Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 28, 1898, Image 4

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Of Two Transcontinental -
M "Ann
ELY'S CREAM BALM leepoeltlveemre.
Apply into the nostrils. - It Is qnickly absorbed. 60
eenU at Dnnrirlsts or by mail : sample lc by mail.
ELY BROT11KHS. M Warren St.. Mew York Citr.
Salt Lake ;
Omaha (
Keep SUgbp l fiicn.
Talis You How to Do It.
St. Paul
Chicago Kansas City
low Urates to all
eastern cities.
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days for
By a (peoial arrangement we offer to
our readers
The Wool Record
and Semi-Weekly Gazette, one year for
The Wool Record, is the only national
wool organ and covers the wool industry
from tbe raising of the abeep to the sell
ing of tbe manufactured article. It is
published weekly at New York and the
regular price is $2.00 a year. Its market
reports are fall and oomp . e and its
Sheep Breeders' Talks alone are worth
10 times tbe prioe of tbe paper. '
Mam pie copies on application.,
We heartily recommend this combi
nation to our subscribers.
Steamers Monthly from Portland to I
Tokoboma and Hone Eons; via, Tbe
Northern Paoiflo Steamship Oo.in con.
nection with O. B. & N. .
For (all details oall on O. R. 4 N.
Agent at Heppner, or address
Dodwell, Carlill, & Co., Gen'l. Agti.,Nor. Pao.
8. 8. Co., r ortlaua, ure.
Gen. Pass. Agt.
Portland. Obbqoh.
Rural ,: Spirit
Published; Weekly-
Portland, Or.
Rope is selling at Dawson for $1 per
foot ,
O. A. Johnson was np from Lexington
yesterday. ' '
Mrs. Julia Bradley is visiting in Hepp
ner this week.
. G. Frey was in from his Black Horse
farm Thursday.
Frauk Gentry was in from bis Blaok
Horse farm yesterday.
W. B. McAllister, of Lexiogtop, vis
ited tbe city Thursday.
What is Hop Gold? Best beer on
earth. , Bee ad. elsewhere. .'.
Mrs. N. A. Kelley was down from their
Willow creek ranch Thursday.
To trade A good heating stove, for
oordwood. Call at office. tf.
Felt boots and rubbers, and Arotio- abeep, in these days, but of having tbe
ovflr.hr.6fl at T. R. Howard's. , - 606-tf. beep to sell
Tbe following, called from tbe Ameri
can Sheep Breeder and Wool Grower,
will prove of interest, to every sheep
man of Morrow county, and should be
carefully read:
Mutton sheep averaged nearly $1 per
head higher than last year.
Reoeipts of sheep and lambs at tbe
Chicago yards daring '9? were 3.606,640,
valued at $14,424,728." A record year. ;.
Sheep receipts at Kansas City were
1.184,236 over 993,126 in 1896. Average
prioe tor absep at this market was $4.
It is high time that the grade ram was
relegated to tbe mutton feeding yard
and his faoile work of breed distortion
ended. ) j
It li not a question of finding a market
for thoroughbreds, or any other kind of
i :
Harry Jones was in getting supplies
for bis sheep camps yesterday. (, ,
Mocoasios and buoksklo mittens sell
from $5 to $7 per pair at Dawson. "
F. N. Cbnrohill , a trayeling man from
Cbioago,; was doing our oity yesterday.
One Mmute Cough Cure cures qaiokly.
That's what you want! Conser & Brock
( Stook sheep have advanoed another 20
per oent in the last sixty days and are
getting relatively; high, bat tbey are
soaroe and people want them and will
have them.
' The top price for lambs on tbe Chicago
market was $6.40 and sheep $5 36; lambs
'made the highest. average in five years
and abeep brought a higher prioe than
A.E.Wngutcame in Thursday. He ,eMon toZ fonr 'MB-
HUE 100 G01H6 ERST ?
If so, be sure and see that your
tioket reads via
1 Honnvestern Line
Great Short
Their Magnificent Track, PeerleM Vestibuled
and Turf.
Worth its weight in gold to every' farmer
and breeder in Oregon.
Sample oopieg free.)
Rural Spirit and Gazette both (or
13.00, cash, at this office. 1
Line v46, bo years .
lmllji jy EXPERIENCE
Dining anil Bleeping Car
Tralni, ana Motto
Trade Marks
' - Designs
Copyrights Ac.
Anyone nenrtlni a sketch and descrintlon mar
qnickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention in
tlons strictly
hu given this road a national reputation. All
tilauei of passengers carried on the vestibuled
tralm without extra oliarge. Whip your treiKiit
la probably patentable.
aent free. Old
and travel over this fatuous Hue. All ageuta
have ticket!.
Uen. A Kent. 'J'rav. P. & P. Agt.
'4a Washington w., roruaua, or.
Ilwalee & St. Paul m
r patentable. CommuntasW
r oonnilHiitlfU. Handbook on Patftuta
Hdtwt alienor for neourinar oatenta.
I'atenta taken throuifh Munn & Co. raotilv
tpeeUU notte; without Gimme, la tha
Scientific Jlmericam
A handsomely lllnstrated weekly.
dilation of anv aelentlno lournaL
rour nionin!, !L Bold by all newsdealers.
T,arffeit If.
Terms, as a
&Co.361BfMd New York
ilrauen Offloe, 626 t Bt, Washington, D. C.
This Railway Co.
Operates its trains on the famous block
Lights its trains by eleotriolty tbrougb
oot; Uses the oelebrated electric berth read'
ing lamp;
Rons speedily equipped passenger trains
every day and night between Ht. I'aal
and Cbioago, and Omaha and Chioago;
Chicano, Milwaukee &
St. Paul
Alao operate steam-beated veatibuted
trains, carrying the . latest private
compartment oars, library buffet smok
ing cars, and palace drawing room
Farlnr ears, free reclining obair oars.
ana the very Dent dining obetr oer
For lowest rstes to any point in lbs
United States or Canada, apply to
ageut or address
T ur nievv i---.
Trav. Pass. Agent. Portland, Or.
spokane falls & northern
The Only All-Rail Route Without
Change of Cars Between Spokane,
Rowland ' and Nelson. ; Also between
Nelson and Rossland.' dailv excsDt
MID A. M...
UOl A. M ..
:1U A.M ...
. IttHwIand.
. Melauu...
...Mo P. M.
.. 11:40 f. M.
...y.u P. M.
reports sheep in bis neighborhood doing
fine.' '
Mr. A. C Pettys' folks, who have been
on the siok list tbe past week, are im
proving, i
Tbe tax levy for Wasoo oounty has
been fixed at 22 mills .Tbis ia tbe same
as last year, s
. Fine home-made taffy at tbe Orange
Front. - A olean, fresh stock of goods-
leave yonr orders. If.
Painless remedy for extracting teeth.
If not as stated, no charges. Try Dr.
Vangban'B new plan. , 604-tf.
Ordinary dogs will pack from 80 to 50
pounds and stand to tbe mark all right
day in and day out.
It you need something tor your system
oall at the 'Pbone-The Telephone sa-
oon, Oity hotel building.: . tt
Edward Jones arrived yesterday morn
ing from Igo, Calif., to be at tbe funeral
of bis brother, Nelson Jones.
Wells & Co. this week moved their
stook of furniture into the building re
cently vaoated by MiDor & Co.
J. F. Willis paid this office a visit
Wednesday. He asks this paper, to in
form his many friends that he is still a
E. Y. Judd, wbo is well known to tbe
sheepmen of Morrow county, has just
returned to ; Pendleton, - from a trip
around tbe world. ,
'E. G. Noble & Co. are rustlers after
business. Tbe finest saddles and har
ness to be found in Heppner. See tbeir
new ad in this issue. tf.
E ias Friend and wife were in from
Social Ridge Thursday . Mr. Friend re
ports crop prospects as very favorable
for the coming season. . .
Be not deaeivedl A cough, hosrsness
or oroap are not to be trifled with. A
dose in time of Sbilob's Cure will save
you much trouble. Sold by Conser A
Brock. y
Robert L. Lane was found dead in bis
oabin on Rattlesnake Gulob, about four
miles north of Sparta, Union oounty.
He was ouoe sheriff of Flathead county,
Montana. 1
S. B. Huston, a prominent attorney of
Hillaboro, spent Wednesday in this oity
on legal business, oir. nuston , wss
state senator from Washington county
tor four yesrs.
M. B. Galloway, tbe photographer, is
prepanng to move Dis gauery into me
building recently built and ocoupied by
Wash Thompson as a butcher shop.
Mike will move tbe first ot tbe month.
The following U a llit of the arrival! at the
Palace Hotel for the week ending Jan. 27, "98:
B L A ken
Ohai Keenan
John C Luce
J N Fordyee
C T Peteraon
J P Gatehy
H F Merrill & family
R C Thompson
O M Holmea
C P Call
Geo Horaman
T Tvde
Alf Sheppard
I N HHKnee
Henry Bchenlnger
o r mom peon
Chaa Royae
J G French
Lnther Huiton
J H Ruat
O Harrington
J Hlokey
W 8 Brown
A O Petty!
A 8 Burch
J H Barker
E D Rood
8 N Kenny
Pat Doherty
W J Carroll
Ben Thomas
C C McDonald
P Kilkenny
Mrs Farley
J Paul
J F Royse
Nela Magnuaen
R B May
H V Gatea
8 D Cooper
P Brenner
G F Mathewi
E P Greene
, 8 B Huston '
Joseph Luckman
Mr! Brown
Allen Even!
O Pearson
H Phillip!
F N Churchill
TJ Armstrong
W J Clarke
It there is not a general smaehnp in
tbe mutton and ' lamb market soon
whole lot of pessmistio farm and sheep
nepers will go into mourning over tbe
untimely demise. of their predictions
Daring tbe fall months 25 per oent of
all tbe sheep and Iambs received at
Cbioago were purchased and reshipped
by feeders, some of tbe buyers paying
as high as $5,25 for feeders, tbe average
being $4.60.
Everywhere the markets are filled with
mutton, where a year or two ago none
was to be seen. The awakened taste
tor this best of meat is worth millions
to the shepherd whose business now is
to improve bis stock to produce the best
ot this most nutritions of all meat ; ',
When abeep are seen to be biting them
selves Ipok for ticks. If it oan be got a
little buttermilk poured down tbe flanks ,
will kill these pests, or a small quantity
ot some good dip may be used for this
purpose. Get rid ot every tiok be
fore the lambs ere due or these will
Buffer. .
The fleeoe will be a tell-tale against
tbe shepherd by and by, recording every
negleot by a weak spot in the fiber, and
this will lessen the value of tbe fleece
when it is marketed. ' Don't think for a
moment that the buyer won't find it out.
This is bis business, and as a rule be at
tends to bis business with a sharp eye.
For God's sake let us have a rest from
further talk of further .tinkering with
the wool tariff. Tbe wool tariff is a good
one, the ebeepmen are prospering under
it and like it, and there are no kioks ex
cept from chronio agitators wbo would
still kiok, rant, protest, contort, threaten,
snivel, tear their hair and burst tbeir
shirt buttoos with bowling it wool were
worth a dollar a pound.
E C Ashbaugh
J I H niton
Frank Bloan
W K Carson
Chaa Hawking
P K Bhorte
J Kilkenny
C M Herren
John E Woodien
W Markllle
John Cochran
B Gatea
Mias Broaman
Wm Fossin
8 M Junkin
8 J Freedman
A C Vernellyi
h v uatea
GS Mann ,
John Jonea
i H uiiea
James Carty
Wm Baird
T Barne!
W H Rick!
Mm Horub
E Matteaon
F A Moore
R Kllbourne
Dr M Garnsey
Dave Brink
Henry Jones.
Arrivals at Hotel Heppner for week ending
Jan. 27.
G W" Montague, Arling
ton Chas Long, Sand Hollow
U K reaee, city
W W Brannin, Port
land Dr Lucy M Ingersoll, '
Ban Diego
E H Anderson, city
Chas Fisher, Ross
land BC
J 8 Jordan
W J Carroll
J H Clayton, Portland
D A Greenwood, Lone
J W Dalton
D W Miller, Dalles
1) H Frankhauaer,
J W Depuy .
J Rom) ne i :
W H Spivey, city
J Dee, Pendleton
Mrs B A Plckard, city
Geo Walker, Baker
John Colstock, city
J M Livingston, Sand
W Bate!
8 M Teed, city
u ti rora. city
R F Hynd, city
J G Thompson, clt;
Chas Bockley dt
J L Reddish, city
B LWaUiins, xaquina
Aug Gundlach, Grand
Forks. ND
J C Keithley & son,
F Q Hart, depot
D B Lyde, city
W W 8mead. city
T Drlskell, city
Chester Hatheway, city
W Smith, Ioue
L Crosby
M McGulre
C Bartlett. O R & N
A Back man, Portland
W T Hatten, city
Wm Black
L Burton, Dalles .
Harry Hanby
R K Simpson, Gooaeb'ry
R J Wilkin, city
G W McDonald
B P Sullivan, Butter Cr'k
H Corbln
E B Nye, Butter Creek
D W Bowman, Walla
Rev H Barnhart, Mica,
E C Ashbaugh, 8 Mile
F Thomas, city
J Mills, city
L A Lee, Baker City
G W Phelps, city
J T Stewart, city
Miss Cora Stubblefleld,
J Augustine De Mora,
Boise City
Frank Young, Gooseb'ry
H Miller, Butte, Mont
RW Wilson
V W Tillard, city
Jack Clark, Blue Mti
Frank Engleman, lone
J G Thompson, city
Aa Emlaent New York Chemist and Scientist
Makes a Free Offer to Oar headers.
The distinguished chemist, T. A. Slo
onm, of New York City, demonstrating
his discovery of a reliable cure for Con
sumption (Pulmonary Tuberoulosis),
bronchial, Inng and ohest troubles,
stubborn oougbs, catarrhal affeotions,
general deoline and weakness, loss ot
flesh, and all conditions or wasting
away, will send THREE FREE BOT
TLES (all different) ot bis New Die
nnvAMM in anv afflicted reader of this
caper writing for them.
His "New Scibntiflo Treatment" has
oured thousands permanently, by its
timely nse, and be considers it a simple
professional duty to suffering humanity
to donate a trial of bis infallible oure,
8oienoe daily develops new wonders,
and this great chemist, patiently experi
menting for years, bas produoed results
as beneficial to humanity as can be
claimed by any modern genius. His
assertion that lung troubles and con
sumption are ourable in any olimate is
proven by "heartfelt letters of grati
tude," filed in bis American and Euro
pean laboratories in thousands, from
those oured in all parts of tbe world.
The dread Consumption, uninter
rupted, means speedy and certain death.
Simply ; write toT. A. Slooum, M. C,
98 Pine street, New York, giving post
office and express address, and the free
medicine , will be prompt); aent direot
from his laboratory.
Sufferers should take instant advan
tage of bis generons proposition.
Please tell tbe Doctor that you saw
this in the Gazette, published at Hepp
ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 yr.
Now Prepared to do Any
Kind of Printing Don't "i;
Send Your Orders Away "'-
'Till You Get the Gazette's i t."
Heretofore the Gszette's job depart
meat has tried to do no work other than
plain printing. However, this ahop is
now prepared to tackle anything in any
line and will meet prioea of any person 1
under tbe sun in the line ot druggists '
supplies, blank books, bank work '
oounty work, or any sort ot book bind
ingwork that you have heretofore sent
away to get done.
The Gazette shop is not a charity
ooncern bat it you will give as a ohanoe
we will see that you are satisfied in
every particular.
Buy your goods at home. Remember
that Abe Linooln said that when one
bought goods away from borne tbe
foreigner got the money and we got the
gooas. cut wnen - toe goods were.,
bought at home we had both money
and goods. This is good doctrine. We
are willing to- abide by it. When tbe
printing drummer comes to town, re,
member it and call up 'phone No. 8.,.:
560-tt r.
i v;
Donation to the Pastor.
A surprise donation party was given
Rev. J. W. Flesher Wednesday evening
at tbe M. . obaroh. He was tbe recipi
ent of many useful artiolea and bis
purse was moresed in weigbt very ap
preciably. An enjoyable sooial tia-e
was had by those present. -
$100 Reward 1100. .
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there ia at least
one dreaded disease that soienoe bas
been able to oure in all its stages, and that I
is catarrh ' Hall's Catarrh Cure is the I
only positive oure known to tbe medioal
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu
tional disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Oure is taken
internally, aotiog direotlj upon the
blood and m noons surfaces of tbe sys
tem, thereby destroying tbe foundation
ot tbe disease, ana giving tbe patient I
strength by building np the constitution
and assisting nature In doing its work. I
Tbe proprietors have so rauob faith in
its curative powers, that tbey offer one
hundred dollars for any oase that it fails
to ours. Bend for list of testimonials.
Address, F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
mm Bal
MEN ! be ci
If vou suffer from anv of the I
ills of men, come to the oldest
Specialist on the Pacific Coast, I
.I0BI Market St- Ett d I8B2.
Yonnir men and middle ,
axed men who are suffering
I from the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex-
Cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical
in all us complications; wper maiorrnira,
Prnlntri-hri. ftoiiurrbcen. Sileel,
l'reni'ue.r of Vrliisktins;, eic. By a
combination of remedies. of creat curativepow- ,
er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment '
that it will not only afford immediate relief but ,
permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to
perform miracles, but is well-known to De a lair ,
and square Physician and Surgeon, prv-erainent
in his specialty DlneaseH of JO en.
"..vpmiis inorougniy erunicatea iruui tue
15'stem without using Merrury
WVEHV MAN annlvliiir in flM Will re-
i Cetveour hmal opinion ol hisromplnint.
n ewiuuuarantcea rusin vjz tUAis
! evry cans we undertake, or forfeit One
inonwnnn i.oiiarsi.
Consultation FREE and strictly private.
The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co.
eTEAlIEES..;... ' ,. .
Leave Tbe Dalles daily (exoept Sunday)
at 7:30 a. m. Leave Portland at 7:00 '
a. m.
When you go to Portland, atop off at t
The Dalles and take a trip down the
Columbia; you will enjoy it, and save
. W. O. ALLAWAY, 1 '
' General Agent.
CUiaa flKinnefftiiina at NmIuin lfh rfMm.M ft... I
Eaalo, ami all Kootenai kft points,
faaaengera for 'Kettle KIvmp &n.l RnniUF.
viw. vuuitwL nv naruns will) atatre uajlv.
Sick poison is a poison wbiob makes
you sick. It comes from tbe stomaob.
Tbe stomach makes it oat ot undigested
food. The blood gets It and taints the
whole body with it. That's tbe way ot it.
The way to get rid of it is to look after
your digestion.
If your food is all properly digested,
there will be none left in tbe stomaob to
make sick-poison ont of.
If your stomaoh is too weak to see to
this properly by itself, help it along with
a few doses of Shaker Digestive Cordial.
That's tbs cure ot it. .
Shaker Digestive Cordial is delicious,
healthful, tonic cordial, made of pure
medicinal plants, herbs and wine.
It positively cures indigestion and
prevents the formation ot siok-poisoo.
At druggists. Trial bottles lOoeots.
Almanac 0 ,.
': Encyclopedia
Mrs. Mary Bird, Hamsburg, Pa-, says,
My cbild is worth millions to me, yet I '
would have lost ber by oroup had I not
invested twenty-five cents in a bottle of
One Minute Cough Core." It cares
oougbs, colds and all throat and lung
troubles. Conser k Brook.
Is Frond of It, Too.
East Oregonian: The town of Heppner
has oeased paying ber bills in sorip and
now pays oasb tor everything. Hepp
ner is out of debt. Pendleton could
have been, with proper management.
There is no necessity for any town or
county in Oregon to "run in debt.'
Tbey oan better pay aa tbey go than
meet tbe additional bnrden an interest
bearing debt imposes. Debt attacks in
dustry and enterprise, tbe vitalities on
wbicb every town exists. In the nest
made of debte plutocracy is giyen birtb
while tree men and free institutions are
given burial.
Yes, Heppner is proud she is out of I
debt. Good management ot the city's
affairs has brought about this result and
a oontlnuanoe ot tbe same policy Is going
to keep tbe town oat of deot.
mtnt personally or by letter. Send for book,
" The riiiloHODhy of ll&rrlace.'
free. (A valuable book for men.)
Great Museum of Anatomy 4
the finest and largest Museum of its kind in the
world. Come and learn how wonderfully you
ore made; how to avoid sickness and diMare.
We are continually adding new specimens.
CATALOGUE i'llKff. Call or write.
1381 Knrkist Street. Saa Francisco, Cut,
San Francisco
And all point In California, via the lit Shasta
route of the v
Southern Pacific Co
Fha nrreat highway through California to all
int East and south. Grand eoenio Kouts)
nointa lLant ana aoutb.
of the Faoino Uoaet. Pullman Ballet .
Weepers, 8eoond-ol&ss fcUeepen
Attached to exnress trains. aHordina anperior
accommodations for aeoond-olasa passenger.
t or rate, tickets, sleeping oar reeerrauons. -
to,. oall npon or addreee
K. KOEULEK. Manaarer. U. 11. MAUGHAM.
Gen. F. 4 P. Agt., Portland, Oregon
r The bast
seeds grown are
SKerrv'a. The bent'
teedi sown are Ferry's.
. The beat seeds kuowu are I
'Ferry's, it pays to plant
Famous Seeds
Ask the dealer for them. Bend for
and getall that's good ana(
new the latest ana
tbe best.
. H. FERRY ft C0..Wtff
Eastern Oregon
State Normal School,
Weston, Oregon
Bas Bold Oat.
Elmer Gentry last weak disposed of
his Sand Hollow ranob to Messrs Ed
Baling and W. G. McCarty. Elmer in
tends to move to Waitabarg, Wash., as
soon as be oan get ready. The Gaistte
Mrs. Lsase is Coming.
Information baa been reoeivod at Pen
dleton, saya tha E. O., that Mary Ellen
Lease, tbe famous female orator of Kan
sas, will speak at Walla Walla some lime
in March. An effort will be made to se
cure Mrs. Lease's presence at Pendleton
and Walla Walla, a parse ot $75 being
nsoesssry to defray expenses and pro
vide a free lectors for the publio at tbe
court house. Probably no woman in
the United 8tates has been tbe objeot of
so much wit and ridicule on tbe part ot
paragraph writers as Mrs. Lease, bat
this itself is fame, and sbs is always
is sorry to see such enterprising oitisens
aa Mr. Gentry leave Morrow oounty, bnt tbl-0 preM0, w,erMfU)g apeeohes on noi and well. Dr. King's New
Its best wishes go with him
to bis new I tbs political doolrioes she supports.
Tickets Issued to all points In the United
Htatfs and Canada.
Yoti may
Ask It.
Prosperity cornea quickest to the mso
whose liver is in good condition. De
Witt's Little Early Risers are famous
little pills tor ooostipation, btllionaneea,
Indigestion and all stomach and liver
troubles. Conser k Brock.
Nbw Yom
All other
Is the
Real end
Kansas Citt
Hr. J oats p
Ht. Lotus
Held a Morlat t)Mata,
Tbe Degree ot Honor lodge held a
social acesion after tbs regular business
sion last evening. IUfreehmaots
were served and a most enjoy sble time
waa the vsrdiot ot all present These
sooial oocasiona are Quite frequent with
this order of late. Mrs. Margaret Emer
son wss installed aa Lady ot Honor, she
beiog absent on bar wedding trip at tbe
I time of Ibe regular Installation of officers.
Union Depot eooaeotloaa
at HL Paul, Mianeapolia,
Kansas City, Omaha. 8U
tanks and other promi
nent points
Baggage checks J through to destination
ol tickets.
Through tickets to J a pas anJ Chlua, via
Taooma and Northers I'actoe Btaam
abip Company's line.
For full Information, time oarda, maps,
tickets, ete Call on or write
W. O. ALI.AW Af , A. I). CaABLTOR,
Aft. N. P. Hr. Aaat. Oan. t'aas. Agt
Tbe Dallas, Of. Portland, Or
Ready Jan. , S93,
On All News Stands,
Larger, Better, More Complete
Than Ever.
Werklf Kicaraloaa to Us Kaafc
A toarist sleeping car will leave Port
land every Tuesday at 9:00 p.m., via
the O. R. k N. without change to Boston,
and coder tbe supervision of eiperi
eoced conductors. No ohangs of oars to
the cities ot Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo or
Bo toe. The ideal trip to the Eaet is
now before too. Remember this aerviee
bea going East, and consult O.KsN,
Agents, or address,
W. H.Hrmi.acBT,
Geo. Pass. Agt,
Portland, Or.
Well Kaewa at Hrppaer.
Tbs Dramatic Mirror says: "E.A1
as Statu, wife of the well-known actor
and manager, J. O. Btatls, died at
Menu, Utah. Jan. 3rd. from tbe effects
ot bnrns reoeivsd while she and ber
bnsband were mixing np a patent red
fire. Tbe ebemioal exploded while abe,
bar husband and daughter were in tbe
room. Tbe daughter escaped nniojored;
bat Mr. Statu reoeived barns wblob will
Ths Surprise of All.
Mr. James Jonss ot tbe drug firm of
Jones A 8onlCowden, III, in speaking
ot Dr. King's New Discovery, says that
laat winter bis wife was attacked wltb
la grippe, and ber case grew so serious
Ibst pbysioiani at Cowdeo and Pans!
could dn nothing tor ber. It seemed to
develop into hasty consumption. Hav
ing Dr. King's New Discovery in store.
and selling lots ot it, be took a bottle
borne, and to tbe surprise of all abe De-
gan to get better from first dose, and
half dosen dollar bottles oared berl
oovery for consumption, eoogns ana
colds Is guaranteed to do tbis good
ork. Try. it. Free trial bottles at I
Blocum Drag Go's, E. J. Slooum, m'gr.
Soaie Klondike Weather.
Up in Camas Prairie, only 45 miles
south ot Pendleton, tbey ere having
weather wbiob tbe Klondike might
envy, while at Psodltton Ibe mercury
baa not yet tonobed tbe sero point In
a private letter to tbe E. O. from Ukiab
nnder date of January 24, W. T. Sellers
writes as follows: "Tbe thermometer
last nisht at this place registered 361
degrees below aero."
Located on the O. R. k N. Railway
midway between Pendleton and
Walla Walla. Students admitted at
all times of tbe year.
First-Class Training School for Teachers.
Vooal and Inatrumental Masio taught
by ontnpetent instructors. A gradu
ate of tbe Boston Conservatory baa
charge ot tbe Instrumental department
OMio rodies' Bonrdlnc Hall
Is thoroughly equipped end offers ex
cellent accommodations at reasonable
rates. Send for catalogue.
Addaaaa M. G. ROYAL. President of Faculty er P. A. WORTHING.
TON. Secretary Board of ReoenU, Weaton, Ore.
IMI ....THE.... S Ql s
ml Weekly IiiterOceau 19 .1
is J5
J It tt radically Republican, advocating
the cardinal doctnnta of that party
with ability and cxnatntsj'js
MBut It can always be reiki on JJ
for fair and honest reports of all po H
litkal rnovemcntajs J JJ jtjtjt
Dreadrslly fterveaa.
Ucnts: I was dreadfully nervona,aod
tor relict took your Carl's Clover Root
Tee. It quieted my oervea and strength-
I Mm BknU MAa ivaUns. I ssaa
rum uji w uir.w m " . , , . .1...
tioubledwith oonelipaltoo, kidney and .T-. I .7' .
bowel trouble.
I my system so thoroughly that I rapidly
I regained health and strength. Mrs. 8.
A. HweeL Hartford, Goon. Sold by
Conner k Brock. f
tmt BK mi f i'hti.M MjihjI futtui
rulltxer Duttdlnai New York.
Tbe Gssetle ear nee a tall stook ot
mourning Bote, correspondence style.
with envelopes to match. Those desiring
encb stationary can have their wants
I supplied at this effioe. tt.
ber death. 8be suffered untold agonies
for five days, tbs accident oceurriog
Deo. 3otb" Tbe Stutta compaay bas
played la Heppner several times, cad
tbe victim ot tbia accident vac well
knows by many of ear townspeople. '
Kdexaie Texse HawoU With Caavrer
!y ("aihanlr, ewre eonatlpailoa frnvtar.
sue. uuiiU. fail, drusmiate rw una bom.
See M, Lisliteatkal k Co. twr sboec a
A Save Tatar for Tare.
A transaction ia wba b yout-annot loaelsa
sore wlug. Ulliousnes. aK k tMNsdac-Uo, Iui
reU toiiKue, fever, pi Lea aud a lUouaaud wUrftr I
tle aie cauiuxi oy oDnaupuuou sua aiutrgiaa
liver. CVM-arte Candy Catbarttr, the won-
durful Dew livor stimulant and Inue Inal
touio are ty all UniRgiau unrantosia to cure
or monrv refumlea. I'. C. ti are a sure
thing. Try a bos tn-Ony; loo.. . ooa
rUundc aud booklet free. be our big aa.
Frank Engletnaa, of Ioae, has beco
appointed ageet for a self beating smooth-
log iron that seems to oe to be as Bear
par faction aa anything In tbie line conl J I
possibly be Mr. Englemaa sells these I
ironc very reasonable. .
1 sa
It Is Morally Clcas aad as i Family Pi per b Without a Peer. "
Tn Uuntun ht columot la
couaJ to that ot (Ac bit magf
taes. ltl$lmmtugtotbtckU
tfrwa Mt wtll as tb partott.
I and while tt brings to the family THE NETS OF
THE WORLD and rives ru rtadut tbs beat aad ablcet
rlrsruainos oi aO queaUocai ol the day, it It In full sympathy
with the air a and aspirations of Western propls and
due usee UtmtufC and politics from the Vcttera sUodpoinLJ'jS
uca fricec:e ccllar PER TEAS $1.00
J. A. Perkiee, ot Antiquity, O , was fnr
thirty years needleaely lortnred by pby-
eiciana tor Iba core ot ectrma. He was
quickly cared by aslog DeWttt'c Witeb
Utiel salve, tbe famooa bealiag salve
for piles ssd akia elieaeeee. 0BSr k I
as " k.
Tl aariT kn rrsoAT IMTrnS
Una ciaj ah am or mix
rrtnewf nHv Wy MI1
f vtna ( aaiMlav kv smII
Iially sued Raswlay fcy snail
ofTwt sills
ft oe yMv SillS
" With The Gazette, $2.50 per Year. "