The Gazette. TKSTIMONIAL EVIDENCE. Tuesday, Jan. 25, 1898. or possibly can follow the anexa- tion Of Haw an. It U not BUrpriB- prcf of Wonderful Cnree Betaf, Perforee ing that senators should have been b' Vr- d"'"- temporarily caught by the specious Tbere can be no donb, nor 9aMtion of arguments of the agents of the !b! curative proxies ot eleoirioity . . & judging from the extraordinary oases of This office is under obhffationa 8USar tru8t 8"DBt annexation, oure Derformed by Dr Darrio. now stop- to W H. Leeds, state printer, for & ot the injury it might do ping at the PaUoe Hotel, Heppner.till a complete report of the doings at iae eei 8ngar waaBWJ 1D 1018 , , I T k o i a i iif.'i I mnanptic trantmant is that it hnr, era re the recent meeting of the board of 27tJT K It , Th h Mh.ld equalization. !elf 0DCe doutf,Ql on the Bab ly beyond the reach of the ordinary jetu uecauBo ue umieveu anuexa- remedieg of tbe phygioiaoi, sod Dr. Dar- THE Pendleton Tribune con- "on might mjure the American rin has euforced a belief in the onrative tinues to make itself an instrument beet growers, but investigation power of eleotricity npon tbe people by bis remarkable cares. Tbe Dr. treats all obronio diseases suooesefuily. EEFKRgNOKS. Geo. Curtis, of Pendleton, rapidly re covering from almost total blindness. J. F. Johnson, postmaster at Poodle Ion, granulated eye lids many years, oared. John Savensoo, Farmiogton, Or., deaf ness, cured. A Pool, Eagle Point, Or , heart and liver trouble, restored. J. H. Wilson, Mist, Or., skin disease, cur'd. Isaao Thompson, La Center, Wash., that proposes to manufacture re- convinced him that it would not, publicanB after its own pattern. ai"i his facta on the subject will They are pretty weak excuses. convince the senators who have aouots. mere are Hourly con tradictory stories around Wash ington as to the attitude of senat ors toward the annexation treaty but Senator Davis, who is in charge of the treaty, is still confi dent that it will be ratified with votes to spare. Gov. John W. Geiggb, of New Jersey, has received the appoint ment of attorney general and will take the place in the president's cabinet made vacant by the pro motion of Judge McKenna. Jonathan Boubne is traveling in the East on the money he ob- Free Pills. Bend your address to H .E. Bucklen deafness, cured in five minutes, tained from the legislative holdup. & Co., Chicago, and fjet a free sample The duDe who paid it is traveling box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial polypns of the nose, from the East to Oregon, a sadder w 1 0007,009 ou tDeir mer,,B- 1 Mte Mr8- V I. ' ' fioed la BRIEF MENTION. ' U. C. Curtis is up from bis Douglas sheep ran on today. Don't forget to buy your squirrel rifles of P. C. Thompson Co. 17 20 Ed Rood, of Eight Mile, was in town looking after business Saturday. S.J. Freedman and P. B. May, coir -meroial men, are in tbe city today from Portland. Hon. H. V. Qates came up from Hills boro last nigbt to look after bis interests in Heppner. John Jones, of Dayton, Wash., arrived this morning to attend tbe funeral of bis brother, Nelson Jones. W. E. Brock and wife returned from Hillsboro on Friday last after a pleasant visit ot ten days with relatives and friends. One of tbe biggest fighters in Hepp ner was floored last night. He was "knocked" out in one rouod, and that by a womao, too. Dr. D. J. MoFaul went to lone last evening to make medical examination of several candidates for admission into the lodge of Macabees at that place. Miss Ella MoPbearson, a soiled dove ASSIGNEES' NOTICE. ' NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, THAT THE undesigned assignee of K. B. and 8. a. I Cox, Insolvent Debtors, ha filed bla final ac-1 count aa auch assignee with the clerk of the! circuit court of Morrow County, Oregon, and t I .4 111 I 11 1 .. I k. ... -1 I and be passed upon Monday, the 7th day of March, lim, at tbe hour of 10 o'clock, a. m. of said day, or as soon thereafter as the same can be beard and passed upon by the Judge of said court. Dated this 21st day of January, 1898. W. P. Fbll, 616-25. Assignee. NOTICE OF INTENTION. vhn haR mi at tarn rii-iurn ai HannnAr'a Milt Jones, Perrydale, Or., cured of Wbiteoh,pel di8trio(i WM brooght be. fore tbe city reoorder yesterday and but wiser can. man. Baker Republi- pills are easy in aotion and are portion- an Bnd womb troubles, oared. larly effeotiye in the oure of constipa- Wm. M. Pob, TrcutdHle, Or., almost tion and sick beadaobe. For malaria total deufuess, oared. and liver troubles they have been proved J. T. Qeorge.Olenden. Wash. .obronio THE populists have decided in invaluable. Tbey are guaranteed to be rheumatism, five years, cured. their state meeting of delegates to perfeotly free from every deleterious Mrs. Mary A. Johnson, MoMionville, favor fusion onlv UDon the vote of 8UD8,ftooe and ,0 be Dorely vegetable. Or., deafness many years, oured . They do not weaken by their action, but C. F. Mayhay, 14 Market street, Port delegates to tne State convention. byRivinKton9 to Btomnob and bowels land, Or., rheumatism in its worst form, fl 'lU J MAnliiin wnf Attn 4-V f suntAT iuin iu leuuiy icwm iuo uiai iu greatly invigorate tbe system. Kegnlar cured. the members of the party. Gurry, size 25o per box. Sold by Slocum Drug Crook, Douglas, Gilliam, Malheur, Oo., E. J. Slooum, manager, Morrow and Tillamook counties were not represented. DEATH OF NELHON JONES. An Old and Highly Respected Citizen of Morrow County Passes Away- Funeral on Thursday Under tbe AaspUrs of the A. F. & A. M. was on Affect anything. The Gazette carries a full stock of mourning note, oorrespondenoe style, with envelopes to match. ThoBe desiring suob stationery oan have tbeir wants supplied at this offloe. tit. On Friday evening, jao. 28th, tbe ladies ot tbe Christain cburob will give a "popoorn" eooial at tbe cburob. An admission fee of lOoents will be charged Henry Von Helms, Sandy, Or., oancer the door, and a nioe lunoh will be of tbe nose and catarrh, cured. served. A good time is promised, all J. 8. Jennings, 8ellwood, Or., eczema who attend. ' or skin disease, 15 years, cured. Miss Alhe Hugbes, Norfolk, Vs., was Mrs. T. B. Hatfield's boy, 214 Eleventh frightfully burued on tbe faoe and neok. street, Portland, disobaiging ear and Pain was instantly relieved by DeWitt's deafness, oured. Witob Hazel sulve, wbioh healed tbe in- Joo. M. Simmons, Oakville, Wash., jury without leaving a soar. It is tbe Nelson Jones, one of the old and well catarrh, bronchitis and nervous debility, famous pile remedy. Conser & Brook. A telegram from Plafnfield, Indiana, Saturday morniog, annouooed tbe death of Mrs. Jehu Parsons, mother ot Mrs 0. L. Patterson, of Long Creek, aged 65 years. Deceased bad been ill for some years and ber demise was not no expected. Dr. John W. Rasmus, of tbe "Red- light," ever on tbe alert for something new, oan furnish you the finest cock tails in tbe land Manbatten, Jersey Vermouth or Oin made by an artist in tbe business. Drop in and take tbe taste out of your mouth. tt Jjee rrenon and See Driskell were brought before Recorder Richardson yesterday and taxed $10 apieoe for fighting. The boys engaged in an all round sorap down at the Belvadere oo : Land Omci at La Ghande, Obkoon, Jan. 19. 1898. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE . following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made oeiore J. w. Morrow, county uierk. at Heppner, urcguu, on juarcn iz, isas, viz: CHARLES a JAYNE, H. E. No. 6082, for the BE of Sec. 14, Tp. 3 8, R 27, E. V, M. He names the following witnesses to prove nis continuous residence upon ana cultivation oi, mm lanu. viz: waiter crosDy, jonn juar shall, Sterling P Florence and Andy S. Steven son, all of Heppner, Oregon. E, W. Babtlbtt, 616-27 Register. Notice of Intention. Land Office at Thk Dalles, Oregon. January 18. 1898. OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE followinir-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, uregon, on Saturday, February a, 1898, viz: JAMES R. NUNAMAKER for Heirs of Maria E. uownlng, H. E. No. 3619 for the SWU of Sep.. S. To. 2 S.. R. 24 E. W. M. He names the follnwinff witnesses to nrnve I his continuous residence unon and cultivation I of, said land, viz: David F. Baker, George uit, uavin a, urabin and Thomas King, THE BIG BRICK HOTEL, The Palace ...Has been leased by... J. C. BORCHERS Who hat secured the services of MRS. MARGARET VON CADOW As manager. It will be run in first class shape in every department. Rates reasonable.......... SAMPLE ROOMS IN CONNECTION. w all of lone, Oregon. 16-27 Judob McKenna has been con firmed as a justice of the U. S. l n a l' supreme court, me oouuruiauon koown re(jidentl) ,(t Morro 000ty died re8t0red. a -r t n-i t I I occurring last X riaay. 1 DIB IS tne at bis home ou Butter oreek at 12 o'clook Charges for trestment low and reason- result predicted elBewhere in these Sunday night. He imd been ailing able, acoording to ability to pay. columns The only objection 8t)ut tbree months, but was not tnkeo Inquiries answered, and circulars and rrmrlA In .Tnr1rr MflKflnr.ii w nr. "& nt 'w days ago, and question blanks free. , , ,?. ... , . , bis sadden demise OMased are it surprise Tbe poor treated free excepting medi- too narrow a basis to HeDDoer. Mr. Jones had felt his sink- ness Pomlng oo for some time, bat being Has Ceased to Keglster Hcrip. able to attend to bis work about the While Morrow oounty and School dis- ranah most of the time, lie did not anem tn trint Kn 1 hin marls sTnallant alwtnMnaa xhi comuiuuiiy mouriiu over reBijze that he was sufferina from any the past year in a flnanoial way. oounty tbe Joss ot one ol US noDiest Cltl- thing like a serious ailment. However, warrauts now bringing their (ace value, Z6D8, Kelson Jones. Mr. Jones 00 ,B8t Friday he was token very bad. and all tbe school diatriot warrants be was one of the pioneers of this owiuburne wasealleJ to ntteud him, ing paid up to date, the city of Heppner locality and had a wide circle of l:" ""V" d, DtbBi i-ot behind Treasurer Briggsiuforms ,. , would bring relief, and after two dnys Ibis pBper that he has ceased registering menus Because nis naiure wouia Bnd a hall ot terrible snfforiug he naosed city sorln and Days all bills against the not permit him to make enemies. 1 sway. Thefuneriil will be held at Ibe oity npon demand. There is a neat sur Hirr.liAftrtpil ovAr lnvnl tr friond I M. E. obnroh, S nth. in this oity on olns of funds an hand at nrenent. all In O " . ... I r D.I..J...M.I in. ... .11 u ill ;A rnorsiiBy auernoon, at a o'oloclt. under Merest on hondi. etc.. is ua d nn. and it - i,u uu w" juBvivin.., w.i. uooau.jr uj.oocu.. . ..,.. r , ... . on ...... , " hurt, but the fun ost the nartioinants i vuc .unuivm vi unuuuo jujuutt uj, i ! inn lnieniinn anna in nav nn tns nai i ' A. F. & A. U.. Of Which Mr. Junta was anna th nit n.e. .nhnnl dmtriot No. 1 tb boT M" Jt th same joyed his financial assistance; k member. I (or land purchased several years ago. I Frank MoFarlapd bas been appoldted many an erring Toupee man has NbIsod Jones whs born in Fleming Tbe oitv's floanoea have been Jotked after Peoial s&eDl ot "he Equitable Life As been extended the hand of charitv oounty, Ky , on May 8d, 183S With his I in an able manner ty those having them eoranoe Co., of New York, thestrongeet mi - tt ,sn A. wiuowea nioiuer Hoa lue oiner mmDers in oharflft. 111 luw worm, twu buiiub w yunvj ii m hi saa. iinwiiinvMri " ui me iiunux! do mo ven irora mere id THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. O. BOEOHEES, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. J AS. F. MOOKE. Register. Notice of Mention. Land Office at LaGkande, Oregon, Jan. 19. 189S. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1' followine-named snttler him fllnri notice nf his Intention tn make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore County Clerk, Morrow county, Oregon, ai neupuer, uregon, on warcn iz, mis, viz: WALTER CROSBY, H. E. No. 6029, for the Etf NE!4, 8EU Sec. ll.Tp.S8. RZ7.B. W.M. . Bie names tne following; witnesses to prove his continuous residence unon and cultivation oi saia lana, viz: cnanes 8. Jayne, Bruce B, Keiley, Ueorge A. Stevenson and William Stew art, all of Heppner, Oregon. is. W. bartlett, 616-27 Register NOTICE OF INTENTION. When you hear dem bells V YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT THE HEPPNER TRANSFER CO'S Belled express is coming. Does delivery work on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it, or at "Central" telephone office. WE MOVE ANYTHING ! Land Offics at Tub Dalles. Oregon, January 17. 1898. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1 following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at ueppner, uregon, on reoruary , iu, viz: ALBERT A. WILLIS, H E No. 3990, for the SWK of sec 29, To 2 S. R 25 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Frank Smith, James H. Willis and James Brown, of Lexington, Oregon, and i nomas A. urisiteii, oi Heppner, uregon. jj t MAT HALVORSEN, LEADIN6 MERCHANT OF IONE.- vt 615-625 AS. K. MOORE, Kegister. Notice Of Intention. Land Orrici at La Ghande. Oregon, Tinn Ol 1 oan OTICE IS HEKEBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has Bled notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk, Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppner, uregon, on tea. sra, lifM, viz: LOUIS GROSHENS. Hd. No. 5,339, for the WW of N WJ, and WH of BWU of Sec. 12. To. 6. 8. R. 28. E. W.M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: William Warren, Victor Hu bert, Charley Bond rev and Peter Hung, all of Heppner, Morrow county, uregon. ' fi. W. BAKTI.K i r. 608-19. Register. 6 Eesps l General U of Merchandise by live in tbe memory of bis old neigh bors. Senator Wolcott's epeeoh bears out Senator Chandler's re- 1848 to lows, where he resided until 1H5D, when be oame to Oulifuruia, After spending two years in Ibe Gnldo I stale, he moved to Polk oounty, Oregon, com ing to wbut is no Morrow oounty in 1K05. in tbe world. holders of over 43 millioc dollars. Don't take insurtooe withont seeing tbe new Two Mllllona Year. When people buy, try, and buy again, it plans ot the Equitable. Insures both rm'Htis they re antiHtietl. I he people ol Hie iPXei ,t iamA rate8 77tf 1 nilcd Mules are now buvinff I awn rein I dimly Cat liartie at the rate of two million A daooe at Dnuglas Friday night . i v 1" " u 'i '-J1. broki up in i IfM lot U flgbt. A too iiiiv nrw i cm ii. iiirniiH iik-i it inuu-tii cent statement that President Mo- For num,M,r "lr, he engaged in the tlmt (Warets are the moHtdeliglitfulltowei free indulgenoe in fire water by large I uuuuyanuu m ireiguuug oeiweeo ume -a'nni rnjii,ii j wuni. nu i namner ol Inose present was me otuse t.":1-.. l a l Clll.. """"'" AvmIOy ub uui .ug,u on uu, iutJ U1U UmVwg toJ j,,, I(,Hb0i ,ud efforts made by tbe commission finally eniistced in the cattle business, which visited Europe in behalf of I being very suooeaiful in a flunncial way. dniKgisti 10v, 2.K.', 5Uc a box, cure guaranteed. I of tbe fraoas. Ho far no arrests have been reported, but black eyes aod braised noses are said to be very much in evl international bimetallism, and that Of late year, he h.d ben riten.ivel, ' - ""f"1"" w" deno. in that vioinity at present i mnamumi in inn aiiiiuin iniiiiairv nnn i - - w ir t w- n n : i" , , . mui. for th. Aia.k., .biPP.d . ... getEoKland Committed M ending t . ,h. "J . I. oar load of horse, from thi. pl.o. to Held a meeung iMt ev.olng and Notice of Intention. AND OFFICE AT TIE DALLES. OREGON. U Dec. 28. wm. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of I his Intention to make final proof In support of nis claim, ana mat sat a prooi win ne maae before i. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, uregon, on lnurmay, reoruary s, iy, viz: JOHN B. HUNT. Hd. E. No. 4T, for the N W!4 of Sec 17, Tp. 8 8., R. 26 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said land, viz: Edward Hunt. Edward Oris- Have made some eWant Improvements In their establishment and added a larra stock nt Sell, Ueorge murk and Arthur Hunt, all ol Iron, horseshoes and other materials essential to tne nappuiesa ol those who need quick repairs Heppner, Morrow oounty, Or. I to their wagons, buggies or machinery. Their specialty is horkeshoelug. 608 19. Register. (hipped a Car Load of Horses, Mr. V. V. Maddocks, wbo was II I i I I ' U..ll. H U. lnkt ..J ail nope ior aa miernaiionai agree- good cili.eo and well respected by all " . " melIts for a charity ball to be given on ment Bonator Woloott believes I ho knew him, and his large number of that the visit of the commission to lo hiti couoty hav. tbe sym- Europe materially advanced the ''by n .Hlo this hour of gri.f. Ueing ' , i i .ii- unmarried, Mr, Jones leaves no Imtas- idea of international bimetallism, dUU bMr, ,0 hii taU. ,nJ ,0 , M and that it Will yet booome ao ao- this paper has been abl. to learn be Complisbed fact mad. do disposition ot bis property be fore passing away. rom appointed a oommitt. to make arrange- that point they will be shipped by Feb Thii lod(r, p(K)ta , ,(,it i00D steamer io oaagway. fur, aiaaaocia aiso from Diet. Deputy Col. K. W. Mitchell, purchased a number of moles wbioh n wbioh ocoaslon on doubt they will were driven to Tendleton for ahlnment. P1 ,h'r reputation as royal enter a eioeots to return to Heppner about March 1st to buy up as maoy torses as be oan find that are suitabl. for bis boiiness tainers. Attorney General McKesni'b Ji.. unagtoat ut. Mrta. Domination to the supreme court Tbe Lexington republican club met on would have been confirmed long last Haturday. There was a fair attend- Collar Bona Iirokea. ago had not Senator Allen aeen in n0 ' mvt ,,f "I ting oers , Wl by k Brooki , it an opportunity to aceure a little " '"7 r"""7 " ' " , : . , . , ,. I J. H. Carmiohael, president; Walter notoriety lor inmsoir. nen Ben- , or,Ury M tM ia ,n, ator Hoar presented the report of convention to he held in Portland Feb, the judiciary committee in favor of 1st, U. 8. Drake and Cbaa. Darnell The Jn.toA Mck'nnna ami asked that a Lanington club Is oomposed of 1rue o - - - vote be taken, Senator Allen waa the only objector and he consumed four houra in making it plain that his only object waa to draw public attention to himself. 11a first asked for a postponmont of two weeks, but waa in the end satisfied to get the vote postponed until ncit Friday. There ia nothing uncertain about Judge McKenna's confirmation. At the ouUide, there iau't likely to l more than ix votes caat ia opposition, and it ia ixwaible that there will lm none. t . sTv t! a: a t- - IT I sth ror voD.iip.imo taae nan viover Are mufh . u. Tea, th. great Blood Purifier, eures ready, efficient, satlsfa headaoh tbe faoe, and makes tb bead as olear aa , iundic, ranMipaUon, nr.. pric emt. Hood' Pills Ta aalf Pills Uka wlU HooS's Barsapartlla. LETTER LIST. blue" republicans aod is on. of th. Iivlieet In ths county. It will no doubt prove quite a factor In lb. coming cam paign. What is Scott's Emulsion?! List of advertised letters In Heppner Postofnc 1 US oldest aoo or Mrs. B. B. ny., an January ITth.lW: inmate of th. aoooty poor, fell Orrifui. F D Wallace Adiine IV... I In, ,,. T ... inira a wignq iminuil, airiaiua iu Ho dman. M il saa J l.laM. John 1 ...m.i.. I Andrrw. Hill Shlllev. Mary m,,,u a - '""' "- Thomaa Tavlor Baker Ml-.! break hi. collar boo.. Dr. Iluntook, tbt Williams, um wukiusoD, James I em.Gt. t.hv.iol.o. iu caileJ In and ra- .wh'" "'" " ,,, P"" , . -, . 1 aiiveriiMHi. j,r, euuix. r. a. duoed tb. frsolure, Tb. doctor reports his patisot doing aloely at presaot. Catarrh cured. A clear bead and swevt breath rureJ with Hhilob's Catarrh IWmedy; sold on a guarantee. Nasal injector free. Hold by Cooler k Brock. a Hl'UVOL VLtHk'S NOTICE. NOTirt h HRRrav oivrw titat ai. oiilaundlui wartauta of ak-hool Uist. No. I will h paid at the office of th cl-rk Interval rMs!l.r Ihlt dale. J. J. Hl'RKHlA l lerk II t No. I, Morrow County, Or, ttted Jan. IV, Iwa Hew We Urew D rn-Ie Heppner, Jao. 341b. 1KW, to Ibe wife of i. u. I eager, a son . It it A itrtntrthenlof food 4nJ Mother aod tonic, rcmarkibU in its ikth-torm- Ing; properties. It contains Cod Liver Oil emulsified or partially digested, combined with the well- known And hlfhly prized Hypo- BitiiiTaBt WiLHOji'a report on Senator Ixnlea resolution, which waa adopted by the senat aekin phosphites of Lime and Soda, so for full information as to txet that their potency is rruUruIiy sugar and what, if any, foreign increased. :i : ...-..i;i:.. I with, and what effect if any, the HUM HONS. Iff THE CI B. TIT COt'RT OF TUB ST ATI I nf OtFsmt, for Mnrmw county r. r. I.M. H K Klnraiil and I'hll. Mrtarhan aa th boant of cotnmls- suinart ale., I'laiuufla, A'1rlln lfow.ll, John Ho.,l. Nallia M...ll. Mllllam Howrll, (Unlonl Howail. Joscpk Mnorll, lln.ll, M i.ll. frank ll- W,TlHDtuHoall, Ullf Hirii, it u i. rarer. Hit rarvr. Alrllna Ho .11, aa a.lniliil.tralrlt and M.nrf M,-.H il. nilnl.iralor nf iauf"4, darwrd, l The lecture waa aot largely at. ITo winum nnu, itaitle rarer and kl leouea ana looae woo am em g niwa , lh, Mm, , ,n. ftMl0 M .w. Ymi are ,nniB treat I "'' rruulrwl tn ai'l"' aa-l anaw.r th. Ililwl suit ou vr t.ior lh Irai dar nf th. nn M k 1 w ... 14-1 . 1 n-emaf term m int. roiin, ww, ibi tin oar lr. Lucy U. logereoll delivered a ery interesting and Instructive lector, at tbe Christian chnroh last evening on Hawaii. For a aomtier of years lr. logereoll wss a taedlel uleeM.ary to those leland. and la well acquaint! with tb. beoite, eottofna and history of the Baodwleb Is land ere. imrwirtatinn at Hawaiian anaral v. - -n . i -t n. t. . 1 ... lt WIU crrctt ,ou 01 ,4c,n ana t, umi m rw. M.rrh, iw. end It roe fmll lo answer for baa or fiOUld Lav UtHin the Wet I tA . mnAHUn tl.l llrairlna- tn l.a.a It.onn.r I am sos tt..r,l iK. B .lntlS will to the - I i. .., .v m ..v....... ..... . -- . -r, raiiHtu.rullhl Rial SmiUiM ugar production of the United Infant, the child and the adult. It off-ring all my household goode, eoo States, is eipected to knock out will enrich the blood of the anemic 1 f b4 rooea saiu, diolnig room t.ThXfcfT.hT, 1 that a of ltlsnint a.iiat yoe ut.1 rr now lor to sum MIM iii.fn al lh. rats of i(hi wr one of the arguments which have wiU stop the cough, heal the Irrita. .od lueu. lurnHor.. a ea s. -".r; ;zzrZr&7lXZZZ . .. . . tt -.1 .-J pitDisfor sale. Tt.e deelrtog to e ei.nia mthissnii. and that th, na toen naAd bf the sucar trust lobby Uoo ol the throat ana lungs, ana r , ,, , . v. sw-umim "id ih.M. to make certain senator, whose Wf "r?4 consumptton. e , M h tl lha to m. !&rm"22r . . male tKIa alatmnt rMTAUla th qar. w ja, T e 4. awita rang. stales are large and bcrena na pro- suumeni nccauic inc A erery thing le lo first claes is. w.w. f,.r-Md a.d e.d ...n iH..rwi.rgsi.i txrxrUnc of twenty-five ysars has .d th. ,.1. m i.i rruiUu. duerra of etieur bocU. doubtful r ... i. "l". i? it,. .m...,.,i dneaiiii4. it la uns oi tnousanas oil r. K. naariiou-iiiaw. imii wi ms i tnri. i of ths policy of annexation, by showing that no injury to the beet sugar luUr.eU of this country will, proven caks. a m scorn tM. anS (' M, Sll ' SCATT Sw"S, C". Ye. o o 5 5 Including all the Staples, Hardware, Tin ware, Harness, Stockmens' Supplies, Wood and Willowware. First Class Goods and Low Prices is his motto. . MfIT HALVORSEN, TOTK. OTJTrriOTSr o o They Are The "Mustard" MEADOWS & HATTEN, THe Pioneer Blacksml Us Meadows i Hattcs are the Boys to do Tour Work Right, and do it Quick, too. NOTICE OF INTENTION. w ivn nvvrrs at t 4 nitiHnv nnrnntl 1 J Dec. 10. IW, Notice Is hereby riven thai the followltig' iianied settler has filed notice of SUMMONS. TN THK CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 8TATE his Intention to make rJnal proof In support of I X of Oregon for Morrow county nis ctaira, ana vnai saia prooi win ne mane ine American MorTgaga oeiore i. w. Morrow, county l ien, at Heppner, I Company, of Scotland, uregon, on January A i"'". : WILLIAM WARREN. Hd. No. iV. for the M NKI4 and IM 8EU Bee. 22. Tp. 5. 8 ol R JB E W M. He names the followlns; witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, Tli: John Zollinger, Hylvestrr W. Kloreon. Robert 1). Walk 1 11s and Louis Oroshens, all of lieppner, Morrow county. Or. . w. BiaTLSTT, Het-ister. ww in. Limited, a corporation. Plaintiffs, vs ' John Q. Crafts, Annie Crafts, J. w. Hmlth, M. V. Hanlson, Jacob Bortier, and Coflin A McKarland, aa partner!, Defendants. To John u. Crafts, J. W. Smith and M. V. Harrl- slon, defendants, above named: In the nam of lha Hiate ol Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE I r term of the above entitled court lollowlog of Oresnn. for tbe County of Morrow. hk.,i..n ,k. Ku4Kt t ,k Ed Rood. Haintlfl, order for publication of this summons, which first day will be Monday, the 7lh day of March, lvl m..A - A.. -I MAI. Bill Ilk. Mnlln. ney, one of lha above named de- th., n you fu , , appear and answer, for I ttmnAl Hl.ln.llV mIII .1,1,1 tA teM In ths nama of the state ol Oregon: You are M,.r i... ik. Lu .m.nt in Ita vn. reqiilnkl to ajiar and answer the complaint, to wit: For judgment against John ii. iiaitiiin bin in tne anove enutirn court l r,u ,nd Annie Crafts for the sum of M to- suit on or before the Orst rtay of the nest , w(Ul iuUmt thereon al the raw of eight r oi If- SUMMONS. Mathews & Gentry, BARBERS Shaving ? ? 15 Cents. Bbop two doors South ot Postofflce, D. A. CUR RAY, Formerly ol Pendleton Tonsorial Artist. Shaving, Half Cutting, Shop, Matlock Corner, 15 Cent 25 " Heppner, Oregon. answer, plaintiff will take Judgment and de cree, foreclosing the mortgage described In MM complaint nn the NWt, of Hre. &. tp 1 H, KWI, HWl, nf w; and NWI4 of HVYV of Hoc IT, tp I H, K 1 E W M. and that (he same be sold thai lha proceeds be applied U ths payment of the sum of Ml W with Interest and attorneys' fees I to and plaintiff coils end dis bursements ol suit and mats nf sale. This summons le published by order of Stephen A. Lowell. . n. naa, riainun s any Dated Dee. t, lam. fl7 ini . C. Mlii'l vim wf aa ' January . Ihi lor Ibe W 1. of V f eww, and ewi of K nf ew. 1 .1. K. W. M. has wholly failed to 1 SOTICEOFUEARISaoFCONTE!T V. i. Uxd Of n a, I 4 cutting. Oae , December l.sjh. IwT. Complaint having been ma.e at this nmce by tbe duly veriaed and corroborated amdavll ol John H. Manning alleging that Kale Hnssell wbo made Timber Culture Entry no. I'm at tbe I'. . Land OITlce at I lirande, Oregon, IhmA lor the w, of w and a, Tp a k eomiiiy with the Tlmner Culture Law: tbal she did during tbe year lax wholly abandon said trmrl of land, that ever since has continued to abandon the same and haa made no Improvements upon said tract of any part thereof. Therefore, with lha view of the cancellation of the amid entry the aald parties are hereby eummontNl anil ero,uirei 10 r ana appear Be fore J. W Morrow, lounty ( Irrk of Morrow Couuty. Oregon, al bis omre at Heppner, Oe ton. on the lth day ol February. at tee ur of Ino riork a m , ol aald day, thee, end there to pnxloce such teetlmotiy aa Ibey may have Potiremlnf aald allegatlotia. fln.l hear ing In be bail al the olficw nf the reel'ler and rvrelver al la Oranda, Oregon, si arc a 4th. laws, al 10 e clmk, a. . E W HtltTt TTT. Reglelet, Itvjl J. H. KopHIJia, Rec-lver. a certain oromlsaory note, by Ihem made and delivered to plaintiff, on of about the lath day of June, lwi7, for aald sum; for 'the sum of ft) atbirneys fees, and for the sura ol ad vance lor laaea. ana lor tne coeia ann aistitine nieiits of this suit: also a decree lor the fore cliwur ol tbe certain mortgage eseruted and delivered by aald defendants. John U. Crafts and Annie ( rails, 10 piainitna 10 secure tne pat maul ol the above described nolo, and for the sale of said mortgaged pnerty situa'ed In Morrow county, Oregon, described as follows, tn-wtl: The soulh-eaet quarter of section X Tp. a. eonth of range 'Beast W. M .and thai Ibe priceeda ol aald aale be applied to the payateiit of the amount due plain ufl, attorneys I nee aud costs of suit This summons Is served apon yon by publi cation thereof. In pursuance of an order 01 Hon. Mtephen A. Lowell, urig of the above entitled court, made at chambers, at Pendleton, Oregon, en Ibe LHh day ol January, iwv. a 1.1 j IV 3 a A PHr.t.r. Attorneys lor Plaintiff. Reel BOvomrnodattna aod eoorleoot treatment al tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh aod Waeh. Hta., Portland, Oregon. J L. GIBSON, At Chas Jones' Old Itead. Blmvin. - - 15 Ct. HnirCuttinir. 125 - Joe Is keeping up the repuUtlnn ol Ibis shop fn treKlaM work end would be pleased lo have yon eeU. NEW NAME! Wm. Gordon has re-named his stand the old Jones livery stable Tlio Control. Baled hay for aale. Charges reasonable. Call nn him and have your burses well cared (nr. The Old Shop! LIBERTY MARKET Is tbe place to go to get your fioe pork and lamb ' chop, steaks sod rotsts. six ol an oclei ol Uie Hon aiihn A I well, le awl lu.lee t.f the ala.vw entitled ruitrt. ens' F.lgtit tare good eoas for Uw caeh at u,m krlirii li V C.ThcrovtuaCw'e. IT. v.r, h i-.iiv ADMINISTRATORS SALE or REAL PROPERTY. NOTtci i Mmrsv oivt that canst and by virtue ol en order nt sale laeued out ol tne county court of the euie cw rr 'a. lor Mormw rounly, sn the 4th day ol January, !, the nndemined. aa edmloliralir ol the aetata f Me lea M AUtn. will on and after the i h day ol pvbruary, !, pmred w eeil al S rival sale tne raah la hand, all Ibe following ecritt real properly ol said eetaie. stioated la Morrow enwnli Oreern, twll The north caat e,uarey ol ex tlnn ihlrlr ene. tn MwrMhle am. smith e rang twenty Be el W M . aed Ilia nonheut quarter ol aertlon thirty Br. la township nn. smith nf range loentv els reel W.M, S'Vt lh south ewel iiuarter H le'tl, (hlrtv. In lownehlp on. ."ith nt ranee leni (t hM W , M . whev w llh ail Ibe Iroemeata, berelumenle end appurwranree Ihervunlo Wlxaslna I laUH al s1spef, Orefoe. January Tih lsn, T It. lVi.', ltd adaataltmie. D. E. GILMAN, 6cncralCollcctor Put your old books and siosee In his ban, la end g4 yur mmwy sa t ol Ihees Make a Spertaity et bard eoilecUoue. Office ia J, N. Brown't BoilJiog- Ellis & Phelps. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All knlee attended I satisfactory saaaeet. Vote a In e pn-wiH end hoaarta l' a4 ttlew Hi Mttef lelidlaf, Hppr, r, FISH EVERY FRIDAY Pin sugar-cured bams and bacon Pura leaf lard, beitia.rsndereri.oid UlTima,1''4 pnm '4 '"' KHEA A MATHEWS. ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STAGELINE n. REFD i A. O. OtHLVIE "oprielots. fARC rROM ARLINGTON TO roaaU u Kllea) . )e . fUeaad trts S0B MsyvmoiMmiia.) ,g Ronad trip Tea Cnndon l as I lea) go How ad trip ea CTW nlellel ... le ..... UwMw , Oli l alle.) . m Wp 9 M Ptajfeleae Arllbflrm m,tnr.g (Kond.y eif.ted) at i eeln,., , BB at Otwirl... at I p. k4 ,. fo- Ml M 7 P tn. Cotaforiablo roeered oah a4 tare. I a I, ie,(e4 alnvwa, X t t