Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 25, 1898, Image 4

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Of Two Transcontinental
''i l'
Spokane Salt Lake,
St. Paul Omaha
Chicago Kansas City
Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For t L
Steamers Monthly from Portland to
Yokohoma and Hone Kong; via, Tbe
Northern Pacific Steamship Co. in con.
nectlon with 0.R4N.
For fall detail! call on 0. B. A N.
Agent at Heppner, cr address
Gen. Fats. Agt. . i
II so, be tare and see that joar
tioket reads via
tug nwestem Line
i.w'U ' ....THE....
Great Short Lir)e
' . - BETWEEN t ; :
Their Magnificent Track, Peerlesi Veatlbuled
Dining and Hlneplng (jar
Traliu, aud Motto;
"always on time"
hu given thli road a national reputation. All
ulasaes of passengers carried on the vestlinilnd
trill in without extra oh erne. Hhlp your freight
and travel over this famous Una. All agents
have ticket!,
Uen. Agent. Tray, t. h 1', Agt.
m Washington 8t Portland. Or.
Uiiwa si. Patti'R'!
This Railway Co.
.1 i. r t i
Operates its trains on the fsmous blook
Lights Its trains by eleotriolty through
out; Use tht oalebrated leotrio berth read
ing lamp '
Runs speodily equipped passenger trains
vrv day and sight between Ht. 1'aal
and Cbiotgo, and Omaba and Chicago;
p 1 , .
Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul
Also operates aUatu-haatad vsatibuled
traloa, carrying the latent private
compartment ears, library buffet amok
Ing cars, and palace drawing room
Parlor ears, free reclining chair ears,
and tbe my beat dining chair oar
For lowest rates to any point ta the
United (Mat or Canada, apply to
agent or address
J. W. CA8ET , " Oeni-ral Agent,
Trav. Pass. Agent. Portland, Or,
I'Mi I!!.
TtcksU lssnad to all points la thsUalUj
MlaUa aod Oaoatla.
New Toa
All other
la the
F.aet and
RaitaAS Cm
Hv, Jrasra
"t. Lorts
I Boa-run
Union IVpot eooaaotioas
el tit. Paul, Mtaaespul,
Kansas Otty, Omaha, Ht.
Lewis and etlier pnmit
sat pottle..., -
Dttftfans ehrckaj through to destination
ol tk keta. , t " ,,"
Throng tkkats to Jaaaa ana Cblue, via
Taoomi and Northern 1'aciQo Pteem
sblp Company's lino.
For fall ihfiwreailon, tlma rants, maps,
tlrseU, tic, sail on or writ
W.O. Auawaf. A. !, Ctnatfu".
Aft N.tUiy. Ant, Qsp. la, Agl.
TbeDaJifs.Q', rertHoJ.Of
Heals and Protects the Membrane. Restores the
Senses of Taste and hmell. Full Size Sue ; Trial
Size 10c. ; at Drnirgisti or by mull.
ELY BROTUKUS, M Warrea Street, New Tort
m nn eel Bid
Tolls You How to Do It.
By a speoial arrangement we offer to
our readers
The Wool Record
and Semi-Weekly Gazette, one year for
$3.00.. ,- ... . ,j
The Wool Record is the only national
wool organ and covers tbe wool industry
from tbe raising of the sheep to tbe sell
ing of tbe manufactured article. It is
published weekly at New York and tbe
regular price is $2.00 a year. lie market
reports are foil and comp e .and its
Sheep Breeders' Talks alone are worth
10 times tbe price of tbe paper.
Sample oopies on application.
We heartily reoommend this combi
nation to oar subscribers.
Rural Spirit
. ( . (ESTABLISHED IN 1869.)
Published Weekly at
Portland, Or.
Live-Stock , ,
and Turf.
Worth its weight in gold to every farmer
aod breeder in Oregon.
, t loam pie oopies free.) . ,
Rural Hnirit and fW.Atra Wh tnr
13.00, cash, at this office.
k4 BO YEAR3'
Trade Mauksj
Anyone sending a sketch and tfmerlptlon mar
qulnklr asxirtln nur nilnlin free whether an
Invention Is probably patentahle. Communica
tions strictly oonfldentlkl. Handbook on Patent
aent free. Oldest avency for securing patents.
Patents taken tliniuvh Muim A Co. reoelre
tprriat nntUt, without vhame, lathe
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I, anient elr.
nilsilou of any si'lenline lonriial. 1'erms, ;i a
rear 1 miir nioni lis, L Bom uj all newsdealers.
A Co.8a,B'-d-. New Ynrk
Branch Oiflue, at 1 BL, Washtugtou, D. C
sroKANE falls 4 nortuehn
The Only AU.Rail Route Without
Change of Cars Between Hnokane.
Roasland and Nelson. Also between
Nelson aod Rosslaod. dailv
Runday :
;0 P. M.
: M.
41 P. M.
A. M Mundane ..
II 10 A. M. Itoealand
V I0 A.M. Nelson..
Cl.aA fl,nn.li.tna .1 .l...n I , i. .
aalis and all hooienel ike pointa.
rmmmmmm ror-ieiiie Hirer and Houndary
t reek oouueot at Harous with stae daily.
You may
Ask It.
& American
& Annual.
Ready Jan. 1, 1S98,
On Alt News Stands.
Urger, Better, More Complete
Thin Ever.
tm.0 Sm J rMul Mmi ftki
Pultur Outldllnj, Now York.
Ask your
for a generous
Ely's Cream Balm
contain! no cocaine,
mercury nor any other
Injurious drug.
It ii quickly Absorbed.
' Glvei Relief at once. '
It open! and cleanses
the Nasal Passages.
Allays Inflammation.
Tie World
Maiac &
i- 1
. Mrs. Otis-Patterson is oo tbe sick list.
' John Cochran wts np from Ions Sao
day. Tilden, the boss painter. Signs a
speoialty. 11 tl
..' School began yesterday with a good
I For first class job work, see tbe Ga
zette offioe.
Wbat is Hop Gold? Beet beer on
earth. Bee ad. elsewhere.
To trade A good beating stove, for
oordwood. Call at offioe. tf.
E. O: Athena .has a bowling alley,
conducted by Ben Swaggart. .
'r 1 V
: Felt bopts and rubbers, and Arotio
oversboes at T. R. Howard's. 606-tt.
Frank Bloan and mother were over
from Batter oreek last week. t
Nels Magnaeen sod Gb as. Valentine
were cp from Lexington yesterday.
E, W. Rbea and wife spent Sunday
with Mr. R's parents on Rhea creek.
, One Minute Cough Care cares qaiokly.
That's what you want! Conser & Brock
Jpo. E. Woodeen and Wm. Dent,
knights of tbe grip, Sandayed in Hepp
ner. i ; w (
: Msurico; Ball is at borne on a short
visit with bis parents and greeting old
Farmer peLong, who killed an Indian
n... H7llnl. t . I
on examination.
Fine home-made taffy at tbe Orange
17 a, Al aii. m I
,ItU0fc "esnswoa: 01 goods-
leave yonr orders. tf. L
Epping got off with $1,000 fine for
t t i. j, n t , J
big part in tbe Portland oonspiraoy to I
rob tbe postoffice. , . .
Painless remedy for extracting teeth.
If not as stated, no obarges. Try Dr.
vuugnan's new plan. 604-tf.
If you need something for your system
oall at the 'Phone The Telephone Ba-
loon, City hotel building. . . tf
Father Briordy will bold Catholic
servioes here next Sunday at tbe osasl
hours. The pnblic invited to attend.
C. O. McDonald, representing a Port
land honae, was in Heppner over Hun
end interviewed tbe trade yesterday.
Harry Huston, of Uklah, was acci
dentally shot with a shotgun a few days
ago and seriously and perhaps fatally
A. A. Roberts, deputy U. S. marshal,
came np f rom Portland Sunday morning
to spend a day or so with bis family at
this place.
Tbe First bank of Goldendale has
gone ont of business. It was the suc
cessor of tbe First National bank of
SompterNews: We suggest the name
of F. J. Hallook for oity recorder. Fred
could attend to tbe duties of the offioe
in good shape.
h. G. Noble & Co. are metiers after
business. The finest saddles and bar
ness to be found in Heppner. See their
new ad in this issue. tf,
Hile Corbtn sod John Depny have
built a dog corral and will go into tbe
bnulness (or Alaska Hade. - Lions are
ortb more than cay uses now.
(Stop that oongbl Take warning. It
may lead to consumption. A 26c bot-
e of Sbilob's Cure may save your life.
Sold by Conser A Brock. x
R. F. Hynd and Otis Patterson de
parted for Portland last night. They
will attend the meeting of the state re
publican club before returning.
Karl's Clover Root Tea, for Constipa
tion It's the best and if . after ..nsiog it
you don't say so, retain package and
get your money. Sold by Conser A
Brock. z
Mike Kenny Is in receipt of a letter
from Tom Oil alien, who is at present in
Chicago having a splendid lime. Tom
will not return to Oregon until
about April 1st.
A. J. Wherry has located np on the
reservation, and has gained 40 pounds
in flb sinoe last fall. Ha is from tbs
8onnd and thinks tbat Etstern Oregon
Is all right from any point of view.
Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrisborg.Pa.', says,
'My child is worth millions to ma, yet I
would have Inst bar by croup bad I not
invested twenty fivs cents In a bottle of
One Minute Congo Core." It cares
Oungbs, colds and all throat and long
troubles. Conner A Brock.
Jamra Brown and Wm. Btofford were
io front Soolal Ridge yesterday. They
report aiioni id same amonot or soow
there as bvta. Crop pro peels In their
locality are also good aod nolens all
signs fail, they fined an abuodant
harvest tint season.
Mrs. M. B. Ford, Kuddell's, 111, sot-
feted tor eight yesrs from dyspepsia aod
cbrqnio constipation aud was flsally
eared by using DeWitt's Little Early
ltieere, lb fanioos little pills lot all
stomach and liver trouble. Conser A
John F. Roys and son, Will, earns ia
from liar dm an yesterday aod last night
lb young gwstlemea doart4 for Port
land for stay of coo pi of weeks.
Incidentally b will take is tb meeting
of th slat reroblloao lob as a dale-
gate from th Usrdnsa club.
Prosperity come . aU keel to tb maa
hi liver Is In good condition. 1
Witt's Littl Early Riser ar fsmous
little pill tor constipation, bllliooea
Imligreirim and all stomach and liver
troubles, Coster A Brock.
Prof. J.
. Adams, priaeipal ot tb
Lrilogros) tohnols, and o ot lb most
ntbotiaati. intelligent aod oergtie
leaeber ot Morrow enaoty, raid a visit
to nupt. 4, w. ribipief and family Hno
rdeaie Vsms sVewele vruai fuMnla
aaiiy t ailiaiile, eura nmsUtwMoa turetev.
UtCV (all. ttru-l.auf rvluad Bmnry.
rVt U. Lkldsotbal A Co, for shoe,
A pretty woman oan't be as good as
be looks.
Boys will never be girls, bnt some girls
will be boys.
A oaoe is a young man's weakness and
an old man's support.
An old bachelor is single beoaase he
does not choose to marry, , i(i t
Lawyers should make good poets
they are nsed to writing "versus".
Some men smoke two for a quarter
that could , not pay oasb for a 5 cent
corn oob pipe. ,
C Every girl insists npon some little
wrinkle at her wedding tbat no other
girl ever thought of.
We always feel some beeitancy in giv
ing credit to a sabsoriber who talks
business in an amen voioe.
Never work after supper. In order to
avoid the temptation, never get through
sapper until it is too late to work.
Money does everything for a man.
Yes, but money won't do as much for
man as some men will do for money.
Tbe only way to avoid tbe sting of in
gratitude is to deposit all yonr gift
money to your own oredit in tbe bank.
Tbe owner of a carriage, who was up
set the other day, said tbat be ooaldn't
agree with the spectators who compli
mented him on bis splendid turnout.
Where is the son of banker Gold? I'll
have bis life, hissed the stage villlan.
8tage ManB(p6r-He seen a man in tbe
audience who had a sandwich and
has gone to ask tor a bite of it
j0nes-I replied to an advertisement
- hinh .m d n- Hiio . .
method of saving doctors' bills."
mvh vasiau ovuu vmw uill a a swa CP OUsv
Smith "Well 7'
Jones "The answer was. -Don't eet
A Portland, Maine, woman wants a di
voroe because her husband threw silver
dollars at her, - It should be granted on
tne grounds ot insanity.. VYbo ever
heard of a woman leaving any dollars in
tbe old man's pookets for him to throw
'round any way. . .,
They tell me you can count, Tommy,
said a pious old lady to her grandson
who was paying her a visit in the coun
try.". Course I oao, answered Tommy,
listen One two three four five
six.: -That's right, said tbe old lady en
oouragingly, go on Tommy. Seven-
eight, nine, ten, Jaok, Queen and King
Old lady faints.
Tetter, Salt-Rheum and Eczema.
The intense itching and smartinsr. inci
dent to these diseases, is instantly allayed
by applying Chamberlain's Eye and
Skin Ointment. : Many very bad cases
have been permanently cared by It. It
is equally efficient for itching piles and
a ravorue remedy for sore nipples,
chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites
and chronic sore eyes. 25 cts. per box.
Dr. Cady's Condition Powders, are
just what a horse needs when in bad
condition. ' Tonic, blood purifier and
vermifuge. They are not food but
medicine and the beBt in use to put a
horse in prime condition. Price 25
cents per package.
The following Is a Hit oi the arrivals at th
Palace Hotel for the week ending Jan, '20, '98:
P A Menlies
A C Pettys
J P Willy
B Miller
CM Reddish
8 E Willy
Frank Sloan
C U Morey
J W Kavener
A Evam
C I Jayne
L M Powell
J 0 Thompson
3 T Boothhy
E L Dorman
Dan Neville
Pat Quald
E F Bel man
Wm Dent
P M Housman
A B Thompson
WO Hynd
A Andreni
Henry Jones
Oeo French
P M Conner
Frank Kilkenny
N A Madden
O E Jonea
P Kilkenny
Roy Broaoan
I. PMuIr
W 8 McKlmmey
J D French
Oeo Horsman
W E Becker
J H Bust
8am Ha worth
Hlchard Hawortb
C H Beymer
R L Vincent .
A W lalitu
W R iMthers
W H Fayle
W F Jameson
Ben Carter
J L Howard
T i Allen
Lerl Hansford
W EBlralKbt
Fred Johnson
W H Johnson
Oerar Hohaler
Jerry Broaoan
R 1 Wllklna
U O Hsnby
Frank Merrill
John Zollinger
a b rniren
H Nlelsnn
Oeo Bleakman
J W Stewart
B Hu in van
J W Cahlll
J Wallace
R B Mllier '
Barney May
J K Reynolds
O M Resser
Oscar Onpenhelmer
nen Hinsneimer
B W Oase
M C Ford
J Q Williams
Krnmet oounran
J M HtitbbleOald
D 8 Lasktri
Daniel Hire
J T Johnson
C Pate
V ('ate
W U Initrtim
Chester Mint .
Harry I'anell
J 0 Luce
J Kilkenny
T kUtteeon
Add MaltMon
J K Kanann
n T Baeler
C Harney
Tt t onnoiiy
H R Warrea
H M Cooper
r. a m.k. re
W O Ks.ey
M M Ptrken
V D Maddork
Oeo w Hiitherland
or C l'aiilo
W i Blake
W T Rim
J W Klnt
J W Berket
Pat Ouald
L B McLaughlin
Hbilobs Consumption Uure ears
where others fsiL. It is tbs leading
Oongh Cora, aod no boms should bo
without it. risaaanl to taka and go
right to tba spot. Bold by Conser
Brook. I
, Weekly EaearaloM I th East
A tooritt sleeping ear will Port
land vry Tnedy at SuO p. m., via
tb O. R. A N. without abang to Boa too
aod under lb supervision of x perl
sored oonduotor. No ohang of cars to
tfc citie of Omaba, Chicago, Buffalo or
&ka. Tb Meal trip to tb East is
now before you. . Remember Ibis sarvio
wbea going East, aod consult O. R. A N
Agents, or address.
W. H.Hcmijrnt,
Oeo. Fas. Agt.,
Portland, Or.
Grsat Cooaty News: It is safe eoo-
jeolor tbat tb telepboos 11 o will b I-
tsoded from tbl oily to Barns darieg
tb prot ar. A boa as of 11,000
pajabl la rvio over tb lis I asked
by tb Bio Mountain telephone psopl.
anil item annntv will anrelr bmsI
the reanlremenU.
K.ewsieisy Say
raanarata Paa lv Cathartic, th moat won
derful m.lt-l disoonerv of u . i
ant and refnhin to tM taet. wy
and poa.Uvoly o al.lneve, Ua and bowels,
cli-sustng tha nlir s stm, dlapm eoUla,
urw hawdaoti. lever, natiliuai rnuri.
awl bt loesna. 'ieM buy and try a aoa
ef ti t'. C. to-day 1 10, a ' fwata. bold and
a 1 1 -riva cur J a4 imt
Failing to be re nominated' for gover
nor, Bash and. Lord, will make a sly
move to damp Lord onto the supreme
bench regain , Judge; Moore's" friends
won't have this. Tbe people don't want
it. And those things which the people
don't want it would be well for republi-1
oan conventions to steer clear of. Sa
lem Sentinel.
Picture if you eanj. ", Joe Simon, whose
political orookedness baa been the by.
word of Oregonians for more than
score of years, refusing, from high and
exalted principle, to affiliate with George
H. Williams I As well think of Simon
Magus refusing, on principle, to affiliate
with Saint Peter. Crook County Jour
Mr. Corbett will oot be seated as sen
ator from Oregon. He was not the
choice of tbe people of this state and his
rejection will be no disappointment here.
It is belieyed by many that Corbett's
money bad m nob to do with the holdup
last winter, and the people are opposed
to oorrnption in politios. There was no
demand on tbe part of tbe people for
Corbett's selection and outside of a few
olose political friends mo one will grieve
Over the report of the senate committee.
Corbett is an able man, and would, no
doubt have made a fair official, bat he
would, have had to labor, without the
support of his own state bad be been
seated. E. O. Republican.
Tbe Sumpter . News (populist) pub
lished the manifesto of the demo-popo-oratio
connoil recently held in Portland,
under the bead, "Pie-Hunters in Coun
oil," and added the following oommeot:
"Just bow they are going to work it, 'to
agree upon the same principles' without
tbe democrats endorsing the Omaba
platform or the populists endorsing free
trade does not appear in the case." E.
O. Republican.
.The United States senate has refused
to seat H. W. Corbett. Whether right
or wrong, it is now possible for eleven
men in tbe senate to prevent state rep
resentation in tbe urper bouse of nation
al congress. Jonotioa Oity Times.
, ,-.$100 Beward $100. '
The ' readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease tbat oienoe baa
been able to oure in all its stages, and tbat
is ostarrh Hall's Catarrh Oure is the
only positive oure known to tbe medio el
fraternity, i Catarrh being a constitu
tional disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, aoting direotlj npon the
blood and mucous surfaces of tbe sys
tem, thereby destroying tbe foundation
of the, disease, ana giving tbe patient
strength by building up the constitution
and assisting nature In doing its work.
Tbe proprietors have so much faith in
its curative powers, tbat tbey offr one
hundred dollar for any oase that it fails
to cure. Mend for list of testimonisls.
Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
sold by drnggists, 75c.
From the Eagle.
Mark Boyd, who held oases in this
office several weeks last summer, is at
preseot employed on the Atbena Press.
J. D. Combs came over from John
Day early this week interviewing tbe
voters. Mr. Combs is a candidate for
the nomination of sheriff on the repub-
ioan ticket.
J. B. Boyd, tor two yesrs a resident of
this oity, is now employed as night
clerk in Hotel Warsbaner, the leading
hotel of Baker City. J. B. is a capable
aod obliging young man, and will, bo
doubt, fill bis new position with credit,
Th Surprla of All.
Mr. James Jones of the drag firm of I
Jones A Son, Cowden, III., in speaking I
of Dr. King's Nsw Discovery, asys tbat
last winter bis wifs wss attacked with
la grippe, and ber case grew so serious
that pbyaioians at Cowdeo and Penal
ooutd do nothing tor ber. It seemed to
develop into basty consumption. Hv-
iog Dr. King's New Discovery in stor.
and selling lots of it, b took a bottle I
bom, and to tb snrprls of all sb D-
gao to get better from first dose, and
half doaen dollar bottle oured ber
sound and well. Dr. King's Nsw Dis-
oovery for consumption, ooagbs and
oolds ia guaranteed to do this good
work. Try. it., Fre trial bottle at I
Hlocura Drug Go's, E. J. Hlocam, m'gr.
An attempt to rob tbe Gills Nation.
al bank oo tb East Bide, Portlaod. we
frustrated by th eaabisr, A. W. Lam-
br t, on last Tbnrsday. Tb robber was
oot only met fee to faos with a "gnu"
ta th baods oi Mr. Lambert, tjot was
shot at, bnt tb banker aimed too blgb
and mis4., Ia tb sets building about
four year ago Praohr Rd attmptd
to bold np tb cashier of lb First
National bank but fallJ.
A Sara Tbl. fw T.
A transaction In wbkbyoutatinot loeetia
Sure una. I Uliousncas, I liesawlis, M
red lougiM, fwr, plloa aud a Uiouuoil otuer I
Iha ar twutaval ly uonatipiiUoo and slumyiati
Uvrr. UHSiiti Uaudy t utbartli-, tbe wuu-l
dcrful sew liver sutnnlaiit and Iuf Inal
toutc ar ty all drotrgiau iriarmuied to cure
or moiwy iwfandm. J. C C era a eure
thins. Try a boa Wvduy: 10c.. . boo,
rUuii.1 ami booklet fre. bs our Uig aU. I
Kara) Spirit: Tb Oregoo sprinter I
Don't Duow ha got into tronbl agaia .
At Oakland last Monday b wa a 4 to ft
favorit ia a field of ordinary koraea,
aod A. Hoor, ht ruler, managed by a
long poll aod a strong pall to land him
la third position. Moot was snap Jed
and Rl ordered to Sad other qqarUr
tor bt br.
J. A. rrklaa. ot AaUqaity, O , wa frr
thirty jear aewdleasly tnriared by phy
eieiaes fir th cor of tx-aeraa. Ha wa
quickly rore.1 by asiog IV Witt's Witcb
II ..al mIm IKa f.duut, Ka. I
i . , . . ,
Pt SO i ski dteae. Osm
f i
A Eminent New Tork Chemist aid etclenllst
Hakes a Free Offer to Oar Headers.
Tbe distinguished chemist, T. A. Slo-
cum, of Mew xork City, demonstrating
bis discovery of a reliable oure for Con
sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis),
bronchial, Inng and ohest troubles,
stubborn ooughs, oatarrbal affections,
general deoline and weakness, loss of
flesh, and all conditions ; of wasting
away, will send THREE FREE BOT
TLES (all different) of his New Dis
coveries to any afflicted reader of this
paper writing for them.
His "New Scibntifio Treatment" has
cured thousands permanently by its
timely use, snd he considers it a simple
professional duty to suffering humanity
to donate a trial of his infallible oure.
Scienoe daily develops new wonders,
and this great chemist, patiently experi
menting for years, has produoed results
as beneficial to. humanity as can be
claimed by any modern genius. His
assertion that lung troubles and con
sumption are curable, in any climate is
proven by "heartfelt letters of grati
tude," filed in bis Amerioan and Euro
pean , laboratories in thousands from
those oured in all parts of the world.
The dread Consumption, uninter
rupted, means speedy and certain death.
Simply write to T. A. Slooum, M. O.,
I Pine street, New York, giving post-
office and express address, and the free
medioine will be promptly sent direot
from his laboratory.
Sufferers should take instant advan
tage of bis generous proposition.
Please tell the Dootor that you saw
this in the Gazette, published at Hepp
ner, Oregon. Jnly 9-7-1 r.
'Shorty" Lash's shortagn in Pendle
ton's oity affairs of $519 60 has been
made good by bis bondsmen, R. Alex
ander, J. R. Dickson and C. E. Roose
velt. Tbe loss in liquor licenses was
not paid by tbe bondsmen beoause Lash
had no right to collect tbem.
MrilTYou can
BilL.il $ be cured 1
If von suffer from anv of the I
ills of men, come to the oldest
Specialist ou the Pacific Coast,
1051 Market St Est'd IB52. '
Vonna; mm and middle i
RUT PQ men who aresuflerinff
nom tne euects oi youtluul indiscretions or ex
cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical
leutllt.T, Inn potency Tl,ol Dlanlmud
in all its complications; Miierniatorrhflrit,
Prostatorrneeis, SJonorrhces, dleet,
t'reiii;ucr of ITrlualina, eie. By a
Combination of remedies, of great Curative pow
er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment
that it will not only afford immediate relief but
permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to
perform miracles, but Is well-known to be a fair
and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent
in his specialty IMaeaseM of Men.
K.Ttihl lie Ihoronchlv eradicated Irom tne
syti ca ultbou tuning Merrury.
KVKBT MA XI atiDlvliiB- to os Will re-
Ceive our honest opinion of hi complaint.
We will (iuarautee a POSITIVE CURRin f
tnr.ry ca ve undertake, or lorteit One
1'honisand Dollars.
. Consultation FREE and strictly private.
Itient personally or oy letter. Send for book,
" The IMiilannr.hv at HI ni-i-in re."
A froe. (A valuable book for men. J ,
tireat xluseuin of Anatomy
the finest and largest Museum of its kind in the
world. Come and learn how wonderfully vou
ivrq made, how to avoid sickness and disease.
f r
sre conMiunilv addinc
new specimens.
TA WU US t nEF: Call or write.
1051 Market Street. San Fmnclsm, Cnl.
m a
Eastern Oregon
State Normal School,
Weston, Oregon
Located on th O. R. A N. Railway
midway between Pendleton and
Wall Walla. Student admitted at
all times of tbe year.
First-Class Training School for Teachers.
Vocal and Instrumental Mosio tangbt
by competent instructors. A gradu
ate ot th Boston Conservatory bas
cbarg of th Instrumental department.
OPlie Icidies
la thoroughly tqoippisd and offers ex.
oellenl accommodations at reasooabl
rates. Bend for eatalogn.
Add M. G. ROYAL, President
TON, 5ortry Boartl
81; THE iOli
J3 Weekly Inter Ocean m
J It Is radically Rr publican, advneattof
h th cardttul doctrine oi that parry
with ability and s arnrstnresjMJ,
' It It Morally Ctcas isd a
Tb Ufnturt ot Itt column I
fuai fo that ot tb cWsf ms
cs. It 1$ litttrtttJag to th tall
4ra at wtU aa tba pannta.
and whiU tt brmgt to th family THE NEWS OF
THE WORLD aod gtvt its waders lbs brat aod abUat
fJkKuaaiocia ol aU question of th day. It Is ta lull sympathy
with the Ideas and attrition oil Wcsttra fwopls and
pUscuaaa hUtraiurs and paktka Iroto th Vssatra stsodpotnt jljl
ll.Cfl PRir.r trt bii ii rrt vrn.ti nrt
bssi aw am ww v wma-mwm wwmm wiMsMtl Bksavua aaalllf
DI" Twt t AttT AwTnaTTrTrrTmi of Ttl 2 III 2
III tHr,,unr fcrall flOO , yM, ii
I tV 1 SS Pvs.l ".ia ay wall ft t pT tw If I
5 T. S 1..II, end ....y by .all .o " TT
With The Gazette, S2.50 per Year,
Now Prepared to do Any1
Kind of Printing Don'f
Send Your Orders Away
'Till You Get the Gazette's
Heretofore the Gazette's job depart
ment has tried to do no work other than
plain printing. However, this shop is
now prepared to tackle anything in any t
line and will meet prioes of any person . -ander
tbe sun in the line of druggists)-,
supplies, black books, bank work '
oounty work, or any sort of book bind-7 ;
ing work tbat you have heretofore sent
away to get done.
Tbe Gazette shop is not a oharity
concern hat if you will give us a ohanoe ,' '
we will see tbat you are satisfied in
every particular. ;
Buy your goods at borne. Remember
tbat Abe Lincoln said that when one
bought goods away from "home tbe
foreigner got the money and we got tbe
gooas. cut wnen tbe goods were'
bought st home we had both money
end goods. This is good doctrine. We
are willing to abide by it. When the
printing drummer comes to town,' re
member it and call up 'phone No. 3.
The Dalles, Portland i Astoria Navigation Co.
Leave Tbe Dalles daily (exoept Sunday)
at 730 a. m. Leave Portland at 7:00
When you go to Portland, 'stop off at '
The Dalles and take a trip down the
Colombia; yoo will enjoy it, and save
money. ... ,
General Agent.'
San Iiranoisoo
And all point In California, via the kit. Bhasta
K , rout of the
Southern Paci fie? Co ' '
The great highway' through California to all '
pointa East and South. Grand Uoenio Rout
of the Paolfio Coast. Pullman Bnffet
, Bloepera. Seoond-ohea Hleepera. . ,(
Attached toezpreea trains, attording superior
accoTnHiodations for aeoond-olasa paasengers.
For ratee, tickets, eleepiug car reeervatlona,
sto.. oall npon or addreea
Oen. F. A P. Agt.. Portland, Oregon
a- j . . i .
ent business conducted for HooiMTI file.
ou.s Orr.es i.Op.iti ; y .B- rVS0'C
B OFVOSIT w. ' "
ur jwipDi ui icsa tune thaa
and we can
.o uum
a Washington.
Send model, drawimr or nhoto.
With descrlp-t
tion. We
advise, if patentable or not, free of
chars-e. Our fee not due till
tent Is secured.
A "asjemrr, " How to Obtain Patents," with
cost of same In the U. S. aod foreign countries
sent free. Address,
Bocircllnti: Holl
f Faculty or P. A. WORTHING.
of Rgnts, Wanton, Or.
- ' ,
But It can always bs reiki on"
tor tair and booot reports of all po- Z
litkal tnovtaatjijjijljijijtm
Family Paper Is Without a Peer.
mi i.
i i
E r j 1 ui i - w-.