Portland Library PAPER YOUR MONEY'S WORTH TH C Semi-Weekly Gazette AT $2,00 A YEAR. OFFICIAL ADVERTISING WILL PAY IF THE .... Semi-Weekly Gazette IS YOUR MEDIUM. FIFTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEB. 4, 1898. NO. 620 s SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. rCBLIBHID Tuesdays and Fridays THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man. at, tlOJ per year, $1.00 for six months, CO ets. (or three moucns, itriotly in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Poatottlce at Heppner, Oregon, aa second-class matter. THIS PAPER is kept on tile at E.C. Hake's Advertising Agency, Si and 66 Merchants Exchange, Ban Francisco, California, where cou raota tor advertising can he made for it. LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTIB- ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Build ing. Ban Francisoo, is our authorized agent. This papar is kept on file at his office. Going East? IF YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET Important Points. Jaa. C. Pond, Gen. Paa, Agt, Milwaukee, Wia. 0. ft. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 9.80 p- m. daily except Sunday arriving at Heppner J auction 12:05 a. m. Leaves Heppner Junoiion 8:30 a. m, and ar rives at Heppner 8:00 a. m Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00 p. m- and arrives at Heppner Jnuotion 7:50 p. m, anir'Umai ilia 8:50 p. m. Portland Express No. I. from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla til) a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00 .m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction S45 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:au a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 12:25 a, m. and at Portland 7 :2t a.m. For further information inquire of J. C. Hart, Agent O. R 4 N . , Heppner, Ore. ' F3TICI.A.3j DISBOTOKT. United States Officials. President William McKinlev Vice-President Garret A. Hobart Seoretarrof State John Bherman CMoreMrvof Treasury ...Lyman J. Hage Seoretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bum UMMim nf Wur Unimell A. Alver Seoretary of Navy John D. Long Postmaster-General .....James A. Gary Attorney-General Joseph McKenna Heoretarr ,f Agrioulture James Wileon State of Oregon. Governor..... ...W. P. Lord Peo rotary of Bute H. R. Kmcald Tmuiim, Phil. Metsnnan Bnpt. Public Instruction G. H. Irwin fteneral C. M. Idleman " (O. W.MoBrids Senators 1 JThos. H.Tongue IYI.K. Kills HICCII V Printer ......W. H. Leeds WEEKLY ( R. S. Renn, a.m,i Jnilm F. A. Moore. ( C. K. Wolverlon Bixth Judicial District. Circuit Judge Btephen .Lowell I'roMMutina Attorney.. H. J. Bean Morrow Cooaty Officials. Joint Benator - A. W. Onwan u.ni.tin J. N. Brown (lonntiJodae A. Bartholomew FIRST Go via. St Paul be cause -the lines to that point will afford you the very best service. SECOND See that the coupon beyond St. Paul reads via. the Wisconsin Central because that line makes close connections with all the trans-continental lines en tering the Union Depot there, and its service is first-class in every particular. THIRD For information, call on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agenW-and ask for a ticket reading via. the Wisconsin Centra) lines, or address Hotel Heppner (Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.) HEPPNER, OREGON. MRS. L. SMALL, Marnier. Now Open. New Methods. New Manage ment. Strictly First Class. Rates, $i.oo Per Day and Upwards. SPECIAL RATES BY THE WEEK OR MONTH. Bs3A first-class feed barn run in connection. and from all trains. We solicit your patronage. Free 'Bus run to 587-nov.l2 or Geo. 8. Batty, General Agent, 246 Stark St.. Portland Or. H, W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block weat of the Union Depot of C. B. & Q C. M. 4 Ht. P., C. & Ay P. Ft. W. at C, and the C. St. L. 4 P. Railroada. RATES a.oo PBH DAY I Cor. W, Madison and Clinton Sti., C2XXCA.3KX ILL. BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. BOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle or common glass win urine and let it stand twenty-four hoars; a sediment or settling indioates an on- healthy condition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble. Too frequent desire to uri oate or pain in the back, is also ooDvino ing proof that the kidneys and bludder are ont of order. WHAT TO DO. There is oomfort in the knowledge o often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Boot, the great kidney remedy fulfils every wish in relieving pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It oor- reots inability to bold urine and scald ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol lowing use of lianor. wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get np many times daring the night to nrinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing oases. It yon need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail. "diDtion the Heppner Gazette and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing bampton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. PBKS8 COMMENT. When the dispatches annonnoed that the president bad appointed George Roberts, of Iowa, to be direotor of the TTnitnrl States mint there were not many For more than fiftv-six years it has never failed p-" ho were BbI h J J aeotleman rjromoted to this very re- in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and villagers throughout the U. S. The MONTHLY IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity and hspplnesa, Dullness ana home interests, lo Commissioners, . . ., J. W. Beckett. Clerk. o Sheriff-..!... '.a. ... ' Treasurer Surveyor. School Sup't Coroner i. U. Howard ,m.J. W. Morrow ..:E. L. Watlock ... Frank (iilliaui A. (!. Patters .... J. W. Humor ..Jay W. Shipley ....11. F, Vaughau Outlook Published Every Saturday . 13 Astor Place flew York for the Improvement of their or education, lor the elevation o( American mannooa ana IT H A8 told at the fireside, Interesting and lnatructlve atoriea of the doings of the world, the nation and states. . , . IT HAS advlaed the farmer as to the moat approved method! of cultivating and harvesting his a century has held their confidence and eateem, crops IT HAS led in :u iiie inrinvr n. wt uiv iiii'dv .umfvcu mowiw. u. ........ ......n n and the proper time to convert them into the largest possible amount of money, all matters pertaining to the welfare of farraera and villagers, and for over a half XT XS THE. The Outlook will be In 1897, ss it has been daring esoh of its twenty-seven iipo-..MT' V'. years, a History of Onr Own Times. Io its various editorial deptrtmeuti The Outlook gives e compact review of the world's program; it follows with care sll the imporUot pbilaDtbropio sod id- dastriHl movements of ths day; bas si complete department of religious news; devotes mnob space to tbe in teres ti of tbs borne; reviews onrrent literature; furnishes cheerful table-talk about men sod tilings: and, in short, sims to give fresb information, original observation, and reasonable entertainment, uM.Ai Thus. Morgan Gilliam, Arthnr Minor, K. J. ttlooum, tk-1 ....1 .f II kiimntia u" i W. A. RlohanWi T,-".'..' L. W, Hriggs M.t.h.1 A. A. Hubert PreeinrtOIBwr. l pm W. K. Hiehardena Cnnstabi. N. B.WbstatooS lilted Htatet Una Offleere. m nil f M AL J. . Moor lUtlslat A. & Biggs i i Aumn na. o a m.. Rualinar J. H'. Huhhins".' Beosiver I New. York Weekly Tribune, ' . And wa furnish It with the GAZETTE, ona ysaf for ' " $2.75, csah In advance. ' ' ' Addreai all Orden to THE GAZETTE. Write your name and address on a postal card, send It to Geo. W. Best, Tribune Onice, New York city, aim a sample copy ol the new Horn weenty,i riuune win oe maueu w you. siobxt aoczjcTZX. HAWUNS POST, NO. IL 0. A. B. ui. .1 lTirtnn. Or., ths UM tUtardal of ark month. All veterans are totlfad In J.na. a w u.iii. C. (I. rrut4. Adlntant. tf Commamlsr. Beginning with tbe fifty fliftb volume, tbs psper will aesams tbs regnlsr mags- tlneilif, wbiob will add greatly to its eonvenleDfi and atlractivsoess. Tbe Oiillm.k la nnhliahiul sverv Hatnnlav I DP. P. B. McSWOrdS, fifty two leeoes a year. Th.flratla.uel io eaob month is an Illustrated Hageiine A Campaign Of Education How to Get It tT1 rn ,For JKI-. JU PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Drag Offln in the City City Hotel. Store, near tf D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNEK, OUEOON. Number, eontaming about twice as tnsny page aa lbs ordinary Issues, together I wilb large number of picture. Tbs pries of Ths Outlook is three I dollars fear in advance, or less tbso a cent a day. Head (or a spofiimeo copy sod IlloetrsW I DNPHBBLLELED If OFFER Offioeboani.fi to 10 a. m., and 12 to I 4 m at sMldeDee. W. A. Kirk's Prop erty, east of M. K church. Month, sod 10 e0 prospvotn to Tbs Oolloor, 23 Astor to 12, a. tn , to i m o p. m., ai omos id pjw,( Vtm y0,g 0ll,, tbs rear oi iwrg i jewviry mm. Brown & Redfield, Attorneys at Law, Offlo lo tbe First .National Building. IIirruBa, i t Oaso Bank If ITOrl IRA KM, WUIs yul sai rMir snbKrip(l paid as y- I eaekasy rnarbrasi la free of sharf. Rnn. P.O.. net. Of Hil f B M IsH VMliUri saiua, wci am ken lip.. To bs educated one must read the beat literature. Ths beat literature. Is ei penal vs. Leslis's Illustrated Weakly. rubllsned at 110 fifth Avenue, New York, Ii full of the best things. Its Hluitratlona are superb; Its stories charming; sod Its literary departtnsnta ars edited with con- sum mats skill. Such a paper Is groat popular educator. It should be In every bom. The subscription price of Leslie's W P nnnra W piake the unparalleled offer of a copy of Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi Weekly one year for only $4.50. Ko aii'h offer was ever mails before. No each offer will ever be made again. These two papers make a most aiceptahls Christmas or birthday gilt, and will Us conatant reminders of ths gtWa kindness. U I. - a. I - I a. akb l tk CT 111! , M J F.-M., -IU.I v. VI. w ij Ilepplner, Orecon. sponsible offloe. Bat he will be reoog- nized by many when they have been told that be is tbe same Roberts who wrote the little book which was acknowl edged to be the best reply to "Coin's FiDanoial School." He is a young news paper msn, the editor of the Fort Dodge Messenger and writer of considerable ability upon financial topios. There are sometimes strange cbanoes in politics. "Coin" Harvey started the campaign of 1896 by patting out his book, and bad free silver won Harvey might have be oome a cabinet minister. Roberts wrote a reply, and as his side won, be reaps tbe politioal profit from Harvey's efforts. Salem Statesman. Great is reform I Tbe populist state printing offloe has been oondemoed by tbe typographical anions of Taooma and Seattle. Tbe Taooma Bun, a populist sheet, is onlv paying. $150 per day for printers, while tbe union eoale is 82 50. Senator Turner is the real owner of tbe San. He was eleoted by the reform foroes, is a millionaire, and a man with a heavy income, still he is drawing the orown of thorns down upon tbe brow of labor. Great is reform! Cjwli'z Valley Jourosl. What Oregon needs today is fewer laws and lighter taxation. No man should be permitted to take a Domi nation on tbe legislative tloket of aoy party who will not pledge himself pub licly to labor for a redaotion of salaries and the repeal of all laws creating boards and commisione. Times- Mountaineer. W. A. RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace and City Recorder. cowwtit, castas HANK DOOtRS t. J. ROBERTS Rogers & Roberts, Sells an4 fcura real s.ut. tmu . HT . rl, -v,i,---.m Ins si4 III tmrt ton In any way In a la Him. el rsoai.t ns trm First National BankMrWt or ii Em en C. A. AmCA, T. A. iMga. OIO. W. CONtCN, B. W. frlCIA. President Vies President CeeMer Ass't Castiief (o.k. A J..IM.OT.-Hms Sloe riM m. I nU, swmo right hini set bhi square riif M kn SOS soil W H Ntllnsu Of.-Cattle. T)ee ristii iKswwlnw-lurk la sasa sari swflM, H V sj left kip. tn. IW.Im 0..-.R.MS Wtuulal ft V a h shnakvat, seille Sams am tsruup. koie as rvM saf. Vnua l A.. Heiipass'. Of ,-' tie, Lf as trt kii karsaa f omt mAm mm nghl I. mm, rlsrrr. Mttiw, Or-Hnfs braaM si J as the left iU; eaitls bra.tdl t M kip. at mmAmtM la left ax. IUm is Uvrm euaat. J.eena, fells. Lsae. Or H in is. etrrl Hrfl SUSe. essita S4, sme la awl uit aMi 1 mtt. H I., Hpr"iv. SV.-Bnase IwmiM mum same aw ema tsn urn rtsnl iZTZr Zr'ZZr I ni FirP H0I!R;.-Ibv and Nicrht. Leave vour orders "Anr Old. Li. .M tkfm el.la la ,t.l iw.i.ww . . . , , I Daa -Contractors tod DuilJora.- tsas nans and Estimates Given on Short Notice. Truaii I Gaml Eiitt Uwt EXCHANOK pa ell pans el tke w4tl4 Bought .intl Sold. OOttMw ate M all sswate tsasnnebie Tv turpi im ss4 aadlvwM Ui al 00 I Tbs) OaswMe will UleantoansA st sVse, sfgf of baMer e satt1(rtliw aavwasia Asv ms ewtag Ibis m&mtmm sMtte tkw , arenaaU Is tbrt aaaf t ses"! 4 M to t. . . -Ulbs son as SSit tav ,, nw, nMr fw.-4iua, fKM kie, kueaa left sawa M . M , Hhm, Or - H.Mee, M I a left Hwm sauas am oa awi ai J. W.. tVlas " I kMM UniM sknaaWi eattte sua. ua r'slil hiaw fatket i Ulassna. ItardsMs.Or.-BiirM Ifn leflelalW. I hM. IttlvM: ttnnea kesnd Mf eni ail4 l" fWHWifi wmufw, .in, j..,t..w emiif ttrtm ekaHlWi saula,SMMae M . M.MM.eea. .. .. . W pm. m.-Heeasa. 4V m let) esMWta. t U, (I mm rtfM klsv SWt V. 4- NtnM. . - rMle V mm Ml ki -t ' g4 aM kHW la lfl fmrnt, aVWi We W t iW IV-r". I A.. Mti-w, -rlnreee, t e aM H , H-vp l,mtl . ll t e . k. '! omnim mmm mm imf kie sna eiil m lm mmm. WettaaWM. W. I . UlWwr (.! W- rm iw mm afcuMW; Miii. nalV hs kip m4 tm mrm, m4 km Mt sa. Haras I kWvw 04 All Kinds of Repair Work Done- llacc" and Ko. or Jim will cet 'cm. o o o o o o o Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Arc You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All thfedj 10 U procured at Tbrtmpaon BioM, Lower Maifi Street, tieppner, urrgon. Tkas. and era wall ainsPM with Orant. Hsrrr. r.tnnk. Ollllana sad other oowBttae and tmm a.V. Bv.r a-d Usse la m.tli.l tbaaasscUoiH -Ilk traveling rrtraalakevngIUU.SUma. THOM PSON cfe BTNNS, Might As a consistent statesman and leader of publio opinion and "stalwart republi can?" Harvey Boott beats the devil him self. While be squeels "gold standard" daily be condemns ona of tbe moat vital prioiplea of the republican party that of proteotion. He bas alwaya (ongbt it except when tbe hands of bis masters were olaoed on bis throttle. It was be cause of this that be opposed tbe nomi nation of that true American statesmen, James O. Blaine, in 1884. Harvey may be political diotator to tenderfeet; but to those who have kspt a tab on him the past twenty-five years he ia an old fraud and nowortby tbe respect of a Digger "injun". Valley Transcript. Two Droirositions are now before the republican party of Oregon. First, mast suooeetl ooly on true republican principles, aod secondly, we bad better be defeated by bonnet populists than by dishonest snd disloyal fusion for epoils men. John O. Yoong would make an boneat leader, but be oould hardly find lisotenanta eooogb to aid bitn io boneat government. He ia at least too honor able to be drawn into a pot-bunting gams. Eugene Register. Hon. T. T. Geer baa launched bis little aoberoetorlal boom, and has al ready addressed several republioao oloba. It Is so open soret mat no is tbe candidate o tbe HimoD-Hcott-Corbett ring, io case Gov. Lord Is not available, and is ri pelted to deliver the Marion oooofv delrvelion to tbe little boaa in the stale oooveuiion. iMimooraiw Times. THE OHIO BRIB JRY FARCE. From the Walla Walla Union. The more tbe Ohio senate bribery in vestigating oommittee investigates, the more amasing tbe faroe becomes. Tbe aotivity of tbe oonspiring democratic combination in getting together- at the Gibson boase io Cincinnati, and tbe as sistance rendered by epeoial detectives and oondaotors, make tbe testimony amusing wben it is considered what a simple fool that man Boyoe was to be in veigled into soon a trap, if bribery was really intended by a friend of Hanna. Bat who was Boyce, tbe man charged to have been tbe briber? From whence be came and whither be went? The testi mony Is too indefinite to plaoe him, even with so many watohful demoorata con stantly on bis trail. Gol. Campbell who figured in the oon- spiraoy, came from New York to testify. He said be did not believe that Benator Hanna was interested in, or knew Boyoe. He claimed that Boyoe had paid bim $1,750, wbioh he would return to bim if be would oome to Hamilton oounty. Yes, oat who was Bovoe that he would trust Colonel T. FCampe!! with 91,750? Tbe testimony of Otis, tbe representative who was set np to be bribed, is an amas ing pieoo of comedy work. He testifies that be met Henry Harrison Boyoe in Cincinnati, first, on tbe evening of Janu ary 7. About 11 o'clock on tbe morn ing of that day be reoeived a long dis- patob by telephone from a man at the Southern bote! in Columbus, who said be was General Boyoe, that be bad oome from New York and wished to pee bim on important business. Otis told bim it be oould oome to Oinoiinnati he oould see bim. Between 5 and 6 o'olock he went to Boyoe's room at tbe Gibson boose. He met Boyoe, who told him , though a stranger to Otis, that he wished to see bim on very important business; that be represented J. Fierpont Morgan of New York, that be was also a friend of O. a Shane of New York. The con versation turned on tbe senatorial mat teras to tbe ohaooea of Hanna. Otis told bim bis obanoea were not good. Boyoe said Mr. Shane was to have an interview with Pieeident MoEinley that night; that they were both interested in the situation. Boyoe said be did not care who was eleoted. Afterwards tbey parted to meet Saturday. Mr. Otia then dooided that be needed a lawyer, aod be bied himself away and . s eon red OoU Campbell. Tbey met Saturday Tbe conversation was largely along tbe line of tbe previous day's conversation Finally Campbell appeared and was in troduced to Boyce, and the business after that was transacted between tbem. On oross examination, Otia said that nothing was said about Diok, Hollenbeck Dougherty or Major Ratbbone and that Boy oe did not proclaim that be oame as tbe agent of Senator Haona or that Hanna bad aoy oonneotioa with tbe matter. Col. Campbell's testimony was largely a repetition of the above by Otis. While this was going on other ooospirators Wr.'e said to be in bearing distance. Now tbe funny part ia that Colonel T. F. Campbell stands higb as an able, shrewd ead sharp criminal lawyer. The statutes make snob proceedings a on me punishable by imprisonment in the peni teotiary. Knowing this fsot, aod also the purpose of Boyoe, why did be not have officers placed with the lisleoiog party aod have the briber, if guilty, ar rested on tbe spot? Tbe inoonsistenoy of tbs story aa told by tbe testimony of the several witoesses, and tbe improba bility tbat a man, ao entire straoger to Otis, would deliberately approach bim with a bribe, is so great tbat tbe reason able conclusion is tbat the fictitious Boyoe was a figurehead to carry oat dastardly scheme wbiob baa made the parties tbe laughing stock of tbe Ohio people. POWDER Absolutely Pure "Only tbe Bat." should be your motto wben you nstda medioine. Do not be induced to take any substitute when you call for Uood'e Barsaparilla. Kxperienoe bas proved it to be the best. It la an booest medioine, possessing actoal and unequalled merit Be wise and profit by tbe experience of other people). Uood't Pills are tbe favorite family cathartic, easy to take, easy to operate. 10NE 1TEM8. Rev, U. S. Drake preached here on last Sanday. It being a floe day nearly all the people went to church. Geo. Wells aod Chns. Ingrabam Hun dayed in lone. Charlie visited the boys and Geo., well be visited too. J. A. Woolery has been taking an in ventory of bis stook of goods tbe past few days. It looks to us like it was a vexatious job. Cbss. Sperry ia moving today from his father's plaoe to one of Joe Woolery'a houses, and will soon depart for Condon and interior points in the interest of three-link insarsnoe. Tom Woolery was oalled to Heppner yesterday by subpoena to appear as a witness on tbe Rust-Johnson cattle case and Reub Sprrry is holding down the boys at the Klondike while Tom ia away. Mrs. Dr. Ingersoll, of Ban Francisco, Is with as lecturing on Cuban annexa tion and representing a medical institute of 'Frisoo. Her lecture last night was well patronized and was very interesting. Late this evening word was reoeived here by Chris Letalier, tbat a shooting had ooourred down at Lnm Rhea's lower raoob, between a Mr, Ewing and one of Mr. Rhea's herders. Wa did not learn what tbe trouble was over. Several wheat deals have been msde lately at a little better figure than ex peoted. Quite a number of farmers that have been holding wheat for big prices are now ooming to the conclusion that tbey bave lost enough and are now willing to sell at the prioes paid. Measles bave nearly gone tbe rounds, but a oase of scarlet fover is reported at Ed Moore'sr It I s to be boped tbat it is only something mild, as this com plaint among ohildren is a dreadful thing to contend with. Mr. Blake, who is sick also at Mr. Moore's, is somewhat better. Lee Padberg has bought tbe Burl Wood place, three miles below town. Lee ia a prosperous young stook raiser and. baying real estate shows bs is satisfied with Morrow county. Mr. Wood at present does not know where be will looate, bat will probably move to Iome and go into business. Sobsombbr. Ions, Or February 2, '98, The snow bas finally left as, bat tbers may be more to follow. Bprmg is not yet. The measles have been making tba ronnJs. Tba youngest child of R. O. Bperry is still on tbe siok list. W. T. McNsbb and family will taks op their residenoe In oar midst. Tbe population of lone steadily iocresses. Balsiger Bros, bsvs recently purohased ths Wm. MoCafTery plaoe on the creek one mile above lone, consideration 1700. It consists of about 8ft sores. Tba 1st proprietor of oar dram shop left for Klondike. Williams Bros., of tbis neighborhood, also contemplate lsaving in ths spring (or ths same dra- tinatlon. A special school meeting wss held at tba lone school boose snd a five mill tax lavisd. It is tbe Intention of having nine months term of sobool ths corning ysar. All wbo desire to edacata tbsir obildren will do well to looate at lone. Wa are confident that our board of directors will do even thing in their power lo baild up a good school. A Citizen. lone, Janaary ), lHUH. How te Look Good. Oood looks are really mora tbso skin deep, decoding entirely on a healthy ooditioa of all the vital orgms. If tbe liver be inactive, yon bave a billions look, If your stomach b disordered yon bave a dysoeptM look; if your kidneys be sffeotod. yon bave a pin'titd look. Her ore good heallb, ami you ill sorely bave good loots, "bleotno Mtttars I a strvxl alternative aod tooic. Ants di rwctly on tba stomach, liver ami kidoeya. Pnrlflea tbe blood, en res plmpl blotches and boils, and givea a good complexion. Kvery bttl guaranteed Sold by Hiorqm Drag Co , K. J. ttloaacu, maoager. Vi oants per bottle. Cattle Prospects. There ia rood Dromtee of tbe price of cattle in Oregon, Washington and Idaho for Jons delivery being folly equal il not eiceediLg that paid last season, ssys tbe Oregooian. B. O. Langley, stook ageot of ths Great Northern railway, and Joseph Roach of Nortbfield, Minn., one of tbe bitfgxet stock operators io tbe northwest, were in Portland tba other day. Mr, Roach last year passed a great deal of bia lima In Oregon aad Washington, pnreheaiaf maoy tboosead bead of oattls, and la now again lo tbe field with a similar purpose io view. Us bee contrasted for 2. IK W head of Ii-tear olds at about tT2 per bead, wbiob abows tbat the prises of laat year are being maiotained, if not a shads better, lira air Is rllo4 Dee. (1.n blood means a clear) skin. N'o trf-auly without il. L'ssx-sret. 1 sndy Cetbar tin rlvan vour blood ami kwi It ilvan. t stirring up tli laty liver and driving all list iitinti) liom the rly. l-gin iinr to Miiiah piliil.-a, IkhU, l,ln( 1m , tila klirads, and that an kly bilious complexion hy takiua t saarta, tweuly for tn rents. All drug gists, satisfarttoo guaranteed, lOc, 23c, ft?. It ia easy to catch a oold and just aa easy to gel rid or il if you oorameooe early to use Ona Minute Cough Cure. II cores ooaghs, colds, bronobitis, pneu monia aod all throat aod lung troubles. It is pleasant lo take, safe to oas and sure to oura Cooser A Brock Mlslafurasrd. This papsr, lo lasl Friday's issue, stated that Kluier Gentry bad disposed of bia Raud Hollow ranoh and would shortly leave for the upper ooaotry. In this lb OssAlte was misinformed, aa be bas sot sold out, neither will bis Isruily remove (rem Ibis county. Mr. Gentry baa rented bia plaoe for two years lo the parties meationsd, and will himself leave about tbe lal of March for Oakss dale, Was)hH to be aUeot soma weeks. While goue be will work for bis brother , helping with tbe spring plowiog aod sowing. Mrs. M. D. Ford. Itti.ldell's, HI., suf fered for sight ysars from dyspepsia aod obronlo oooetipallon and was finally sored by nsing DeWltl s Little Karly Ilisera, tbe famoas little pills for all etoinerb aod liver troubles, Cooser A Urock. Ta Cure aa.ilatlua ureter. Take arete Cbimjv I altiartia. Ins orSM. II C U. C. tail la sure, diyta tetania aauewf.