The Gazette. Tuetdat, Feb. 1, 1898. Hox. T. T. Geeb is reported to be seekiug the republican guber natorial nomination. Mr. Geer ia a native eon or. uregon, a good republican and would make a strong candidate. The steamer "Corona", running between Seattle and Alaska points, was wrecked last week, She had on board 225 passengers and a full cargo of freight The passengers were all safely landed but the freight all went down. der to corral eTerything, hasl bought or leased every old hulk in sight Many of these have been in the bone-yard for years and should have never been put in service where the lives of people are at stake. ' The Corona disaster makes the second of the boats sail ing out of Seattle in the Alaskan trade, and that there have been no losses of life is no fault of . those greedy corporations. More of those old scows will find the bottom of the sea before the year is ended Thebe is do longer any shadow of doubt as to the president's io-1 tention to stand by the declara tions of the St. Louis platform in tneir oroaaest ana most compre hensive sense as regards inter national bimetallism. The Teller resolution passed the -S . senate on rnaay aiternoon ty a majority of 15. The resolution will now go to the house where it will be tied up. Its passage in the senate, however, shows conclusively the strength of silver sentiment in that body. The populist convention recent ly held in St Louis vehemently declared against further fusion with democrats. The leaders at tributed all the confusion and loss of strength during the past two Iiluuttrj Ekcmaattea. From St. Lawreae Flaiodealer. Canton, K. T. To suffor for years with a prr tiling painful ailment, which baffled skillful medioii treatment, jet which m cared by simple hooaebold remedy, ia the lot which befell Mrs. George L Rogers, of W eat Main street. Canton, N. T. inirveea years ago." laid Mr. Tim ers to a reporter, "I waa attacked with inflammatory rbeomatlim and a oom- liii-miuB ot aiaeaeee. xoa ean jaage eomewbat of what I euuarea, wnen yoo look at tbeae band. Tbey were distorted, twisted and swol len, mj iooi voo, is so mneb oat of shape that the big toe laya serosa tbe others, tbe end toocbio? tha little. "Notwithstanding I am sixty fivs yeart uiU, ,,,ve a pleasant doom and other NOTICE OF INTENTION. JAKD OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREOON. -J Jan. 28. '(. Notice ia here!, siren that the following-named settler hu filed notice ol bia Intention to make final proof in lupport of Oregon, on March 18, D, Tlx: bis claim, and that Hid proof will be mad oelor J, w. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Wll. X. GENTRY, R. !. No. 7742. for the KEU See. 29. Td. 1 B.. B. 27, E. W. M. ue names the following witnesses to prore his continuous residence unon and enltivatlon of said land, viz: William Rimtt. Edmund Baling, Mifflin i. Devin and William J. McCarty, u oi ueppner, uregon. K. W. Baktlstt, Begister. 6U-28. CITATION. T THE COCSTY COURT OP THE STATE a. of uregon, for the County of Morrow. In the matter of the estate of John M. O. Spen cer, a minor. To i. B. Ppeny, guardian of tbe estate of said It is understood that the presi dent has decided upon what modi fications of the civil service rules he will make, and the order may be issued any day. The modifica tion, according to this information, is along the lines of the recom mendations of members of the cabinet to the senate. Judge Lowell dismissed the charge of criminal libel preferred by H. EL Mallock against J. P. McManus, at Pendleton. One newspaper man should know better than try to prosecute another of the same calling for libel, and Mr. Hallock has probably learned by his experience in this case that he wasted much time and energy. The Galloway gentleman who takes pleasure in making insinu ations through his correspondence can learn a lesson in his own words. This would come with better grace from one who is more particular about paying up arrear ages to the old paper before es pousing the course of a new one. Honesty is right policy only wins for a brief time. President McXixley'8 Cuban policy has not been changed one iota by the democratic hubbub in the house, last week. He stands now just where he has 6tood from the beginning, and when he makes a move, it will be because of hap penings in Cuba and not because of howling among democrats. For weeks this government has been ready to move at the proper time when it shall in the eyes of the civilized world be justified in mov ing to bring about peace in Cuba. It will not delay because of lying Spanish news from Cuba, any more than it will hurry because of democratic ranting. The repub licans in congress are supporting this policy solidly and are likely to continue to do so, notwithstand ing democratic prophecy to the contrary. John C. Tocsg, chairman of the populist state central committee, is making a vigorous kick against his party entering into fusion with the democrats, or any other party, for that matter, but he is especially opposed to hi party joining hands with their old enemy, the demo cratic party, and proposes to use his efforts against any such move. Tbe La Grande Chronicle sug gests, however, that Mr. Toang's declarations against fusion at this time are not consistent with his practice at Salem last winter, when he and the representatives of his party entered into fusion to hold up tbe legislature. Mr. Young may be at this time trying to carry out the desires of his friends who stood side by side with him last winter, namely, the Simon-Scott- Bourne outfit upara In lh enrnno-linr, alitor, "?"-,iiie 0 me tu far from anto. . . r ? abie.for ail otbertbioea Dale into inaiomfl. minor, greeting: entered into with tbe democrats, canoe when your are without oncA health I L n vne Dame f be State of Oregon, You are T 4-j ------ m. iiwu uiuerem doctors and many proprietary remedies, but no permaoeiit wu'ui waa ODiatnea. d;"-',,"."01 tried Dr- Williams' Piok Pills for Pale People and before I bad finished tbe firet box I began to feel that tbey were doing me good. I continued nstug them and steadily grew better "I bHje need thirteen boxes of' the pills and today feel better than for tbe past fifteen years. In Heppner Until Further No- UX" ttTOi"; A! r A. aU...l.2 - " v lite, uwiny iu ine many dj7 ocieij THE BIG BRICK HOTEL, The Palace ...Has been leased by... J. C. BORCHERS .Who bat secured tbe services of The leaders declared absolutely against any further combinations of the sort. Dr. Darrin Will Remain hereby cited and reouired to soue&r in the County Court of the HUte of Oregon, for tbe ujaniT oi norrow. at the iinrt room mereoi. at Heppner, in the Connty of Morrow, on Toes-1 day. the eishth da of March. 1W t 10 o'clock. I in the forenoon of that dsy, then and there to I settle your accounts as guardian of J. M. O. Spencer, a minor, and show cause, if any exist, I way ne mould not pay over to the said jonn at. MRS. MARGARET VON CADOW As manager. It will be run in hrst class snape in every department. SAMPLE ROOMS Rates reasonable. IN CONNECTION. O. Spencer, tbe sums of money and belonging to said John M. 0 Witness, the Bon. A. G. Bartholomew, Judge now In his handi belongingto said John M. O. Spencer. Patients Coming for Treat ment- Perhaps He Will re main Until March 1st PAW El HEART IfBTT YRABB. Mr. Editor: Tbis is to certify that I had a pain io my heart and breast twen ty years, and tried many pbyeicianp, without (access. After four months' borne treatmeot by Dr. Darrin I am re stored to health and gladly give my testi mony io his behalf. I reside at Silrertcn, Oregon, where I can be addressed or referred to. C. W. Babkhuest. Dr. Darrin will remain at tbe Palace Hotel until farther notice, and will in future treat all eases witb office or borne treatment at the rate of $5 a week, or io that proportion of time, as cages may re quire, lbe poor treated free, except medicines, from 9 to 10 a. m. daily. Patients able to pay, from 10 a m. to 8 p. m. Examinations free to all- All curable chronic, acute sod private dis eases, treated witb electrioity, and medi cines when required, and makes a spec ialty of all diseases of tbe eye, ear, nose aod throat, catarrh and defoess. broo obitis, Is grippe, oooaornption, dyspep sia, ooostipatioo, heart, liyer and kidney diseases. 619-tf. "I bare beau a member nf th wik .EBMV- uibi oDuron lor many years, but for six years was unable to attend. I am able now uj aiieoa tne church services regn.. iriy ana cenainiy appreciate that privilege. "i consider vr. William's Pink Pills tor raie feople a wonderful medicine ana am oo undent no other medicine could have effected tbe wonderful cure iubt nave in my case. "1 am glad to state tbis, hoping that some sufferer may profit by it and obtain re net. It was nature's own remedy that so oompnsbed this cure caused by impure mw,rorur, Williams' fink Pile for Pale People are eomposed of yegetable lemruies mat exert a powerful ioHoD09 purifying aod enriching tbe blood. Many diseases long supposed by the medical profession to be incurable h avA inn. combed to tbe potent influence ot these puis, inis universal remedy ia sold by ail uruKgiats. of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for me county ot norrow, with the seal oi said conn affixed, this 26th day of January, A. D. mo. Attest: J. W. MORROW, 61&-2H- Clerk. ASSIGNEES' NOTICE. XTOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVES, THAT THE 1 ' nnderolmed inlirtuw of V ind H n. I Cox, Insolvent Debtors, bss died bis final ac count as such ssaignee with the clerk of the I t lrcuu uourt of Morrow County, Oregon, and I that said account will be called np for hearing, and be passed noon Mondav. the 7th dav of Marcn, w, at tbe bonr of 10 o'clock, a. m. of I said (lay, or ss soon thereafter as the same can I be beard and passed UDon bv the iudze of said I Iated this 21st day of January, 18. W. P. Feu gl6-g). Assignee. NOTICE OF INTENTION. THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. O. BOROHERS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. LETTER LIST. List of advertised letters in Heppner Postoffice January si, 1898: Brown, Miss Myrtle Hall Brothers Earost, Mr Jacob Kenoyer, Mr Sam Furlong, Mr Chas Martin. Mr Leonard Greenwood, Mr Geo Potter, W T TTV . . ... " " caiuug lor weee letters please ask for aavernsea. j. p. Williams, p. m, The CaLadian government baa given a company of Britishers tbe exclusive right-of-way for a rail road to Dawson, in is pats an end to all American schemes to build a road into that far off clime and shows that the British are not only greedy tut rattling good busi ness men. It is pretty certain, bowever, that before tbe close of 1S')8 a river, lake and rail route will be in existence in tbe North west territory. I.N this issue will be found a call for a meeting of the silver forces of Morrow county at Heppner on Feb. 12th. Tbe Oazotte is a re publican paper and will certainly support the republican ticket, but at the same time we call the atten tion of republicans to this meeting, winch is doubtless a step in the direction of uniting the silver forces of Morrow county, and the republicans will doubtless have a strong combination to fight. It is time they were getting thoroughly organized for the fray and be able to present a solid front in the ap proaching campaign. The talk going the rounds of the press about tbe thirty or forty million dollars paid out annually to Boldiers not entitled to pensions, and about tbe necessity for purg ing the "roll of honor" and all that sort of thing, Appears in a very rediculous light wheu it is remem bored that very recently, under Judge Ijochren 's administration of the pension bureau and by Presi dent Cleveland's direction, every corner and cranny of the pension roll was searched for supposed fraud and thousands ot just pen sions were denied or dnlayed, the secret intention of the admiuistra tion being to cut down expendi tures to the lowest limit, in order to keep down tbe monthly deficit as much as possible. A great bul labaloo was made by the pension officers about fraud, and something like 1300,000 was spent in exhaus tive investigation of the same. itu the result that juHt thirteen cases of fraud were discovered. Athens Frees: Athena is always up- to-date or notbiog. To be properly in the "swim" all sbe needed was a bowl ing alley. Tbis want is soon to be sup plied, for Mr Bmu Swsggart bss carpen ters at work preparing a model alley in tbe Matlock building near tbe Athena hotel. Wbeo eompleted, it'will be first class io every reepeet, and other towns can look for some record breaking scores. Backiea's Aram Salve. Tbe Best Salve in the world for Cats, Braises, bores. Ulcers, Salt Rbeom, Fever Sores, Tetter, Cbspped Heads, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Er op tions, snd positively cares Files or do pay reqairwsW It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Blooom Drag Co., E. J. Slocnm, manager. Keen sneep and Bet Bid. THE WOOL RECORD Tails You How to Do It. Lakd Omcs at La Gbakdi. Oiio, Jan. 14 IX NOTICE IrJ HEREBY GIVES THAT THE followlnr-namiyl sMtler hu SImI notice I of bit Intention to make final nmnf in annnort I of his claim, snd that ssid proof wPI be made I before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, vicbvu, uu janrcn lz, Levi, Tlx : CHARLES & JAYKE, H. E No. rV2. for tha SEU of Km. H 1 1 R I 27, E. w. M. I Me names tbe following witnesses to prove I his continuous residence upon and cultivation I of, ssld land, viz: Walter Crosby. John Mar-1 snau, Mternng r Florence and Andy 8. Steven. uu, mu m neppuer, uregon. 616-27 BecKter. Notice of Intention. Lako Orrica ai Tn Daubs, Obcco Jsnusry W. UM. XTOTICE 18 HERFHY fttVRV THAT TRK I i followinc-named settler bss filed notice of I bis intention to make final proof io support of I his claim, and that said proof will be made be-1 ore j. n. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Satnrday, February M, Uee. rii: AMES R. NL'JtAM AKEB. for Hdrtof Maria K. vow nine. H. E. No.ttij for the SWfc of ftrc S. Tp. J S., R. I 24 K. W. M. I He names the following witness to provtl bis continuous residence opon and eaiUvatloa I of, said land, vii: fcavid f. Met, Georcel ' . iarii a. ivraoiii ana laomas a.ina. When you hear dem bells!' YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT THE HEPPNER TRANSFER GO'S Belled express is coming. Does delivery work on short order,. 10 cents and upwards. This wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it, or at "Central" telephone office. WE MOVE ANYTHING ! MAT HALVORSEN, Keeps A lle&eral Stock q Merchandiso LEADING MERCHANT OF I0NE. xxxvt D- . :.l "J iroit arracKement we offer to oar readers The Wool Record and Semi-Weekly Gazette, one year tor Tbe Wool Rol k tbe only nabonal wool organ and covers tbe wool industry from tbe raising of tb saeep to the sett ing of tbe maao.racto.rfKi article. It w pnoiianea weeny at aew lork and lbe regular priee is itt) a year. IlematkM reports are fall snd comp e and its Sbeep Breeders' Talks alone are worth tu rniiM ids pnee ot toe paper. Hample copies on application . We heartily recommend tbis combi nation to oar subscribers. ail of lone, Orecon. 1S-27 J A3, y. MOORE. Recister. Notice of Intention. Lao Omci At LaCaAni. Ouwr. N'OTTCE 13 HERIBT GIVES THAT TBE a: is'ts-cva sua Saai pron ta snpoxrt I fjM naim. aoa (aai saiil fmnt wiil to suit to- coqaty uerii, Jt.;rT-w eoaary. vrqm. aevrser, a. so a ana is, uwt, rti. ALTXl CKOBT. H r 5i VS. tv S EH jr t Sec. Be name the foilowia vitimM n ot aud land, vli: Chariea a. Jtt Inn a. I Kelley. Cnt A. steveoaoa and W illias sin. I an, aa Of uepner, Orrfon. a. w. BASTU-rr. 61S-27 Reaiaser Onk more week otitil city eloo- tioo. As yet we bare hearj of no aspirants for the offices to l fillrxl, am! tbe only desire of tbe Gazette is to see men elected that will continue to administer the city's affairs io tbe same ractica! and economical manner as those who are now in charge. Recorder Richardson and Treasurer lirigg have both been very faithful and efficient servants aud deaeive to be ro-i-lecUsl. We do Dot know bother the councilmen who are soon to retire would accept a re election tr not, but tbey are en titled to it and this paper would favor them for another term. However, out desire is to see the iKftt men tbe town affords chosen to these positions. Tnt fate of the Corona, one tt Huattle's rotten tubs that lias beeu put upon the Alaska route, should be a warning to those Klondike Ikiud'I to take passage on boats that are reliable and sound, like those on tbe Portland-Alaska route, t'ortland baau't so many veels but sbe bas thoswi that er safn, stauueb anJ, therrftrs, er fectly esrtWjr, Bestlle, i or DlMOcniTIc fretvtraders who claimed that the enactment ot the Dingley law would ruin our maiket abroad are not saying anything about the official figures showing tbe exports of lH'Jt to bave been the largest in tbe history of the country. rEIMONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS TO ALL POINTS CAST. Every Tuesday night a personally eon- duoted tourist ear esoarsion will leave Portland for Denver, Kansas City, Oma ha, Chicago, and Boston, withont cbange, via lbs Oregon Railroad k Navigation, Oregon Hbort Line, RioOraode Western, Denver A Rio Orsode, Rork Island, Lake Hbore k Michigan Southern, Nsw York Central and Boston k Albany lines. Tbe tourist cars io tbis lias will be operated by tbe Pullman Company, thna insuring to the passengers all ot tbt comforts of modern day travel at half the nsnal Pallmsa rates. Tbs roots tease tbe passenger tbrongb Halt Lake Oity, tbenre serosa lbs Rocky Moon- tslnsto Lead Til la, Denver, etc., offering tha tourist a view of tbe grandest scenery on lbe Amerioan continent. For additional particulars, printed matter or rates, write at. J. Rcbe, Northwest Passenger Agent R. Q. W. Ry , 142 Third 81 , Portlaod, Oregon. ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STA6ELINE H. REED A ) A. Q. OQILVIE PrPreors. FARE FROM ARLINGTON TO rossii (tw miles)... isoo Round triD 1900 U...III. .11 ,i . . Miwiuw.iw Koandtrlp 700 Condon (39 miles) .. 100 Round trip 6 00 Clem (2 miles).... ISO Round trip 190 " " wiissj 1 au Round trip s SO Staire leaves Arliogtoo every morning unuay eioeplo; at ft o'clock; is dns " vjonaon as a p. m. ana arrives at fos sil at 7 p. m. Comfortable covered coaches and oare- iui, eiperienoea anvers. NOTICE OF INTENTION. LAxnOrnrs at Ths Ociook. Jsnoarv IT. lt. X'OTlCEIS HEREBY GIVES THAT THE r iollowins. named asttler has filed notice ol his Intention to make final oroof In support of his claim, and that ssid nmnf will be made belore i. W. Morrow, County Clerk. at neppner, urefton. on reoruarjr tt, L"'J8, iu: ALBERT A. WILLIS, H E No. 3990. tor ths 8WU of See 29. Tn 1 8. R B E W M. He nsmes the following wIIiimsm tn imn his continuous residence upon snd culllvstion of ssid land, vis: Frank Hmilh, James H. Willis and Jsmes Brown, of Leilncton. Oregon, and 1 nomas a. iinaaeii, 01 uepnner, ureton. TEACHERS' EX A HINA TION. rv.i. . m ntrir ni uiVEH THAT FOR i"V ths Piirp... nf maklni an examination of all prraons who mav onsr themaslves as canrti. daira for earners ot ths arhls of thlseoTntv and tor suts and ),! dlplom... trV. SSnu srhool superintendent thereof will hold a nub ile eiantimiilnn al the curt house at Heppner r"'""i "wiiwuj, rn. n at 1 sn n m JAY W. rilUl'l.kV, IS-a School 8upt, Morrow 60. Charley Pvaas wss kicked by s boras down at ths Hotel Usppner stsble tbe other ever in g, being considerably broised np. If s wss too eloss to the animal to reeeivs lbe fall fores of tbe kiok, otherwise he might bars been mors sertonsly tnjared. fKEK 81LVKR. Worn Out? Do you come to tbe close of the day thoroughly exhausted? Does this continue day titer day. possibly week After week? t crhaps you are even too ex hausted to sleep. Then some thing' Is wrong. All these things Indicate that you Are 1 . m luMertns' from nervous ex haustion. Your ncrrcA need feeding- and your blood en- riailng. A meeting will be held at Ueppaer, ()regon, on Hatnrday, Fsbrnary 12tb, lt, for tbe pnrpnee of orgaoiting a free silver club. All tboea bo are tn sympathy with tbe cause ot free silver, regardless of party affiliations, are argenlly requested to attend. Remem ber tbe date, Feb. 12th, at 3 o'clock o. m. 1ST Oaiisa tr Coavmii. Notice of Intention. Laks Orrirs at U Oaixna, Otoo, . -,w,- . Jims-T n. x in liivs-M ru . v rum it follow Ins Ii.m4 Mil., I ,.. ? .. Q h s Inunuon u. mak. Bn rf ln .. "7t of his claim. .d that said proof win bi ma.1. hrlora lha fount f l.rk of klormw tonM? vur "'I'pner, orvwon, on ksrrh l, itt VKURlAI1 W Til I ADM Hit K No. 6sm. r the IMi KSV A su Mau B ... . ,n '"n witameea to rrnrs " ami aaiea Johnsnn .11 i llMlil.liar I lh..nn 1 a. W. "ARTt.rTT, is: Louis HiimmerSxId, who bas bean qoitasKk with meaales, sntTsred a re lapse a few data e-o and is now la a very critical eondiniun. This paper hopes to be all's to chrooicls bis speedv recovery. Notice of Intention. Use Orrus at La Oatups. Oasooa, r w... imnini MS- 1 H AT 1HI Vw. '."""S named sitlr has fllwl JJ! of his Intention l mats Anal pn,l In ..M.n! of his ,1.1. .d th.i -Id J, h.l..r th. t f ta ,i Morrow HrppuM, Urason, oa trrfMn. at I, vu . WtU. Ill k V . a. . . . m. i..r ins jut, k. nv iwmn in. lullifWIlia Wit Count ? Scott's Emulsion l ol Cod-liver Oil with Hypo- J phosphites oi Lime And Soda, contains Just the remedies to , meet these wants, the cod- S liver oil rives the needed strength, enriches the blood. lecds the nerves, and the hr- 2 pcrphosphitea rive them tone and vigor. Be sure you get a yJJl IU UnuUion. AN AfWM 1 Vo. 4 li aak &A aroTT A so ss. Oi. kw r- w4wwwAw4wi An euergelia man of Integrity, ability sad good address is waotei to represebl the Northwestern Mnlaal Llfs Issnr aooe Company aa district agt l(h bstlnarters al Heppner. A gol open, in fr a rustler. Previous eipeHence tu life Insorauee nut eeaeetlal. Address with rvfereunea. S. X Iah taHi A Ha, tlrneral Aeests. Porilsad, Or. AW K TIM ARD. 1 s. i a w m illifWIH. , hlspof ilr..,,.,,...,, .,ru," J aall Und. Jhn Marshall Vk . M.r.a.11. Mush ruida'and Jam'AnLm'". lts K. W. AkTirrr. tUsi.ur. ADUISISTItATUR-8 SALE HEAL I'KOPEHTV. or Vt'Tll K l Mr H HY til VVN THAT IMira A and br , , , Br,Wf J, " , ,aw .1.1. IK (ftr,..,,. h,t M.,,ru n , Ml II.. ih .U. m I.,.,' I, ta. m,i .. a.lmiB.iui"J",'7; t o o ? Including all the Staples, Hardware, Tin ware, Harness, Stockmens' Supplies, Wood and Willowware. First Class Goods and Low Prices is his motto. Mf?.T HALVORSEN, IONE. OREGON. They Are The "Mustard" MEADOWS & H ATTEN, Tlie Pioneer BlacKsmltns Have made some elrtant lmpromcnts tn their establishment and ariitna a l.r.. .tw.w i Iron, horsnbors and other mau-rlals Msential 10 the hspplneai of those who need Quick reoairs to their wsfona, bugfiea or machinery. Their sp;titT is horMshoelng. Mfaikwt i Mn are ILe Boys to do Toar (Cork Eirht, and do it Qaick, loo. AS. r. MOORE, Keflster. Notice Of Intention. Laud Omcs at La Gbakds, Osiooh, bee. il. Itsrr. XTOTirg 13 HEMBY OIVF.N THAT THE a" follnwlnc-named aetUer hu (led notice of his Intention Io make final uroof In support of his rlslm, and that said proof will be mads before Count Clerk, Morrow Count, Oreson, at neppuer, uregon, on ran. sro, lew, vu: LOl'18 QROHHBNs, Ht. No. VJ3. fo, tha Wia of NWV and u of bWlt of Sec. II To. a. B. R. it, E. W.M. He names the following witnesses Io pro his continuous reatdenre upon and cultivation of am isno. u: nintam warren. Vlrio, uu- nert, t'harle Boudrr and Viler Hunt, all ol ueppner, Morrow county, orton B. . UAKTLET T , "- Keflster. Notice of Intention. f ASDC-rriCE 4T THE DALLE, OREQOS. a 4 Pec. n. 1PW7. Notlra la b.reh, rtn th.l tbs tollowlns named settler hu tied nollraof nis inianuon to make Bnal proof In support of his rlsim. and that said proof will ba made beforsj. W. Morrow, Count Clerk, si Heppner, Oregon, on Tbursda. Frbru.r a, lava, ls: JOHN R nrKT HJ I No. 4'0. for tha M W W of Sec 17. To. t i.. m. E. W. M. He nsmes tha followlne vIiiinm in am.. his continuous realileiica uoon and eultlt.tion of, said land, l: Edward Hunt, Edward Orta- kell, Ueorrs Chirk and Arthur Bunt, all of Ueppner, Morrow count, (r J As. f. MXRE. os-l. Reslater. 'TC'"-1 ' lh.pi 4 M,.( e.uis,B, ,Vf Ih Mmniw ..,, .He,.., w-ai, Ttta alwia ... a.-.ih 01 r...,. tw.nir Ir, J , NJ 'h,,':"',' l sM. thlrt, ,,, !, nftblt) 1111 km) h . . ia Of rj bsv, localsj . lh ainlb aua uuarw ot 1-, ,i, w i.nip nn. Mnta nf v. . M bwriW Bilk All at . ' .1'purt.a.inv. MAV AMI l-Aari run ALL 1 bsvs 'At Ions sa mil as from lleppnsr, goo4 MJs and no till. A's otti,r lis; and bouch (rasa for sale. C IS. rat a. tt LsiUalo. Or. S. WM It 14. Ui.rouuta SUMMONS. IM THE CIRrflT COI RT Or THE STATE of Orecna for Moernw count. Tha American Mortcacw t'omi.n)r,of Mrotlaml, lAmlled. a corporaUon, I'lalnUlt. v John 14. Cratta. Anni. t rain. 1. . hmilh. M. V. Harileon. iawb rtorlier, and Cottta Mi r.rl.n.l, aa partaera, IVfetHlaiita. To John u t rafia. J. W, Rn.llh snd M. V. Ilarrl- slnn, defendania, alHw. named: In ths name nf th. Iial of unwonr Yoa arc h.redr reiilrd Io appear and answer tb. complaint Sled araioat nw In lb. abnt.eii titled suit, on or hefcar th. Sr. I da of lb. nril refn la, term of tb ahoe .milled eouri b,lkwlni tb. eptra!tn ol lb time pnwrrlned la lb. order Io, pnhllreiloa of Ibis summona, wbb b rtr.( r.r a,n h. MiiiKta. th. 1th nar nf Marrb. and n and ea'b of oa will tak. aottra inai 11 1. 11 u tn immi and snswer. hr Iherenf plslnitt will .'f,y It wll nxirt for tb relief demanded la It era. Plaint, In wll )n,l,m.i.l ssalnsl Mi i. ( rafts and Annl. t raits hi, tb. imnf u t elbe, uh Intefeet Ihefaoej al Ih. rat. of .Ishl pefrent per annum from lha Srat d. of Iw cenil.f, iwj. m aeronUnra with Ih. term. nf a nertaln promlanirr t., hr Ibem ms.te and itxlltered tn pialiitlrT, am o, about th. 1Mb da ol June, n:. io, said sum: to, tb ia of attornets Im. and l, ih sum of I J vame for Usva. and fu, tbe mats atvl ai.burae. ': Ibis sun, slan a Wre lor lbe biee rbwiir. u lb certain aortM. . rae.l an. I deilterd bt said d.Mt.anta Jobs VI. t raits and Aunl. Crata, lu plsinufla Io Mrure I pat mental th. abmr de-nied ant., and fo. in aai. n said ato,taae4 aropertj sitiaed la Mnervw rminl. iwrm, dearritwd sabMinas. J" It Tb south ea-4 iarler of H". I Tp. I smitbot rana JAaaal M .and Uial Ih !" is f said a. -a be afrlle.1 b ta. pa, whwii " n. asMHtu. ox (taint I a, sllofn.ji ' a, .nil. SUMMONS. TN THE CIR.TIT COCRT OT THE STATE I of Oreson, tor Morrow count. W, P. Lord, H. R. Klncald and FhiL Metachea as th board of commis sioner ale., Plalutlfls, s. Adelln Howell, Henrr Howell, Msr Bnwelf, John Hnasil, Nelll Howell, ta llliam Howell. Klanlord Howell, Joaeph Howell. Tilda Howell, Ida Howell, frank How ell, Thomas Howell. Lilly Howell, Hettle Far,, kix rarer. Adelln How. ell, as administratrix: ind Henry Howellasad. mlut.tralor ot Stanford Howell, daccaaad. D lendanta. To William Howell, Hsttls Parar snd Rls rarer, uelendanu la th nam of lb has of hereby reouired to sppear complaint Bieo titled suit on or be lor. the fire) day of ths reenlar tana of this court, lo-wlt: TbsTtbda of March, IM. and If on fail to answer for want thereof Ih. plalullS will applf to th court to (rant th. relief demanded la th com plaint, to-wu: ro )unmnt aaainst on nim a-ertaln pmmtaaur nita fo, th sum of LiM with lutrresl thereon at th. rale of el, hi or. cent pe, annum from April 1st, IM). the sum of HU attorneys lee ano in costs sn1 aisburaa- meats of Ibis iull, and that lbs monsafe glren to serure ins payment 01 sain not 00 lb. fol Inwlng dtarritied real pro pert situated In Morrow couniy, Matol iiregna lo-ali: Hnulh a.t quarter ol be. J. Tp. . snulh ol range JS E. W. M .b fnrarloed and said property sold snd th. proceeits of said sale he spoiled to lbe parmentof the amount do. plalbllS. This summons Is smM upon ynq In persn snr of sa onter ot th Hon Stephen A. Lowell, judg. of lbe aboe antllled court, mail, and eniered ia Said suit "n tbe sth day of January, be, ' a Ki iiriri.t) IS J Alloraeji Io, I'lalnUrTa, f Oretr. r anl in: Tonara answer tha atnst you In lha aboe so D. E. GILMAN, General Collector Put rour old books and notes tn his hands and set your moue out ol ,nr,ra- . s specially ol bard collections. Office in J N. Brown's Building. Ellis & Phelps. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. an Dunneas attended ta In a prompt and Notaries public and aatiilartnr manner. voneclora. Offlc la ruttsr Building. Hsppasr, Or. Mathews 8c Gentry, BARBERS Shaving V V V 15 Cents. V V V Hhop two door South oi PoatofBcs. D. A. CURRAY, Pormarl of rendition Tonsorial Artist. Shaving, Hair Cutting, Shop, Mstlork Corner, NOTICE OF HE A RING OF CON TES T V. A Lasd Orn a, 1 Gbisds Oaa . Iterembe, I lib. IW7, Complaint hating beea maile al Ibis nfhre by the duly erled snd cofmboraUd amdatll if Jobs R. Manning alleging thai Keta Kuaaell who mads Timber Culture Entry No. I.Val al th I'. , land tilde al la liranda, tlnwnn, January II, lA. fw, the Vt ol . and kw nf and MW, ol Pk of Nee. a Tp ASH fl. E M. hu wholly tailed to comply with Ih Ttrnner Cnltur law; that sh did during Ih. yr lea wholly abandon said Irart nf land. Ibal .eralnc hu continued W atiandoa lb. aame and bu mad. no Improt eeieiita upoa said lrai-t a, any pari theteuf, Theretore, alia lb. tlew nf h cancel lal but at Ih aald entry lb. aaid Partle er hereby summoned snd required Io l and appear be lor. J. W Morrow, loonty tiers of Morrow Count. Oregon, al his cffli-e at Hrppn,. Ora rm, a ta. 1.4k day ol r.bri.ary, ma, at Is. Hit of loon-.k a m , of aat, day, thea and thee to prodnc wh leatlmna as tb.y may ka ennceralng aald aUallona, final bear lug to be had si the oat,- af tbe reet.te, and forelter at la liranda, Uregoa, Man h lib, Itm, al Hr cUak, a K W RtSTi rTT Regude,, lott J.M. Ri'SHIMS. . I aed 1 bl. summons Is sere4 apna yoa by piib',1 nuia tberenf. In purananr ol sa orde, el Him l-bea A U' )u,t,e ol lb. abm. .atlilrd IWwt aososimn-lalbMi saj" sourtaooa treatmeot kl ibslmpatlsl t!oUl,Hsnla ssd Waah. Hi., rortlsnil. Oegna. J L. bervntti.metiia bi asli.a I "'d Heppner, (tnayoa, January Tin, tag, ""V ma.t al rbamhe'a. al rndwbm, Verge. , , I IVum ww we we ear m onaa'T. i" "io,. fm Alw.aM rlattf GIBSON, At Cka J noes' Old stead. llnlr Cutting. . 15 Jo Is keepinc np tbe eee-atatlna nf tr.ta.hnyi kse Staieiaw watk aod ea ka) ateaaed e bar yea tail. Ct. 18 Cseita 25 " Heppner, Oregon. NEW NAME I 'n. (Jordonhas re-named his stand the old Jonea livery stable OTlio Control. Baled hay In, asm. Charge reaannable. Call "a klm and kai. you, borer sail eared n,. The Old Shop ! LIBERTY MARKET fl llin nlaCA In m in mI yoor do pork and lamb chop, steak, mil roaats. FISH EVERY FRIDAY pn an..' enred hams snd bacon Jl? I""1, " 'ndeeed, eld ml Mock. lUv.N. IUTHEV8.