Poor and Weak Catarrh and Bronchial Trouble Had no Appetite-Now Better In Every Way-A Delicate Child. "Some time since I took a sadden cold and could not get rid of it. Being subject to catarrh and bronchial trou ble I coughed terribly. I lost my appetite and grew poor and weak and I did not feel like work. I began taking Hood's Barsapa rllla. In a short time the cough disap peared, I slept well, had a good appetite and I was better in every way. Last spring I was not feeling well, I had no ap petite and no strength. I resorted to Hood's Sarsaparilla and soon felt more like work. My little nephew was a deli cate child and had a humor which trou bled him so he could not rest at night. He has taken a few bottles of Hood's Sar saparilla and now he has a good appetite and is able to sleep." Misa Abbib J. Fbeeman, South Duxbury, Mass. Hoods s3 Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. 1. Huvl'c Dille are the best after-dinner 11UUU fills pills, aid digestion. 250. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. The Gazette can offer the following clubbing rates: The GAZETTE f 2.00 and Club Rate Weekly Oregoniau, $1.50 $3.00 " 8. F. Examiner, $1.50 8.25 N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 , 2,7 5 " Inter-Ocean, $1.00 2.50 " S. F. Chronicle, $1:50 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle and map $2.00. . . 8.75 Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 2.75 Webfoot Planter, 60o 2.00 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 t 4.50 Rural Spirit, $2.00 8.00 New York Wool Record, $2.00 8.00 McCall'a Magazine $1.00 1.30 Yearly subscribers to the Gazette oan get clubbing rates with any paper on earth. METH. EH8C. CBUKCH. SERVICES. Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Classes No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m. Kpworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8 p. m. 'The Hfibit and the bn 'e say, dome." The pastor may be found at the parsonage ad joining the church, where he will be glad to meet any wko may desire to oonsult niin on reUnions, social, civio, philosophic, educational, or any other subject. J. W. FLHSIIEB, Minister. M. K CHURCH, 80UTH. -'- 8KHVICE8. Sunday, preaching 11 a. m.,7 p. m., class meeting following morning service. Hunday school, 3 p. m. Kpworth .league, Fri day, 7 p. m. "Let us forsake not the assembling of our selves together. " Pastor's residence in parsonage, next door to church. C. K. Howabo, Pastor. The Ladies' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at 8 o'clock, p. in., on the first Wednesday of each month, at the home of Mrs. T. J. Matlock, r Tare Notice. 1. The sum of five cents per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists of wedding presents and donors, and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue Is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five cents a Una, These rules will be strictly adher e 1 to In every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upoa application. Here and There. Llobtenthal k Oo, for shoes. Eiolusive shoe store. Handles tbe best. 83tf Baths down at the Jones' barber shop, 23 oents. Orville Jones manager, tf Statements for tbe Famous Simple Aooount File printed at tbe Gazette of floe. tf. OuioDesse's famous old "Dublin Stout," imported, at Chris Borobers' tf Common and seleol stook of tomatoes and canned corn at T. R. Howard's. 605-tf. "Oo'n juioe" is all right but Low Til lard baa brand of 14-year-old Roods that Is bard to beat, 603 -If. Heppner Candy Factory for fresh, creams and taffies. W. H. Van Duyn Prou.. with E. J. 8locnm. 608-t. Any one desiring to build either bouse or barn will make money by (Jail ing on tbe Gazette offloe. 67 1 1 Phil Oobn is paying tbe highest price for ibeep pelts, baef bides green or dry, fnrs, alo. Don't forget Phil. 5 If Oo to Ibe Matlook corner and try Armstrong k Cooper's wbiskey and oigsrs. If you like tbe sample boy some. 6tt Corns to tbe Gazette office and get a decent lot of envelops printed Government envelops look obeap, and besides yoa cannot gel your bnsioaaa oard printed tbereon. tf Snyder Bros, have succeeded Willis Stewart in the livery business, next door to tbe Gszstle offloe, and will do a general liver and feed business. Riga addle horses and stall room at reason able rates. 611-tf. Oliver Snyder bas taken charge of tbe Hotel Heppner feed barn and will far Bleb stall room, grain or bay at reason able flgares. Bpan over night, fed at 75 cents. Will also do dray work and banlina. 'Bos to and from trains. If Cord ray, tbe pioneer theatre man of Portlaod in tbe line of "popular prices,' has refitted tbe Wastiogton 81. theatre formerly known as tbe "New Park." Cord ray always bas something nsw, sod oar people, when below, nan spend pleasant evening at bis plaoe. if Tbe Uatqaaa Urand, on Morrison street in tbe Merqnam building, is under excellent management and tbe public will be royally entertained this w0Ur, New companies and nsw faces will ap pear from time to time at this popular, first-class theatre of Portlaod, and when in Portland oor deniseos sboold not fail to take la some of tbe Ore dramas that will be presented. tf W. S. Smith, one of tbe rustling young farmers of tbe lone section, was in Hepp ner yesterday. This office acknowledges a pleasant call. Mr. Smith is quite ex tensively engaged in wheat raising, bas prospeots tor a splendid orop and thinks lone is a promising place. In all Ibis the Gazette hopes Mr. Smith will not be disappointed. . Frank MoFarland bas been appointed special agent of Tbe Equitable Life As surance Co., of New York, tbe strongest in tbe world. Cash surplus to policy holders of over 43 millioc dollars. Don't take insurance without seeing tbe new plans of the Equitable, Insures both sexes at same rates. 77tf Dr. John W. Rasmus, of tbe "Red light," ever on tbe alert for something new, oan furnish yoa the finest cock tails in the land Manhatten, Jersey, Vermouth or Gin made by an artist in tbe business. Drop in and take the taste out of your mouth. tf Two boys engaged in a row at a dance over at Hamilton a few nights ago. Ben Hinton, aged 16, stabbed Harry Creigb- ton, aged 17, under tbe left shoulder, oulting a bad gash several inches in length.' No arrests were made. C.N. Peck, one of tbe stauoob repub licans of Soon'l Ridge, was a visitor to Heppner Saturday. Mr. Peok is feeling pretty good over the prospects of Bn abundant harvest next summer. There will be a joint installation by the G. A. R. post and W. R. C, at He pp. nor, on Saturday, Feb. 12. It is earn estly desired that all members of these two organizations be present. M. B. Galloway moved bis photo gal lery into new quarters yesterday, and is now loosted down Main street in the building foimerly occupied by Wash Thompson as a butcher shop. Mrs. Flora Bartlett, of San Francisco, a sister of O. E. Faroswortb, and wbo has been visiting at Heppner for tbe past five months, departed last evening for her borne. F. P. Vuughan, a successful Eight Mile farmer, was in from the Liberty neighborhood on Saturday. Mr.Yaughan expects to reap a bountiful harvest next season, Tbe Dalles T.-M: Ed Dunn, section foreman atLatourella, on the O. R. k N., has been transferred to tbe Heppner branch, and bas gone to that plaoe to reside. Catarrh oured. A . dear head and eweet breath secured with Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee Nasal injector tree. Sold by Cunscr & Brook. x Wallaoe Maxwell and Chas. Carter en gaged in a fistiouff at Long Creek last Sunday which enlivened that village very moob. No one was seriously ur' W. W. Smead departed for. Portland Saturday evening to attend tbe repnbli an league meeting as a delegate from tbe Morrow oonnty republican club. Frank Smith and mother, Mrs. G.-W. Smith, were up from Sooial Ridge on Saturday,. Mrs. Suuitb beiog in the city to attend a meeting of tbe W. R. C. Pearl Jones was in from Eight Mile yesterday. He is one of tbe praolioal farmers of that neighborhood and be lieves Morrow oonnty is all right. James Jones bss been appointed by udge Bartholomew to be administrator of the estate of bis brother. Nelson ones, with bends fixed at $24,000. Bring your bides, pelts and furs to Ben. Mathews, at tbe Liberty Meat Market. He pays highest market prioe. 619-tf. . Among the candidates mentioned for county clerk on tbe republican tioket Ibis peper bears that of T. W. Morgan, of Gooseberry, Jobn Edwards was in from Sand Hol low yesterday. He bas about recovered tiom tbe injuries be reoeived some time ago, Tribune: J. M. Kees, of lone, wbo attended tbe fnneral of bis brother, A. S. Kees, returned lo bis boms last night. There will be a social danoe at tbe Matlook ball Thnrsday evening, and good time is promised all who attend. Tribune: Sheldon Fell, son of T. E, Fell, is dangerously ill, and will be re moved to Portland to be treated. W. G. MoCarty , Ed Saling and R. W. Torner were among tbe Sand Hollow visitors to Heppner on Saturday. Don't forget to bay yonr rqairrel rifles of P. O. Thompson Co. 17 20 T. D. Mstbews, of Batter orcek, was a visitor to Heppner yesterday. Eight bars good sosp for 25o casb at P. C. Thompson GVa. 17-20 I J BaaMuiMfc rrnpw Tt t4. C" J 1 Scrofula Is a deep-seated blood disease which all the mineral mixtures in the world cannot cure. S.S.S. (guaranteed Purely vegetable ) is a real blood remedy for blood diseases and bas no equal. Mrs. Y. T. Buck, of Delaney, Ark., had Scrofula for twenty-five years and most of the time was under the care of the doctors who could not relieve her. A specialist said he could cure her, but he filled her with arsenic and potash which almost ruined her constitution. She then took nearly every so-called blood medicine and drank them by the wholesale, but they did not reach ,her trouble. Some fi" one advised her to try S.S.S. and she very soon ' found that she had a real blood remedy at last. She says: "After tak ing one dozen bottles of S.S.S. I am perfectly well, my skin is clear and healthy and I would not be in my former condition for two thousand dollars. Instead of drying up the poison in my system, like the potash and arsenic, S.S.S. drove the disease out through the skin, and I was perma nently nd of it." A Real Blood Remedy, b.b.S. never fails to cure Scrofula, Eczema, Rheumatism Contagious Blood Poison, or any disorder of the blood. Do not rely upon a simple tonic to cure a deep-seated blood disease, but take a real blood remedy. Uur books free upon appli cation. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. Whose a Who? Did you say that the old firm of.... E. W. Rhea 4 Co. WERE JUST DIGGING FOR BUS1 NESS THE SAME AS EVER? IF YOU DID YOU TOLD A FACT. HARD FACTS COUNT. Winter is fairly on and bargains in winter goods can be had at the store of E W. KHEA & CO., FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, HEPPNER, OREGON. THE GOOD SAMARITAN IN CHINA He Would Have Been Likely to Get Him self Into Trouble. One dark evening I was returning home from a call on one of our Eng lish neighbors in Taiyuenfu, writes Prof. C. M. Cady in Century. AVhen not far from our compound the road crossed an open space of several acres in extent. As I was finding my way along by the dim light of a Chinese lantern, I nearly stumbled over the body of a man who had fallen by the way. My first impulse was to take hold of the person and ascertain if help was needed; but for some reason I did not, but hurried home to get aid Mr. X was still with us, and on hearing my statement said: "Yes, I know; the man is dead, and it is fortunate that you did not attempt to touch the body. Should we now try to remove it, or even go to it, we should no doubt be seen, and at once suspicion would attach itself to us, and none could tell the consequences. We might cause a riot before morning." It should be said that this suspicion would not have been because we were foreigners, for a native under sim ilar circumstances would likewise have run the risk of being charged with the murder. The Good Samaritan would have fared hardly in China or most likely would have been sus pected of doing the kind deed for some ultimate gain while the priest and the Levite would have been accounted not hard-hearted, but prudent.. I MINOR $ CO j Jfi The Pioneer Merchants of Heppner xj 2$ have not sold out, but on the kJ Jjvj contrary will start East xj I About Jan. 17, '98 I $ And will add many new lines "fii to their stock of m I General Merchandise I T WC WILL BUY DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS F S WHICH WILL ENABLE US TO UNDERSELL IV ALL FORMER PRICES. uT A We are now moving to the old Heppner & dfi A Blackman stand as our business forces i fi us to larger quarters. Look out for t 1 o our new Line 0 0 I j W); . ABOUT MARCH It 'ON. C Mr' 0 THE ART OF BREWING S' The Leader Of Course! Vl Vl it V0 Ml OP Everybody Bays Bo. ' riwnitretii Candv Cathartic, the most won derful medical discovery of the tge, pleas ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively ou kiUueys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, euro headache, lever, uamuuu constipation anl biliousness. Please buy and try a box of U. C. C. to-day; 10, , 50 cents, tsomana uaranteua to cure oy au druggist. To Tell a Man's Profession. Curious os it seems there is a dis tinct relntion between roan's pursuits and the color of man's hair. An unus ual proportion of men with dark, straight hair enter the ministry; red- hiskered men are apt to be given to porting and horse flesh, while the tall. vigorous, blonde man, lined descend ant of the Vikings, still contributes a arge contingent to travelers and emi grants. Old Song tiet a bottle of good whlikey n l a bottle of good wine, And you can drink to your true love, and I will think on mine. , Hew Bong M here shall we get the whiskey, where shall we get the wine? We'll buy them from Llili Bperry, whose goods are extra fine At the Belvedere Saloon, Heppner, Oregon. Joe Eekelton, of Sooial rlidge, wss in Heppner ytsterdsy. Mr. Enkelton ia one of Ibe prosperous farmer! of that locality. Newt Joues, mitt and daughter wre paaeengera on last nigbt'a train an root tor their home at 8umptr. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Rbea were visitors to Happuer Friday and 8slordy fro.n Kbeavilla. O. A. Johnson, a prominent repnbli eao of Islington, wsa in ileppoer gat arday. ? o 7 ! O Beware of 'cheap in A!. m.ikcs good m-juicinr; but LaJ fool Ak ) our doctor. ui V 11 9 Tills Is Your Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cash or stands, cenerous sample will be mailed of the most popular Gatairh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely a (Jreara lialm) sufficient to aomon trst.i the great merits of the remedy. ELY BKOTHEliS, 66 Warren Kt. , Kew York City. Rev. JohnReid, Jr.. of Greot Falls, Mont, recommended Ely's Crenm Isalin to nie. can empurtHize ms Bin wiutui, n in inmi tiva cure for catarrh if used as directed."- Rer. Francis W. Pools, Taster Central Prea. Church, Helena, Mont Ely's Cream Palm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any injurious drag, trice, 60 cents. Charley Beymer was in from Eight Mile Bat a rd ay. Geo. P. Muir whs a visitor to Hepp ner Saturday. Jaa. Wyland, Morrow oonnty'a atock Inspector, is in from Hard man. Mrs. M. H. Ford. Ruddell's. Ml., anf fered for eight yearg from dyspepsia and chronio ooustinslioo and wss Dually cured by using DeWitt's Little Early Risers, tba famous little pills for all stomach and liver troubles, Looser a Brock. Tbe Dalits T.-M: Robert Hvod, of Heppner, la visiting lo tba city. W.S. Browo.tha well known sheep buyer, Ml last night for gait Lake. Bob Htnd and Attorney Phelps got noma from Tba Dalles this morning. Born On Social Itidge, F'idsy, Jan 28, 1WW. to lbs wife of Joe ttakeiaoB, 10 poood daughter. Cure all Urr Ilia, bilious- swgg. nr, baUwh, sour sWm- J m I I acb. Indigestion, eonntlpa- III ?i Ik. Thf-y rt mtj, with. w out psln or irHp. SI4 by all dmurliu. Si eonta. Tbe only filU to lake wltk Howl's aanapviiu. 'J HR t'AITIjfcNKN'B CONVENTION. The man that Leads is the one from whom people like to buy. The slow, plodders all stand aside for him. That suggests a good reason why so many customers are being added to the list at T.R. HOWARD'S The Beginning of this New. Year 1898. Was Perfected by the Production of.... And now the entire world Knows this verfect product is me otar isrewery oeer..... VJ VI t II On draught at II all popular saloons STAR BREWERY COMPANY, 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. The Best Bargains- jjj A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures, J (0 9 is a ioy forever." That's what you'll find at T. R. HOWARD'S Heppner. Oregon. Vl ARE NOT THE GOODS BOUGHT FOR THE LEAST MONEY But are those ol greatest value in proportion to cmI. II you want togxtrnur mouey'i worth ol honeat gixxli la Groceries, Hardware, Ti OR MACHINERY, CALL ON We are Increasing our stock for fall and winter, Call and sa CoDicflicry R. C. WILLS' BOOTS AND SHOES OLD ' NIW PRICC' RICf Gento' heavy Creole shoes I J 7J " V 1 00 GenU' heavy shoes J w Genu' heavy shoes I ... . . . . . .1. n nn 1 Ul Hirn l un, ocai snue on w Hard Cash." best shoe lor boys. 1 7S 1 V Men's B & Hechfs drots shoes... 4 00 ... I M Men's illnpers. very Isncy...... 125 W Mimes B neei snoes, sun. can.... H haul hnn Intl. liMlt 1 75 1 0 Hoys" Everlantinir school shoe. . . 2l 1 50 Lafltes' ihoes. heavy 150 ,125 lAillei' Knalish Koae. 1 55 1 25 Muni 'Friico Oem, BAH 2 75 OenU' booU 50 2 00 Boots, sood arades i' ? Genu' sum booU 50 2 2f Knva' aril m rwwifa 1 la 1 lu Boys' snd Misses rubbers i6 25 Men's rubbers .' 75 TO Kuhtiera lor (elU .m 17a b ihei. button, very One 1 7a i My Whole Stock of Shoes in Proportion. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, FURNISHING GOODS Men's eottonade panU, old price, 75c; new price, MIc. Boys' pants, all aires, old price, 50c to fide; new price, .uv to x men overalls, oio price, uic, new nm:.:, wg. Bov'i overalls, old nrlce. 45: n-w price, Am. Men's psnts. old price. 12 tn 14.75; new price si.'iAtola im Mon luiui, mo price, is..w; new prirc, niankeu, olrt price, l.7ft; new price, ii.su. Unliu, old price. l.5fl; r,ew price, 11.15. Gent' Ki-ox stilt haU. old price :i.76; r nrlce. t'2. enu son nsis, oia pnee, ..c ia new prii'e, ti m lo si. (ii-nu' underwear, all wool, old price, 12.50 new price, 11.50. (icnu extra sizes, ail wool, oia price, a,i.w niMr nrlne. S'2 Gents' cotum underwear, fleece lined, old price, 11.50; new price, II. Genu' mackintoshes, old price, 7.t0; new price s-im. Indies' all wool underwear, old price 12: new price, 11.25. ladles' cotton underwear, old pries, 50c; new Drlce. 25c. lAuicr an wool noae, mia prios, ouc; new price, 20o. Children'! wool hose, old price, 45c; new pries, 20 cenu. Lined (loves, best buck, old price. 11.50: new price, vie. i.inen ausirsiiaa foi, oiu pnee, new price. 40c. Heuti' socks, per dosen, old price, 75c; new price, 50c. Arbuckle snd Lloo coffee, I pounds, old pries, 11.25: new price. II. une lanicr jacsei, no. so, oia price, fii.m; new price. 17 50. Ladies cotton hose, old price, 10c: nsw pries. 0!C. The best tea that ever came to Heppner, old price, rVic; new price, 45e. U. M. T. spool cotton thread, spools, old price. 25c: new price, s spools, 25n. Finest line damask, old price, 05c; new pries, au ceiiis. Kl.ieKt Turkey red, old pries, aoc; new pries. w cents. Duck cnsU. old price. 11.75; new price, ai 15 All srades (liiEhams, old pries, 16 ysrds; new price, IX yards. All irades calico, old price, It yards; new prl e, IH ysrds. uur grtnee or nrese soonasreioo isrfe (omais mention ol In this Hat, but will be cut In pro portion toevervthlwr else. Coracu, we have a bis line; old price, 75c to i. no; new price, nn mi lace eurtHliis, old price, si mi; new price. II . BciUpreals. old price. II JO lo 12.00; new pries l ID) Ut l 25. Kino pocket books, old price, 20c; nsw price, Seenu. Hhoe polish of all iradea, old price, H5e; new price, 15c. Ilenis' cotton flannel nifht shirts, old pries, 75c ; new price, S5u. Nice napkins, old as tea, II 10; new price, 7V. (h'ershlrU, old prii, 50r. 7, l HI, l Hi, new price. Win soc, 7., II n. 11.50. Yarn, old price, 11.00; new price, 50c. Haxonv yarn, old prhe, I bunches lor T new price. 4 biiuchxs lor i'w. Idls' leather bslU, old price, 60s to Ms; new price, to 4'. We have the nicest snd newest supply of ribbon in town. Idls'and Mlases eaihmers over (alters, old prloe, 75e hi l.uu; new price, ilm to . That 14-Year Old Stuff, 'Kohn's Best." ' ... On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon IT la UAHic ooona was New Stand, City QuUl Dallditf , LOW aIIylAIO. Proj), a siiiiooooiii aoonr rrf f r i4rr i IT HAS BEEN SOLI) ! L. mm Bought several car loads of furniture last fall, but it's all gone now. fcw bvl orders have repltnlihcd the stock, however, and he Is In it yet Low Prices and Good Quality all count. S-o liim at the old etand. Undertaking a SjMrrially. Anvthinc you want in Gents' White and Colored Fancy Shirts and collars and cuffs and tics of all kind. Evcrutnina Less than Cost. Must Have Money. D00TS AND SHOES- THC PLACE TO OCT THIM l Of They hae anything In this Una that yon msr riralr anil ye mm 44 H l-n mM a (od srtlcls wlien tby guarsiiiq M, SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stana. Main Straat nsiH a tanmUMf The rsttlemen's ronrentlon, embracinf the tiiMnllimnii. Watlilnsmn and Msho.will be held at Ceiidieton nn Krb. 5. 14. 17, It Is the Intention lo msks tbe meetlni s srsnd suc cess and a rail hat been ma4e lo etery rattle raiser In the Dorthweet. Reduced rate bave bwn named by the O. K A . from all points In the three alab-s snd the Ureal Northrrn rail way sr.d the (iregnn short 1 1 ne will alanmake ilmller mlucllim, from - lim on llirlr line In f onnrc'tion wl'h the ). K. A h I'arll. Int-r. mKh! In raltle rl.ln thould nid"r U l In sttMiidatxe at this mrtliK. rsMinimnlcaiewith : )nt rmreat Jlcaet sstui re(aruiia ram kihi j tisin setwr. A NEW FIRM E. G. Noble & Successors to Noble t Co., ars id this Held st ths aid stand with Harness, Raddle. Whips, Kpurs, snd sn end in lof of areryiblng In their line. I. O. Kohls sod Mrs. Heo, !obls comprise ths nsw Urn wbo will pay all bills of tn old arm a well as collect what I due. is. o. rcoiiivis xs co. Are out to do business and plenty of It. Don't overlook this. Repair work a specialty. lurriira, ., u wt Mrtirt, CuHitr Brork, HipfmH, m OsTtsasa:-I was rsci.iif ut wia 4 which snails ms werjr hri t4 t, t M ., a attend lo biislneea. A frlemlat Silae .ii-4 t mm toyoiif Dr. Berth loWae.ihfr(ia UxUiwi. oietl ii( ma Meant., which r.lkvl t-i -pletely cured ma. I am shI.m s, .sv, . have found nothing that (.( M . .. Hmt m cnugh ears, I am Informed that! It Is iii.al l, . iU vhonplng sough a'i all thmsl t.4 1 1 i I beg to ramaln. shm l..!, ii rna-,w. "-"" " nniiini m mm . n-ir.nj-i.iinj-ji.rLr-n.-u-u-.-i.ru-? A. A.BII AH AM S I C K. IVlerchant Tailoring! Ha just Hccurcd the Mrvii'i-g nf Mr. Cli O'Mullcy, a practical cutler of NVw Y.k City. He guarantceH Hatiifuctiuti. CALL AND WKE ME. ON MAY TI(t:i;T