Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 28, 1898, Image 1

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    Portland Lit"'?
P A P E It
Semi-Weekly Gazette
Seml-WeeklH Gazette
AT $2.00 A YEAR. -
II .1.1-
31 !
NOi 618
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man.
At $2.0) per year, $1X0 tot six moatha, tQ ots.
;or three moains, strictly in advanoe. -.
Aduertising Rates Made Known on
Entered at the Postofflce at Heppner, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
THIS PAPER is kept on file at E. C. Dake's
Advertising Agenoy, 64 and 65 Merchants
Exohangs, San Francisoo, California, where oou
raeti for advertising oan be made for it.
. ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Build
ing, Ban Francisco, la oar authorized agent
This paper is kept on file at hie office.
0. R; & N. -LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p.
m. daily exoept
Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 12:06 a. m.
Leaves Heppner Jnnotioa
8:30 a, m. and ar.
nves at Heppner MM a. m.
Spokane Express No. t leaves Portland at 2:00
p. m and arrives at Heppner J emotion 7:50 p. m.
and Umatilla 8:60 p. m.
Portland Express No. S, from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla 60) a. m. and Heppner Junction 7 KX)
.m. and arrives at Portland 12:90 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9s2S p. m. and
arrives at Heppner J auction 8:5 a, m. and at
Umatilla 4:30 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and
arrives at heppner Junction 12:25 a, m. and at
Portland 7:21 a. m.
For farther information inquire of J. G. Hart,
Agent O. 11 4 N., Heppner, Ore. -.
United States Officials, r
. mmam ra.cn.imey
Secretary of State
secretary of Treasury..,.
Secretary of Interior
Seoretary of War
Secretary of Navy
Seoretary if Agriculture.
.Garret A. Hobart
John oherman
Lyman J. Gage
. . Cornelius N. Bliss
i ....Rusaell A. Alger
John D. Long
James A. Gary
...Joseph McKenna
James Wilson
State of Oregon.
Governor W. P. Lord
Seoretary of State H. 8. Kincald
Treasurer. Phil. Heteohan
Bopt. Pablio Instruction. G. M. Irwin
Attomev General '. C. M. Idleman
Senator. ... j: ;.MoBd'
JThos. H. Tongue
IW. K.
W. H. Leeds
R. a. Bean.
nnmrna Jndirai ' F. A. Moore.
( 0. E. Wolverton
8lxth Judicial District.
Circuit Judge. Stephen .Lowell
('roeeoar.ina Attorney ..H. J. Bean
Morrow County Officials.
olnt Senator, i... A. W. flowan
Heoreeentative ......
J. N. Brown
1'ionntr Jndtce..
G. Bartholomew
.... J.K.Howard
" Commissioners.,
J. W. Beckett.
" Clerk.. .
" Sheriff...,
' Treasurer.
J. W. Morrow
...,E. L. Matlock
.... Frank Gilliam
A. C. Petteys
J. W. Hornor
i Johooi ftnp't..
' Coroner,. .....r.,
.....Jay W. Shipley
xi i? ; 1. ..
tupfnii mn ornaKRS.
Thos. Morgan
Cionnilmen.... Geo. Conser, Frank
Gilliam. Arthur Minor, K. J. Biooum, m.
l.inhtATit.hal And J. K. Simons.
Kworder W. A. BichardBon
Treasurer I
Marshal A. A- Huberts
Precinct Officer.
l.rft r fh. Paana i W. K. Richardson
ConsUble ...N- 8. Whetstone
United States Land Officer. '
m nALLU. on. .
i. V. Moors Register
A.B.Bm BeoeiTer
B.F, Wilson Register
J. H. Kobbins Reoeiver
Meetsat Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of
ch month. All veterans are uviiea io join,
a w Hmlih C. G. FuuD.
Adjutant, tf CommauuW,
Dr. P. B. McSwords,
OflSo in the City Drag Store, Dear
City Hotel. U
D. J. McFauL M. D.
Offlea boora, 8 to 10 . m., aod 12 to
2 D. m.. at roaidnoce, W. A. Kirk'i prop
erty, east ot M. E ehnrcb, Sontb, and 10
to 12, a. m , to 2 to 0 p. m., at omoa Id
tba rear of Borg't Jewelry itore.
Brown & Redfield,
Attorneys at Law.
OCHoe In tba First National
HirpKiR, : : Obioon
Justice ot the Peace'
and City Recorder.
Office AT
Hells and buva real estate, rents honera. pan
taies. dim eonveysnclnf and will serve foil in
any way in bis Hue. si reaaooante agurea.
First National Bank
C. A. Rmia,
T. A. Rmca.
GEO. W. CON tlH,
s. w. srcNccN,
Vie Preeleent
Asa't Cashier
Tr&sadj I Gcsenl Biallsg Bosiacss.
)a all pant ef the wortd-
Bought.and Sold
Cullertlnns auds oa all points oa
reasonable Terms.
urplas and sodlvldwt Profits, ISt.Otl0.00.
Tbe OaaV.te will takepoUloee. afplea,
cfe or batter ea abeeripttoo aorosnlA
Any oa owing tbia oSoerao eettle ttteir
sceoeote ia Ibis assaer 4 east do it
tuo aouoi to mil ae.
Going. East?
FIRST Go via. 8b Paul be-
cause the lines to that point will
anord you the very best service.
SECOND See that the coupon
beyond St. Paul reads via. the
Wisconsin Central because that
line makes close . connections with
all the ' trans-continental lines en
tering the Union Depot there, and
us Bervice is nrst-ciasB in every
narticnlar. "
. j
iniiiu Dor lDtormation, call
ou your neignoor , ana iriena inei
nearest ticket agent and ask for a
ticket reading via. , the Wisconsin
Central lines, or address
Jas. 0. Pond, ' j or Geo. 8. Batty, ' '
Gen. Pas. Agt, General Agent,
Milwaukee, Wis. 246 Stark St.,'
. Portland Or.
H. W. Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
r 1 1 tt .
mm liouse.
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. &
., (J. m. & st. p., c. & a., p. Ft. w. & c,
and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton SU.,
Published Every Saturday
3 Astor Place
New York
The Outlook will be in 1897, as it bas
been during eaob of its twenty-seven
years, a History of Oar Own Times. Id
its various editorial departments Tbe
Outlook gives a compact review of tbe
world's progress; it follows with oara
all the important philanthropic snd in
dustrial movements of the day; bas a
complete department ot religious news;
devotes mnob space to the interests of
the borne; reviews current liter at are;
furnishes cheerful table-talk about men
and things: aod, in short, aims to give
fresh information, .original observation,
and reasonable entertainment.
Beginning with tbe fifty fiifth volume,
the paper will assume tbe regular maga
zine sis?, wbiob will add greatly to its
oonvenienoe and attractiveness. Tbe
Outlook is published every Saturday-
fifty-two Issues a year. Tbe first itsue
In eaob month is an Illustrated Magajins
Number, containing about twice as many
pages ae tbe ordinary issues, together!
with a targs number ot pictnres. t i .
Tbe prlosof Tbe Outlook is three
dollars a year in advenoe, or less than a
cent a day. ;
Seod for a specimen copy sad illnstrat-
i proapeotas to Tbe Outlook, 13 Astor
Plaoe, Nsw Totk Oltv.
While yoa aaap yoal eabseriptfos paid as fr I
esaasep yoor brand la tnaof ehar.
Bora, P. O., Heppner , Or, Horses, P 8 ot Uft I
wouueri eue, same on len nip.
Conk. A. J.Lst)a.Or.Honae. Mlun riaatsknnl
tier; itu, mtbsuo ruibt hipi ear surk
erup off Uft aod aplit lis ruht . , .
UmuiUaa. W. M .flsiloway. Oc-('tte. B Dn
riaht .i.i. mitowjurk la eaek aari ksissa, II 1
oa lert aip.
oa Urt ahnoldar, eettle same on left hip, tola
is nsht ear.
lUppnar, Or-Tattla, LP oa
nnt aipt Dorses, t wiut oar aoder ae nsul
Jnaas, Harry, Heppner, Or Hnraaa hvaadail
rJ i oo tba Uft .h.ml.ir; eattle br.tdi J oo
nirht hip. also aadarbit is left aar. iUnse la
Hiirrvw avBBty,
Jnhnana. Pells. Lena. Or. H ima. etmUT oa
left iMflai eeMle. sameoo Hht hip, Badat half
amp ia imm am aout .a ten ear
Imay, Mika, Happnett, Sr Hiwsss braadwl
INI oa tort hip eattla same and enip ot iafl
sari uaar amps oa um rises
Whey, J. W. Heppfwr Or. Honae brenta4
I. and A Wt ehmiidW; oattla asm oa ift
hip, waUle ova nsht eye, three slite is Tiht
Minor, Oanar, Heppaar nr. ftla, H
riaht aipt bona, M aa tart aboaMar.
Mnnraa. M. II., Hsppaar, Or, Hnraaa,
OB toft snonklat rattle same oa toft hip.
Chnra. 1. W IVma-laa. I.; harass O ue tef
shoalriari eaiussaiaeoa right hip.
Parker A Qtoeaoa. Hardssaa.Or.-tJoraas IP oa
Pipar. I. H iMirurtoe. llrHoraaa. JB ana.
eartad urlaft tlwJiieri eauie, atae e tof iip
annar mi la aoa mt.
rtoatur.. W Happaar, .-H.irea, IO t
Uft stMsakler. CalUa. (J oa riht kip.
fWrr. K. O. Hatnoar. Or. Cattle W C
tort kip, ans asT riant Bad aadarhit la toft faar,
Bwiacn aiiraai w voa tart aaai!tar-
TaooifMfcio. 1. A Mjumw. Jr Mc
toft ahoabtor: aallla. I aa toft shoaldar.
Taraar K. Happaar. r. email eaplfaj 1
toft ehanbtor Wnraa.) aallia aaae aa toft kip
wiia apiit ia mmn aara.
Wstuaiharaar, W, nalicrway . r.
aaariar eirxia J W oa right atiunl'tori
qwnw nrria m Tgui nip aAi na(t an' a,
and bo la In tofi ear. Haaaa M Hums ana
(Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.)
MRS. L. SMALL, Manager.
Now Open." ; New Methods. New Manage
ment. . btnctly. First Class.
Ratest$i;oo;iPerwDay Vi and Upwards.
BA first-lass feed barn run
and from all trains. ... We solicit your-
For more than fifty-six
in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers
and villagers throughout the U. S.
I faithfully labored for their prosperity and happiness, for the improvement of their
business and home interests, for education, (or the elevation of American manhood and
true womanhood, - .
IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and
IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approvsd
imunii iiiu stales,
crone, and the Droner time to convert
r lime to convert
i ii had iea in an matters
i ne
a century has held their couHdeuoe and
New York : Weekly Tribune,
And we furnish It with the
$2.75, eash in advance.
Addrea. all Orders to
Write your name and address on a postal card,
iora iuy, ana a sample copy oi tne new or
A Campaign;
Of Education
How to Get It
Mm... ....... PQ
summate skill. 1 '
8uch a paper is a great popular educator. It should be In every
Tbe subscription price of Leelle'a Is 4 pa neura.
We make the unparalleled offer of a copy of
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi-
Weekly one year for only $4.50.
Ho sucb offer was ever made before., klo iurb offer wlM evrr b maris
again. Theae two papers make a most aneepteble Christmas or birthday
(lit, and will be constant reminders of the fiver's kindness.
Remit by postal order or check to the
y lloppncr, Orcgoi).
Roge r s & Robe rts;
Contractors sod Bail Jem.
Plans and Estimates'
All Kinds of Reoair Work
OFFICE H0URSDay and Night
rlace and Koj. or Jim will
i Don't
r Put
Horse ?
All thPee cad t procored tt Tbnmpeon A Bioua. Lower Main Htreet
Upppnw, Oregon.
Than tantiemes ara wall aqnaintad with
eon aa bbts Kinay sen use in nasuif uieae se uuue ana wavellBg Bea.
PrUe In kaaplns wltk tbe tlmae.
Free 'Bus run to
B 0 11 N
years it has never failed
instructive stories of the doings of the world, the
methods of cultivating and harvesting his
Into the largest possible amount of moner.
in connection.
rtainlng to the welfare of farmers and villagers, and for over a naif
GAZETTE, ona year for
lend It to Geo. W. Best, Tribune titties, New
weekiyri rlbune will be mailed to you.
To be educated one must rrad
the best literature.
. The beat literature Is expensive.
'., . Leslle'a llluetrated ".
i Weekly. . . .
Pub'lsned at, 110 Mtii Avenue,
Mew York, Is fuU of the beat thins ,
Its Illustrations are auperb; . Its
stories charmlnf; and Its literary
departments are edited with con
i. t. ROSEDTs
Given on Snort : Notice.
Leave your orders "Any Old,
get 'em. o o o o o o
Do You Want .n Rig ?
You Want a Place to
up Your Team ?
You in Need of a Saddle
Grant, Mrny, Crank, fitlllsia and other con a Use
Fill a bottle or oommon glass with
urine and let it stand twenty-four hours;
a sediment or settling Indicates an un
healthy condition ot the kidneys. When
urine stains linen it is evidenoe of kid
ney trouble. Too frequent deeire to an
nate or pain in the baok, is also convinc
ing proof that the kidneys and bludder
are oat of order.
WHAT TO 1)0.
Tbere is oomtort in tbe knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy
fulfils every wish in relieving pain in tbe
baok, kidneys, liver, bladder and every
part ot the urinary passages. Tt cor
rects inability to hold urine and scald
ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol
lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and
overcomes that unpleasant neoessity of
being compelled to get np many times
during tbe night to urinate. The mild
and the extraordinary effect ot Swamp
root is soon realized. It stands tbe
highest for its wonderful on res of the
most distressing oases. . It you need a
medicine you should have the best. Sold
by druggists, price fifty cents and ons
dollar. You may have a sample bottle
and pamphlet both sent free by mail.
Mention tbe Heppner Oazette and send
your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Biog
hampton, N. Y. Tbe proprietors of this
paper guarantee tbe genuineness ot this
It is fortunate for the republican party
that the meeting ot republican olubi
takes plaoe next month. There is a
widespread hope throughout the state
that something may be done at tbis
meeting looking towards harmony in
party action. Tbe convention will con
sist of over 1200 delegates, most ot whom
were ohoseo from the rank and file, and
represent tbe people more than tbe
politicians. Many, it not the greater
portion, of tbe delegates were eleoted
and acoepted election tor tbe sole pur
pose ot aiding in the restoration ot party
peace, now so badly broken io Mult
nomah oouoty, and it will be strange it
muoh'good does not result from their
deliberation.' '
It is as well to look matters squarely
in tbe face, and nothing is surer than
that unless the discordant elements ot
tne repuuncan party in Portland are
coalesced, j republican success 10 tbe
June election is seriously endangered
It is Idle to discuss where the blame lies
tor tbis nn tor innate condition; tbe tact
ef it being present is bad eooogb. The
only coarse wblob remains open is to
see bow beat the breach can be healed
Tbe convention which meets in Port
end on February let probably repre
sents tbe repot lican party more fairly
than will the regular state convention.
which will be in session lster. be del
egates to the former meeting are a moon
larger camber, and were not chosen by
tbe methods so peculiar to politicians.
as are the representatives wbiob nomi-
ates men for luorative offioes.
Wbatsves aotion tbe republican olub
convention ill take In tbis matter will
probably be a wise one; but tbe Chroni-
ole wishee to add that nothing oan be
done looking towards a settlement un
less Multnomah county be entirely left
out of tbe deliberations. The Dalles
Chronicle. ',
In Benton county tbe sheriff Is allowed
a salary ol 12000 year and pays his
own deputy bire; tbe ooonty clerk gets
1000 salary end is allowed aboat 1900
for a deputy. Still Bdoton county gats
good service from these officials, and
tbsre are plenty of good men willing to
take the job. Tbis is pretty good evi
dence that some counties lu ths sluts
are paying higher salaries tbao neces
sary. Times-Mountaineer.
Tbe various republican conventions
will soon be called, and tba query baa
aavaral times been mads through the
press of tba etete, as to what plae will
be adopted for tbe base of tbe count;
representation In these Conventions.
Ons paper asks: "Will tbe entire repre
sentation be made ae based oo tbe Mo
Kiolsy vote?"
Tbere seema to be only one just and
qnltable plea ot determining Iti
matter, aod that is to bold separate and
diatioot convections for the state, con
grsasirioal aod judicial district tickets
Then for tbe comluslioo of state offlrers
tbe McKinley electoral v.ite would be
tbe proper basis fur representation; for
eosgreealonal ouoinetioae, the last re
publican ooogressliKial vote; and for
jadloisl district, tbe vte for the cirnait
Judge or prosecuting attorney. By tliia
erreogeoseat eecb saJ (very county
woald receive lie just rewird fur party
loyalty, or be male to stiff.rf.ir He
treeobery, aa the ease may be; end
ooooiy wnu u went lo tbe ! emgree.
skioal eoavsatloo with 15 votes and tba a
voted for the populist eenJi laU in alee
lino, could not dmtate to a e moty whie
by the former representation had fewer
delegate), but wlik b elected the repub
lioae pomiaee eoratchsd by larger o uo
lies, rot ei ample: Oa tba basis of the
MsKialey vote wbera Claskamas toout
woum bave It dalegslss, ooder tb
Toegee vote aha would bats bat pine
fcienoa county woald bave 20 on tb
eleeturtal baaie ea I It oo tbe Tonga
tola. Lino 12 oa electoral and olee oe
Toegne. Laae 13 oa the electoral aa
11 oa the eoegraaetuotl. Tbia oa Ut
fteais of pee et large sad oes f.f eab 30
vetee aset, Isj the eaeaJ dwirle, Melt
nomab, on . the electoral basis would
have 60 votes, and on the congressional
(Ellis) vote, she would nave but 23. Tbis
plan would place a premieum on faith
ful work snd discourage nn fair diotation.
Tbe matter should ba taken up in tbe
various oounties and "diBCuased at the
club meetings and some measures taksn
at tbe coming meeting ot leagues at
Portland, t o. have suoh aft equitable
system adopted. Eugene Register.
Ths republican party ot Oregon tbis
year should know no Mitobell, no Cor
bett, no Simon or any other man. It
should lay aside all quarrels and bicker
ings, put only the best men to tbe front
for office, end go in to win. Ot coarse
this would not suit the Oregoniaa and
inch; bat if it doesn't like it, let it go
over into tbe fusion ranks where it be
longs. Harmony ia what we want and
what we most have. Transcript,
Bnokien's Arnlea Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cute,
Bruises, Sores, TJloers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfeot satisfaction or money refunded.
Price 26 cents per box. For sale by
Slooum Drug Co., E. J. Sloouua, manager.
Over From Bumpter.
Newt Jooes and wife arrived from
Sumpter Wedneedy morning, being
oalled to Heppner by the death of
Newt's onole, Nelson Jones. Newt is
quite well pleased with Sumpter and Is
doing well, being engaged at tbe pres
ent in tbe livery business at that point.
He says F. J. Hallock ia olerkiog in a
store tbere and doing nicely. Sherm
Hornor is postmaster and book-keeper
for a large mercantile establishment,
wbile Billy Baling is suooeedins well
with his school and is very much in love
with Sumpter and its surroundings. O.
B. Tedrowe bas a good business and is
prospering fairly. Tbe Oazette is pleased
to hear of the sncoeaa of tbe Heppner
people over there and hopes tbsy may
continue to prosper. Mr. and Mrs.
Jones will visit relatives in and about
Heppner for a abort time before return
ing to their home at Sumpter, t
Deanty la Blood Deep.
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
beauty without it. Cascareta, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im
purities from the body. Ucnin to-dav to
banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
and thai sickly bilious complexion by takiuu
Bscareva, ueauiy lor ten cents. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50p.
Tbe grain looks flee and everybody is
expecting a big orop tbe coming harvest.
The sheepmen say tbey don't like this
kind ot westbsr because they have to
feed too muob.
Tbe wild geese are still with os aod
there ia lots ot aport in bunting tbem.
ust try it, boys.
Victor Shepo, wbo left this ooontry
last tall, retarned Sunday - and savs
nnobgrass is good enough for him.
Last week the farmers were busy plow
ing aod tbe iqairrela were having a good
time, bat Saturday night frost pat a
top to it all. ,
Hand ay icbool at Douglas each Sun
day at 11 a. m., with Robt. Bayer aa
superintendent. Regular preaching tbe
first Sunday in each month.
Mr. and Mrs. Ueo. Noble made a viait
to tbe home tolka last week aod re
mained over for the danoe at Filktn'a
ball on Filday night wbera everybody
bad a good time.
John Troedecn, of Ella, made Doug
las friends a visit todsy. Iu bis neigh
borhood eattle bave been fed every day,
and be reports more boreee dying on tbe
range tbia winter tban ever before known.
A. T. &
Doaglaa.ONJan.25,1898. .
It iaeaay toeatob a cold and joat ea
easy to gel rid of it tr you commence tba "Klondike," but tbey era both eoer
asrly to ass One Miaate Cough Cars. It gstlo farmers, sod when spring time
cures eotgha, colds, bronobitia, 'pneu
monia aad all throat and long troubles,
It ia pleasant to take, aafs to ose and
sure to Cute Oooser t Brook
lortland,Or., Jen. 71. This waa another very
active Caflntbe wheat market, l4verioul In turns
were J.4 higher, earsoee off eoest snwe4 wore
.Bomrr a.u Nn.rs .era asking a
Cargoes on passage very Br in and M higher.
Auiwsrp anil farts were correspondingly
higher and trut. There waa much activity at
Chicago, end May wheat soM one Umaat2,
eanls over yss(rlay's highest price. Tbe May-
iuly sprea4 wldsned to over Mo end January
wheat seemed In be entirely Out of re h It
seamed to be Mr. Letter's plan to hold (be
May option up to tbe dollar nark until he an-
loada bie spot wheat, Ths shorts were very
a urn os the run and were tbs arte, aminos
bidders but there waa do whhat for Bale.
Northwest raretnta were CM ears against 13
a yar ago dly
Wheal In car load lots la now worth M'i eeuta
at Hnppner,
His Beads Ware Tlr. -
"Oar little boy broke oat with eoerme.
We were obliged to tie bis bends to beep
Ma from serstcbiag aod he Buffered
avertible. We beaao Ivlsa- blm
Hood'a Haraaparllla aad in a abort time
hie fane heaJe.1. He to.k Ave r.r ait Ix.t.
Ilea and bae ant bed a alek day since."
Olpey Hoocle, rtoeeervllle, Idaho.
Hood'a Pills ere tbe only pills to take
lib Hoods Haraepenlla. kvasy aad
yet tf&eisel.
Absolutely Pure t l.T
Proof of Wonderful Cares' Being Performed
by Dr. Dsrrlai !
There can be no doubt nor question of ! '
the curativet properties of electricity. ;
judging from the extraordinary eases of i
cure perfprmed by Dr. Datrin, now atop
ping at the Pekoe Hotel, Heppner, till '
Feb. 10. The great ad vantageof electro- !
magnetic treatment ia that it brings re
lief in a large number of csseiconfeesed
ly beyond the reach of the ordinary
remediea of the physioiaos, and Dr. Dar
rin has enforced a' belief in the curative '
powers of eleotrioity npon the people by '
his remarkable ouree. '!? : ,
The Dr. treats all chronio disease
suooessfully. " ,
; j ' KKPBBN0E8,.'' ' ! ' '
Geo. Oorti's, ot Pendleton, rapidly re
covering from almost total blindness. 1
J. F. Johnson, postmaster at Pendle
lon, granulated eye-lids many years,
oured. i 1
John Savensooi Farmiogton,Or.,deaI-1
ness, oured.
A. Pool, Eagle Point, Or,, heart and
liver trouble, restored. . .
J. H. Wilson, Mist, Or., skin disease.
Isaao Thompson, La Center," Wseh..
deafnesa, cared in five minutes.
Milt Jones. Perrydale. Or cared of
polypus ot the nose.
Mrs. A. E. Pattec, Albany, Or., ovari
an and womb troubles, oured.
Wm. M. Post, Trontdale, Or., almost
total deafness, cored.
J. T. Qeorge,Qlenden,Wah'.,obronlo
rheumatism, five years, oared.
Mrs, Mary A., Johnson, MoMinnville,
(Jr.. deafnesa many years, oured.
O. F. Maybay, 11 Market street. Port
land, Or., rheumatism in its worst form,
. '
1 01 lDe
Henry Yon Helms,. Sandy, "Dr,, osnoer
nose and oetarrb.tiured.'
J. 8. Jennings, Sell wood,' Or,, ec.ema
or skin disease, 15 years, cared.
Mrs. T. B. HatQeld'a boy, 214 Eleventh
street, Portland, dtsobatging ear and
deafness, cured.
Jno. M. BimmoDs, Oakvills, Wash.
0 ' D,DCQ"" nd nerT0U debility,
Charges for treatment low and reason
able, according to ability to pay,
Inquiriea answered, and circulars and
question blauki free.,
Tbs poor treated free excepting medi
cine, from 9 to 10 a. m.
10NB items ,.'
Dull winter Is with aa again.
We were sarprued to bear of tbe death
of Nelson Jooes. He bsd many old
time friends at tbia plaoe.
Allan Evani, of Juniper, waa doing
business In our burg Monday. He says
bis sheep are doing very well.
Measles era still with ne aod new oaaea
are reported almost every day. How
ever, do ons has been very bad yet.
Jobn Cochran took two knights of tba
grip to Heppoer Sunday and was oalled
home by pbona owing to a aevere caae ot
apaama of bis little bod.
Sheriff Matlock and Deputy U. 8.
Marshal Roberta were here a short time
Monday morning aod left for tbe north-
1 rn part ot tba ooonty. We did not leero
their errand,
Geo. Ult and Rsab H perry are running
I big gang plows at Capt League's and
onmea again, "Gentle Annie," tbey will
both be out speeding their floe ateeda
and Ueo, will atill . be looking for
Billy Corses gave a banquet to tba 1.
O. O. F. boyi at tbe Heoey botel Moo-
day night. All report a fine time, aa
Billy don't do things by halves. At tba
IsauiS time a lleDDbor Dhvaioian waa Dreav.
ttttmlom m, of tbe bo who are
" ....
"aaing Bpunceuiio tor iraiernai inaur-
anoe witu Jod.e U. v. v erry, wbo ia
agent for this vioioity.
On Petards; a school masting was
beld and a fire mill lax levied (or aobool
purposes. Tbis will give lone a nine
months school another year. Barely
this was in tba right. No aotion
taken to boild a new aobool house, bat
tne present pee will be movsl to a mora
suitable location and will be aolarged to
accommodate all that may eome. lone
will keep oa with tbe demands, but does
oot propose to boild a big bullJiog ia
order to boom tbe town. Tbis ia a wise
idea for II Is lime to qait going In debt,
Wm. Rose shipped off bars Mooday
night aod visited old friends one dey.
dPt last blgbl for Albena wbera
be WlU open OP B bowling alley.
oa ti you Billy.
Hi sii Bisaa.
Iooe, Jan. 20, UH.
To Care iaaallptaikio Vers.ar.
Tilis Cusosrets taaor C atHartia los or tea,
tl to fc laii Mtuie, Srwgg sis rs'snS avaer,