Oh, How Thankful Pain Was Maddening and Hope Had Been Abandoned-Wonderful Results of Purifying the Blood. " A very severe pain came lu my left knee, which grew worse and worse, and finally a sore broke out above the knee. It discharged a great deal and the pain from my thigh down was maddening. Large, hard, purple spots appeared on my leg. I suffered in this way for years, and gave up all hope of ever being cured. My wife was reading of a case like mine cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and she advised me to try it. I began taking it and when I had used a few bottles I found relief from my suffering. Oh, how thankful I am for this relief I I am stronger than I have ever been In my life. I am in the best of health, have a good appetite and am a new man altogether." J. P. Moors, Lisbon Falls, Maine. Hood's spS Is the best-in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. 25 cents. k GOOD CLUBBING LIST. The Gozette can offer the following dabbing rates: The GAZETTE 12.00 and Club Rate Weekly Oregontan,1.50 $3.00 " 8. F. Examiner, $1.50 8.25 ' N. y. Tribune, 11.00 a, 7 5 " Inter-Ocean, 11.00 2.50 " 8. g. Chronicle, 11.50 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle and map $2.00. . . 8.75 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 2.75 Webfoot Planter.HJc.. 2.00 Leslie's Weekly, $i.00 4.50 Rural Spirit, $2.00...., 8.00 New York Wool Record, $2.00 8.00 McCall'i Magazine $1.00 1,80 Yearly subscribers to the Gazette can get olubbing rates with any paper on earth. BETH. EPISC. CBUKOH. 8EBVIOX8. Bandar 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m.. Classes No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m. Epworth Leame Devotional meeting at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7 p. m. 'The SratT and the bride Bay. Come." Th pastor may be found at the parsonage ad joining the church, where he will be glad to meet any o may desire to oonsnlt Tiiin on religious, bourI. civic, philosophic eduoational, or any other subjects. J. W. FLE8HER, Minister. H. E CHURCH, HO0TH. SERVICES. 8anday, preaching 11 a. m.,7 p. m., class meeting following morning service. Sunday school, S p. m.. Epworth league, Fri day, 7 p. m. "Let us forsake not the assembling of our selves together." Pastor's residence in parsonage, next door to church. , C. K. Howard, Pastor. The Ladies' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at 8 o'clock, p, m., on the first Wednesday of each mouth, at the home of Mrs. T. J. Matlock. Take Notice. 1. The sum of Ave cent per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of raspect," lists of wedding presents and donors, ana obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news.) and notices of special meetings for whatever purpose. J. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five cents a line. These rules will be strictly' adher ed to In every Instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. Here and There. Liobtenthal & Co. for shoes. Exolnsive shoe store. Handles the best. 83tf Batbs down at the Jones' barber shop, 25 oents. Or villa Jonra manager, tf Statements for the Famous Simple Aooonnt File printed al the Gazette of floe. tf. Guinnesse'i (smons old "Dublin Stoat," Imported, at Cbris Borobers' tf .V- Common and seleol slook of tomatoes tod csDned oorn at T. R. Howard's. 606-tf. j "Oo'd jnioe" is all right but Low Til- lard bas s brand of 14-jrear-old goods t that is bard lo best. 603 -If. Heppner Candy Factory for fresb, eresmi aod tallies. W. H. Van Dayn i Prop., with E. J. 8locam. 6o8-t. ' Aoy ooe desiring to baild either boose or bare will make money by call ing 00 the Oazette ofTioe. 67 tf l'bil Colin is paying lbs highest price j for sheep pelts, beef bides green or dry, 1 furs, elo. Don't forget Phil. ' 5tf , Qo to lbs Matlook corner sod try j Armstrong k Cooper's whiskey and ) oigars. If you like the sample buy 1 some. Ctf ! Ooms lo the Gazette offloe and gel a ' decent lot of envelops printed. ! Government envelops look cheap, and besides you csnnot get your bosioeas card printed thereon, tf border Bros, have succeeded Willi Stewart In the livery business, next door to tbe Oazells offlo, and will do a general livery and f-ed business . Rigs, sddls horses aod itsll room at reason able rates. Cll-lf. Oliver 8nydar bas taken charge of tbs Hotel Hepposr feed barn and will fur nish stall room, grain or bay at reason able figures. Span over oigtit. fed st 75 sent. Will also do dray work end baullog. 'Bos to and from trains, tf CorJray, tbs pioneer Ibeatrs man of Portland lo tbs lias ol "popular prices," bas rtfltted tbs Westingtoo HI. theatre, formerly kooso as tbs "New Park." Oufdray aUsjs bas something new, aod 1 i oar people, whsa below, cso spend s pleessot sveoing at bis place. tf Dr. John W. Itssmns, of lbs "Red light," ever so tbs alert for something , sen famish yos lbs finest cock tails Is lbs Isod-Msnballes, Jersey, Vsrmnoth or Gin-made by so artist in tbs business. Drop is sod tsk the lasts oot of your mouth. If Tbs listqasa Ursod, on Morrlsoa . 4 lrilo tbe Msra.uQ building, bonder Steolleot msnsgomeot sod tbe pMi fill bs royally toterttlntd ibis winter. He sompaaiea sad Bew faoaa will ap pear from tins to lims si Ibis popslar, first-clas lUstrs of Portland, sod wba is Portland oar dtnlitos sbonld not fail lo Uka u soma ef lb fits dramas that , will be prases ted. tf Mrs. C. E. Redfield la on the sick list. Ed Rood was in from Eight Mile today. 3. 8. Reed, of Portland, la in town today. F. M. Coarter, of Eight Mile, was in Heppner today. W. B. Gray, of St. Paul, la registered at the Palace. K. F. Mores, of Portland, is at the Hotel Heppner, Ed Rose, of Ban Francisco, is registered at the Hotel Heppner. Commissioner Beckett was in from his Eight Mile possessions today. Mrs. J. C. Hart entdrtained a number of her lady friends at tea yesterday afternoon. Frank Sloan and mother were in from Butter creek yesterday, returning home today. L. E. Cochran, representing the Oregon Shoe Co., of Portland, was in Heppner today. T. C. Frink and Al Laverne, of New York, are guests of mine host Richardson, at Hotel Hepp ner. Our merchants are busily engaged in opening up new goods and getting ready for the spring trade. Geo. Van Winkle is doing a rushing business with his steam chop mill in the Eight Mile country. , D. P. Ketchum, representative of the Union Meat Co., of Portland, came up from The Dalles this morning. Nightly services are being held at the Chris tian church this week, and the members are! especially requested to attend E. O. : Jos. Mueller, Wiley B. Allen's energetic representative, has returned from Athena, ac companied by Walt. Bartholomew. Attorney C. E. Redfield and family have moved Into the Wells residence recently vacated by F. KL. Bartholomew and family. Thos. Duncan, the gonial representative of J. A. Folger & Co., Ban Francisco wholesale grocers, is registered at the Palace today. A pleasant time was had by all those who at tended the "Pink Domino" ball at the opera house last evening. The affair was largely attended and quite a success. Joe Bannister is down from Haraman. He recently returned from a month's visit with his family. who are living at Weston this winter where the children are attending school. The members of the Uniform Rank, K. of P., should all attend the meeting Wednesday even, lng at the castle hall. Lieut. Hochstedlar and Major Aitkin will be present and desire a full attendance, not only of the members of the rank but all Knights who are interested. Old Song Get a bottle of good whiskey and a bottle of good wine. And you can drink to your true love, and I will think on mine. New Bong V here shall we get the whiskey, where shall we get the wine? We'll buy them from Llsh B perry, whose goods are extra fine At the Bel vadere Saloon, Heppner, Oregon. Dr. McSwords went down to Cecil last even ing to see James Fltz whom he found improv ing rapidly and reports him now out of danger. Fltz will either be taken to Arlington or brought to Heppner within a day or two. The Oazette is pleased to leern that the results of Swing's pistol practice did not prove fatal as was at brat feared, and that Fits is on the road to rapid recovery. ' Sbiloh's Consumption Cure ourea where others fail. It is the leading Coasrh On re. and no borne should be without it. Pleasant to take and goes right to tbe spot. Sold by Oouser k BrooK. x Horace Brooks was shot In both ankles by the accidental discharge of a tine In tbe hands of Bob Frailer, on the Middle Fork of the John Day river, in Grant county, a few days ago. Frazier was attempting to take the cartridge from the rifle when it was discharged. Brooks will probably be maimed for life as the bones of both ankles are badly shattered. MOVED INTO LARGER QUARTERS. Dr. Margerite Garnsey, who bas de oided to remain in Heppner for another week, bas taken larger quarters at the Palaoe hotel that she may be better able to attend ber greatly increased list of patients. The sucoess of Dr. Qarosey, siooe coming to Heppner, has been simply marvelous, sod her name will be called blessed by a large" number of people of this plaoe who have suffered lonjr with ohronio diseases bot had failed to find relief until Mm. Oarnsev took their cases in obarge and began treating them. Many of these people had Riven no ali borea nf r hin well again. The two oases referred to s short time siooe are still rapidly im proving, and to these has been added a oase of paralysis, wherein the afflicted one has been unable for some time to leave her bed. A. few days treatment by Lr. Uarnsey and this lady is now en abled to walk aoross the house and growing; better eaoh day. Numerous other cases oould be mentioned, but these are suffioient at present. Dr. Garnsey has undertaken to enre some of these efflioted ones gratis, they being onable to pay anything for treat ment, but she will be well paid as her success will prove a arreat .Hvflrtimni of ber ability aa a physician and the emoaoy of tbe remedies she uses to dis pel disease and build ud new tisane in the human body. While she remains in Hennnnr. TV Garnsey may be oonsulted free at hor offioe in the Palace hotel. All those afflicted with ohronio disease of what- ever nature should consult with ber while tbe opportunity lasts. Remedies furnished for all diseases at verv reason. a' lo rotes. It is easy to catch a cold and just as easy to get rid of it if yon oommenos early to nse One Minute Oongh Cure. II cures coughs, oolds, bronchitis, pneu monia aod all throat and Inns; troubles. It is pleasant to take, safe to use and sure to cure Conser & Brook A TIMELY WiKNING. Grain Bared Is Money Mads. To save the grain use Fry's Concen trated Squirrel Poison. This prepara tion is tbe cheapest and most eoonom ioal for tbe farmers. Ooe grata kills. Guaranteed. Prioe 2V per oan or $5.60 per oase of two dozen. For sals by Slocum Drug Co., Heppner, Or. tf The Way to Adtsaec The following new story is told of the late Lord Ampt.hill. When he was a junior clerk in the foreigrn office, Lord rainier ton, then foreign aM-cretary, in troiJuel an innovation whereby In stead! of being solemnly summoned by a verlml messnfre the clerks were ex pected to answer his bell. Some haugh ty Kpirit rebelled apainwt teintr treated hke footmen and tried to organize re ftiMAjioe, but (Mr RtiMtell. (u he then was, refuiw-d to join the rebt-llioun move ment, fraying that whatever method np priwI him most quickly of Lord l'o liners ton's wishes was tiie method which lie preferred. The nj?KTieved clerk regarded him as a traitor to his order, but be died so ambassador. Everybody Says So. Cp.1l1;lllt.S Pnmlv Pnt.l,ni--i tlia mn.4 wam- - . . . . w., wuv iuvh nwu" aerial 111 .'dual ilisrovorv of tbe age, pleaa- "-i ruu-uanmx 10 inn taste, act. gently ami p 'Mitivcly on kidnoys, liver and bowels, ch-.-viriiiiT the entire svstem. dispel colds, ciir-i iicniliioho, fever, liahitunl constipation an.l biliousness. Please buy and try a box o; .J. O. C. to-day; 10, 25, 50 cent,. Hold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. A FEARFUL. FALL. A. loans Han at Work on the Heppnr-r Light , water 10, well Takes a Tumble Frank Pickett, emDloved to in .iniin. the well at the power house, fell into the well m evening a mstance of 40 feet, s'rikingthe rock wall twice in the downward course. He was Roing down to assist in drilling and in some manner unknown he missed getting his foot securely into the loop of the rope, he signaled to Mr. Myers, who was at the wind- lass, to lower away, at the same instant swing ing himself clear from tha bin Mr md.. heard him cry oul and looked into the well aw mm going down. A young man named Sheppard, was at the bottom of the well, and Pickett's feet struck him on the top of the head, cutting quite a gash but not seriously injuring him. In a few minutes a large and excited crowd gathered around the well, and Messrs. Pruyn and Ennes went down and fastened the rope to Picket so that he could be hoisled out. He was token to the Palace hotel where Dr. Mc Swords examined him. Outsidn of a fo u..in wounds and a bad cut on the elbow, and a general snating up, he seemed to be all right, receiving no broken hanni r iui. int...i.. The escape of both Pickett and Bheppard from ueain, or at least being crippled for life, was miraculous. Mr. Pickett recently came to Heppner from jrriuevuie. This Is Tour Opportunlt jr. On receipt of tn cents, enh or stamps, a generous sample will le mailed of the most wpular Catarrh aal I fay Ksver Cure (Uy's Cream Halm) srifHcisnt to demon, st rats the great merits rf tbs remedy. XX Y liUOTHEIIS, 66 Warren Kt., New York City. Rev." John Reid, Jr.. of finut Falls, Mont, reootn raenilpd Kly's ('ream Italm to mi. I can eR!taiz his statement, "It iaapoai. tis enre for catarrh if used at directed." Krr. Francis W. Pool. Pastor Central Pres. Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Palm is the saeknowlsdged rare for catarrh aod contains 00 mercury bor any injurious drug. Fries, 60 seats. tfOerMl Hint a SlMdf Jek. A trcMxl story is told of how Dnnlrl 0(Vruiell reried the pratefnl bless Vttg" rf n Irixluuan. Iurlnf he eonrw of bin ciicnit in Ireland he was able to wcu rr the lilx-ration of a oti n? son of F.rin ln hnd Ix-en charged w ithmimr nfTene or o'hrr. On a -- i,l turn around the country O'CVmnell strain sel the lrilimnn frmn tbe5 arm of law. T he prihoiier. oerw h Imliigly grateful, weni up to the ndvoca te, utiook him 1V the hulid and, in the fullncasof his heart, exclaimed: "Anil may the Lord aae ye to defend rue always, Mr. OTonnell." Bncklea's Arnica Sal re. The Best Salve in tbe world for Hot. Braises, Mores, Uloers. 8alt Rbeom, Fever Sores, Jetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Come, and all Skin Emo tions, and positirsly cares Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Slooam Drug Co., E. J. Slooum, manager. The World's Record Beaten. San Francisco. Feb. 12. Jnrtan nennv. v. H Hlndes' handsome black horse, ran a mag nificent race at Oakland this afternoon. He won tbe two-mile contest with eawe and knocked two seconds from the world's rnnnM fnr ih distance and 8! seconds off the California record, Denny's mark being 8:2.V. There were only four horses in tbe race and of these only Judge Denny snd the thres-vemr -nM. MRrnlnt, bad a chance. Marplot had only 88 pounds up ana tesa under Heavy wraps to the stretch at tneena. Then Thorp sat down and rode the black horse, and bv his landed him a winner by four lengths. Dick sensn ana Collins were nowhere. Miss Alhs Hogbes, Norfolr, Vs., was frightfully baroed on tbe fsae and neck Pain was iost,iotly relieved by DeWitt'a witon uazel sulvs, wbion healed tbe in jury witboot lesving a soar. It Is tbs famous pile remedy. Conner St Brock. Off for Alaska. Ueo. Bleskman snd son, George, snd Levi Hansford, all ol Hardman, took tholr departure last evening for Portland, where they will out fit for Alaska. It Is the intention of the gentle. men to go direct lo Dawson City yla the Chllkat ss snd they will Iw prepared with plenty of provisions to last them at lesat. a year. Mr Hansford Is well acquainted with all the hard ships Incident lo making the trip, having been engaged In prospecting for a number of years in Alaaks. The best wishes of the Oazette goes with these gentlemen. Throagb Toirl.t Cars to Bt. Loais. A tonrint sleeping oar will Issvs Port land every Monday, via Mo. Paolflc, sod very Wsdnesdsy, via tbs Burlington roots, at 8 o'clook, p. m , via tbs O. It. k N.. tbrongh Salt Lake aod Denver, with oat changs to St. Loais, sod ooder lbs sopervisioa of sxpsrieooed conductors. No rbeege of csrs to Kansas City or St. Ltiois. Keep this servios in tniod ben going East, sod eonault O. 11. & N. agent or, address W. II. Ilorlburt, Geo. Pass, sg ni, P irtlaad. Or. Ihs Italics Is preparing to entertain the Fa- els KnrUiwest Woolgrowsra Association la that city on Marcs 1st. 2U anl VI. kcprasenUlives of tbs alieep Industry ars a wt to bs pres ent froni all otr the Northwest, promlnsnt pkers have bns securst and quaatloin of In teraat to tbs sbepno will t thorougbly dls eusssd Morrow ouunty will doubtleas hsvs a sussoer ol reprawnlsUves at this convantlou. Your Tax for the coming year on baking powder, will be very light if you buy Schillings Best and use only one heaping teaspoonful to a quart of flour. 5 GRAND CHARITY BALL BY Heppner Lodge No. 358, B. P. O. ELKS. Heppner Opera House, TUESDAY EVENING, FEB. 22, '98. GENERAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Frank 61111am w E Brock E L Freeland R F Hyad 6 W Phelps INVITATION A M Slocum Jack Hornor C R Wills W E Brock Dr E R Swlnburn FINANCE R F Hynd E W Rhea w R Irwin E J Slocum DECORATION J I Roberts Ike Ennes W A Richardson S P Oarrlgues J c Borcners Frank Roberts RECEPTION Henry Blackman Peter Borg E L Matlock Otis Patterson J w Morrow FLOOR AND MUSIC Frank Rogers Frank Natter J J Harris Geo Conser C E Redfield 6 W Phelps TICKETS J A Patterson s W spencer Frank 61111am 6eo Conser E L Freeland J A Woolery Music Will be Furnished by The Dalles Orchestra. Tickets $1.50. Entire net Proceeds for Charity. r ''si The Leader Of Course! VsV it it iv to vi m m m ; A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures, .1 . m m The man that Leads is the one from whom people like to buy. The slow, plodders all stand aside for him. That suggests a good reason why so many customers are being added to the list at T. R. HOWARD'S The Beginning of this New Year 1898. m Is a joy forever." That's what you'll find at Rs HOWARD ' S Heppner. Oregon. m A NEW FIRM ! E. G. Noble & Co., Successors to Noble & Co., Are in this field at the old stand with Harness, Saddles. Whips, Bpurs, and an endless lot ol STerything In their line. E. 0. Noble and Mrs. Quo. Noble comprise the new firm who will pay all bills of the old firm as well ss collect what Is due. MINOR & CO. The Pioneer Merchants of Heppner have not sold out, but on the contrary will start East About Jan. 17, '98 And will add many new lines to their stock of General Merchandise! WHirH-h,f.VrDMlflfJ.l:20,M MANUFACTURERS ALL FORMER PRCES. T UNDERSELL We are now moving to the old Heppner & Blackman stand as our business forces ub to larger quarters. Look out for Ol ID KlClir I imi-i wr nt,w UHL is ABOUT MARCH 1, S. THE ART OF BREWING. Was Perfected by the Production of.... HOP GOKD And now the entire world Knows this verfect product As the Star Brewery beer..... On draught at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY COMPANY, 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. The Best Bargains- ARE NOT THE GOODS BOUGHT FOR THE LEAST MONEY But are those ot greatest value In proportion to cost If you want to got your money's worth of honest goods in B 1 Confectionery OR MACHINERY, CALL ON- O. THOMPSON CO, we are increasing our stock for fall and winter. Call and see us. That 14-Year Old Stuff, "KohiVs Best," CO. Are out to do business and plenty of it. Don't overlook this. Repair work a specialty. WHITE COLLAR LINE. Coomb laniu w.mM m w sv I v v a m. V toss. V V fS v U II M. A, I JV 1 A w u n Steamers TELEi'IlON'E, BAILEY GATZF.RT AND OCEAN WAVE. (ration uuvu Co Leading Alder fjlreet Deck, Portland, for Astoria, Ilwaoo, Lrog Beaob, Oca rara ana xxsrjooua. iireoi oonoeouon witu ilwaoo alsamera ami rail road; also at YooDg's Hay witb Kearliora Hailroad. THiiiir ii o 3r m Leaves Porllsiid 7 A. M. Dally, except Hunday. Leavos Astoria 1 V. H. Dallr. eirept Uunda Leaves Portland I P, M. lully, eirrpt Htindny. Katurdsy iilulif. n p M. Imvm Astoria Da aio:w a. m., except nunaay ana Monday. Sunday niglit. If. M OOHAN WAVU Leaves Portland and runs dlrot to Ilwaoo, Tuetdsy and ThurwUy at a A. M. Hslurdsy at 1 f M Leaves llwaco.Wediiesday and Friday at 7; A. M. Oil BamUr Bight at 1 1. M. Baggage (Med to Railroad DestiaalioD Both Beaches Free of Expense 0. 8. Craoa waa up from Ella Satur day. Joba M. Hpsoosr was to from Asa Thompson's Batter creek sbeep raoob over Baodsy. G. A. libsa, president of the First National bank ot Heppner, waa lo tbe city yesterday. Wileoa Brock bas returned from Dillsboro wbera ba baa been for aotna lima settling np bis drug business. Wbsat it oouiog la slowly agalo. As tba roadt improva tbera will ba qnita a on. in ber of oar farmers atari to haoliof atraln. Tba prioa remains 61 eota. Catarrh oorsxl. A dear bead aod sweet breath seorsd witb Hbllob'a Catarrh Remedy; told oo a gnaraotss. Nasal Injector frsa. Hold by Cooaer k Brook. Uatt IfoagroTa, of radlstoo, was rsgistersd al tba raises Hooday, aod ysstarday ba displayed bis large lins of temples aod took orders from oor njer. ebanit for g'HxIt from tbe Arm of Flsitob Osr.Mrysr k Co., of i'orlland. Ts Csrs 1imiI(miii,h trvr. Tke Chciisu ( ikJ ( kti,n,f I'tasrete. IlUC C lil Mi surs. drugMM rfvk4 awiwy. Frank MoFarland, tba rustling local sgeotof Iba Fqallable Lilt lot. Co., It mealing aitb good tocoest aod is proud of tba record bit eompaoy bas mada for baaloasa Iba past year. Tha total asatta of lbs company ara oot; ITfi.HTH, a.01, ao locrease over last year of over '20,00),. 000, aod Iba tarplns food sbowt aod lo- oreaaa of over 17,000,000. Tblt it a good showing lodesd, and Mr. MoFarlsod la justly proud of It Ika Eunet aod Mika Itobertt fluisbrd tbs Itbaa ereek aitentloo of tba local telephone system this week. Tha lint gosa down Itbaa ersek to S. P. Itbas't plao, aod will proves greet convenience to all lbs rssidsola along tba line. BarUd wirs fences wert stad a great osai ot tba dislanes. hnuws lull, rvguiar artjoa of Uk b.c!t, do wit rrt IaU nf Itiflttm. but irave all tlx Saltnla 4IMI. Vanl.tn la wtft naMttlna. Tr Uim. SS MMa. t-irsw4 Ml kv M. L ftw Uh, IwwaM, K.M, Pills On Tap Down at The one Saloon ass it its hahk ooonsj a New Stand, City Hotel Building, IOW TII.1VARD, Prop, Teleph 7 si 9Trr4rrrrrr IT HAS BEEN SOLD ! j T T 17 Bought sever; I . tf Bought several car I ads ) last fall, but i nortft nnw Nsw ? I t " 111 - . w a mv ii Ordt.r haio rnlsiiM,.J the stock, however, and he Is In It yet Low Prices and Good Quality all count. See him at mo oiu stand. Undertaking a Specialty. O O O t 0C0J ROOTS AND SHOES'... D THt PLACE TO OCT THEM It Of . .. - . iwvki i film ii ur ivx. iviciiriivxiirv i5 co. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand. Main Strt d.-.i.i-. ... ueri'NKR, or., Nov. ij, m. Mrur: Cowr Bmtk, Jvr, Or. sTi.esss:- was reranllr taken with a serereeold whkh raa4e bis vary hoarse ant ramlerwl ms unfit to altsad to business. A fr!en! ol nilns tailed my attemloa to your Dr. Bsrthlow's rough syrup and I bought a bottle, sotting me to csnta, whkh relleve.1 ms al onrs and eom plslaly cured ms. I am sul.)rt to throat dirorully and t havs found nothing that gave me so much relief as this routh sure. Ism Informed that It Is eir,nt (, ,M, bromhllls, whooping ciiii b and all throat and lung troulil. 1 beg lo rsmalu, moat truly yuura, OTM fATIKKHOK, Ed. Ii.lla. -A.. ABRAHAMSICK, Merchant Tailoring! Han jiiHt Hccurml tho ocrvici'4 of Mr. Clias. O'Malley, a practical cutter of New York City, flu guarantees natifaction. CALL AND BEE Mil ON MAY BTHEET