The Gazette. Friday, Jax. 21, 1898. In oar last issue oar editorial writer made comment on a clip ping from the Herald, a populist paper published at Pendleton, in reference to Senator Wolcott, of Colorado, in which the Herald was represented as being about right 1MB was stated on tne presump tion that the reports concerning Wolcott's general dissatisfaction with the president and on the sup position that this and remarks at tributed to him were true. Senator Wolcott's noble stand with the president, as given out by the press early this week, entirely removes all doubt as to his loyalty to both the president and to the republican party, for after a speech of over an hour on the subject of international bimetallism and his experience in Europe while a mem ber of the bimetallic commission, he stated clearly that he was with the president and the republican party, and so clearly aod thorough ly did he discuss his subject that he was congratulated by his col leagues openly on the floor of the senate, it being impossible to con tinue business for several minutes. While Senstor Wolcott gives way to some other person on the com mission, having tendered his resig requiring more time than he is able to give to the subject, yet he still believes that inter national bimetallism will be re alized, and says he will assist at any time to the end that this re sult may be occomplisbed. Sen ator Wolcott is a good republican and stands on the republican plat form adopted at St Louis. S?5lMADE. MOTHER WELL. Sickness Driven From Another Home by Paine's Celery Compound. licly degrade the guilty officers. It is a Barratt who is the youngest min ister ever appointed by Uncle Sam, and is now the youngest in the service of his country. He way appointed by President Cleve land while a reporter on the Port land Telegram, and he has made himself so useful to his country and so popular with American residents in Siam that not long ago he was endorsed by the entire American population of that coun try. Although a democrat, his worth as a representative of this great nation, his patriotism, his fealty, should be recognized. The Gazette hopes that he will be re tained by the present administration. President Dole has arrived from Hawaii and will proceed at once to Washington. The house decided early this week that this country was not yet ready to act in the Cuban matter. But this connot last long, jingo or no jingo. Mb. Corbett is a kind-hearted, charitably-disposed old gentleman, and it was a mean trick to induce him to throw away bo much good sound money for an unapproach able seat, says the Portland Tri bune. Tbe Epigram, of Baker City, does not want to fuss with tbe democrats, but insists that if fusion must be had for spoils, that it is best to fune with tbe republicans. ASSIGNEES' NOTICE. XT0T1CK 18 HEREBY GIVES, THAT THE A' nnaeraigned assignee of K. 8. and 8. u. Cox, Insolvent Debtors, bu filed his final ac count a such assignee with the clerk of the! viremi court of Morrow County, Oregon, ana that said account will he called no for hearing;. and be passed UDon Mondav. the 7th dav of I March, 198, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m. of I sam aay, or as soon thereafter as the same can I be heard and passed upon bjr the judge of said cvuri. Dated this 21st day or January, 1898. W. P. Fell, 616- 25. Assignee. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Offici at La Gbandk, Obegoh, Jan. 19. 1898. NOTICE IS IEEBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice I of his Intention tn make final nroof in siinnnrt I of his claim, and that said proof will be made I oeiore j. nr. Morrow, county uierk. at tieppuer, I uregon, on marcn re, lavrj, vii: CHARLES S. JAYNE, H. E. No. 6082, for the SEU of Sec. 14, Tp. 3 8, R 27, E. w. M. He names the following witnesses to prove nis continuous residence upon ana cultivation I oi, Baia iana. viz: waiter Crosby, Jonn Mar shall, Sterling P Florence and Andy 8. Steven son, an oi aeppner, uregon. JS. W. BARTLETT, 616-27 Register. Notice of Intention. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. January 18. 1898. VTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1 v following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final nroof insunrjortof his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, uregon, on Saturday, February 26, 1838, viz: JAMES R. NUNAMAKER for Heirs of Maria E. Downing, H. E. No. 3619 for the SWU of Sec. 5, Tp. 2 8., R. 24 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: David F. Baker, George W. Utt, David H. Urabill and Thomas King, an ui xuue, uregon, JAS. F. MOORE, 16-27 Register. Womflu, mothers of families, have no more right to live beyond their strength than beyond their income. Tbe greatest injustice tbat women do themselves and their children is io pot ting off getting well. Headaohes, neiV' This is the opinion of theSumpter oneness, dyspepsia and melancholy lay News, also a populist paper. The Gazette apologizes for mak ing a second mention of a fact, that the Gazette is still the official paper of Morrow county, but this seems to become neces sary because of a "how it hap pened" article iu the Times. The Gazette had never been ac cused of giving away anything; in fact the main objection is and has been that it didn't do that kind of business and this shuts out some. But as a matter of fact, if tny person thinks tbat the Gazette has been all wrong in this matter we would be pleased to have him call in and examine some trophies which will be kept, given this office by some of Ileppner's lead' ing business men and others show. ing tome startling irregularities. If there is odo paper being sent out by the Gazette without haviDg been authorized we will be willing to give up the shop and walk out of town. And further, if any per son wishes information as to cir culation of both papers since the advent of our opposition, we refer them to the books of J. P. Wil Hams, the pnatmaster of Heppner. So far this paper has not indulged in slicing its own, but has let its friends do that part of it, and of these we have a few loft, as some one not a milo from the Gazette oflico has loarned. Notwitohtandino the persistent efforts of a portion of the demo. cratlo press to prevent oontribu ticUH, the president's manly appea for donations for the relief of the MKr Cubans, who are auflWiDi. for the iiecetntitioa if lifo by rcamm o the condition! on the island ant not for any faults of their own, has touched the charitable heart o the country and subntautial relic is pouring into tuba ly every steamer. Arrangements have Won made for MIm Clara Barton, pieni dent of tha American Hod Crops, to go to Cuba w ith a staff of aaaiaU anU to help the V. 8. consular agents iu distributing the aid among the suffering. The prcsi (lout is much gratified at the prompt renpouw of the couutry to tits apHal for aid. Ex-Detective Welch, of Port land, arrived from tbe Klondike section, where he made $14,000 mining this summer, on the last steamer from Bkagway, A few more stories like this and all will go Klondike mad. The startling news has reached this sanctum that Mr. Corbett did not want to be U. S. senator. He spent a great deal of time for pleasure then, for he has been at Washington for over a year. It is a shame that the political sharks oeiving treatment from the last doctor of (Wnn ahmild nr. aUnWnll,, oootlnoally for nine months, was pro- , , i nonnoed oared and continned so until impose upon an old man in his t. . ,.,, , . Bn T ant days. M oblioarl to commenoe dootorins strain, although all Immaainable treat- It is reported that 120 pounds meets bad been resorted to without one of quartz picked up near liaker I particle of relief The Gazetto in receipt of a copy of the Kiam Kree 1'rea, put. li.hed at lUnkok, of Nov. 1.' lV'7, which contains a full ac count of tin kettlemrtit of the Keliott affair. Mr. 11 V. KrlUt, 1'. H, vice consul geueral, was as miuttej by Siameae aoldiers on the I'.'ih of XoToiuWr, 1, and Min later lUrratt wanted a peev fH'Uh'tucbt at tho of tha tnued commission, dut was debit tbia. II at ones sent for a V. 8. gun!!, and tha government die patched th Mar.i.M. t'poo It appearanr be Mame0 govern rtn'til got down to luiiie at once, and thorn 4 of llio whola affair their leaden fingers over the whole household. Paine's celery compound has driven sickness and gloom from innumerable homes, where some loved member was tbe source of continual anxiety and even despair. Tbe constantly repeated suc cess of this great lnvigorator in making people well bave roused many persons who thought themselves destined oore- deemably to lives of imperfect health to try Paine's celery oompoond. No one can read the following letter without being inspired with confidence with this great remedy: 31 Play ter 8t., Buffalo, N. Y., July 23, About eight years ago, after the birth of a child, I suffered terribly. I oould not get help from over , a dozen phvsi ciaoa to whom I applied, and after re- City conntains $1100 in pure gold, sayB the E. O. It is not so cold in the liaker mining district as in the Klondike, but the stories from both places have the same flavor. Ity all means patronize tbe home production and create a sort of an Oregon Klondike. I was subject to neuralgic troubles and slightly rheumatic, and I became dlsoouraged and melancholy, feeling tbat I should never again be well woman THE BIG BRICK HOTEL, The Palace ...Has been leased by... J. C. BORCHBRS Who has secured tho services of MRS. MARGARET VON CAD0W As manager. It will be run in first class shape in every department. Rates reasonable SAMPLE ROOMS IN CONNECTION. w fMK m m m jiiiiu lis' THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. O. BOUCHERS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. I was in a pitiful state, when my hus band, who bad been benefitted by tbe nse ot Paine's oelery oompound,' nrged me to try it. In a remarkably short time after I began taking the remedy I began to notice a obange tor tbe better. Before I bad taken three bottles 1 was well. I consider my core a miraole, for I bad tried a great many dootors and different drugs and spent hundreds of dollars in vain. Respeotf ully yours, Mrs. Eate Hennesaeo." Close, oareful observation of great numbers of cases like the above led Prof. Edward E. Phelps, M. D., LL. D., of Dartmouth Medical Sohool to tbe formu lation of Paine's oelery compound. The suooess of this universally well- known remedy in quickly driving oat disease from the blood and system need not be retold to newspaper readers. Paine's celery oompound restores to bealtby state a weakened and diseased nervous system. One of tbe first evl denoes of its building-tip virtue is tbe gain in flesh noticeable about the face Night sweats and nervous twitobings are things of tbe past; there is a great im provement in looks, a better appetite, sounder sleep, a clearer skin and more regular functions. These are a few of tbe outward improvements. More im portant is tbe thorough and radical purU tying of tbe blood and tbe regulating and building-np of the deep-lying nerves all over tbe body. There is nothing half way or partial io tbe effect ot Paine's celery oompound. It oares permanently. Notice of Intention. Land Office at LaOrande, Oregon, Jan. 19. 189S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore County Clerk, Morrow county, Oregon, at nuppuer, uregon, on Marcn 12, mm, viz: WALTER CROSBY, H. E. No. 6029, for the Etf NEJ,, N 6EJ Sec. 11. Tp. 8 8. R 27. E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Charles 8. Jayne, Bruce B, Kelley, George A. Stevenson and William Stew art, all of Heppner, Oregon. E. W. Bartlett, 616-27 Register NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, January 17. 1898. N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named Bettler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, uregon, on February mm, viz: ALBERT A. WILLI8, H E No. 3990, for the 8WU of sec 29. Td 2 8, R 25 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Frank Smith, James H. Willis and James Brown, of Lexington, Oregon, aud 1 nomas A. uriskeii, ot Heppner, uregon JJ When you hear dem bells Y YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT THE HEPPNER TRANSFER CO'S Belled express is coming. Does delivery work on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it, or at "Central" telephone office. WE MOVE ANYTHING ! t 6 MAT HALVORSEN, LEADING MERCHANT OF LONE. vt 615-625 A8. K. MOORE, Register. Notice of Intention. Land Office at La Grande. Oreoon. OTICE 18 HEBEBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk, Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppner, uregon, on reD. Jta, wjh, viz: LOUIS OR08HEN8. Hd. No. 5,339, for the WV4 ofNWVandWtfof 8W!4 of Bee. 12. Tn. 6, 8. R. 28, E. W.M. He names the following witnesses to Drove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of bert, Charley Boudrey and Peter Hung, all of tieppuer, Morrow county, uregon. J. W, BARTLETT. 60S-19. Register. 6 Kesps General Stock o! Merchaniise which is in strict accord with the platform upon which he was elect ed, famishes a reasou for the senators who are populaily koowo as "silver republicans" to break their pleasant relations with him, but so far as can be learned it is labor wasted. Some of these The United BtatOB cm no longer ocenpy a tentative position in re. gard to Hawaii. The Hawaiian nnuornmanl Ima r.fT.itn.1 itu.ill '.ba I ... . . - 6 "n"m'"'"i,i""iwoulj-l)8 miscuiel makers were lytotueLmted btates, and if we Lurried en Senator Wolcott do not accept the islands we must m.tfl his nor-h. etnlaininiy tha ... i , r o rejoci mem, in wmcii case some triD of him8(,lf and colleatmes to oilier Roverumeni win step in ana Europe io bpbalf of international into jiuHHfrwiuD. ii must do 6iiuer bimetallism. one thing or the other. The senti ment of the great majority of the The legislature of Marjland, peoplo of the country is un- safely republican, is deadlocked douhtodly in favor of annexation, by a lot of would-be republicans ana luilications at anhington who assisted the democrats to point to au early ratification of (he organize the senate. The Gazette piOBidouts treaty. was of the opinion that all the traitorous republicans lived in Ore- The democrats aud the assist- C". but there are a few iu Ohio ant democrats are trying hard to oJ " Maryland, we notice. make it appear that the financial 8"h perfidy should be plainly position of President McKinley, What is Scott's Emulsion? It U strengthening food and tonic, rrrurkibl in Its flesh-form ing- properties. It contains Cod- Liver Oil emulsified or psrtiilly digested combined with the well- marked by the party with the stamp of disapproval. They should have no place on earth or iu hea ven. There is but one place for them. f SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon lor Morrow county. The American Mortgage Company, of rVotland, Limited, a corporation, l'Uliitlll's, v John H. Crafts, Annie Crafts. J. W. Smith, M. V. Hanlson, Jacob, and Colli ll & MrKarland, as partners, Di'fiMiilanu. To John q. crafts, J. W. Pmllh and M. V. Harri Inn, deii'iulanta, above named : lu the name of the State o( Oregon: Yon are hereby required tn appear and answer the complaint tiled against you III the above entitled suit, on or before the first day of the next regu lar tor in of the above entitled court following the expiration ol tha time prescribed in tha order for publication of this summons, which first day will be Monday, the 7th day of March. Ih'.w. and you and each of you will take notice that If you fall lo so appear and answer, for want inereoi planum will apply to aald court lor the relief demanded In Its com laiut, to will for Judgment against John y. rail and Annie Crafts for the sum of 'i to. gvlher wllh tntrrrst thereon at the rale ol eight wr cent per annum from the first dav ol De cern tier, I HiJ, tn afofdanoe with the terms of a rt-ruin pmnilMory Dole, hr them made and delivered to plalutlfT, on or about the 1Mb dav oi jun, inn?, tor aani sum: lor tne sum ol Ii aiKirurra ica, and lor in sum ol u .i anre lor taa, and lor the rou and dlobnrse- tnrot ol this suit: aim a derre lor the lore cliKiira of the rertalu mortgage executed aud delltrred by said delvndaiiU, John W- t rails and Auule ( rails, lo plalutlna to secure th payment ol the above de-rtbrd nolo, and for llm sale ol said mortgaged propertv situated In Morrow county, Uregon, dwrtbed as billows, lo It: the soiitho't quarter ot section X Tp. 'i south ol range it eut W. M., and that the proceeds ol said sal be applied to tn ymul ol Iht amoiiut du plalutlfl, alUirneys live and rn oi ami. 1 his summons Is served anon yon by publi cation tlierrol. In niiraoanr ol an order ol H flrphrn A liwell, Jiulg of lh above entitled court, ma le at chembere. at I'endleton, Orejon, Notice of Intention. LAND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, Dec. 23, 1897. Notice is herebv given that the following named settler ha filed notice ol his Intention to make final proof In sonnort of his claim, and that said proof will be made oeiorej, n. Morrow, uounty Heppner, uregon, on inursoay, feuruary s, 1'J, via JOHN B. HUNT. Hd. E. No. 4W0, for the N WU of Sec 17, Tp. 3 8., R. 26 E. W. M. He names the following- witnesses to Drove nis couiiuuous residence upon ann cultivation of, aald land, viz: Edward Hunt. Edward Dris- ki'll, (leorge Shlck and Arthur Hunt, all of Heppner, Morrow county, or. JAB. F. HUIIKK, 60S-19. Register. o o 1 5 1 Including all the Staples, Hardware, Tin ware, Harness, Stockmens' Supplies, Wood and Willowware. First Class Goods and Low Prices is his motto. MflT HALVORSEN, IONE, OREGON. 5 ! o o C Tn UHlana War. When people biiv. try. and Imv agiin, it mean llicv'rr Attnltttl. 1 lie Hile id the I ii i I'M Miilc are now Inn ing I'am arvU Candy Cathartic at Ilia rale nl two million Ixitra a year and it will I thrr million le for SVw Vrar'a. It mean turrit prove,!, that Caacarvte are the trota! ilrliglilful Ixiw,f rrguUlor lor etrrvlxxly the tear round. All di utfgiatt 1UY, iV, .VK a Uii, ui guaranteed. TIH WHS AT MSHKKT. l' Jaa 'Jfl Thar area m o.l known Ana highly prized Ilypo-I Ira.le In Hoilati?a way, and bitfhr heat tuarkel t. wiib apimrenily mora 1.xu. on rnteid an- roiml. Hhoru" eotared nulla freely phosphites of Lime and Sods, so bar-aians. tb abaai itiat iiKir jwiuy i iiuiiiiuy Inert aw d. Tba rltqtta vara toml bnyara of Jaly opimn and New Yntkera wer buy lt I re I j lilb May and July abeai in l'biitv Alao tha lrnn demand for casb wheal a Very boltrnb featnr of ha market. May. abirh waa nu.dtd at ttl al Ilia aliiaa leatarttay ba.l Imtera al ilia rntti Itita tuof nln al 1M U'M ' WhatWiUHDo? It will arrest lo.s of flesh And restore to a normal condition the inf Ant the child snd the Adult. It will enrich the blonJ ol th Anemici '' ,,ul "' hem day will stop the cough heil the irrits- tion ol the throat And lungs. And cure Indptent consumption, we mske this stAtement bcCAuse the eiperUnce ol twenty-lire years hss aa Iranaanlad at atiottt tbewa pt Notthae! reipla rra afnl eara. I'bkv aatn re-n'it parloa.1. i'alilaa ra nnally alroog aod higher At l4ep.Md May wheat oined . alw last biatbl's) elii and ohwd U. almv Iba otetilri prlc. rroven It in tens ol thousands ol iod qnis. AniaetB ' I ami faita alea.l an. I untat. I txiiM M af.MSiUIHIMi I mm,m .I...U ,!, tnora i,nlil. on th 1 Hh day ul January r i.i. I ii run in. Atlorueja for riaintlir. NOTICE OF INTENTION. IAND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON, J Dec. 10. 1KI7. Notice Is herebv riven that me toiiowtng-namea st-ttier has Died notice ol They Are The "Mustard" MEADOWS & HATTEN, TH6 Pioneer Blacksmltns Have made some elegant Improvements In their establishment and added a large stock of Iron, horseshoes and other materials essential to the happiness of those who need quick repair to their wagons, buggies or machinery. Their specialty Is horseshoeing. Meadows & Batten art the Boys to do Your (York Right, aod do it ' Quick, too. his Intention to make final proof in support ol his claim, and that said proof will da made before i. W. Morrow; County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on January 21. Iim. vis W1I.I.1AM WAKKKN, Hd. No. t2.W for the F'i NKu .,,d w gKU fcw. 23. Tn. .VHof R t E W M. He namea the lollowlng witness to prove hi continuous residence unnn and cultivation nl said laud, vis: John Zollinger, Sylvester W. Kloreon, Robert 1). natkln and Lout Oroahens, ail of Heppner, Morrow county. Or. t. w. babtlitt, Register. pftVld. SUMMONS. N THE riRCl'IT COl'RT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for tha Count of Morrow. Ed Hood, Haliitin, va. Frank kaney and Wm Rndlo. Tefendanta. 1 0 Frank Uanev. one ol th above named de fendants. In the name of the state of Oregon: You ar required lo appear and answer the complaint piainuir nie in tn anov entitled court and suit on or before the Ant day ol the nest regular term ol aald court, to-wlt: On the Brit Monday ol March, 1UN, and II you fall to so answer, plalntllT will take Judgment and de cree, foreclosing tbe mortgage dcwrllied In Ml. I complaint on the N lt of Hec. 2A, tp 1 K, H K W M. HSVI of N and NWt of (IM ol Hee 27, tp I S. R Vi K W M. and that th m M tout that th proceed be applied to ll.e payment ol th um ol Ilia A-J with lntret and attornrya' fee W and plalntlA col and dla burenint nl suit and cos' of sale. This summon t published by order of Stephen A. Lowell. 4 W. REA, I'lalntir Atty. Dated Dae. , Iwi7. 4-17 A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is thai of plain and decorated Chinaware & Queensware At Gilliam & Bisbee s And by tba way they hav anything yon can call for In th II n of Hardware, stove and Tinware. 00 WHERE YOU CAN GET WHAT YOU WANT. SUMMONS. T N THI riK.'VIT COCRT OF THE HTATB I ol Oregon, lor Morrow county W V. I.or.l U R. kin. aid and I'hli. Metaihen aa tli ruiard ol comuii Slonr etc., IMaluUHs, a. Adelliw Howell, Henry Howell, Maty liowell, John How, I. Nellie Hnwrll. n llllam Howell, , etanford Howell, Joerph Itowrll. 111. la Howell, Ma Howell, Frank How ell. l!i. on.. How. II. Ully llow-ll. It. III. tmrrt. Kit rarer, A.lrlln How ell, aa adrntnl.tratrti and ll. nrt lloaellaaad. miiiiatmu ol Kiaiilonl How. II. dereMwl, l lrnt.iita To Hihi.h How. II, Haiti Ferer and Rlt Farwr, lwtrn.Ula In lh nani ol th atata of (Iimou Van ar rr-,.iir to awr and answer th r.'innaltii fli,t agalnct yoy In th Imv n. titled sun on r trior th Aral day "I th neat rriilr term ol this miirt, lo-alt, Th "th day I Man h. Im nd II vuu 111 la anwf I, want ihere.. lh (.ulntlll will apply k th nmrt l tntni Ui reliH dwaandl In th mta I l.l'il. t wit o )ii.liniil aalnt ya ur-ia ar.rtwln pniutlMory rt Ut Ui ha nl J.u an), Inli rMt ih.r.B al lh rale nl .Is hi pvf r-nl r annum I nun April 1st. I "Ml, h inn ol li itofurys lr and th nmf ud ail.ur o i Ma suit, nl that th moftg flr.n of aald kilt on lh. el loam dM-rlivt rwal pmpwrty tiuiad la Morrow i...,niy. Mat. ol otwa tn-wll Houlri unaM.r ol aw A lp s. koiith nl rang t S M . Hw h.rwrloa.t and aald nencwn. aoi.4 F! nglUb J 'he prc.vw.1 nl !. I Ml h efpited to In m.,.1 cm ii m.oi mi I'iaiiiun. NOTICE OF HE A RINU OFCONTES T V. . Laud Orru , l. OatuDi. Oai . LtN-mtir l-tth, IteC Complaint having been tna.1 at this omc by th duly vertArd and rormnnrated amdavlt of John B. Manning alleging that Kat Kuell who mad Timber Culture Entry No. l'-i at the V, . land omce at la tiranda. Oregon, January XI, lw. for lh W . ol v and M of avt v and aw4 of at.", of rhw. a, tp 4 R .1. R. W. M. has wholly lalled to comply wllb th Tlmner Cullur Ijiw; that h did duiitig th year ler wholly ln.on aald trarl nl land, that aver si lira ha roiillnul to ahan.lon th sam and ha mad no Improvvateiita upoa said tract or any part thereitf. Therelnre, with lh view of th cancwllattnn of lh aald entry th aald parttM ar hereby summoned and required to h ami appear bw loraj. Vt Morrow, County Clerk ol Morrow Counly. Oreon, al hi ofru- at Heppner, Or gon. on th I .lh day of February, x, al lK hour id loocl. k a m , ol aald day, then and thee lo pmdiic ii 'h Uwtlmony they may har roiH-ernltif aald allrgatloua Final hear ing In h bad al lh olhr of lh nwl.ter and t"lti si l (irand. Oregon. Marrh llh, Imm, al luerba k, a. aa. K W BttlTI FTT, rtegtalar, 10 II J. H. KotlHlMt. fUrwiier. ADMINISTRATORS SALE KKAL PROPERTY. OF Tht nwiniii I rt op." !w In pmpb.i anrw n n oKl.r ,4 lh II a mr'ln )n.tir IS hor tmile. ronrt, tra-l. aif w b..! i He,,, m t M.y oiai .i ; - iv::: M,i,r,;rvnr- NOTICK MFttRRY OIVF! THAT rSDSal and by virluvnl an nr.r ot aal lau4 mil n th. rtiitnly rourt ol the slal ul, tor Morrow exiinty. on lh ih day nl Jexnart, la. tb nroleraliiwl. aa a-lmlmwralor ,4 th eaiale i4 H.ll'it M Allyn will cm and ftr th tih day nl p.brAiarv. atmtwl to oil at pritaiw aale fc.r rwah la harnl, l th billowing 4e rtfcwd rwal propwrty ol aald Utl HtiaU.l la MiMmw oonilT nwi. Iiian lh norib ! q i.n.r an Una Ihirt one, In township una, aiiih ol ran iwentv II r wt W M . an. th nnrlh wat qnarl.r t a-i lion thirty la, la townahlw ana, oiiih ol ran? Iw.nU Ms ewat w,M, io lh a.iilh-at .tuartcr of aaatloo Inlria . rt tw iiahip no. oiitci nl ran twenty lna M ,o-IN4 Wllh ail lh. l.nantiU. i.n.iiam.nia and ai'purtenamwa thrrvtinla J. L. GIBSON, At Chas Jones' Old Stand. Shaving. - IO Cts. Hair Cutting. - 25 Jo Is keeping up the reputation of this shop for nrst-clana work aud would ba pleased to nav you can. D. E. GILMAN, 6cncral Collector Fat your old honks and note In his hands and get your money out of them. Makes a specialty of bard collection. Office ia J. N. Brown'. Building. Mathews & Gentry, BARBERS Shaving 15 Cents. hop two door South ol Fostomca. NEW NAME! Wm. Gordon has re-riamcd his Ktand tho old Jones livery stably Tlio Control. Baled hay for aal. Charge reaannahla. Call on him and hav your horse wl cared for. The Old Shop! LIBERTY MARKET aw i a, . 41 D. A. CURRAY, Fortnr!y ol Tandtetoa Tonsorial Artist. Shaalnf, Half Cuttle,!, Shop, MaUiKk Coiner, 18 Cants) 28 " I1ppnr, Oregon. Ellis Sc Phelps. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All biialnaa attend.! to la a prompt and atl.lartory MIMl. MoUrlr Fublhr and Collar fair. Ollka la Hattar allala. Nappaar. Or. W. W. SMEAD Will pay taa klflaaat mark at prka l I (Met. IVlti. Fur-, Oil Itul Ut ami 15rn. t. I ll i r, barrtguea F4 Mora la tbe pines to go to get yoar fine pork and lamb chops, steak a and roasts. FISH EVERY FRIDAY Fine sii(.rurd ham and baron. Fur leal lard, kill rndera1, old ,tliork,'"", phcm P14 UC RHEA A MATHEWa ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STAGE LINE A. O. OdILVIE f rro,'l r. fARC fROM ARLINGTON TO Fai (w aillaw, S uo . . Hoawl inp Hat MayvlllaiUmiu) 4oa Round trip taa Coodoa ( aallca) i Round trip Set Cl. (ja kaii.) .. ton ..... fcmind tp lm 011 (It -ll ..... M .... lumimtrlp J. Pimp U.t. Arlin.trm .ry Bo6g (Hb.Uf rieapiH) at t o'Hfc; dna at CrmHow at 3 p. a. am) arrlvta al Koa atl at 7 p- tn. Cotsfofiabla fovr, pnh tw. fnl. ipfi,ooa4d'?ra. rxmesing lalwl at Hfppwer, Orfia. Jiary Tth. Iwi I T a I t'N, U CJ A lmlniallalcrt, that t-itn wilt apoloiio auJ pub M ii -a U 4'HaM S.OlI liMMMts tin mk. U.I AlloiS k talnltMa