Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 11, 1898, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Friday, Feb. 11, 1898.
The president has appointed
Chas. II. Wilkin s, of Pendleton,
agent at the Umatilla reservation.
Mr. VVilkins was an aspirant for
the Pendleton postoffice, bat failed
to get it He has received a better
appointment, however.
Senator Geo. W. MoBride, by hie bos'
Dees tact bdc unceasing work in com
mittee, is rapidly gaining warm enoomi
urns from bis ooostitneDts all over the
state. He is modest and unostentatious
in pressing bii business duties, but be
gets there Jnat the same. Linn County
The Oregonian's leading editor
ial, in its issue of the 9th, shows a
desire on the part of that journal
to mislead the people and perpet
uate the Multnomah factional fight
that is far from creditable to a
paper making such lofty claims as
to its veracity. There was no de
sire manifested and no attempt
made to control the league conven
tion except that made by the lead
ing spirits of the Simon push in
Portland, McCamant, McGinn and
Dunniway, who were in turn each
hissed down. If any other faction
had a scheme or any intention of
controlling that convention, or of
forcing resolutions through that
body other than those presented,
the delegates from the counties
outside of Multnomah failed to
find it out. No one of sane mind,
who was in attendance at that
meeting, but what knows that if a
vote had been taken showing the
strength of the factions, or rather,
a vote showing the sympathy of the
convention toward the factions,
that it would have been against the
Simon element.
Mr. Fulton's withdrawal was
made in the interests of harmony
and there is no one worthy the
name republican, who is not willing
to so accept that act. The dele
gates from the "cow" counties well
know that in the forenoon and
afternoon sessions the Bimon con
tingent had only to signify their
wish and the 500 or COO heelers
that they had packed into the hal
would add their voice to the vote of
their bosses and in this manner
that faction made themselves be
lieve they had control of the con
vention. At the evening session
however, when only delegates were
admitted to the iloor of the hal
they soon found that the country
delegates were not there to listen
to anything relating to the faction
al fight of Multnomah county, but
on the contrary they were there to
aid in harmonizing the party, even
though it becamo necessary to
throw out Multnomah's delegation
Everywhere, except in the vin
dictive, rule or ruin minds of per
haps a do.en of the Simon combine,
words of praise are heard for the
fair and impartial manner in which
Judge Carey presided over that
body. The convention was har
monious in spite of the Simon-Hoott-McCamaut-
McGinn - Dunni
way effort to the contrary. The dole
gates from the country thoroughly
understand this and such articles
as the one in quotation by the Ore
gonian, and those oountry papers
who copy after it, and cannot call
their souls their own unions per
mission is given by the big daily,
are doing the republican party ir
reparable wrong by keeping up
this everlasting twaddle about
Republicans are beginning to
find out that both factions may be
partly in the wrong, and partly in
the right, and in order to bo suc
cessful in the next campaign it is
necessary to stand shoulder to
shoulder. Forgive and forgot if
possible; if not possible, at loast
stop forcing the matter and let
those who have the interests of the
party at heart go forth to battle
united and prepared to moot the
enemy with champions recruited
from the younger element of the
party, and not from superanuated,
back-numbered statesmen, like the
would-ba seuator from Oregon who
is now takiug up the time of the
U. K. senate in trying to got what
he has no shadow of a title to.
Ho far the record stands tuat
every concession made towards
compromise and harmony has been
made by what the Oregouinn is
pleased to call the "M itchell push,"
and every attempt at prolongation
of the factional fight of Multno
mah couuty 1ms boon made by the
Simou faction.
As the Oregoniau says, lot us
have peaco by all means, but lot us
also have long stultifying and falsi
fying of facts so plaio that he who
runs may read.
Home curious student of politic
al history ban dug out the fact that
fourteen men who occupied the
presidential chair have favored au
uexation of Hawaii aud an equal
number of men holding tho position
of secretary of state. President
McKinley and the republican patty
oem to he in pretty good company
in thoir effort in behalf ol this jm
portaut step.
Omaha has now a fine opportur
ity to obtain a presidential nom
inating convention. That room at
the Trans-Mississippi Exposition
which is to be papered with can
celled farm mortgages would be au
extremely interesting place for a
populist convention in 1900.
Maiob Pennoyeb's veto of the
bond ordinance serves to prove
that a man may lack some kinds of
sense and yet have other kinds.
ortland Telegram.
Yes, this is no doubt true, but
did it ever occur to you that we
always give a man credit for hav
ing good sense when his thoughts
on a subject agree with ours? Peo
ple must be measured in our half
bushel, you know.
The Oregonian is trying to kill of! the
republican party in this state by divid
ing it up into faotions. Down in this
neck of timber we know nothing of
Mitohell republicans nor Harvey Boott
republicans. We are just plain, old-
fashioned, every-day-in-tbe-week and
twloa on Sunday, dyed in the wool, with
out any tag-mark republicans. And
that's what the editor of the Oregonian
ought to be, and what be must be, if he
hopes for the republican party to retain
oontrol of affairs in this state. Nebalem
Why the oontinued harping about
"Silver Republicans?" There is no suoh
thing as "silver republican," nor has
there been siuoe the framing and adop'
tion of tbe St. Louis platform. If a man
aooepted that platform he was a republi
oan ; if he rejected it he oertainly be
longed to some other party ; and that'i
all there is about it. Valley Transcript
As we lake it there was no faotiounl
fight in the republican ttate league
Two or three parties from Himoo's Mult
nomah fiiotiou had tilled np for the
oooasion and tried to explode, but the
speeches of 0. li Moores "knocked the
wind out of their Hails," and everythin
passed off good nntnrtxlly . Multnomab
comity may at well make up ber mind
to one thing this year : Thn republicans
of the "cow" comities don't propose to
be "bamboozled ;" if it becomes necessary
to (Ire our big neighbor out, to save
trouble, why out Hhe goes. The "oow"
ooonties are determined to have peace,
if they have to fight for it. Valley
repnblioan clubs at Portland last week
reflected tbe keen interest throughout
the state in tbe welfare of the party an
its principles. No larger or more enthu
siastic poiitioal gathering was ever held
in the northwest. More than 2000 dele
gates were represented and the majority
of them in person. They oame from tbe
farthest corners of the state to signify
their interest and that of their people.
And they oame in snob numbers from
districts outside of Multnomab oonnty
that if there had been any plans by any
faction of the party in tbe metropolis to
capture the convention for any purpose
outside of the interests of tbe whole re
pnblioan party such plans must have
been completely frustrated. The meet
ing was significant as indicating the
feeling of tbe "cow" counties for party
harmony, which they insist npon even
at tbe threatened sacrifice of personal
interests of any and all prefessional
politicians and office seekers. The voice
of tbe "oow" counties is for harmony
and the success of the principles of tbe
repablioan party at tbe polls. Let Mult
nomah oounty beed the voice. Ashland
The repablioan party was committed
to tbe gold standard at St. Louis on
one 16, 1896. Agreed to preserve the
gold standard until an international
agreement, with the leading nations of
the world, oould be brought about, for
tbe free coinage of silver. AU tbe howl
about tbe gold standard by tbe Oregon
ian for the past year is just so much
sweetened wind. Every republican in
Oregon, identified with the republican
party, is standing on tbe national re
publican platform formulated at St
Louis, June 16, 1896. If tbe Oregonian
bad labored as bard to beat down the
enemy as it has to oreate confusion in
the republican ranks.it would be entitled
to some consideration. As it is its effort
is like unto sightless Sampson of biblical
reooad. but with opposite results. It is
tugging away at tbe pillars that prop
the principles of the repnblioan party
in this state, but it cannot shake or even
wiggle them. The republican party of
Oregon is bigger than the Oregonian.
Linn County Republican.
Sleeplessness Common
Among the Aged.
Thin, Pale, Inactive Blood the
Underlying Cause.
Restful Sleep from Better
Blood Supply.
Paines Celery Compound Fills
the Arteries.
Jan. 26, '9a Notice ia hereby given that
the following-named aettler hoi filed notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of
mi claim, and that said proof will be made
before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
vicguu, uu JUKrvo 18, IBiffl, viz:
H. E. NO. 7742. for the NW Bon 90 Tn 1 H It
27, E. W. M. ' r'
He namei the following- witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: William Rarratt. Edmund
Baling, Mifflin J. Devin and William J. McCarty,
all of Heppner, Oregon.
618-28. ' W- BA8TLITI' Agister.
The convention of Oregon republican
clubs by its harmonious aotion condemns
those disturbers who have endeavored
to array republican against republican
on the money question. Tbe convert'
tion, by its elections and resolutions
declared that if a man stands on tbe St
Louis platform as interpreted by tbe
republican administration, bis republi
canism oan not be properly questioned
by anyone. The oonvention lifted its
voice against faotional strife and in
favor of united successful effort.
Then let us bear no more of silver re
publicans, Mitchell repnbhoaus, or
Simon republicans. Multnomah oonnty
has her factional quarrels inspired by
the desire to control the oity govern
ment, but we should quarantine tbe
state against that quarrel and refuse to
listen to any man who rises the wolf ory
f factionalism in the outside ooonties.
Mark every man, who accuses his neigh
bor of secretly believing in anti-republi-
oan doctrines, as disloyal to tbe party.
Tbe republican party is going to win
next June. It is going to win with a
olean tioket and it is going to win with
tbe battle cry, "Tbe best of money for
the best of people, and protection for
oar own." Ex.
Mr. Ueer, who wanted it understood
that be was not a "miscellaneous candi
date," and that be would Btill continue
to hold out his band for the offioe of col
lector of ouatoms at Portland, ia groom-
ng himself for the offioe of governor,
and also at oougresmun from the first
diitriot. He posoa as a man with
grievance, and wants tbe
world to take notioe that be deolined
the Oregon Oity land office position be
cause he could tot afford to take a $3000
place, l'erbapa he will be good enongb
to explain why he wants to be governor
at salary of only flUKX). Tbe fact if,
Mr. (leer begins to realize that some very
selfish Portland politicians made a tool
of him last fall, and that it would have
been better for him to bave accepted, in
the kindly spirit it was ofiVred to him,
the very desirable office at Oregon City.
Ilia letter, rejecting tbe office with un
necessary sarcasm is not easily forgotten
In the meantime, until a colleotor of
customs is recommended by lb delega
tion, it would be well for bira to remem
bir that be bai promised not to be i
miscellaneous candidate. It ia enough
to aspire to one office at a time. Port
laud Tribuue.
health keeps paoe with strength. People
bis Is the Time to Uiye Attention to Your
Phyalclal Condition.
The warm weather which will come seem to think that one can determine
with the approaobing spring months tbe health of persona by measuring their
should find yon strong and In robust arms. Health means abeeooe of pain
health, your blood pure end your appe- and the presence of mors or less nerve
tite good. Otherwise you will be in intensity and eojoyment in the mere fact
danger of serious illness. Porify and I of living.
enrioh your blood with Hood's Bursa- All this implies abundantly nourished
parilla and thus "prepare for spring." organs and blood unhampered by diu-
Tbia medicine makes rich, red blood and eased humors
gives vigor and vitality. It will guard Paine's oelery oomponnd ia especially
yon against danger from the obanges valuable for recruiting the strength and
Tbe meeting of the Htato League of
Just as
as Scott's and we sell it much
cheaper," is a statement sometimes
made by the druggist when Scott's
Emulsion is called tor. This shows
that the druggists themselves regard
ol Cod-Liver Oil with Hypopho-
phites of Lime and ooda as the
standard, and the purchaser who
desires to procure the standard "
because he knows it has been of
untold benefit, should not for one
instant think of taking the risk of
using some untried prepa
ration. The substitution
of something said to be
"just as good1 for a stand
ard preparation twenty
five years on the market,
should not be permitted by
the Intelligent purchaser.
ft tnr vt ft Rf OTT'8 FmuUlon. See
that the lima and S.h are on the wrapper
anc and li.no, all druggist.
SCOTT UO NH, Chtmi.lt, N.w YtflB.
Multiplies Number of Vital Red
There are degrees of sleeplessness
from the wide-awake state to the sleep
which does not refresh and baa in it
only tbe mookery of rest.
Snob sleep is not tired nature's sweet
restorer. Dreams have power to torture
and to depress. Bleep, therefore, is not
always rest, bat trouble, and a tronbled
leep brings to the brain-worker loss of
power for thought and labor.
It is a well-known fact tbat for Bny
part to perform actively its duties, it
must have an abundance of blood ; but
when tbe power of locally regulating tbe
supply of blood ic the brain is impaired
because of insufficient nerve power tbe
tired brain grinds the same old grist
over and over till nervous prostration,
paralysis or hysteria ensues.
The oause of sleeplessness ia so clear
that tbe cure is equally apparent. Tbe
nerves must recover their grip. Tbe
healtb-wreoking laxity of tbe blood ves
sels must be corrected. Tbe answer to
how this is to be done is:
Feed tbe exhausted nerve tissues with
Paine's oelery compound.
By thus aoting on the nerves Paine's
celery compound is able to regulate tbe
blood supply and permanently banish
sleeplessness that shortens so many
lives, especially among those beyond
middle age. In addition to this indireot
control over the circulation, Paine's
oelery compound directly increases the
amount of blood in the arteries and
arouses tbe purifying organs to driv
out impurities tbat often lurk in it nn
developed for years till age or a "run
down" condition allow them to get the
upper band.
A pale, languid woman is not more of
a lady than a rosy, robust one.
Women leading lives of imperfect
health, with pains and aohes running
riot through their "run-down" bodies,
are often Ignorant of the faot tbat it is
not a speoifio for nervousness or rheuma
tism or stomach trouble that they need,
but fundamental building up of every
tissue of their bodies and a thorough
olensing of their blood. The strength
ening of the constitution sod the eradi
cation of latent disease tbat Paine's
oelery compound achieves leaves no fear
of tbat treaoherous partial reooverytbat
keeps one always afraid of relapse and
sodden break-down.
Paine's oelery oomponnd rests on tbe
wise modern oonoiusion or. trie Dest
medical thought tbat tbe remedy that
invigorates the entire system and puri
fies it, is tbe only safe oore for such
localized diseases as rheumatism, netr
relgie, sleeplessness, eczema, headaches
and blood diseases.
It is a common harmful idea that
of Oregon, for the County of Morrow.
In the macter of the estate of John M. O. Spen
cer, a minor.
To J. B. Sperry, guardian of the estate of said
minor, greeting:
In the name of the State of Oregon, You are
hereby cited and required to appear in the
County Court of the State of Oregon, for the
ouumy ui morrow, at tne uourt room tnereoi,
at Heppner, in the County of Morrow, on Tues
day, the eighth day of March, 1898, at 10 o'clock,
in me lureiioun oi mat day, men and mere w
settle your accounts as guardian of J. M. O.
Spencer, a minor, and show cause, if any exist,
why he should not pay over to the said John 11.
O. Spencer, the sums of money now in his
hands belonging to said John M. O. Spencer.
Witness, the Hon. A. G. Bartholomew, Judge
of the County Court of the State of Oregon', for
the County of Morrow, with the seal of said
Court affixed, this 26th day of January, A. 0.
' Attest: J. w. MOREOW,
618-28. Clerk.
undersigned assignee of E. S. and 8. a.
Cox, Insolvent Debtors, has filed his final ac
count as such assignee with the clerk of the
Circuit Court of Morrow County, Oregon, and
that said account will be called un for hearing.
and be passed upon Monday, the 7th day of
March, 1898, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m. of
said day, or as soon thereafter as the same can
be heard and passed udoii bv the iudee of said
Dated this 21st day of January, 1898.
W. P. Fell,
616-25. Assignee,
Land Office at La Obande, Oregon,
Jan 19 1898.
following-named settler has filed notice
of his intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
ueiuie i . y. morrow, uoumy uierit, at Heppner,
ureguii, uu marcn iz, laytj, viz:
H. E. No. 6082, for the SEU of Sec. 14, Tp. 3 8, R
27. E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
nis continuous residence upon and cultivation
in, otiiu iaiiu, viz: nailer urosDy, jonn mar
shall, Sterling P. Florence and Andy 8. Steven-
sou, an ui jaeppuer, uregon.
E. W. Bartlett,
616-27 Register,
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon.
January 18. 189
following-named aettler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of
ins ciaim, ano mai saia prooi will De maae De
fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on Saturday, February 26, 1898, viz:
JAMES R. NUNAMAKER for Heirs of Maria E.
H. E. No. 3619 for the SWU of Sec. 5, Tp. 2 8., R.
24 E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence uDon and cultivation
of, said land, viz: David F. Baker. George
W. Utt, David H. lirablll and Thomas King,
all of lone, Oregon.
16-27 Register.
The Palace
mil jmy
...Has been leased by...
Who has secured the services oi
As manager. It will be run in first class shape
in every department. Rates reasonable
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
"When you hear dem bells!"
Belled express is coming. Does delivery work
on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This
wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it,
or at "Central" telephone office.
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at LaGkamok, Oregon,
Jan. 19, 18.
following-named settler has filed notice ol
his intention to make final proof in support of
nis ciaim, ana tnat said prooi win be mane Be
fore County Clerk, Morrow county, Oregon,
at Heppner, Oregon, on March 12, 1898, viz:
H. E. No. 6029, for the EH NE-4, i SEJ Sec.
11, ip. a o, n. it, a. w. m.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Charles 8. Jayne, Bruce B,
Kelley, Ueorge A. Stevenson and W
art, all ol Heppner, Oregon.
(illiam Btew-
E. W. Bahtlett,
mm i M I m I I i i
Including all the Staples, Hardware, Tin
ware, Harness, Stockmens' Supplies,
Wood and Willowware.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
January 17, 1H9R
following-named settler has tiled notice
of his intention to make final proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof will
De maae Dci"re j. w. Morrow, uoumy uiem,
at Heppner, Oregon, on February '26, 1898, viz:
H E No, .1990, for the 8W4 of sec 29, Tp 2 8, R 25
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence unon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Frank Bmlth, James H. Willis
and James Brown, of Lexington, Oregon, and
Thomas A. Urlakell, of Hupnner, Oregon
wtiiob will ioon take place.
A Brlrklaycr In Halrm Falls IM Feet Bat bo
ItnnM wet Brokra
Salem, Feb. 7. A miraoulooe eicnpe
from death occurred this fteroooo. Ol
cur Taylor, briokUyer, tu working on
the top ol ohimoer of the Willamette
hotel, when the aaderpinoiiid of the
pent energies of men end women d-
veooed in year. It ie the one prepare
tion considered worthy tbe name of a
trne nerve food and blood remedy by
phyeioiana Ihrongbont tbe oountry, It
ie preicribed by tbera in every atate in
tbe anion to lone np the eyetea), regulate
the nervet and reatore health and
his intention to make final proof In support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
neiore tne county cierit oi Morrow county,
Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on March 19, 1898,
Hd E No. 62M. for the BU NWU &H'i NEU Sec
St. To 1 8. R 28. E W M.
He name the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: John Marshall, Thomas Mar
shall, Hugh Field and James Johusou, all of
ueppner, uregon.
19 29 Register,
Any person having a copy of the poem,
scaffolding gave way, and Taylor tot- "All for a Woman "a Sake," will ooofer a
tered and fell to the ground, a diatance great favor on thia paper by aending It
of IX) feet, atrikina on a pile of loose to the editor. It wae published to
lumber, lie wan picked np by Eiprete yeare ago laat fall in tbe Oeppoer Oa
Aaent Tboe. Reynolda, and with a little latte. 21-2
awiHtanoe walked into tbe hotel
office. A physician was quickly sum
moned, but found that no bonce were
P.ilnrat Tour Bowels With Casrarvta.
CanilT Cathartic, cure conatlpatlnn forever.
lOu. li C O. C. (all. druuKiata tvt und money.
broken and no evidence of internal
injuries. Ilia right side from bis I
html to bead was bruised, bia faoe and
Ohio cut, but nothing serious. In falling
Taylor struck several pieces of soantliog
to which the sesff tiding waa nailed.
Thfe were all broken, but they prob
ably aaved bia life.
g tl
itati-aof Ori'iiim. WaahliiKtnti and Idaho, will he
held at Prndlotou un Feb. 1 l, 17, It ll
the Intention to make thv meeting a grand (no
cm and a call has rwen mad to every cauls
ralter tu the imrthwrnt. Kedured rata hav
hn named by the O. K A N. from all points l
the tnrt-e suut and theUrmt Northern rail
way and the Oregon 8hort 1 1 ne will also make
similar mlurtloiis Iroin ixdnts on their llm-a In
roniiivtlnn villi the O. K. N t'arttt Inter
ested In icttle raisins should andeavor to tie In
... . ., I riei in came railing pihmihi vnuratur hi i. in
Indigestive poisons are tbe bane nf the atteudam-a at this inerttng. Cammutiii-awwlth
i ,,v Il k.. .;L if ...... your iiwireat ticket agent regarding rate and
u-, .",..- - - ' train service.
sickness is onusod by indigestive poison.
If so, tike Hbaker Pigective Cordial.
This is the only certain way of being per
manently oured, because it ia tbe oolv
way that gets rid of tbe poisons. You
know that fermented foodie poisonous.
Yon know that poison is unhealthy,
Hbaker Dltteetiv Cordial dears the
etomacb of fermenting food, and purifies
the blood and system of indigestive
poisons. II euro Indigestion and the
diseases that come of It. Headache,
ditslneen, nature, atomaob-aob, weak
ness, tlatnleoce, oonstipation, loss of
appetite. Irritability, tie. These are a
lew of the symptoms, caused by Indigea-
live poisons, ourcd by Hbaker digestive
At Ornggists, prloe 10 Crete to II per
r. K. Short, of I'endletoo, made tbe
Oesttle a pleaeant aod profitable eall oa
Wednesday. He was accompanied by
IWusy P. iKiberty, one of oar Morrow
' county boye. Call again geotUue o
11 itartuerahlii herrtofure etlatlng belwrv
Frank KiiKi'linait and F.d Ftigelinan, dtiin
tmttiiiNM al Inn, tvregon, under the nrtn nam
of Kngvliiiaii Rni , ha hn dUxilved by
iniiliial rnnapnt. All Mil and anniiuia owlu
by said tlrm will be paid by Fd Fngelman.
taul at lone. Or., rb. i, ve, v
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at La Grande, Oregon,
January 81. 1898,
ll following-named settler has Sled notice of
First Class Goods and Low Prices
is his motto.
They Are The "Mustard"
'"THe Pioneer Blacksmltns
Have made some eleirant Improvements In their establishment and added a larmt stock n
Iron, horseshoes and other materials essential to the happiness of those who need quick repair
to their wagons, buggies or machinery, Their specialty It horbeshoelng.
Meadows k Halten are the Boys to do Your Work Right, and do it Quick, too.
Is that of plain and decorated
Chinaware & Queensware At
Gilliam k Bisbee s
And by the way they have anything you can call for iu the line of
Hardware, Stove and Tinware.
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at La Giunde, Oregon.
Januarv 81. ISM.
following-named settler has filed notice
of his Intention to make final proof In support
of his claim, and that said proof will be mad
beior the County Clerk ol Morrow county,
Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, ou Parch 19,
m, vis:
Hd E No 821, for the N4 NKV, 6EU NEU,
NEi 8K1 8ec 82, Tp 1 8, K 28 K W M.
n name the following wltnesse to prove
his continuous residence unon and cultivation
of said land, vlt: John Marahall, Thomas
Marshall, Hugh Fields and Jame Johnson, all
of Heppner, Oregon,
E, W. BAK11.E.1 I,
19-19 Register.
and by virtue ol an order ol le laanvd
out of the county eoart ol tbe tat ol lreon,
lor Morrow county, on in tin oav oi January
l. the tindfignl. aa administrator ol tin
patate ui H el Ion W Allyn. will ou and Jtr Ih delivered by aaid defi-ndaiits. John O. t'rafta
ana mime rati, 10 piainilir to tec lira the
of Oregon for Morrow county.
The American Mortgag
Company, of Hcotlaud,
limited.' corporation,
John H. Crafts. Annie
Crafts, J. W. nmlth, M.
V. Har.laon, Jacob
Rortrer, and Cufttn A
MrFarland, a partners,
To John U. t raits, J. W. Smith and M. V. Harrl-
slon, deiendaiit. above named:
In th nam ol the Btate of Oregon: You are
hereby required to appear and answer the
complaint tiled against you In the ahov entitled
suit, on or lielore the first day of the neit regn
lar term ol the aliov entitled court following
the expiration ol the time prearrilieit In th
order lor publli-atlon of this summons, which
first day w ill be Monday, the 7th dav of March.
Imuh, and you and each ol you will lake nolle
inai tl you tail to so appear and answer, lor
ant thereof plalntllf will apply to said
court lor tb relief demanded In It com
plaint, to wit: For Judgment against John y.
( ralu and Anul Crafts lor the sum ol to
gether w 1th Intercut thereon at th rale ol eight
tier cent per annum Iroin the tlrat dayof he
cember. Imi. in accordance with the term ol
a certain pnunlmnry not, by them mail and
delivered to plaintiff, nn or about th lth day
ol June. Iw7, fur aaid sura: lor tb sum of 11
attorneys fee, and f 'r th mm of t..:a ad
vance tor tax. and for the Coat and dUhnraa.
menttoltht (utt: tlno a decro lor thalon.
rlur ol th certain mortgage executed and
tth dav ol February, I-", proceed to tell al
private al lot caah III hand, all th billowing
deaenhrd real property ol aaid eat
lu Morrow county. Orearvn, lavwit
lb north-
east ituartar ol taction thlrty-on. In townthln
one, south ol rang twenty five aM W M , and
the north aaat quarter ol amnion thirty ., iu
township ana, south ol rang lnty l aaal
W. M , also th south- ouarler ol tectum
thlriT. in townthln on, tooth ol rang twenty.
flf east W. M , Wthar with all tb IrntiMiiU,
l loaning
payment ol the above described not, and lor
th tale ol aaid mortgaged property titua'ed In
Morrow couuty, Oregon, deaorttwd follow.
Uwlt: Th outh-et quarter of section 1,
Tp. 1 tnutb ol ran a aaal W. M., and that th
pnvevds ol said tale b l lulled to tbe pay man t
coat ol tulL
ol th amount due plaintlfl. attorneys lee and
1 hi tummont la tervM upon you by pnhll-
illon there. In nurananca ol an order of Hon
m'ttX appurtaliance thereunto etephen A. Lowell, judge ol the ahove entitled
of Oregon, for Morrow county.
W. P. Lord. H. R. Klncaid
and Hill. Mettchen as
the board of comml
loner etc., Flatntltls,
Adeline Howell,
Howell. Mary
John Howsil, Nellie
Howell, William Howell,
Hianlord Howell, Joseph
Howell, Tilda Howell,
Ida Howell, Frank How
ell, Thomas Howell, Lilly
Howell, Hettle Farer,
Rlx Farer, Adeline How.
ell, a administratrix
and Henry Howell atad.
mlnlstrator of Hiaulord
Howell, deceased, De
fendant. To William Howell, II at tie Farer and Rig
Farer, Delrinlants:
In th name of the Mat of Oregon: Yon ar
hereby reoulred to appiar and answer the
complaint Bled against yon In th ahove en
titled uit ou or before the Aral day of the next
regular term of this court, to-wlt: Th7th day
of March, 1M. and If you full to answer for
want thereof the plaintlfl will apply to the
court to grant the relief demanded In th com
plaint, to-wlt: For Judgment tgalnat you upon
ascertain promissory note lor th turn of J-io
with Interest Iheteon at th rate of eight per
cent per annum from April 1st, Imn, th sum of
to attorneys fee and th cott nd disburse
ment of this suit, and that th mortgage given
to ccure the payment of aaid note on Hie fol
lowing deacrllied real property situated In
Morrow county. Ptateof Oregon to-wlt: South
east quarter ol dee. M. Tp. 4, south ol range S,
B. W.M., be foreclosed and aaid property told
nd the proceeds ol tald Ml h aiuilled to lb
payment of the amount due plaintiff.
This summons Is served upon you In pursu
ance of an order ol tb Hon Stephen A. Lowell,
Judg ol the shove entitled court, mail and
entered In tald suit nn the Mh day of January,
Best sooommodation sod ooorteooi
treatment t tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh
tod Wash. 8ts Portland, Oregon.
6eneral Collector
Put your old book and notes In his
hand and get your money out of
them. Make a specialty of bard
Office ia J, N. Brown's Building.
Ellis & Phelps;
All buslne attended to in a prompt and
tktltlactory manner. Notaries Public and
Oftlc In Natter Building, Heppner, Or.
Mathews & Gentry,
BR'iWM A Kr.DFiri.n
Attorney lor Plaintiff.
Formerly of rendlelon
Tonsorial Artist.
Shaving, tS Cent
Hair Cutting, 29 "
rhop, Msllixk Coruer, Heppner, Oregon.
Court. ma.! At nhamlwii at l-n.t l,..n Hm..u.
l"alcl at Heppner, Orrgoa, January Tin. 1v, Oo th LHb day o( Jauuarv. '
T. R. I.YONh, i ' F.LIJ A I'H ELP.
U3 A twiutttiaior. ny, Attorneys lw t iaiumx.
At Cbt Jones' Old Stand.
Shaving. - - 1 fS Ct.
Hair Cuttinir. - 25
Jive t keeping np the reputation ol thltthop
fnr S rat c la work and would. b PltMvd. k
Shop two door South of Postoffice.
The Old Shop !
Is tbe place to go to get
your fine pork tod lamb
chop, gteakt md roeat.
fit ?U" P P'-i lor