YOUR MONEY'S WORTH ! TH E Semi-Weeklu Gazette AT $2.00 A YEAR. OFFICIAL siV PAPER ADVERTISING WILL PAY IF THE Seml-Weeklu Gazette IS YOUR MEDIUM. FIFTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY; OREGON, TUESDAY, FEB. 1. 1898. NO. 619 SEMIWEEKLY GAZETTE. rOBLUHED Tuesdays and Fridays THE PATTERSON - PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man. At 2.0) per year, $1.00 for six months, B0 Ota. tor three moiuns, atriotly in advanoe. Advertising 'Rates Made Known on : Application. Entered at the Postofflce at Heppner, Oregon, --. M second-clsss matter. THIS PAPER U kept on file at E. C. Dake's Advertising Agency, M and 65 Merchants Exohanga, Ban Franoisoo, California, where oou raota for advertiainit made for it. LP. FISHER, "NEWSPAPER ADVERT! . ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Build, ins, San Franoisoo, la our authoriied agent. This papar is kept on file at hie office. '0.R.& N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 9.80 p m. daily except Sunday arriving at Heppuer Junction 12:05 a. ni. Leaves Heppner Junotion 8:30 a, m, and ar rives at Heppner 6:00 a. m Spokane Express No. leaves Portland at 2:00 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. m. and Uma' ilia 8:50 p. m. Portland Express No. S, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 6110 a. to. and Heppner Junction 7:00 .m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junotion 8:!5 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:30 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at lieppner J unction 12:25 a, m. and at Portland 7:21 a. m. For farther information inquire of J. 0, Hart, Agent O. K 4 N., Heppner, Ore. OrTICI-Xi BIBEOTOET. " United States Officials. President William McKinley Vine-President UarretA. Hobart Secretary of State. John Sherman Secretary of Treasury Lyman J, Gage Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss Secretary of War Russell A. Alger Secretary of Navy ..John D. Long Postmaster-General James A. Gary Attorney-General Joseph MoKenna Secretary, f Agrioulture a. .James Wilson State of Oregon. Uovernor W. P. Lord Secretary of State , H. K. Kincaid Treasurer Phil. Metschan Snpt, Publio Instruction 6. M. Irwin Attorney General...; C. M. Idleman Senator. nn, J Thoi' H.Tongue 1 W. R. Ellis Printer W. H. Leeds ( R. H. Bean. Supreme Judges F. A. Moore, f C. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Circuit Judge I'roseouring Attorney .Stephen . Lowell ....H. J. bean Morrow County Officials, Joint Senator , A, W. Gowan J. N. Brown ....A. d. Bartholomew J.K. Howard J. W. Morrow B. L. Matlock Frank Gilliam A. C. Petteyi J, W. Hornor ........Jay W. Shipley B. F. Vaughan lCeprosentative. ilonnts Judge ' Commissioners, , J. W. Beokett. "' Olerk., Sheriff '(, Treasurer " surveyor... School bup't... " Coroner HKPPNXB TOWN OFFIOKBS. Mmoi..... .Thos. Morgan U ninnllinen Geo. Conser, Frank Gilliam, Arthur Minor, E.-J. Slooum, M. Liohtenthal and J. H. Simons. - Hwordor W. A. Richardson T -AMBiirAr L. W. BriggS Marshal A. A. Roberts - - - Precinct Offloer". Justioeof the Peeoe ....W. E. Richardson Constable .N. 8. Whetstone rjotted States Land Officers. . TH DALLES, 01. J.P.Moors Register A. B. Biggs BeoeiTer LA OBAKDI, OB. , B. F. Wilson Register J. H. Kobbins....- Receiver SSCBSX BOCIETIE& RAWLINS POST, NO. IL O. A. B. Meets at Lextajrvm. Or., the last Saturday of .Ben month. All veterans are invited to Join. Q. W. Smith, C. G. FcqOA. A distant, tf Commander. Dr. P. B. McSwords, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Offloe in the City Drag Store, near City Hotel. tf D. J. McFaul, M. D. - HEPPNER, OREGON. , Offloe hours, 8 to 10 e. m., and 12 to 2 p. m., at residence, W. A. Kirk's prop, rty, east of M. E cbnrcb, Soatb, and 10 to 12, a. m , to St to 5 p. ta, at offloe in tbe rear ot Borg's jewelry atore. Brown & Redfield, Attorneys at Law, Offloe In the First National Bank Building. Hifphik, : : Obkoon. tf W. A. RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace and City Recorder. orncc at COUNCIL CMAMStBS Hells and buys real estate, rents houses, pays taxes. dua conveyancing and will serve you in any way iu bis line, at reasonable figures. tf First National Bank OP HEPPNEB- C. A. Rhea, T. a. Rhea. Q to. W. CON.CR. 8. W. SPCNCCR. President Vie President Cashier Ass't Cashier Trust?!! i Gcseral Basking Bosinea. EXCHANGE i all parts el the world- Bought and Sold. Cullertlons made on all points on reasonable Terms. Surplus and nadlrMed ProBta. MIKJO OO. The Gesette will take potatoes, applee, eggs or better so subscription aecoonts. Any oos owing Ibis effieecan eel lie their aceoanU la this meaner end eeo't do it too eooe to sail ea. j i - . ' " ' i ii Going East? IF XOU ARE, , DO NOT FORGET ImDortaBt FIRST Go Tia. 8t Paul be cftose the lines to that point will afford you the very beat service. .. SECOND See that the coupon beyond St. Paul reads via. the Wisconsin Central because that line makes 'close "co'nnectiQns with all the trans-continental lines en tering the Union Depot there, and its service is first-class in every particular. . THIRD For information, call on your neighbbr arid friend the nearest ticket agent acd ask for a ticket reading via. " the Wisconsin Central lines, or address Jas. C. Pond, or Geo. 8. Batty, uen. mi. Agt., General Agent, Milwaukee, Wis. 246 Stark St., . Portland Or. H. W. Fall, -PROPRIETOR .01 the Old Reliable , Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL.. Half block went of the Union Depot of C. B. & 4., (J. m. hi. f., v. a A., f. Ft. w. ifc c, and the C. St. L. $i P. Railroads. HATES a.oo PKH DAY . Cot. W, Madison and Clinton Sts., CSXXC.A.&0, IXiIt. The WEEKLY MONTHLY Published Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York The Outlook will be Id . 1897, as it has been during each of itg twenty-seven yeara, a History of Oor Own Times. Io its various editorial departments Tbe Outlook given a compaot review of the world's progress ; it follows witb care all tbe important philanthropic arid id- das trial movements of the day; bas a complete department ot religious news; devotes much space to the interests of tbe home; reviews current literature; famishes cheerful table-talk about men and things: and, in short, aims to give fresh information, original observation, and reasonable entertainment. - Beginning with tbe fifty flifth volume, the paper will assume the regular maga zine size, wbiob will add greatly to its oonvenienoe and attractiveness. The Outlook is published every Saturday fifty-two Issues a year. The first issue In each month is an Illustrated Magazine Number, containing about twice at many pages as tbe ordinary issues, together witb large camber ot pictures, Tbe prloe of Tbe Outlook ie three dollars a year In advance, or lees than a cent a day. Send for a specimen oopy and Illustrat ed prospeotos to The Outlook, 13 Astor Place, New Toik Oitv. 8TOCE BRANDS. While roe aeen roar auhearinrJon Baid an rem mn keep you brand In free of charge. Borg, P.O., Heppner, Or -Hones, P B m left .hneklari cattle, same on left hip. rVtob a i " .... ojer; ( at tie, sameon right hipi ear mark saoare wuy vu i.i w bum .ifi 1 1 in risni Donglasa, W. M . Oallowar. Or-('ttle, R Den on left hip. Kir. Bros, Douglas. Or. Hones branded ELY on left shoulder, oattle same on lefthip. hols ir right ear. Fhmmoe, L. A., Heppner, Or. Tattle, LF oa right hip; bones f with bar ttndar on righl shoaldw. 4mm, narrr, neppnr, ur Hones liraadsd ll i on the left ahmllr; eattle bra dd i on rvyiii. nip, aiw nuertn. u ieri ear. nanffe In iohnwm. F.M f ..n. Or Tfui... .ln.UT left stifle; oattle, sane on riht hip. udet half orep in rm.. bihi suut M ten ear Kenor. Mike, Heppner, Or. Hones branded KNI on tart ki oattle same and orop oil left swi nadar elope oa the riant Leaner, I. W. Heppner Dr. Htinae branded L and A on lrt sh'nlder; nettle seme on left hip, wattle over riht sje, lone slits In right ear. Minor, Oscar, neppner. nr. 4 attla, M O ee rupiuip;ourBa aim lert snuoiiier. Mnnran, H. N-, Heppaer, Or. Hmas, kf ) oa Ml efavoldai eauia sasae oa Mt hip. Oehnrn. t. W Dnnclea. horses O on kf shoulder) ealtle same oa Hunt hip. Parker A Olaasoo, Hardmaa.Or.-Hones IF a mi sooauMr. Piper, J. H., Lmlns-tnn. (r. Hnnes, it ena. anted on Uift shoaldari eaule, aame ua Uf hip. ander Ml in aaok ear. rUetor. jTW llvpswr. Or. Honea, JO es left shwaider. (at lie. Ova rlhtbik. Homt. K. O. Hmtmer. Or. - f'aUle W '. . Uri hip, crop of nxtit and andWhil in left rear. w w, wmnwmm w von n eewiltaer. Thoatpatia, J. A Uapooer, r Hnnes. I oa left ehiMlsW: ealtle. a im left sanalrlar. Twitar R. V?.. Happoa. Or.-Hmali eaUal T Mft elMmUW. hmae; oattle same oe Wt hiS nth evlit ta boib an. Wa'terMirBW. W. J.. n.lli,vv Or.i Iimm qnarur eirale iW on riant elioalaWi ealtle iiuanar i-ima. 4 w as tigIA hip end nhl .i e, rr.i and h in lafl ear. . Hais la Morro u bSBauiia auanuea. Outlook (Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.) HEPFNER, OREGON. MRS. ; L. SMALL, Manager. Now Open. New Methods. New Manage ment. Strictly First Glass. Rates, $ i.oo Per SPECIAL MATES BY THE WEEK OR MONTH. . BA first-class feed barn run in connection. Free 'Bns rtm to and-from all trains.- We Boiicityorar patronage. ' ' 587-nov.l2 For more than fifty-six years it has never failed in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and villagers throughout the' U. S. IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity' "u"" uuuie interests, ior eaucauon, ur me elevation oi American manhood and true womanhood. IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and Instructive stories of the doings of the world, the nation and states. ' IT HAS advised the farmer ss to the most approved methods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and the proper time to convert them Into the largest possible amount of money. IT HAS led In all matters pertaining to the welfare of farmers and villagers, aud for over a half iwuwiij uob ubiu fcueir couuaeuee ana IT IS TII33. New York Weekly Tribune, 1 . . And we furnish It with the GAZETTE, dne year for $2.75, eash In ativanoe.' .- -.i1--. ;' Address all Orders to T'TJ vy f A 7L"II'L' ' Write your name and address on a postal card, ; York City, and a sample copy of the New York A Campaign Of Education How to Get It -For v AJS- Df PQBflLLELED summate skill. Such a paper is a great popular educator home. The subscription price of Leslie's it pe We make the unparalleled oiler of a oopy of Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Seml- WftI(!v nn. tr f nr nnln C4 en No such offer was ever made before. No such offer will ever be made .ir.ln Thda IvniunaMmib.. mul .m..m. nk.i.i - . , i j ' ! gift, and will be constant ramindan of the giver's kindness. Remit by postal order or check to the Heppner, Oregon FRANK ROGERS Rogers 6Y Roberts, Contractors Hans and Estimates All Kinds of Repair Work 0FF1CE HOURS-Dar and Night hare your orders "Anr Old Hace".aDd Rojr. or Jim will get 'em. o o o o o o c nTT. Do You Want a Ritr ? tU -v. r'a ri uuni 4 H r rut M Horse ? All theae can le procured at Thompson A Dinns, Lower Main Btrtet, ' Heppner, Oregon. These sentient are well es-qtialntod with Onnt, Harney, Crook, 01 II lata and ether eoeaUet and can save money and time la inaklttg these smtiixii r ill, traveUug men. Prtree In keeping with the times. Tr-ioMPsoisj" & Biisrisrs, ZrxXTMSr, Day and Upwards. BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. and happiness, for the improvement of their esteem. itliu v-aA.u A A Ai. send It to Geo, W. Best, Tribune Offloe, New Weekly;T rlbune will be mailed to you. To be educated one mast read the best literature. The best literature is expensive. . Leslie's Illustrated Weekly. PubMined at 110 Klfth Avenue, New York, is full of the best things Its illustrations are superb; ' Its stories charming; and its literary departments are edited with eon- It should be in every, i. J. ROBERTS and Builders.- Given on Sliort Notice. Dune- t... ur. , Tii iou vv am a i lace io r r - av up Your learn r $4.50 IK Are You in Need of a Saddle EXFrVXM, Fill a bottle or common glass witb ariDS and let it stand twenty-four hoars; a sediment or settling Indioates an no healthy oondition ot tbe kidneys. When urine stains linen it is evidenoe of kid ney trouble. Too frequent desire to uri nate or pain m the back, is also convinc ing' proof that tbe kidneys and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. There is oomfort in tbe knowledge so btten expressed, tbet Dr. Kilmer's Swamp. Root, tbe great , kidney" remedy fulfils every wish W relieving pain in tbe back, kidneys, liver,' bladder and every part of the arinary passages. -It cor rects inability to held irioe And scald ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol lowing use ot liquor, wine or beer, and overoomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during tbe night to urinate. . Tbe mild and the extraordinary effect ot Swamp root is soon realized. , It stands tbe highest for . its wonderful cures ot tbe most distressing oases. It you needs medicine you should have tbe best. Sold by druggists, price fifty oenta and one dollar. Jou may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention the Heppner Gazette and send yonr address to Dr. Kilmer 4 Oo.,Biog bampton. N. T. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness ot this offer. ' . PKKSB COMMENT. Tbe ' republicans of Oregon are not likely to forget who It was that nomi nated and elected Jonathan Bourne to the legislature nor that it was tbe same orowd that made bim seoretary of tbe republican state committee and kept bim in that position until the orotests from members of tbe party throughout tbe state beoame too numerous and strong to be longer ignored. Weekly Aetorian. And tbe republicans of Ore. gon are not likely to forget that this same dishonest Dolitioal Jonathan Bourne, Joe Simon and the rest of the populists oombined to hold the legis lature up. Polk Oo. Observer. Newspapers ot this state are having much to say at present about the union of free-silver forces in the next campaign. Why trouble so greatly over snob, a proposition T Has not. the republican party bad tbe Aombioed fores of tbe free-silver element to fight in this state for four years, and has It not whipped it out completely every time? Where or when was there a stronger anion of forces arrayed aeaiusl the reDnhliaan part; than in tbe Novemberasaasnpsign ot 1806, sod when were tbe opposition forces more completely whipped Out? True, to be sure, many democrats voted against the free-silver-proposition, but tbe opposition was solid, and a union of foroes next spring could develop no greater strength. TLe republican party in this state may reet assured that io the next campaign it will , bave no stronger opposition to meet than was tbe oase in 1896 Oregon Mist. It is a souroe of gratification, indeed. to oetioe witb what vigor and determi nation tbe republicans throughout this state are reiterating their fidelity to toe St. Louis platform, and their determine tion to stand by tbe administration. It is aignifloantot tbe fact that republicans are thoroughly pleased with tbe leaisla- tlon already eoaoted under republican rule, and their failb in the gold standard of money, This is oeagbt bnl tbe proper course. Tbe party lines are to be again draw o on tbe money ones tion, and tbe repnblloao Darty is as de termined ss ever to have tbe issue dearly sot. That party will flgbt tbe combined elements of fiat money la lbs Jons cam paign, In all probability, and it Is not untimely at all that their Intention be mads koowo io advance io regard to this matter. In every precinct in our stats republicans should oall meetings and adopt resolutions to the effect that the policy ot lbs republican Darty as outlined in the St. Louis convention is tbe policy ot tbe ureeinot elector, and Iben the state will be doably assured of their satisfaction. No bait-way policy should be llstenea to for a moment. Oreg io Mist, Chairman Jooes wants the Jemoorete to fuss in Oregon with tbe pope to de feat the republicans. In Arkansas, tbe Senator's stale, the pops fusw) witb the republicans to defeat the democrats. Ii would appear from this fact that th great prinoiples of populism differ in tbe vsnoui states and are based on the simple ground as to blob party is Io power. Tbese pope are fr 'oinet lb party Io power every time. Portland Dtopetcb. Mr, Bryan's charges are VW for every lecture sod one half the net rsoelp over sad above Ibal sum. Hi largest reoeipu were realist at Wlnblte, Kso. where be got $H( for a single eiura and at a lilt's town io Uissouri b mad r75. Every time Ur. Bryan delivers 1300 talk he gives the lie !i bis protest i lions that prosperity is mire remote Bo Ibao before th peopl dfM bim for tbe pre! Irsry.-TeUgrsm. A H.ver utao from principle" j Boaro. tastiflee tbe Oreg.olan. Prlo elplel fish, lie doe not know (he oral elemsou of tb wnrd, not to meniioo IU Btorsl omstitosnU. Is is so ignorant tatt b satinet find th word la th dictionary, would not know it should he accidentally stumble on it, At Yaqmna in tbe summer of 1896 Bourne debated bis future couree with a visitor at bia seaside camp. " He then unfolded his line ot action and asked tbe opinion of bis caller. He distinctly stated that it was a mere matter ot politios with bim, and wanted to know it the caller did not tbink it would be a good idea for bim, Bourns, to support Bryan and through each eotion to obtain control of the Bryan movement in this state. He never mentioned principle onoe. He wanted to control patronage and when be bunts through the list of words beginning with 'P" he cannot get beyond "patron age" and the Oregonien certifies that to be "prinoiple." Well, well. HUleboro, Independent. ' Hew to Look Good. Good looks are really more than skin deep, depending entirely! on a healthy oondition ot ail the vital orgnns. It tbe liver be inactive, you have a billions look, it your stomach be disordered you bave a dyspeptio look; if your kidneys be effeotod, you have a pinohed look. Secure good health,' and you will surely have good looks. "Eleotrio Bitters" is a good alternative and tonic Acts di rectly on the stomach, liver and kidneys. Purifies the blood, cures pimples, blotobei and boils; and gives a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Hold by Slooum Drug Co., E. J. Slooum, manager. 50 oeote per bottle. SHARPS AND fliATS. ' The undertaker's favorite exercise is "boxing." A man must die a and woman most marry to be appreciated. Fishermen's look Whee be can 1 find some one who believes bim. Jumping at a oonolueioo Tbe family dog, aa the coat tails ot the tramp exeunt through tbe gate. Marriage never seems so muoh a fail ure to a man as when something irons wrong at boms that be can't possibly blame his wife for. ' Mt head's a'mnat nn Am mith th. beat ofNha son, be said. I was sore I smelt burnt wood somewhere, she re plied. And now they .don't speek. I should like to see the cxoitemeni said a Heppner man. that would take my breath away. ' Yea, said bis better half, so should L. But unless you ston sating onions I don't think it oould be done. "In India tbe bermits go into the for est, clad only in one garment, and stay for-years without see I o a a Derson." should say that by the end ot that time tbey would be completely wrapped p in themselves, There's nothing else for tbem to do. A queer title for a book, said tbe daughter to her mother. What's tbe nam of it, said her mother. "Not Liks Other Girls,'! answered lbs daughter, And I wonder what she oao be if she it not like other girls. Mother I don't know unless she goes into the kitoben and belps her poor old mother the Work, instead of sit ting ia th parlor, and flaying the piano II day. Borne time ago, io a small town la Oregon, wbiob shall be nameless, a drummer found a printed notice io tbe bedroom of his botel reouestina visitor not to smoke Id tbe bedrooms. Under neath tbe card a former occupant of tb apartment had written P. S. Tbe bed- bngs don't like it Farmer Johnny, do you tee the bell oo the cow's osekT Tee, says Johnny. Farmer Do you know wbal it is forT fep, said Johnny. Farmer Tell me, then. Johnny That's what sbs rlegs wbeo sbe wants to tell tbe little eslf din ner is ready. Tb portly stranger bavins been ad mitted to tbe preseno of lb celebrated and successful author, got down to busi ness right away. "Wbal I waul," said be, "is a taking 'ad' for bakio powder. Ton git me op one that'll eatob - tbe publio, en' you can cameyerows pnee.'i Tbe distinguished literetenr was too flo d airole to be astonished at a nroDo- allioo of ths kind, but tbongbl it well Io make soms eeaalriee as to ths peculiar qualities sod special advantages of tb artlal be was to praise. Ob, I don't know, w baio't Invested it yt, wbat w vaot's o 'ad' that'll knock all these other fellers silly, the powder'll take cars of Itself," lb d saiga (or a flag for tbe colored race should be la lbs form of rtsor. I like all kiod of womsa savs two, and tboes two are tbe new wocoaa and tb old wotnao. Tbe aew woman, ac cording to my deflollioa of bar. is womeo tryit.g to be a roan, ebil lbs old one Is, fur lbs most part, a maa trying to be a womsa. Aod for bell her of bee personage bavt I tnoeh sympathy or respect. I confess I never mt with I foil blown spMimee of tbe new woman for tb sufficient reason that 1 keep out of bsr way a muob as poeeibl. I bava, however, sero bsr at adiataoos, sod read so m of her books, sod I beve mad my mind definitely that I don't like ber I love ber, of course, a 1 am booed I love ber, of coarse, ee 1 am booed to Lod A Treat Co., of tleppber, ba par lov every body (to a eerteia itnt) bat ebaewl a rsnob of 17(X) serve, and a bead I rloa't Ilk bar. aod I think eaa ailll nn dersland lb difTsroce belweee th two. hue ape mssoullne Deeallaritlse, aod insist apoo ber right everywhere. I hope b may get Ibsm. Ma bar tried to gel their rights tut a lost, while aew, POWDER Absolutely Pure and they bave not got tbem fully yet, nd even those who have got them are apparently little the better for tbem, tbe reason being, look to your duties, tor tbey are tbe highest things you have to do with, . As to tbe old woman, I may say jhal I have met her often enough, fof by the old woman I don't mean a woman who is old, but a person, male or female, who is narrow; eeorori- " ous, and desperately afraid ot wbat tbe publio will say, The old woman lives, moves, and has her being iu the world and rules of propriety. Her gospel is the gospel according to etiquette. She never greatly loved anybody, (to bear her tell it). 8he only loves people to a certain extent. The old woman never laughs, sbe only smiles. She thinks everything you do should be measured with a tape-line. Tbe old woman. I dare say, it good enough in her way, but that way is a very small way . In faot, she is hardly to be called good, but rather goody.1 My idea of the whole matter ia that men should be men, and women should be women, and that thev should oot seek to be like one another. Heppner should be proud of her ladies oprnet band. Being a lover of music, I always like to lay a word when I oan. Nothing is mora agreeable to me than to listen to a concert by a band, or orches tra, and Heppner should give tbe band all tbe help that they possibly need, for to keep a band together ia an awful task as anyone who baa ever tried it will admit. , And knowing that Heppner has the most beautiful and accomplished Mrs. and Misses ot any town in the state, it is safe to aay that "tweet" musio will be heard from the band. I wish the band muoh suocess, and on practice oigbta let tbe husbands go down town aod the sweethearts can go key old place, but don't miss tbs rebersal. "Practice makes perfect" Here's look to ths band. Now I will close with this little poem: Till QUIET NIOHT. The night Is quiet, love, my rage is spent, Htlll was the vs on which we parted, And quietly the sneering word was sent That left you 'e-me, broken-hearted. Dearest, on paper I can write, t need i must Ink my pride to s)ieak ; I ne " lovd hes as that night When th;,;. vi ; t-id lags did meeC. 8U ;, ,', old skies above, Th ,.'.. ti'ghl . i iterate ways, The w.ry vk-iw. ,tof love, Tbe lonely uil-- ji wretched dsys. Bo dear, ws may not set sgaln, The world of worlds divides us two; But quiet night, with longing vain, Must sadden me I think of you. Li s Vhmoh, "Only ths Best " shou'd be yonr motto when you needs medioin. Do not be induced to taks any substitute when you oall for flood's Barsaparillt. Experience bat proved it to be tbe best. It Ie an boosst medicine, possessing aotoal aod unequalled merit Be wise end profit by the experience of other peopU. Hood's Pill are tbe favorite family cathartic, easy to take, easy to operate. Baddee Death at Eagre. - JBpeelsl Dispatch Io the Tribune.) Eugene, Or., Jao. 80.- Mrs. Lizzie Oonser, widow of Jacob Conser, died suddenly last light witb heart failure. Hh bad aot beeo feeling very well, but her death waa vary soddeo. Arrangement for tbe funeral have not been made yet. ? I Blows !. (Iran IiIimwI hu.iia a iImii skin beauty without it. ( awarrta, C'amly ('athar- tin .,an Imir IiIimmI aul L It i-lm n I.l stirring up the U.y livrr ami driving all im- fiurilint from the ImkIv. Itagin today to ini. h piniplrs, boils, bloU'hr. blackhead. ami that sii kly liilcm iiiiiipli-iinn by taking f awareta. la-nnf v tt, r.i,l, All,lrd. gists, satisfaction guaraiitrrd, Ocl3c,9!r, F. P. Vsnghao, of Eight Mil, baa re- cently resslved reluras frora ao aeeay office Io Deorsr, oa some ore pt ksd up on bis plao. It went tWJi to tbe loo. Mr, Vsoghsn ba a Udg of this ore oa his farm and will proeaej at uoo to de- velop it. Tb Oatett hope It may prov to be good tbieg. It I easy to catch a oolj snJ just a aay to gel rid of it if you eommee early to as On Mmut Cough Cure. It cures Ooogtis, colds, bronobiti, peeu moele ted all throat aod tang trouble. It i pleasant to take, sat to 0 and sure te core Ouoser A Brock LrmgCreskEsgl: IL F. HynJ, lb popular ssaaager of lb Morrow CoOaty of sheep. Rolterl I a metier among rustlers, aaj lb Eagle te pleased to Dot bis sui-oeea. Te Tar faMtlBtta) far. Tike Caw-arete ( t attiartia I or II U C U fasti I mum, drwMieia rfM