Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 21, 1898, Image 1

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Semi-WeeKly Gazette
AT $2.00 A YEAR.
Semi-Weekly Gazette
NO. 616
i. M
1 1 1
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man.
At $3.0.) per year, $1.00 for six months, 60 eta.
tor three motions, striotly in advance.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Entered at the Potoflice at Heppner, Oregon,
a second-class matter.
THIS PAPKB ia kept on file at E. C. Dake's
Advertising Agenoy, 64 and 65 Merchants
Exohanga, San Franoisoo, California, where oou
raota for advertising oari be made for it..
. ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Build
ing, Ban FranoiBOO, la our authorized agent.
This papar ia kept on file at his office.
0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 9.30 p.
Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 12:06 a. m.
m. dally exoept
Leaves Heppner Junotiou 8:30 a, m, and ar
rives at HeDDner 6:00 a.
Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 20
p. m and arrives at Heppner Junotion 7:50 p. m.
and Umatilla 8.50 p. m.
Portland Express No. 8, from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla 0:00a. m. and Heppner Junction 71)0
.m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a, m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland :25 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Junction 8:i5 a. m. and at
Umatilla 4:80 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and
arrives at rleppner Junction 12:25 a, m, and at
Portland 7:20 a.m.
For further information inquire of J. C. Hart,
Agent O. H 4 N., Heppner, Ore.
FIRST Go via. St Paul be
cause the lines to that point will
afford you the very best service,
SECOND See that the coupon
beyond St. Paul reads via. the
Wisconsin Central because that
line makes close connections with
all the trans-continental lines en
tering the Union Depot there, and
its service is first-class in every
THIRD For information, call
on your neighbor and friend the
nearest ticket agent and ask for a
ticket reading via. the Wisconsin
Centra) lines', or address
Jas. C. Pond,
Gen. Pas. Agt.,
Milwaukee, Wis.
or Geo. S. Batty,
General Agent,
246 Stark St..
Portland Or,
United States Officials.
President. William McKinley
Vii'a-President Garret A. Hobart
Secretary of State John Sherman
.Mcrntaryof Treasury Lyman J. Gage
Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss
Secretary of War Russell A. Alger
Secretary of Navy John D. Long
Postmaster-General James A. Gary
Attorney-General Joseph McKenna
Secretary . t Agrioulture James WiLson
State of Oregon.
Governor i W. P. Lord
Seoretary of State H. K. Kinoald
Treasurer Phil. Metsohan
Snpt. Public Instruction G. M. Irwin
Attorney General C. M. Idleman
Senator. j G. W. MoBrid.
Con.r-.men J Sr
Printer W. H. Leeds
!R. S. Bean,
F. A. Moore,
C. E. Wolverton
Sixth JodleM District.
Oi rem it Judge Stephen . Lowell
Prosecuting Attorney H. J. Bean
Borrow County Officials,
Joint Senator...
rmutj Judge A.
' - Commissioners
J. W. Beckett.
" Ulerk
" Sheriff
' Treasurer
School ttup't ,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B, &
y., u. m. at. p., c. A A., P. Ft. W. & C.,
and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8ts.,
cnxc-avo-o. Hilt
A. W. Gowan
...J. N. Brown
G. Bartholomew
... J.B. Howard
...J. W. Morrow
..K. L. Matlock
.. Frank Gilliam
....A. C. Pettttri
J. W. Hornut
Jay W. Shipley
Coroner.... ....B.F. vogt
D.HTi rnwa ovrioaaa.
u ....... Thoa. Monran
f! iinnilVnm Geo. Conser, Frank
D.lli.m Arthnr Minor. K. J. b locum, il.
f :.u,.nli.l .ml 3 U Himnm.
u W. A. Richardson
Treasurer ;l .wt'rw
Marshal A. BoberU
Preeiset 0 Ulcer.
l.rfluAfth. Waaiia W. K. Richardson
rn.tahl. N. B.WheUtone
United Statrs Uad Officers.
1 v m Register
A. H. Ht.a Haoaiver
t a AB4ni rt a.
B.F, Wilson
J. H. Ri.bhina Receiver
Mwi at Lexington. Or., the last Batnrdar of
oh month. All veteran are inviiau in join,
u. w Hmith. C. H. Fruti.
Adjutant, tf CommamUr.
Dr. P. B. McSwords,
Drag Store,
Offloo In tho City
City Hotel.
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
Office boars, fl to 10 a, so., end 12 to
3 p. m., at residence, W. A. Kits' prop
erty, saat of M. K- ehnrrb. Boolb, and 10
to 1 J. a. m . to a to o p. m. , at omot in
tbe rar of Dorg$ Jewalry tore.
Brown & Redfield,
Attorneys at Law,
Offlo In tba First National Bank
HimiM, : t Ohook,
Justice of the Peace
and City Recorder.
met t
cowncu CMAsieCM
lit sm4 kur rMl . rwnta knoM. pmr
tu. 4i rmn tnrim iiui III r you in
ay way la ela Una, at NwmbU Igurv.
First National Bank
or ii Errs er
C. A. ftHfa. .
T. A. RmCA.
S. W. trCNCCN,
Vl rVwaiaiwM
H, W. Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
ault House,
Hotel H3-pt330L3jr
(Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.)
MRS. L. SMALL, Manager.
Now Open. - New Methods. New Manage
ment. Strictly First Class.
Rates, $1.00 Per Day and .Upwards.
' B"A first-class feed barn run in connection,
and from all trains. -We solicit vour rjatronaee;
Free 'Bus run to
ll hah faithfully labored for their prosperity and happiness, for the Improvement of their
""" " umo iubcrean, tor euuuauou, lor me eievauon oi American manhood and
true womanhood ... . .
IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and Instructive stories of the doings of the world, the
llatlnn nnn mtatam .... '
d harvesting his
IT HAS led In all matters pertaining to the welfare of farmers aud villagers, and for nvnr t half
Published Every S&turday
13 Astor Place . New York
The Outlook will be In 1897, as it baa
been during eaob of its twenty-seven
yean, a History of Oar Own Timee. In
ite various editorial departments Tbe
Outlook gives a oompaot review of the
world'a progress; it follows witb care
all ibe important pbilantbropio and in
dost rial movements of tbe day; baa a
complete department of religions news;
devotes mnob apace to tbe interests of
tbe borne; reviews current literature;
famishes cbeertul table-talk about men
and things: and, in abort, aims to give
freeb Information, original observation,
and reasonable entertainment.'
Beginning witb tbe fifty fiifth volume,
tbe paper will assume the regular mage
sine aice, which will add greatly to its
oonvenlenoe and attractiveness. Tbe
Outlook is published every Saturday
fifty-two laanee a year. Tbe first issue
la eaob month ia an Illustrated Mageiine
N amber, containing about I w loses many
pages as tbe ordinary issues, together
witb a large Dumber of pictures.
Tbe pnoeof The Outlook ia three
dollars a year In advenoe, or leee tbaa a
cent a day.
8end for a pnelmen copy and illustrat
ed proepeotua to Tbe Outlook, 13 Astor
Plaoe, New York Clt.
While r roar abaartptiaa paid a yn
aahaa rwWuJ la frMof ahar.
1W P. O.. flwuw. (h -Hnrm, P B b Uft
skjosiliUri essita, sun ua Mt Up.
Cor. A, J..Lana.Or.-Hora. m,m smI
6m. C a'tla aatneoa right hips mt muuk mt
trap S laft and aolit ia nahk
Dnagtasa. W. .Oafluwar. Or. tll, fon
right euU. ewilnw4irk la asnsi aart bursas, E It
a tmtl ktp.
fly. Rr. DnMlaa.O.-RM braaited t.t.t
tm l-n ahnvluer, astfU aaiaa urn Ufibip. aula
ia ngni mi.
rinranaa, L. A Hamasr, Or. WUa. I.F aa
rlM kipi km f wiiA bar eivUr aa rig hi
TruVj I Cc'nJ Ewlaj lmt
Oa all rts at tbe nl4
Bought and Sold.
t ullarllna a. t. M all aatal Ml
naimH. T.rma
prtle sal s4lV4-4 ft-Sie tiX 00
Tt Oaaotte Will take pnUlnae, S plas,
tf of traltef ilenfAum a-aania.
Aay owe ewlog tble eflMraa ertile tUw
eeai4 le tbe bmmi n4 d it
br entit U) tail ne.
mm, Rarry H . fr-Hwaa bnui'M
H i oa taa lfi hmuW; raitla urajil J tm
ntl kip. ala. aaoartot im laft mt. Itanga
urtvw aaay.
inaarai, flii. taa. Or. W iwi.s. alrvlaT m
lafi anna: aila. aa HgM kip, aaoaf ball
sm la n" an abut a lan aar
anay. M il, Haprwev, r. Bursal tmadei
IM a laftkip awu.akia.aad swc o9 Urt
aart suMtar .wa cm Urn rWkt
Laaltay. W Hmcm. Ur -Hnraas brandaS
I. aa4 4 na Mt ab.ml.tari mi la aaiaa aa lafl
kip. waula avsr rigM aya, Uaras aiiis la y.ght
M D as
Mtftnf, riaaW, Na(tar nr.'SartM,
flal ktpi k.aa H aa taft ebmMat.
aa arft abaal4ai aauks aaaw aa laft kip.
tmhn, J W.. tVai1a. I j h.fat DM M
ahnalaart M'tla auaa o right kip.
farb-r A Olaara. Hantataa.tJv.-Rwaas ire
riaar.J. H . l.U.ai (a- M JW ana
aa4 a.ln ws.ii.tan Mia. mm as) laf kl(
aa w "a.
. J. W . H, aaa. (V - M.am. )()
an ataatatar, I alt la, ,t aa HarM klv
9. . II Or. -fattia (!m
la . ar. ,,i, aH aW-l l Mt yaat,
4lai k i W I a aal akaakaa
IwwHMiJ.i, Masaav, MMna,aa
ai ak-aiaW, aaitla. I lart ahaal4ar
rai.t'aj T
aa a?t btp
B 0 It N
For , more than fifty-six years it has never failed
in its weekly visits to the Jiomes of farmers
and villagers throughout the U. S.
IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved methods of cultivating and
' crops, and the proper time to convert them into the largest possible amoi
a century has )
New York Weekly Tribune,
And we furnish It with the GAZETTE, one year for ' ' .
$2.75, cash in advance. '-.;' 1 ' f v ; ,iv
Addraa.aU Order, to THE GAZETTE.
write your name and address on a postal card, sond It to Geo. W. Best, Tribune Otllce. New
; Weekly,T ribune will be mailed to you.
A Campaign
Of Education
HOW to 0 1 It
To be educated one must n-ad
the best literature.
The beat literature Is expensive.
Lealle'a lllustreted
' Weekly. 4 .
rubUsned at 110 fifth Avenue,
New York, Is ftitl of the best things.
Its Illustrations are superb; lla
stories charming: and Ita liters rv
departments are edited with con- ;
It should be In every
summate skill.
Buch a paper U a great popular educator,
Tbe .ubacrlptlnti price of Lealle'e U U pe nnum.
Ws make tha unparalleled offer of copy of
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi
Weekly one year for only $4.50.
Ko snrh offer wa. ever mada before. Mo such offer will ever ha made
again. Thaaa two papar. make a most acceptable Christmas or birthday
gift, and will be constant reminder, of tha giver', kindness,
Remit by postal order or shark to tha
Heppner, Orecon,
Fill a bottle or common glass witb
nriDe and let it stand twenty-four hours;
a sediment or settling indicates an un
healthy oondition of the kidneys. When
urine stains linen it ia evidence, of kid
ney trouble. Too frequent desire to an
nate or pain in tbe baok, ia also convinc
ing proof tbat the kidneys and bludder
are out of order. t
There is comfort in the knowledge eo
often expressed, tbat Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, tbe great kidney remedy
fulfils every wish id relieving pain in the
baok, kidneys, liver, bladder and every
part of tbe urinary passages. It oor
reots inability to bold urine and scald
ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol
lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and
overoomea tbat unpleasant necessity of
being compelled to get np many timee
during the night to urinate, Tbe mild
and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-
root is aoon realized. It stands the
highest for ita wonderful on res of the
most distressing oases. If you need a
medicine you should have the best. Sold
by druggists, price fifty oents and one
dollar. You may have a sample bottle
and pamphlet ' both sent free by mail.
Mention tbe Heppner Glazette and seud
your address to Dr. Kilmer k Co., Bing-
nampton, JN. I. Tbe proprietors of this
paper guarantee tbe genuineness of this
Rogers & Roberts,
Contractor, tod Iiaildera.
Flans and Estimates Given on Snort Notice
All Kinds of Repair Work Done-
UrlJCb HOURS-Day and Night Leave ?our orders "Any Old,
ITace and Ro& or Jim will cet 'em o o o o o o'
TanMW It. W., Umr pa at T. --s
Ian sfcuaiMay. km i aim aallle aasas
exk alM im hak m.
a IW aa r i.l ah.i4r. wia
i.l- i W mm rt.i k a4 n,Ma a.
f.w4kanaj, iaf ia Umrmm awi
aialt.la aaaaiMa.
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Arc You in Need of a Saddle
All tlira can prorurrtl at Tbrtmivn k Uinna, Ioncr Main Ktrecl
lleioer, Urem.
TWaa rnl'.mo are !! ar-i'islnt-d l'h Oraiit. Rsrnvy, rrmk. nilllaai and etb sv alias
aaa aaia mummj sim! i mm in aasls '. saiuuiia ana irainin.f mi,
rrkaa la ki.i. alia U Uawa.
If you like a man, ehow it by refusing
to laugh at bis enemy's jokes. '
Women do not believe dentists are
doing tbem any good unless tney hurt.
About tbe worst pieoe of luck that oan
happen to a tusy man is to make a
favorable impression upon a bore.
Women see in every single man tbe
qualities that make a good husband.
No white man is admired as oolored
people admire a real negro minstrel.' "
' Tou often bear of many men
Whose honor is like flint,
But I know a man so honest
" He wouldut take a bint.
A raau thinks his ohildren are smart
if they sleep sound all night.
What has become of tbe old fashioned
boy who made fiddles with seotions of
"We live to die,
We 'dye' to live."
' Seattle Dye bouse.
While there ie life there is hope,' '
Long as "Babbitt" lives there'll be soap.
Wby is a ship tbe politest thing in
tbe world ? Because she always oomes
in with a' 'bow."
By the populist oounty oentral com
mittee sustaining Mr. U'Ken in his com
pact with Simon to hold np tbe legis
lature tbat party goes on record as being
responsible for ' the legislative disgrace.
Tbe fact must not be overlooked thai it
took 40 members of the house to consti
tute a quorum to do business. Accord
ing to U'Ren's own statement last Satur
day tbe republicans bad 38 of this num
ber, leaving tbem two short of enough to
organize. Out of this number 29 were
in tbeir seats every day ready to prooeed
with the state's business for whiob Ibey
bad been eleoted. With tbe 29 republi
cans tbat were present every day the
populists had enough to have oompleted
the organization at any time but they
refused to do so. Not even one of tbeir
number would consult to go inandaa ist
in the organization. They Were a solid
oompaot against all efforts to enact
raoadial legislation frt-Wfiloh they bad
pledged themselves overy day during
tbe state campaign of 1890. Tbere was
not a single day during the attempted
session that the populist members oould
not have supplied tbe required two-
thirds to make up a quorum tor tbe
transaction of business. But did they
do it? No. And the reason tbev did
not is well explained in Mrs. Lewell
mg's sworn atndavit which appeats in
another column of this paper. Oregon
City Enterprise.
All tbe "ites" and "ists"of tbe state,
personally or representatively, from $80
U"Reo and I Young to grinning Bob
Miller and auguring Sydney Dell, are
now oonnubiating in Portland witb a
view to tbe salvation of the ooontry,
most of tbem not overlooking, however,
any iooideotal "boodle" that may lie Id
tbe path of glory. Wbeo one looks tbe
crowd over and "sizes" it "np," be oan
cherish a kindly and fraternal feelioa-
for a republican "boss." Portland Wel
come, Detn.
Homebody, In looking about for suit
able material for governor, mentions the
name of Judge Stephen A. Lowell for
tbe position. Jodge Lowell is Well
qualified for tbe office and would dis
charge the dutiea witb bonor to the state
and to himself, II eleoted. However,
Jodge Lowell baa a fairly good position
a Judge of tbe 8th Judicial district, lis
was eleoted a year ago last June, and
therefore has almost fonr and half
years yet to eerve tbe people, galeae be
should decide to resign lo tbe meantime,
which is not likely. He baa proven tilro
eelf a good Jodioial officer and tbe peo
pie of Lmatilla and Morrow eonntles
are in no wise anxious to part with him,
not eveo temporarily, ao we are inclined
to think tbe matter will not be regarded
seriously by Jodge Lowell aod bis
friende. Miltoo Eagle,
This spaoe is reserved tor remarks on
tbe above.' ' " " ' '' " ''
Are you my sweet potato? said the
oarrot to the potato in Georgia. ' '
I yam, replied tbe potato. They were
LuiVkbnon. .
Absolutely Pure
10NK ITEMt). ' ' ' ' "'
Wall 8mlth returned home yesterday
from an extended visit' with relatives at
Pendleton. " ' ' -1 ' , -
The farmers in this vioinity will begin
seeding again by tomorrow, if this fine
weather continues.
pr. B. P. Vaughan, dentist, from Hepp.
ner, bas been with us a few days, fixing
np old teeth to the satisfaction of his
patronsi ' '
Warm winds have tbawed the ground
and dried the mud, ma oh to tbe satis
faction bf tbe pedestrian and the travel-
ing public . ' . 1
'Dr. Swinburne, of Heppner, was
called down here yesterday to see Wm.
Blake who baa been sick for quite a long
while.' We hope this medical aid win
be beneficial to him and to see him out
again on the streets.
Hon. A.H. Weatberford, of Douglas,
Waa ID tliwn tnrtA , anil umul. tt,.
Bncklen-s Ara.c. Halve. ,M - "-'":: " V?
T, . D . a . . i. ... ... I - .o. uuiuuiuu miug in nia
xua uc. oa.ve m sue wona lor VUW, ohhnrhiwl If T ,
rj . u n , . . . i v,v-' uuv bc v ci mi uow
ZZTL ?"L BS" . nenm. oases have been reported in the last few
nlTki A - PSrf u"ag' J-y.'Mat Halyoraen was reported as
fjhllhlairis. flnrna o.n1 nil Bkln t?.nn I . ... K
7."r -' naving tbe measles last week but it
, s-"" "- inrned out to be only a bad oold. Mat
F7 iim as ia fc-uarauieeu KJ give ,. ha -,nn't h... .m
navfant tali.f.nllAn am M 1 , T
Prioe 26 oenta per box.' For aale by
Slocum Drug Go., E. J. Slooum, manager.
The sale of the Obinese restaurant
outfit under attachment at lone oo
ourred Saturday last and quite a crowd
was present. The artiolea bronchi ' a
To California. f,ir prloe, gDerjff Matlook orUrl lha
Jas. McHaley and wife and little I wares off in bis usual way and evurvona
daughter departed on Tuesday evening enjoyed his oomioal talk. Johnny Coon
for Southern California and expeot to ran bought the dinner bell and when
be abeeot about three months. The trio you bear 11 so "dinff-a linn" on and aai
is taken for pleaaure and health and this witb him. John runa a restaurant and
paper bopee that Mr. aod Mra. Mo Haley gives bis customers aa good a meal for
wijl not be disappointed ta fludipg whet I tbe money as can be baJ-atiy where. -...
nV ucouo. ... I n,i!l.
a number of farmers were in
Monday buying supplies and report orop
prospects id their respective neighbor-
T. J. Allyn waa np from lone yeeter- hoods tbe best for a number of years,
day, -i . nd with a few gentle showers next June
Tom Davidson was In from Qooseberry bouotiful harvest will be reaped. With
Hi Tasb waa down from Hard nan
Frank Rogers baa taksn a position in
the store of Minor t Co.
a fair price tor tbeir grain, everybody
will be oootented for tbey can all pay
out of debt and have money left When
tbe farmer Can be on a cssb basis once
more bs will not be listening to and
reading congressional news and wonder
w. A. Eipey, a knight of tbe grip, was ing 'wbat'a tbe matter with Hannah,"
aa Ft. TT1 I 1 I ' f
.u uepuu.r on neonesasy. Ao ooere hons. In he t.niU th. ..ml..
- . i " .a
B. U. Uooper and E. V. Moore, travel- aeason is being strongly agitated among
u.g men, were in ueppoer Wednesday, ibe eliizena of tuia nlace. Moral it will
Peter Brenner, a prominent Eight be good inveetment on tbe money.
Mile farmer, visited Heppner Wedces-1 Thw hall here is ool Urge enough to ao
day. commodate tbe people any longer for
W. J. Blake, W. T. and J. W. King "ben IoM u P ,n ortalDmenl of
were among Ibe lone visitors to I1dd- ,d' ,,oa or P0""0 D" 'rybo.jy
eer Wednesdsy.
Fins home-made taffy al tbe Orange
Front. A olean, fresh stock of goods-
leave your ordera. if.
Painless remedy for extracting teeth.
It not as slated, no obargce. Try Dr.
Vaugbao'a new plan. CO-if.
Pendleton Tribune: Mrs. W. J. Laci
er, of Heppner, ia vleiliog al tbe borne
of bar brother, J. M. Lester.
If you need something for yonr system
eall at the Thoee-The Telephone aa
looo, City hotel building. tf
ueoer htnaner visited ueppner on
Wednesday. Ha baa entirely recovered
from hia reoeot eaere II In
goes, because tbey well know tbat tbey
oao have a good time. Let's oot drop
tbie qoeation but build tbe boose. Tbere
le plenty of money that nan be raieed for
Ibe enterprise. It will bring back the
money many timee over In varioue ways.
Lei os push It along.
lone, Or., Jso. 19, '08.
Catarrh Is a Dlaraae
Which requires a constitutional remedy.
It eenoot be cured by local sppllcatioos.
Hood's flsrsaparllia ia wonJsrfally suo-
oeasful In ouriog catarrh because il
eradicates from Ibe blood the scrofaloos
taints whiob ranse It Huffarera with
W. F. Baroett waa op from Lexington catarrh fiod a eure lo Hood s Hareepe-
We.loesday. He report! measles rilla, even afUr other ramaJlee nlUrlr
very common down (bat way,
I. If. Prater s folks have been en tbe
siok list Ibis week, Mr. Prater beiog the
only well member' of the family for
several days.
Helis bad quite a flood last Wednes
day, nearly ruining the town. Ao In
dian lost hia life while Irylag lo
tbe raging torrent.
Hood's Tills are prompt, elUolaol, al
ways rallaMe, easy lo lake, easy lo op-
I.The GreeUst Dleeovery Yet.
W. M. Kapine, editor Tiakilwa, 111.,
ChK"eays: "We woo'l keep boose
wilboot Dr. King's New Discovery for
Uonsnmplion, Oooghs and Colds, El
parimeotad with many others, but never
got tbe Irne rtmedy oolil we need Dr
King's New Discovery. No otbar rame
dy eaa take lie piece lo onr borne, ae lo
It we bave a eartalo and eure enre f r
Coogha, Colds, Wbimplnf Oongh, eto."
It is idle to eiperiniant witb ether rente
dies, evao If tbry era oread oo you ae
Jnet as good ee IV. King's New lHax?-
ry. Tby are not aa g.Mi.l, beeaaae Ibia
remedy bae a rrorirj of eorasand baaidae
legearaaUed. It aever feile lo eeliafy
Trial buttlae fre al Hhieom Drag Go's,
E, J. Hlocam, manager.
City rnoaeil Boat in tvlj mroad aasioa
on Toaa lay evening and alieada.1 to
few mailers of boainaae. A tax uf 1
mills was la vie I to provide r einking
fund oa Imnde aej the lavy f.,r all mbar
porpoeas "aa put at nulla, maklkf
tbe Mai eity las levy f r lH 6 nulls
Foil tat ft (he year wee plyw at M-
raaiiy t oart IMaca.
Yesterday contity court tssl Id ad-
JonraaJ aaeeina, as prsvlooaly arranged.
JtidiM liartimlnmaa an, I f V,n.n.lI..M
The drama, "CmI Upon tbe World." ruai.i .k-
is being prepared by local ial.nl and 6,Hirl at II 10, butCt,mmb.loo.r Uo.ard
.III to P4 to tbe pablle abo.l m Mfiff , BlM,0 ho(lf ,
the middle of February. Th. , , ,
1- " ww waw . w -1 a
papar was first esidre4 aad no rep-
that be will be back bare about the ISlb
or 20lb of February lo look after tie
lutsrvata in tble looelaty,
O. W. MoDlsgoo aad D. II. Frank
bauasr were np Irotn Arlington Wedoew
day. Mr. Muntegoe le egeel for the
Hi tiger Hewing Maobloe Co.
Core tbat eoogb witb Hbilob's Cere.
raaautativs of tbe Tlmas sppearing lo
theoonteat, tbe llappoei Uatelte ae
eristed IbecfUjial papar fur Ibeeoeo
leg year.
Tbe matter of Ibe lax Wvy wee taken
ap and II decided thai II bnnld be
Ji nulla. 8',' etele. 6 e.bool and 1J'
cooaly. Ni furtbar boeiaaae of impnr-
Tbe beet eoogb eure. kelieves eroop treneaeled.
promptly. One million bottles eold last
year. 4l doaae fur 25oi. Hold by O-
ear Ie Brock, y
Al hmerooa and wife retoraad fren
Mao Frsoolsoo aod Eugsae eo Wedoae-
day morale aad will make tbair brxae
al happnar Tbaf were plaaeanfty
erreoaylad by Ibe ladiae' band last
Dyspapala fored. Hbilob'l Vitaliaar
immadikUly relieves aior eUMsarb, eoce
leg op of food dielreee, aod is the greet
kidney aod liver rmad;. Hold by Cua
r k Br rk. y
n-sslr le Hlaxsw !)
(liaB IiUkmI tnrana a rlaae skin i
hrautf Wilhwat It. ( aararvla, ( amir ( alhar
tf rlaae )ir l,lml anil II i Wan, .
admng up tha lrr Urrr a l ilin n.f all im
tail It w floia th Ulr, Ibum tulaf t.
lam.k .iniila, lnl, .l..t. lun, l.l.t. Ll .,
tn4 that an klr htliixu mni.atiiia Nf taking
( atria. -.muly ,,r rn ri.la. All ilra
aU, aatvafai tHia (ttstantcod, i,i.V,.
Oao. Nuble, Hr, le making prapersv
liooeloleeve f-r Ibe Kbiadike ed i
panto to alert ehunl the 1'Mh of Fshro
ry. He esparto to make sf..rtsnb.
fate rstqroiaf U eit J xslioo.