BABY'S SMOOTH, FAIR SKIN A Gretefut Mother Writes this Letter Toll all about Her Trouble when Baby Broke, out with Scrofula Seres. At the age of two months, my baby began to have sores break out on hisright cheek. We used all the external ap plications that we could think or hear of, to no avail.' The sores spread all over one Bide of his face. We consulted a physi cian and tried his medicine, and in a week the sore was gone. But to my surprise in two weeks more another scrofulous look ing sore appeared on baby's arm. It grew worse and worse, and when he was three months old, I began giving him Hood's Sarsaparilla. I also took Hood's Sarsaparilla, and before the first bottle was finished, the sores were well and have never returned. He is now four years old , but he has never had any sign of those scrofulous sores since he wai cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, for which I feel very grateful. My boy owes his good health and smooth, fair skin to this great med icine." Mrs. S. S. Weoten, Farming ton, Delaware. Get only Hood's. unnji r:i are prompt, efficient and UUUU S K1IIS easy In effect 25 cents. A. GOOD CLUBBING LIST. The Gazette can offer the following clubbing rates: The GAZETTE $2.00 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonlan, $1.60 3.00 " B. F. Examiner, tl.50 8.25 K. Y. Tribune, $1.00 a.7 5 " Inter-Ocean, $1.00 2.50 " 8. F, Chronicle, $1.60 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle and map $2.00. . . 8.75 Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00. 2.75 Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.00 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 4.50 Rural Spirit, $i00 i 8.00 New York Wool Record, $2.00 8.00 McCall'i Magazine $1.00 1,80 Yearly subscribers to the Gazette can get clubbing rates with any paper on earth. METH. EPISC. CHUKCH. SERVICES. Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. in. Sunday school 10 a. m. Classes No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m. Epworth League Devotional meeting at 1 p. m. Praye' meeting, Thursday, 8 p. m. ''the Spirit and the bn'e say. Come." The pastor may be found at the parsonage ad joining the churoh, where he will be glad to meet any wyo may desire to oonsult h i in on religions, social, oivio, philosophic, educational, or any other subjects. J. W. FLUSaER. Minister. The Ladies' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at 8 o'clock, p. m., on the first Wednesday of each month, at the home o( Mrs. T. J. Matlock. Take Notice. The Heppner Elks will meet next Monday night and all members are in vited to be present. Important business will be transacted and candidates for initiation will present themselves on this oooasioo. After the last meeting was oonolnded, Bro. Borcbers kindly led. the boys down to Tin Palace and gave them a feast whiob was muoh ap preciated. Tbia was forgotten by the reporter, bat not by those who had the pleasure of participating in the pleasant ordeal of storing away the good things. But be gare to be oat Monday night. The Dalles Chroniole: J. B. Ivey, oolleotor of customs for Alaska, passed tbrongb tbia oity on last night's train. He has just returned from a 1000-mile trip up the Alaskan coast, and tells some fabulous stories about that coun try. He says that it will take a century at least to fully explore and prospeot that land of wealth. Mr. Ivey is at present on bis way to Washington to attend to some government affairs. Word oomes from Juneau, Alaska, that T. R. Lyons is interested in a 00m pany that is being formed up there for the purpose of oarrying bonded goods aoross the Amerioan territory and land ing tbem in the British possessions. This will be a big business and promises large returns to those engaged in it. No doubt Tom will be a millionaire before he leaves Alaska. On last Wednesday, Milt Powell sold bis Hand Hollow ranch, consisting ol about 1700 aoros of land and all the im pliments, stock and sheep owned by him, to B. F. Hynd and two cousins, Wm. and Jack Hynd, who will take posses sion of the same about Feb 5th. Mt. Powell will probably locate elswbere, but just what be intends doing this paper did not learn. , Dr. Luoy M. Ingersoll delivered an interesting and instructive leotare yes terday afternoon, to Indies only, at the Christian oburob. Another leotare will be given tomorrow afternoon at the same time and plaoe. On Monday evening Dr. Iogersoll will deliver a leoture on Hawaii. A small admission fee will be charged, the proceeds to go to Heppner public eobool library. Chinese New Tears is "on" today in great shape. It broke loose about 1 a. m., Bnd is still going. The local Mon golians will feast today to their hearts' content, and olose with a graDd war whoop and exhibition of fireworks that ought to scare all the devils in purgatory FROM SKAGWAY. A Skat-way Man, Late or Seattle, la Urpp Ber for Horses. Mining News. Mr. Y. D. Maddocks, of Skagway, late of Seattle, is in Heppner looking after some horses for the Alaskan country. He wants large horses and no doubt will be able to secure them here. Mr. Maddocks thinks that the Alaskan section is the greatest mineral belt ever i Hoovered, tells of claims paying $500, 8600 and l,000 to the pan. He saye in plaoes men go up on the hillsides after the thaw and pick up $2 00 a day and often more. This gold is found on top f the ground under the moss. Experi meots with this dirt have proven that maob of it is rich and that the pay dirt not always fonnd on the bedrock. Mr. Maddooks thinks that there will be no actual starvation in the interior, but says that there will be muoh sick ness, and particularly scnrvy.on Bcoonnt of the lack of proper food. The big stores have closed long ago and do no business exoept to sell a small amount of canned goods to tbose aotually need ing tbem as a means of keepiug away scurvy. The regular prices are charged no more. The Yukon river has been supposed to be navigable all the year, with the ex ception of the frozen season, but Mr. Maddooks says that not more than one trip was made in last year by steam ers, because as soon as the water falls it is too shallow for even the light draft boats of the Yukon, drawing from ighteen inohes to two feet. In -many plaoes the stream is twenty to forty miles wide. Mr. Maddooks thinks that Seattle lone will outfit 100,000 people and that the rush to the gold fields will be on- prceJen'ed in the history of the world. L The sum of five cents per line will be! into eternal silence, charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of ct," lists of wedding present and donors. and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rata of Ave cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to In every Instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. Here and There. Liobtenthal & Co. for shoes. Exolusive hoe store. Handles the best. 83tf Baths down at the Jones' barber tbop, 25 oenti. Orville Jones manager, tf Statements for the Famous Simple Aooonot File printed al the Gazette of fice, tf. Goinceaee't famous old "Dublin Stoat," imported, at Cbrls Borohers' tf Common and select tlook of tomaloei tod canned oorn at T. B. Howard's. 605-tf. "Co'o juioe" h all right bat Low Til lard has brand of 14-yearold goods that is bard to beat. 603 -tf. Heppner Candy Faotory for freeb, oreams and tafDea. W, H. Van Duyn Prop., with E. J. Slocom. 608-t Any one desiring to bnild either bouse or barn will make mouey by call log 00 the Gazette offioe. 67 tf Phil Cobn is paying lbs highest price for sheep pelts, beef bides green or dry, fan, eto. Doo't forget Phil. v 5tt Go to the Matlock corner end try Armstrong k Cooper's whiskey end eigars. If you like the sample buy 'some. Ctf Come to tbe Osteite ofDoe and get decent lot of envelops printed. Government envelope look cheap, and besides yoa cannot gel yoor bosioeM oerd printed thereon. tf Snyder Bros, have snoceeded Willis Stewart in the livery business, oeit door to Ibe Gaxtte nfflai, and will do general livery sod feetl business. Itigi, addle horses and stall room at reason able retee. 611-lf. Oliver Snyder bae taken charge of tbe Hotel Beppoer feed barn tnd will fur Bleb stall room, grain or bay al reason able flgeree. Spaa over sight, fed et 75 sots. Will also do dray work end hauling. 'Bos to and from trains. It Curdray, lbs pioneer theatre man of Portland in Ibe line of "popular prloes," bas refitted ibe Weetiogtao HI. theatre, formerly kooo as tbe "New Park." Ourdray always bas something new, and oar people, wbea below, ro spend pleasant eveulog at bis plaoe. tf E. W. lilies k Co. bavs ad M greatly to Ibe appearanoe of the interior ol their lore this week by catling as arches; la tbe partition betwoeo Ibe front sod rear rooms, tod making other eooveo ieol end eiteesive improvement. This firm le reptdly pnsbieg to the (root end tbe Gaiette is pleaes, to Sole Ibe Im provements being mad. The llarqitaos (traod, on Mr.rn.oe street io tbe M era nam baildiog, ie titxler egeolleet Riaaageneiit eod lb poHlis ill be) royelly entertained this wloUf. Ife eompsslee sad aeer feeee will ap pear from lime to Inn at Ibie popular, first-oleee theatre of Portland, so4 le Portland oar dolie tbottlj fall to take la eofbf ef lb fire dramas that will be preeeslMt. If 14 Cv ' I4 ii4 (. Cj 1 1 Bast t Sr'e. . tm f 1 I 1 hi s,..e r f I Frank MoFarland has been appointed special agent of The Equitable Life As surance Co., of New York, tbe strongest in the world. Cash surplus to policy holders of over 43 millioc dollars. Don't take insurance without seeing tbe new plans of the Equitable, Insures both sexes at same rates. 77tf Dr. John W. Rasmus, of tbe "Red light," ever on tbe alert for something new, oan furnish yoa tbe finest cock tails in the land Manhattan, Jersey V ermouth or Gin made by an artist in tbe business. Drop in and take the taale out of your mouth. If R. K. Simpson, of Gooseberry, and J, F. Willis, of Sooial Ridge, called this morning while in to wo. Both are sterl tog republicans, and say that politioal mauers are warming up in their re spective neighborhoods. Tbe teaobers of the Heppner school will assume their duties again on Mon . . m. . . aay morning, ins yaoituon time was prolonged on aooonot of tbe prevail noe of measles to einb a large extent in oar midst. Tbe faot that all outstanding warrants of tbe Heppner school d int riot are called in for payment speaks well for the man sgement of the district. A lax will be voted Jan, 2!Uh. All should come oat E. J. Mnir expeots to leave for tbe Alaska gold fluids aooot Ibe 10th of February. Mrs. Mair will go east and visit with bar relatives wbils Mr. Mnir Is picking op gold nuggets. Tbe Gazetts earries a full stock of mourning note, correspondence style, witb envelopes lo match. Those desiring suob stationery oaa bavs their wants supplied el this office, tf. Lost Oo tbe road between Heppner end Lexington lad Monday evening a ladies' black bat and veil. Finder please Usee at Ibis offl -e or et J. F Willi', Lexington, Or. 6 6 uuiiee, tan tbe beat, if yoa are troubled llb constipation, sallow skin and a tired feeling, lake Karl's Clover Tee, it ie pleasant to lake. Sold by Cjoaer k Brock. y Mr. Cba. OMalley, of New Yor City, bas acflspUd a posttios witb A Abrahamsick, tbe tailor. Mr. O'Mslley bas bed many ytart ex peris noe in Ibe tailoring business. It is no oe to fill op a psper witb psteot msdioin adverlisemeole, al tbougb paid for, wbeo it Is muoh more cooveoieot to pal io looal ads., gratia. W. 8. Smith, of lone, was la Usppner Toreday. lie bad just retoroed from Short visit o Pendleton and reports bavins? baJ a Bios lime. Mis. E. P. Oreeos left oo WsdoreJe Bight's train I f ElUo.burgb, Wash, biog ealied there by tbe sertoos illness of bee father. Cstrs was over from Bolt. cre b a fee days I Me eei a a wiloeee 00 Ibe Jbna MpWria ce. Nle Jones, of Hotter rrseg, ie reported quit ill. Ir. Hwinharn lft this nx (re in g lo sttel blm. Wru. Oo-mIiusb ie over from Prodi 1 e endeavoring to em-ore work la tb vlolotty. E n met Cnebrao esme oer f Ux am tit on Wednesday after soopliee. Met liughee and Harney liberty tieitsd lleppusr yreler Jay. Ch. fleymer see in ftoai Li"!l Mile oe TaeeJsf. Itilty Wiieoe bse returned ffi.tsi a Irip I. C. ... t i iMMUettM r . Tk I . I tun I Mhertie. ifi HbCU t.i teswrs, riMMs rf4sur- The Birth of the "Greater" New York. Vi'ith the down of the New year the G'ehter'' York is ushered into the world foil (frown giant. The problem of municipal government is to lie 1 at to tho gnpremest test. Within Its limits is oont:nned a population equal to that of th.i teen of our sovereign states at oar lust census, and as numerous as ttut of the original thirteen states. Provisions for the life and health of this vast mu'ti- tude of all nations and dimes is an un solved enigma. Thousands of sufferers in New York and elsewhere are wreeted from the grasp of thai agonizing com plaint, rheumatism, by the timely use of Hostetter's Stomac h Bitters, which is a preventative of malaria and kidney 00m- plaint, and a oorative of liver complain ti oonstipation and nervousness. A STEER CASE. a. Big Fight Going; on Before Judge Richard- sou Over a Bovine. Most of tbe population of the east side of tbe oouuty are in town patting up a $500 fight over a fifty dol lar eteer. Bert Phelps in looking after tbe interests of Osoar Rust, the plain tiff in tbe suit, while Gov. Rea has charge of Jas. Johnson's case, the de fendant in this action to prove the rights of property. Tbe matter was explained in Ibneeoolumns some time ago. John son sold tbe steer to John MoCarty, of tbe Union Meat Co., but before shipment was made Rust replevined the steer, but Mr, Johnson gave bouds and shipped the animal auybow. Rust olaims tbe steer was raised by him in the Ridge seotion. Mr. Johnson bought tbe steer of Geo. Gates, of Wsg ner, whose brand appears on Ibe animal. Tbe former does not deny that Mr. John oo bought the steer but attempted to prove tbat it was never tbe property of Mr. Gates. Tbs jury, composed of H. A. Thomp son, Al Emerson, Eli K-eoey,S.P. Flor etioe, Dave Mo A tee end Tom Qiaid, were given tbe esse for decision this morning, bat op lo the tims of going lo press Ibey bad not reached a verdict. Miss Allie Hughes, Norfolr, Vs., was frightfully burned on tbe fees and neck Pain wss instantly relieved by DeWitt's Witob Hsiel si.lve. which healed Ibe in jury without leaving a soar. It is tbe famous pile remedy. Coosr k Brock. Whose a Who? Did you say that the old firm of.... EW.RleaiCo. WERE JUST DIGGING FOR BUSI NESS THE SAME AS EVER? IF YOU DID YOU TOLD A FACT. HARD FACTS COUNT. Winter is fairly on and bargains in winter goods can be had at the store of E. W. RHEA & CO., FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, HfiPPNER, OREGON. Ifc-ath ol Nally Roberts. Tbe so gel of death bas egain hi en among us sod made sad the hearts nf a bappy bom. List Friday morning about 10 o'olook Kelly C H hart, eoo of Mrs. A. A. Roberts, passed to tbsl boaroe whenoe no traveler returns, after so illness of Iwi wrek. ileab being caused by typhoid frvr. lie was aped 17 7ears, 4 months and 19 days. Nally wm a bright hot, just budding Into manhood; of good babiis and piswsse. of ooble qtalitie that made him friend berevrr be went, and among bisebxl mate be was beld io bigbeel etm The funff al took place last Muodat from Ibe M. E. oboroli, a Urge number of people being present lo pay lbir last respects to lit dead. Tb impresaiv faoersl oeremnny was oooducted by lUv King, assisted by Ibe choir, nompoeod of Mr. O. II. Kitslsr, Miss Molly Hud petb, Graei Hrrroo, II. F. Hodsprtb sod r.irneet lludspeih, after which the remain were laid to rest In Ibe Odd Fellows oemotery, followed lo Ibslr leal rreting plaee by a large Bamhse trtrads, the psll besrere being Keener Wylie. rrsnk lilronymon. Uxne M mss, Chsnie MereJitb, Eustace Mat II--IJ and Jekehberp schoolmates of tb deevastd. Tbe entire rommuHlv exlende sinner sympathy to the egsd nv.ihor an family. HnrprlM Vl'ey, Clif, lUrori! Tb f nng men wa a brother of on fellow townsmaa, J. J. It'iberle, wbo re oeived Ibe esd aew Ibis morning. Hood's Knt la bias alu-r rt.niirf ; rtM!t U. rwr M WM SMS. SM Wf (II SrassiMs, a) rMl rrane slf kf C L H-4 L-ll. M mas aiwr n.niirf ; Hssa I I iHra. S14 tlirra- ILJ m I I f re rsesliesliea. 111? fMkM , Am (tlf 4V 1 MINOR & CO. The Pioneer Alcrchants of Heppner have not sold out, but on the contrary will start East About Jan. 17, '98 And will add many new lines to their stock of General Merchandise WE WILL BUY DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS WHICH writ.!. ENABLE US TO UNDERSELL ALL FORMER PRICES. We are now moving to the old Heppner & Blackman stand as our business forces ub to larger quarters. Look out for it OUR NEW LINE ABOUT MARCH 1, US, iif vl VeV it vi vi vi vi vi vi vi vi vi vi vi vi Vi vi vi viz The Leader Of Course! 4 m m The man that Leads is the one from whom people like to buy. The slow, plodders all stand aside for him. That suggests a good reason why so many customers are being added to the list at T. R. HOWARD'S " The Beginiung of this New Year 1898. m THE ART OF BREWING. Was Perfected by the Production of.... HOP QOM And now the entire world Knows this verfect product ms trie otar urewery beer V A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures, is a juj iukvii, niai s nnai you'll find at Vi Vi Vi Vi Vi R. HOWARD'S Heppner. Oregon. m m J' 11. C. WILLS' BOOTS AND SHOES OpiiIs' hesvj Creole sho!S, . Ui-nts ncavjr snurs iiMil' havjr ahM lUrd Caah," bsl shnson esrth. "Hani Cash," htwt shns for tMiys. Men s H Hsrrirs arras snoes .. Mill's slippers, vsrjr lanrf MlMM-a e hl shews, San. rail ... Mlawis a hn'l, hnii Utn, brat ... Hova' Kwrlasilne school shoe... lA'llf ilior. hravjf IjkIIiI K.llKllsn KiM Mkii's 'Frlaru Usin. H. A It UellU' ImoU tt MikiU, S'l erailfS " (nils' sum ImmiIs I M Boys sum hoots I in Boys' slid Miasas fullrs M Men s ruiiiHira " Knl.lwrsforfnlts I 74 M sn.l chllil s high orrr- sues, billion, ycry flnr 173 OLS eaiot .1 1 TO . 1 WV . I ftft 2 00 I IS i on I v, 1 M 1 n 2 W I Ml I M I Hi SI esict f I on I ' 1 A I so I t I ' I III I so 1 M I ! I i n On J 41, 1 1" 1 & 1 9 My Whole Stock of Shoes In Proportion. DRY GOODS. GR0CEWES, FURNISHING GOODS Mrn'l ool tollable panU, old price, 7,1c; n nrlca. 'i. hoys' nls, all sees, oll prtrs. Mm lo 61dj nsw pnea, v in Mn s overalls, oM pries, ftr; xtrm pries, 0e Boy's ovsf .il la, oll prlc, 4t; now prl .'. Mrn's pants, olil pries, I; to tl.'S, new prlre, 1 1 r. to.ini Mn suds, nM nrirs, Hfifl; new pries, p.ix BUnsrla, old .rl , 11.7... n'w prl , ll.ei, UhIIIs. iM lirlce. II Hi- i.sw hrlv. II IV Knot SUIT hsts, old price $4,711; new pr1.-s. tt (.fun soft hats, old pries, U ll.T.'i; nsw pri. , i: . io si. Oriiui' uniUrwssr, sit wool, old pries, ti'fi new l.rlre. II eitrs sites, sll wool, nli) prtrs, new nrlee. tl B, l(nl eotlon nti'lerwmr, ("ere lined, old price. II. fiU. new J.rl... II. Items' nisrktnluslies, old pries, 1 Hi, nsw price s m- On draught at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY COMPANY, 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. The Best Bargains- ARE NOT THE GOODS BOUGHT FOR THE LEAST MONEY But are those of greatest value In proportion to cost. If you want to got your money s worth of honest goods 111 I Confectionery J IIWHll!WHj 11UMU1VI OR MACHINERY, CALL 0N--Oe THOMPSON We are Increasing our stock for fall and winter. Call and see us. Ladles' all wool underwear, old Dries S'J: naw price, i.. IHe' cotton underwear, old price, fiOc; new price, 'irk!. lilies' all wool hose, eld price, 80c; nw price, c. Children'! wool hose, old pries, 4'; nsw price, JDrenU. Lined gloves, best buck, old Dilns. tt.60: nsw price, Vru. Lined Australian goat, old price, 7V; new pries, ilie, llenta' socks, per dosen, old pries, 7V; new price, .'inc. Arliuckls and Lion corTue, I pounds, old price, ti.; unw pniw, tl. une UOIr.' iscket, No, an, old price. Ili'iO new pries. 17 m. lunlles ' cotton hose, old price. 10c: nsw Dries. le. 1 lis brat tea that ever came to Bsnhnar. old price, ; new pries. Ifte. . N. T. soon! roiton thread. spools, old prl"s, '.'; new price, a ShhiIs, 'i'r. Finest tins damask, old pries, e-'c; nsw pries, 45 cents. rl:ieit Turkey red, old pries, 60c; new price, 10 cents, lines eoals, old price, II. 7V new prl, 1 .V All grailraslnghama, old pries, l yards, new price, is yarils. All srailea rallco, old price, 16 yards; nsw prl' a, la yards. Our grades nf dress gKds are too large to maks mention ol In this list, but will tie cut In pro portion to svery thing else. Corsets, ws have s til line; old price, 7.V to 11 .'si; new prlre, Mir loll. Hi. I sec curtains, nld prlre. II VI; new price, II HI. Hlireals, old pries, II..') to ti UU, nsw pries I no to l A. fine pocket books, old pries, 'jorj) nsw price, eeuU. ehos polish of all grades, old price, Ide; new price, Ifir. limn' cotton flannel night shirts, old price, 7V ; new price, av, Mre napt Ins. old prlre, II 10; new price. TV. Overshlrts. old prli, 'ie, ), l iai. ; Hsi: new pries. Tv, IIOI i.j, Ysrn, old price, l fii: new pries, Vv eaxiny yarn, old prlis, bunches lor fm; new prW. I hum lias l'ir i. Ijwllrs' leelher hells, old pries, .Vw to ,'; nsw price, tie to i. Vs hae the nicest and newest supply ol rllilnin In town. llls' snd Misses rsshmers overvaltsre, old price. 7 ie io 1 1 hi, new price. e- Ui wm. That 14-Year Old Stuff, Kohn's Best." On Tap Down at The ... . Telephone Saloon OOO IX IM HAHD GOODS O New Blend, Oity Hotel Building, LOW TlIvIvARD. Prop. v9rr4rrr4T4r-4r4ry4r4r IT HAS BEEN SOLD ! I Anything you want in (JcntV Whit and Colored Kuncy HhirU and collarn and cufT.-i and ticn of ull kindn. Everuttilno Less than Cost. Most Have Money. SCHOOL CLERK'S SOTIL'K. V"TI( t na r t.Vl Til IT AIL , nr,.,..t ear a,.l i.l m k i ml k . ill tm ii1 si lte iA the rum Interest mesiiirrii. t ilait J i knur It I 4. iei Inet ho. I, Miwrvw 1 ownly. Or, tkded ias. I), la E. G. Noble & Co., I Successors to Noble & Co., ) C Are ie this SeM s( the old stand with tlsrneas, SoMles. Whlto, Spun, end sn eodlese V C It1 of everything le their III. I. . hoMs snd Mrs. Men, Kohls comprise ths ( new Irs wee will psy ell bllisef thseld Irie as well as eullsf l whst le dus. C n. o. -xoirjs cc. 5 Are out to do business and plenty of It. Don't overlook this. Utpr work a specialty. ( J, L im Bought several car loads of furniture last fall, but It's all gone now. New orders have replenished V the stock, however, and he Is In it yet 1 I)W Prices and Good Quality all count. Sco him at the old fitanu. Undertaking a specialty. HOOTS AND SHOES'.. D THC PLACE TO OCT TMIM It Of CO. Thry have anything In this I Ins that you may drslrs snd you ran depend on It you gel t goo.1 srtk'ls when they giisrsnlss IU SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. 014 Starts!, Me'n Street Reeelrlne Seeeielt I .J ieWVwWMIeWeeeVMM Hri'l'MKK, UR., Nov. IJ, IKI. Af'urs. mtrr 4 Hrnck, WrpiT, ttt, f.ssti ss;- was recently Uken wllh e severs rold which mails ms very hoarse and rendered me unfit to attend to business A Irlsnd o( mlns ralle.1 my sttentlnn to your I'r. Hrthlow s rough syrup snd I bought s bottle, eoetlng ms rents, which rellevsl ms st ones end com plntely rured ms. I tin subject to thrust dirllriilly snd I hsrs found liiilhlng that gavs ms SO much rsllelssthls rough cure. I sis Informed that It Is sscellent lor colds, brow hills, whooping rough tnd sll throat snd lung troubles. I li lo remain, most truly yours. OT IM I'ATTKKiMlN, Id. Osaetls. A.. AURAHAM81CK, Merchant Tailoring! Hnx just secured tin nervieiM of Mr. ('has. O'Malley, a practical cutter of New York City. Id? guarantee rat ifart ion. CA Ai AND HVA'Z MR ON MAY BTHKKT- i i v