fin -lo). an iyjatfUowiiio Denver & Rio Grande railroad: SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD- CATARRH TO THB OIVS8 THB OHOICB Of Two Transcontinental FIRST AND ONLY . . . PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSION . EVEB RUN BETWEEN GREAT NORTHERN Ry. VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS St. Paul OREGON SHORT LINE. VIA Salt Lake DENVER Omaha Tie Pacific Northwest AND BOSTON, MASS. Ill Wi p. Commencing February 1st, TOORIST SLEEPER Portland everv Tuesday at 9 p. m. , via O. R. & N.. Denver St Rio Grande, Rock Island, Lake Shore, New York Central, and Boston & Albany Railroads. Ask your Druggist for a generous 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Balm contains no cocaine, mercury nor any other Injurious drug. It is quickly Absorbed. Gives Relief at once. It opens and cleanses the Nasal Passages. .11 TflAn..a,inn Heals and Protects the Membrane. Restores tho Senses of Taste and Smell. Full Size 6UC. i Trial Size IOC : at Imitreist or by mall. IYy BROTHERS. 68 Warren Street, New York. i jpl i COLD H. HEAD INTEMPERANCE. FOUND A CAVE. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STAGELINE -AND AND Chicago Kansas City LOW BATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. nnonn steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. Steamers Monthly from Portland to v.i.i..n. n,i Hnnff Kodb: via, lne Northern Pacifio Steamship Go. In con. nection with U. K. . fn ,lotiiil nail on 0. K. 4 N. I Aannt nt HeDDner. or address Dodwell, Carlill, & Co., Gen'l. Agts., Nor. Pac. 8. S. Co., 1'ortlana, ure. W. H. HTJRLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. PoRTiiAND. OneaoN. Excursion car carried on t Fast Boston Special East of Chicago, making the run in 28 hours; several hours quicker than any other line. For rates and all information, call on or address, R. C. NICHOL, S. K. HOOPER, General Agent, uen. rass. a. mi. bi 251 Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. 0. Hart, Local Agt., Heppner, Or. FARE FROM ARLINGTON TO Fossil (60 miles).. .15 00 Round trip 900 Mavvllle J53milesl. 4 00 Round trip 7 00 Condon (39 miles).. 3 00 Round trip 600 Clem (28 miles) .... 2 00 Round trip 8 so Oiex (19 miles) 150 Round trip 8 50 Stage leaves Arlington every morning (Sunday eioepted) at 6 o'olock; is doe at Condon at 3 p. m. and arrives at Fos sil at 7 p. m. Comfortable covered ooaohea and oare ful, experienced drivers. Keen sneep and Get Bicit. THE WOOL RECORD Tells You How to Do It. NOHTH PACIPIO Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 1869.) Published Weekly Portland, Or. at DEVOTED TO RUE YOU GOING ERST? If so, be sure and see that your ticket reads via TUB HoilHwestciu U ....THE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IB THE Great Short Lir)e BETWEEN DULUTII, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vestilmlod Dining and Hlwnlng Car Trains, and Motto: Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. By a speoial arrangement we offer to our readers The Wool Record and Semi-Weekly Gazette, one year for 3.00. The Wool Record is the only national wool organ and oovers the wool industry from the raising of the sheep to the sell ing of the manufactured article. It is published weemy at new iorx ana ine regular prioe is $2.00 a year. lis market reports are full and oomp e and its Sheep Breeders' Talks alone are worth 10 times the prioe of the paper. Sample oopies on application We heartily recommend tbii nation to our Bubsoribers. combi Worth its weight in gold to every farmer and breeder in Oregon. NEW NAME! SUBSCRIPTION: $2.00 PER YEAR. Sample oopies free. Rnral Hnirit and Gazette both for 13.00, cash, at this ollioe. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ClMBa Wm. Gordon has re-named his stand the old Jones livery stable Tlio Central. Baled hay lor sale. Charges reasonable, call on mm aim nave vour nurses weu mou . LOCAL BOJUIBS. Published by request of the Press Superin Intendent of the W . O. T. D. What is there in the land that brings more distress to the homes than intem perance. It brings diseases, disoords, starvation, cruelty ; it causes father and mother to neglect their children, for in some instances the mother will drink as well as the father, and the children are driven half-naked into the streets to beg, although the woman may have been a daughter reared in a home of plenty, and was a good woman at the com mencement of their married lite, but as years rolled on and her husband became a drunkard, she too, was tempted to drink. Only a little to warm her on a cold morning, then more and more, un til she oared for nothing else. The children grow up In the streets; no schooling, no regard for anything that is good. Who would think the boys and girls (the street arabs), were children of a onoe reapeotable family, and all this brought on by drink. And then to thins men are licensed to bring about just such a state of affaire. When men cast their votes they Bre very particular to study well the political views of the man they are voting for, but do they ever ask the question, "Am I voting for or against license' to sell the accursed drink that is destroying so many lives and causing our poor-houses and asy lnms to be filled with persons who are unable to support themselves," as they are injured in both body and mind, thronoh stroofl- drink? Vote to license suoh a crime? Ah yes, and congress men, senators and legislators must take a little to "steady their nerves." They get so steady sometimes that they can use neither band nor brain until they sleep off the effeots of the drink. And men vote to lioense this work. Three little boys in Ohio, aged 16, thought they would get some whiskey and have a "good time" as the older ones term it. One of the boys was found dead in his bed next morning. The doctor said the ooieon in the drink killed him. They arrested the Baloon keeper, but would that bring back the dear boy? Would that heal the broken heart of the parents? Christians voting to license saloons ; Ob, how dreadful! Remember, boys gel drink wherever there is a saloon. Now they say, if women were better oooks, if tbey would cook understanding to suit the constitution of their husbands they oonld prevent this drinking. Yes, a man named Adam laid the blame of his rlianhedienoe on a woman named Eve. Was he exoused? Did he go nnonn ished? An Old Friend. A Cave In tbe Middle Fork Country the Home or Wildcats. From Long Creek Eagle. Ira Remington, who resides near Granite oreek, on tbe Middle Fork, re cently found a cave not here tofore known to have been in existence. He was led to the entrance of the oavern by following tbe trail of a wildoat that made its home in tbe hillside retreat The entrance to the oave was about three fet in height and eighteen inohea in width. This opened out into a large room eighteen or twenty feet square and fully ten feet in hight. An investi gation revealed tbe fact that a small entrance opened out into another on am ber equally as large, if not larger, than tbe one Just explored. But in this one was oonoealed Mr. Wildcat and his family, Bnd Mr. Remington did not oare to trespass on tbe premises of Mr. Cat or explore the oavern any further. To an Eagle reporter hs stated that it was his intention to capture the oooupants of tbe oave and at an early date make a thorough exploration of the same. LUNG TROUBLES AND CONSDBPTION CAN BE CUBED. Aa Eminent New York Chemist and Scientist Hakes a Free Offer to Our Headers. Robbed tho Grave. A startling incident of wbioh Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was tbe subject, is narrated by him as follows: "1 was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, .tongue ooated, pain oontinually in back and sides, no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians bad given me up. Fortunately, a friend advised trying 'Eleotric Bitters and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know tbey saved my life, and robbed the grave'of another victim." No one should fail to trv them. Only 60 cents per bottle at Slooum Drug Co., E. J.Slooum, m'g'r, The distinguished chemist, T. A. Slo oum, of New York City, demonstrating his disoovery of a reliable oure for Con- sumotion (Pulmonary TuberouloBis), bronohial, lnng and ohest troubles, stubborn ooughs, oatarrbal affeouons, general deoline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will Bend THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of his New Dis coveries to any afflicted reader of this paper writing for them. His "New Scibntifio Treatment" has oured thousands permanently by its timely nee. and he considers it a Bimple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of his infallible oure. Soienoe daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, has produoed results as beneficial to humanity as can be olaimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and con sumption are ourable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in hia American and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those onred in all parts of the world. The dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and oertain death. Simnly write to T. A. Slooum, M. C, 98 Pine street, New York, giving post office and express address, and the free medioine will be promptly sent direct from his laboratory. Snfferera Bhould take instant advan tage of his generous proposition. Please tell the Dootor that you bbw this in tbe Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon, juiy a-i-i jr. FORYOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore the Gazette's job depart ment has tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, this shop is now prepared to taokle anything in any line and will meet prices of anv person under tbe sun in the line of druggists supplies, blank books, bank work oounty work, or any sort of book bind ingwork that you have heretofore sent away to get done. Tbe Gazette shop is not a oharity concern but if you will give us a ohanoe we will see that you are satisfied in every particular. Buy your goods at home. Remember that Abe Lincoln said that when one bought goods away from home tbe foreigner got the money and we got tbe gooas. Bui wnen tbe goods were bought at home we had both money and goods. This is good doctrine. We are willing to abide by it. When the printing drummer comes to town, re member it and call up 'phone No. 3. 560-tf "Tie Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. "DALLES CITY" AND "REGULATOR' Will be Moved to Heppner. For some time tbe members of tbe Grand Army Post at Lexington have heen considering tbe advisability of moving the same to Heppner, this oity presenting better advantages to tbe Post as a plaoe for holding their meetings At a regular meeting of the Post held in Liexineton on Jan. 29th, this matter was taken in hand and it was decided to make tbe change, and hereafter the meetings of Rawlins Post, G. A. R., will be held in Heppner. Assisted by tbe Ladies' Relief Corps, the joint installa tion of ofnoers of the two sooietiea win be held on Saturday, Feb. 12th, at whioh time a dinner will be served to the mem bers and invited guests. Fred Bock, the popular butcher at the Liberty Meat market, departed for Port land on Saturday evenina; to remain. Fred will go into business for himself down there. Stop that oough! Take warning. It may lead to consumption. A 25c bot tle of Shilob's Oure may save your life. Sold by Conser & Brook. x Leave Tbe Dalles daily (except Sunday) at 7S50 a. m. Leave Portland at 7:00 a. m. When you go to Portland, stop off at The Dalles and take a trip down the Columbia; you will enjoy it, and save money. W. O. ALLAWAY, General Agent. tru m a mvr, can cured 88. "ALWAYS ON TIME" has given this road a national reputation. All "i . ... . .. i ,., ...rrl.ulnn the vt'stlhtilwl trains without extra I'harne. Ship your frelxht ami travel over this famous lino. All agents have Urkuts. , mm F. C. SAVAGE. Un. AKoiit. Trav. F. Al'.Ant. 2M Washington St., Portland, Or. CHICAGO imotc. & St. Paul R'y This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famous block system; LinhU its trains by eleotriolty through out; Usee the oelobratcd eleotrto berth read inglump; Runs speedily equipped passenger trains everv day sd night between Ht. 1 aul and Chicago, aud Omaha end Obiosgo; the rhir.Ano. Milwaukee & r v J r St. Paul Ai.n mHmta steam-heated vestibnled trains, carrying the latest private compartment oars, library buffet smok- i ..a ran. and nature drawing room electors. plnr nam. free reclining chair oars. .n, tha vrv best diuiug chair oar service. n.ul ratal to BUV point 10 WS Tradc Marks . DeeioNS "frit" Copyrights 4c. Anvone sending a sketch and (Inscription mar nulcklr aseorlRln our opinion free whether an Invention Is pnihalilf uatentaliln. Coiimmnlca. turn st rletly nmltilnntlal. 1 1 aiirthonk on I'atnuta sent free. Illrlest nuniii'y for securing patents. I 'hi cuts taken through Mimn A Co. receive tiirrlnlnorks, without clmrge, lu the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest Mr. dilation of any sclent Itlfl Journal. 'Icrnis. .l a yer; four months, U Bold by all newsch-alers. MUNN & Co.38,Bf"d New York branch tlrlloe. 16 F Ht Washington, 1). t. spokane falls northern NELSON 4 FORT SIIKPPARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All-Rail Route Without Change of Cars Between Spokane, Rossland and Nelson. Also between Nelson and Uosslaud, daily exoept Bund ay : tjxavn. mm A. M. .. , 1111 A. M .... M.llJ A.M beer on Arrive. Spokane ... ... ;n V. M. . KoHilaml to P. M. , Nelson M P. M. (lloen oonnnclmns at Nelson Willi steamers for Kaslo, niul all Kootenai Ijike point. IWoiigors for 'Kettle lllver ani Moundnrr Cnwk ouiiiuwt at Marcus with stage dailv. For Pulled Plates or ageut or address J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agent Canada, apply to O. J. EDDY, Uencral Agent, Portland, Or. Ik World Almanac $ Encyclopedia poR 1895 i " i L THROUGH OARS Sr. PAUL M1NNKAPOLI9 tii ti i n TO KAltdO UUTTK UK LENA Ticket Issued to all points in the United HUtPB autl van an a. QUICK TIME TO. mu Answer Any Qiicstioii You may Ask It Standard American Annual. Alex Lindsay was in from Galloway on last Sunday. T. J. Merrill, of Hardman, was in town yesterday. What is Hop Gold? Best earth. See ad. elsewhere. Felt boots and rubbers, and Arotio nvralinea at T. R. Howard's. 605-tf. Teter Brenner, one of Eight Mile's farmers, paid this office a visit yesterday. One Minute Conirh Cure cures quickly. That's what you want! Conser & Brock County Judge Bartholomew 1b on the aiok list, Buffering from an attack of the grip. Wm. Barrett, of Band Hollow, was shaking hands with hia city friends yes terday. Fine home-made taffy at the Orange Front. A clean, fresh etook of goodB leave yonr orders. tf- Jas. Kern, one of Carty & Kilkenny's rustlers, of Lower Sand Hollow, wae in town yesterday. Jas. Fitz, the man who wae Bbot by W. B. Ewing last week, was reported worse yesterday. Painless remedy for extracting teeth. It not as stated, do ohargea. Try Dr. Vaua ban's new plan. CO-i-tf. Wright Baling, of Eight Mile, brought in e load ol wbeat yesterday for which he fouud ready Bale. It you need something tor your system oall at the 'Phone The Telephone sa loon, Oity hotel building. tf Mr. P. V. Maddoi, who was here not bug ago fur horses and mules for Skag way, arrived this morning in quest ot more stock. E.G. Noble A Co. are rustlers after business. Tbe finest saddles and bar- Mesa to be found in Heppuer. See their new ad in this issue. tf. E. 0. Sperry aud wife weut down to lone Saturday aud Mrs. Sperry will re main in that thriving little bnrg for oonple ot months. Andrew Beaoey, of Lexington, was seen on our streets yesterday. Mr. Reaoey says grain I growing finely, and tbst the proepeots for a orop were never belter at this lime ot year. Mrs. Mary Bird, HarriBbnrg.Pa., says, "My child is worth millions to me, yet 1 would have Kiel her by croup had I not invsstWl twenty five cent In a bottle of One Minute Cougb lure." curee Ounghs, colde and alt throat and long troubles. Conser k Brock. State ot Ohio, City ot Toledo, Lncae Countv Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner ot the firm of F. J . Cheney & Co., doing business in the city ot Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of one hundred dollars for each and every ease of catarrh that oat not be oured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1896. . , . W. A. Gleasoo, sbatj Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and aols directly on the blood ana mucous surfaces of tbe system. Send What Dr. A. E. Halter Says. Buffalo, N. Y. Gents: From my personal knowledge, gained in observing the effeot ot your Shiloh'a Cure in oases of advanced consumption, I am prepared to say it is the moBt remarkable remedy that has ever been brought to my atten tion. It has oertainly saved many from consumption. Sold by Conser & Brook. QUICK TIME ! fnr taatimnnialft. free. F. J. Cheney, A Co., Toledo, 0. C"8old by druggists, 75o. Backers Will Bite. Three men have arrived at Taooma with tiokets purchased in the east read ing as fallows: "This tioket is good for one first-olnsB passage on the magnifi cent, full-powered steamship Ooean Wave, of Portland. Ore., from Taooma to Dawsan City, via tbe Yukon river.' George Mason, tbe holder ot one of these tickets, says be paid $50 down and was to have paid the balance ot $250 at the company's office In Taooma, but heoan find no one there who knows anything about the oompany. During the past week, mnnrts have been made to the --r Taooma polioe ot a dozen different kinds nf franrinlenl tickets that men have brought to tbe coast. A Mnra Thlna for Ton. A trunsontlntl In which VOUOHlinOt loselS in. tiling Itilinuanma. ak'k hettiiaclie, I ur reU tongue, fever, piles and a tliouKaml oilier ills are cauaeu ny cotiuyuun ! " ("u,w1v ('.at hartic. the wou- I.'... i ....... i.vAr .t.mulant and iutesiiual tonto are by all druRgisW guaranteed to cure fit mouev ref uiuletl. C. - sje a sure .hi... fr a ho tft-duV. 100., "AX)., OWO. bauiiileaud booklet free. Club Did Not Meet. The Morrow County Republioan Club did not hold its meeting on Saturday as was announced, the attendance being only five. This was only a business meeting, consequently no program was arranged, but the attendance of members at tbe business meetings must be better jthe work of the club is to be success ful. There Bre a number ot important matters to be brought up and it the club mnda the imnortant faotor at tbe ooming election that it should be, tne members should take greater interest In its business meetings. If you suffer from any of the ills of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, nn inRnoN a CO.. ,1051 Market SL Est'd 1852. Vnmie men and middle aired men who aresunering I bom the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical Debility ,impincy ,.. -"""--in all its complications; Hpermatorrnflea, Proitalerrhiia, flenorrhnea, Clleet, Frequency of Urinntinff, eic. uy a combination of remedies, of great curative pow er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment i .h-. i. ;tl no, nntv afford immediate relief but r-a -i mm i inTinr tines no. .v 1 perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent 1 in hi. snecialtv Diseases Of Men, ' . ... ,51,,.. , f r-;.lil THA Nvpniiis inorouKioy . - M ox. .. EVERV IAN aiiplyiuir to ns will re- . ceive our nomrst opinion 01 nis "W""T'S" , et'eru cose vie undertake, or forfeit One A irhAnMnd nnllars. V Consultation f Kfce. ana stricoy J CHANGES VERY REASONABLE. Ireat- V ment personally or by letter. Send for book, A " The Philosophy of Slarrins,' f free. (A valuable book for men.) g VISIT IK. JOBDAH'S Museum of Anatomy the finest and largest Museumof us kind in the world. Come and learn now wonaermny yu" are made; how to avoid sickness and disease. We are continually aamne new tiu CATALOa UE i'KiSF. Call or write. 1051 Market Street. San Francisco, uai. JSajti Franoisoo And all points in California, via the Mt, Bhaata route 01 me Southern Pacific Co The great hhthway through California to all points met ana soutn. urana ocenio nouu, of the Pacifio Coast. Pullman Buffet Bleepers. Seoond-clase Sleepers Attached to express trains, affording superior accommodations for second-class passenger. For rates, ticket, sleeping oar reservations, eto,. oall upon or address R. KOEHLER, Manager, C. H. MARKHAM, Gen. F. & P. Agt., Portland, Oregon Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat- ent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. ' Ous orrics is Opposite U . 8. Fmm Ornet alid we can secure patent la less tuno tnao those t . iv..iirniui remmo .rum .... ;,!. ,.t- Send mooei, drawing i"h ---r tion. Wo advise, if patentable or not, tree of charge. Our fee not due till patent is securcu. , s i t nC.ln Pfl,.nrt." with colt of Iame"inthe U. S. and foreign countries sent tree. Address, SNOW&CO. Opp. Patent OrricE, Washinotoh, D. C. C.A. iuc, asc. eoo. Boe our big ad. Ciiicaoo WabmihotoH IUlti sums New Yok llvrrAix) All other points in the Kaat and Southeast Omaha Kansas Cirr Ht. Joaspsi Nt. Ioris IBustum lUU GENTS Uolon Depot conneotious at Ht. Paul, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Omaha, Ht. Louis and other promt neut points... Baggage oheoked through lo destination nl tkkeU. Through tlt keta to Japao and Cblus, vis Teeoma and Northern I'eciflo Heem- hip Company's line. For lull information, time cards, maps, ticket, etoH ' or wm At N. P. Ry. At. Geo. Pass. Agt. Ready Jan. , 1S93, On At! News Stands, j.iijajjsjjjJJ Larger, Better, More Complete Than Lver. Portland, Or THE WORLD, Puttw.r Buiiamg, New York. The local telephone eompeoy are pre- Daring to put in phones oat at J. J. Ad- kins' and 0. A. Rhea's, on iinea erees. lisrbed wire fenoes will be used to the place of wire. Ike Enois leaves today to oommenoe work. Prosperity comes quickest to tbe man whose liver is in good condition. ie- Witt's LUlU Early lUeers re famous liltls pills for oonstipation, btllioosoees, Indigestion sod sll stomaco eon liver troubles. Cvtessr A Brock. R. R. Connor, ot Dallas, Polk oouoty. arrived here last wek to look after his Jake Young's ranch on 0.11 lie a Social Event. On the evening ot Jan. 28tb, a very pleasant dance was given at tbe resi dence of Mr. Frank MoKnlght on Hinloo creek s few miles east ot Heppner. Mr. Jeese Duncan, spoken of as the sooial leader of that neighborhood, bad eharge ot the affair and led In tbe grand march, while the musio tor the ocoasion was furnished by Messrs. John Glass and Wm. Duncan. The danoe was largely attended by the people living In lbs neuhborhood and quite number were there from HeDoner. At the usual time and olaoe oo the program an elegant sopper was served which was greatly ap- nreoiated by all those preeeni. uor re rx.rtr ststes that the danoe was quite a sooial event and greatly eojayed by all the participants. Miss Allie Hnghee, Norfolk. Vs., was frightfully burned on the leee ana neee Pain was insUnliy reueveii or vvitK iin.1 a..lvM which healed tbe in ....WM..-- ' - ....k. i,,.. Kithnnt Uavinil scar. It is om famous pile remedy. 0oer Brock. J. A. Perkins, of Antiquity, O., wss for thirty years needlessly tortured by pby- sioians for tbe cure of eczema. He was auiokly cured by using DeWitt's Witob ... Hazel salve, the famous healing salve fnr Dilea and skin diseases, uonser a. Brook. Up From Hood River. L. D. Boyed, of Hood River, formerly a resident ot Heppner, came np on Satur day to look after business affairs. Loo tells wonderfal stories about Hood River fruit and especially ths strawberries be is going to raise next season. As hs has promised a box for the office, the Gazette believes all he says. Mr. Boyed as a host ot friends in Heppner who are glad to again give him tbe hand of fellowship. Two Millions a Year. . . When people buy, try, and buy again, it means thev re salisneu. i ne iwuimc ui fnited States are now buying Caatarets Candy Cathartic st the rate of two million hoxes a year aim it win ne inrce uii fore New ear s. It means merit proved. that Caacarels are the moat delighttui Dowe regulator for everybody the year round. All druggiats 10c, 23c, 50c a box, cure guaranteed. Eastern Oregon State Normal School, Weston, Oregon ONLY STATE SCHOOL in EASTEHN Uttiuun Located on the 0. R. & N. Railway hAtwaen Pendleton and Walla Walla. Students admitted all times ot tbe year. at First-Class Training School for Teachers. Vooal and Instrumental Musio taught by competent instructors. A gredu- Ste Ot tbe BOSton UOnservaiury una charge ot the instrumental department. Tlae Jncties' Boarding Hall Is thoroughly equipped and offers ex cellent accommodations at reasonable rates. Send tor oatalogus. jj.... m r. rtrwAL. Pranaidant of Faculty or P. A. WORTHING- TON, Seoretary Board of Regents, Weston, Ora. A little fistiouff betwseo Frank Fnqua and John Allen, oot at Robinson's oo Eight Mile Sunday, was the means ot causing some stir In thai osaaily quiet settlement. Mrs. Stark. Pleasant Ridge, O.. says; "Aftpr two doolore gave up my ooy w ,ii t aa,l him from eronp by using One Minute Congo Cure,- It is the Quickest and tnoet eertalo remeoy tor eougha, colds and all throat as I lung trouhls. Conser k Brock. Bring our bides, pelts and furs to Bid. Maihewe, at the Liberty Meat PKltSON ALLY t)ND0CTID EXCURSIONS TO ALL POINTS EAST. Every Toeeday oighl personally oon- dueted tourist oar rioursion will leave Portland for Denver, Kansas City, Oma ha, Chicago, and Boston, without change, via tbe Oregon Railroad 4 Navigation, Oregon Short Line, Rio Graode Westerly Denver k Rio Grande, Rock Island, Lake Shore k Michigan Southern, New York Central and Boston k Albany lines. Tbe tonrist cars in this line will be operated by the Pullman Company, Ihns insuriog to ths passengers all of the comforts of modern day travel at half the osnal Follman rates. Tbe route takes ths psssenger through 8alt Lake City, thence across tbe Rocky Moun tains to Lead vil Is, Deover, etc., offering ths tourist a view of tbe grandest scenery on tbe American continent. For additional particulars, printed matter or rates, write M. J. Roche, Northwest Passenger Agent R. 0. W, Ry , U2 Third St., Portlaod, Oregon. !!",i1,1,,tB,M,B,,,B,,,t,,,,,M,,V 1 SniS ....THE "Ul PI Weekly Inter Ocern m Eight Mile, Mr. Censor Is at preeeni Market. He pays highest market prioe. I lbs assessor ol Tolk soaety. i B19-tf. The Gasette earriee a fall stock of mourning Dole, correspondence style, with envelope to match. Those desiring aach stationery eaa have their wants supplied at this office. if. gee M. Lklitentbal k Co. tor shoes. liirgest circdlitioi of mi political piper a theiestj It is radically Republican, advocating with ability and eaMtncssjjJJ THI WEEKLY INTER OCEAM SUPPLIES ALL THE NEWSAND BESTCURREMT LITERATURE jljBut it can always be relied on -for fair and honest reports of all po a litical movementsjl jljIjsj'JijMJS It Is Morally Clean tod m Family Paper U Without a Peer. Tne Lltenturtt eqttml to tbati tlott. Hit IP dna mm wel ' TrHE INTER OCEK I and whik rt Ct A THEwoRLr1' discussioot of allquesti with the ideas LIBERTY MARKET the P,ace to 8 to get "tb day, TirHi'iae.nrk anrl 1att. ations of western people and a discuses literature an-poUtks from the Western stadp)tntJJ , jDire nvt nm I IB Dm YFlR.f I.DQ i.U w niwa. wni. vaaM, DAltT AID STIHDAT IMTJOWS OTTIt QCXAX U Slat v tuut a-uv hT ml 4 OO pr year IT HTSIUI " JY r " Amy bvinall SS.00 prr year S.V.ii-iii"-"-MB-Mii,t,M,ltM1,B,,1" With The Gazette, S2.00 per Year. 111 -fti una SI if I rrttcor Dalls S II Prlr ol Honill W m ttelle aad Hun m The Dalles, Or.