Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 11, 1898, Image 3

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A Grateful Mother Writes this Letter
Tells all about Her Troubles when
' Baby Broke out with Scrofula Sores.
. " At the age of two months, my baby
began to have sores break out on his right
cheek. We used all the external ap
plications that we could think or hear of,
to no avail. The sores spread all over one
side of his face. We consulted a physi
cian and tried his medicine, and in a week
the sore was gone.. But to my surprise in
two weeks more another scrofulous look
ing eore appeared on baby's arm. It
grew worse and worse, and when he was
three months old, I began giving him
Hood's Sarsaparilla. I also took Hood's
Sareaparilla, and before the first bottle
was finished, the sores were well and have
never returned. He is now four years old,
but he has never had any sign of those
scrofulous sores since he was cured by
Hood's Sarsaparilla, for which I feel very
grateful. My boy owes his good health
and smooth, fair skin to this great med
icine." Mbs. S. S. Weoten, Farming
ton, Delaware. Get only Hood's.
u J i-smi are prompt, efficient and
llOOa S PUIS easy in effect. 25 cents.
The Gazette can offer the following
olabbirjg rates:
The GAZETTE $2.00 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonlan, $1.50 1.4.00
S. F. Examiner, $1.60 8.25
' N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 a.7 5
" Inter-Ocean, $1.00 2.60
" 8. F. Chronicle, $1.60 8.25
" 8. F, Chronicle and map $2.00. . . 3.75
Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 2.75
Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.00
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 4 50
Rural Spirit, $2.00 3.00
New York Wool Record, $2.00 8.00
McCall'i Magazine $1.00 J.80
Yearly subscribers to the Gazette can
get clubbing rates with any paper on
Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school
10 a. m. Glasses No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m.
Epworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m.
iTayer meeting, i nursuay, v p. m.
the Spirit and the bride say. Come."
The pastor may be fonnd at the parsonage ad
joining the chnroh, where he will be glad to
meet any wo may desire to consult him on
reiiaious, social, civic, philosophic, educational,
or any other subjects.
J. W. FLEHHER. Minister.
Sunday, preaching 11 a. m.,7 p. m., class
meeting following morning service.
Bunday school, 3 p. m. Epworth league, Fri
Hav. 7 n. m.
"Let us forsake not the assembling of our
selves together."
Pastor's residence in parsonage, next door to
church. C. R. Howard,
The Ladies' Guild of the Episcopal church
will meet at 3 o'clock, p. m., ou the first
Wednesday of each month, at the home of Mrs.
T. J. Matlock.
E. S. Conner, assessor ot Folk county,
was io town yesterday from Eight Mile
where he has a large traot ot land. The
plaoe oouBists ot 681 aores, formerly
owned by Wm. McKeDzie, and has been
rented to O. E. Jones, of Eight Mile, for
three years. Mr. Conner is a very pleas
ant gentleman, a stiaight np republican,
and the Gazette hopes bis Morrow
ooonty venture will prove a eoocess. He
left for his home at Dallas last evening.
Mr. MoEenzie will move to Polk county
and take np bis residenoe on property
reoeived from Mr. Gonner in the trade,
A ten-Btamp mill and all other neoes
sary equipments have been purchased
for the Badger group of mines, near
Susanville. The group ooueists ot the
Badger, the Hughes, the MoQuade,
the King of the Hills and the Steamboat
gold quartz lodes, and is situated on the
south side ot Elk creek, in the Elk Greek
mining district, in Grant county, 38 miles
from Sampter, the nearest railway point.
The choir at the M. E. oburoh have
been furnishing some exoellent music at
the ohuroh servioes ot late, and tbis
paper is informed by Rev. Flesher, the
pastor, that this feature of the servioes
will be continued. Regular services will
be oonduoted at the M. E. ohuroh on
Sunday at tbe usual boars and a ootdial
invitation is extended to the pnblic.
Frank McFarland has been appointed
special agent of The Equitable Life As
soranoe Co., of New York, the strongest
io tbe world. Cash surplus to polioy
holders of over 43 millioc dollars. Don't
take insurance without seeing the new
plans ot the Equitable. Insures both
sexes at same rates. 77tf
Tbe Gazette will olub with the Oregon
Senator, the great Fhtbian paper of Ore
gon, Washington and Idoho, published
at Portland, for $2.75 for tbe two. Tbe
Senator is all right. No Knight of
Pythias should be without it. if.
' Cure that cough with Shiloh's Cure.
Tbe best oougb oure. Relieves croup
promptly. One million bottles sold last
year. 40 doses for 25c 1 8. Sold by Con
ser & Brock. y
Old Bong
Get a bottle of good whiskey and a bottle of
good wine,
And you can drink to your true love, and I will
think on mine.
New Song
Vi here shall we get the whiskey, where shall
we get the wine?
We'll buy them from Lish Sperry, whose goods
are extra fine
At the Belvadere Saloon, Heppner, Oregon.
Dr. Marguerite Garnsey has decided to remain I
in Heppner another week. The Doctor is meet
ing with phenomenal success and has a number
of patients on the high road to recovery, and
she feels that her duty to these requires her to
remain In the city until their recovery Is assur-1
ed. All speak in the highest terms of Dr
Garnsey and her successful methods of treat
ment are making her many friends In Heppner.
Dr. Garnsey's office is at the Palace hotel, and
all those afflicted with chronic diseases should
not mias the opportunity of consulting her. Bhe
will diagnose your case without asking any
questions, and her terms for treatment are very
Beauty Is Blood Deep.
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
beautv without it. Cascarets. Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im
purities from the body. Begin to-day to
banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
(Jascarets, beauty tor ten cents. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c.
Portland, Feb. 10. Speculative markets all
firm today with a further advance In Liverpool
futures of & although spot was quoted i
lower. Continental markets were steady with
a firm undertone. At Chicago the scalpers were
inclined to take the short side but some strong
operator seemed to be holding the bag for the
saleB were not only absorbed but May at one
time sold up to 97. The Northwest receipts
were 415 cars compared with 348 yesterday and
256 this day a year ago. Chicago received 59
cars, As has been customary with the pork
market of late, prices were advanced again
today and there was just as much buying today
as when it was a dollar a bbl. cheaper. It looks
as if the (11.00 mark will be passed.
Saturday being the anniversary of Lincoln's
birthday there will be no session of the Chicago
Board of Trade.
The wheat market remains at a standstill, be
ing worth 61 cents in Heppner today.
Take Notice.
1. The sum ot five cents per line will be
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect," lists of wedding presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue Is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to In every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
Bncklen's Arnica Salve.
Tbe Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, tlloers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfeot satisfaction or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by
Slocum Drug Co., E. J. Slocum, manager.
Mrs. M. B. Ford, Buddell's, 111., suf
fered for eight years from dyspepsia and
obronin constipation and was finally
cured by using De Witt's Little Early!
Risere, the famous little piils for all
stomach and liver troubles. Conger a
Teacher's Examination.
Bupt. I. W. Shipley, assisted by Prof J. W.
Horner, is engaged holding teacher's exami
ne' ion, having commenced the same on Wed
nesday afternoon. Not being able to get the
courtroom at the county court house, owing to
its being occupied at the time by Judge Rich
ardson who was conducting the Ewlng exami
nation, Prof. Shipley took his list of questions
and applicants for certificates to the recorder's
office where the examination of teachers is be
ing conducted. Those attending are Misses
Dora Barnett, Iona White, Gertrude Skinner and
Mr. W. O. Hill, of Lexington, and Miss Lulu
Tash, of Hardman. The Gazette hopes these
ambitious young people will all be successful
in getting certificates, and we hope further,
that If they succeed in this particular, they will
not have to go out of the county to find Bchools
to teach.
Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Ridge, O., says;
"After two dootors gave up my boy to
die, I saved bim from cronp by using
One Minute Uongh Cure." It is the
quickest and most certain remedy for
coughs, colds and all tbroat ana lung
troubles. Conser & Brook.
Heppner Lodge No. 358,
B. P. O. ELKS.
Heppner Opera House,
Rank 61111am W E Brock E L Freeland
R F Hyad 6 W Phelps
A M Slocum Jack Hornor C R Wills
W E Brock Dr E R Swlnburn
R F Hynd E W Rhea W R Irwin E J Slocum
J J Roberts Ike Ennes W A Richardson
S P 6arrlgues J C Borcners Frank Roberts
Henry Blackman Peter Boro E L Matlock
Otis Patterson J W Morrow
Frank Rogers Frank Natter J J Harris
Geo Conser C E Redfleld 6 W Phelps
J A Patterson S W Spencer Frank 61111am
6eo Conser E L Freeland J A Woolery
Music Will be Furnished by The Dalles
Tickets $1.50. , Entire net Proceeds for Charity.
Here and There.
Llob tenth al & Co. for shoes. Exclusive
aboe store. Handles the best. 83tf
Baths down at the Jones' barber shop,
25 oents. Or villa Jones manager, tt
Statements for tbe Famous Simple
Aooount File printed at tbe Gazette of
floe. f.
Guinnesee'i famous old "Dublin
Stool," imported, at Chris Boroher
Common and seleol stock of tomatoes
and canned oorn at T. R. Howard's.
"Co'n juioe" is all right but Low Til
lard baa a brand ot 14-yesr-old goods
that is bard to best. 603-lf.
Heppner Candy Factory for fresb,
oresms sod taffies. W. H. Tan Duyn
Prop., with E. J. Slocum. 608-t.
An ona deeinna to build either a
bouse or barn will make money by call
tag oo tbe Oazette oflloe. 67tf
Phil Cobo is paying tbe bigbeat price
' for sbeep pelta, beef hides green or dry,
fur, etc Doo't forget Pbil. 5tt
Oo to tbe Mstlook corner aod try
Armstrong A Cooper's whiskey and
oiaars. If yon like tbe sample boy
some. 6tf
Come Io tbe Oscelte offioe aod gel a
decent lot of envelope printed.
Government envelops look ebeap, and
haalttM von caonol get your bosineee
esrd printed tbereoo. tt
Snyder Bros, bave succeeded Willis
Stewart io Ihe livery bnslness, nut
door to tbe Gazette oflloe, and will do a
aeneral liver? and feed business. Big,
addle horses and stall room at reason
bis rates. 61 Mf.
Oliver Snyder bas tskeo ebarge of tbe
Hotel Heppner feed baro and will fur
Dish stall room, graio or bay at reason
able flgoree. Span over night, fed at 75
eeota. Will also do dray work
banting. 'Boa to and from trains
Cordray, tbe pioneer theatre man of
Portland io tbe line of "popular prioee,"
ha. pcflttod the Wastineton SI. theatre
fnrmnrlr known SS tbe "New Park.
Cordray always bas something new, and
oor people, wbeo below, can spend a
pleasant evening at bis place. tt
Dr. John W. Kuooi, of tbe "Red
light," ever en tbe alert for eotnetbiog
new, oan fornlab oa tbe flnoel cock
tails ia tbe Isod-Maobatteo, Jersey,
Vermootb or Gio-tnade by ao ertiet in
tbe bneieee. Drop io and take the
taste oot ot i oor tnoolb. It
Tbe Msiqoam Urend. oo Morrisoa
Iraet Io tbe Marqtum boildiog. la nnJer
eioellent meoaemsiit aod Ibe poHlie
will be royally eolertelned this winlr.
5ew oompeeiee aad new faeea will ap
pear from lime Io lime at tbis popalar,
flret-elaee tbeetre of Portland, and whea
io Portland oar deoiieee sbonld col lell
to lake io eotne ot Ibe fiC dramas that .
Frank Kngelman is up from lone today.
Bee the ad In this issue of the Elks' charity
ball to be given on Feb. 22d.
"Pink Domino'' mask ball, at the opera house,
Feb. 14th. All come out and have an enjoyable
Leon Brlggs is still tussling with the grip, and
is threatened with a gathering in his bead,
This will no doubt prove interesting while it
Gov. Lord has appointed W. O. Minor and N.
C. Maris delegates from Heppner to the cattle
men's convention to be held in Pendleton
Feb. 15, 16 and 17.
Bv the new time card which goet into eflect
Sunday morning, the Heppner tralu will arrive
at 4:50 instead of 6 o'clock. The time ol leav
lug will remain as at present.
Lieut Burnhart, of the Salvation Army, de-
parted last night for her home at Walla Walla,
leaving the work here pretty thoroughly organ'
lied and in competent hands.
Frank RolierU, who It assisting Ike Eunes In
the extension of the telephone system down
Rhea creek, waa in town last night-and left this
morning with a lot of wire for the line.
Henry Heppner is contemplating remodeling
the front of the store now occupied by Minor &
Co., and will make Improvements that will add
greatly to the appearance and utility of the
Marcelus and John Williams and Wm. Pad-
burg, all of lone, left last night for the Klon
dike. They are determined to go to the gold
He da and will not return empty handed. Tbe
Gazette hopes the boys will succeed.
Vemle Steoves, who ha been quite 111 at the
residence of Mrs. Ullard, in Heppner, was
taken to Portland Tuesday night to be treated.
He waa accompanied by Low Tlllard. Mr.
gteevc Ulna vary critical condition and grave
fears are entertained for his recovery.
Mac Clark, who was In the employ of Minor &
Company when they occupied the store now
occupied by J. M. Hager, has again taken a
position with tha old firm, his many inenas in
Heppner, among whom la numbered the Oa
sette. are glad to again be able to welcome Mr.
Clark to our midst.
Rev. Walter's Lecture.
Rev. J. J. Walter delivered his interesting
and instructive lecture on "Four Years Among
Criminals," at the opera house on Wednesday
evening to a large and appreciative audience
Mr. Walter is a very pleasant and entertaining
speaker, and the Gazette bears nothing but
words of praise fbr his lecture, which is drawn
from four years' experience in one of the lead
ing penal Institution of America, The pro
ceeds of the lecture amounted to 1 10, which
sum goes to the students of the 10th grade for
the Improvement of our school building. Mr.
Walter went to Lexington yesterday and
tured at that place last evening.
Miss Alhe Hughes, Norfolk, Vs., was
frightfully burned oo tbe faoe and neok,
Pain was instantly relieved by DeWitt's
Witch Hazel sulve, wbiob healed tbe in
jury without leaving a soar. It is tbe
famous pile remedy. Cooser & Brook.
The Leader
Of Course!
The man that Leads is the one from whom
. people like to buy. The slow, plodders all
stand aside for him. That suggests a good
reason why so many customers are being
added to the list at
The Beginning of this
New Year 1898.
A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures,
is a "joy forever." That's what
you'll find at
The Pioneer Merchants of Heppner
have not sold out, but on the
contrary will start East
About Jan. 17, '98
And will add many new lines
to their stock of
General Merchandise
We are now moving to the old Heppner &
Blackman stand as our business forces
us to larger quarters. Look out for
And now the entire world
Knows this verfect product
As the Star Brewery beer
Heppner. Oregon.
Had His Preliminary.
W. B. Ewlng was given a preliminary hearing
before Judge Rlchardion Wednesday. 0. W.
Res, and Judge A. 8 Bennett appeared for the
State and Geo. C. Brownell and S. A. D. Qurley
tor the defense. After the examination of sev
eralltnesses, which took up the most of the
day, Judge Richardson considered the evidence
sufficient to warrant him in holding Ewlng to
appear before the grand jury, which he did by
placing him under bonds lu the sum of $2500.
As yet Ewlng has been unable to secure bonds
men and will have to accept quarters In the
county jail until his case Is disposed of before
the circuit court.
Be oot deceived! A conh, boarsoess
or croup arc Dot to d innea who. a
dote io time of Sbilob'i Curt will ia?e
- i i a . . n a
von morn troooie. noia dt uonaer a
Brock. 7
tkbuol Director.
If your ncbool ia io oeed of a Drat claaa
anatomical chart tbis oflloa haa ooe at
! tban half price. Coat $f5; will
ell for $25 cmq. Call at tbif offiea,
Wet ktf KxrarnloB to lb EaM.
A toorisl deeping car will leave Port
laod vry Tuesday at WiX) p.m., vie
lb O. It k N. witboot obanica to Boston,
and noder tbe operviaioa of eiperl
tncei ooodootor. No cboge ot car to
tb citi of Umaba, Cbioagn, Buffalo or
Boatoo. Tb ldl trip to tbe Kaat it
dow before you. lUroember tbi service
wbeo going Eat, aod consult U. it. a.
Aa-nnM. or addre-e.
W. H. Urai-BCBT,
Oeo. I'm. Agt.,
Forllaod, Or,
IJ..iL Col W. llfK-hstHler and M)or
i u. Alikln will b her Wednwisy, Feb. lUb,
lor tb aurp. of trying to rflrnnl tli
'.llorta Rank k. ol P. All nimtr of this
rank ar request! to b present at th meeting
nl try to cm Pu r"k UC 10 tb bi(b
lUndsrd II on- t'lnl.
Buy Alum
Bberp Note.
Those who thought the advance In sheep last
spring bad reached the limit are now forced to
acknowledge that they were mistaken. Yearl
ings are now la good demand, offers of (2.25,
after shearing, being made. We have heard ot
on ofler of $4 50 per head for two-year-old ewes.
delivered before shearing, but the ofler was re
fused. The second sale of the season was that
made by Ol Justus yesterday. He disposed of
bis yearlings at $2.26 per bead, delivered afte-
shearing. This means that tha price of sheep is
at least W, per cent above what it was last
season. The prospects for the sheepmen of
Morrow county are very bright at present,
at druggist's, and
powder at grocer's,
Us the alum externally;
put the baking powder in
your cake.
G. Noble &
Successors to Noble & Co.,
Are in this field at the old stand with Harness, Baddies. Whips, Hpurs, and an endless
lof of everything In their line. E. G. Noble and Mrs. Geo. Noble comprise the
new firm who will pay all bills of the old firm as well as collect what Is due.
Karl' Clover Boot Tea is a pleasant
axative. Rogalates tbe bowels, pnrifle
tbe blood. Clears tbe complexion, hasy
to make abd pleasaDt to take. 25 cts.
Bold by Couser k Brock. y
Are out to do business and plenty of It. Don't
overlook this. Repair work a specialty.
Columbia 8
er and Pu
et Sound Navisation L
Was Perfected
Production of..
by the
On draught at
all popular saloons
203 Washington St., Portland, Or.
The Best Bargains-
But are those of greatest value In proportion to cost. If you want to get your
money' worth of honust goods In'
We are Increasing our stock for fall and winter. Call and soe ua.
That 14-Year Old Stuff,
'Kohn's Best,"
On Tap Down at The . . . .
Telephone Saloon
New Bland, City Ilotel Building,
Everybody Bay Bo.
riufnrnta Tamlv Cathartic, the mot won
derful m.Hiical discovery of the age, pleas
ant and refrnshinn to the tasie, ax:i geuuy
and positively on aiilney, liver ana nowei,
oio.n.inir thn entire svstom. dlsiiel cold.
cure headache, levor, naimuai conupuuu
Plpaaa buv and trv a bos
of C. C. C. to-dav: 10. 85. rt cent, bold and
guarnnteod to cure Dy au uniKgisi.
HI Hons Bnrgalarlzed.
Wm. Dunn, who wa conductor on the Hepp
ner branch for several years, ha been having
m experience In Portland recently with
housebreaker. The burglars got Into the
bouse while Mr. Dunn and family were away
from home and turned things upside down, but
the only things missed were ISA In small
change and a box of clgaretta. Billy has our
heartfelt sympathy In th loss of th cigarettes,
but h should return to Heppner where thieves
do not break in and steal.
Leafing Alder Street Dock, Portland, for Astoria, Ilwaoo, Long Beaeb, Ooear-
Park and Nabcotta. Direot oonneotion witn ilwaoo eieameri ana rail
road; alto at Young' Bay with Beaebore Railroad.
Leaves Portland 7 A. M. Daily, except Sunday. Leaves Astoria 7 P. H. Dally, except Bund a
Leaves Portland I P.M. Dnlly, except gmiday. Haturday nixM, 11 1' N. LmvM Astoria Da
at6.45 A. M., except Bunday and Monday. Humiay night, 7 1'. M
Leave Portland aud runs direct to Uwaco, Tuesday and Thursday at 8 A. M. Hnturdav at 1 P. M
Leaves Ilftaco Wednesday and Friday at 7;30 A. M. Ou Bundkr night at P. M.
Baggage Checked to Railroad Desiioatioo Both Beaches Free of Expense.
V the stock, however, and I
Bought several car I ads
of furniture last fall, but
it's all gone now. New
orders have replenished
the stock, however, and he Is In It yet
Low Prices and Good Quality all count. See him at
the old stand. Undertaking a Specialty.
riaed T Dollar.
Armstrong & Cooper, proprietors of the saloon
In the Mstlork building, were up bfor Re
corder Richardson on Tuesday and fined IQ for
allowing minors In their place of business. They
plMid guilty to th charge, but hereafter will
tak the precaution of Investigating the ages ot
som of th youths of th tuna who ar In th
bsblt of Imposing on them, a well a on other
nttgd In the lienor business In Heppner.
The following Is a list of arrivals at the Hotel
Heppner for the week ending Feb. 10, 1M98:
H J Parker, Portland Andrew Peterson, 8 Mile
A Andrews, Alpine I R Ktb, Ooosoberry
Oo Parman, Oooseb'y 8 Browder
C H Grimes, John Day Mrs David Tlllis, Salem
W B FInley V a ureeuwoou, lyone
W B Bueil, Mt Helen KO:K
W H Hplvey.cltv
Cap' Jennie Mcii
ink land. Cal
T. M Usher, Portland ,
Oeo tit. Ion
Joseph ingriich
Chit I literalism, city
D H (irsble. Ion
C J Dante, McDonald
1 W Medaker
E J Miller
Klley Bnjder, (ioowb j
H Wade, band Hollow
W M Myo,Th Dlle
H Nell Kin
John Louis, OBAN
Uf (1 Hill li.ne
1 u..f Whitewater. Cal.
Wis O Hurt, OBAN
Erinlgn Jennie Bamhart
Walla Walla
Lieut Minnie McGregor,
Oakland, Cal
Chaa Htanton
Medley Akers, lone
John Hlaiick. Portland
Chaa BartlHtt, city
J M Livingston, Hpr trig
Held, Mo
MrsC Leyd, city
Mrs H C titiydtfr, Goose
herry J Bellenbrot k, Mil
Dirk Howard
C Broalwell, Portland
t C Willett, Portland
Tom Hlspeth, Vallejo,
List of arrival at the Palac lor ..eck ending
February 1Mb.
H J Bean
Ma't Halvorsoo
Daniel Rln
Ar gaining Uvor rapidly, fsjaaa 8 Matthew
rlnsirwa mn and travel- ILa a i "!""'
Irr. carry th-m In vt Y I I I S ! H "iiTrrniii
In nrM. bot,ak-bAra hrrp Iff an In noMUV-tna 1 y 1. nridtA
j ikwu, liWiwU rcwiiu4 Uta to frio4a. id ABJtrow
J V Harden
Henry North
F 0 Arnett
N 1 Hal
' M J W illiam
C A Repaa
O C Brown
J O 1 honiion
() W fit
R r Ballard
W R leather
f. P Marshall
C P0reii
J McPerrln C W IngrrJiam
D Thompson D Neville
Oliver Thornton J M Wilson
J W Hlake Henry Blwkman
W H Bowman Alei Lindsay A wife
Frank Neville Mike Robert
J H Duncan A U Hrulth it wife
P A Ralston C Hennett
James Curran J P Had ley
A W Haling Kd Warren
W 8 Hill Ail Bennett
HAD tiurley V D Maddock
CO Curtis Chris leteliler
W J Blake N Cecil
N A l.fach J f Roys
M 8 Maxwell M H Corrlgal
T L Barnett K Johnaon
OH Hlake L Milt Powell
W T Matlock J P Rhea
O Perry Wm Luelllng
C D Robinson R N Wad
Oeo C Brownell I F Powers Jr
ChaaH Russell W P Hmlth
C Harris Natt Webb
Rarnh Ewlng haa Barnett
Allen Evan r I Jayne
P Brenner Pat Qitald
W O If III J T Johnon
Jake Young 4c family J M Waddell
Adran MalUssuu B T Armstrong
M(t Myers J H McFarland
U U Pulleu
11 sUirkholders of tb Morrow County Land
A Trust Co., thai in annual meeting 01 in
stockholders will
at the hour of 7 4
building, lor the p
the eiiaiiirig year y
other li'iallltM M l
in (ting,
held Haturday, March 12th
m , In th ftellonal Man
poae of electing officers loi
'I trie traiiau tloii ol am
ay Ij brought liefore tin
ax. iioiixisiv'riiivrv
They have anything In this line that yon mar deal re and yon ran depnl on It )m ft a
good article when they guarantee It. t
Old Stand, Main Street Repairing a 8lH
IIF.PPNKR, OR., Nov. 1, lirit,
Mi tin. Cim.rr & Brock, llcfipnrr, Or.
nnTi.n:-I waa rntly taken with at 'vernii
which made mo vry hoars end rnndi rel m tinni la
stlend U) biislnes, A friend of in In i-allwl nay alUmti.Mi
to your Dr. Barthlow cough syrup and I Imtiaht lu.,
coaling m J cants, which relieved tn al oi- n4o,ai
pletely cured m. I arn suhjwt to throat ill fTleulty tail
hv found nothing that gar tn so mm ri rIMitii4
cough cure,
I am Informed that It I earellenl fur rnlda. hruiKhii,
whooping rough and all throat and lung Iron t.Ue.
I tieg to remain, moat truly ymira,
Merchant Tailoring!
Has just Rfcurcd tho nerviocH of Mr. C'hnn.
, O'Mallcy, a practical cutter of Ntnv York
City. Ho xuaruntccri Hatifactioii,
will be preeteted.