Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 18, 1898, Image 4

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Of Two Transcontinental
Spokane Salt Lake
St. Paul Omaha
Chicago Kansas City
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
Steamers Monthly from Portland to
Tokohoma and Hong . Kong; via, The
Northern Paoiflo Steamship Oo. in con.
nection with O. R. A N.
For fall details call on 0. R. A N.
Agent at Heppner, cr address
Gen. Pass. Agt.
If so, be sore and see tbat your
ticket reads via
Tie Korinwesiera Line
Tilts IB THB
Great Short L.Qe
Tlieir Magnificent Track, Pearleea Veetlbuled
Uln I utr and Sleeping car
Traliii, and Motto:
haa given thla mad a national reputation. All
olaaatta o( puMiiKera earrfod on the veetlbuled
train, without extra charge. Hhlp your freight
and travel over thja lamoui Una. All agonta
have ilckoW.
Oen. Agent. 'J'rav. F. A 1'. Agt.
2to Washington St., rortland, Or.
mnwauKee & St. Paul rg
This Railway Co.
Operates its trains on the famona bio ok
Lights its trains by eleotrlolly tbrougb
onl; Uses the oelttbrated eleotrio berth read
ing lamp;
Rons speedily equipped passenger trains
evarv day and night between Ht. Paul
and Cbioago, Bud Omaha and Chiosgoj
Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul
Aid.. i.immtm 1. ... - I . . .' I . I I
train, carrying Ihe latest prtvats
Duinparimeoi cars, uorary ounei smok
ing cars, and palace drawing room
Parlor oars, free reclining chair ears,
sod lbs very best dining chair oar
For lowest rates to any point lb the
United Hiatal or Cauade, apply to
agent or address
0. J. EDDY,
J. W. CANET, General Agent,
Tret. Pass. Agent. Portland, Or.
to J ,i7.-5.,1:u
r a in it r
Tvkrla Issued In all noiute in the United
Slates and Canada.
Nsw Ti'Bi
All other
la the
Km! and
K.waas Pitt
Hr. Jiiaara
. Ions
I'bIob IVtml rnnseolions
at Ht. Paul, klisneapulia,
Kaaias City, Omaha, Ht.
l.oals and other promt
eat poists
Uesgsge checked lbroag-11 la deetlnetioa
il ticket.
Through tickets to J spaa and China, via
T . and Northern l'scine Pteem
ship Company's line,
F ur tall Information, time carta, maps,
tickets, eta, eall ofl or write
W. C. Ai.iwT. A. P. CNat.ri,
Agt N. p. Ity. AsaL JJ- IW Agt.
lbl'llr,Or. PuttlaoJ, Or
and Get Bid.
Tells You How to Do Jt.
By a special arrangement we offer to
our readers
The Wool Record
and Semi-Weekly Gazette, one year tor
The Wool Record is the only national
wool organ and covers the wool industry
from the raising of the sheep to the sell
ing ot the manufactured artiole. It is
published weekly at New York and the
regular price ie $2.00 a year. He market
reports are fall and oomp e and its
Sheep Breeders' Talks alone are worth
10 times the price of the paper.
Sample copies on spplioation.
We heartily reoommend this combi
nation to oar snbsoribers.
Rural Spirit
Published Weekly at
Portland, Or.
and Turf.
Worth its weight in gold to every farmer
and breeder in Oregon.
Sample copies free.
Rural Spirit and Gazette both for
3.00, OBBb, at this offioe.
. B A a, a
jhT Tradc Marks
'a.. .arV Dionb
"fa. Designs
T? Ml Copyrights Ac.
Anyone lending a aketc-h and rinacrtptton mar
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention la prohahly patentable. Cnmniunlca
tlona atrlctly oonfldentfal. Handbook on I'atenti
aent free. Olitiwt aitenny for aecurlng pateni.
I'atenta taken tlirouKh Muno A Co. receive
tprcitU notice, without cbitrite, in the
Scientific American.
A handsomely lllnatrated weekly. Lament cir
culation of any ai'timlldo Journal. Term.. $.'1 a
years four months, fL Bold by all newerinalem.
MUNN&Co.86'8. New York
Jlraucb Office. (06 F Ht, Washington, D. C.
spokase falls 4 northern
The Only All-Rail Route Without
Change of Cars Between Huokane.
Rowland and Nelson. Also between
Nelson aol Rossland, daily eioept
Iieava. Arrive
!J-Hpokane '.B;Ai P. !h
.. . HcMwlanU X:tn P. M.
W.10 A.H Melton a:4.1 p, J.
Clow oonnnclionaat Nelaon with atenmera for
Haaln. anil all Klu.(....ul
1'ajwm.ra for'Koltle Itlver and ' Boundar
I rwk euniiect at Marcel with etaue daily.
MEN! be cured
.. ..jum , i ' mi rut tn in
lilt if fnn r. I . !.!..
If mmm tr r .1
i rw9 1 "pw-T oa ina racibc liakt,
1,1 I Rk, tOSt Market kL fcil S I8S2.
VI Vowns aarn and Middle
, . k "KTO mrn who aretntlaring
I DooiiketAVctaof y.Miil,fi,l imliKntionaorea-
i ,, "ipirary,ij H.nlma M
tnallii.omi.il, aiiotn; nr rnintnrrhra,
raHu m t'..,u... . . ... w
Ih. o ' i " n""ied nia Iraaimant f
, .. wll. an mi iiiinliaterrhe tail J
parmantm cure. Ih. Uhi d'K.not claim to f
I iwrtima nut i. Ia, l.iu U rli.knna lo U a fair i
and Miura I'Iivmi lan and SturgmnM Tminaut
. ' T."."T "' r Mm. i
inunniairiiv emiiirui iruai in T
K'aa.'i,,"'.'i"i" ""'-ry, A
ai'i". ii in we win re- w
I oeitniuir A ..f mi.ai nt hiapomfialnl,
M mil lia.irantr'a M.m i ft flU
I .L... BTUl.a. B.. S t a
t r r b. r. Bjnn inrVHs tMIVHK). A
I loi.uiv ar bv Imar. Smnt booh,
T.IT Da. 1UND-S f
C.rat MuftfMim of Anntomy i
the finut and lanj'tt Muaramof II. kind la Ike
wne anu K .ni aw .KWi(ully u W
a auuU kw In avoid .1. Liwm and di.aa.e,
we are (wi amity ad-l' a -i ruaim
KA taiou 1 AAA. t .iloe vrlla.
I0BI Uar4l ti.i aui-u M-i af
In the t i nri.iT mi RT or the btati
of omoii. lor the t ounly ul Murruw.
kd HiMal, Hamuli,
frank Saury and Wm Riidln Ofendauta.
I,. .., a k.,.. . .
In the name of the alale ot ()r, i0 You are
amialre.1 an etna. an,i tT. .......
ol flalotl(t rilnl In the aU.ie entitled court
and anil on or Iwlni ll,. sai ..i it.. .....
rrsular term ol aa. r.oirt. lo It, Ou the Stat
MolldaV ill Man-h m ....I I. ..... i.it . .
' ' . " ., f".. 1M H. HI
aoaear. iilaimiit sin ,. . . i.,., ...... . ...
vnr lorm ioatiig ll,a kirlae daerrU! In
B t K W at. yl k.l ,.( U
, Jl. 'P I K V M, and lhal Ihe aan.e
l anl.l lhal Ihe r,avnla I a,,ir. an ll.a
l-ayiiieiiliil lliexna ,, inr,j alih Iniarrel and
It" and pialnlirl mate and die
biirwnwnia ami ami naia id aale.
Ihia uBiiuoi.a la t.ul.ll.l.r.1 l.y prdrf id
SU(.irM A. Umrll.
iw. . , . Rl1' HalMlirs AtlT
Notice Of Intention.
I.As orru s at U li ami. a oaewie.
X'l'TI. t la HRI.IKT tllVm THAT TIIK
f . . "'"""'e lian.wl alllat haa Sl. n.rfl. l
Ma lot. i. ll, ,n lo make . .,.., l, .,,,.(
kia rlaim, end thai eaid pt,..( alii I., ma, la
ily t U-,k, M..rr..w i nuoiy. iitrgmi,
-ir(.,i,, ii rro ,Mi 1(fi
ti i (.hiwiiin.
It I ki a .
Ha naKa Hie Inline i,,f nlw, w,,,, nla
.BUiii.,i, MU.., i,,.,a tu4 eUl(l.atl..il.
, . """am e.tiM, U t.r llil
i7 LT """ end l .u. Hung. au b
- , r " aiovwi.iaiilr ona
or ttrocKitoitr,irs
'I'll TmkM..nHaTir ti'it Hrrmrs
a l lM Haiti loofuy u h, thrl,
annual .-l, ,lim l..r a,,.
.",f f l,o.n. ntt u,, UUH ...niai t Malle
ar. A, t... I.. 1. w a..
t iieiai.
Tilden, the boss painter. Signs a
specialty. H-tf
Tom Bootbby was tip from Lexington
Asa Thomson risited Heppner Fri
day and Saturday.
What is Hop Gold? Best beer on
earth, bee ad. elsewhere.
To trade A good heating stove, for
oordwood. Cull at offioe. tf.
Ralph Benge and Jack Lane were in
from Social Ridge on Friday.
Mr. "Colorow"' and Dennis Spillane
were visitors to Heppner on Saturday.
Felt boots and rubbers, aud Arotio
overshoes at T. R. Howard's. ' 605-tf.
One Minute Cough Cure cures quiokly.
That's what you want! Conser & Brock
Mrs. S. W. Spenoer departed on Thurs
day evening for Pendleton on a short
visit to relatives.
Prof. C. G. Morey, who is teaching
the Eight Mile school this winter, was a
visitor to Heppner Saturday.
Obas. Jayne was up from lone over
Sunday. Cbas. is staying on his rsnoh
down in tbat vioinity this winter.
F. M. Wilkenson was in from Eight
Mile on Saturday and made final proof
on bis homestead before Clerk Morrow.
E. G. Noblest Co. are rustlers after
business. The finest saddles and har
ness to be found in Heppner. See their
new ad in this issue. tf.
Stop tbat cough! Take warning. It
may lead to consumption. A 25c bot
tle of Shiloh's Cure may save your life.
Sold by Conser & Brook. x
The Harney News says Edward Oli
ver's bond is a good one. While eaoh
bondsman is on for a specified sum, each
one is liable for the full amount.
Our friend, J. B. Natter, across the
way, has suffered much from rheuma
tism this winter, but we are clad to
state that he is able to be about again.
Hilleboro Independent: W. E. Brock
is down from Heppner oo a visit. He is
Rooompauied by his wife and young son.
They expeot to remain about a week.
Karl's Clover Root Tea, for Constipa
tion it's the best and if sfter nninir it
you don't say so, return package and
get your money. Sold by Conser A
Brock. z
This paper is pleased to learn that P.
0. Thompson is rapidly recovering from
bis recent severe illness. He will soon
be able to oonie to town and his numer
ous frieuds here will be pleased to see
mm again,
Shiloh's Consumption Cure cures
where others fail. It is the leading
Cough Cure, and no borne should be
without it. Pleasant to take and goes
right to the spot. Sold by Couser &
Brook. x
Elza Vinson was in from Butter creek
Saturday. He reports a dance up at
the Hugh Fields plsce where Mr.
McKnigbt is at present residing. All
bad a big time and enjoyed themselves
There will be Sunday sobool at the
Christian church next Sunday morning
as usual, ai d all the members ot the
school are requested to be present. The
oflicers for the ensuiog year will be
elected at this time and a full attendance
is earnestly desired.
Ths operators up at ths Jumbo mine
struck s vein of decomposed quarts four
reel wide the other day. A small pieoe
of the quarts waa pounded op and 00
dors of gold were taken from it. De.
Velopineut work progresses on tho claim
and prospcois grow better each day.
Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Ridge, 0., says;
'After two doctors gave up my boy to
die, I saved blm from croup by using
One Minute Cough Cure." It is lb
quickest and most oerlsio remedy for
oongbs, colds and all throat aol lung
troubles. Conser A Brook.
Tcttrr, RaH-Ilhum and Fktema.
TVlA IntHnMI Itl-tlllllV amt.m.rtlaa hud.
dtmt to thrxie diiMMiapa, ts Instantly allayed
bjr applying Chamberlain's Eye and
Skin Ointrntmt. Many very bad caaea
iiaro wen pemmnent ly enrea oy tt. It
is equally efnefont for itching jiIIk and
B faworita mmoilir fur avim nltmlna
chnpixnl hands, chilblains, frtMt blui
anu uurunic imm ryes, m CIS. per DOS.
Dr. Cadj's CendlUoa Powder, are
just what b horse nmls when in bad
condition. Tonic, blood purifier snd
vermlfnge. Ther are not food but
tnrxllt lne and the beat In use to put a
horse in prime condition. Price &
cents per package.
Union Kooot : Tbs Kxoelaior Dramatis
Company whiob appearrnl in tula etiy
several sveologs last week, being unable
ti withstand lbs "slings and arrows of
outrageous tortans" that oonitaotly
ailed It, dishandml here and the Indi-
vicinal mamliers went Ibsir several wave.
Tbs company was a ery g.ioj oes, and,
no dunbt, If tt baJ struck Ihe town at a
more oprairtuas lime the result wonld
have bees dilTereul.
Mrs. Mary Bird, llafnstiorg, Ps , eaja,
"My chil l Is worth millions to me, yet I
wonld have lt ber by croup bad I not
Invested twenty five crnU In s bottle of
One Minute Congo Cere." It enrvs
eungtis, colds and all throat and long
troubles, Conser k Brock.
The Dalle T.-M : Hon. Ileery Urp
br, Ihe fous.lef of Ihe prosperous cosnty
aoat of Morrow eonnly, was la Ibe city
leal nia-ht, sod tok Ibe boat tor Port
land Ibis mom lug Mr. lleppoer ie eos-
ttmplatioi Baking s trip to Klondike In
lbs spring, and eonelndsd to take s toy
age on Ibe (Vlsmhie In erder Ie get
aaed Ie Irawling oa Ihe water and Iboa
ward cd dangers front seaaic knees en
bis Journey Borlh. I'sforlanalily the
river was ealia t.xlay, aud Mr. Hrpp
Bsrdideot have as oppurlanlty to si
perletiee Ihe rocking end liming el SB
oceee !.
tdee)l amw kWwele II h raavareta.
t aau'T aihnk, rure riaiiina (nmrt,
U C CClea, Stvea aia (Haadawwiy.
iafrlngemenU oa tlieir Bitters sot Tolerated
by United HUtes Court
The United States cirouit court for the
Southern District of New York, Judge
Townseod presiding, handed down an
opinion Deoember 23d, 1897, granting
injunction and accounting, in Ibe suit
of The Hosteller company against Isaac
Sommers and Louis Joseph, for infringe
ment of its trade mark. The jurist
states, in bold and dear language, the
rights aocruing to the Hosteller oom
pany, and the liability incurred by all
who would rob Ibem, by fraud or mis
representation, of the well-earned re Do
tation and profits of a business built np
by the efforts of half s century. ' The
judge says, in part:
"The oomplainant is entitled to Droteo-
tion against the appropriation of its
trade mark, by anv and all unfair and
dishonorable means, and a court of
equity baa power to grant such protec
tion Whenever it is satisfied tbat an at
tempt baa been made by ingenious sub
terfuges, to invade the rights ot an
owner of A trarln mark
In the sharp contest between the Indi
vidual manufacturer, who strives to
aoquire and retain Ihe fruits of industry
and honesty, and the field of keen rivals,
seeking to wrest from him the prize of
the public goodwill, the inventive inge
nuity of the infringer baa conoeived a
great variety of devioes for evading the
established rules of fair dealing.
Courts ot equity finding tbat their ulti
mate object and effect were to enable
and induce the retail seller of a fraud
ulent imitation to palm it off on an
unsuspeoting public for the genuine
artiole, and thus to contribute to the
infringemenl upon the riahts of the
original owners, have not hesitated to
apply the remedy."
Lexington wants a first olass black
Wm. Penland is down from bis moun-
tnn ranoh for a few days.
Several new oases of measles are re
ported in the vioinity of Lexington.
Cbas. Barnett is able to be up again
after a hard tussle with the measles.
Prof. Howard, principal ot ths Hepp
ner schools, made our sobool a pleasant
Cull Monday.
John Moyer, of Eight Mile, was in
Lexington Saturday doing business with
our merchants.
Frank Evans was in town today and
reports a good stand ot wheat on bis
fall sown grain.
J. M. White haa been furnishing
amusement for the boys tbia week with
bis new phonograph.
Several ot the Lexinglonites went up
to Heppner Saturday to be present at
the republican elub meeting.
Politios are running very high in Lex
ington, candidates being pioked out and
s general disoussion being made.
We were glad to read newa from differ
ent correspondents ot Morrow county.
We trust the good work will continue.
Mr. J. H. Clayton, special agent for
the Mutual Protective Insuranoe Asso
ciation, ot Portlsnd, is doing business in
our oity today.
Tbs Infant child ot Mr. and Mrs. John
Iter was buried io the Lexington ceme
tery Sunday. We extend to tbe bereft
family our sympathy.
Jamea Leach has purchased s fine 22
Winchester snd from sll reports there
will not be s rabbit left in the Black
Horss canyon. James is s good shot.
Tbe oiticens ere talking ot lenoing tbe
Lexington grave yard. Tbia is some
thing that is very much needed sod we
should all lake an Interest in tbe matter.
Dan Poller is building s Darn oo his
property and a number of others srs
making improvements. Tbe prospect
for s boUDtifol harvest is belter than it
has been for years, so people are start
ing io with new energy sod buaioeas of
all klods ie fast improving.
Lexington, Ore, Jsn. 17, 139S.
Everybody Says So.
Caacsrets Candy Cathartic, the most won
derful MiHlical dierovervof the aire, pleas
ant and rofroatimir to the taate, set gently
and poaitlvoly on kidneys, Uver and bowels,
clranalng the entire ysttm, diarl cold a,
cum hnadaalie, fever, habitual constipation
and bllloiianoaa. Pleeae buy and try a boi
otO. C. C. WxtaTjIO, ., Wcenla. Hold and
guaranteed to cure by all drarrgtste.
A Baddea Death.
Tbe editor of tbe Oasette received
word from Indiaos Ibis morales an.
nooooing Ihe death of Morris Patter
son, anole of tbe editor, near Browos
burg, aged about 70 years. Deceased
was as loveterate smoker sod was in
dulging in bis fsvorits paaatime at lbs
Oreeide when suddenly be Ml deed.
lie was a mas ot strong rooatitotfoo,
however, aud hie death was unexpected.
Mrs. M.B.Ford, Ituddell's, IIL, suf
fered for tight years from dyspepeis aod
cbronio eoeti patios sod waa finally
eored by naiog DeWitl's Little arly
Risers, Ibe Unions little bills for sll
stomach and liver trouble. Cesser A
Brock . e
Mr. A. AaJrews aoJ tesaily. ot Alcma.
were visited rveeetly by Mrs. Lortnda
Murray snd by bis uoola, Mr. A. A. Kel
ay. ee J wife, sll et Ohio. Ths ladies
sre slaters ot Mrs. A. AaJrews sod Ibe
perly are sow enjoying Ibe beautiful
winter eliroale at Pasadena, Calif.
Prosperity cone qsickset to Ibe rase
boee liver is In good condition. IV
Witt'sLtlils ,,, lu-n srs tenons
bills pills for eosatlpation. blllioeesees,
lud g-etlos .bd all stomeeb sad liver
troubles. IVeser A Brock.
If. J. W. HilL of rJktnoB Keott'a AaJ
emy. bag mails ss easlfsateet tor the
tweeoi of bis sredilors. Tbia eia.ll.,,1
sue, I amy eill ol suffer es souaat ol
the failure, the directors deciding thai
It snail be susUBSad.
bee It. LkeUentb.1 k Co. tvil shoes, a
The Method C anally Employed la Taking
the Wild Mlrd.
One of the methods by which wild
turkeys are taken by native hunters, as
described in "Hunting and Fishing In
Florida," by Mr. C. B. Cory, curator of
the department of ornithology in the
Field Columbian museum, Chicago,
certainly doea little credit to the intel
ligence of the turkeys,
A place is found where turkeys are
numerous. Corn ia scattered about,
and if that la eaten, more is placed in
this mauncr for a week or two, until
they become accustomed to goinf- there
for food. Then small logs are lnid,
forming a square box about six or eight
inches in height; possibly two lops on
each side, one above the Ot her. Inside
is placed the corn, and the turkeys
enter it readily, as the obstruction is
not sufficient to excite their fears.
The next night another lop is added,
raising the box a little hipher, per
haps a foot or bo, and this process goes
on until the small lotrs form a cone
shaped box, narrowing nt the top, leav
ing an opening by which they can enter
at the top.
Corn is placed in tbe box, and a few
kernels leading to it, as usual, and the
turkeys, moonting the last log, drop in
and eat up the corn. And now they are
caught, The opening Is so narrow that,
although a turkey tan easily "jump
down through it with cloeed wings, it
cannot jump out again with its wings
A Clever Trick.
It oerlainly looks like it, but there is
really no trick about it. Anybody osn
try it who has lame baok and weak kid
neys, malaria or nervous troubles. We
mean be oao cure himself right away by
taking Eleotrio Bitters. This medicine
tones np Ibe whole system, sots as a
stimolent to tbe liver and kidneys, is a
blood purifier and nerve tonic It cures
oonstipation headache, fainting spells,
sleeplessness and melancholy. It is
purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and
restores the system to its natural vigor.
Try Eleotrio Bitters and be oonvinoed
tbat they are a miraole worker. Every
bottle guaranteed.' Only 50 cents s
bottle at Slooum Drug Co's, E. J Slo
oum, manager.
All of Them Went, Dut Some of Them
Not Intended for Headquarters.
During some maneuvers nt Aldershot
to gain practice in the vedette system
of employing cavalry to watch and re
port the movements of on enemy, the
mounted troops employed on the occa
sion were extended at intervals over s
wide expanse. The major at one end
oi tne line, says the London Telegraph,
had occasion to send a metssape to the
captain, who was at the opposite ejitl:
"The enmny are in forcu in front."
The signal was passed nlMig the line
all right till it came to a iti.ivtit&tione!
nbout in'.iiway, -who thought fit to add t
wrivate message of his own, intended
nly for the benefit of his neighbor:
"Have vou a chaw of tobneeo?"
Unluckily hia comrades thought
tneae words were a part of the origina:
message, and they were parsed frorr
man, to man till they reached the cap
tain. The latter was somewhat aston
ished at the request, but sent back thh
"I don't chew tobacco, but here are
two cigars.
The major found the cigars welcome,
and as he lighted one sent back tbe an
"Who said you did?"
1100 toward 1100.
Tbs readers ot this paper will be
pleased to learn tbat there ia st least
one dreaded disease thai soienoe b
been able to oure in sll its stsgss, snd tbat
is catarrh Hall's Catarrh Curs is tbe
only positivs sore known to tbs medio a!
fraternity. Catarrh being s eonatito
tional disesse, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken
internally, acting directly upon tbe
blood snd mucous surfaoea of the srs
tern, thereby destroying the fooodslioa
otths disease, snd giving tbs patient
strength by building op the constitution
and aeaiatlno natnra In Anina ma-w
The proprietors bsvs so much faith Id
ia curauvs powers, test iney offer one
nunu-reo dollars ior sny case tbat it rail ll
lo curs. Send for list of testimonial
Address, P. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O
Hold by druggists, 75c.
She Gave a rolliemaa a Ileee of tier
"Hold on. there!" yelled the police-
The girl wheeled her Mcycle around
sharply and rnme to g stanilotllt, saya
the ew lork Journal.
"What Is the mntterr she asked.
"You were ecorvhlng," eaid Ihe off!
cer, shortly.
"How ilnrw you." the fair wherlwnman
flashed hark. "Don't you suppom
know how fust I was going? I think
it la a prent shame that anyone alintild
be allowed to atop and limtilt people In
tula way, even If be is a polheman. 1
won't put up with It, I shall take your
numtier and your name and addreea snd
rviwirt you to the board of health or
whatever it ia: and then we will see If
thai sort of thing can be done w ith im
"It tell you I will not stand It." she
went on, stamping her foot with raffe.
"I peddling leae than alx miles an
hour. I know I . And jet youef,
cua rite of arorrhlng! Why"
Jtiat then a erulinr odor made her
liwk down at her bloomers and she saw
that her lamp had flared up too high
and frx red hot.
A Sara Tfelaa fee Tee.
A traaaacttna lawbtaa yeuianaot toaelea
sure uiiug. iiinouen-ae, at. k SaaOa. Am, I up.
red tougua, levee, piWe and S Uiouaatul uUT
ll e are retieed by eoneupatin sad alurgiah
uver. vaM-awv-uueadV Aaiaarue, tne won
d rful new liver aumnlaiit end tutve Ittal
Ihh' are by all drttrcata fiiaraatewd to care
er moeiev rerun.l.j, I , v. l-. are a sa
!.... . , . . .1 . . I, u ... . .
..a- 4 .aj i1. ., , avu
heimdeauj bik fr. beeearbigeO.
P Lei iff Mattock sold Ibe reatserasl
outfit beloeglng to B Cblssroas whe
short time etnee res s bssaeea In
vagfaii ball. ting, bow eeeapd
Wells A C "Mallivaa" backed
I his
eetaalii lo Ibe eeterpriee, being mseh
eel et Pork el Iheeebr. sad the sale
BiaJe thai b migbl la S toestttrt ts
As Eulneat New York Chemist sod self stint
Hakes a Free Offer to Oar Headers.
The distinguished chemist, T. A. Slo-
oum'of New York City, demonstrating
his discovery of a reliable oure for Con
sumption (Pulmonary Tuberoulosie),
bronchial, lonj and obest troubles,
stubborn coughs, catarrhal affeotions,
general decline and weakness, loss of
flesh, snd all conditions ot wasting
away, will send THREE FREE BOT
TLES (all different) of his New Dis
coveries to any afflicted reader ot this
paper writing for tbem.
His "New Scitntiflo Treatment" has
cured thousands permanently by its
timely use, and he considers it a simple
professional duty to suffering humanity
to donate a trial of bis infallible oure.
Soienoe daily develops new wonders,
and this great chemist, patiently experi
menting tor years, has produoed results
as beneficial to humanity as can be
ol aimed by any modern genius. His
assertion tbat lung troubles and con
sumption are cursble in any olimate is
proven by "heartfelt letters of grati
tude," filed in bis Amerioan and Euro
pean laboratories in thousands from
those ou red in all parts of tbe world.
The dread Consumption, uninter
rupted, means speedy and certain death.
Simply write to T. A. Slooum, M. 0.,
i Pine street, New York, giving post-
office and express address, and the free
medioine will be promptly Bent direct
from bis laboratory.
Sufferers should take instant advan
tage of his generous proposition.
Please tell the Doctor tbat you saw
this in the Gazette, published at Hepp
ner, Oregon. Jnly 9-7-1 jr.
From the Blue Mountain Eagle.
There ia plenty ot feed in tbe oountr),
and stockmen bave hopes of getting their
herds through tbe winter without loss.
A cow is a cow nowadays, snd is worth
looking after.
With oattle, sheep and bogs a good
price, and tbe value of horses advanomg,
the farms of Grant county will, as a
natural result, advanoe in price also.
Good farms will double in value during
the present yesr.
H. Y. Blackwell was io tbe oity Bun-
day from bis home in Fox yalley. Hen
ry bas a touoh of tbe Klondike fever,
and expeota to aooompany an outfit from
this oounty in the spring.
Tom Hoy, who was reoently icjured
by the explosion of soma dynamite in a
mine si Bourne, baa fully recovered
from tbe effects cf tbe aocident and bas
sgain returned to his work. His eyes,
though badly burned, were not injured,
but sre very weak.
For Oonstipation take Earl's Clover
Tea, tbe great Blood Purifier, ouree
headaches, Nervousness, Eruptions on
ths face, and makes thd head as olear as
s bell. Sold by Conser A Brook. i
The meetings by Evsngelists Holt snd
Chase closed at tbe Christian ohnroh
last evening with a large attendance snd
good interest,
Eastern Oregon
State Normal
Located on tbs O. R. t N. Railway
midway between Pendleton sod
Walls Walla. Stodents admitted si
sll times of tbs yesr.
First-Class Training School for Teachers.
Vocal snd Instruments! Music tsoght
by oompelmt instructors. A grado-
StS ot the Hoe ton Gnnaarvatnrw haa
ebsrgs ot ths instrumental department.
1lio Iaocllos
Is thoronghly eo nipped snd offers ex
eelleol actxrmrnodations si reeeooeble
rates, bend for eatalogos.
As-dsesB M. G. ROYAL, President
wiv, avsrviary eesrs
:Q: ....the.... :6l:
El Weekly Inter Ocean
It is radically Rgpubfkan. advocating
ids carol ou Ooctrtnts of that party
with ability and tiroemotmjtjtjijl
It Is Morilt; Ckas aai si a
Tns Uttntmt If coumag It
syMl fo tsf 0 foe 4Wsf Mga
tfoes. hhlnUtmUngfthttklh
4rm tt wwtt as Ibt nervnra.....
- . THE TORLD sad tr
eWuaaea ktrraturs sod rxtvj
vajw i nn.piiri' nrr nsn is srs vria eta
.... """tiititt
Willi The Gazette, S2.G0;pcr Yc.ir.
Now Prepared to do Any
Kind of Printing Don't
Send Your Orders Away
'Till You Get the Gazette's
Heretofore the Gazette's job depart
ment has tried to do no work other than
plain printing. However, this shop ia
now prepared to taokle anything in sny
line and will meet prices of any person
under tbe sun in Ihe line of druggists
supplies, blank books, back work
oounty work, or an sort of book bind
ingwork tbat you have heretofore Bent
away to get done.
The Gazette shop is not a oharity
concern but it you will give us a chance
we will see thai yon are satisfied in
every particular.
Buy your goods at home. Remember
tbat Abe Linooln said that when one
bought goods away from borne the
foreigner got the money and we got tbe
gooas. uut wnen toe goods were
bought at home we bad both money
and goods. This ia good doctrine. We
are willing to abide by it. Wben the
printing drummer Comes to town, re
member it and call up 'phone No. 8.
The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co.
Leave The Dalles daily (except Sunday)
at 7:30 a.m. Leave Portland at 7.00
a. m.
Wben yon go to Portland, stop off at
The Dalles and take a trip down the
Columbia; you will enjoy it, and save
General Agent
qtjxoe: timb i
San Franoisoo
And all points in California, via ths Ht. Bhnata
rout ot the
Southern Pacific Co
Ths great highway through California to all
pointa Kant and South. Grand Hoenlo Route
Of the Paoiflo Coast. Pullman Buffet
Bleepere. Beoond-olaaa Uleepera
Attached to expreea trains, affording superior
aeoomnodatinne for aeoond-olaea paaeengera.
For vatee, ticketa, aleapins oar reeervations,
ero eall upon or addreee
B, KOEhLek, Manager, C. H. MARKHAM,
Oen. F. ok P. Agt, Portland, Oregon
Ask your
for a generous
Ely's Crsar.i Ba!m
contains no cocaine,
mcircury nor any other I
It li quickly Absorbed.
Ol "ei lteliof at once.
It . (tone and clcaneea '
ina nitaai i aneagce.
Allitye liiflnrnmalion.
Iluale and Protwte the Membrane, hretnree the
Srn.ee of Ta-ie and inell. Full Siae ooc ; Trial
Sl.e inc. j at Dni-plata or by mid.
fcLY BROTH It Ks, M Wuni Street, New Tork.
Weston, Oregon
Bonrdlnc 1 1 rill
ef FssuHy ee p. A WORTHING.
er rteflents, westen, ore.
JMB H cab always t rUi oa
lor laJr sod boorat rv porta of afl po
OCCAM SUSsi at a
Fasiily Pspef U Wlthosl a Peer.
lU Umd Tl NETS Or
it, nUr, t h bral aad LHt
lbs day, B Is aa tuU trmpathr
lrt ths T,aVm nJpnUM
V JrAV-VreifC- I
v , waa, sVakAS ill I LAM ILUd ll