbe orew ot tbe Maine, 00
were saved.
Captain-Oeneral Blanco's official oalils
message was filed at midnight.
Halt ao hour after midnight 3i of the
orew of the Maine bad been oarried to
the military hospital at Han Ambroso.
Tbey were almost all reriotiHly wounded.
Five others of tbe orew were taken to
the Alfonso XIII hospital. Oo board
the Spanish oroiser Alfonso XIII 20 ot
the wounded were treated, and DO wera
sucoored on board tbe City ot Wash
(The Maine, whioh was with the ves
sels of the North Atlantic souedron off
Dry Tortugas, was ordered to Havana
Jannary 24 and reached the Cuban capi
tal tbe following day. She ass a battle
ship of the second olass and was re
garded as oos of the beet ships In the
new osvy. Hlie whs built at tbs Brook"
lyn navy yard in IH1K), and was 1!H feet
long, 57 feet broad, 21 fi meso draught
and iWi Ions displacement. She bad
two 10 ioob vertiole turrets and two
military maata, and ber motive power
was furnished by twin screws with triple
expaosion engine, having a maximum
horae power of W.Kl, capable of making a
speed of 17.8 knots, She carrleJ four 10
ioob and six 6-incb breeob loading guns
io her main battery and seveo 0 pound
ers and eight 1 pounder rapid firing guoa
and four gatliog io her seoond battery
aud four whitehead torpedoes. Hbs ooat
the government $:) ,',kh (). Hbs bsd
sleel hull and a complement of H74 men.
She was oomtuiasionsd in lift. Her
speed was 17' j knot, making ber tba
fa teat battle ihip sll iat. The armor
was 12 incbe thick. Tbe commander
of the Maine, Captain Hig'hee, is a favor
ite ia the osvy department. For four
years be was chief of the hydrographio
offioe. He was lucky to gel so import
aut a ship as the Main, euuslderiog his
actual rank, which is that ot a cntmnaud
er, but Immediately ha justified the do
psrtmei t's judgment In lb selection by
mooing bis ship straight into a dock
in N'sw York harbor in order to svoiJ
mooing down a parked excursion Uiat.
Tills wss a display of quiok judgment,
oerva and pluck that (leaard the Je
partmeot to highly that Ibe captain was
sent a aampliuieolary letter.)