The Gazette. Tuesday, Feb. 8, 1898. OUR POLICY. The Gazette owns its own soul and publishes what it believoB to be the truth, without having to consult any person or persons in regard to whether it would be policy or not. Therefore, if our readers have any thing to offer, no matter what the subject, send it along, and if space permits you shall have a hearing. THE REAL FACTS. A considerable amount of un necessary brag and guBh is being indulged in by the various partisan papers throughout the Btate in re gard to the republican league meet ing held in Portland Feb. 1st. The facts are that not a propo sition was allowed to come before the convention that would cause a test of Btrength between the fac tions. The country delegates, al most to a man, refused to take any notice of, or have anything to do with, either of the Multnomah county factions. They were there as republicans and to work for the party and not for the interests of either Simon or Mitchell. The vote on the resolutions adopted shows plainly the temper of the meeting. Not a dissenting voice was heard when the vote was taken. This being the case where has either faction the right to claim a victory. It was a victory for republicanism, nothing more, and those journals who are trying to make it BDDear otherwise are doing the party irreparable injury The time has come to rise above factionalism and devote the best energies of the press to the work of dipsominating the principles of republicanism as laid down in the St. Louis platform. If the re publican papers of Oregon will do this, victory in the coming cam paign is assured. ing existing laws may doubtless also be palmed off on some of their constituents by Smith, of N. J., Murphy, of N. Y., and Mitchell, of Wise., all of whom claim to be sound money men and all of whom voted for the resolution, but it is no valid excuse. The resolution has nothing whatever to do with any existing law. The original, offered by Stanley Matthews, when silver was at a premium and adopted by the house and senate, was only a concurrent resolution, and never was a law. So that excuse won't wash. The house committee on elec tions decided unanimously on Fri day in favor of seating representa tive Tongue from the first district of Oregon, and thus disposed of the contest of W. S. Vanderburg for the seat. Beware 01 the Knife. A QUICK TKIP EAST. Mr. Lincoln Nelson, of Marshfield, Mo., writes: "For six years I have been a sufferer from a scrofulous affection of the glands of my neck, and all efforts of nhvsicians in Washington, D. C, Springfield, 111., and St. Louis failed to reduce the enlargement. After six months' constant treatment here, my ohvsician ureed me to submit to a re moval of the gland. At this critical mo ment a friend recommended S.S.S., deep-rooted preju- Throngh a Picturesque Country to Boston. The Denver & Bio Grande railroad. the aoenio line of the world, in connec tion with the Burlintrton Ron In. has ar ranged to so cbaoge their time as to give a oy2 aays service between Fortland and Chicago, and less than five days between Portland and New York City. Tbis is a red notion in time of eighteen hoars and does away with the necessity of lay over at some point between Ogden and Den ver, obotild Dasseoeers desire, however. to spend a day at Bait Lake City or Den ver, they can do so, as the Burlington wilLoontinne their fast night trains out of Denver as heretofore. The Denver & Rio Grande, in connec tion with the Burlmgton, will also pnt on a through weekly tonrisl oar between ana laying asiae a aeep-rooiea FrC,u- port,and dicemtnstillMtat inrfrai Ita. ing Portland on Wednesday 0iKbt, Feb f' l?Lliihl- 'uer, 23d, at 9 p. m. and ever, W dnes- "i"? . 'Vacuu iTS&r "7 7 a. m. following Monday. The arrange S a t 3 .vi 3Ts S inner .W "neb. on the 8t. Louis car that Had I only used your S.S.S. long ago, DM.fln8r(1 hB nn ... BBBt . nn(1 VI Uiiaciy I , . ' . t -j .CL uiib uj layover tit Denver, ana on lue west-bonnd, nine hours at Halt Lake A LOT of Pennsylvania republi cans have started a movement to defeat the Matt Quay factffJb. Matt Quay is an undefeated boss, t cures the most obstinate cases of lil. .i; - , . , Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer, Rheumatism, but he is in line for relegation to etc.( whicll other so-called blood reme dies fail to touch. S.S.S. gets at the root of the disease and forces it out per- I would have escaped years of misery and saved over Jiso." This experience is like that of all who suffer with deep-seated blood troubles. The doctors can do no good, and even their resorts to the knife prove either fruitless or fatal. S.S.S. is the only real blood remedy; it gets at the root ol the disease and forces it out perma nently. S.S.S. guaranteed purely vegeiaoiey A Real Blood Remedy is a blood remedy for real blood troubles; NOTICE OF INTENTION. I AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON, J Jan. 28, '98. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be mad before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on March 18, 18W, viz: WILLIAM E. GENTRY, H. E. No. 7742, for the NEli 8ec 29, Tp. 1 8., B. 27, E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: William Barratt, Edmund Baling, Mifflin J. Devin and William 1. McCarty, all of Heppner, Oregon. E. W. Baktlett, Register. 618-28. the shades of oblivion. Other bosses have gone; others are going. manently. Valuable be sent free to any address by the Swift Specific Co., At lanta, Ga. books will .The citizens of Skagway and Dyea are circulating a petition ask- ing the war department to declare martial law and send at least 300 Bob Welkins was down from the troops for the protection of life and 8addle Saturday. City, which should prove very desirable. lnis new arrangement not only puts the Denver & Bio Grande sod its con nections on an equality with its com petitors, but gives them a decided ad vantage, in that the time is practioally as good and affords a trip through the heart of the Rooky mountains, with scenery unsurpassed on tbis continent, presenting an ever changing panorama of beauty and grandeur. In addition to the above, the Denver & Bio Grande ran its connection with the (Jhiosgo, Rook Island and Pacifio, a weekly excursion leaving Portland every Tuesday at 9 a. m. to Denver, Omaha, ChioRgo, Buffalo, Boston and intermedi ate points. This excursion is in charge of an experienced manager who goes tbrtugh with the party. This gives passengers a through car from Portland to Boston without change at the same rates as tbey would have to pay for a regular seoond-olass ticket via any other line. CITATION. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for the County of Morrow. In the matter of the estate of John M. O. Spen cer, a minor, To J. B. Bperry, guardian of the estate of said minor, greeting: In the name of the Btate of Oregon, You are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the Btate of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, at the Court room thereof. at Heppner, In the County of Morrow, on Tues day, the eighth day of March, 1898, at 10 o'clock, in tne lorenoon of that day, then and there to settle your accounts as guardian of J. M. O. Spencer, a minor, and show cause, if any exist, wny ne should not Dav over to the said John M. O. Spencer, the sums of money now in his hands belonging to said John M. O. Spencer. Witness, the Hon. A. O. Bartholomew. Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for me county 01 Morrow, with tne seal 01 saia Court affixed, this 26th day of January, A. D. IBiKJ. Attest: J. W. MORROW. 618-28. Clerk. ASSIGNEES' NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT THE undersigned assignee of K. 8. and 8. H. Cox, Insolvent Debtors, has filed his final ac count as such assignee with the clerk of the uircuit uourt ot Morrow county, uregon, ana that said account will be called up for hearing. ana ne passea upon sionaay, tne vtn aay oi March, 1898. at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m. of said day, or as soon thereafter as the same can be heard and passed upon by the judge of said court. Dated this 21st day of January, 1898. W. P. Full, 616-25. Assignee. property in these two cities. There are many hard characters'rushing into that country and the civil authorities are powerless in keep ing them within the limits of the law. The votes of Senator McBride on the Teller resolution and its amendments were right every time. Mr. Ellis, on the contrary, we are sorry to see, in the only opportun- Hilas Wright was in after supplies for bis sheep camps Saturday. Wm. Burnett and O. A. Johnson were up from Lexington Saturday. 11. D. Ballard, of Kansas (Jity, reg istered at the Palace Saturday, Ralph Benge and J. F. Willis wi up from Sooial Ridge Saturday. Dr. Wilson, the sheep buyer, came in from Portland Sunday morning. W. It Leathers and Ghas. Repass, of Qardman, were doing the town Saturday Beauty la Blood Deep, Clean blood means a clean skin. 10 beauty without it. C'ascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities trom the body. JJegin to-day to banish Dimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Uascarets, beauty tor ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, Jan. 19. 1898. NOTICE 16 HEREriY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler haB filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on March 12, 1898, viz: UHAKI.liS a. J A I Nr., E. No. 9082. for the of Sec. 14. Tp. S S. R 27, E. W. M. He Humes tne following witnesses to prove his continuous residence uoon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Walter Crosby, John Mar shall, Sterling P Florence and Andy 8. Steven son, all of Heppner, Oregon. W. 15ARTLETT, 616-27 Register. ALWAYS ITS POLICY, It has always been the policy of the republican party to make every dollar of our money as good as any other dollar, and to pay all govern ment obligations in the best money. The party stood firmly by that policy when the greenback craze was sweeping over the country; President McKinley's last republican prodocosBor lion. Uenj. Harrison reiteratod that idea upon several occasions dur ing his term, and the St. Louis platform, upon which President McKinley was eloctod, spoke in no uncertain lancuace on the same subject. Therofore no one was surprisod, although some of the silver men pretendod to bo, when President McKinley said: "What ever may be the languago of the contract, the United States will dischargo all its obligations iu the currency recoguized as tho best throughout the civilized world at the timt'H of paymont." It would liavo boon surprised had ho said anything elso. No living man in ft stronger advocato of the unlimited uso of Iwth silver and gold rh money metals, provided that it cnu be brought about by the consent of a sufficient number of the nations which control the world's commerce, to prevent the silver becoming a depreciated currency, thau Fresidout McKinley, but he has the same horror of a nation trying to pay its just obligation iu a depreciated currency that every liouost mau would havo of a solvent biiHiuoHs concern which sought to scale its indobtodnoHrt. ity he has had during the present md "uoday, session of congress to show his &a aaiing, w. u. Mouarty ana K. w. hand, voted with his old pards, the Turner, of Sand Hollow, were among the free silverites, and acainst his many visitors to the metropolis Saturday. party. Otis Patteison, A. A. Roberts, T. A. The above, from the Crook Co. Kbe BDd Henry Blaok man were among Journal, does great wrong to Mr. tbe "nyaU ,rom PorMBnd Sunday EIHb. who voted aoainst the Tnllnr B" ' a I A I .! r-unlntinn 0,1 .ifl, HTn..:,1 any person a copy o. me poem, 4w, 14D. ,.A11 for a WomRDl) 8oke will 00Dfer B wnereme .Journal gets Us intor. BreBt f8Tor on ,hii P8rjer by Bending it mation we do not know, but would to the editor. It wee published ten advise it to read some of the news- years ago last (all in the Heppner Ga zette. 21-2 Hbiloh's Consumption Cure cures where others fail. It is the leading Oongh Cure, and no home should be without It. Tleasant to take and goea right to the spot. Sold by Oouser & Ilrook. x Eaule: In cross-catting the ledge at tbe Bonanza mine a big body of high grade ore was opened up reoently, and a stream of water uncovered suflloieut for 40 additional stamps. Heretofore water had to bi purchased, and the strike is papers and inform itself before censuring thoBe who are showing by their actions their true adher ence to the 8t Louis platform. Head up, old man, read up. Weekly Excursions to the East. A tourist sleeping car will leave Port land every Tuesday at U.-0U p.m., via tbe O. R. & N. without change to Boston, Bnd under tbe supervision of expert enced conductors. No change of cars to tbe cities of Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo or Boston. The ideal trip to the East is now before you. Remember this servioe when going East, and consult O. R. & N. Agents, or addre-s, W. a. HTJR1.BCRT, Gen. Pass. Agt., Portland, Or. FREE BILVKIi. A meeting will be held at Heppner Oregon, on Saturday, February 12tb, lWH, for the purpose of organizing tree silver club. All those who are in sympathy with tbe cause of free silver, regardless of party affiliations, are urgently requested to attend. Eemem ber the date, Feb. 12th, at 2 o'olock d. m. By Order of Committer, Hut small interest is being manifested in tho city election to- (lny. This 19 not as it should bo, Good men should uot bo so hard to Bocure for the city ollicos. Of course thero is tio e'llnry attached, invaluable to the mine and honors come iu the way of kicks, and this has much to do, )erhaps, with men refusing to run or the places to bo filled in the administration of tho city's olTairr Mrs. M. B. Ford, Ruddell's, 111., sut fered for eight years from dyspepsia and cbronio constipation Bnd was finally on red by using DeWitt's Little Early Risers, tbe famous little pills for all stomach and liver troubles. CoDser & Brook. Educate Tour lioweli With Cnscarets. (,'unilv Cathartic, cure cnnstlnntlon forever. ivc 11 u. (j. j, rail, druggists refund money, THE CATTLKMEN'8 CONVENTION. Chilblains, Corns, and all Hkin Er up- Kitting around a hot Htove, kicking tions, ami positively cures Piles or no about what tho couucil does ami P"T required. It is guaranteed to give what it loaves undone, iimtead of attending council meetings, and ailing tho couneilinen's attention to the various fadit and schemes running in people' great minds, is another reason v liy men do not care to servo the city. If some Hople would devote nioro time to i 7,;jo, removing the mote from their own Mr. Walter has dxlivered tbis lecture eyes and less to trvinu to criticise inunenna audieooea in eastern cities their brothers, this world would IHErt'iKirt circulated hero lant week that a certain federal apHiint nient had been made is without foundation in fact. No aHiut meut lias been made, and will not bo for some time, if our knowledge gives us aa insight into affair of this nature. Three out of tho four gold dem ocratic senators -0 ray, of lMn. ware; Mitchell, t.f WincymKin, ml i :.. l t-. i . . uiiKinny, vi ly. ViUfil lor the Tellei resolution, declaring bondi payable at the option of tho gov eminent in ailver, and oiip, Cut I .. f - !.. i !. .a inj.ui i,a naiuai iu aiurpliy ol New loik, and Hmith, t.f No Jersey, democrats who Toted for Uryau, but v. ho havo claimed to be anti-silver iu their xrtona! vie w, voted for tho resolution and OoruiaD, of Md., who is in tl anuio uoat, was paired. lb m planatioti of Henator Lindaay i why ho vol, for the Teller i evo lutionthat it was nothiog mors than a declaration c( fact cone Hocklrn's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Mores, Ulcers, Halt Rheum, Fever Mores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. The cattlemen's convention, embracing the states of Oregon, Washington and Malm, will be held at Pendleton on Ken. 1. Hi. 17. lMW. it s thu Intention to make the meeting a grand sue cess ami a call has ticeu nmile to every cattle raiser in tne northwest. Keducen rates hav been named liv the o. K & N. from all noints In the three states and the Great Northern rail way and the Oregon Hhnrt l ine will also make similar reductions Irom points on their line connection with the O. K. AN. Parties Inter led In cattle raising should endeavor to lie in attendance at this meeting. Communicate with your nearest ticket agent regarding rates and limn service. perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 2A cents per boi. For sale by SloiMim Drnu Co.. E. J. Klooum. nianaimr Kimr Years Anions; Criminals. Chaplain J. J. Walter, of Portland, has been secured to give bis famous lecture on "Four Years Among Criminals" in Ihe opera house on Wednesday evening ADVERT1SKD LETTERS. 1KTTERH J Or., Feh. Menger, Fred (lode, (ieorgo Greenwood, (leorge Hays, vttiiiam (4) Iai, Arthur Umg, 11 r When calling advertised. ADVERTISED 7, 1SU7. AT HEPPNER McOumber, Mary Rerrln, Have Kngers. J W Wall. John Nelih, Elon D Wnrden, Grant White, Charles lor tnesc letters please say J. r. Vt 1LLIAMS, P. M. move more amootbly. Karl'e Clover Rout Tea, f.r Constipa tion it the bent and it after noma it toil don't say so, return pM-kage and grt your money. Hold by (Vnser M Urock. i v. it. Herman, Allan ,t iis repre sentative, was in llfinir HalurJef rustling linsinesf for lila firm. Just as Good and it i universally appreciated. Tbis lecture Is not a dry rehersal of dry facU, but It lively and interesting from beginning to end, eombining tbe humorous ami itie tnouahttal in so ngeuione a way that the audience is pleSrd, interested audi Informed at tbe urn lime. Come anj yon ran have a view behind the prison walls where thousands ot men and women spend a large share ot their life aa a penalty for their orimes. Mr. Walter will also deliver a lector at Islington on Thursday eveuing. The tenth grade of the bigb school have the management ot affairs In their hands and sMurs yon a splendid even Ing. The prneeeds of the evening will t Deed to improve our ei bool building AitmiMiun X 'i.", and 15o for children nn. let twelve. DISSOLUTION NOTICK. XTOTICF. I HEREBY GIVEN THAT I'll partnership heretofore existing between Frank Eintelman and Kd Enselnian. rinlnr holiness at lone. Oregon, under the lirm name ol Kugelmaii Bros , hai been dissolved by mutual consent. All hills and accounts owing ny mm urm win ne pain ny r.u r ngeiman. rsii r..(r.i.MAN, ED KNOELM AN. Dated at lone, Or., Feb. 2, 'W. 10-28 THE BIG BRICK HOTEL, The Palace ...Has been leased by... J. O. BORCHERS Who has secured the services ol MRS. MARGARET VON CAD0W As manager. It will be run in first class shape in every department. Rates reasonable SAMPLE ROOMS IN CONNECTION. THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. O. BOUCHERS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. NOTICE OF INTENTION. When you hear dem bells!" YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT THE HEPPNER TRANSFER GO'S Belled express is coming. Does delivery work on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it, or at "Central" telephone office. WE MOVE ANYTHING ! Notice of Intention. Land Office at This Dalles, Oregon. January 18. 1898. VTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 11 following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of ins ciaim, ana mat saia prom win be made be fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, February 26. 1898. via: JAMES R. NUNAMAKEK for Heirs of Maria E. Downing, H. E. No. 3619 for the SW of Sec. 5. To. 2 8.. R. 24 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: David F. Baker, George n. i n, uavm ti. urauiu ana i nomas King. all of lone, Oregon. JAS. I MOORE, 16-27 Register, Notice of Intention. Land Office at LaGramde, Oregon, Jan. 19. 1898. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice ol his intention to make final proof in support of ins uiauu, aim mat sain prooi win De mane De fore County Clerk. Morrow countv. Oregon at neppner, uregon. on Marcn ri, i98, viz: W ALip K I KU8BY. H. E. No. 6929, for the Etf NE4, NU 8EJ4 Sec ll, Tp. 3 8, R 27. E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ot saiu lann, viz: Charles a. Jayne, Bruce a Kelley, Oeorge A. Stevenson and William Stew art, all of Heppner, Oregon. W. KARTLKTT, 616-27 Register NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, January 17. 18!W. X'OTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE I following.named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be mane neinre J. w. morrow, county merit at Heppner, Oregon, on Fehrnary 2b, 1898, viz: ALHKKT A. W1LI.1M, H E No. 3990, for the SWV of sec 29. Tp 2 8, R 25 E WM. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Frank Smith, James H. Willis and James Brown, of Lexington, Oregon, and Thomas A. unskeii, o: aepimer, uregon. J AS. r. MIMIKr., 615-625 Register. Notice of Intention. Land Office at La Grande, Oreoon, January hi. mm. OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on March 19, 1898, viz: VF.LORI AH W. T1IXARD. Hd E No. 611, for the 8U NW)4 & SVt NE Sec 33. To 1 8. R 28. E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove nis continuous residence upon ami cultivation ... 1 .1 n,n U.l..ll TKn.nuB U a shall, Hugh Fields and James Johnsou, all of Heppner, Oregon, E. W. BARTI.ETT, 19 29 Register. TEACHERS' EXAMINA TION. OTICK 1H HEREBY GIVEN THAT FOR ll the iurite of ninklnr an examination of all persona who may oiler themselves aacainlt. dates for teachers ol the schools of this county and fur state and Ills diplomas, the comity school superintendent thereof will hold a nub ile examination at the court house at Heppner, opening vt etiueMiay, rrn. fin ai i so p in. t MAT HALVORSEN, -J LEADING MERCHANT OF I0NE. vt deepsiUUoIIreUe o o Including all the Staples, Hardware, Tin ware, Harness, Stockmens' Supplies, Wood and Willowware. First Class Goods and Low Prices is his motto. M0T HALVORSEN, IONE, OREGON. o o 7 They Are The "Mustard" MEADOWS & HATTEN, THe Pioneer Blacksmiths Have made some elegant Improvements In their establishment and added Iron, horseKhocfl and other materials essential to the happiness of those wbo need quick repairs frst h A V ID a trntm Vin rrnlnm nv manli 1 nin TVint annul n Ifi. I. kn., .l,..l.. " w bum vvagiMiDr uugicaui uiaisiijiici aiick opvumiiij ad iiui BcBUUClIiy, Meadows & flatten are the Boys to do Yoar Work Right, and do it Quick, too. A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is that of plain and decorated Chinaware & Queensware At Gilliam 1 Bisbees And by the way they have anything you ran rail for In the line of Hardware, Stoves- and Tinware. 60 WHERE YOU CAN GET WHAT YOU WANT. let Jl JAY W. HHII'LKV. School Hupt,, Morrow Co. AlMISISTRATOR'S SALE HEAL PROPERTY. Notice of Intention. Land Orriri at La Grande, Orkuom. January 81, 1S9A. VTOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 H irt following named settler has Hied notlc of his intention to make Anal proof in support ot his claim, and that said proof will be made lielore the lounty ciem ol Morrow county, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on Parch 19, 1898, VII : W11.1.1AS1 H. 111.1. AHU, H I E No KIR, for the NH NE, 8E!4 NEV, N Kt HE4 (Vc XI, Tp 1 8, K 28 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resMenre upon and cultivation of said land, vis: John Marshall, Thomas Marshall, Hugh Fields and James Johnson, all of Heppner, Oregon. 1W Register. OF as bcoU i and -t sell It much chofxr," is a ititf nxnt sonxtimcs rrudc by the druggist when Scott's hmuUion ti called lor. This shows I that the druggists thcmxlvcsrgar4 Scott's Emulsion of Cod-Liver Oil with Hvpophos- phites ol Lift, and Soda as the standard, and the pu desires to procure the "standard" because he knows it has been of untold benefit, should not for one instant think ol taking the rWk of uunf son untried pre pa ration. The substitution of something said to be "just as good for a stand ard preparation twenty five Tears on the market. should not be permitted by the Intelligent purchaser. tlit Ike FttrvboUf' My aa. r. reis rn,W Cathartic, th moat won- ileil il in. tli. l di'Okrrv of l!i plcaa- S'il and tefr-ahine to lh tasic, avt gently an I t lively nn al.lnoa. liver and txitvrla. i!.a i( ll rntire iiilrm, dts'l cold a, rui hrs i'ii, fev.r, lialdlua) constipation and In l' rt liiv and try a boi rfC '. C t.dv; III. ,'.V Vlieiua. hold and K ar4iits J to cure hj all dni.isl. hwnl Ulrrrinr II your i-bHi is in orl nl a drat rlaaa nalniBical chart thia efllca has no at Im than hall price. Coat 'S; will all for f 2.1 cash. Call at IhM cfTloa 21 If. To ( ar 'aMiitaila It I I' C li tactir. druial r fuiiil m..ny. 1 b first ! ot iUii for ItH ot any a ('" idaM today, Jaa. iiager aeiiiu S,ii leartingt t Maisliall A KortiUh , ot I'mdUt.-ti. Tha frlca paid bln ti t-t baa-l. lvlnsry to I mad Marco till It. NOTICE IH MERKBY OIVEN THAT I'NDER and by virtue of an order of sale issued out nl lite county court of the slate ol Oregon, lor morrow rntmiy, on tne tin nay oi January, lv, the itndersignnl, as administrator ot the estate ol Hellen M. Allyn will on and after the lib day ol February, Iww. priH-ml to sell at prtvale sale for cash In hand, all the following ilr'Mtid real property ot said estate, situated In Morrow county, liirgon, torn it; The north east quarter ol aei'tloii thirty one. In township one, south of rang twenty hv east W. M , and Ih north east quarter of swllon thirty tit. In tow ii. hip on, snuih of range twenty sli east W. M . also the south-east quarter of section thlrtv. In township one, south of range twenty tt.wl W. M , together with all the leneiiirnts, hereilliamenta and appurteuances thereunto brioas ug I lNiu-1 al Heppner, dreg on. January Tth, Iff. 1. K. LO.NH, 2 !i AditiluitiraUir. "TI rL. Niintm ri niiTTl t.i.n Me Irj v -i4 ivi I. i U-, Q at Ik aa 4 . are I. . , it M ' "" fll ' "" vs rl an .!.,,, .. r 't.t't nm a tr.i" H COTT a fOM. ., hw 1. l'lslaJliaami 4 NOTlCF.oriIEARlS(iuri)STEST V. a. Laud Orru g, l. iisKng os , Ieremter 11th. lusT. Cnmtilalnt having been made at this oltti-e by the duly verlllet and corroborated alhilsvlt of John H. Maiinlii alleging thai Kate KiiMell ho mad llmlwr I ulliir KnWv Not I al Hi I", , laml lutle at la tiraii.te,, January si, lv l..r th. , ol H ' and -K V of M V and vut of of Hmv a. Tp. I I H .1, K . Jg hasahollv lalle.1 to comply aim lh runner I iiilur law; that ah did during the yar f wholly aUn.loii said tract of land. Ihal r slmw has rontlnurd lo alndu the am and has nta.1 no linpruvatuenu upon said lr4-t or suv pari therol. Ttrtor, with the lw ol lh cancellation of th said entry lh aald parll ar hereby summoned a'ld r-( ilrtl to b ant spp. ar b Ins J. V Morron. rounty Cirrs of Morrow I ouniy Ont on. at his oittca al Hrptmer, Ore gon, on lh Mb ilay of tebruary. l. at the r.oir of lo o no. k a m . ol said tlav, lhnand n.irr.MKTiii,i biiii i . re. hm. rntai near ng lo be had al Hi OKI". 4 lh rv.i.ier an,1 r.if al U ilrauda, tiron. Marva tin. Ims I ttfeclw a. a. a W pTI.ETT. Register, 10 21 J. B. kctvr. SUMMONS. IN THE C1RCI IT rOl'RT OF THE STATE of Oregon for Morrow county. The Amertcsn Mortgage Company, ol Heotland, l.lmlte.1, a corpon tlon, l'laiutitrs, vs John Q. Crafts. Annie Crafts, J. W. Umllh. M. V. Harilson, Jacob Hnrlwr, and Collin A McFarland, as rtners, Defendants. To John u. Crafta. J. W. Smith and M. V. Harrt- Ion, defeudaula, aliove named; lu the name of the Htate of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tile. I against you in the aliove entitled suit, oil or before the first day of the next regu lar term nl the above entitled court following the eiptratlon ol the time preacribel in III order for publication ot this summons, whlrh Ural day a ill be Monday, the 7th day of March. I, and you and each ol you will lake notice that II you fall to so appear and answer, lor wain inereot piamiin win appiy ra saiu court lor th relief demanded In It com plaint, to wit: for judgment against John (J. ( rails and Annie t raits lor the sum ol ! to gether with Interest thereon at th rate of eight percent per annum from the first dayollte cemlr, ll. In accordance with lh terms ot a certain promissory not, by Idem mad and delivered to vialutlff. on or about lh lith day of June, lv7, lor aald sum: for the sum of $) attorneys lee, an.t lor in sum oi s.h.m ad lance tor Uses, and tor the costs and disburse ment ol this sutl. also a decree lor lb for cloaiir of lh certain mortgage etcutd and delivered by said defendants, John H. Crafts ami Annl Craft, to plaintiffs to secure the pai mnt ol the shove described not, and for ln sal ol said mortgaged property silua'ed In Morrow county. Oregon, decribl as lollows, Uvu lh south.! quarter of em'tlon i, Tp. ) south ol tang aal W. M , and that th pror.l nl said sai b appllt to th parroetil ol th amount du plaiutlll, altorus)S lees aud coa'a of suit. 1 Ins suiniiinns Is sirvel upon yon by Piihll- cation lliereol. In puraiieiu of an onler ol Itoi rl heo A Uiaell, court, mad al chamber, at Pendleton, Uragon, OB IB IMS nay ol Januanr. I tU.I. rHtLPH, li 5 Attorneys lor l laiotlff. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE BTATE of Oregon, for Morrow county. W. P. Lord. H. R. Klncald and Phil. Metschen aa the board of commis sioners etc., Plalntlfls, vs, Adeline Howell, Henry Howell, Mary Howell, John Howeil, Nellie Howell, W 1111am Howell, Stanford Howell, Joseph Howell, Tilda Howell, Ma Howell, Frank How ell, Thomas Howell, Lilly Howell, Hettle Farer, Rlx Farer, Adeline How. ell, a administratrix and Henry Howell a ad ministrator of Stanford Howell, deceased, Defendant. To William Howell, Hattie Farer Farer. Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you titled suit on or before the first day of the next and Rlx You are ou in th alove en- regular term of this court, to-wit: The 7th day of March, If., and If you fall to answer for want thereof the plalntifl will apply to the court to graut the relief demanded In the com plaint, to wlt: For Judgment against you upon ascertain promissory unte for th sum of f tO with interest thereon at the rate ol eight per cent per annum from April 1st. I"', the sum of ill attorneys lees and th eot and disburse ments of this suit, and that the mortgage given to secure th payment ol said note ou lh fob lowing described real property situated In Morrow county, etate of Oregon towlt: South east quarter of Sec. J. Tp. 4, south of range V, E. W. M., be foreclosed ami said property sold and th proceeds of said sal be applied to the pavment of the amount due plaintiff. this summons Is served upon you In pursu ance ol an order ol the Hon Stephen A. Lowell Judge of lh above entitled court, made and entered in tald suit on th th day of January, BK'IM N A KKDK1E1.D Attorney lor Plaintiffs. lie). U Jn D. A. CURRAY, Formerly ol Pendleton Tonsorial Artist. Shaving, tS Canta Hair Cutting, 25 " Shop, Matlock Corner, Heppner, Oregon. J. L. GIBSON, At Chas Jones' Old Stand. Rhavintr. - 15 uraneitcv of an order ol Hon. udg of th bov entitled ll.iir. OtlttiniT Ctn. 25 Jo t keeping up th reputation of this shoe for Srst-claa work and would b lMd lo bar yon call. Beat aooommodation and oonrteona treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wash. Sti., Portland, Oreffon. D. E. GILMAN, 6eneral Collector Put your old book and note In his hinds and get yonr money out of them. Make a specialty ol hard collection. Office in J N. Brown's Building. Ellis & Phelps, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All business attended to In a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collector, Office In Natter Building, Heppner, Or. Mathews & Gentry, BARBERS Shaving V V V 15 Cents. V V Shop two door South ol Postofnc. The Old Shop! LIBERTY MARKET la the place to go to get yonr fine pork and lamb chops, steaka and rotate. FISH EVERY FRIDAY fin sngar-enred ham and bacon. Pur leaf lard, kettle-rendered, old tylfc Hifhrst cM prka paid lor lat stock. I BEN.. MATUEW8.