Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 25, 1898, Image 1

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Semi-Weekly Gazette
lt IF THE 'i ....
.Semi-Weekly Gazette
AT $2.00 A YEAR.
NO. 617
or "V.
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man.
it $2.0) par rw, $1.00 for mz mouths, 50 ots.
."or throe moniai, Btrictly in advance.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Entered at tbe Poatofflce at Heppner, Oregon,
ai second-class matter.
THIS PAPER is kept on file at E. C. Uake'i
Advartisinft- AwuioT. 64 and 85 Merchant
Kxohangs, Ban Franoisoo. California, where oou-
raots tor aavertiBinff oan oe maae lor n -
JUt ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exohang't Build
ing, Ban Franoisoo is our authorized agent.
This pap3r la kept on me at mi omce.
0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 0:30 p. i
nnHntf arriving at HeDOner Jun
Ljaavee Heppner Junoiioo 8:30 a. in. and ar-
ily ezoept
n a. m
.I f DannnM A-Hil Q m
Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00
p. m and arrives at Heppner junction :au p. m,
nnrl TTmatilla AO d. m.
Portland Express No. 8, from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla tfJO a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00
,m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m.
Vaat Mail Nn. 2 Wim Portland 9:25 o. m. and
arrives at Heppner Junction 8:25 a. m. and at
Umatilla 4:8U a. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leave Umati'la 11:10 p. m. and
arrives at teppner Junotion 12:25 a, m. and at
Portland 7 :2C a. m. . ...
For further information inquire of J. (J. Hart,
Agent O. H A N., Heppner, Ore.
East? Hotel" Meppi
Three- Important 1 Points.
FIRST Go via. St Paul be
cause the lines to that point will
afford you the very best servioe.
SECOND See that the coupon
beyond St. Paul reads via. the
Wisconsin Central t because' .that
line makes close 'connections with
all the trans-continental lines en
tering tbe Union Depot there, and
its service is first-class in every
THIRD For information, call
on your neighbor . and friend the
nearest ticket agent and "ask1 for a
ticket reading via. the Wisconsin
Centra) lines, or address '
(Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.)
MRS. L. SMALL, Manager;'
Now Open. New Methods. New Manage
.. ment.'r Strictly 'First Class.
Rates, $1.00 Per" Day' and Upwards.
83 A first-plasa feed barr; run in connection."
and f rorri all trains. ' v We solicit your patronage.
Free 'Bus run to
Jas. C. Pond,
Gen. Pas. Agt,
' Milwaukee, Wis.
or Geo. 8. Batty, ...
General Agent,
246 Stark St..
Portland Or. I
H, W. Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
United States Officials.
William McKinlev
..UarretA. Uobart
John Sherman
....Lyman J, Gage
. Cornelias N. Bliss
RusseU . Alaer
John D Long
James A. Gary
..Joseph McKenna
James Wilson
President. ;
Secretary of State
rjeoretaryof Treasury.
Beeretary of Interior...
Secretary of War......
Seoretaryot Navy.....
Postinastar-iOeneral. . .
Secretary A Agrioulture..
State of Oregon
Seoretaryof State.
Treasurer;.!. ,
Bnpt. Publio Instruction.
Attorney General
Supreme Judges
.W. P. Lord
....H. Hi Kinoald
....Phil. Hetsohan
G. M. Irwin
,...C. M. Idleman
G. W. MoBride
jThos. H.Tongue
1 W. R. Ellis
. . . . w . u. jjeeus
R. B. Bean.
E. Wolverton
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. 4
Q., C. M. & BL P., C. dt A., r. Ft. W. dt C,
and the C. St. L. dt P. Railroads.
Cor. W.Madison and Clinton 8t.,'
CBIOAAO, Ilii. '
For more than fifty-six years it has never failed
in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers
and villagers throughout the U. S."
!' it .".
C. E.
. A. W. Gowan
J. N. Hniwn
Bartholomew I
. ). It. Howard
Sixth Judicial District.
niuuilm Stephen .Lowell
I'rnMcntini Attorney J. owo
. Morrow County Officials.
Joint Senator..
Representative. .;
County Judge A. U.
v ur UMitAi.
ui.ir E. L. Wat look
Tr m.nr.r Frank uuiiara
rrrrnr j.-w-. t.r,y,Tof
Bun't Jay W. I Bhiplef
IWiih .....a. If. Vauguan
MvnsMvm mM nrnnilM.
Mvot...V Tho- M,or,w5
tl.imoil.nen Geo. Conser, Frank
riiiii.m Arthnr Minor. K. I. Blooam, ill-
IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity and happiness, for the improvement of their
business and nome interests, for education, ior me elevation 01 American mannooa ana
i " true womanhood
IT BA8 told at the fireside, interesting and Instructive stories of the doings of the world, the
nation and states, .
IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved methods of cultivating and harvesting hii
crops, and the proper time to convert them into the largest possible amount of money. .
I IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to the welfare of farmers and villagers, and for over a half
a century has held their confidence and esteem.
Fill a bottle or ooromon glass with
mine and let it stand twenty -four hoars;
sediment or settling ladioates an un
healthy condition ot the kidneys. When
urine stains linen it is evidence of kid-:
ney trouble. Too frequent desire to uri-
ate or pain in tbe baok, is also oonvino-
ing proof that tbe kidneys and bludder
are oat o! order.
There is oomtort in tbe knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr., Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, tbe great kidney remedy
fulfils every wish in relieving pain in tbe
baok, kidneys, liver, bladder and every
part of tbe urinary passages. It cor
rects inability to bold urine and scald
ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol
lowing use ot liquor, win or beer, and
overcomes tbat unpleasant neoessity ot
being compelled to get up many times
daring the night to urinate. Tbe mild
and the extraordinary effect of Swamp
root 'is soon realized. It stands the
bigbest tor its wonderful cores of tbe
most distressing oases. It you needs
medicine you should have tbe best. Sold
by druggists, price fifty oeots and one
dollar. You may have a sample bottle
and pamphlet both sent free by mail.
Mention tbe Heppner Gazette and send
your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing-
bampton, N. Y., Tbe proprietors o( this
paper guarantee tbe genuineness ot tbiB
offer. '
Published Every Saturday
New York Weekly Tribune,
School Bo
And wa furnish It with the GAZETTE, one year for .
$2.76, cash In advance. - '.. i
..,.. ttmer.i - THE GAZETTE.
. A. Richardson
..U W. HriKKS
.A. A. Roberts
i.inl.t.nlKl nrl J. H. Himnns.
HMvinlur.... ..W.
Precinct Offleer.
i .u. v-m W. E. Hirharilson
r 7.nmtibm.7. . . rrr. . . ........... n . b. wheuu.
Called Stairs Ui OfHcera.
fm n&i.Laa. os.
1. . Mmm JUwlsUW
dv vn. HetrUWr
J.'h'. Kihbina.'. Heoelver
G. A. B. .
1 .t Laxinaum. Or., the Uwrt rtetnrday of
--k A irrui. km InvitMl tn loin.
G. W.Hmllh, .. C. O. royOA.
Adjotaat, . H
The Outlook will be in 1897, as it has
been daring each of Its twenty-seven
years, a History of Oar Own Times. In
its various editorial departments Tbe
Outlook gives oompaot review ot tbe
world's progress: it follows with care
all lbs important philanthropic and in
dustrial movements of the day; bas a
complete department ot religious news;
devotes mnob space to tbe interests of
tbe borne; reviews oarrent literature;
farcisbes cheerful table-talk about men
and things: and, in abort, aims to give
freeb Information, original observation,
and reasonable entertainment.
Write your name and address on a postal card, send lt to Geo. W. Best, Tribune Olfloe, New
York City, and a sample copy of the New York WeeklyT rlbune will be mailed to you.
A Campaign
Of Education
CoiiniffnUc i
Offio in tbe City Drag
City Hotel.
D. J. McFaul, m: d.
i .i
Office boa re, 8 to 10 . m., and 12 to
3 d. m,. at residence. W. A. Kirk's prop
erty, east of M. K chnrtb, Hontn. and 10
to 12. a. ro . to 2 fc o p. m., ei oraoe io
the rear of Rorgs Jewelry store.
Brown & Redfield,
Attorneys at Law,
Office in tb Firel National Bank
Beginning with tbe fifty flifth volume, I
tbe paper will aeeume tbe regular mage-
cine size, wbiob will add greatly to its
oonvenienoe and attractiveness. Thcl
Outlook la published every Saturday I
fifty-two Issues year. Tbe first Issue I
Store, near In eaoh month is an Illustrated uagaxine
Number, oontainlog abonttwioe as many
pages as tbe ordinary issues, together I
wilb a large number of pictnree.
Tbe pnee of The Outlook Is three 1
dollars a year In advenes, or less than a
cent a day.
Bend for a speoimao 0py and Illustrat
ed proepeotus to Tbe Outlook, 13 Astor
riaoa, New York Citv.
How to Get It
MA: m
Uirraaa, i, I Oatoan.
Justice of the Peace
and City Recorder.
orrict av
cowHCik CMaisaiaa
SlleB TS Ute. fes bomm. fT
asM. .wm morfn' l"f end will wrve lni In
nf way M au lla. at MaiMtiis aguraa.
First National Bank
trod BRANDS.
White yoa aes yor sabaariptiue paid as f
eaa kS) too braad la rrawof eharte.
Bors. P.O.. Rsppnac. Or-Hnrasa. P B Uft
sboeiiWi eatUa. same as Uft kip.
Conk A. J. JUmaAtt. HitfM.SI.ua rtaktaSnal
im, ( attW. saw on rtfktMpt aar saark eoare
arV ofl left aad selit ta ngttL
ttana-laaa. W. M . (im,mt. Of. - all la. IIIm
rtchi m.ta. ewaitowarfc la aaosi eart a him. B 1)
mm Mrti k.ct.
Kl Kr. TVmuW Or. Uotaaa hfanAad Pl.t
na lt ehnuklaf, aatiia eaaae oa Uflb.p, hula
la nabl ear.
Plraaaa. U A- tlaptHMC, OratUa, LP aw
rlM lupt kanas wa bar aadat aa riabl
3 mm, rlatry, Rtt4Mr, Or Moraae traa4ad
M Jas taa lt steaiUlar: aaMIe braodaa J
nl.l ate. etau ea4aruit la Wft ear. Hange
m aaaaiy.
.' To be educated one must read
the best literature.
. , Tbe best literature is eipenslve.
Leelle'a llluatrated
rub'lsned at 110 fifth Avenue,
New York, Is full of the best thing.
Its Illustrations are superb; lta
stories charming; and lta literary
departments are edited with con
summate skill.
Such a paper 1 a great popular educator. It should be In every'
borne, .
The subscription prtre of Leslie's u)4pe nniira.
We make the unparalleled ofler uf a eopy of
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi
Weekly one year for only $4.50.
No such offer was ever made before. No Such offer will err r b made
again. These two papers make a moat acceptable Christmas or birthday
gift, and will be constant reminders of the giver's kindness.
Remit by postal order of check to the
'-at.' '
'7J Iloppnor, Oregon.
Rogers & Roberts,
Contractors aod Duilder'a.-
3 Plans and Estimates Given on snort Notice,
Jkna. falls. L'tva. Or. Burns. elrrlsT na
laft atjna; aaula. sama oa r!M kta, aa.ta half
or HErrNER
C. A. P)MCA,
T. A. rtMfa.
S. W. SPCNCtH, Aas'l Caahler
Tru''i I Cftril Izcjx
Oa ail sfie at tae world
Bought and Sold.
Cliraue ea4e aa ail estate aa
rMtMMMe Tsfate.
arylas aad aa4tl4 PMI. OO-
TVs (laMle will UlspoUto. arf.Ua,
r mIwii a-raama.
Aay Me log tbie efanaraa ila -t
areweeM la Ibie taeatet ti ' H
IM esjna to t a $.
me la n a4 ss4t .a lafi ear
laaar. st'ka, Kfpmt. r. Unseat braailM
tM oa lafl hip aaOieaaMeed eruf ofl kafl
sari aatar aloaa aa taa rtafct
taaly. $. W. Hapi ear Or -Horaas tKanta4
u . . S alalaat ' ' aaa a 'm wi aiaiari am mmmm aa w
Vie r-rweisjaas wtM arar nt.t eys. lara elils la rM
Uttuar. Itaw. nat.tmar Or. 4 allia. at D aa I
rtaM am. stuna m am tan Munwr
kWeaa, H. M. Mtar. Or -Mnraas, M )
I iar eaaatna, aat.ta aaia aa awi aip
IWIm,, J, W.. !.. 14 KavaMtl aw laf
shmMari aatlle taaaa na n'l sip,
fertar filaana. HaMaiaa.Or.-BoraattP
lart aaoaMar,
fiaar. i. n. taslna. Oa -H a-w, it
e-a4 aflaTt tbmM-m saMia. saausae laf kip.
aaa aa.
W , H.yiaat. Or-Harese, JO as
. (atlia. U aa rtaatkik
If. fl. RaMatar. Or. TaMla W t aw
lafl kia. m a7 "m- a4 BMafti
J k . Mtar. IH - H.aaai. .
la ahaaKpTi aaltia S aa lafl ahaalaaf
fsM K. W. Mapvnar ttv.-aiafl aa(at t
lari sWaMa. i win aauia MM aa kaft bis
a-a asrf.i ta ama aara.
W'W'aOT, W. , ftallnwa tlv.i
aaartaa W aa fa-K ah.ail.laf. aa.,a
wuf.alW a rta-it Ka awt hitaa
f r4 b.Ma i lafl aar. Macae la alaftvW mt-4
V eait.aauaaua.
Al! Kinds of Kewir Work Done
Some Good as Well as Bad News Former
Residents of Heppner Strike lt Rich Near
Dawson lt Takes Pluck-Death of Jas
In tbe Ban Franoiseo Examiner ot
recent date appears an acoouut of tbe
return of a large party ot Klondikers
from tbe land ot gold, on tbe steamer
Corona, in wbioh list appears tbe name
of Chris Nebubr, who formerly drove
milk wagon for Jas. Jones. Obris went
in some time sgo, long before the ex
oitement ot laet season when "Klondike"
beoame a word io tbe mouths of tbe
civilised World, ' a rival in tbe English
language for the Spanish El Dorado; '
The Examiner says: Obris Nebubr,
formerly of Cherokee county, Iowa, and
later of Oregon, lelt Dawson City with a
I small party on the evening ot Deoember
11th. He went into tbe Yukon country
four years ago with a party of six people.
only two ot whom have remained.' Tbe
Bret two years be prospected' 200 miles
up the (Stewart river, working some bar
diggings, wbiob, be says, were profitable
enongb to warrant bis remaining tbere.
"A person to proapeot on the Stewart
river, be said, "should have et least
two years' supplies, for tbere le abso
lutely no place to buy anything. I did
not prospect In tbe gulohea at all, but I
oan confidently say that it Is a promts
ing field for energetic young men with
t Vt .tamlit, Irt vamaln '
Mr. Nebubr oame down to Forty Mile
Just io time to get in on tbe first Klon
dike rush and holds as a result one of
tbe best olalms on Bontnia creek, since
aoqairiog Interests on a number ot other
oreeks. He said tonight that be would
not take a quarter ot a million (or his
properties, lie advises young men
with staying qualities only to undertake
tbe trip to the Yukon onnntry.
Celsos Keitbley, better known to hie
Heppner frieods as "Buster", was one
of the first locators on Klondike oreek,
and if reports are true he will oome out
soma day not far beoce with no end ot
yellow stuff.
The Leffio Bureau, the new rival of
tbe Associated Frees, gave out tbe re
port not long ago tbat Jas. Jackson, a
relative ot C. 8. Jackson, ot the E. O.,
bad been drowned. Tbe Associated
Press made light of tbe report, but that
tbe Leflio Bureau was coirect Is now
known. Letters bare been received
from both Dr. II B. Beetle snd John .
Latbrop oobfirmiug tbe ssd death of
Jackson. Tbe Osteite bas space for a
part ot Mr. Lathrop's letter. It seys :
From I'endUton oame ooly a small
delegation, two of ns, or three, counting
Ur. It. It. Beatie, a lormer dental prac
titioner of that oily. It wee na July 27
ben Jemee Jacksoa and 1 lafl IVndle
too for Portland, and July HO alien we
sailed on the steamer Oenrge W, fcld. r.
Al Portland were Joined by Ur
Beetle, and tbe three, with Judge Ilirb
ard Osborn and Frank Oetmrn.of Heattle,
left tbe bead of Lake lleooett In a small
boat for down the lake and river trip,
Aoguat 2u. tioellant health wee en-
ye1 by ee!b member of our party and
toe Joaraey wee made euneeesfolly, with
each lOQidente, prulably. as accompanied
tbe Journeys ol thousands of olber slam
teders. A raft was built, and, lik
doMos of olber rafte, caught on a sand
bar 40 miles above Uaweoa aod aban
doned. Our party of five tln stopped
on an lelaod 11
and cheerful, was warmly olad, bad
plenty of money for immediate needs,
and food suffloient for tbe time be was
absent from bis .own camp and the
cabins of his friends, Hs wee seen in
Daweon aa late ae 10 o'clock Tuesday
morning, November 9, when he remarked
to Judge Masterson, of tit Louie, tbat be
was going immediately to leave tor the
Islaqd. Before noon, the same day, he
was seen passing through Louse Town,
or Klondike Oity, oa bia Way up the
river, and since that date and hour, ne
trace has been found ot Jimmy or bis
body. It will be two weeks tomorrow
since he disappeared, and, after looking
over all the ground, considering all tbe
(acta, obtaining every iota of informa
tion and wailing far. beyond reasonable
time; we are toroed to tbe unutterably
sad conclusion that be met bis death at
some point between Dawson and the
island, 18 miles above here.
Mouth ot Twelve-Mile, N. W. T., Deo
6, 18971 send , under same cover a
letter from John Latbrop wbioh will
explain its own sad mission. It only re
mains for me to give you the tacts of
Jimmy's loss more io detail.1 Jimmy left
damp on Nov. 6 in oompaoy with George
Huffman snd Berry Lioyell, two Califor
nia lumbermen, bound for Dawson City,
bis intention being to go to Dawson and
trom tbere to Bonanza and ' El Dorado
oreeks and then to return with the same
two men to our camp on the island at
the mouth of Twelve-Mile. Tbe party
arrived al Dawson on the same day,
Nov. 5, remaining tbere until tbe morn
ing of the 7th, when they started up the
Klondike for Bonanza and M Dorado
Jimmy camped tbat night with John
Latbrop and returned to Daweon on the
8th, remaining there over nlgbt and,
evidently, concluding not to wait for tbe
other Members of tbe party but to push
on to oamp alone. The last reliable
traoe we oould find of him was on tbe
morning ot the 9th, between 9 aod 10
o'olook. when be bad a short talk witb
Judge Murat Masterson, of St. Louis,
lie told the judge at that time tbat he
was off for oamp aod we beard after
wards in an indelicate way, that ha was
seen going through Klondike uity. a
surburb of Dawson, traveling toward
ramp. .This was the Inst trace we were
able to find ol him. During tbe time
Jimmie was in Dawson and up ths
creeks there had been sn loe gorge on
tbe river wbiob raised tbe river l'i to 16
feet aod made tbe trail tbat bad been
followed going down a very daogerous,
if not an impassable one to return over
On my bant up and down tbe river 1
found men tbat were on both sides of
tbe river on the 9th and 10th, but they
bad seen nothing of Jimmy, We think
he was most probably drowned in trying
to oross some weak part ot the loe.
U. D. liEATIB.
J Absolutely Puro -
-Maa aaasaaanaaaal.J I
Hrs. I House Suffers . a Second' Attack of
From the E. O.
A turn for the worse in Mrs. Zoeth
Hooter's condition this morning has ,
alarmed her relatives and friends. At"
about 8:30 o'clock a second stroke of
paralysis ooourred. It oame. without
warning, as she seemed brighter end . :
better before the attack and was ready '
for breakfast In apparent good spirits.
The. (right side of her1 body was in
volved in the former attaok and now the"
left side is also affected, greatly inoreas-. i
ing tbe gravity ot tbe case. Mr. Houser ...
bas been kept constantly informed by
telegfaph of his wife's condition, and
tbe sad news ot ber seoond misfortune i t
was promptly sent ,by Dr. 8mitb, He
will arrive io the oity on tomorrow morn
ing's train trom Portland.
Later1 bews received trom Pendleton;
announces the death ot airs. Houser'
at 1030 o'oluck Saturday night.
Ills Hands Were Tied.
"Oar little boy broke oat witb eczema.
We were obliged to tie bis bands to keep
him from scratching and he suffered
everything. We began , giving him
Hood's Barsaparilla and in a abort time
bis fsoe healed. He took five or six bot
tles and has not bad a siok day einoe." '
Olney Souoie, Fioneerville, Idaho.
Hood's Pills are the only pills to take
with i Hood's Barsaparilla. Easy , and
yel t raoient.
Baoklea's Arnica Halve. '
Tbe Best Salve In the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, TJloers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns,' and all Skin Erup
tions, ana positively cures riles or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfeot satisfaction or money refunded,
Prioe 25 cents per box. For sale by
Slooam Drag Co., E. J. Slooum, manager.
He Piled it Yesterday-Hls Depatlee A leu
United Statea Marshal Zoeth Houeer
Bled bis new bond yesterday, says Sat
nrdsi's Portland Tribune. It is for
$20,000 aod tbe Fidelity Insurance oom-
pany, of Maryland, was tbe surety given.
Witb tbe filing ot bis new bond It be
came necessary for tbe marshal to ap
point bia deputies, wbioh was done. A.
P. Withiogton is tbe obiet office deputy;
A. Wilson, chief deputy, and tbe
field deputies are A. A. Roberts, Oeorge
Humphrey, Stephen L. Morse at Pendle
ton and Thomas McEwan at Sampler.
aker county, Tbere are three appoint
meats yet to be made. Ot tbe (oroe
nder Marshal Orady, Mr. Humphrey
is the only one retained.
What Dr. A. B. Belter Bays.
BniTalo, n. x, Oeots s From any
personal knowledge, gained la observing
tbe effect ot your Shilob's Care io oases
of advanced consumption, I am prepared
to say it Is the roost remarkable remedy
tbat has ever been brought to my stlen
tioo. It baa eertalnly saved maay from
eonsumptioa. Sold by Oooser k Brook.
1 1 . at. . . a at-
ftrttrc tlAtTDC tV. Vl.Vt I .. J m ion an leieou i- mn-e iro.u .... e..y, lue
urrtiL, iujuiw-imv ana ii;iiu icavx yuui uiueis nny vju. eioft we taken not, eui Dr. iwie,
lodge Otxiro aod I centa nn to l)ewee
llace" and Kojj. or Jim will get 'em o o o o o o o
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to !
Put up Your Team ?
Arc You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
All tbe cto U rrocurrnl tt Tbr.tnrwn At Binca, Iower Main Street. d ,,to" app-ar-d at oar
ll.n,.r (!,.. eeblo oo fVteer it eretk. ramalnlng over
to liM.k out the "ley iA the land." Tba
result of tbe trip was Ibal Ur. Baaile and
Jamae J ark son dni.I remain oo
tba sslend, Jo.lge ()l'n, Frank ().t rn
end I eoming on to Uwson with oar
on I file. Tba partnership eblrb had eg
weeo Ur. Ileal ie, J. II, Jerkeoe
was dlaeifed aod npoe arriving
here. I took Into parlt.ar.hlp. la lav o
60 feel on Jobs DikIsoo's 11 mei t claim
J'lge Oertora and an, la plsee of l)t
Ilea lie aod Jim. Fur a time eossmnnl
eel loo beiweeo the two bis oe tbe
island eed es three was aarsieriiy eat
off, anal weal to work bnsllt to carry
aat Iha terms of enr laeee ot lbs 50 I eel
Tkasa gaallewiaa are a.li antualnted etth flrant, Rsrnay, Ctm.k, QUIIass end oOtaf count las
ea4 raa sere awnay a4 time la kuHi Ibeae sn tiuue ana tra feting a..a.
Prfeas ta kaaptng alik tae U
Inland mg le leave I be fallowing morn
leg, Tnewley, November U. f 1 1 lis Ulead
lie hed errs rtowe to Dewe. si'nply Io
look eb"it, aed visit ee ep on II eai g
I errs k. lie was a goed bs lb, brlg'tt
Al the Bepllst Chairh.
Rev. Geo. Bsrnbart, ot Arlington,
preeobed two excellent discourse at tbe
Baptist church on Sunday. Sunday
evening Lis theme was "It a mao die
shall be live again." The trend ot Mr.
Barubsrt'e thought wa to prove tbe
immortality of the aool of man by evl
enoe prodaoed oateide of tbe bible,
eud this be did very conclusively. Kev.
Barnlisrl has bar a secured by tbe Bap
tist church of this city to preach for
them two Sundays oat ol eerb menlh
ibe 8'J and 4th, He preaches alee for
lbs ebortb el Arlington.
Ilaaety la illaad Deep,
(Iran MimkI n.r.hs a rlesn skin. No
Uaiiiy withotit it. ( aarcts, I'smlf Cathar
ti- rlran your lilotMl end krrp it ( Wen, l
stirring up the Ury llvr snd driving all lio
urttiaa from the htKlv. Iv-gia today to
ent.h plllililee, touts, blot. ln , Am kl.raiia.
and that si. kly bilious cc.milriine by taking
t jssru, liity fur t'n r.nls. All drug
gists, suttsfsttton guaraiiterd, 1(X', 2 .Vtr-
Psaalaa tiawlslM Bergsea.
Sparlal In the Portland Tribune,
Wesbingtoo. Jao. 21.-Dr. & R. Bwln-
bnros, was today appointed penstoa el
aotlolng s erg eon at llsppner, Or.
The leading editorial ia tne Otegoniau i ,.
ot the 17 tb Inst., is devoted to a con
sideration ot tbe causes of what the
writer very naively 'terms "tbe legisla
tive bold-tip of last year," and purporta
to give a statement of tbe facta which
preceded and acoompauied that extra
ordinary session ot the state legislature,
says tbe Portland Tribune.
Tbe prime object of this artiole was to
gloss over and exouse the aotioo of the
Slmoa-Soott-Oorbett-Bourne combine-
lion wbiob wee formed two years ago for '
the avowed purpose ot thwarting the
will of tbe people, as manifested In tbe
results of lbs June eleotion of 1800. To
correct tbe pernicious errors ot this
boodle of untruths, Tbe Tribune pub
lishes tbe following "plain statement ot
tbe facts about It, and tbe causes ot it."
The legislature assembled ou January
11, 1897, and one ot the Important mat
ter to come before it was the election
of a United States senator. For tbat
position John H, Mitchell was an avowed
candidate, and a majority of tbe legisla
tors were io favor ot bim for tbat place. .
A minority ot tba repoblioan members,
at tbe head of whom waa Mr. Joseph
Simon, were opposed to Mr. Mitchell,
aod set about to find a mesne to accom
plish his downfall, and Incidentally,
tbelr owb elevation. Suitable instru
mentalities were not lacking.
Among the men elected oa tbe republi
can ticket, was one Jonathan Bourne.
While Mr. Douroe bed always base pro-
nooootd in bia advoeaoy of silver, be
el aimed tbat be was a consistent repub
lican. After tbe adoption of tbs pres
ent platform la IbeSt. Louie oooveatioo,
Mr. Bourne, already pronooooed silver
man, feeling himself seen re in bia alec
lion, Openly abandoned tbe republican
party and joined bands with tbe popu
lists. After hie defection from tbs party,
be became a osndidate for tbe speaker-
ship of the bouse.
This Ibe republicans refused to en
dorse, thinking ths sacrifice of the prin
ciple ted great, and Mr. Bourne at once
formed an alliance witb tbeHimoo-Hoott-Qxbett
fiisiunlsls, tbe object of wbioh
OombiuatioB waa to advance the inter
ests of tbe worthy leaders le this plot la
any manner wbiob opportunity might
afford. Finding that a nmj irily of tbe
legislates was io favor of Mr. Mitchell,
they availed themselves of tbe provision
of tbe stale constitution, wbiob requlree
I we-thirds of tbe membeis of either
boaee lu constitute e quorum. Knowing
the! Mr. Mitchell's electioe was sure If
tbe legWtalure patented aa organisation,
Mr. Bourne, Mr. Simon, end their fol
lowers, persistently refased to submit
tbelr credentials or to take the oath ot
oirirA The result was an tntire failure
of Ibe boaee to organise. Tbe evils en
tailed apuo Ibe people by this blgb
baeded oatrsge are familiar to all, and
tof these evils tbe Simon Scott-Bourne-Curbed
gang of conspirators are directly
It Is easy to celeb cold and jnet aa
easy to get rid of it If yea eomnaeeee
early to ose One Mlaote Cough Care. It
ares eoegbs, c-lds, bronchitis, poea
moale eed ell throat aed Inng troubles.
It le pleeeant to take, is's to Bsc and
sure to sure Cvtieer 4 Brock
Mrs. Stark, Pleasant lUdge, O., aeye
"Atlel two doctors gave np ray boy to
die, I aaved bins from croup by using
One Miauls Coogb Cure." tl is Ihe
quickest end Bioet eerlele remedy lor
count, colds and all throat to 1 Inng
trcubles. Coeser A Ikgok-