Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1898)
I PAPER OFFICIAL ADVERTISING WILL PAY IF THE .... Semi-Weekly Gazette IS YOUR MEDIUM. YOUR MONEY'S WORTH THE Semi-Weekly Gazette AT S2.00 A YEAR. or 3 r 1 1 J HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEB. 8. 1898. NO. 621 PTWTFTCNTH YEAR .a. M. M. -M. ---.-. r " i i . T ' " i . . nnnr ta nvn nrtT tttt -a n tt - - . .- -- nun iu rmu uui. SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLI8HBD Tuesdays and Fridays THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANK. OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man. At $S.ff) per year, $1.00 for m months, 50 ote. tor three moncoB, atriotly in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Fostofllce at Heppner, Oregon, as second-class matter. THIB PAPER is kept on file at E. C. lake's Advertising Agenoy, 84 and 65 Merohanta Exchange, Ban r rauoiuuu, vjmihii,,, raota for advertising oan be made tor it. T P. FIBBER. NEWSPAPER ADVERTI8- JUi. ing agon., u """'.",r".Sl .ont. ing, Ban rranoisoo, w uui . ., This papsr is kept on file at his otnce. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. m 1A.Aa Hannnar Q'3fl n ariKfim5r Junction 1205 a. ni m. daily except in a. m. and ar- Going East? IF YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET HnoDner Junotiou 8:30 a, rives at Heppner o:w a. m Sookane Express no. leavco . p. AY. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. m. and Umatilla 8-50 p. m. , Portland Express No. 8, from Spokane arrives at Umatilla 6:00 a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00 .m. ana arrives at ronuuu j ,, Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland :25 p. arrives at Heppner Junction iiia a. m. UCt Mail No Heaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junotion 12:B a. m. and at Portland 7:20 a. m. . T . For further information inquire ol J. Hart, Agent O. R 4 N., Heppner, Ore. Three Important Points. FIRST Go via. St. Paul be cause the lines to that point will afford vou the very best service. SECOND See that the coupon beyond St. Paul reads via. the Wisconsin Central because that line makes close connections with all the trans-continental lines en tering the Union Depot there, and its service is first-class in every particular. THIRD For information, call on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent aca asK ior a ticket reading via. the Wisconsin Central lines, or address Jas. C. Pond, or Geo. 8. Batty, (Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.) HEPPNER, OREGON. MRS. L. SMALL, Manager. Now Open. New Methods. New Manage ment. Strictly First Class. m. and and at Gen. Pas. Agt., Milwaukee, Wis. General Agent, 246 Stark St.. Portland Or. I - United State Officials. -;.. Willinm MoKinley V Prisiden't'::: Garret A. Hobart ' Hmmtarvof State Jhn enerman otoreSJyof Treasury ...Lyman J. Gage slcXry of Interior Cornelius M. Bliss Secretary of War Bussell A. Alger Secretary or navy. H Postmaster-General ,J klpkmS Attorney-General...: Joseph McKenna Beoroterycf Agrioulture James Wilson State of Oregon. rd Bupt. Publio Instruction .... n.nnil C. M. Idleman Attorney General g w MoBrid9 Senators J Thos. H.Tongue Congressmen J W. R- EUis . . . W . n. -LiCeu S. Bean, , A- Moore, K. Wolverlon H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, Fill a bottle or common glass with urine and let it stand twenty-tour hours; a sediment or settling Indicates an un healthy condition ot the kidneys. When urine stains linen it is evidenoe of kid nev trouble. Too frequent desire to uri nate or pain in the back, is also convinc ing proof that the kidneys and bludder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. There is oomfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy fulfils every wish in relieving pain in tbe back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part ot tbe nrinary passages. It oor- Rates, $1.00 Per Day and Upwards. tabilily b;d ;""a i iuivsw) y j r DBssinii it. or bad effects fol lowing use ot liquor, wine or beer, and overoomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. Tbe mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp- root is soon realized. It stands tbe highest for its wonderful cures of tbe moBt distressing oases. It you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and one dollar. Yon may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail. mention the Heppner (iazette ana sen a your addrens to Dr. Kilmer k Co., Bing- bampton, N. T. Tbe proprietors of this paper guarantee tbe genuineness ol this offer. SPECIAL RATES BY THE WEEK OR MONTH. 8JF"A first-clasB feed barn run iD connection, and from all trains. We solicit your patronage. Free 'Bus run to 587-nov.l2 BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. DIRECT FROM DAWSON CITY. CHICAGO. ILL.. nnlfhlnrk wnat of the Union Depot of C, B.4 Q.. C. M. & St. P., C. & A., P. Kt. W. S U., and the C. St. L. & r. Kallroaaa. RATES ej.oo tIK DAT Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sta., CSICA0O, XXjXj. Printer., WEEKLY The MONTHLY Supreme Judges J Sixth Judicial District. Circuit Judge. Stephen Prosecuting Attorney u- Bearl Morrow County Officials. , A, W. uowan J. N. Hrown Bartholomev. Joint Benator Representative. Ikiunty Judge.... ' Commissioners., J. W. Beckett. ' Clerk " Bheriff ' . Treasurer ' .' Assessor Surveyor Sohool Snp't... Coroner.. .A. . J.U.Howard 3. W. Morrow ..E. L. Matlock .... Frank Gilliam A. C. Petteys .. J, W. Hornor ...Jay W. Shipley B. . Vaughau ai M nvVffltltll. . m --"".Thos. Morgan Mwyor..... Qe0, Conser. Frank ArthiV-ffinor." K. J. Wocum. U. I. nhtflntnai ana 4. n. dhuuu-. K Hiorder Treasurer ' Marshal FreciBCtOffloei. ,W. K. Kicharrtson ,,..N. B. Whetntone Outlook Published Every Saturday New York For more than fifty-six years it has never failed in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and villagers throughout the U. S. IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity and tom!, business ana nome mieresw, ior euucawuu, u. . - IT HAStolaaThe'flreside, interesting and Instructive atoriesof the doings of the world, the nation and states. IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved methods of cultivating and harvesting his r time to convert i Renaming to tne Vf c a century has held their confidence and esteem. crons. and the proper time to conver 11 tiAB lea in an matters ihAin into thn lKrrest nossible amount of money. irtaining to the vf elfare of farmers and villagers, and for over a naif 13 Astor Place ..W. A. Richardson L. W. Brigga A. A. KoberU Joitiosof the Peaos... rnatjLhla rjnitd BtatM Land Officers. TBI DALUS, 0. J. ?. Moor.... A. B. Biggs .... B. P. Wilson.. J.H. Robbins. LA OBAHOa, oa. ... Register ,.. lteoeiver Register ...Receiver 03BOS!T BOCITISB. RAWLINS POST, NO. IL G. A. R. .. . (V tha last Saturday of ch month. . All veterans ars invitea v, Adjutant. tf Commander. Dr. P. B. McSwords PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. City Drug Btore, Office in tbe City Hotel. near tf D.J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OREGON. Offloe hours, 8 to 10 a.m., and 12 to 1 n. m.. at residence. W. A. Kirk'e prop. - The Oatlook will be in 1897. as it has been during eaoh of its twenty-seven years, a History of Oar Own Times. In its various editorial departments Tbe Outlook gives a compact review of the world's progress; it follows with care all the important philanthropic and in dustrial movements ot the day; bas a complete department ot religious news; devotes muob space to the interests of tbe home; reviews onr.ot Jitr-ture; furnishes cheerful table-talk about men and things: aud, in short, aims to give fresh information, original observation, and reasonable entertainment. Beginning with tbe fifty flifth volume, tbe paper will assume tbe regular maga zine size, wbiob will add greatly to its oonvenlenoe and attractiveoeea. Tbe Outlook is published every Saturday fifty-two issues a year. Tbe first issue in eaoh month is an Illustrated Magazine Number, containing about twice as many pages aa tbe ordinary issues, together with large number of pictures. Tbe prioeof Tbe Outlook ia three dollars a year In advance, or leas than a cent day. Send for a specimen copy and illnstrat- IT IS TXXD. New York Weekly Tribune, Ui And we furnlah It with the GAZETTE, one year for $2.75, cash in advance. Addtess all Orders to THE GAZETTE. Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best, Tribune Ortlce, New York City, and a sample copy of the Hew York Weekly4T rlbune will be mailed to you. A Campaign Of Education How to Get, it (Til rn For JM. JJ Mum, UNPARALLELED To be educated one must read the best literature. The beat literature la expensive. Leslie's Illustrated Weekly. Published at 110 fifth Avenue, Hew York, Is full of the best things. Its Illustrations art superb; It stories charming; and It literary departments are edited with eon- It should be In every "E chuVchTsro'anTlO eapro.pectn.toTh. Outlook, 13 Aato, to 13. a. m , to a o o p. in., u naoe, new ion vnv. Ibe rear of Borg". Jewelry store. Brown & Redfield Attorneys at Law, Offloe tn BTOCK BRANDS. ' While re aaap roar sabsarlpUon paid up yea I oan keen roar brand la free of chart. Borg. P. O., Hoppnar. Or. Homes, ridiwrt the First National Uent shoaldar; catUa. earn on urtmp Buildlog. Hbffhm, : : Obeoom. Conk. A. JLna.OT. Home, Won right shool ra eqaani dr; Cattla, aamaoo right hipi ear I M..n ..A lft ftnd sulit in liLL tt I W. M .Hsllnwm. Ot. Cattla. R Dan right sida.swaikiw-tofk la aaoa aa) korsaa, at U nmulaa.Or. Roteaa braadad ELY , V v . " . oil.ft ahouhisr. eauU Sam oa Wflhip. hole ia right aar. ri.MBsa. L. A.. RoDpner. Or Tattle. Lr na right hip; horasa t with bar aadar oa riglil h.Kllilar. J nam, Hurry. Hppnr. Or-HorMa braadad u J n tbm Imh atxmlilar! ea'tla hra t11 J na right hip. ali andwtnt u Mt ear. Kanga ta Murrow eoanty. rli Iu. Or. Hume. iritrlaT a U(t atifl; aatiU. sum oa right hip, Bade ball aroo la rfM and soiit Ji lati aaf Kannt. Mika. Ravpnar. Sl.-Hnwa braada4 NV na Uh bid ui auM and awa o art aadar atop oa uas riant summate skill. Such a paper I a great popular educator. home. Tbe subscription prlt-e of Leslle'e l pe nnnm. We make the anparallelad otler ol a copy ot Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi- Weekly one year for only $4.50. No such offer was avat made before. No such offer will ever be made again. Three two papers make a moat acceptable Christinas or birthday gift, and will be constant reminder of the giver's kindness. Remit by postal order or check to the Iloppner, Oregon. FRANK ROeERS I, I. ROteRTS Justice of the Peace and City wecoraer. ornet t COUNCIk CHAMBCSS lis and buys rral nUU. rents honsr. pars taVe di mnvrT.n.lng and m Ulr. you In auywarlnWllne.atraaonahlllgurea. U First National Bank Rogers & Roberts, Contractors, and UailJert. nans and Estimates Given on snort Notice. An Interesting and Instructive Letter From the Far North-A Trip Wrought With Many Hardships. The following interesting letter is from 8am Ensley and was written from Dawson City, N. W. T., on Deo. 11, '97, to bis relatives residing in Morrow coun ty. Through tbe kindness of a friend the Gazette Is permitted to furnish tbe letter to it. readers. I am now comfortably situated in my little 111x20 log oabin, and am well, stout and hearty. After one month's travel from Lake Bennett down through lakes Lebarge, Tagish and Mud, aud Lewis aud Yukon rivers, we arrived 15 or 20 miles above Dawson City on tbe west bank of tbe river, being frozen in. Tbe trip was a very hazardous one, and there were a great many boats swamped and lives lost, but my party, 12 in numbei, success. Our boat was large and under tbe direotlon of a good pilot. And allow me to say right here, that it is nseless (or anyone who contemplates ooming in that way to attempt to do so without a pilot, for tbey will have very serious trouble. Tbe oanyons, "White Horse" end "Five Fingers," are tbe worst, but one who knows them oan go through all right. Tbe snow, or rather the frost, ie 12 inches deep. It does not snow here like it does farther south, but is simply an accumulation ot frost. The thermome ter tbe past two weeks registered from 26 to 60 degrees below zero. I bevn't been out in tbe mines yet, but am well pleased with the outlook. I tblok this is the plaoe to make money if one is prepared for it by having a good outfit and plentv of grub. It is useless to come without these as a man would have to go right out again, for be ean't get work. Wages are $125 per boor In tbe mines, but oounting board at S3 60 per meal you have nothing left. Every thing ie high here. Flour, from (60 to $76 per eaok; beef, $1.60 per lb.; no kind of provisions are less than SI. 00 per pound, and from that to (4.00 and $5 00; oandles, 60 to 75ots eacb. I am told that last winter matches sold for (1.00 eacb, and that ie the wey it goes. A men oan sell anything here and get Just what be has a mind to ak. I bave recorded two oleims and intend to prospect tbem this winter. One i. on Henderson oreek, 00 miles above Daw son, and the other on "Ensley" creek, 20 miles above Dawson and Just across the river from our cabin. Tbif is a oreek that I diaoovered aod looated on two weeke ago and now there are 100 claims staked ont on "Ensley" oreek. On. of my partner, retorned from Daw eon today aod .aid be waa offered 12,000 for bis olaim on "Ensley" oreek and re fused it. It is a very promiaing looking pi are, but a. It has not been pros pectad there is no telling bow it may turn out. I bave been down to Dawson twioe and intended to viait the mioee, but it turned so oold I was compelled to live tt op for while. Dewsoo is finite s lively mmiog town with several hundred bousee end all branchee ot bnsioess represented. I saw more gold dust there We have plenty of -supplies to last us until July, and I think by that time we can get grub. I have not hunted any yet nor seen any game ezoept what hunt ers have bronght in. Game is soaroe near by, but 60 or 75 miles back from the river there ia plenty of moose, oari boo, bear and wolves, but it is a big job to pack them in. There is lots ot moose and cariboo meat in Dawson. It is better than beef and brings juBt as high a prioe. Cbiokens would bring $25 apieoe or more if one had the oheek to ask it, and turkeys would go like hot oakes at 75 apiece; eggs at (1.00 eacb; in fact, fresh eggs would bring 860 per dozen as fast as yoa oould oouot tbem out Hay is worth 25 cents a pound. There are a few horse teams here and they work tor (50 a day; a dog team of four or five dogs ia worth (1,500, and lots of them have been sold at tbBt figure. Coal oil is worth $40 a gallon and whiskey brings from $40 to $50 a gallon. Infaot, anything yon have to sell thst people want will bring whatever you are a mind to BBk for it. However, these enormous prices will oease when better means ot transportation into tbe ooontry bave been secured. But prices will always be high here. There are various ways to make tor tunes here'outside of mining, and in faot many of tbem would be more certain than mining. Gardening would bring sure fortune as all kinds of hardy vege tables grow here. Fine potatoes have been raic?d and I think grain would mature, There is plenty of wild hay and timothy would do well. With a tew milk cows and horses and two or three dozen bene a fortune could be made in a short time. 1 am told that it is not frosty of nights in tbe summer time, but very hot. The timber denotes good growing in summer weather. Tbe river bottoms are oovered with big Cot tonwood and spruce trees, biroh, willow and various other kinds ot brush. The timber on the mountains is principally white spruce and biroh. Spruce is the only saw timber aod tbat is small, it being a rare thing to find a log 18 inches through. From 8 to 12 inches is an average, but they grow very straight and tall. Lobs bring $50 per thousand at the mill ; oord wood is usually (30 to (35 a cord, but at present it is bringing $50 and $60. This might indicate a soaroity ot timber, but suoh is not tbe oase. I oould take a span ot horses and tour good men and make (100,000 in a year's time it I had teed or even bay for the horses, and there is plenty of wild bay if tbe time were taken to cut it. All tbe timber oosts is 25 oents per cord a mere nothing. These ohanoes are now lying wide open , but tbey will not remain so long. I came here to prospect aod hunt gold so I don't expect to take hold of any ot these things, notwithstanding I believe them to be tbe most sure ways of getting a fortune. I advise no one either to oome or stey away, simply stating facts just as tbey are at tbe present time. I want no one to attempt to oome here on my say so, but if any attempt .the job, tbey should bring plenty ot provisions or stay away Anyone coming to Dawson City should buy their outfits either at Portland or Seattle as tbey oan be purobased muoh obeaper at that end ot the lioe. Tour outfit shor.ld ooosist principally of flour, bacon and beane. Put everything in duok eaoks and in paokagri of 50 pounds eaoh. with weight and name ot article plainly marked on eaoh eaok with paint Brio a plenty of German sooks and felt boots, you will not need many overshoes Have two good for robes for bedding, tbey srs better than all the blankets you can oarry. Fur olothiog is the thing bers in winter. This will make up your outfit. Ae to the route to be taken ooming io, I oannot advise, as many ohanges are twiner made and better information oan be fomiebed at tbe other end ot the line in regard to this. However, it the lake route ie attempted, good boats aod a oompeteot pilot should be seoured. When wo came in tbe lakes were very rotmh, the wavee rolled as bigb as a bouse and toased oa about in great shape. Many boats were swamped and number of lives were lost. In faot, one's life is at ataks all tbs way from Hkagway to Dawson, and tbe utmost cars should be used In making the trip. Dawson Oity is tbe most peeoeable and atiiet miiitia town I ever ssw. Of ooorse there ie lots of gampliog aod drinking, but I havs yet to bear of a man being killed or even a row since I arrived here. There are meoy Dice women aud ohildreo living here. They bavs one cburcb lo town aod meetings I. POWDER Absolutely Puro UNFADING COTTON DYES. Special Vast Diamond Dyes frtr Cotton, tbat Will Not Wash Out with Soap or Fade in the Sunlight It is absolutely impossible to get a fast and satisfactory oolor on ootton from tbe same dyes as used tor woolen goods, and for that reason Diamond Dyes bave a specially prepared line ot fast colore for cotton that will give perfect satisfaction. Be sure to get tbe fast ootton dyes, and you oan make oolors . that even washing in strong soapsuds and exposure to tbe sunlight will not fade. Do rot risk spoiling your goods with dyes that olaim to oolor both ootton and wool with tbe same dye, as tbey are liable to ruin your material and oause the loss of your time and work. Borne dealers try to sell new and untried dyes in plaoe ot the old reliable Diamond Dyes, but this is simply because tbey can buy them obeaper than the Diamond. It is easy to catcb a oold and just a. easy to get rid or u it you oommenoe early to use One Minute Uough (Jure. It oures ooughs, oolds, bronohitis, pneu monia and all throat and lung troubles. It is pleasant to take, safe to use and aure to cure. Conger & Brook PRESS COMMENT. left I All Kindsof Keuair Work Done- Iban ever In all my life. One of tbe main firms, Uerly k Co., have W tons of every Huuday by the Choroh of England, gold ready to ship, ao yon see there is kDlj the eervioes srs well attended National questions will cut little figure In tbe election to be held next June in Oregon. It is three years before a national policy will be up for disoussion again to any considerable degree. The financial polioy of the nation or the tariff law does not enter into the case at this time eo far as the ooming eleotion is oonoerned. What our people want now is remedial legislation, a reduction in taxation, it it oan be had, and many other legislative measures confined ex clusively to tbe etate ot Oregon. Serv ants of tbe people are to be chosen, and it ia essential that tbey should not be boodlers or bosses, but men who will perform their several duties in tbe inter, est of tbe people and tbe state. In order to accomplish tbe greatest good a session of tbe legislature must beheld, without wbioh no good can result, Tbe populist party, especially in Olaokamas oounty, stands oommitted, through its county central oommittee, to bold np and prevent a session of the legislature being held. Under the oircumstanoes, members of that party eleoted to tbs legislature oould not be expeoted to perform their dulty, and therefore no session would 'be held or remedial legis lation enacted. The situation is plain to every voter, and eaoh one should be satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that the man for whom be voles will perform bis full duty, otherwise no good oan re sult to tbe people. Oregon City Enter prise. The senate, representing the several etates, passed tbe Teller resolution by a vote of 47 to 82. But the house, repre senting tbe people of tbnss several states, defeated the same resolution by a vote of 182 to 132. In the upper house ot tbe national legislature a state with a population of 80,000 has as many votes as a ststs with several million, while in tbe lower branch tbe apportionment is mads Id aooordanoe with tbe number ot people to be served. One branch represents territory; tbe other, people, Oregon City Enterprise. All tbe argument made to justify tbs legislative "holdup" last year at Salem, fails, beceose no man elected to the legis lators has any right to refuse lo take tbe oath promptly, and proceed with the business of legislation. Any other view is at variance with honor, common eeuse, aod justice. Every man wbo stood out, no maitor what hs ssys, failed, signifi cantly failed in most oasesf to do bis plain and bounden duly. Not ons ot these mie-representatives should ever be again permitted to disgreoe tbe people ot Oregon. Vequioe Bay News. HEPPNER C. A. RHtA, T. A. RHCA, GCO. W. CONtCsj, 8. W. SFCNCCft, . President Vie Preeieeet Cashier Asa't Cashier Tmsafti i Gentral foaling Bisinta EXCHANGE all parts ot the world- Bought and Sold. Collections suda oa all points oa faaannaUe Terms, aurplua aad aDdivtdad Proflte, MS.0O0.00. UkhM.J.W. Hannnar Or Horaaa breada I nrrir tinlthr T J l. I ,Anre .tn. AM 1 ..l.l k..- V-,,, mn Ld anaUrt ah-mUl-rt tattle am oa a lir-ML t I1UU fOlMT iUU IWUL UC1IC YUUI UIUU3 fllll WIU. - t - hip, wui ova. nht r, ur etna ia ngM i n . , n ar all kinds of people here; eome highly iijlc dim run;, ui 11111 win uct tiu. u w u u 4 . , to get away. For my part I think tbe ebaocee to make a raise ars far better tbao I eipeeted to Bod. Tbe meio trcnble is getting grub. If a man bas a year's grob bs bas qoite a little stake for be can cash every pound of it for ao average ot f 1.00. Meoy are doiog thle, Art! YOU in Need Of a Saddle tlon tbat remain. Uondrede ot dog teams are also golog ool to bring 10 sop- Mtnnr. Oamr, Hapnear Or.-t altla, M Dot right bipi buna. M oa laft afaoolUar. Mnrewn. . lft-. Or.-Huceee, M ) oa WtaWnkWeUlwawsaalantia. Oat., i. W.. PHsHe. w.i horaaa Uui W shnakdari raiU mum oa right hip. r-arkar ft Cllaaaaa. Hardman.Or, Horaaa IP OS) laft abotaklav. I rrrarsnn, O'lrrr: hnreri branitad bar and hlal'l oo trft shoulder,, Eight Mil, Morrow wintr. . IMlrgum. 1IT. noraaa, a. aMiasMf aip. Tbs OasetU UI take potatoes, applee, aorae ot batter on euUoriptioo eecooots. isf tms owing this effieeeeo settle their coons ts la Ibis oaaoer eij eao'l do it pipar.J. H , gte. aarta as.laft ahuaUart e nW bt la aaeb, aa. II i.MF J. w.. nbliwar. ur.-n laft anooada. CawUe, O rtM all Sparrr. K. 0. Hannah. Or.-fVli. ti aa l kip. " W rigM a1 ajfwar ia mt r- tQ a TVmbi. i. A., lit?. OrHanae,0 Tan K. , Hat-pwar. .-ail ear-Hal T laft abooUtf, bnraaai eatJe aaaM aaft klf web split la bote an. Waitanbaravr. W. 1.. rialbramr. iH.l wai JW nw riM slnlir! "a qaartarmrrla JW a rigM hip and ngM aida. ma and a. Ma ta tt aaf. kUa ia SUarmrW aad iUijtoiaa Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Horse ? All the can b procured at Thomp A Binns, Lower Mnin Htrwt, Heppoer, Oregon. TVaaa mil.mui are wall amwelnta with (Irani. Har.r, rnv.s. Oil Han and oihef Sventlae 7LXr a4 u IsTaiag a-ma .lie tre.llag .. and can set asonay rrW In leaping with U tira. r TirlOM PSON & jiTisrisrs, imna, piles over tbs lee and there sppeers to hs do denier of etarvelion here Ibis winter. I thick there will be a lies of steamer, from here to the bred of Lake Beooelt aeil so in mar aod a wagoo or railroad from there to Hkagwty, which wiil make II very maob sealer to get in and ot. If any of my friends oome op this way tbey oan find me by oalliog at lbs reel eatete ofiloe of Joollo k Co., In Dawson Gitv. Bam Kmslbv. The Dleoevery of the Day. Aag. J. Bogel, tbe leading druggist of Hhreveport, La., ssys: "Dr. King's New Discovery is tbs only thing that enree my ooogb, and it is tbs beet seller I have." J. F. Campbell, merobaot ot Hafford, Ariz, write.: "Dr. King's Nsw Dieeovery is all tbat Is eleimed for it; It never foils, and is a sore oars tor cos eumotioo. oovifbs aad oolds. I eannot aa anooah for its marl Is." Dr.Kieg Mew biaooverv for soueamptioo, congbs and colds is not ao experiment. It baa beeo tried for s quarter of s oeotory sod today stands at lbs htad. It never dis appoints. Free trial bottles as Hlooum Drug Co., K. J. Mlueaut, manager, Tbe Oregon I an In refusing to publish tie resolutions paeeed by tbe MoKinley and Hobart olnb ot this oily, probably did ool relish tbe stand the country people are taking agninat tbe factional Dublin rortlaod. But the refusal of tbe Oregoniao to give poJilloity will do tbem no good for tbe oouotry preee will eee to It that all Ibe people In this ststs are informed no the Important eobjeot. Baker City ltepobliceo. Hop Abaadoatd. "For 15 years I snfTered with oatarrb and ledigeetioo and my whole eyalem wee broken down. I almost abaaloatd hope of recovery. I tjok Hood's Herse perilleeod lie effects wars marvelous. I am now able to eleep wall, have a good appetite and bave gaiord in weight." James Wilder, Oroville, Vtaabiogtou. Hood's Pills act easily anJ promptly on the liver aod bowels, Cure sloh besdsebs, lo soon lo soil as. t mat ilia aa tM