0 uuo TO THE GIVES TBI 0HOI0I Of Two Transcontinental GREAT OREGON NORTHERN Ry- SHORT LINE. VIA VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha AND AMD Chicago Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. nnean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. Steamers Monthly from Portland to Yokohama and Hoot KoDfl'. via, Tba Northern Paoiflo Htearasbip Co. In coo, section with 0. K & N. For (all deUlli eall on 0. It. i N. Agent at Ileppner, or address Dodwell. Carllll, Co., Qen'l. AiU., Nor. Ptc 8. B. Co., Cortland, Ore, W. B. OUBLBUBT, Oeo.Paaa. Agt. TOBTLAKD. 0BBO0R, Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD -8CENIC LINE OF THE WORLD- FIRST AND ONLY . . . . PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSION . . . . EVER RUN BETWEEN The Pacific Northwest AND- BOSTON, MASS. EC rhrontth ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STAGE LINE Commencing February lit, TOURIST SLEEPER leave Portland every Tuesday at 8 p.m., via O. R. & N., Denver & Rio Grande, Rock Uland, Lake Shore, New York Central, and Boston & Albany Kallroadi. Excursion car carried on Fast Boston Special East of Chicago, making the run in 28 hours; several hours quicker than any other line. For rates and all information, call on or address, R. 0. NlCnOL, 8. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Uen, Pass. & Tkt Agt. 2M Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. C. Hart, Local Agt, Hoppner,Or, NOHTII l'ACIPIO Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 16fi9.) Published Weekly Portland, Or. at DEVOTED TO ARE YOU GIG EHST ? If so, be inre and e tbat yoor ticket reads via Kii Konawostern Hue ....THE... CHICAGO, ST. TiVL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA KAILWAT inn it rni Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULUTII, fiT.rAUlA CHICAGO AND A IX POINT EAST AND 80UTIL Their Ma-nlnr-M TrvS. erUa VtallbuM ulna aim Trains, s4 Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. Worth it weight in gold to every farmer and breeder in Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION: 12.00 PER YEAR iHampla eoplea free.) Rural Hi.irit aod Oasetts both for 13.00, oaab, at this office. Hindis Slut l"Hn I f I Mottui ALWAYS ON TIME ha glvati this rnsil s national rapiitallon. All I'lHMK'l III l'lill"ri rMIl m tha MlllHllnt train without aim rhon, hla tiwr IrviaM and trawl r Uil lawuu U. All have Urktita. F. r BSVAOK. i ... tar. Agt. , r'ti.n.i. t. W. II. MEAD, UBII. AarnL Jin HwhM(tnNM CIIICAOO Iwais & SI. Pail B'y This Railway Co. Operate it train lb famnea block system; Lights Ita train t Uolrtelty Ihnwgh- ool; Uses tba nalauralmi stains berth t4 lug lamp; Hon apeadily aqalnpaJ pa eyr trait averv dsv and athi b4aea Ml, I'sel and Chioago, sail Osaehs a4 CI."1! Ilia Chicago. Milwaukee St. Paul Also opsHtla sWaa-aaU4 nasi Waled reins, mtryiag lha latanl private eompartai.! ear. library buffs! k Inf rare, aad pWe dree inf !" para. Ferlor ear, free Nil ekeif re aoit b vary bt diaiag rkaU service. For lowest rUi I Ml tnl la lt United !! w t'esels. att lf te sgeot or aUrea a i. Ki'iit. J. W. OAtFT. tUf.aJ . Trav. It, Ar- I'ettlaeJ, Of s 1 W TUKOl'OII cam TO ltt fill r aikni I I rtK III ..MA. TkkeU (Mnfrl in a'l la IbeTatM Htlee4t'Wls. OntriKi VYaHIr,a lULnisuei N T(.ai IivrrAuo All ltf Hal la IM ri a I alas4 ! AlM ff Han. a Ui44.f, BO YEAR8 VT EXPERIENCE J D IL J J L J7i Tmoc Marks DttlONft Co(ymioht Ac. 9lWlf ttavafa.irt inf frfHtifcofl ffaMl Wh4hr Ul tfiamtift prthtttf ia.lant(ihlx ( irrnmuntn. !.. Mfit If tBtf)t laU. lUlHlhsanllOa PfttMtt tnit frtML tHiUmt f fiif morartUM IHMltlttal. 't)iMta taUem ttmrttcti Mun A rolT Ifaii aV4ira ltf.tl tphatfv, Ml b Scientific flniericati. laramt Hr H win. IS fiawadmlam. A l,atiailr ItlM. rat4 WMklf. rHlilrti t.f ativ .4.iifl l.-ariiaL r M-xiba, lb uMraJI EIV'8 CREAM BALM Is m Doalttveeore. Apply into the nostrils. It Is quickly absorbed. 60 eenu at Drneglats or by mail : samples 10c by mall. lx UKvriiKKS. W Warren bL.ewlorkVliy. REED & ) Q. OQILVIB f Prop rietori. FARE FROM ARLINGTON TO Fossil (60 miles)... 5 00 Round trip 9 00 Mayville (53milos). 1 00....... Round trip 7 00 Condon (39 miles).. 800 Round trip 600 Clem (28 wiles).... 200 Round trip 8 50 Olex (19 miles) 1 60 Round trip 8 60 Stage leaves Arlington everv morn in o- (Sunday excepted) at 6 o'olock; ii dne s uonaon at 3 p. m. hua arrives at lfoa ail at 7 p. hi. Comfortable covered coaehes and earn. fal, ezperienoed drivers. Keep sneeu ana Get Ricn. THE WOOL RECORD Telia You Hew to Do It. By a apeoial arrangement we offer to our readers The Wool Record and Semi-Weekly Gazette, one year for 83.00. The Wool Reoord is the only national wool organ and covers the wool industry from the raising of the sheep to the sell ing of the manufactured article. It is published weekly at New York and th regular prioe is $2.00 a year. lis market reporta are full and oomp e and ita Sheep Breeders' Talks alone are worth 1U timea the prioe of the paper. nnmpie copies on application. We heartily recommend this combi nation to our subscribers. 10NB ITEMS. Spring lima weather the paat tew days. West McNabb has moved Into bis new house. a T. Walker ia oo the sick list with painful inflammatory rheumatism. Tba sobool ia filling np again with the ohildren tbat bad a measly vaoation. People are talking "garden ease" on tbe sonny eidea of the streets. Belter look ont for Maroh. Mrs. R. G. Sperry ba gone to Hepp ner with her youngest son, wbo has been aickfor some time, for medioal treat ment. xnese noe days nave oroogm many farmers to town with plow shares and the ' anvil ehorua has resumed its old time ham. . E. G. Sperry and wife have taken np tbeir residenoe at tbe old borne place and will remain here for awhile looking after tbeir interests. The railroad company will in tha near tutors re-establish a seotion boose here and when it ia completed John Long will move bis family here. Willard Blake has tbe material on the graond for a oomonodioos new dwelling and 0. T. Walker has just completed new barn. Still we grow. T. J. Carle, a former resident and postmaster at lone, has located here again after an abeenoe of two years at Heppner. Tom's many friends are glad to see him back again. Mat Halvorsen sports a new 22 rifle, bat he oan't hit Joe Woolery'a lumber yard with it at close range. Practice makes perfct, ao keep trying and may' be yoo will be able to frighted some of the squirrels away. Stjbsobibbb. lone, Or., Feb. 9, '98. NEW NAME! Wm. Gordon has re-named his stand the old Jones livery stable The Central. Baled hay for sale. Charge reasonable. Call ou nun aim havevour horse well nared for. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, ) Lucaa County Frank J.' Cheney makes "oath tbat be is tbe senior partner of tbe firm of F. J Cheney & Oo., doing business in the city ot Toledo, county and state aforesaid and tbat said firm will pay the sum ot one hundred dollars for eaoh and every oase of catarrh tbat ore not be cured by tbe use of Hall's Catarrh Core. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my prenenoe, tbis 6tb day of December A. D. 1896. -1 W. A. Oleason, seal V Notary Public Hall's Oatarrb Cure is taken internally and sots direotly on tbe blood and mucous surfaces of tbe system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney, & Co., Toledo, O CP Sold by druggists, 75o. LOCAL BQUIBS. THE CHINESE AND OMUM. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE On Writer Tnlnk They Bmoko to Kill tha Monotoay of Kxlatanee. Hav it not be from sheer weariness and want of something to do that many Chinese take to the opium pipe? In most places in China organized gam bling is forbidden. With the exception of an occasional game at shuttlecocks or kite-flying only at fixed seasons there are no outdoor sports. The Chi nese rarely walk for pleasure. Interi ors are comfortless. There is no social intercourse between respectable men and women. There is rot sufBcient house room, privacy or light for read ing after dark. How is time to be killed? I think, says a writer in Black wood's Magazine, tht the monotony of existence may be one of the chief causes of opium smoking. On the whole, though at Canton I was in contact with opium smokers al most daily, and made a point of seeing as much as possible of the native life, the seamy side of opium smoking did not obtrude itself much upon me. Just as in an iSnc-iisn coast town one may daily see the flaring light of the gin palace, the besotted faces of occasion al loafers, the bedraggled garments, and 'nfer therefrom great misery be hind it all, so one might fairly infer great misery from the spectacle of numerous opium dens, cadaverous faces and tatterdemalion garments in Canton, if one should see them, but I did not see them obtrusively, though I was daily poking my nose into all sorts of nooks and corners. Naturally, a medical missionary will see a great deal more of the seamy side. It is his business. Robbed the Grave. A startling incident ot whioh Mr. John Oliver ot Philadelphia, was tbe subject, is narrated by biro as follows: "1 was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue ooated, pain continually in baok and sides, no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day . Three physicians bad given me up. Fortunately, a friend advised trying 'Eleotric Bitters,' and to my great joy and surprise, tbe first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their uee for three weeks, and am now a well man, I know they saved my life, and robbed tbe grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 60 oents per bottle at Slooum Drug Co., E. J. Slooum, m'g'r. LUNG TROUBLES AND OOhSBMFTION CAM E CURED. Aa Eminent New Tork Chemist aad (fcleatist Makes a Free Offer to Oar Headers. Tbe distinguished ohemist, T. A. Slo oum, of New York City, demonstrating his discovery of a reliable oure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronchial, long and ohest troubles, stubborn oonghs, catarrhal affeotions, general deoline and weakness, loss ot flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of his New Dis ooveries to any afflicted reader ot this paper writing for tbem. His "New Scibntiflo Treatment" has oared thousands permanently by its timely use, and be considers it a simple professional duty to soffering humanity to donate a trial of his infallible oure. Soienoe daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, has produced results as beneficial to humanity as can be claimed by any modern genius. His assertion tbat lung troubles and con sumption are ourable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in bis American and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those cured in all parts of the world. Tbe dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and certain death. Simply write to T. A. Slooum, M. C 98 Fine street, New York, giving post office and express address, and tbe free medioine will be promptly sent direot from his laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage ot his generous proposition. Please tell tbe Doctor tbat you saw tbis in tbe Qazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 yr. F0RY0U! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estim ates Heretofore the Gazette's job depart -ment has tried to do so work other than plain printing. However, tbis shop ia now prepared to taokle anything in any line and will meet prices ot any person . under tbe sun in the line of druggists " supplies, blank books, bank work county work, or any sort ot book bind ingwork tbat you have heretofore sent , away to get done. Tbe Gazette shop is not a oharity : ooncern but if you will give us a ohanoa we will see tbat you are satisfied in every particular. Buy yoor goods at borne. Remember" that Abe Linouln said that when one ' bought goods away from borne the foreigner got the money and we got tbe ., goods. Bui wnen tbe goods were bought at borne we bad both money and goods. This is good doctrine. We are willing to abide by it. When the printing drummer cornea to town, re member it and call up 'phone No. 8. 660-tf "Tie Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. The Salvation Army have deoided not to open up headquarters in the Matlook building as heretofore announoed, but instead will ubb tbe store room in tbe National Bank building. Seats have been made, a platform erected and the room will be put in good shape tor en tertaining tbe public QUEEN VICTORIA'S BOSS. MUNfi & Co.'-New York taM i.aw. cariNvraauwiuo,u.u mmt FiLLS 4 NORTHERS mm i rom sbotird ra MSTM RAILWAYS The Oi ly All Kail Route Without Change of Cars iWtaava Spokane, lloalaa4 and Nalsoo. Alae between Natann Sa1 ItnoeleaJ, daily eieept Mua.Uy ; Arrin. ! IMu H I A a.trl P. M Ml f. M. . 4i r. ii. ana aMHt,a1 t mttk riMmm fur ftas a4 all K-l aa saaato. laaam f. ' k.i. a. Boundary la ari as Ranata aula Maa dailv. Cy Metier was up from Lexington yt terday. John Hayes Is over from tbe Lone Rook section. What is Hop Gold? Best beer on earth. Hee ad. elsewhere. J. II. McFarland and wife, of Weston, were in Heppner Thursday. Felt boots and rubbers, and Arotio- overshoea at T. R. Howard's. 605-tf. Nate Oeoil was in attendance st the Effing examination Wednesday. One Minute Conph Cure cures quiokly. That's what you want! Conser & Brock Fine home-made taffy at tbe Orange Front. A olean. fresh stock of floods leave your orders. If. Norman Kelley was down from Upper Willow creek Wednesday and feeling in pretty good spirits. Painless remedy for extracting teeth. If not as slated, no charges. Try Dr. Vaugban's new plan. 604-tf. I. F. Powers, 0. Harris and John Beardsley, of Portland, were doing & w orli Almanac Encyclopedia HI 1 Ercplcpcali wm stnsuvr QitesUot You vuiy Mk It. Standard American Annual. I at. Nf-4 i I M. IV, 1, M feaaf.l-. Kaa.as ( lf, laaaal.a. ax, I oat ea4 t"a tiael (aU . tWs-atastiar.aJ IL. , t 4m eatx Ol lai B.U. Thv.akn,.aisk J '(.. a i ooan M, ;.,, r It S P Owntaail v CENTS f V fad Ufl-ai, ttaaa -la, tkat-a, O. Auiatf, 4 l r)tt, Arl N V. U, Aa.Oa l a. t lbieiM,r, -ama. Vt RcmJv J&n. I. WW. 01 Alt .Vch Standi. a Latk f. Belief. More Complete Than her. WORLD. Itsuf IKitl ting, Hevw Yorki. WHAT WIVES SHOULD HEMEMBEK. The Boston Globe offers these sugges tions tor wives and some ot tbe things they should remember: Tbat Adam was made first. Tbat "be pays tbe freight." That "blessed are tbe meek." Tbat nine men in ten detestfttossip. Tbat all angles are not of yotn sex. That confidence begets confidence. That men sometimes have "nerves." That there should be no place like boms. Tbat it takes two to prolong a family jar. That the least said is the soonest mended. Tbat with all his faults you love him still. Tbat you have no secrets from him. That husbands have troubles of tbeir own. Tbat be'a "all right" when you know him. Tbat woman's best weapon is her weakness. Tbat home is more than half what yon make it. Tbat he is just as anxious to gel rlob as you are. Tbat wives are usually favored in this country. That his typewriter oannot help it it She Had One In Mr. Musaena, House keeper at Balmoral. Queen Victoria has just sustained a severe loss by the death of Mrs. Mus sens, who, from time immemorial, had been her housekeeper at Balmoral, save the, London News. Though unknown to the public at large, she was an im portant personage in the eyes of every body connected with the court, as she was one of the few who had the cour age to "talk up" to her majesty, and even on occasion to deliberately "bosa" her august mistress. Once when the queen wanted a certain maid to whom she had taken a fancy detailed to the care of her own room, Mrs. Mussens remonstrated in the strongest fashion, telling her majesty that it was quite out of order, and she really must l.ot spoil the servants by takmpundue no tice of them. The queen, as usual. gave away, and "dear Mrs. Mussei;s" won the day. She was a typical per sonage of her class, gowned always in black silk, lace-trimmed apron and white cap, with corkscrew curls. She and the queen were excellent friends, and her majesty used to delight in her conversation. She also stood high in the favor of the royal grandchildren, who used to Reek her out as soon as they arrived at the castle. But to the world at large she was a holy terror, and with the servants and members of the household she was infinitely more exacting and imperious than the queen herself. mm can cured If you suffer from any of tha ills of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, DR. JORDAN a CO.. ,1081 Market SL Est'd I8E2. ' Young; men and middle aared men who are suffering from the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical aeiiis.v,srapoincy .s.oas m nn noon in all its complications; Hperniatorr iKfa, Proatatorrbneo, Uonorrlioria, Sjiel, Frequency of tJrlualino;, ce. By a combination of remedies, of great curative pow er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment that it will not only afford immediate relief but permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent in his specialty Disease of Alen. Sypnlll thoroughly eradicated lrom tbe yRtem without uftlng nerearr, KVEKY MAN applying- to os will re ceive our hrmetl opinion of hiscomplnlnt. wt will uuaramee a rusi n V. vuxis vn every cuffe VIC utucriuKC, UT JOTJCJ use A Thousand Dollars. f Consultation FREE and strictly private. X charges very reasonable, . Treat- f ment personally or by letter. Send for book, A - me rniiosopny or jnarriaze," v free. (A valuable book lor men.) A VISIT DR. JORDAN'S f Great Museum of Anatomy i the finest and largest Museum of its kind in the world. Come and learn how wonderfully you are made; how to avoid sickness and disease. We are continually adding new specimens. 9 ' 10BI Market Street. San Francisco, Cat f tavW-aVAW-aW-og "DALLE8 CITY" AND 'REGULATOR' Leave Tbe Dalles daily (exoept Sunday) - Bi vua.m. Jjeave Portland at 7.W a. m. When you go to Portland, stop off at The Dalles and take a trip down the Columbia; yoo will enjoy it, and save money. W. C. ALLAWAT, General Agent. San Franoisoo And all points In California, via tba Mb Shasta routa of tba Southern Pacific Co The great highway through California brand Boenlo Route tn all nointa East and South. or tne raoino uoaat. fuuman rJaHet Bleeper. Beoond-olas Bleepera Attached to ezpreaa train, attordma- sniMrio accommodations for aeoond-olaaa paasengera. - For rates, tickets, slenDins oar reanrvationa. eto, call upon or address 0. KOKHLER. Manager. C. H. MARKHAM. Sen. F. & P. Agt. Portland, Oregon In having seed "economy la Htravaaance." because the cost of cultivation wasted on Inferior seed always largely exceeds tbe original cost of tbe best and dearest seeds to ba bad. The beat la always the cheapest. Pay a trifle mors for FERRY'S SEEDS and oiunvf get your money's worth. live cent per paper everywn. Alwaya tbe beet. Heed Annual ma. . .D.M.FERRYCO.,Dtrolt,Mlch. Heppner Wedueaday, If yon need something for yoor system she is pretty. oall at tbe Thone Tbe Telephone aa- - Tbat be likes to bear tbat the baby Is loon, Oity hotel baildiner. tt hi rlaarl imaiva. Obaa. 8. ltatnll and W. P. Smith, of Tb Pirs of slippers are enough Han Franoitoo. were registered at tha tor any man Palace hotel Wednesday, Hbeldon Fell, the young son of T. E. Fell, of Pendleton, is recovering from bis recent very levere illness. "Unole" Natt Webb got in from Walls Walla Wednesday morning to look after bis aheep interests in this part of tbe conntry. Attorney Geo. O. Brownell arrived from Oregon Oity Wednesday. Be has beon employed on the defense in tbs Ewins case. M. H. Maxwell was down from Hard- man Wednesday and made the Gazette pleasant and profitable call. Come again. Milt. E. O. Noble A Co. are rustlers after business. Thi finest saddles and bar- neas to be found In Heppner. See tbeir new aJ in this isme, v tf. B. P. Armstrong, of St. Loois, and Mr. J. Myers, ot St. Joe. Mo., two Denial koihta ot lbs grip, were regiotered at tbe Pal aoe oo To o rsd ay , LtHtlies, take tbs beat. It yon are troubled with couatipatioo, sallow skin, and a tired Ming, taks Karl's Clover Tea, it is uleaaaut to take. Sold by Oooaer k llrook, y Editor Patterson took bia dooartore TuesJey sveuing lor lbs East on a short visit to bi parents snd relatives re siding in InJiaua. Whils the editor ia sway tbs shop will bs in charge of ths "devil," snd any ocmplsiot In tbs man- agsment of tha paper should bs reg istered at headquarters. A Bur Thlna; for Tns. A tnsnaactloii la whlrli yon cannot loaelaa sure tkiluaT. lilliouane, aick headache, fur ie.1 lonud, fever, piles and a Uiousaudotlier Ills are cauatMl by oonslipuUon and alugviah liver. C'caii'U Candy Cathartic, the won- iK'tful now liver stimulant and Intestinal louio are by all tlruirgiala guurautead to curs or inooey retuinlo.1. C C. C. sre a aurs thin, try a box to-day; 100., aVo.. 60u baiuile and booklet free, boa our big ad. Tbat a man likes neatness in yoor attire at all times. Tbat candy in excess is worse than rom in moderation. Tbat yon should not ran up bills against bis knowlsdgs. Tbat "a bsby in tbs house ii a well spriog of pleasure." That sbs wbo pots on tbs glovss should know bow to spar, Tbat bs is not in love with every woman bs glsnoea at. Tbat it ia policy to let blm believs bs la "lord and master." That your relationship is olossr to him than to yonr mother- That a prompt and pointed answer does not turn away wrath. That be does not get sleepy ths same moment that yoo do. Tbat there are letter drop-boxes on tbs nearest eornsr. J. A Perkins, of Antiquity, O., wss for I thirty yesrs needlessly tortured by pby- eioians for tbe cure of eczema. He was I quiokly cured by using DeWitt's Witcb Hszel salve, tbe famous bealing salve I for piles and skin diseases. Comer & Brook. City Klwtioa. Tbe oity eleotion Tuesday resulted in tbe eleotion ot J. J. Roberts, J. W. Ras mus snd E. G. 8 perry tor ooonoilmen. Tbs vots stood as follows: I. N. Hughes, 94; J. W. Rasmus, 111; J.J.Roberts, 116; E. G. Sperry. 99; Albeit Wright, 74. Total vote oaat 187. Tbos. Morgan, W. A. Richardson and L. W. Briggs were re-elected mayor, 1 recorder end tressurer respectively, having no opponents. Two Million a Year. When people buv. try. and buy again, it mean they're satisfied. The people of the United States are now buying Casta re ta Candy Cathartic at the rate of two million boxes a year and it will be three million be- 9f va Pa. our V am a aa I V v nn na to ntiff nAVnl H'i w Aarrv i iui s, a u 1 1 1 1 ft i a i v uiui v. vi, that Casoaret are the most delightful bowel regulator for everybody the year round. All druggists 10c, xoc, oOc a box, cure guaranteed. ONLY STATE SCHOOL EASTERN OREGON I I Eastern Oregon State Normal School, Weston, Oregon Located on the O. R. & N. Railway midway between Pendleton snd Walla Walla. Students admitted at all timea of tbs year. First-Class Training School for Teachers. Vooal and Instrumental Music taught by oompetent instructors. A gradu ate ot the Boston Conservatory bas charge ot ths instrumental department. 'Tlio Ivadles' Boarding; Htill Is thoroughly equipped snd offers ex cellent accommodations at reason able rates. Bend for cstslogus. Addssss M. G. ROYAL, PrssldsntTof Faeulty ee P. A. WORTHING- TON, Sserstary Beard af Rsgsnts, Wsston, Ore. Dreadrally Nervosa. Gents: I wss dreadfully nervous, and tor relief took yoor Carl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and strength ened my whole nervous system. I wss troubled with constipation, kidoey snd bowel trouble. Tour Tea soon cleansed my system so thoroughly tbst I rapidly regained health aad strength. Mrs. 8, A. Sweet, Hartford, Coon, Bold by Conser A Brook. y DiacMtes Alaska. Ths steamer Nayo which arrived st Viotoria, a O., tbs first of tbs week, had os board 26 passengers returning from Skaiway. They were thoroughly dis gusted and said there were 600 men in Skagway wbo bad nothing to do, sod tbat atlO could do all ths woik there was io sigbt. Uric your bides, pelts snd furs to Be a. Mat new, st tbs Liberty Mest Market . De pays highest market prioe. 61-tf. Prosperity comes quickest to ths man whose liver is in good condition. De- Witt' Littls Esrly Risers sre famous littls pills tor constipation, billioososss. Indigestion snd sll stomach aod lives i troubles. Cooser A Brock. a PEKSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS I TO ALL POINTS EAST. Etsry Tuesdsy tight personnlly con ducted tourist oar eioorsion will lesve I Portland tor Denver, Eaosas City, Oma ha, Chicago, and Boston, without change, I is ths Oregon Railroad A Navigation, Oregon Bborl Lies, Rio Grande Western, Denver A Rio Grande, Rock Island, Lake Shore A Michigan Southern, New Tork Central sod Boston A Albany lines. I Ths tourist cars in this lies will be operated by tbe Pullman Company, thus insuring to tbs passengers all of tbs comforts ot modern day travel st half . . i ths naual Fallmao rates. Tbs roots takes ths pssssnger through Ball Lake City, tbeocs across lbs Rocky Mono- tains to Lesdvills, Denver, etc., offering I tbs tourist a view of tbs grandest scenery on tbs American continent. For additional particulars, printed matter or rates, wrils M. J. Roche, I Northwaat Passenger Agent R. G. W. Ry , Hi Third St., Portland, Oregon. Tbs Gasttta carries a full stock ot mourning note, correspondence style, I rith envelopes to match. Tboss desiring such stationery ean have thsir wants I i supplied st this office. tf. Bes M. Lkbtentbal A Co. tor shoes, si hi- ....THE.... sfU- !.?'.! VJeekly Inter Ocernm LARGEST CIRCDL1TI0H OF AHT POLITICAL PIPER II THE WESTS It is radically Republican, advocating 5 the cardinal doctrines of that party with ability and trntnJjJJ iMBut h can always be relied on " for fair and honest reports of all po- S litical movemsntsJi.M.MjM jijijiji THI WEEKLY INTER OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL THE NIWSAND BEIT CURRENT LITERATURE skstXrBla It Is Morally Clean and aa a Family Paper la Without a Peer. TAe Utentun ot Ita columnt Is quml to that ot tba baat maga zine. It la lateraatlag to tba cblU drea aa well aa tba parenta........ 'T'HE INTER OCEAN h a WESTERN NETSPAPER, I and whils it brings to ths family THE NETS OF THE WORLD and rive its rcadm the brt and abVat disc us ion of aU questioa oi lbs day, tt is tn full sympathy with ths ideas and aspirations oi WcsUra ptopls and ducussea lhcnturs and politics from tbs Tcstcra sUndpotnt.j' t iiRft-BRice cw nfiiiiR rri Yns lira www was wewsas aw w saeaaaaan ai w iww wewv bbb a .aaj am rrt part aid suBPAT inmows UTEI OCXAI ABB BUT or TaXIX Prtr of Dally hy wall I'Mr ml HanJav by aaall Ially aaat Saaday hy snail With The Gazette, 2.50 per Year. ii 0TT1 .III ee pr yMr 1 1 I S IMS yr yaar - Ul" SS.ee an yaar TT