Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 01, 1898, Image 4

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Denver & Rio Grande
arris th ohoici
Of Two Transcontinental
The Pacific Northwest
Tlroili Without Chaofe.
Spokane Salt Lake
St. Paul Omaha
Chicago Kansas City
Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
Rleamnrs Monthly from Portland to
Ynkohoma end Unna Kong; via, Tbi
Northern Ptnifln Htearnsbip Oo. In con,
oection with O. R. N.
For fnll detail call on 0. R. A N
Agent at Heppner, tr address
IXnlwell. Csrllll. A Co.. Quii'l. Agts., Nor. I'M
8. M. Co., Portland, Ore.
Oen. Pmi. Agt.
Commencing February lit, TOURIST SLEEPER
leaves Portland every Tuesday at 9 p. m., via
0. R. & N., Denver 4 Rio Grande, Rock Island,
Lake Shore, New York Central, and Boston 4
Albany Railroads.
Excursion car carried on
Fast Boston Special
East of Chicago, making the run In 28 hours;
several houn quicker than any other line.
For ratei and all information, call on er
General Agent, Gen. Pang. & Tkt. Agt.
2!il Washington St., Denver, Col.
Portland, Oregon.
J. C. Hart, Local Agt.. Heppner, Or.
Rural Spirit
Published Weekly
Portland, Or.
If in, be sure and see that your
ticket rend Yli
Tie nWm Lin
Tntu it tii
Great Short LiQe
Thdr Tra-k. IWtli-as VnltlqM
lhl ! hi-,Im I ar
Ileitis, end Mullu;
"always on timi;
hu lt.ti Mils nwl a nail-niel rrimuiliin
rliM kwriirn affll mi Hi
Italne alliioMl r.l'a rlia
in l ren-l iio'f llila
hate Hi Sle
w. it Mn.
lirn sl
. Vl.lilitn IM
xlilu I "'if Irotwiil
mil ls Una. All eaule
and Turf.
Worth it weight in gold to every farmer
and breeder in Uregon.
Hum pie copies free.
Hiral Hpint end Gazette both for
f-LOO, euh, at tbn ollloe.
1 I I A.
I fa. r A I". Agl.
, INillUlxl. H,
muwaukes & SI. Paul R'y
This Railway Co.
Operate H Iraiw en tli faiunaa bines
Ma In train hf tlHtlolly thrmib
oal; I'm II CeWtif at4 eiaelrt berth f4
It an speedily Pmt lains
. day an I !.! twleae HI I'nnt
l itue, I (ir.
Chicago. .Milwaukee A
St. Paul
Ataa lawlxi teaa heateJ ee4i bated
IfAika, ra'i4 le bleat ftela
eepriael ee. Iitoari IxfM -l
ai, B4 -eJe a 4iisil, raR
ease, free rlitilatf eletr mt
I Iba aff l-e-at diu ctiair a
f.. ..eael la Bi.t tanat the
t'eHe4 eies-ai f 1'et.aje, all'lf I
-. I a al l'
O, J. I MlT.
J. W (tI T. tUi..l A.t.
Ttat, I'aaa. t.
IVitl.a I, (tr
'ffli; in.
TllhOfiHI ru.
Trade Marks
Anrona aanrtlni a sketrh and dORcrlplInn mnj
and sir wriiii our opinion free wlmlher su
Iti.miiion la pruliahlf ialeiitHllo, C'liiiiniunlra
ti..ii .irni lr o.iii.IimiiIkI. I land bonk on I'sUnta
pmi Ira. IMiliwt airanrr fur awurliir pilteiit.
I'aiiHifi Iniaii tlirouKh Munu 4 Co. rscslvt
tfi'tl n"titr, ll tmiit vhnrKa, la the
Scientific American.
A nandantnalf H1nntrntod woekly. T.srROit Hr
rulaiiim of aiir wlwiillln lnnrua.1. 'I'uniu, a
(..iir niMiiilis, U Bold by all newBitiinlera.
MUNN & Co.3etB-d-- New York
twaaoa wMoa. 106 V Ht., W&ahluglon, D. C.
Tl.tt Out
Cbn of
IUa(laJ and Nelnon.
NUi.a aal HomUoiI,
Oiiada ;
iv AM
All-Kail Route Without
Cars liotween Hpokane.
Alio betwtien
tiaily fxoept
Knanland -i
") r. M
. SKI P. M
.: P. M
m.w hitIiiiiiI Nxlwin with stpsmiirs for
aaHi. ni an nHiiini Minn LMiluU
swa fur" Kutl la lllvor and
m anivui mm aiMtfe Unllv.
Ss WerM
Almanac 0
lone it 10 have a drag itore, it U said.
E. O. Holland was up from Lexington
Def nty Clerk Wells visited friends in
lone on Sunday.
Ed MoDaid is np from the sheep
rarjeh near Lexington.
Mitchell Beamsn was in town yester
day from Black Horse.
What is Hop Gold? Best beer on
earth. Wee ad elsewhere.
Joe Filkms, the Douglas postmaster,
was io Heppner Saturday.
To trade A Rood heating stove, for
oordwood. Call at office. tt.
Press CreBSwell was np from the Mat
lock stock ranoh Saturday.
Dr. P. B. McHwords rstnrned from bis
eastern viait on Banday morning.
Felt boots and rubbers, and Arotio
overshoes at T. R. Howard's. 605-tf.
Kobt. Krick has returned to Heppner
after an absence of several months.
One Minute Oougb Care cares quickly.
That's what you wantl Conser & Brock
Woldron Rhea returned from a busi
ness visit to Walla Walla on last Sunday
Jack Chambers and Wm. Kadio are
reported on tbeir way from Canyon City
to Heppoer.
Mrs. Will Spenoer returned on SuDday
morning's train from a visit to relatives
at Pundleton.
Rev. Drake, Ohas. Baroett and Chas.
Johnson are down attending the olub
oonventiou today.
Fine home-made taffy at the Orange
Front. A olean, fresh stook of goods-
leave your orders. tf,
Frank Melvin, of Julietta, Idaho, is in
Morrow county representing a school
supply oompaoy.
W. F. Barnett wus in Heppner yeBter
day and reports a cessation of measles
down at LexiUh'tt o.
Painless remedy for extracting teeth,
If not as stated, no obarges. Try Dr.
Vaugbau's new plan. 604-tf,
J. B. Crosfield, representing The
Mitobell Lewii-Staver Co., is in town in
the interest of his firm.
It you need something for your system
oall at the 'Phone The Telephone sa
loon, City hotel building. tt
Commissioner Beckett Bod John Bey
mer were among the Eight Milers visit
ing our town yesterday.
Pate Niobolsen, Tilt Warren, Pearl
and Gill Jobea were in from the west
side of the oonnty yesterday.
"Spider" Johnson, the mixologist at
Low Tillard's Telephone saloon, left last
night for a brief visit to Portland.
E. G. Noble & Co. are rustlers after
business. Tbe finest saddles and bar
ness to be found in Heppner. See tbeir
new ad iu tbis issue. tf.
Stop tbntooughl Take warning. It
may lead to consumption. A 26c bot
tle of Hliilob's Care may save your life.
Hold by Conser & Brook. z
W. E. Brook left last even ing for Hills
boro to attend to tbe settling up of his
affairs down there, having recently dis
posed of bis Uiilsboro drug store.
Karl's Clover Root Tea, tor Constipa
tion it's tbe best and if after using it
you don't say so, return package and
get yonr mouey. Sold by Coonef A
Brock. i
Newt Whetstone, E, L. Freeland and
Otis Patterson left last night tor Port
land to attend tbe league convention
today. From all aooouuts it will be a
grand old "scrap".
A day and night force la now at work
no the Heppner Light ft Water Co. s
wall and makinf good progress on tbs
improvements. The wsll will be en
larged four feet for dtpth of 75 feel
ttbuobs Consumption Cure oures
here others fail. It is the leading
Cough Core, and no borne should be
without it. Pleasant to take and goes
right to tbe spot. Sold by Oouser A
Brook. x
Miss Jannie Bartholomew has racov
red from her siege with measles suffic
iently to return to her place in tbe post
oQlce. Miss Altba Leach has filled tbs
position during Miss Bartholomew's in
Isaao (Inker, who is working a claim
about 3 miles from Caoyon City, took
out HoO tbe result of 3 days work
last week, and has fully $2000 in sight
There is no small auiouot of exoitetuent
in that section over tbs And.
From the Portland Chronicle.
Last Sunday's Oregonlan pleads guilty
to being a "distarber." It boasts of the
fact. "Such, indeed, it wishes to be, and
such it intends to be it be can" is the de
fiant attitude of that great incubus of
republican politics. If it were simply
"an independent journal and oritio," as
it now asserts, no one wonld question its
right to "be a chief disturber here
abouts." But when It claims to be "an
independent republican journal;" when
it seeks to control republican platforms
and diotate republican nominations,
tbea it hasno right to be "a disturber."
Common deoency and a proper respect
tor tbe opinions of mankind prohibit
snob conduct. It is treason to its pro
fession of a desire for republican suc
cess. It makes itself out to be a brazen
fraud. If it were a real friend ef repub
lican success it would not glory in being
a "disturber." It would not blindly
lash its republican associates. It would
not excite Kilkenny oat fights at every
torn. All these things, however, are
done by tbe Oregonian. Its olaim of be
ing a republican journal, therefore, is a
flaunting lie. Tbe Oregonian is a se'.f-
oonfessed, brszen traitor to the republi
can party. Its avowed chief mission is
to breed discord by assailing republican
leaders oo any pretext and at every
juncture, regardless of party mandates
or party interest.
What Dr. A. E. Halter Says.
Buffalo, IS. I. Uents: f rom my
personal knowledge, gained in observing
tbe effeot of your Sbiloh's Cure in oases
of advanced consumption, I am prepared
to say it is the most remarkable remedy
that has ever been brought to my atten
tion. It has oertaioly saved many from
consumption. Sold by Conser & Brock.
if rt i
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Ask It.
$ Standard
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At r Hf. sla m Att
Meetings were held in tbe Baptist
oburoh on Friday and Saturday evenings
by representatives of tbs Salvation
Army. Standing room was at a premium
and many were unable to get inside tbe
ohurob. A full force of the army is ex-
peoted to arrive at Heppner soon, when
the oastles of Old Satan will be stormed
to a finish.
Weekly Excursions to the East.
A tourist sleeping car will leave Port
land every Tuesday at 9 .-00 p. m., via
tbe O. R. A.N. without obsnge to Boston,
and under tbe supervision of experi
enced conductors. No obsnge of oars to
tbe cities of Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo or
Boston. The ideal trip to the East it
now before you. Remember tbis servioe
wbeo going East, and consult O. R. A N.
Agents, or address,
W. H. Uuri.bdbt,
Gen. Pass. Agt..
Portland, Or.
8nch an Offering;, Except From tbe Poor, la
an Insult to God and His Chareh.
"Tbe important part which the peony
plays in the average oburoh offering is
known to every on a who has ever been
interested in ehorcb finanoes," writes
Edward W. Bok io the February Ladies'
Home Journal. "And that it is a part
entirely out of proportion to tbe neces
sities, is felt and realized by many a
cburoh treasurer. Soores of people who
oould afford to drop a nickle or a dime
into the oburoh offering, oontent them
selves by giving a penny. Tbe feeling
is either that the smallest offering 'will
do,' or the matter ot church finanoes is
not given any thought. There is a fail
ure to realize that a ohurob is the same
as any other business institution, and it
must have money for its maintenance.
There is snob a tbiDg as too literal
an interpretation ot tbe phrase that 're
ligion is free.' Of oourse, it is free, and
let us hope that it will always be so in
this country. But to make religion free
costs money and tbis isn't an Irish
bull, either. There are those to whom
more than 'the widow's mite' given to
tbe oburoh would mean ' doing without
some absolute necessity of life. Tbe
penny of such a one is the most welcome
gift to any oburoh, the most noble offer
ing which any ona can make. But trom
those who oan give more tban a penny,
apd who are giving only tbe peony, suob
an offering is an insult to God and His
oburoh, and the sooner people see tbe
matter in tbis bard, true light tbe better.
I am almost tempted to say that tbe
great majority ot oburohes could, with
perfect justice, rule out the penny from
their offerings. Were tbis done tbe
niokle would be tbe prevailing offering,
and to bow few persons, when one stops
to oonsider tbe question, would such an
offering be a bardnhip or an impossi
bility? A yearly offering ot two dollars
and sixty oents, calculating that one at
tended ohurob otoe each Sunday, or
twioe, with one offering ot five oents,
would galvanize the oburoh finances of
tbis country."
Aa Eminent New York Chemist and Scientist
Makes a Free Offer to Oar Reader.
The distinguished chemist, T. A. Slo
cum, of New York City, demonstrating
his discovery ot a reliable cure for Con
sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis),
brooobial, long and ebest troubles,
stubborn coughs, catarrhal affeotions,
general deoline and weakness, loss of
flesh, and all conditions ot wasting
away, will send THREE FREE BOT
TLES (all different) ot his New Dis
coveries to any afflicted reader of this
paper writing for them.
His "New Scibntifio Treatment" has
cured thousands permanently by its
timely use, and be considers it a simple
professional duty to suffering humanity
to donate a trial of his infallible onre.
Soience daily develops new wonders,
and tbis great chemist, patiently expert
menting for years, has produoed results
as beneficial to humanity aa can be
claimed by any modern genius. His
assertion that lung troubles and con
sumption are curable in any olimate is
proven by "heartfelt letters of grati
tude," filed in his American and Euro
pean laboratories in thousands from
those oored in all parts of tbe world.
The dread Consumption, uninter
rupted, means speedy and certain death.
Simply write to T. A. Slooum, M. C,
98 Pine street, New York, giving post
office and express address, and the free
medicine will be promptly sent direct
trom bis laboratory.
Sufferers should take instant advan
tage of bis generous proposition.
Please tell the Doctor that you saw
this in the Gazette, published at Hepp
ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 yr.
Now Prepared to do Any
Kind of Printing Don't
Send Your Orders Away
'Till You Get the Gazette's
Heretofore the Gazette's job depart
ment baa tried to do no work other than
plain printing. However, tbis shop is
now prepared to taokle anything in any
line and will meet prioea of anv neraon
under the sun in the line ot druggists
supplies, blauk books, bank . work
oonnty work, or any sort ot book bind
ingwork that yoo have heretofore sent
away to get done.
Tbe Gazette shop is not a charity
ooncern but if yon will give us a ohanoe
we will see that you are satisfied in
every particular.
Buy your goods at borne. Remember
that Abe Lincoln jpaid that when one
bought goods away from borne tbe
foreigner got tbe money . and we got tba
tsuuua. xui wnen toe goods were
bought at home we bad both money
and goods. This is good doctrine. Wa
are willing to abide by it. When the
printing drummer comes to town,
member it and call up 'phone No. 3.
"The Regulator Line"
Crook Co. Journal: Heppner boasts
of having one of tbe ''finest" and tbe
claim is allowed brass bands in tbe
tate. It is oomposed exclusively ot
ladies and when tbe springtime cornea
Gentle Aouie, Heppnerites anticipate
listening to music too sweet for anything.
Two Millions Year.
When people buy, try, nnd buy agnin, it
menus thi'V re satiHlied. 1 he people ot the
'nited States are now buying CuscnreU
unci v Cathartic nt the rate of two million
ioxch a year anil it will be three million he-
ore New ear a. It means merit proved.
that CaKcaretH are the moid delightful bowel
rrimlntor for pvprvhnflv flip vpiir mnml All
druggisti 10c, 25c, 50c a box, cure guaranteed.
Rev. U. S. Drake, ot Lexiogtoo, was
in Heppner Saturday and made tbis
office a pleasant call. It was his in
tention to leave for Portland last even
ing to acoompany bis wife home. Mrs.
Drake bas been below for some time re
ceiving medioal treatment and is greatly
improved in health.
Mrs. Mary Bird, llarnshnrg, Pa., says,
"My chilil is worth millions to me, yet I
nmld lmv lout bur by croup bad I Dot
invested twenty five cents iu a bottl of
One Minute Cough Cure." It cures
ouugbi, colds and all throat and lung
troubles, Conner A Brock.
Uod. J. N. Brown was a passenger oa
laet night's train oo bis way to ILlla
I boro. its will probably remain over al
Portland to attend lb msetiug of repub
lican chilis and tha slat central com
initteeol wtuob Mr. lirown Is a mem
ber from Morrow ooonty. During Mr,
Brown's sojourn in Ueppner be disponed
ot bis oily property, Mr. T. A. Rhea
lniig ths rnrebnner, and also his stock
In tbs Heppner Light A Water Co.
HcedyJan. . iS98,
On All A'fws Stands.
I jf k'cr, iVctlcr.More Complete
linn Lvcr.
Prosperity comes quick! to the man
whose liver is in gooa conaiuoo. i-
Witt'i Liltls Early Kisxrs are famous
little pills tor constipation, billionto
indigos! loo ami all slomacu and liver
troubles. Conner A Brock.
Consumption Positively Cured.
Mr. R. B. Greeve, merobant, of Cbil
bowie, Va., oertibes ibat be bad con
sumption, was given np to die, sought
all medioal treatment that money oould
procure, tried all oougb remedies he
could bear of, but got no relief; spent
many nights sitting up in a chair; was
induced to try Dr. King's New Discov
ery, and was oured by tbe use ot two
bottles. For past tbree years bas been
attending to business, and says Dr.
KiDg's Nsw DUoovery is tbe grandest
remedy ever made, as it bas done so
much for bim and also for others in his
oomrounity. Dr. Kiog's New Discovery
I is guaranteed for coughs, olds and con
sumption. It don't fail. Trial bottles
free at Slooum Drug Co., E. J. Slooum,
Long Creek Eagle: Tbe Klondike
fever has struck many Grant county
residents. There is going to be some
Klondike excitement in tbe mining dis
tricts ot Grant county, and wise will be
those who give tbeir attention to pros
pecting in Grant oonnty in preference to
putting off to the frigid north.
Mrs. Stark, Pleasant liidgs, 0., says;
'After two dootors gave up my boy to
dis, I saved bim from croup by uaiug
One Minute Cough Curs." It is the
quickest and moat certain remedy for
roughs, colds and all throat an 1 lung
troubles. Conser A Brook.
Elaht Mill Tax Levied.
At tbs sobool meeting held at tbe
oourt bouse on Saturday afternoon, an
8 mill tax to defray tbe expenses of dis-
triot No. 1, was levied by tbe unanimous
vote ot all present. The meeting was
very poorlv attended, but 11 patrons of
the sobool being present. This meeting
brought forth the following facts: Tbe
present indebtedness ot tbe distriot is
11315.32; cost ot ruoniog sohool per
moulb, 3G0; amount of taxable property
in tbe distriot, $:;9,803. Our citizens
should manifest more interest in our
sohool meetings and turn out in larger!
If you suffer from any of the
ills of men, come to the oldest
Specialist on the Pacific Coast,
,1051 Market SL Est d 1862.
Voonir men and middle
aeeU men who are suffering
I bom the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex
cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical
jaBiiii.v.Eiiipoieney.ijoai nnnaooii
in all its complications; Nnerniatorrhnea,
lrataturrhwa, Jonorrlio?a, dlf-ct,
I'requraey of ITrliiiMlMa, etc. By a
combination of remedies, of great curative pow
er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment
that it will not only afford immediate relief but
permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to
perform miracles, but U well-known to be a fair
and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent
in his specialty Dlaeasea Of Men.
Krtthllia thoroughly erndlrated from the
ysti-m without using ltirrury. A
KVKBT MAN applying to OS Will re-
. ceive our honest opinion of his complaint. a
WcwillUuarantce a POSITIVE CUJiE in f
twry cane we undertake, or forfeit One A
Thotirtand Iollarg. f
Consultation FREE and strictly private.
tntnt personally or by letter. Send for book, A
" The Philosophy of Slaxrlage,'4 f
frea. (A valuable book for men. J A
Great Museum of Anatomy i
the finest and largest M useum of its kind in the
world. Coma and leam how wonderfully you w
tire made; how to avoid sickness and disease.
V.'e are continually adding new specimens, w
CATALOGUE iREE. C'allorwrlta.
1051 Market Street. San Francises. Cat. f
The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co.
Leave Tbe Dalles daily (i xoept Sunday)
at 730 a. m. Leave Portland at 7:00
a. m.
When you go to Portland, stop off at
The Dalles and take a trip down tba
Columbia; yon will enjoy it, and sava
General Agent.
Jan Fronolsoo
And all points In California, via the Mt Bhastn
route of the
Southern Pacific Co
The great highway through California to all
points Hast and South, brand Been in Koute
of the Pacific Coast. Pullman Buffet
Weepers, Beoond-olass Bleeper
Attached to exoress trains, sltimlmi annartna
accommodations for second-class passenaer.
rur mm, uuiiu, steeping car reservations,
etc, .call upon or addresa
B. KOEhLeR, Manager, C. H. MARKHAM,
Oen. F. A P. Agt,. Portland, Oregon
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Fat-1
ent business conducted for Moornarc Fees, t
Our Orrict is Oppositc. U, s. PaTCMTOrriet
and we can secure patent la less time than those
remote from Washington.
Send modeL drawing- or photo., with descrip
tion. Vie advise, if patentable or not. frea of
charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured.
a PastPHLi-T- now to Ubtam Patents." with
cost oi same in ths U. S. and foreign countries
sent tree. Auaress,
Opp. phtimt Orrici, Washington. D. C.
VVVVVVaVyVyVyVa'a'a'a'a-liVaV.'a"! V. SHiartS)
A Mara Thing for Ton.
A transaction In whiili youiannot loselsa
u ro llilng. Biliouaness, sick headache, fur
red tongue, fever, piles and a thousand oilier
Ilia nre canned bv constipation and aluggiBb
liver. Cascatvta Candy Cuthartir, the won
d,n fill new liver stimulant and iutot.lnal
tonic are by all Uruggnti gunrauteed to curs
or money refunded. C C C are a sure
thing. Try a box to-duy; 10c., c., 60c.
fcUiiii'le ikiid booklet froe. bee our big I
T.-M: Bert Pbelps is down from
Heppner visiting old friends. He is firm
in tbe belief that Hsppner is ths best
town in Eastern Oregon outside ot Th
Dalles, though hs is still partial to bis
old boms aod associates bare.
Miss Allies Hashes, Norfolk. Va., was
frightfully burned oo the face and neck.
Fain was instantly relieved by LVWitt s
Witob Hsiel sulve, wbiou healed the in
jury witboot leaving a soar. It Is tbe
tsmous pile remedy. Conner llrock.
J. W. Stewart, of Corvnllis, is in town
on Ins way to his uroot oonnty raacn.
Mr. Stewart bas been a member of
numerous republican stats conventions
and has always enjoyed the confidence
of bis neighbors and frieods.
For Constipation taks Karl's Clover
Tea, lbs great Blood Pnnflir, eures
headaches, Nervousoees, Eruptions on
tbe face, aod makes tbs head as clear
a bell, fold by Conner A Brock. I
E. O.: Mr. aod Mrs. 1. A. Currey, of
Heppner, are visiting la Pendleton. Mr,
Currey is bers to offer stook Io tbs Wus
Mountain Mtoning and Milling Co., r
coolly tucMrporalad at Heppner.
Tbs Jumbo mine peopla ar talking
very strongly ot polling in a Stimo mill
Just at preaent active operations on tb
mm bavs ceased, but it if tbs intention
to begin work again soon.
A Very Pleasant Party.
On last Tbnrsdsy evening a very pleas
ant psrty was given at lb residence of I
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McFarland, of this
city. It was in tha nature ot a surprise
to Mr. and Mra. F. K. Bartholomew aod
tbs member of tbs Holly club were tb
invited guests. Mr. and Mrs. McFar-1
Uod ar very bospitabl entertainer
and all those present on this ooeasion
report that they wer highly entertained.
An elegant Inoob was not th least
among th many attraotinos ot th
Tettrr, Halt-Hhrum and Fx- em a.
The intense Itching and smarting, inci
dent to thee diiwHAna, is innt antl v allayed
by applying Chamberlain's tye and
Skin Ointment. Many very bad case
hav been permanently enrw by it. It
is tonally efficient for itching, pile and
a favorite remedy for eore nlrple.
chapped hands, chilblains, frost biu
and chrome sore eye. 23 ct. per box.
Eastern Oregon
State Normal School
Weston, Oregon
Located on the O. R. A N. Railway
midway between Pendleton and
Walla Walla. Students admitted at
all times of tb year.
First-Class Training School for Teachers.
Voosl and Instrumental Mnsio taugbt
by oompelent instrnctors. A gradu
al of tb Boston Conservatory bas
obarg of tb instrumental department.
IMio Jticllef' Boarding Hall
Is thoroughly eqnioped and offers ex
cellent accommodation at reason abls
rate. Send for catalogue.
Add M. G. ROYAL, President of Faculty ee P. A. WORTHING'
TON, SerUry Board f Regents, Wton, Or.
Dr. fadj Condition Powder, are
just what a borne needs when in bad
condition. Tonic, blood purifier and
vermifuge. They are not food but
medicine ami the beet in use to put a
horse in prime condition. Price Zi
cents per packAg.
01s ...." m . . . . sOls
m Weekly Inter Ocean m
Largest circolitioi op aht political piper ii ths west
i l. j Afjatiaji fubliil
fN.iitier Iiiil'ii9. Nw York.
ThaW.ll C. met at th reaideues of
Mrs. Steve Lalaod oo Saturday after
noun. It was decided Io join lb G. A.
R. In joint installation oa Fslurdsy,
Feb. 1:', when it is expected tbat all who
whinltsnd will bavs a very eojuyabl
r,lurteVaar tluweli Wiin) Cnaeerete,
( aii'lf Cathartic, cure constipation foreier.
too. II U C- C. tall, Orusmeie relund aei.
If Mavrrv.? 8
Aak your
f"r a g nrrM
10 CET
E!iS Cresm Calm
r;in no e-.iis
m.-n-iirv twr en viuvt
miurtnae erujf.
Ills i'y Absorhaa.
Unas Hw-f at ml
tl iMne nl eififsa
l Nsal Ha
Ati.re luSiamatxe
tin s sa.l 'im.i t'e Vai"t.a. Kr.i.w t'n
iknM nf T.a al Smail. ' .il etae MC. t Tt .
1e ; at tt ,-.' t v as ,H
L BKul UKl.-v S Viarraa nrewt.yw Totk.
fcM M. LkI den thai A Co. for shoe.
Tks Pnaeara Mortal,
Tb popoorn social givn at tb Cbrla-
tian obnrcb on Friday evening
largely attended and greatly enj iyed by
Ibos present. roporn waa nnrh la
evidence, a lart quantity of that tooth
ns attiela being diepoaed ot. A
spleadii Inneb, prepared by lb aid
iity, wa a lan stnkiug fastar of
tb evesiog and was the no ores of brint
log in moeb ravanaa. Tb social provid
quit a succea flnaoolally.
tt is radically Rpublkan, advocatine
aj tbe cardinal doctrines oi that party
with ability and tkrntttntnjjjj
J JBtit it can always be relkd on
foe fair and honest reports of all po-
laical rnovtmentJj jja jijll
a 2
It Is Morally Cleat tad s Family Paper It Without a Peer.
Tb Uttrmtur oi lit column l
tqumt to that ot th bt mg
tla. It It Inttnttiag to th cblU
frea at wtll at tb partntt........
i. A. Perkins, of Antiquity, O., wa for
thirty year aeedleaely tortured by pby.
siciaos for tbe enr of rctema. II a
uniokly cored by asing 1Wim' Witcb
Hsiel salve, tl famous healing ielve
for pika and skta dieeaaea, C-oser A
Tba (leS'tle arrHI full Murk nf
moitrnlng aole, eorrrapoodene sly I,
with eavi(a to maU'b. 1 boat desiring
neb stationary lea ksv tbeir want
applied el tbi office. tf.
and while H brings to th family THE NEWS OF
THE WORLD and rives its reader the brat and abiot
rf iart tons of aQ qurstiorst of tb day, kt is tn full lympaihy
with th idea and aspirations of Weatero peopl and
diKusar literature and politics from the Western ataedpotnU J
twv MrtT a ii vi tu tYmtiiwi
iiiii ocxai Ati hit or Taut
or nti Sill 2
M vaar Sill"
l.o rr tear In J
rHra.f Tall V ar aaall
frlea al aa? b aaall
Italia ee aaaar Bf aaall
With The Gazette, $2.50 per Year.