The Gazette. Friday, Feb. 4, 1898. A BIGGER AND BETTER MAN. Ellis comeB to the scratch at last. The education of the maD, out of his ignorance, demagogy and stupidity, has been a long and tedious process. Oregonian. Commenting on the above un complimentary and uncalled for remarks, the Salem Statesman, one of the beBt republican papers of the state, says: The fact is, Mr. Ellis is a better and bigger man than be has been represented by the Oregonian. He has been firmly on the St. Louis platform, the national plat form of his party, ever since it was adopted. He is a very industrious man in the interests of his district and his state and his abilities will compare very favorably with those possessed by any man within the range of choice in that half of Oregon. Thomas B. Tceley, democrat. was on Wednesday elected to the United StateB senate from Ten nessee. The execution of Gus Wachline will take place at nillsboro today been anticipated and it seems to be the general opinion that the league meeting has been produc tive of much good to the paity. The Teller resolution was buried out of sight when it came up be- tne supreme court of the state re- fore the house at Washington City fusing to interfere. on Monday, by a majority of 50 votes. 1l our last ishuo we pre- Theee is a move on foot amons dieted that this would be the re the republicans of Pennsylvania to 8a,t- We believe the lower house down Boss Quay by putting up of congress represents the sen John VVannamaker for governor, timents of the people, generally, neuer man does tue senate, ana TffV. crriTOrnmsnf Vina iwr Vinn- 9ir action in tfilS matter dOUbt- dred tons of provisions and forage le8S ha8 e approval of the great in readiness for shipment to Alaska masses of the American peoplf. fnr thA rp iff nf th Htnrvinnr K Inn. ouJ ua xoiici Hikers. Tho nrnvisinns from resolution is settled and congress r e a i :l ll l: i Fnr t, And unrf KontMn unu "uw uovuio no uilhuuuu iu more important matters The rush for the Klondike is still on the increase and will soon reach wonderful proportions. We Dr. Darrin Will Remain In Heppner Until Further No tice, Owing to the Many Patients Coming for Treatment- Perhaps He Will re main Until March 1st Walla Walla people are again resting easy, they having assur ance from Washington City that the army post will not be removed from their midst. The garrison at Walla Walla is a source of great revenue to the city and its removal meant great loss to its people in a financial way. Aside from this, the army poet at Fort "Walla Walla is of little use, as we see it, and might jiiBt as well be any where else bo far as its necessity to this section of the U. S. is concerned, The question as to whether the heirs of a man who commits sui cide when in sound mind can re cover on an insurance policy has just been passed upon in the United Statos supreme court. J us- tice liailan, who rendered the de cision, decided that they could not, But it seems that it would be dilli- cult, as a rule, to determine as to the soundness of the mind of a man at the time he takes his own life. It has been held that the commission of suicide is evidence of mental unsoundness. The Hnfned Calfornla Grape Crop, The partial loss of the grape crop tbis opine the great rush will be com- ear canned by the heavy raiDB, is ersti- mg from the other direction ere matpd ,0 ceed 81,000,000. Farmers a great many months have passed. BDd vineyards all over the northern part oi me stare nave Buffered, wouetnis is THE Oresonian seems to hava true' ,l 18 e(l11' ract th8t l0Bt Bnd forgotten that it and the crowd ra,IIDtf B may be re8tored b7 ,be the paper represents, bolted the Per818tent. "systematic; 08e of the great regular republican nominee for Dalion1 0Di. Hostetters Stomach Bit concreas in this AirMc.t at rhn W terB- whioh reDews and tones the activity election, and its words of censure 01 lUB 8MjraB0D- r " 08 weiB. directed at the Mitchell-republicans counteracts a tendency to rheumatism Whom it C ftimH nnnnnrr,or1 unrl n d. ouu KluUBf ouu,l""' uuu ureveuiH ui edthecauHfl of UrvAnism. o.nmea larial disorders. After exhausting dis with DOOr urace BB8BB UBTe ruu ami course, recovery is KreBwy uuueieruieu uy me use 01 tue ftittarn. whinh imnmTM Annatitn Anrl SINCE the Opening Of the Wheat imr,arta rennwad viunr to th nhllittrl season in aeptemoer, tnere nas nhvsiane I -.1.; 1 a . r -n 11 -i ' oeeD Bmppeu oui ol xoriiana 11,4(0,211 bushels of wheat, ngur- About Prodigals. lng llour as wheat at the ratio of The prodigal son may return, but how 4J bunbels to the barrel, at a total about the prodigal daughter? As far as valuation of nearly SUU.UUUUUU. the world is oonoerned. there is no mercy This makes the largest wheat ship- for the prodigal daoghter. Theson may ment on record for the metropolis wallow in the mire BDd filth of pollution. of the northwest. feed upon the husks of sin sod infamy. and be will come back in becoming rai The meeting of the republican IIaen,. aDd kDOi:k the door of society, league in Portland on Tuesday be is eagerly received within its portals; passed off quite harmoniously con- marriageable daughters simper and sidering the elements brought to- Bmile (sweetly, and fond mammas are gether. llepublicanisra triumphed, very eracious and kind in feeling it their and the two factions down at Tort- womaDiy auty to encourage tue leiiow land were eiven to understand t0 do better now ,hat he has sown bis that neither is considered as the oa,s- uut the prodigal daugnier republican party of this state. Bh, husbl Breathe not her name within This is right. The party is bigger ,ue precincts of sooiety. Keep her out; than any man, and it should stand Pugh ber ,0 ucii'b grave, appeasing PAIN IN HEABT TWENTT YEAE8. Mr. Editor: Tbis is to certify that I had a pain in my heart and breast twen ty years, and tried many physicians, without sucoess. After four months' home treatment by Dr. Darrin I am re stored to health and gladly give my testi mony in his behalf. I reside at 8ilvertcn, Oregon, where I can be addressed or referred to. C. W. Baekhubst. Dr. Darrin will remain at the Palace Hotel until further notioe, and will in future treat all oases with office or home treatment at the rate of $5 a week, or in that proportion of time, as cases may re quire. The poor treated free, except medioines, from 9 to 10 a. m. daily. Patients able to pay, from 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Examinations free to all. All curable cbronio, acute BDd private dis eases, treated with electrioity, and medi oines when required, and makes a speo ialty of all diseases of the eye, ear, Doee and throat, oatnrrh and defness, broo ohitis, la grippe, consumption, dyspep sia, oonstipation, heart, liver and kidney diseases. 619-tf, NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land office at la grande, Oregon, Jan. 28, '98. Notice ia hereby given that the following-named settler baa filed notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on March 18, 1S9X, viz: WILLIAM E. GENTRY, H. E. No. 7742, for the NEJi Bee. 29, Tp. 1 8., B. 27. E. W. M. He names the following witnesses t) prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: William Barrett, Edmund Baling, Mifflin J. Devin and William J. McCarty, all of Heppner, Oregon. . w.bartutt, Kegister. 618-28. CITATION. N THE COUNTY COURT OF THE 8TATE of Oregon, for the County of Morrow. lathe matter of the estate of John M. O. Spen cer, a minor, To J. B. 8terrv. sruardian of the estate of said minor. srreetinE: In the name of the State of Oreeon. You are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the Btate of Oregon, for the uounty 01 Morrow, at tne court room tnereoi, at Heppner, In the County of Morrow, on Tues. day, the eighth day of March, 1898, at 10 o'clock, in me lorenoon 01 tnai aay, men ana mere to settle your accounts as guardian of J. M. O. Spencer, a minor, and Bhow cause, if any exist, by he should not nay over to the said John M. O. Spencer, the sums of money now in bis hands belonging to said John M. O. Spencer. Witness, the Hon. A. G. Bartholomew, Judge of the County Court of the Btate of Oregon, for the county 01 Morrow, with the seal of said Court affixed, this 26th day of January, A. D. 1898. Attest: J. W. MORROW, 618-28. Clerk. A VERY USEFUL ARTICLE. united on its principles alone. People along the coast of New Foundland and Nova Scotia are dying of starvation, being shut in by ice and snow, while iu AuHtralia the hot rajs of the sun are striking down people and devastating crops. A little of Australia u heat scat tered about the North Atlantic yonr righteous Indignation, return to petting and caressing the "dear boy" bo has made a start to get back to the path of reotitude. Ten to one be never oomes back. He knows be can sin and still keep bis place in society. Mr. Frank Eogelman, of lone, is the agent for a self-beating flatiroD, manu factured by J. F. Casey & Co., of St Louis. This is one of the best artioles in this line that il has been the privilege of this paper to see. Mr. Engelman is now oanvasing the county and securing large number of orders. No housewife should be without one of these self-best ing flatirons. Below we give a testi monial from Rev. Henry Barnhart pastor of the Baptist church, at this aoe. It speaks tor itself: I0N8, Ob., Feb. 1, 1898. To Whom it May Concern: This oertifles that my wife bas in ber possession one gasolene self-heating flat iron, manufactured by J. F. Casey & Co, St. Louis. Mo., and the same bas been in nse for eight months, and bas and is still giving good satisfaction. Bespeotfnlly, Henry Barnhart, Pastor 1st Baptist oburob, Heppner, Oregon Fuom what reliable information this papor can gnther, it i lead to believe that among populists, gen erally, the scheme of fusion with the other so-called reform forcos iu this state is being opposed. In some localities the idea Booms to take pretty well, but among the best eloment of the populist party it is looked upon with many doubts and misgivings. Of courso a largo number of freo-silvor dom ocrats and froe-silver republicans aro imploring them to come in, it being quito plain that thoao fac tions in the state stand no show whatever of winning anything un less aidod by the populists, but many populists appear to bo in favor of staying out and making the fight on tho lino of tlio princi pies they have bo long contended for and which aro not fully en dorsod by either of the parties mentioned above. Thero may be a warm timo iu tho camp of tho "reform forces" boforo the fight is over, and should they desire to nflihate in tho coming campaign the populists ran rest assurod that thoir sharo in tho spoil, in case of success, which is impossible will bo very small, indeed. Theao reform (?) follows aro out for the game. KeciiETARY Oaoe las Bileuctk! the carping critics who liavo boon constantly assorting that ho is not in accord with 1'rcBidout McKiuloy in behalf of international bimetal littm. Iu a Bpooch delivered at Tliiladelphia a few days since he said: "l'ho (Hilitical head of tho republican party haa been active to secure biituUllinm under tho only conditions by which it cau bo maintained; namely, international agroomeut with opou mints to Inith silver and cold. Iu its elTorta to inaugurate such method, tho proai dent heartily kUKrt tho princi ples of hi patty's) platform, and in hu effort ho has tho uport of all tho meruWrs of hin oflieial family, innuendoes and declara tions from various sources to the contrary notwithstanding. I'otil it can be secured in this lational manner, we propowo to maintain the kind of bimetallism wo Lave now, under which five hundred million! or more of silver are kpt on parity with gold. I'ndor thia standard practically for fixty years, aud according to the demo- cratio caudiJato'e fcdmicaion, for . . - 1 . . . 1 leuiv-eevpu years j muir mt, this country La ilotflowl riiM 14 Uouriho4 do other country La.' Hucklcn's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Mores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, FovAr Hnrpa Tatter. Channfiil Hands. const, and some of the Ittttor'a obilblRins, Oorns. and all Skin Erup- ing.uiiy uispensnu aoom uie u , Doflltively cures Piles or no iieHihu nHinsoi AUBimiiH, w,'u,u nav reanired. It is auaranteed to eive 41... ..i. - r 1. : . i. ! JltVO W1H HUliCt Ul UniJLMLIL; UlUUIl ,c .(ifnH,,n n mnnov ratnnAaA roiiei 10 00111 localities, The republican state convention will bo held at Astoria on April 11, and the convention for the 2d con- Price 25 cents per boi. For sale by Slooum Drug Co., E. J. Klocum, manager Kuat vs. Jolinann Again, Two days, Wednesday and Thursday, grossional district will be held on of this week, have been ocoapied in tho Kith. Tho former will have rehearing of the Bust-Johnson replevin 28o dolegates, tho latter 1(H). Mor- cbhs before Judge Richardson. Tbis row county s representation will be case first came up two weeks ago, at 1 iu each convention. II10 city of which time the Gazette gave the full Astoria is greatly elated over re- particulars, but the jury disagreeing, a ceiving the honor and promises new trial was ordered. This time the royal eutertaininent of tho dele- jury was composed of O. E. Farnsworth, gates. A strong effort will be Floyd Thomas, I. N. Ilogbes, Win made to have the uew railroad Letrace, M. 8. Driskell, and 8am Mo completed iu time to run special Bride. Toe esse was submitted to tb trams from l'ortland to Astoria jury at noon yesterday, and after being during tho convention aud it will lout three hours, they brought ia a ver bo made an occasion of general re- diol for the plaintiffs. Between S 100 joicing. and S.'iOO bas already been spent 00 tbis oase and the end ia not yet, U ' l.r.1. ... I ,1111 kltlirn Ilfcll'UVI 1 - , M iHium n-puiMii-nu ieKuL-ii.eei,uK r r.11(,v cathartic, the most won- at Portland, lion. Claud llatcll, derful iuilual di. overv of the awe, pleas- of Salem, was elected president; ant and rehvsliuiK to the taate, act (tently and poslUvi-ly 011 kl.lucys, liver and bowels, cure hi'Uilaohe, fevor, lialiltual tunstlpatloo ....1 k IMxaan bur and trv Dot nf 1' (!. C. to-i hiv: 10. . mi cents, ooiunuu giiruUHl to euro by all uruigisi Hoil. C. W. Fulton, of Astoria, vice il.-ansiiK tin) entire syi-m, dtsK-l coliU, president; executive committee, S. H. Kakiu, of Lane, at large; A. M. ( rawionl, of Linn, 1st district; H. 11. rminott, of Wasco, 2d dis trict. Delegates to tho national league, uumbeiing II, were also chosen. Uininnt: resolutions were passed, imloi Hiiig tho St. I -on is platform and tho policy of Presi- ' llHU "''",'.,"MI,,m,n,,1,,lM1"Mn,vln dent McKinley and Secretary "I"1' ",h ".l? "I1"' 'U'."L (lago on tho tiuancial (iiiention. 1I10 nieeling was largo aud en- thiiHiaHtic. and while a few un pleasant scenes were witnessed, " r:,"r'""'! """" .T" , ? 1 .1 si -a a I IIOBIIHH watwiiuin- . - uiey weiu iinu ii h'kh uihu unti ,.m , ,, , ..ijoim,,, Mr u.n.r s I. ul haa ilmir 1111 ifk on II tel. 1 his Is rrt tnl 11 : on ul Hi rl. In Kaatrrn Kn-iiiii In a Ions Klillii, aim is utilising fcimi ilikr i iiiw in h.nii, Vrry Rlrh I lolt Jai'k Cliamlwrs, of Canyon City, mni lliriinnh Hci'pner on Tuewlay evptiln. n Mule to rortlaml anil thu roant. lUhailwilh hi in xiin taiiilt of llrt, taku Inim tha mine alHir I snyon I lly. Tli Mniilc were very tli ti In lr (nlil, aiut Hiiro a-ni Ut t any iiiiiiiiiI it! It on tti rlalm mentlnnrtl. Sow t'v a iinf Is now twins taken out. Hit "M b V I Consumption I ; A j f Will SCOTPS EMULSION v cure consumption? Yci and y no. Will it cure every cau? vj No. What cams will it cure jj then? Those In their eirlier w stages, especially In young v people. We nuke no exag- v ' gcratci claims, but we have v positive evidence that the v v v y 2 A of Cod-liver oil with Hypo- i a phosphites of Lime and Sodi In these cases results in a t r'HKK HIIAKK. carlf use of i Scott's Emulsion THE BIG BRICK HOTEL, The Palace ...Has been leased by... J. C. BORCHERS Who has secured the services of MRS. MARGARET VON CADOW As manager. It will be run in first class shape in every department. Rates reasonable SAMPLE ROOMS IN CONNECTION. ASSIGNEES' NOTICE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, THAT THE undersigned assignee of E. S. and 8. H. Cox, Insolvent Debtors, has filed his final ac-1 count as such assignee with the clerk of the circuit uoun of Morrow bounty, Oregon, ana a. .1.1 ...Ill V, n1t.. ,,n , UnnHn I timi. emu OA;t;uuiiii n ,11 i,c vniicu up ,ui iiDiiiis, 1 and be passed upon Monday, the 7th day of marcn, ih, at tne nour 01 iu o cioci, a. m. 01 said day, or as soon thereafter as the same can be heard and passed upon by the judge of said court. Dated this 21st day of January, 18W. W. P. Fbll, 616-25. Assignee. THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. O. BOUCHERS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Oreoon, Jan. 19. 1898. NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice I of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made I neiore j. w. Morrow, uouniy uierit. at neppuer, Oregon, on Marcn iz, mm, viz: UHAKI.ES 8. JAYNK. H. E. No. 6082, for the 8EV of Sec. 14, Tp. 3 8. R I 27, E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Walter Crosby, John Mar shall, Sterling P Florence and Andy 8. Steven son, an oi neppner, uregon. x.. w. bartlktt, 616-27 Register. "When you hear dem bells !" YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT THE HEPPNER TRANSFER CO'S Belled express is coming. Does delivery work , on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it, or at "Central" telephone office. WE MOVE ANYTHING ! Notice of Intention. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. January 18. 1898. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE i i following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that Haid proof will be made be fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, uregon, on naturnay, reDruary m, 1898, via: jA.-una k. nunAHAKJLit lor ueirsol Marian. Downing, H. E. No. 3619 for the 8WVi of Bee. 5, Tp. 2 8., R. 24 K. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: David P. Baker, George w. I'll, uavin m. Grablll and Thomas King, an oi lone, Oregon. J AS. F. MOORE. 16-27 Register. t MAT HALVORSEN, J LEADING MERCHANT ll OF I0NE. xt Keens & General Stock o Merchniisfi o o PEHSONALLV CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS TO ALL POINTS EAST. Every Tuesday eight a personally con duoted tourist oar exoarsion will leave Portland for Denver, Kansas City, Om ba, Obioago, and Boston, withontchsng vis the Oregon Railroad & Navigation, Oregon Hhorl Line, RiuQrande Western, Denver A Rio Grande, Rock Island, Lake Hbore & Mioblnao Sontbem, New York Central and Boston & Albany lines. Tbe tourist oars in this line will be operated by the Pullman Company, thns Dsnring to the passengers all of tbe comforts of modern day travel at bait the usual Pullman rates. Tbe roate tekps the passenger through Salt Lake City, thence aoroia the Rocky Moun tains to Leadville, Denver, etc., offering the tourist a view of the grandest scenery on tbe Amerioan continent. For additional particulars, printed matter or rale, write M. J. Roche, NortbwMt Passenger Agent R. O. W. Ry., U'i Third HI , Portland, Oregon. Notice of Intention. Land Office at LaGrandi. Oregon. Jan. IK. INK. NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore County Clerk. Morrow coiintv. Oresnn. ai neppner, uregon. on Harcn 12, 1'JM, viz; H. E. No. 6029, for the Mi1, NU 8E)4 Sec. ll, Tp. g 8, R 27. E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence noon and cultivation of said land, viz: Charles H. Jay tie, Bruce 11, Kelley, Oeorgo A. Htevenson and William Stew art, all of Heppner, Oregon. E. W, BARTLETT, 610-27 Kegister Andy J. Cook, of Lena precinct, waa a visitor to Heppner aeveral days this week looking after businesa matters. While in town be made arrangements for tbe keeping, for a short time, by the I O O. F., of Joseph Depoy, an old gentle. man in destitute olroumatanres, who re sides on Bntier oreek. Mr. Cook will bring the old man to town to be eared (or on Haturday. DISSOLUTION NOTICK. XJOTICK IS HKHKRY GIVEN THAT Till ll Mrtuerahlp hrrvtofxre mating brtwran Frank Kugcliuan ami Kit Kngilinan, doing liiialiii-aa al lime. Orcann, tinder Ik Arm nam of Kugrlinan Hn , naa txn rilMolved hi nmliial consent. All lulls ami an-oiinta ualiif ly said nrm will b . by l"l fngciman. rnans, r.Mir.i.atn, BI FNUKLMA.N. Iatvl at lone, Or., Feb. 2, wt. - TK ACHE US' EX A MIS A TION. VOTICK IS II KRUBY WIVES THAT FOR il lh iiiirixiw ol mssliif an ainluatlnn ol all xnMina win) mar llr tlii'inarlvr as ramll. ili ltr srwlirn ul Hi whiml of Ihisromity and for dale and III dlliina. th romiljr a hool aiiirrliilriiilriit tharrof will hold a pub lic tiaiuliiallon al th rourl nouw at llrppur olflilliS W ediiradajr. rb. vili at I ' p in jay . eiun.KY. Is 21 School Snpl., Morrow lo, A positive cure to A Urfc num. y X ber. In aJt anai uks. how- 2 WIHII knit 1 lillVMt- y bit, this well-known remedy y ahouli be re lie J upon to pro $ ton; life surprisingly. $ A merlin it will 1" LeM at Ileppner Iregnn, on Hal nr. lay, Krhrtiary 1'itb S'.ik, for the pnriMHia of organulug free silver chili. All those nt are In sympathy with tbe Cauw of freasilviM, reitarillesa of party alTlllaliiiiia, are urgently requested lit atteinl. lUtnem ber the date, Keh. I' 2 n'elek n m UT liHLSH or, At the M. K. elnirch, H.nith. ecial musie will ve rendere.1 neil Huuday iHi'iiin li'in with the usual servlrrs. An riiergetifl man of Integrity , ahllity aa J giMiil aililie I want I rpresi.l Ih Niiithweslern Mnit.i I, lesar anoe Company as 'lislriot senl with lieaihHarters al Hecpner. A K'd opru ins! dr a iii'.ilor. Previous tiprue In life injrano not essential. Addreee Willi referelioes. h. T. Un kwiin A Sow, tlelirral Aneiils, Fortlaod, Or. IMV M rit Utt ri'H MI L I have A' Ions ol rye hay, located SeeO Mil fr Ml llrppber, sihkI rosxls aud an bills. Also other liar aed bnneb grass fur sale. C N. I' . 21 a.Uana.Or. 1 1 Including all the Staples, Hardware, Tin ware, Harness, Stockmens' Supplies, Wood and Willowware. First Class Goods and Low Prices is his motto. MflT HALVORSEN, IONE, OREGON. i o o l 9 NOTICE OF INTENTIOaW. Land Office at The Dalles. Oreoon. January 17. Im'.w. NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has Hied notice of his intention to make final uroof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be mane ix-iore J. w. Morrow, l ounty t icru, at tiepvner, orcuon. on reiiriiary m, iwa, vu: a. niLi. ii. H E No. vm, for the 8VY!t of sec Di, Tp 2 8, R 24 K. w M. They Are The "Mustard" MEADOWS & HATTEN, TH6 Pioneer Biactemltns Have made some elceant lmnrnvemnnti in thpir .tjhH.i,moni .a . . ! . iron, horscshiH'S and other materials essential to the haiiniiien. of thn. ,hJlV8J IK lPA ...(...,. - i .i.i. .. e.i .. . . . . - w uccu uuua iTKiiKira lis names the following- witnesses to prove to t,lelr wagons, buggies or machinery. Their specialty Is hurehoeiui. his continuous residence upon and cultivation I . , weaaows s naucn are ine Koys to do loor Hork Hieht, and do it Quick, too. of said land, vis: Krank Hmlth, James H. Willis ml James Hrnwn, ol ixtniiton, Orenon, and lliouiaa A. urissell, oi itcipuer, (ireKon. J AS. F. MOOKK, 61,Vf.'i' Kegister. Notice of Intention. Land Orrui at La usaxos, Ossoon Jaiiuanr :M. llfia. .TOTIfE 18 HEREBY OIVEN THAT THE V following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to tnaks filial proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made lielore th County Clerk of Morrow county. Oregon, ai iieppner, uregon, on March IV, Iff, vis: YF.IiORUH W. T1IXARD. II. I E No. f.. (or the SU Nsk A nu. NEV Hoc l, Tpl H, K , K W M. ne name ins lotiowing witneiwes to prove his roiitliiiioua residence upon and cultivation oi sain laiin, vis: Jnliii .Manlisll. Thomas Mar hall, Hugh fields and James Johnson, allot ueppiier, urrgon, E. W. BARTI.KTT, 19 t) Notice of Intention. A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is that of plain and decorated Chinaware & Queensware At Gilliam H Bisbee's And by tha way they havs anything yon can call for Iu tbe line ol Hardware, Btoves and Tinware. Rosier. CO WHERE YOU CAN GET WHAT YOU WANT. Land Orrit s at La Grap(. OasuoN January .11, IMS). NOTICE It IIKKFRY OIVtM 1 HAT 11 following named settler has Sled km of his Intention to niaks final proof in suiMHirt of his rlalm, and that said Pnx,f will lie mail hsfors th Connly Clerk ol Morrow rounly, Oregon, at Heiuivr, Oregon, on Varvh W, vU: WUI.IAV R TII.I.ARD, SUMMONS. uw I "THE CIR.TIT ruOBT OF THE BTATE "r.i I of Oregon, for Morrow county. "'2 W. KLord, H. R, Klmald ltd E Sn a.'ia, f,,r the S HKI4 NLs. V J 1 1 a. all '. fU OTT eHJWHt, (, K,w ' VCfCw.CCraCCC. 1 rvVnr IT35 , x r.i " 44 1) Mtrwfk, I IsaH tsxaai. M t Kt .t..ia ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REM. PROPERTY, NOTICE I HEREBY fllYFJI THAT 1'NOKR and by virtue of an oeifer of ftal laaue.1 out nf tliertiitulv Htirl of the atal of Oregon for Morrow rounly, on th 4th day nf JaniK.y. I. the undersigned, as s-lmlnixralor 1 the eaial of Hellen M Allyu. will on an.i .Her Ih lh day of February. ai, pna-eel I.i sell al private sale for cash In hand, all h following drarttlvd real prowrty ol "'. elal alliialed In Morrow rounly , oregm twll the north eaal iuarier ol awllon r'.irtv on. In township one, sooth d fwitge eitly Sv et W M . and Ih norm ml q'l'.ter of aet tlon tlilrly ne. In lownahlp one ouih of rang wuty alt eaal w. M , also ih 011th el uuarter ol an lion Ihlrlv. 1" low nalnp one, sonttl ol ralttfe twenty. Se t-t w. M .together wllh all the U-tiemeiiU. h .e.lttamiii and a'purleliaii. thereunto srioastng 1 1-ate.i al Heppner. titef'B, January -in, ii T, H Lo. ! . Administrator. r V Ka :' !. TP I H. k R M He name th following wlttiew-a to prove his continuous resMvhr upon a 1 rultlvatlon ol seil land. i John M-. shall, Ihotnas Marshall. Hugh Fields and iamrs Johnson, all ol llrppiisr, orrgon. E. W. BARTI.ETT. I ' KegUler. TICE OF II EA RING OEIVS TES T I. i. Lasb Orriig, I him og . l-mlr I llh lT. Complaint hating been made al tho olti. by Die ilu.y erinMl and etrota.rul arbdlt of John fa. Mannln a.l-ng Oit Kate RoMeil ho ma-t ltmlf t iiitnr nlry So I . al the t , a lAtet (irn.e al la i.rao.le, trexn, Jaiinart l, na, l,.r W ol ' an l i ol V and ISL ol of See a. I (. 4 M ; VC U.tlMWhollv 11 e. lo Wllk SUMMONS, S l II E CIRrriT COI RT OF THE FTATE r of oregoq lor Morrow county. Tb A merlon Mortgag Conittwoy, of Si-oliaud, I mute.) a coriratloii, I'lalntirls, John 'J Crafts. Anul Crafts, J atnlth. M V. Har lon, ia. oh H.rter, and Coffin A Mi Farlaiid, as partners, liffrndatila. To John q 1 rafia. i W Smith and M. V. lUrrt- Slon. deleiidanta ll.n, named In lb nam ol ih htaie ol or,-gon Y"U are herehy re)ilre o appear and answer th roniplalul flle.1 araKul ton In lhalirnlltle. nil. on or Iwlore Ih Rrat 1I11 of th not reeii. lar term f th la vntitled romi following Ih riptratlon 1,1 the time pre rtt-ed In th order lor ll, ain.h of this I'llntniilil. whl. h flr.l da? w ill I Monday. Ih tth day ol Man a, (a. and ion and w h ,.l you will Uk nMh- thai If ton lau lo ai l-ear and answer. r aid lbere.. plaintiff will apply to said court tor th reiirf demanded In Its com- r ami, lo w It Fr pidsmenl aaalust John IJ raft and Annie t raits for th aum of I to gether w llh Interest there., n al th rat of right pel rent per aituum from th Aral day of ftr reniivr, l-j. m a,i-rdaaew alia th term of a i-ertali, pn,n,laa..ry H..U, .y Ihem Made and 1. ,lerel to i.iaiiititr or a'aHil th l"lh .tar and I'll 1 1. Metarhen as Ih of com in Is slorri tc., I'latutins, vs. Adolln Howell, Henry Howell. Mary Howelf, John How. I, Nellie Howell, nllllam Howell, man lord Howell, Joseph Howell, Tilda Howell, Ma Howell, Frank How. ell, Thotnaa Howell. Lilly Howell, Heine rarer, KU Farer, Adrlln How. rii, as edministratrU and Henry Unwell as ad. niinmralor of Kiaiilonl Howell, deceased, U. fendanls. To William Howell, Hauls Farer and Rig Farer. Itelendanta: In th nam of th Mela of Oregon: You are ami to titled ami on or l-efnr Ih first day ol Ih Beit hereby rruulred to appear i-oniiuaiui nie.i against answer th on in th shot en id Jun. lae allornrt lot aaid sum lor tbe s-un of ft "i ks in sum of 1 J .l il.e.1 lo l-" With talu l tale and lilt li nau .Il.l,u Ih rimwr I u.tne law. thai she did during j men) f thi still a.eo a .In re . tl.e Ih tear l-xw holly l...oa aal.l ir.-t 01 lan.l , rl.wnrw of Ih retlaln tnortaaae eei ittal sod eer aln.-e baa r..ul.niie. to th de.lterw.1 by Mtid deleo lanla Joha U. t rwltf sama and baa tea. I no tnprotauls upoa and anni Cran. lo r aiillr't to ure the Sei'l tr-i of ant part invrwi, therefor, wilh th t lew ol lb rsnrwllatlaw ol Ut said mry taw wi4 faartws ar hereof siimBotT-e4 and nlewl fat tt sod aptvwt e l.arwj, t Mnreow. l.-iety t iet n Mi.rn.w I o.ipiy tr.a al bl i-ff al tlrrrtier Otw- MiWnl nl tl,aa.t dea. tl-e. R.-u. and bJ Ih aa.a ol said Biaad peoywrty ailna'e.1 B Morrow rounly. oreon, da rthe.1 aab-iinsa. fcvwil Ih South eM iiiarter nf . tlntl A. Tp. 1 snuia of rant - M , and that th treata W aa.1.1 aa.a t-M ai.i.lle.1 I.. I -.a . - . gon, 0.1 Ih. Lib day ol FeOmary I al th of th a.,,t 4 p-wimifl. aibttiets le. i.d ol lo a ria k . 4 said day, ml. 1,.l,li by pnbi let nl II. .1 Iher tw pi-e.1 ..e trtt tewtlinont a Ihay mat ea eon.eriiii.g aai.i a - a n.i her. rall..a h..,l le 1 iia anmiw.ns is served tifew yot by piit.ll- in miePfl tl Ih ' m in reer a-l a e,hew A ., Ue b4 th. 1 ra a n. e t1 n i.fli ri-guiar term ol this court. Ut.wi: Th 7th dsy ol Marrh, lt and If you fall to atisr for want the pialnlltl will apply to the rnurl to grant Ihe relief demanded In the com plaint. Ui wit. For Judgment against you upon pnimisaory hole lor Ih mm of t lo with luh real thereon al th rat ol eight per cent per annum from April 1st. law), the sum of ww" e.u.iorie iee II in rtS Still (llthll r- menu of this suit, snd that th mongage glten loserur th rmiit ol said hot on Ih. fob lowing real property situated In ......... ,,,7 ni oregun lo-wll- Hoiilh eaal unartrr of aee Ja Tn 1 a....ik i ... ) v b fofwhwed and said property snh, and Ihe pna eeds of aald sale Iw applied lo the pa m.nt ol the amount due plaltitlfl. Thieaiiinnioiis Is served 111.. .11 ymi In pnri. am ol an order of th Hon Stephen A lowell Jndg of h alaiv entitled court, mad snri eiitere.1 la said suit on Ihe ilh day nf January l""- BR'iWfl kMiriFI l) I J Attorneys log I'lalullfTk. Best aooomnjodation sod ooorteons Irealroerjl si tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wssb. 8ti., Portland, OregoD. D. E. GILMAN, General Collector Put vourold books and notes In his hands and get your money out of Xtlo:;k,, " Office ia J N. Brown's Buildin.. Ellis & Phelps, ATTORNEYS ATLAW, 0,tlc ' "' Building, Heppner, Of. D. A. CURRAY, Foriuerly of rndlrtoB Tonsorial Artist, 6havlnfj, Hair Cttirt, Shop, MaUiak Corner, 18 C.'nts as " Heppner, Omn. J L. GIBSON, At tha Jon Old SUM. Kliriviine . 1 R Cti iwitw at UltraiMle, 'r.g..n, Hank tih. sm e...t ana 1 al rh.t. u. ai r..11.. Illkll vHlliniX. tl U O 1 l. a oath I Sk gll el iauaa't I ' Ukeeplng Up Ih hfnui: of thl. ih.,a F " ,pT' r " '. 1 Ft.l I Mtttrw hr Irtl nw gi au. aui4 I tlMHi la H AtWMillittiaitgl, t kae y. tail. Ilt I. H. Hvaniba. SW.a,. Mathews & Gentry, BARBERS sns 15 cm, Hoop tw0 dm,.. Houlh of Pogtofflcs, The Old Shop ! LIBERTY MARKET I tlie plftce to go to get joar fiae pork tod I-mb cbopi, stee.i ,DfJ roMt FISH EVERY FRIDAY ?i!..,a.lf,",-,' t-r, KKXJ, MATHEWS. 1