Those Dreadful Sores They Continued to Spread In Spite ot Treatment but Now They are Healed A Wonderful Work. . "For many years I have been a great sufferer with varicose veins on one of my limbs. My foot and limb became dread fully swollen. When I stood up I could feel the blood rushing down the veins ot this limb. One day I accidentally hit my foot against some object and a Bore broke out which continued to spread and was exceedingly painful. I concluded I needed a blood purifier and I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. In a short time those dreadful sores which had caused me so much suffering, began to heal. I kept on faithfully with Hood's Sarsapa rilla, and In a short time my limb was completely healed and the sores gave me no more pain. I cannot be too thankful for the wonderful work Hood's Sarsapa rilla, hae done for me." Mbs. A. E. Giubon, Hartland, Vermont. 9 Sarsa- O parilla Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hood Mood's PIII3 cure all liver ills. 25 cents. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. The Gazette can offer the following clubbing rates: The GAZETTE t2.00 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonian, $1.50 13.00 " 8. F. Examiner, J1.50 -. 8.25 ' N. Y. Tribune, 11.00 2,75 " Inter-Ocean, $1.00 2.50 " 8. F. Chronicle, $1-50 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle and map $2.00. . . 8.75 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 2.75 Webfoot Planter, 50c jj.00 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 4.50 Rural Spirit, $2.00 8.00 New York Wool Record, $2.00.. 3.00 McCall's Magazine $1.00 1.30 Yearly subscribers to the Gazette can get clubbing rates with any paper on earth. METH. EPISC. CHUKUH. SERVICES. Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m, Sunday school 10 a. m. Classes No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m. Epworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8 p. m. 'The Hpirit and the bne say. Come." The pastor may be found at the parsonage ad joining the chnrch, where he will be glad to meet any wo may desire to consult Tiiin on reliiiious, soual, oivic, philosophic, educational, or any other subjects. J. W. FLliSHER, Minister. M. E CHURCH, SOUTH. SERVICES. Sunday, preaching 11 a. m.,7 p. m., class meeting following morning service. Sunday school, 3 p. m. Epworth league, Fri day. 7 d. m. "Let us forsake not the assembling of our selves together." rastor s residence in parsonage, next door to church. C. K. Hwari, . Pastor. The Ladies' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at 8 o'clock, p. 111., on the first Wednesday of each mouth, at the home of Mrs. T. J. Matlock. Take Notice. L The sum of five cents per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of raspect," lists of wedding presents and donors, and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue Is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. Chas. Miller, of Lexington, was in town to day. L. W. Briggs Is on the sick list, suffering from the grippe. F. H. Balston, the Lone Rock merchant, is over on business. C. C. Curtis, of Douglas, registered at the Paiace this morning. The Salvation Army will hold their meeting tonight at the M. E. church. Judge Bennett has been engaged to assist the prosecution in the case of the state vs. Ewing. "Pink Domino" mask ball, at the ppera house, Feb. 14th. All come out and have an enjoyable time. John Her, Tom Rhea, Chas, Barnett, and J. W. Blake were passengers on Sunday morning's train. Attorney Gurley arrived from Arlington this morning to defend Ewlng at the examination today. Ike Ennis started out over the Blue Mountain Telephone line this morning to make necessary repairs. Judge A. 8. Bennett, of The Dalles, arrived this morning to take part in the examination of Ewlng today. Geo. Barratt, who killed "Gold Brick" Wil liams some time ago in Portland, was found guilty of manslaughter. Judge J. J. Balleray, of Pendleton, was strick en with paralysis Sunday evening. His physi cian thinks he will recover. E.O.: Dr. Harley Fell, formerly oi Pendleton, is here from John Day City. He Is attending his young nephew, Sheldon Fell. Rural Spirit : Pendleton has subscribed $7,000 towards building a race track and fair grounds. Work will be commenced at once. The case of S'ate vs Ewlug hts been post poned until tomorrow in order to allow the de fendant to procure legal assistance. The Jumbo mine has not shut down as re ported, but on the contrary they are running full force and the prospects are very flattering. Eph Eskelson and Stacy Roberts, of Social Ridge and Eight Mile, respectively, are in town today. Both report conditions good for fine crops. In oar last issue our reporter got things a little mixed in the Gus Wachline hanging. Wachline said his former confession was true and that he di6d an innocent man. F. M. Courter, of Eight Mile, went down to Heppner Junction on Saturday's train to meet his two grandchildren who have come for a visit with the relatives on Eight Mile. There will be regular services in the Christian church on next Sunday morning and evening, Rev. J. V. Crawford, of Waitsburg, Wash., officiating. A cordial Invitation is extended to all to attend. At the close of Mr. Walter's lecture tomorrow night the Salvation Afmy lassies will serve refreshments, also good muBic, vocal and In- stiumental. On Thursday night they will have their public opening iu their own hall over the Matlock building. All are invited. E. O. : A. A. Roberts, deputy United States marshal, arrived from Portland this morning with Alfred Pierson, a whiskey-to-Indian pris oner sentenced to 60 days in the Umatilla county jail, with $100 fine also to serve. Pier- i son Is an Arlington man whom Uncle Sam will board at Pendleton. A number of our young bloods have got into the habit of taking long walks Sunday after noons. The habit, in fact, has become so fixed that no matter what the weather, they go. Last Sunday when they came back, their friends supposed, Judging from their appear ance, that they had fallen into the reservoir above town. How about it boys. HOW A MAN GAINED 35 FOUNDS. Mr. Editor. Seeing Dr. Darrin's card in the paper reoalls to mind the wonder ful cure he performed on me six years ago, while living in Seattle. For years prior to going under his treatment I had been afflicted with rheumatism in its worst form, also dyspepsia, liver Bnd kidney troubles. I bad lost flesh until 1 ODly weighed 150 pounds. After a few months treatment I bad gained 35 pounds and have kept that weight to this day. I was cured with eleotrioity and medi cines and can recommend tbe dootor as a skilled ph)Bician. I reside on Court street, Pendleton, and oan be referred to. Lbb Baker. READ MB. PETERSON'S WONDER FUL CURE. Mr. Editor, Dear Sir: For three years prior to going under Dr. Darrin's elec trical treatment I had been sorely afflicted with dyspepsia, liver complaint and pain in my heart and side. I am now able to Bleep on my left side, some thing I oonld not do for over two years, and I feel well and able to work. I re side at 1397, Franklin aveuae, Astoria. John P. Peterson. Dr. Darrio oao be consulted tree at tbe Palace hotel until further notice, and patients oan be treated (or $5 a week or id that proportion of time the oases may require. The poor treated free, ex cept medioines, from 9 to 10 a, m. Those able to pay, 10 a. m., 8 p. m. Here and There. Liobtentbal & Co. for shoes. Exclusive shoe store. Handles tbe best. 83tf Baths down at the Jones' barber (bop, 25 cents. Or ville Jones manager, tf Statements for the Famous Simple Aoooont File printed at the Gazette of fioe. tf. Guinnesse's famous old "Dublin Stoat," imported, at Chris Borohers' tf Common and seleot itook of tomatoes and canned oorn at T. R. Howard's. 605-tf. "Oo'n juioe" is all right but Low Til lard has a brand ot H-year-old goods that is bard to beat. 603 -If. Heppner Candy Faotory for freeb, creams and taffies. W. H. Van Duyn Prop., with E. J. Slocom. 6U8-t. Any one desiring to build either a bouse or barn will make money by call ing on the Gazette offioe. 67 tf Phil Oohn is paying tbe highest price for sheep pelts, beef hides green or dry, furu, eto. Don't forget Phil. 5tt . Go to tbe Metlook corner and try Armstrong k Cooper's wblekey and cigars. If yon like tbe sample bay some. Gtf Corns to tbe Gazette offioe and get a decent lot of envelops printed Government envelops look cbeap, and besides yon cannot get your ,baiioeei oard printed thereon. tf Snyder Bros, have succeeded Willis Stewart in the livery business, next door to tha Gazette offloe, and will do a general livery and feed business. Rigs, saddle horses and (tall room at reason able ratea. 611-tf. Oliver Bolder has taken obarge of the Hotel Heppner feed barn and will fur nish atall room, grain or bay at reason able fig ores. Span over night, fed at 75 cents. Will also do dray -work and banling. 'Bos to and from trains. If Cordray. tbe pioneer theatre man ot f Portland in tbe line of "popular prioee," ba( refitted tbe Waatington St. theatre, (formerly known aa tbe "New Park." Cordray always has something new, aod oar people, when below, can spend a I Old Song- Get a bottle of good whiskey and a bottle of good wine, And you can drink to your true love, and I will think ou mine. New Song V here shall we get the whiskey, where shall we get the wine? We'll buy them from Llsh Bperry, whose goods are extra fine At the Belvadere Saloon, Heppner, Oregon. BACK FROM ALASKA. Frank Kaberte Arrives Sunday Horning From Skaswajj Says It's No Plate for a White Han. Frank Roberts, better known to all of his friends and acquaintances as "Mike," returned home Sunday from Skagway, Alaska, where he had I cen to look up a business location. He comes back thinking that he would rather live in Morrow county. Mr. Roberts did not Intend to cross the moun tain in search of gold, but he is free to say that if he had ever entertained any such idea he would have given it up. He was accompanied on the down trip by a young man who is Just out from Dawson nnd Mr. Roberts says the story told by this party is that of a great ma jority who are getting out of the Yukon country. One of the Gazette force had a long interview with the Yukoner and his story is a dismal one. Thousands of people have found no gold and will find none. They would do anything al most, give up anything, to reach the coast. It is his opinion that the country is very much over-rated, and that while there is some gold in Alaska and the Northwest Ter , yet it 1b worth one's life to try to get it, and for the average man a home in a warm climate, with just a living In sight is much more preferable than a life in the Yukon region, with one hun dred chances to one that failure will be the result. Bkagway is very quiet at present. There are saloons and gambling bouses, but none are do ing anything. Eating and lodging houses are in demand but there are thousands in Skagway today without money to pay for anything. Tbe saloons are their homes; fortunate is one of this class who can rustle a "hand-out" at the back doors of the hotels and restaurants. "Mike" is not an enthusiastic exponent of the merits of Alaska. HOTEL ARRIVALS. THE WHEAT MARKET. Portland, Feb. 7. The wheat market was in clined to dullness today with very light bust. uess and purely local. May opened at about Saturday's closing price 9j' i to tec declined at once to 94!$ and held around that price nearly the entire session. Foreign advises had a de pressing effect on the market and the bears were talking lower prices but lacked nerve to follow their convictions. The American visible did not show as large a decrease as expected, 680,000 bu., and now totals 36,022,000 bu. against 47,8ms,- 000 bu. for corresponding period a year ago. The amount on passage decreased 160,000 bu., and world's shipments were 6,400,000 bu. Re ceipts at primary point! were 869,000 bu. and shipments 214,000 bu. Northwestern car re ceipts 660 cars against 611 cars a year ago. Local receipt were VS cars. The Liverpool cables opened steady and 3d above Saturday's, but lost ',d from this price before the market closed. English country market were partially cheaper. Cargoes quiet and steady with very little doing. The following is a list of arrivals at the Hotel Heppner for the week ending Feb. 3, 1898: A B Snyder, Walla Walla Chas. Bartlett, O R S N L Barnhart, 8 A, Walla F Beckinan, Portland Walla T W Duncan, Portland M Teed, city D A Greenwood, Lone Mills, city Rock M E Curtis, Sacramento Dr Otis J Lussler, Yakl- R W Turner and fain, ma. Wash Sand Hollow A Wade, Sand Hollow W 8 Conner, lone J Colestock, city F Boothby, Lexington H Wade, Sand Hollow B Pease, Sand Hollow W H Splvey, city Melvin, Spokane Geo Roth, Albany Hinton, Long Creek R R Durand, city DA Greenwood, L Rock W 8 Smith, lone W 8 Musgrove, city C Bockler & wife, Monu- Miss C Stubb(efleld, ment. Or Monument, Or J McCabe, Pendleton F Durand, city A Mitchell, city Grant Copple.clty W H Copple, city Mrs w tr Hnyaer, uoose-nev narnnart, Mica, berry Washington F Engelman, tone C Long, Sand Hollow R Iong, Sand Hollow R Hnyder, Gooseberry L Hamilton, city W B Flnley. city 8 O Landers, The Dalles For Constipation take Karl's Clover Tea, tbe great Blood Purifier, on re headaohes, Nervonsoess, Eruptions on the face, and make tha bead a dear aa a bell. Sold by Conaer & Brook. x LITEM ARY NOTES. Cuba, Hawaii, and China furnish the prtncl pal topic discussed editorially in ths American Monthly Review of Review for February. There are also a few paragraphs of pointed com' ment on current domestic politics the factional differences among Ohio republicans and the swelling tide of Crokerism in the democratic party. Tha editor gives hi views on Tain. many's attitude toward the New York rapid- transit problem and on the reckless expend! ture of canal-Improvement funds by ths republican bosses of the state. Catarrh oared. A clear head and aweet breath secured wilb Bbilob's Catarrh Remedy; sold 00 a guarantee. Nasal injector free. Sold by Cooler Brook. 1 olftsitant evenina at bis place. aEXCIBLSTGIE On all part of ths world Bought and Sold. 1 Collection wad on all point on reasonable Term. f. aS-"iii'tlirMd Tv"T 1 lb MeiqueM Urand, 00 Frank McFarland ha bteo appointed (peoial ageol ot The Equitable Life Aa (orsnoe Co., of New York, the strongest in tbe world. Casb surplus to policy holders of over 43 tnillioc dollars. Don't take insurance witbonl seeing tbe new plans of the Equitable. Insures both exee at earn rate. T7tf City Klectloa. The annual rlty election 1 on Up today Ther I no particular fight and continently but little excitement. Tha candldau are ,T"V,7 Mayor, Thos. Morgan; Recorder, W. A 7; "lHardeon; Treasurer. L. W. Briggs; Oounrll IH'sanA 1. !. Hughs. J. W. Rasmus. I J Roberta, Morrow t Wright and I. O Ppcrry. The voU will P'!T' " ,n,n u,u,u r' l oat city anrW hit i. Morrieoo treat la tbe afarquam building, ie nnder excellent management and tha poblie will ba royally entertained this winter. Hew oompaolee aod new face will ap pear from time to time at Ibis popolar, first claas tbestre ot Portland, aod bo in Portland oar deoizeos sboold not fail to lake In some rt lb flea dramas tbat will be presented. tf ardor Ml at rUrtae. JX laftsKlde. emp a boraaa V ? f 0 trig He ware of powders. -cheap" bak 'AJum makes good medicine but bad food. Ask your doctor. OU MAURIER DECEIVED. Whose a Who? Did you say that the old firm of.... E. W. to WERE JUST DIGGING FOR BUSI NESS THE SAME AS EVER? IF YOU DID YOU TOLD A FACT. HARD FACTS COUNT. Winter is fairly on and bargains in winter goods can be had at the store of e. w. RHEA & CO., FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, HEPPNER, OREGON. .w...w.w.... v is sThe Leader Of Course! it) v m m m MINOR & CO. The Pioneer Merchants of Heppner have not sold out, but on the contrary will start East About Jan. 1798 And will add many new lines to their, stock of General Merchandise WE WILL BUY DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS WHICH WILL ENABLE US TO UNDERSELL ALL FORMER PRICES. ii'X:6i We are jiow moving to the old Heppner & Blacltman stand as our business forces ub to larger quarters. Look out for a OUR NEW LINE ABOUT MARCH 1, OS. How aa American Interviewer Abased Ills Conddeore. Du Maurler vuuj always especially ap preciative of American appreciation and took purticular jwiinH to wtkouio Americana cordiully, aaya the New York TiincH. It wax seldom tbat this friend ly feeling waa abused, but the luKttiuie I saw hi in he wom for once in a xtate of rage uguinitt an American who had not only interviewed him but outrueouH- ly mmreprvwnted him and his house hold. The vUitor had come with some. letters of introduction, but, fearing1 that an Interview was In pronpeet, Mrs. Du Maurier had seen him and explained that Mr. Du Maurier could not receive vixitors for that nurixwc. The caller promptly diHclaimed heiiifr an inter viewer and ho di Harmed the IiohIchr that in aX)ogy he waa token upxtair in cor dial welcome. The laird of "Trilby, (still In the lund of the living and 11 ciofe Jncnij or l)u Maurier, hud hap pened in, ami the two, perhapa gently led by the dkillful Interviewer InU) the Kiihject, were mooii talking over old nines m rree commence. What whh I) j Maurier'a chagrin a few we kH after ward to receive a New York paper con tulning a highly colored version of thU conversation, with remurka about hii liubita nnd his lioiiwhold, which were more than a breach of hospitality. He w rote at once a letter of diwlaimer for publication among hi American friends, and it was w ith difficulty tha he was persuaded that this would only advertise the ofTrnaivn article and give It wider currency. Ills II roth or Was lmr. A millionaire railway king has brother who is hard 0 hearing, while he himself in remarkable a hming very prominent nsv. Onre the rail wny king dinl at friend' house when he sst between two ladles, who talked 10 him very loudly, ntther to hi annoyance, but be siiiil nothing. r inally one of them ahouted a common place remark, and then wiid In an or uinnry lone in ine oilier: "iii yon ever see su i a now- in your life? "I'ardon tne. la. lies," Mid the million aire, "it" my brother who is d af . Imnpine the hoTor of the Indies. all Hood' rwr-im im in etrrr bh. fj MsvtMtne ehst and rtrtf ILS ill f traveller grip. Tl,ry are I I I i Is Ml at MjMt . u . A kuk. MMm.. I all am trmhMM, MiM w eatoies. The man that Leads is the one from whom people like to buy. The slow, plodders all stand aside for him. That suggests a good reason why so many customers are being added to the list at T. R. HOWARD'S The Beginning of this New Year 1898. A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures, Is a "Joy forever." That's what you'll find at T. R. HOWARD'S Heppner. Oregon. m h ill vl ii 0 i it ill THE ART OF BREWING. Was Perfected by the Production of.... HOP OOID And now the entire world Knows this verfect product As the Star Brewery beer On draught at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY COMPANY, 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. The Best Bargains A NEW FIRM ! E. G. Noble & Co., Successors to Noble & Co., Are in this field at the old stand with Harness, Baddies, Whips, Spurs, and sn endless lot of everything In their line. E. 0. Noble and Mrs. Geo, Noble comprise the new firm who will psjr all bills of the old Arm as well as collect whtt Is due. is. o. iv or ris ss co. Are out to do business and plenty of It. Don't overlook this. Repair work a specialty. WHITE COLLAR LINE. n 1 l rr ii. in l t iftiimnifi ivcrann rnmiMMNa' UUIUlll'JHV in vs wim a v ), irii ion I ii ARE NOT THE GOODS BOUGHT FOR THE LEAST MONEY But are those of greatest value In proportion to oost. If you want to got your msuey's worth of honest goods In Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Confectionery. OR MACHINERY, CALL ON J- 0. THOMPSON CO,, We are Increasing our stock for fall and winter. Call and seo us. That 14-Year Old Stuff, "Kohn's Best." On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon IT IM HAHM OOODM New Stand, City Hotel Building, IOW TlIvTvARD, Prop. IT HAS BEEN SOLD ! icaw Steamers TELEPHONE. BAILEY GATZERT AND OCEAN WAVE. Leaving Al.ler Htreel Diok, Portland, for Astoria, Ilwaoo, Long Detail, Oca l'ark and Nabcotta. Uirrot connection witb Ilwaoo alnameri and rail road; also at Young's Bar witb fieaehore Hailroad. THLiHrilOTJIl Learet Portland 7 A. M. Dally, eirrpt Holiday. Leaves Aitnria 7 I. M. iJsllr, einept Buoda hailiBy oatzbht Leaves Portland P. M Ksily, esccpt Humlsy. Hatnrday nlht, II I M. Imtn Astoria Da ats vi A. eiw(iiBunaayano Monnay. hunnajr nuclit. 7 V. si OOHAN WAVU Leaves Portland and rims dlrert to llwai-o, Tuiwlsy and Thursday at A. M. Hsluritsy at I P. M Leaves llaaco Weduwlay and rrioay al7 .; A. M. li Huoiuvy night at 6 f. M. fofpy Checked to Railroad Delation Bulb Beaches Free of Expeose. Bought several car I ads of furniture last fall, but It's all gone now. New orders have replenished the stock, however, and he is In it yet Low Prices and Good Quality all count. See him at tho old stand. Undertaking a Specialty. D00TS AND SHOESll. THC PLACE TO GtT TH CM It OP CO. A HUMAN ARROW. Naw Trap, Peat prrforail by a Ulrl of I ,t,nlMn, A pretty little armlial lui iiitrmliwH a new wiikation to tbia i-ounlry, anyi the IbmUm Advrrtlaer. Wi climb to a lofty Trh, lira Hut fn h-r fiu'e iixn a nmtli plank, with hr fV't n-st-ii(f Mi'ftiiiM a vrhrt-rovrreil Mn'1 of vvikkI attnt'li'-rt to lb atr;ti(r of a bug" i-r Uiw. Then abe M.ilTVi bT ImkIv, rxti-mU lr liamla in front of hrr nimI Ti- "ivnly." A ratfb I ullH, tin atrinjr of tbe Uw sings aa it ruts the air, and littlr Alar ia burlnl, as rigid a a Mt,'i'l I nr. hi-ml first through a m-jx-r target Ht bi b b bud ln-fii rate fully aimd, bud ail through the air in a grHct'ful cune to tbe other aide of Uic lif twit, vtliz-re, Jut n she In gina to deiwend, abe is ratibt by an other woman, who awinp bead down ward, bang ng from a rnittr, wbirli rM'illaie lu aurli a niftnn'r that, juat nt tlm riyht no!nni, it lringa th dni ghrg women within rem h of the flying girl, ami joet aa I he iertat'r are wiindenig whrtuer I lie little tme I gmg Ui bind and bow bmlly "lie will ! hurt, they e her anfely dropped into a cou.lurUit'ic and inviting iro( , arme. This Is Your Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, eush or stamps, a generous sample will im niaiisa vi mi. im. t popular CaUrrlt ami Hay Fsvsr Cure (hly's Cream Halm) safftniant Vo demon strata the great merits of the remedy. ELY liHOTHEIiH, CO W'arreu Kt., Nw York City. He. John Itaiil, Jr.. of Oreal Falls, Mout., reooinmemled Kly's Cream Hslm to me. ean mphsHize Ins alati umnt, "It is a r 'It Is a ra. rlireaUd." tiva core for ratarrh if naad asd llsv. Franela W, lmte, I'aator Central Free. Church, Helena, II out. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged euro for eatarrb and contains no mercury nor any injurious drug, frioe, 50 eeDta. They have anythlnf In this line that ynu mar riealrs and you ran depend on It you set a good article when they (iiarantee It, SHOES IIS ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Street Repairing a Specialty Tee Mm. rllawad First. A negro was sick and a friendly col ored brother en me in to see him and asked what, wna the cause of his lllrien. Tbe darky replied: "J's ferlin' poorly. My mule done gone end got sick and I went Ui du ho rlttir and he tole fin what to do. He uAe me to git er tin tule an' put de tnle in de mule's moiif end blow de ineileriii down his friMit. I got everything ready to blow, but d mule Mowed fuse, and 1 tell yer. trul der, dat sr mule njedersio too muth for die here nie-ger." BKI'I'NKR, OR., Nov. 12, m, Mrur: Vinurr A Brock, llrppnrr, Or. 'lBTLBHiif:-I u rwently taken with a severe colli which niaile rne very hoarse and rendered me unlit to stti-inl to holiness. A frlenit of mine railed my attention to your Dr. Bnrthlow'i couxh syni ami I IkiiikM a tnittlc, costing ine.Vif.nta, which relieved me at onre ami coin plntely cured me. Iain subject Ui throat dimculty ami I have found nothing that gsvs me so much rellsf ss this cough cure, lam Informed that It Is sirellent f(,r colds, bronchitis, whooping cough and all throat and lung troubles. I iM-g to remain, most truly yours, UTIH FATTKKHON, K.I. (IsMtte. A. ABRAHAMS1CK, IVierchant Tailoring! Has just secured tho services of Mr. Chas. O'Malley, a practical cutter of New York City. Ho guaranteed satisfaction. OAIL, AND BEE ME. ON MAY BTHEKT