Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 15, 1898, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Tuesday, Feb. 15, 1898.
Eepbesentative Boutell, of
Illinois, has the distinguished
honor of being the first member
of the present house to be renomi
nated. His nomination was by
acclamation, too. Pretty good for
a man who is serving his first term.
Judge J. 0. Peebles, a pioneer
of Oregon and a man highly Hon
ored and respected in the com
munity in which he lived, died at
his home in Salem last Friday.
Judge Peebles was a true blue re
publican and always labored earn
estly and faithfully for the success
of his party.
What the silver party, organized
Saturday, intend to do in Morrow
county is probably not nearly so
great a secret to some as is the
matter of who called the meeting
of the eilverites. The Gazette will
take great pleasure in telling the
people of Morrow county some
very plain truths in the near
future. That is, we will remove
the hoodwiuk.
Lectgert was not guilty or he
should be hanged. If guilty, as
the verdict declares, he was one of
the most cold-blooded murderers
of the age and imprisonment for
life with a probable pardon in ten
years is a perversion of justice,
and such action as this on the part
of our courts is one of the prime
causes of Judge Lynch being
called on so often to 'officiate.
Did you, gentle reader, ever
notice how sensitive people who
have corns are? If you get on the
same street with them they squeal.
Of course they con't help it, they
are built that way, and yet if they
really knew how rediculous it
made them appear they would
surely exercise better control over
themselves and not squeal until
hurt. Squealing before getting
hurt conveys the idea that they
are hurt, sec?
Senator Lindsay's declaration
of independence of the eilverites
of the Kentucky legislature, and
denial of their right to ask him to
resign, would have imprepsod more
people tnan it did, bad he not
preceded it by a vote for the Teller
resolution, thus indicating a desire
on bia part to throw a sop to the
silver element of his state. The
man who voted for the Teller reso
lution need not expect to be be
lieved when he snys he is honestly
opposed to the free coinage
1 he way to harmonize is to
harmonize. Ignoro all factions,
stand for true lopublicaniflin and
tlou't allow nnyouo to define it for
you. Got squarely on tho St,
Louis pint form with both foot aui:
lot the enemy do all tho howling
and kicking. You can't afford to
waste any time figuring how the
bimon faction or tho Mitchel
pUHh is going to succeed, llepub
licans must put themselves in the
position of not kuowing either o
those factious and work togothor
shoulder to shoulder. As we said
at the beginning, the way to bar
inonize is to harmonize.
The prcBidont and members of
tho cabinet are loth to accent the
gnnoral idea that Germany, in
shutting out American fruits, even
partially, and in threatening to
shut out American horsos, is act
ing upon a goneral plan of tariff
retaliation, but if the oflioial in
vestigation now being made shall
show that such is the case, aotion
will be taken that will be sure to
cause deep regret on the part of
Gonuany. No country on earth is
bo well fixed to play the game of
commercial retaliation as the
United States. Our ambassador
to Germany Lai already given the
German government a hint of our
williuguesB to play the game with
any oountry that makes tho first
move against us, and the iudica-
tiouu are that the Lint will be
Buflicient to convince the Kaiser of
the wisdom of prudonce.
Wihooui.d, whose able manage
ment was a potent factor iu there
publican eongretmional victories of
'91 and 'M, is again to be chair,
man of the republican congres
sional campaign committee, and
Representative Mercer, of Ne
braska, who was Lis able lieuton-'
The Cause or Dxspepsia.
From the Republican, Scranton, Penn.
The moat common of all human ail.
meets is deranged digestion; the most
aggravating disease, inherited by man,
The primary cause of dyspepsia is lack
or vitality; the absence of nerve force;
ths loss of the self-sustaining elements
of the blood.
.no organ oan properly perform its
fnnotions when the source of nutriment
fails. When the stomach is robbed of
the nourisbmeut demanded by nature.
assimilation oeases, unnatural g asses are
generated; the entire system responds
to the disoord.
A praoticaJ illustration of the symp
toms and tortnre of dyspepsia is fur
nished by the case of Joseph T. Vandyke,
440 Hiokory St., HorBnton, Pa.
In telling his story, Mr. Vandyke sayi:
"Five years ago I was afflicted with a
trouble of the stomaoh, which was very
aggravating. I had no appetite, oould
not enjoy myself at any time, and especi
ally was the trouble severe when I
awoke in the morning. I did not know
what the ailment wag, bat it beoame
steadily worse and I was in constant
"I called in my family pbyeioian, and
be diagnosed the case as catarrh of the
stomaoh. He prescribed for me and I
had his prescriptions filled. I took
nearly all of the medeoine, but still the
trouble beoame worse, and I felt that
my oondition was hopeless. I tried
several remedies reoommended by my
friends but without benefit. After I had
been suffering several months, Thomas
Campbell, also a leeident of this city,
urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
for Pale People.
"He finally persuaded me to buy a box
and I began to use the pills ecoording to
directions. Before I bad taken the sec
ond box I began to feel relieved, and
after taking a few more boxes I con
sidered myself restored to health. The
pills gave me new life, strength, ambi
tion and bappioees."
Dr. Williams Pink Pills onre dyspep
sja by restoring to the blood the requi
site constituents of life, by renewing the
nerve force and enabling the stomach to
promptly and properly assimilate the
food. These pills are a Bpeoifio for all
diseases having Ibeir origination In im
poverished blood or disordered nerves.
Tbey oontaio every element requisite to
general nutrition, to restore strength to
the weak, good health to the ailing.
ant in the last campaign, is to be
re-elected secretary of the commit
tee. It is complimentary to these'
gentlemen that in the reorganiza
tion of the committee for this
year's campaign, no other names
have been mentioned for their po
sition. Notwithstanding the hoo
doo which has so often resulted in
the defeat of the party in power at
the first congressional election
after the installation of the new
administration, the members of
the republican committee are pre
paring to enter the coming cam
paign with a determination to win,
and the full expectation that the
intelligent sentiment of the country
is behiod the republican policy
that is giving back prosperity to
the country.
To Whom it May Concern:
Haying been Infoimed that the sgeuts
of another Insurance Association circu
lated the report that the Mutual Pro
tective Insurance Association of Port
land, Oregon, did not pay in foil the
amount of insurance on my dwelling
which was destroyed by fire in Septem
ber last, and which was Insured in that
Association for 83TO, I hereby state that
snob report is absolutely untrue.
That said Association, not only paid
the full amount of their policy on said
dwelling, but they paid $100 thereof be
fore the same was due, aooording to the
terms of their policy, in order to accom
modate me, and I would further state
that I aui entirely satislled with the
treatment I have received from that As
sociation, aud cheerfully reoonimeud
them for the manner iu which they ad
justed aud settled my loss,
Mhh. Ehtklla Lawson,
C23-4t law. Grants Pass, Or.
Brhuol Director!.
II your school is in need of a first rl.a
anatomical chart this oflloe ban one a
itws tnsn nail pr re. (lost git',. .111
aeu ror m casb. Call at thia offlna
The (liizotte will olub with the Oregon
Heuator, the great Phlhiau paper of Ore
gon, ashington and Idnho, published
ai roriiaud, for 8:1.75 for the two. The
Senator is all riulit. No Knight
Pythias ilionld be without it. if.
A ootifi-h which Ktms to hano
on in spite of all the remedies wlnfh
you have applied certainly necTLi
energetic snd sensible treatnvfiL
For twenty-five years that sta'ua
ard preparation of cod-liver oil,
has proved its effectiveness in cur-
Inp; the trying affections of the
throat and lungs, and this is the
reason whyi the cod-liver oil, par
tially digested, strengthens and
vitalizes the whole svs-
ifjr tcm t the hvooohosefiit 1
act as a tonic to the
mind and nerves, and the
glycerine soothes and
heals the irritation. Can
you think of any combi
nation so effective as this?
ft. iurt v. 1,4 SCOTT'S FiuUm. ft that th
WKl Iu v, vl th, wrap),.
j Y- ni li.eo, all 4ruUtt,
Coos County Farmer was Forced to Divulge
the Hiding Place or Bis Mosey -His Bams
May Prove Fatal.
Myrtle Point, Or., Feb. 11. Two
masked thugs yesterday extorted $180
from Levi Grant, ao aged farmer, who
lives near here, by boldincr bim over a
blazing fire till be disolosed its hiding
place. After they left, Grant managed
to crawl a quarter of a mile from bis
oabin in searob of assistance, bat fioallr
fainted from the excruciating pain bis
burns caused bim. . He was brought
here by a neighbor, who found bim lying
by the roadside, and bis injuries were
dressed . It is hardly likely that he will
Grant is a widower, 75 years old, and
lives alone on a farm, his dwelling being
aboot a quarter of a mile from the road,
and bidden from it by a tall poplar
hedge. Hs was sitting by the fire last
night, having removed his shoes pre
paratory to going to bed, when one of
windows was smashed 10 with a bludgeon
and be was suddenly seized from behind
by a masked man, while aseoond con
fronted him and demanded bis money.
As soon as be found breath to speak, be
protested that be bad none. The thugs
then lifted him bodily and held him over
the fire that was blazing on the broad
hearth, till be screamed for meroy and
promised to give them all the money he
bad if tbey would release bim. He was
taken from the fire and allowed to take
out bis purse, bat when his torturers
found that it only contained $40, they
thrust him baok into the fire and held
bim, till, in bis agony, be told tbem
where $140 more was bidden. Tbey
quiokly found this and made tbeir
esoape, leaving bim writhing on the
cabin floor. '
A searob is being made for the robbers,
but thus far without result.
The Knitted Calfornla Grape Crop.
The partial loss of the grape crop this
year, caused by the heavy rains, is esti
mated to exceed $1,000,000. Farmers
and vineyards all over the northern part
of the state have suffered. While this is
true, it is equally a fact that lost and
failing strength may be restored by the
persistent, systematic use of the great
national tooio, Hostettere Stomach Bit
ters, whiob renews and tones the aotivily
of the stomaoh, liver and tbe bowels,
counteracts a tendency to rheumatism
and kidney oomplaint, and prevents ma
larial disorders. After exhausting dis
eases have run their oourse, reoovery is
greatly accelerated by the use of tbe
Bitters, whiob improves appetite and
imparts renewed vigor to tbe debilitated
liawlins Post G. A. R . and R. C. held
joint installation at tbe ball of tbe I. O.
O. F. Saturday. Before proceeding with
the beautiful installation servioes, tbe
Post and over 100 invited guests were
asked to partake of a banquet prepared
by tbe Relief oorps, to which it is Deed-
less to say all done full justioe. Tbe
oorps never does things by halves. It
was a meal such as our mothers would
be proud of,
After this pleasing part of tbe pro
gramme oame tbe installation of officers
tbe corps installing tbe following: Presi
dent, Mary Bartholomew; Sen. vioe
president, Jennie Driskell; Jan. vice
president, Belle Lelande; obaplaio,
Margaret Ball; president, Mary Smith;
seoretary, Mattie Smead; oondaolor,
kmile Kelly; guard, Surah Grossman,
Mrs. Emile Kelly, installing officer,
has her work well in band and every
thing moved very smoothly under ber
Tbe Post installed the following: Com
mander, G. W. Rea; Sen. vioe oommaa
der, N. 8. Whetstone; Jun. vioe-oom
mander, M. O. Drinkell; quartermaster,
Jsokson Hill; chaplain, Foster Adams;
ollioer of tbe day, J. O. Ball; Surgeon, G
E. Mikesell.
... .
wur reporter railed to gel the names
of the other oflicers installed. If some
member of the post will kindly leave
them at this office we will gladly pub
lish tbem io our next issue.
Ileauty la Illood Deep.
I loan blood mentis a clean skin. No
nenuty without it. I 'ascarets, Candy Cut bar
tic clean your blood arul keen it clean, lij
Htirrinii up the lazy liver and driving; all 1 111
mimics iroin llie IkhIv. Ileum to-tlay to
imnixli pimplm, Ik.iIh, blotched, bluckheaiU,
mid that sickly bilious completion by takiim
Cancarrt, lienuty for te n cents. All clru
Bints, satisfaction guuiantecd, 10c, 2oc, 50e.
Loral Institute.
A teaoher's local institute will be held
at the school bouse in Hepptier, Satur
day, Feb. 1'.), llg.
Regarding local institutes tbe school
laws of Oreuon say: "In order to de
velop to higher degrees of excellence tbe
work of publio school education iu each
county, aud to secure that attention and
aid which tbeir Importunes demands, it
ball be the duty of the oonoty superin
tendent lo organiis and hold local in
stitute and eduoational meetings in
various parts of the county at suob
time and placet as be may deem most
xpedient, and he shall socurs al tbe.
meetings, as far as practicable, the at
tendance and oo-operation of sebool
ollioer, teachers and parents." All
parties named above and all others in
lereeted io eduoational matters ar in
vited to attend the institute on Feb. 19.
Frank McFarland baa been appointed
loia. ageol of Th Eqaitabla Uf At
saranea Co, of New York, tha atrongeat
Id tba world. Caab tnrplua lo policy
holdera of over 60 mil Hoc dollar. Don'l
luaurancsi wiiuooi seeing tha new
plane of the Equitable, Incur both
1 . . . .
etM at earns rata, TTf
Driog your bidet, plta cod fur lo
Po. Mathewe, al the Liberty Meat
Market . lie pay biirbest market rrlA
- m , .
t'i la ' rv i lllf If I '"ni'imuiiin.lltMna iin.l.. . ------ ...... , SI tlU JSDal' Old SUil
I ii LomS Sn.tflt iul Ksi ,li. Hf" f kTlm.n Bn . h.a Uwu diaM,i Ti h. . ,"u"0' npm you Ky pnWI- ' .
JS. U,,,,,,,,',,.! CasM I """''aTeona.nl. All bills aMsviutaoi lol E,"'Jn Ul'rr"'. l'"r""' "f n or.l o H,M1. RhaviniJ, - IS
M ir.,i.. LJ by said lira til be Mid hy . I m. ' )"' sl entitl-t iii . . ,
""' 9 " i J 1 KNUELXANr iWJ.ii. 1 Jo.lapintnpth. r.puutlo o
01 the Face.
Mrs. Laura E. Mims.of Smithville.Ga.,
says: "A smalt pimple of a strawberry
color appeared on my cheek; it soon
began to grow rapidly, notwithstand
ing all efforts to check it My
eye became terribly
inflamed, and was so
swollen that for quite
a while I could not
see. The doctors
said I had Cancer of
jV the most malicmnnt
v2gswSS type, and after ex
hanstine their effort
Sfis without doing me
anv eood. thev cave
np the case as hopeless. When in
formed that my father had died from
the same disease, they said I must die,
as hereditary Cancer was incurable.
"At this crisis, I was advised to try
S.S.S., and in a short while the Cancer
began to discharge and continued to do
so for three months, then it began to
heal. I continued the medicine a while
longer until the Cancer disappeared en
tirely. This was several years ago and
there has been no return of the disease."
A Real Blood Remedy
Cancer is a blood disease, and only a
blood remedy will cure it. S. S. S.
guaranteed purely vegetable) is a real
blood remedy, and never fails to per
manently cure Cancer, Scrofula, Eczema,
Rheumatism or any other disease of the
blood. Send for our books
o Cancer and Blood Diseases,
mailed free to
any address.'
Swift Specific
Co. Atlanta, Ga.
The Three Great Beef Breeds, Hereford,
Shorthorns and Polled Angus.
Cass Rogers writes from his Butter
oreek stock ranob that the prospects for
tbe year in that seotion are excellent,
and tbe promise is tbe oountry will
bloom as it never bloomed before. Mr.
Rogers is busy raising Hereford cattle,
wbiob be does with great suooeos.
Tbe Gazette is indebted to Mr.
Rogers for tbe following shook item
from the Arizona Range News: Tbe
three great beef breeds, Herefords, short
horns and Polled Angus, divided the
honors and prizes at the Chicago fat
stock show. While tbe pure-bred Here
ford steer Jack won tbe championship
over all breeds, tbe polled blacks cap
tured the largest number of ribbons, in
cluding tbe award of tbe Clay-Robinson
tpeoial prize, and a grade shorthorn took
tbe blook championship. All three of
these breeds have tbeir distinctive points
of superiority. The shorthorn is the
arlttoorat of the bovine commonwealth
With good shelter and sanitary con
ditions and an unfailing supply of no.
trilious grasses and grain food, be ia the
beet maker par exoellenoe.
The Polled Angus bullock has a better
natural defense against oold and storm,
and is also responsive to good oare and
generous feeding.
The Hereford, however, is tbe breed
for the Western ranges and partioularly
for tbe semi-arid regions of tbe south.
west. Strong and aotive, close-knit and
bardy, be thrives on the scant herbage
of the valley or the browse and bunch
grass of tbe mountain side. He carries
his own certificate of breeding, com
mands a ready sale, and when placed in
tbe feed lot puts bis rivals on tbe anxious
seat in the contest for supremacy
Long live tbe Hereford.
Mrs. M. B. Ford. Ruddell'e, III., suf
fered for eight years from dyspepsia and
ohronio constipation and was finally
onred by using DeWitt'a Little Early
Risers, tbe famous little pills for all
stomach and liver troubles. Conger A
The very readable series of papers
wbioh Edward Everett Hale Is writing
tor the Outlook oontinues to giow in in
terest. That printed in tbe February
magazine number deals with Lowell's
life aiid friendships in oollege, and con
tains some examples of bis poetio work
when be was one of tbe editors of "Her
vaana." Dr. Hale in this installment
tells the true story of Lowell's suspen
sion from college just before graduation,
about which for many years absurd and
absolutely unfounded stories have been
circulated. Tbe true cause or tbe sus
pension was simply and solely young
Lowell's lack of regularity in the attend
ance upon the oolloge chapsl exerouwa
(S3 a year. The Outlook Com nan v. 13
Ator Place, New Tork)
Mm. Htark, l'Uasani liug, O., tayt-
t-iirw i wi, uiMuurs gave up my twy lo
dm, I aavrij hlro from cronp ty using
"n Minnie (joauu Dure." it ia ti,.
quicmt ami most certain remedy for
wiiifcrha, colda aul all throat aollung
troublea. Conser & lirook.
Mr. and Mr. E. J.Muir departed laat
evening, Mrs. Moir for tbe borne of ber
people, al Bonaparte, Iowa, and Mr.
Moir for Portland, where be will ootflt
ior rvioDime. Tb Usielte regrtut to
eee these pople leave Qeppoer, bat bo pee
iubi ii may be able ia doe lira to ebroo-
icl tb good new that E. J. baa truck
ll .1 .L . Al . . . - .
rico io iii Alaska gol.t fields end will
be able to return to civilisation witb
well earned forluo.
Eriaeat Tear llowti with Caararvta.
lo,"i'r'?lb?r.ll'f eur eoi.stlail.. forever,
us. U U u C. (all. 4rwaiaw rvfuod nionrw.
sto kholders i.l Ui Morrow County Land
A Trim Co . th.i ih. ...,.. i "J 7 J
,r 1 L . . . . """. "arch IJih.
"" l. m., In th. N.ti,.,,aJ flank
I ":"''! ' he tn,wm Ue ,4 ., h
tin """"" M ""I' br.iln if.,r. lh.
a ii "ir hind,
' ' fcocrUrT.
Al partnership hn.inf .,...i..V..i"f
- - w -w - - i teriwpein
.-..n ii unit, ur rid. 1 '. fci ,. tni,ns w arwiaa work and would L.
"s1 Atkiueysfut I'ltauUf. 1 hay yoa tail.
. Jnn 98- Notlce hereby given that
the following-named settler has filed notice of
l. J ... " V" UM U1CU UUUUO OI
Ms intention to make final proof in support of
c'a'nV" that said proof will Kmade
f??f? w-Moow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on March 18, 198, viz:
WII.r.TAUV nui'Tnv
g; ; -2. the ME) Bee 29, Tp. 1 8., B.
hul6" the fo"owlng witnesses to prove
his continunna n .i.n.. . . i. ,..:...
siw m m"1, William Barrett, Edmund
Sfi 8lrMiffl'n J-Devin and WUliam j. McCarty,
all of Heppner, Oregon.
614-28. Bastlett, Register.
A nf flrflonn fn tv. it
. viic vuuuiy ui morrow.
In the matter of the estate of John M. O. Spen-
ftl Si TY1 1 n a.
TO J. R BnaJpu ...Jl.n u. ...... -. - . .
minor, greeting? UI "
In the name of the State of Oregon, You are
hflrnhv ui foil an1 mm. .,.-. .. . . t ...
n.,.r. y. 1 . iwuiibi kj appear in me
County Coort of the Btate of Oregon, for the
. iV ' . " , m uievuurt room mereoi,
at Heppner, in the County of Morrow, on Tiiea.
daV. the Alffhth rtnv nf M.mh woa ,n .'-1
in the forenoon of that day, then and there to
Dwuuiiu us guardian 01 J. M. U.
bpencer, a minor, and show cause, if any exist,
whv he should tint 1... nv ,k. fi .
8Pe"cfr the ' money now In his
Witness, the Hon. A. G. Bartholomew, Judge
of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for
trie Countv nf Mnmtv 1.. ; u k. . 1 . 1 . i
f2rt aflUed- m tn day of January, A. D.
m OKtt68t: J- W- MORROW,
618-ia- Clerk.
undersigned assignee of E. 8. and 8. a.
Cox, Insolvent Debtors, has filed his final ac
count as such assignee with the clerk of the
Circuit Court of Morrow County, Oregon, and
that said account will be called up for hearing,
and be passed upon Monday, the 7th day of
March, 1898, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m. of
said day, or as soon thereafter as the same can
be heard and passed upon by the judge of said
Dated this 21st day of January, 1898.
W. P. Fell,
616-25- Assignee.
' - v3
Land Offick at La Gbande Orboon
inllnwlllDr.nnmaH Baffin. Una mn j
, " , , " DeviA, ii cm uicu uuuve
f hi i on to make flnal Pro0' ln support
. ...o v.oi.u, mil mat saia prooi win He made
before J. W. Morrow, Conuty Clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on March 12, 1898, viz: . F 1
i k. , CHARLES 8. JAYNE,
g- S- No. B082, for the 8E4 of Sec 14, Tp. 8 8, R
Z7, Ei. W, M.
HA flRTTIM tllA fn11n.l lt. X .
iviiumug rf i nit; bbc b w prove
nis continuous residence upon and cultivation
' , "" wrosoy, jonn Mar
shall, Sterling P. Florence and Andy 8. Steven
son, all of Heppner, Oregon.
E. W. Bartlktt,
s16"27 Register.
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at Thk Dallks, Oregon.
VTOTICE 18 HEREBY mvtf'Jj1! i8'r1Tii
LV following-named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of
vioiii., iim uini jam prooi win De made De
fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on Saturday, February 26, 1898, viz:
JAMES R. NUNAMAKER for Heirs of Maria E.
S'0;,8619 for the SW 01 Sec-5- TP- 2 8., R.
iA il.. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
w i? nni' vlzi Dav,d P- B"ker George
.. . j, ,., unp, n, uraoiu ana J nomas King,
all of lone, Oregon.
, JA8. F. MOORE,
i6"27 Register.
Notice of Intention.
Land Offici at LaGbande, Oregon,
Jan m lH9ft
fn Inurfn.nan.iu1 1 aii .1
.u..v,ue-,,.mnl DCUOl Ultfl UICU llOMCe OI
hisintention to make flnal proof in support of
; uu biu in inn wm d maae De-
tore County Clerk, Morrow county, Oregon,
at Heppner, Oregon, on March 12, 1898, viz :
a. fpMv.'E' ;h6MEH N BE BM-
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Charles 8. Jayne, Bruce B,
Kelley, George A. Stevenson and William Stew
art, all of Heppner, Oregon.
, E. W. Babtlett,
816-27 Register
Land Office at Thi Dalms. Oreoon,
January 17. 1898.
following. named settler has filed notice
of his intention to make flnal proof In
support of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk,
b aeuuiier, ureK"n, on renruary a, inm. viz
a E No. 3990, for the 8WJ4 of sec 29, Tp 8 8, R 26
. " m.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residonce upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Frank Smith, James H. Willis
and James Brown, of Iiexlngton, Oregon, and
. iiuiuh a. &iiBeu, ui nupiMier, urcgon
Notice of Intention.
Land Officc at La Geandi, Oreoon,
Janua'-y 31, 1898,
XTOTICE 18 HEREBY mvirN that thi
following-named settler has filed notice of
his Intention to niak final proof ln support of
iiiBumim, ami mai mnm proof win tie mane
before the County Clerk of Morrow county,
On-gon, at Heppuer, Oregon, on March 19, 1898,
Hd E No. m4. fur the 8U NWf & NEU Sec
Tpl H, R 28, E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon ami cultivation
of shIi) land, viz: John Marshall, Thomas Mar
shall, Hugh Fields and James Johnson, all of
Heppner, Oregon,
' Register.
Notice of Intention.
Land Offici at La Grande. Oregon.
. Januarv ,11, 11.94.
1 fill In w I lid named settler hm H1...I nml..
of his Intention to make flnal prmf In supiKirt
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
in, iiiiiuijr v icra 01 Hnrrow county
Oregon, at lleppuer, Oregou, on March 1!)'
viz: '
lid E No for the Sn NEu. ars. nfu-
NKi rKV Sec To 1 S. k Al E W M.
He names the follow Inir wlttivaua in nm...
hlscnntlinious res'ileiice iihiu and cultivation
of said land, vti: John Maralmll. Tlw.n,..
1 iV "Kn rieuis ana James Johnson, all
... ..v'jiivi , vnrKUU,
l9K Register.
A of Oregon for Morrow county.
Iu. . 1 ..-.
aiiv niiivrivaii mirigage
Coniiany, of HiDtland,
Lliniteil. a corporation,
John Q. Crafts. Annie
Crafts. J. W. Huilth, M.
V. Hanison, Jacob ,
BortsT, and Coltln
Mi l srland, as partuera,
To John u. Crafts. J. W. Hmlth and H. V. Harrt-
Inn, drlrndanu, ahnva iminril:
In tha uame of Ihs tltata of Uregon: Yoa are
hereby required to appear and answar ih.
i'.iniilnt nir.1 against you III thahootltln
suit, on or tirforo th lint day of lha nut rau
lar term ol the ahotra otllled court fullowlnr
the enplraUon ol the time pmrrltwd In lha
11r.lerl.1r pulilliwtlon of this snmmoiia, whlrh
nm day will t Monday, the lib day of March
Iwst, and you and mil of yoa will Uk nolle
that H you (ll to so appear and amour, fur
ant thereof plaintiff will at.nl b miA
"ii i-r in rvuei nemamie,! 10 Ita com
plaint, tn wit: For JiiiWmenl airalnat John U.
I rafts and Annie Crafta lor the aiim nf 1 iai iA.
gelher with Interval theraun at th rale of eight
rwmlier, lwi. Hi wvnlim with th trm of
a certain timmlaaorv not, h ihm ni. ...
- 1"1H iMr innum I rt 1 1 II in, nrat nf Iw
dellvrl to ptaliiltrr. oil Of ahoot th iKk Amy
of Jua. lw.7, for al4 sum: ftw Ih sum nf at)
attoriH-fs Ins, and foe Ih sum of Si a.-iraiH-
tor taira, and lor Ih exwla and dUbn
aientaof this suit: also a derm hie ih.
ehoiir nf th rertaln snortanc irull and
dllrt. by sai. detndani. Joha vk. Crmiuj
end Ann! Cralta, to plain HIT to sartir th
prsnnt of Ih atxnr dMcrtrwd not, aiwt ar
th sal ol said nnri(4 property sitna'a.1 la
e..uniy. ra. arriD.i as follow a,
"-It. Th amilhat iiiftr of ritB t
Tp. a. south of rattr rt ml w. M , and thai th
pmenhts ol said sal b applied to Ih pavaaatit
n .am amount, 11 II plallllin, lloril)S
Who has secured the services of
As manager. It will be run in first class shape
in every department. Rates reasonable
Keeps the Finest Wines,1 Liquors and Cigars.
4 When you hear dem bells!"
Belled express is coming. Does delivery work '
on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This
a6un is iu. ana leave your order with it
or at "Central" telephone office. '
nl OF I0NE wt.
g Keeps A Beneral
Including all the Staples, Hardware, Tin
ware, Harness, Stockmens' Supplies;
Wood and Willowware.
First Class Goods and Low Prices
is his motto.
They Are
. Hav. ms,e some imn
Meadows i Hatten are the Boys to
Is that of plain and decorated
Chinaware & Queensware At
6illiam Bisbee's
Ana br the w.y the, hsv, -Jthlno-icsn caU ,r , tlle llne of
.!. ."".OrfKiin, tor Morrow county.
n. r. Lort, H. K. Klnrstct
snil I 'li tl . Motsohen u
the t)ord of rommls
stonrrs tc, HsJutllls,
Adeline Howpll, Henrr
Howell, Mry Bourrlf,
John Howeil, Nellln
Howell, Wllllsm Howell,
funforu Howell, J.tst-oli
Howell, TII.U Howell,
Ms Howell, Krsnk How
ell, Thomss Howell. I.lllr
Howell, Hettle Fwr,
hlx rarer, A.lrllne How.
ell, ss KlmtiilatratrU
Slid Henrr Howell Mad.
mliiiatruir of Htmiford
Howell, deceased, Uey.
To Willi. Howell, liattle Fsrer and Rlx
Fsrer, Defendsnt: M
In th nsmeof tb. BUta of Oregon: You are
hereby ronlrd to ann. .,,.1 rJr
mnaL m
ou In tha above an
M llrri Am m nJ ....
iiueo sou on or hlor tha first dar ot tha n.,i
rraiuar (arm ol thia court tn.i. Ti...v
i . - . -. 'am j n.i
-..l'.7Lh '"A " ou 'lt to answer tor
want thereof the plaint!!! will apply to tha
court lo (rant the relief damandl n tha com-
V rtaln promissory note for tha sum of Also
.Mt lhata.i - .u- - . . , w -
Htsn ura the payment of said n..i n .h-i.j
"Wine dearrlliwt iJ . .
, nlq aai, hesppll
pavrti.titot the amount due plalntlli
This summons ts s.rTd ui.,n i
anc. of an onlrr th. t,..,.'"";''.''.'
l-Mt I..
lds. of th. ahnra antuled enurt, made and
"U-re-llndanllon tl,. sth d.y of Jltnul
sus A KtDFlKLD
Atturu.js fur I'laluliifk.
form.rly ol Paudletoa
Tonsorial Artist.
Male Cutting,
hop, Matlock C'ofn.r,
18 C.rt
28 "
Bappoar, Oratna.
J. L,
this shna
pleased to
- iiv rviv ill VI fell tMtr
rrit per annum from April 1st. IM, the suroof
! tutrnera fea and tha cts snd nl.tosa
mcnu of this suit, and ih.t ih.
lilt Inlsr
Morrow rouuty, Mate of ilreon to-wlt:
r ii, . . p. , aouin ol ranee
5JV;b ,"r'"l ."1 said pr.in.rt,
ed lo
The Palace
.Has been leased by.
Stock of Merchandise
do Yoar ffork Right anddo it Quick, too.
Best Moomoiodatioo tDi ooartMn.
Ire.tmen, thelmp.,,,1 Hotel. S.ventb
BdW.sb.8ti., Portland, Oregon. .
General Collector
Office ia J, N. Brown's Bnildiaa.
Ellis & Phelps
n DiiaineM attended tolni hp..., ...
Oftlc In Ktttsr lulldlng,
Meppner, or,
Mathews 8c Gentry,
"hop two doors iuuih 0( rm.
The Old Shop !
I tl to go to got
your fiD0 pork tod ltob
ctop, ttetkt indrouU.
hi Sorll f"