Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 18, 1898, Image 3

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    Those Dreadful Sores
They Continued to Spread In Spite
ot Treatment but Now They are
Healed -A Wonderful Work.
"For many years I have been a great
Batterer with varicose veins on one ol my
limbs. My foot and liinb became dread
fttly swollen. When I stood up I could
leel the blood rushing down the veins ot
this limb. One day I accidentally hit my
foot against some object and a sore broke
out which continued to spread and was
exceedingly painful. I concluded I
needed a blood purifier and I began taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla. In a short time
those dreadful sores which had caused
me so much suffering, began to heal. I
kept on faithfully "with Hood's Sarsapa
rilla, and in a short time my limb was
completely healed and the sores gave me
no more pain. I cannot be too thankful
for the wonderful work Hood's Sarsapa
rilla, has done for me." MB8. A. E.
Giibon, Hartland, Vermont.
HOOd'S Carina
Is-tht best In fact the One True Blood Purifier.
r4ood9 Pill3 cure all liver ills. 25 cents.
i a a,
The Gazette can offer the following;
Blabbing rates:
The GAZETTE 12.00 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonian, 1.50 $3.00
" 8. F. Examiner, $1.50 8.25
1 N. Y. Tribune, 11.00 2.7 5
" Inter-Ocean, 1.00 2.50
" 8. F. Chronicle, 1.50 8.25
" 8. F. Chronicle and map 2,00. . . 8.75
Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, 1.00 2.75
Webfoot Planter, 50o 2.00
Leslie's Weekly, $4 00 4.50
Rural Spirit, $2.00 3. 00
New York Wool Record, $2.00.... 8.00
McCall's Magazine $1.00 1.80
Yearly subscribers to the Gazette can
get clubbing rata with any paper on
Banday 11 a. m. and g p. m. Sunday school
10 a. m. Classes No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m.
Ep worth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m
Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8 p. m.
'"The Bpibit tad the bri e say. Come."
The pastor may be fonnd at the parsonage ad.
joining the church, where he will be glad to
meet any wo may desire to consult niin on
religions, sourI, civic, philosophic, educational,
or any other snbjnota.
J. W. KLK8HKR, Minister.
The Ladies' Guild of the Episcopal church
will meet at 8 o'clock, p. in., on the first
Wednesday of each mouth, at the home of Mrs.
T. J. Matlock.
M. C. Ford Just Oat From DawsoB. Her to
Boy Hones.
Mr. M. 0. Ford, just from Dawson
City, is in Heppner to bay horses for the
Alaskan oonotry. As there is a large
number ot good horses here Mr. Ford
will no doubt get what he wants at good
Mr. Ford wont into Dawson last
spring, arriving there in Jane. The
weather was very nice ail summer, and
the fall and winter up to the time he
left, Nov. 30th, was not severe, although
about Thanksgiving the thermometer
went down to 65 below, though most of
the time it was about 35 below and very
dry weather. Cold in that climate and
here are altogether different things, Mr.
Ford informed our representative. He
orossed the Chilooot summit Jan. 2, this
year, and left immediately for the states.
From what one can learn from Mr.
Ford, Alaska ie much over-rated, al
though it is very riob in minerals. He
corroborates the story ot scarcity of
food but says that there will be no
Mr. Ford shows plainly the effects of
the hard trip up the Yukon, although he
says he bad a splendid trip oat.
"Buster" Kelthley Heard From.
Mike Roberts writes down from Juneau
that he recently met a man from Klon
dike creek who knows "Buster" Keith
ley well, and that he is alive and pros
pering. This is good news for bis re
latives who have not beard from bim for
more than a year. Mike says that
Juneau is rather quiet at present. He
Was intending to leave for Hkegway in a
short time and no doubt has reached
that point ere this. Everybody is posh
ing oat of Juneau for the mines or for
some one of the towns in direct oom
niunioation with the mines.
All Her Lite.
Mr. E. D. Jenkins, of Lithonia, Ga.,
tays that his daughter, Ida, inherited a
severe case of Eczema, which the nsnal
mercury and potash remedies failed to
relieve. Year by year she was treated
with various medicine J, external appli
cations and internal remedies, without
result. Her sufferings were intense,
and her condition grew steadily worse.
AH the so-called blood remedies did not
seem tc reach the dis
ease at all until S.
S.S. was given, when
an improvement
was at once noticed.
The medicine was
continuecd with fav
orable results, and
now the is cured
sound and well, her
skin is perfectly
clear and pure and
she has been saved
from what threat
ened to blight her life forever.
S.S.S. (guaranteed purely vegetable)
cures Eczema, Scrofula, Cancer, Rheu
matism, or any other blood trouble.
It is a real blood remedy and always
cures even after all else fails.
A Real Blood Remedy
Take a blood remedy for a blood disease;
tonic won't cure it.
Our books
n blood and
skin diseases
mailed free to
any address.
Swift Specific
Co., Atlanta,
The repablioan clubs ot Morrow coun
ty are requested to meet at their earliest
oonvenienoe, and that eaob seleot dele
gates to attend the State Meeting of
olubs at Portland, Feb. 2, 1898. Each
club is entitled to one delegate for every
25 members or fraction ot 15 or over, and
one at laage. Those who cannot attend
should send their proxies to W. W
Hmead, president of the Republican
Club of Morrow Co. These should reaob
bim not later than Jan. 29tb.
Take Notice.
V. The sum of five cent per line will he
Charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect," lints of wedding presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notloes of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
cenU a Una. These rules will be strictly adher
4 to In every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
Upon application.
Here and There.
Liobtentbal 4 Co. for shoes. Exolnsive
boa store. Handles the best. 83tf
. Baths dowo at the Jones' barber shop,
25 oenta. Or villa Jo or manager, tf
Statement for tbe Famous Simple
Aooount File printed al the Oosette of
floe. tf.
Oainneste'i famous old "Dublin
Stoat," imported, at Chris BoroberV
Common and select atook of tomatoes
and canned oorn at T. R. Howard's.
"Oo'o juioe" it atl right bat Low Til
lard baa a brand ot 14-year-old goods
tbat la bard to boat. C03-lf.
Heppner Candy Factory for fresh,
creams and taffioa. W. H. Van Duyn
Prop., witb E. J. Slocom. CoH-t.
Aoy oot desiring to baild either a
bona or barn will make money by call
ing 00 tba Oasetta offloa. 67 If
l'lill Coho is paying tba blgbeat price
for ibeep palta, beef bid,- green or dry,
furs, etc. Doo't forget Toil. 6 if
Oo to tba Matlock corner and try
Armstrong Y Cooper's whiskey and
cigar. II yon Ilka the sample boy
soma. 6(f
Oom to tb Oaaett offio and gel a
dacftot lot of aovelop printed.
Ooveromeol envelop look cheap, and
beside you cannot get your busies-
card print! tbereoo. if
8o?dr Bros, beta aaordd Willi
BUwart la lb livery boaln. Belt
door to Hi 0i-t nffla", aud will do a
grl livery and f4 basic. Itig,
tedJI bore od l4l room at reason
able rate. 611 If.
Oliver Boyd boa taken charge of lb
Hotel Ueppotr fed bam and will fur
abb stall room, grain or bay at raaaoo
abl fig r. Upao ov iM, M at 75
arts. Will also do dray work and
banting 'Dos to and from train. If
0rdray, lb finoeer Ibeatr Baa of
Portland in tb lie of "popular pHo,"
be rtfiltsj lb Wasllngt-io Hi. theatre,
fjirnMwIy koowa a lb -Nw I'a'k."
Curdray always U aWiing at, and
oar p"p!, when Mam, ran pn l a
r.,Ui.l evening at b place, if
Turn tXsrtnaa tM it from ble llhe
creek raoeh fUtoHsy and "ill baft
b pute4 oa tooa' a and affair
through tb rVwi-Weekly 0IU. Mr.
rraa rBtly arehe4 tba Tom
Rt fati'b, on ul lb bt plAe am
ilbe arawk, atd this $r r bim
ey amenat of sixa.
Tba Matqiara liral, an 'rti
tree! la lb Maria baiMlag. as ao let
tiaelWet Rianetfeweot aed lb (, ej ttj
III b o llf eUHatu4 ibke vtato,
! aooipeale 4 a f.ee U! ap
pear from tim to time at Ibi papal',
Bret rlaM thsalr of 'tlr.4, a4 abea
k t'oHlaal not d'ttr bU aot lail
to lak la a f IU B Jrsa thai
Will be freelNt. tf
Hank Election.
Oo tb 11th iust. the stockholders of
The First Nutional Bank of Heppner
met to elect officers fur the ensuing year
and to transaot other business. The fol
lowing offioer were obosao: O. A.
Rhea, Pres.: T. A.Kbea, vioe-Pres.: Geo.
Cooser, Cashier; 8. W. 6pencer. Ass't.
Cashier; directors, C. A. Rues, T. A.
Rhea, J. B. Natter and Hugh Fields.
Emmet Coohrau came in jesterday
from Monament.
P. Breuuer is over from Gooseberry
on business todsy.
Barney May, a traveling man, visited
Ueppner rjatorday.
Dr. B. F, Vaugbao i baok from lone
where be reports a good business.
Chester and Wright 8llng. II. E. War
ren and M. 0. Fuqua are in from Eight
Mile today.
The dance given on last Friday nubt
10 Matlock' ball was fairly well attended
and thoroughly enjoyed.
Minor & Co. are now in their new
quarters, the old Blackman stand, and it
is bat just to tbem for this paper to say
that they have on of tb finest (tore la
Eastern Oregon. It la elegantly ar
ranged and is a vast improvement over
tbe old plat's ot buain.
Best accommodation and oourteoas
treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and V ash. Sts Portland, Orrgoo.
Henry Jones was over front II In ton creek
J. C. I.nr nasaed through town last night on
- j HUH ,uab gmj w roruana,
fjllh It.Mlll.. , A k ,,,.,. .
Inches of snow at the former's mill, but ths
weather Is guud lor logging.
John Pat and Frank Kilkenny ar In from
Mend Hoilow. pat Is armnmpenied by Koy
s.uiwu, in uiuf putifr creea.
Bill Ingram, the Irrepressible William, who
nasa lerma voire lias "Whispering" rarns-
wono, was noiiced on.our atreels ludsy.
Iks Rnnes Is berk from a trip In Canyon City,
this mnrtiliig, A telephone line Into Hums Is
eimon an aeturen fai't. It lulurmed our repre
whmu .e
P. O'Donnell wsa faUllv shot at Hnms tmrmni.
I by ths sretdenlal diet hsrg nl a tl-raJ. t olls.
The gun was lying on a bed and In sums man
ner It Ml Ul the floor, brine dl-rhsreed bt
sinking the Boor, Ui bell sulking o Iwuuell la
ue iwwsie.
M ' ..f Li j.l'. 1
11 a-s' .I,'".'--e" i '-' te M
A a wee's Wise.
The first surpiiMl rate that I had In
tbe stole of Arkana was setting an
1 in that had brrn frarlured by a blow
from tnan s w inr. The ar klenl 00
ni mil on K sn lake, nrsr 8hawnee
Viltnr planlaticn. in MUeiaaippI mun
iy. In Hie stiulrr t.f 179, aayta lihytl
rlan In IWl ami Klrvam. Th fo
lieni, a hunter fur the Memphis market
taa "fire huiiiiiitf at night, and
band of ewana flew at the light. Tbe
inari mm In a little pirttgue, and In-atin'-thrly
threw hi arm up 1o pro-
Irrt l,la The lefl arm wsa slru.
by Vir l.iffof on nf ),r j rta ami siia
ta'nrd a coin;iuiil fracture of the fore-
arm. Uith ' r-rnkrn.
Wsleeal Itewilelry.
A furious fuMil that hears a fantastic
rrer ti,l,lan-e to the work of nime pre-
titefetrk dentist la m-ntirtie. la a recent
Uk. "The Gold l Fgilif Ot Ope
liorn." An aeitiaintor of the an
twr'a. during a journey frrnti the Htrail
of M(-rlo up lhert,tiippe( iindr
a teriiral earth bank to p" a out a fiH
that h aaw yrnuwling The felte
prtiwe1 to lie part of a tnasUUm's lower
law, with two leeUi still Id plare. A it
ess la bad mO'liinin hm as alxxit to
throw It aear. when be eew In a split In
Id top end ile of Ote a bit ot
atiue fureign sulelnre. Thia turned
l to tie r'I'l. anl. M the Under !
t-esee taoat hate teeM Arpmited in fine
grsins tf tt rt nl I h water.
A llytsewae Beeae,
Jsroe Hi. I. a la la tb aoeplUl al
. r. anffrribsT frnni a broken
Herk. A yeer agn b-fell and IrtA hi
spinal rnlM, aot In p' of tbe rn
tf'a itre he reentered, Pinee Iheo he
its l-ikr h;s spinal nihimt fir liinr
M baa spent t ft bis tim in tv-liti.
k Arrived in Heppner,
Or, and Can be Con
sulted Free at tie Pal-
Mysterious Power Electric
ity and Vital Magnetism
as Curative Agents.
The afflicted within reaoh of the fa
mous pbysioian should learn the wonder
ful cures tbe Dootor has performed in
Eastern Oregon. Spaoe forbids a refer
ence to each oase, but those who are
disposed to doubt the permanency ot
Dr. Damn's cures will have their doubts
shaken by sncb g od authority as Judge
W. W. Travillion, of Baker City, Or.,
who was cured by the Dootor ten years
ago of almost total deafness. Another
oase In point is tbat ot John Martin, ot
Cove, Union county, Or., who was cared
three years ago of bydrooele; also W
B. Austin's wife, of Pentleton, Or., who
we cared seven years ego ot total blind
ness, tons proving the Doctor's electri
cal treatment lasting.
Tbe Dootor makes a specialty ot all
diseases ot the eye, ear, nose, throat,
oatarrh, deafness, brooobitis, la grippe,
consumption, dyspepsia, oonstipatioc,
bladder, liver aud kidney diseaset.
He permanently cores all female
trouble, leuoorrbcaa, ulceration, die
plaoemeot, painful meostration, irregu
larities, eto ; also geolto-urinary and
skin disease in cither sex, suoh aa blood
tainta, syphilis, gonorrhoea, gleet, mi
nal weak om and loet vigor, bydrooele,
and etrioture.
Charges for treatment low and reason
able, according to ability to pay.
Moot Caere can b treated at borne
after one visit to tbe doctoi'e nffioe. All
basin relation witb Dr, Darrln ars
striotly'cotifidentisl. Ioqnlne answered,
elroolar and question blank f re. Offio
boor from 9 a. m. till 8 p. m.
Caspos4 of Very Ordinary Materials, It
Is Still Worth Bitting Oa.
The throne of England, ao splendid
In Ita rich trapping of ailk, velvet and
gold wire lore and taearla, la simply an
old-faabinnetl. hlgh-lmrked chair. It
has been In use for more than OOOyeare,
but the early history of the old oaken
relic and the name of Ita maker are
bth unknown. The wood w bit b com
poeea thla "throne" la very hard and
eolid, aa may be imagined when it I
known that the chair ha been "kept
In th dry" and well covered with rich
cloth of tailoua kind alnre tbe day of
Edward I. The bark and aide of th
chair wert formerly painted In varioua
color. The seat la made of a rough
sandstone. Thla atone, which la be
lieved to MMBea talisnianic powere, la
24 Inches In length. 17 Inchea in breadth
and IV',, Incite Inthlcknea. Number
leaa Irgen.U are told In connection with
thla wunilerful stone, but the truth
proliably la that It waa originally uaed
in Hcotl.md aa a "coronet. on alona"
upon vthkh the rVottish king were
sealed while undergoing the cere
monies rvinnected with being frowned
"king of th realm of Scotland."
flew They IH4 a Mile.
Il Is aaiil that a hurricane holds the
te-t time record for on Biile, covering
the distance In half a fiilnut. Then a
l.slh.n has ilone the nnle In V) seconds.
The thirl place ka held by a railroad
rng'ne la ii.s; awmds. 7lienwhar
In their order the following rfurm
ances: A t yearMild borae In I minute
M:t'i srifinfl: a lirdi lt In I min
ute 11:f-9 aecomN: a cyclist on the
track. In I minute 4I20 aemnd; an
American pacing h'wse. la t mlniiles
la seeotide; an Americaa Irtttting
horse, In t minute 7j aemydei a l'( l)
cnut.lry skjlrf. ttiih a flyiiig start. In
1 tiniiiiir, prifcuiiisl rutitirr. In I
toibutnt 1 2 T wi-tit'ds; a angle s.i,;l
rowrr. In m no"i; a wsiU'f, In
filnyles ft sreont.; a pili'r. In tl
li,it.i.t.e, t (.-..I, , j a) festj alr
so fnrn'r.'n .. It iimle iin,ili; sh !'
the sain ti" ' e'k te'srl I niiiit'
Imirrr to swim a ioe In the e a (is
minntcs Tl s-f.int.
Whose a Who?
Did you say that
the old firm of...
. lea 4 Co.
Winter is fairly on and bargains in
winter goods can be had
at the store of
E. W. RHEA & CO.,
The Leader
Of Course!
The man that Leads is the one from whom
people like to buy. The slow, plodders all
stand aside for him. That suggests a good
reason why so many customers are being
added to the list at
A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures, yjy
i Is a "joy forever." That's what (f
D you'll find at . W
l T. R. HOWARD'S (t
Heppner. Oregon. A
The Beginning of this
New Year 1898.
(tents' hear Creole shoe
ueiita neavjr srioe.
dents' heavy shtws
"IUM l ash," best shn on earth.
"Hard Cash," bsstshn lor boys.
Mon's H A Hecht's drrss shoes. . .
Mn's slliwrs, very fancy
Misses H hiNil shns, sen. calf....
Misses Bhtwl. boo Ion, bi-st ...
Hoys' Kverlasllns; srhoul shoe...
liS'llea' shoni. heavy
Uilles' KnIUh K11M
Men's 'Frlsi-o Uern, B. 4 H
lienu' Uxits
Honis, fixxl railps
(tents' sum Ixmiis
Hi)s' sum Knot
Hoys' and Misses rubber
Men's riihhars
Knlibers lor lells
Mle' snl rhllil's hlh river
she, butUin, very One ....
1 1 n
I v
2 r
i n
4 00
l m
l M
i in
t no
t m
I w
I 74
1 7
I t on
1 v.
I v
1 46
I Id
I H'
a n
2 ri
2 il
2 -B,
I in
l a
1 1"
My Whole Stock of Shoes
In Proportion.
Men' eot tonsils pants, old prtrs, 7.'; new
prli e. Me,
Hoys' nts, alt ae. old prloe, 90s U tie; new
prli a, lo ie.
Men s overalls, old prlre, Hr; new Jirlre. 0C-
Hoy's mrerslls, old rl. il,. new ir(c e, av.
Men's twnM, old prlne, U to H7, new rlr.
l .'. to U isi
Men s cults, old tirlre. lit W; new prl', la. a.
Hlanhets. old (ir(. , II 7i. sew prl'-e. Il.i.
tyullte, old prlie II Mi: l.ew prlre, II fi,
iiU' Kaoi still hau, old prlrs ll.;j; new
prlre. L
iei.u soft hats, old prV-e, .I.M lo 11.75; new
prl e. i Ui II.
(('Ota' underwear, all wool, old prtre, .M),
new prtra, II M.
iieni. enr slies, all wool, old prtre, 1 1 'a.
new prlew, i JS,
Mnia nKlon anderwear, fleer lined, old
prw. si. no. new pru-e, 91.
(tents' marklntosliFS, old prtre, 7.M; new
pr w e 4.u.
ladles' all wool ItnHnraM. nlA lo .
im i-uiiuu uuuerwesr, oia pne, nooi new
price, IBo.
ladles' all wool hnaa. eld nrina Siv..
tirfi.il 'ilw. r '
- V . .. .
i.niiiiren-i wool noes, old price, tv; new price,
ID rent.
Lined stoves, best buck, old price, fl.M; nw
Lined Australian (oat, old price, 75ei new
ttents- socks, per doisn, old price, 74c; new
Artiurk le snd l.lnn AAir a nA.tn.la l 4
I ... . . . v.u truuv,
-aviirr jAckei, wo. M. old tr. lllM
new prtrw, 7 60.
, r , , HWw r..a
Th hrtt t thftt rr ctm to HrnDfitr. old
prlr, new priv, 5o.
(I. M T alts-M.I ai-slljils (kBi4 A stAU u
r iiiif uriihui, oiu pnrt. tiOi DW priC
ri:wt Turkey rod, old prtro, tOe dw prlco
Hm k Ariata aM hH 1 1 ?fl i l
All grutiwrn ftlughainiotd p'rU-o, 14 yardi; ptw
All trades eallno. old orlrai. la.... n
orli-a. I .rt.
unr raiflaoinreaatoodsartoo large to msk
mriiuoH 01 in uiis 111, bin will lie cut In pro-
n., w WTrrfiiiiiii vise,
( I ,.(. m li... a 1.1 ! I ii. ' ..I A mt -
, ,K " w , UK, UIIIV, ( iR
II 40: new brt.4. hw b. II in
tMTm eiirfavltiS Olri t.rl, SI Ml nM n4 Sl
he.l.rs.ls, old price, 'lo to li OU; new'brl
IKtoIA. r
rine pn ket books, old prtre, anc; new prl
aiie -llsh of all trades, old price, 'i new
tieiils' fVlttoB lllilul .tiwhl aklrf. Ml. -I .
-- --- ..' W....M.. w,u iW.
,i . urn 1 1 1 n w, mtw.
nsrsius. oii pne. (I in; new price, 1
Or.r.l.lrls. old iirlro, ;ir, l in il
jn; new prlrw, V mr, ),, m tit.
w"i si vi; new rire, wnj
i'i mth., si wi new orire. mm.
wjiinv yarn, old i.rlr.. 1 buu im i. n.
brtrs. t btllM-he l,tr -m
l)les' leather belts, old prk. (0 to e; new
price, Km to
e beva tbe nicest and newest Supply ot
niison in town.
IaIIs snd Mlsae rsjhmere overvaltera, old
pni-e, i f ui 1 1 ou, new prlra, 4 tot
AnylLingyou want in (it-ntt White and Colored Fancy
.-iium uuu luuurii ami CUIIH UltU IH'H OI Hll kUl'lrt.
Everytniiifl Less man Cost. Must Have Money
Uddle bnekell It dow elth ths Maaalea.
illy Karrall was I from the eand Hollow
ranch this weak, lis report In lrki M uud
Mr H C. Myersand sn, Ciarsr, are bushln
the Iwtioveiaeiils aa the Meoaf l.libl A
1 star t o 's well toeMnpletto. Ihi.iif h ol eoiieas
there Is s treat deal at eott yet. It Is the 4 -air.
ot the eooay to be able rw lower their pMMp,
Ibaraby acwrti aa larraae la to sum,
fr. Jot.n W. Uatmu. of lU "R
llfbl," ar lb tort fof aVHSatbin:
!, ao furnlsb )o tb flneel rark
Hil l th Isti-kJanbatto, Jrf,
Vermualhof Ui-B)tv) lr trtil ta
tb btie. Drop la nj lk lb
last nal of "r Bonlb. If
T far fawariiMiSwa) aaae,
Tske ea.et ( mmJs I atbarti. las ar tba.
II C. C C U.I to twra, ras(ate refaad my,
The lon I tolephon rmny la preparln to
inrnaaa 10a eervu e aoraineoaorala wlia the oa
wtanils batiit mala auon It sor hanes. Ivery
.,,.w mii wurjiil ml B VTIOIMi
Tble I taar l'eaMaally.
On rervit't f t-a ri.ls, rnab tx tamr
generous salnpU will mi aria I lad of tit
mt iiolor t'U"b aad Jley Payer Cur
( lUy's I it l'I.Mi enfTlrMMit to draooa-
atrala tl.a p'"t pirt!'. i ( Ur reiiwdy.
I.LV : r iJ I'M,
fr. i4i ft ii I I , 'rw Volk f'il
I:. Jbn ll.l.l. It M.r l Fa'U.M'rbl
re ii'iimroi'ed r.iv's a rr.n I s tn t ana
MM i.lia-iro L . I't'iun lit, ''It la toni
tn rnre fur r-ali rih f wl as diraHerl."
:v. rr'U Mf. I'n.V 1'aaUjf (.MiUal fre.
L'burrb, ll' leua, i.uiX
tf rmm r'm Is Ik arkaviwUrttfevI
firs l a caiarrb and iiai'ains mi luertiurv
kul snj lujurl"'! drug 1 "rk, i ersls,
The Pioneer Merchants of Heppner
have not sold out, but on the
contrary will start East
About Jan. 17, '98
And will add many new lines
to their stock of
General Merchandise
We are now moving to the old Heppner &
Blackman stand as our business forces
ub to larger quarters. Look out for
Was Perfected by the
Production of....
And now the entire world
Knows this verect product
As the Star Brewery beer.....
On draught at
all popular saloons
203 Washington St., Portland, Or.
The Best Bargains-
But ar those of greatest yalu In proportion to cost If you want to fot your
r money's worth of holiest goods tn
Groceries, Hardware, tare, Confectionepy
w ar increasing our stock for fall and winter. Call and soe us.
That 14-Year Old Stuff,
Cohen's Best,"
.... On Tap Down at The . . . .
Telephone Saloon
t IT ! HAHU ooona a a
Maw Stand, 01 1 7 Hotel Building,
r,OW TMr,r,ARI, Prop.
Bought several car loads
of furniture last fall, but
It's all aone now. New
rS 1 orders have renlenkhrrf
the stock, however, and he Is In It yet.
Low Prices and Good Quality all count. Sio him at
tho old Htand. Undcrtakine a Fnecialtv.
Thry bar anything In this lln trial yon may daalr and you rsa dspand on It yon tt a
(iwil srtlrl aba Uisy guaranta It,
OK Main Strt Wpalrlm a Sallty
ntri HlK, ot., Koy. IJ. lavr.
Hi ft: lmttt 4 Jtrart, Ihpynrr, Or.
lssTi.sas.- s rwanily tsssn with arr14
wlili h nail an sry boars and rsndsrad m Bwrlt to
attaad to business. A frtsnd of mln eallsd any atuntlo
to four 1. Karthlow rough syrup sad I bought bottl.
ustlng m W rants, whlrh ralla m at niva and ai.
platsly rursd ma. I aas siit.jart to throat dlrjlrnlty aad I
ha found nothing that gar ais so asura rIIf aslhls
tuugh cur.
lam Informad lhatll la sirsll.nl tr old. brunrhltls,
b'iiliig emigb and all throat and lung trouble.
I bag to rssnaln. Most truly yours,
on rrrr(won. m. oas.tt.
Merchant Tailoring!
Kino Suit Made to Order and Hatixfaction
(Juarantfwi. Kq.airing, Chaninganl Iyt
ing Clothe a HjM'cialty.