Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 18, 1898, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Tuesday, Jan. 18, 1898.
The "Walla Walla Union
sportiDg a new "dress."
Chairman Hirsh has called the
republican state central committee
meeting for Feb. 2. A good at
tendance is expected.
Hon. Benjamin Bcttebwobth
died at his hotel at Thomasville,
Ga.. on Sunday at 3 p. m. He will
be buried at Washington City,
The finding of a verdict of
guilty by the U. S. jurors last
week, down at Portland, in the
Epping case was no surprise. It
was apparent from the start that
he was either quite foolish or very
guilty, or both.
The Dalles Times-Mountaineer
souvenir edition has reached our
office. It is an elegant number
and shows the sort of stuff of
which the management of that
rrocresBive DBDer is composed. It
X D -
will help Wasco county.
It would be funny for the dem
ocrats of Oregon to be so hope
lessly at sea as to nominate a pop
ulist for governor. And yet, they
may, and may nominate the chair
man of the populist state com
mittee. Pendleton Tribune.
Gov. BU8BNELL, of Ohio, has
buried himself, politically, in a
grave so deep that the loudest
blast of the angel, Gabriel, could
not resurrect bim. He is getting
his just deserts when his party
spurns him as an arch traitor.
Oklahoma is anxious to beoome
a state. A convention held last
week at Kingfisher, attended by
more than a thousand delegates,
unanimously adopted a resolution
to congress asking that body to
consent to the territory'B admission
into statehood.
or reciprocity is that which im
poses additional duty upon sugar
brought from countries that pay
an export bounty on sugar. When
the German embassador requested
that reciprocity negotiations be
opened he was informed that his
government must take the first
step by agreeing to remove the
restrictions now imposed upon
American cattle and beef imported
into Germany.
Tbe administration is doing
everything possible to expedite
the sending of food to the Klon
dike region, as the president and
all the members of the cabinet be
lieve that relief will be needed by
the gold seekers before regular
traffio is resumed on the Yukon
river. Agents oi tne government
are now bringing a number of
reindeer from Norway to carry the
food, which will all be ready and
on the ground when tbe reindeer
get to Alaska.
The refusal of the senate to seat
H. W. Corbett is no surprise as
this is just what was expected to
happen. Mr. Corbett was in no
manner entitled to a seat as sen
ator, no matter how badly he may
have been needed to swell the re
publican vote in that body. The
senate could not afford to establish
so dangerous a precedent. And
it is also true that Mr. Corbett was
not the choice of tbe people of
Oregon for senator, and had he
been before them on a direct vote
for this important station, he would
have been buried so completely
out of sight, politically, that all
his millions would not bring him
to light again. Doubtless Oregon's
legislaturo will profit somewhat by
the experience it has had in this
case niid when that body comes
together again it will not throw
away the opportunity of electing
a senator.
Senator Ed Wolcott, of Colo
rado, in making a gorgeous grand
stand play iu his talk about re
signing his senatorial job unless
McKinley puts his brogan on the
(lace financial scheme. Wolcott
is rapidly getting into the vocative main till spriDg
Mrs. L E. Biotor, of Pueblo, Colorado, Painfully ilcted From a Complication of
Diseases Her Remarkable Fortitude.
From tbe Chieftain, Pueblo, CoL
Tbe harry sod bustle of tbe bouae-
wife is extremely wearing upon the de
lioate organism of womanhood. Her
intense earnestness in whatever sbe
undertakes, tempts her constantly to go
beyond ber strength.
Head tbe story of a Colorado woman
as told to oar reporter: "Eight years
ago," said she, "my husband died and I
was left with three children to care for
and educate. About two years ago I
was very siok with blood poisoning,
canned by an abscess that had not re
ceived proper treatment. The disease
for a time settled in my throat oausing
me intense agony. Then inflammatory
rheumatism set in. For foor months
and a half I was a prisoner in my room,
most of tbe time confined to my bed.
My hands were swollen so that I ooold
not feed myself, and tbe swelling in my
feet and ankles would have made walk
ing impossible if I bad been strong
enough .
"One day, after considerable treat
ment, my physioian brought me a box
of pills.
"Yoa need a tonic, he said, "ana
something that will aot at onoe, and this
is tbe beat medicine I know of (or that
"Fills." I exclaimed in surprise as he
opened tbe box and showed me the little
pink globes. These are JJr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People.
"Yes," be replied, "but you need not
be alarmed, tbey are not physios, and
my word for it, they'll do yon good."
"Before I bad been tBKinir tnem a
week I notioed a ereat improvement in
my oondition, Soon my rheumatism was
gone, 1 grew stronger each day and now
am in the best of health."
The lady was Mrs. L. E. Browning, oi
115 East 4th St., Pueblo, Colorado.
"1 oousider Dr. Williams' Pink Fills
for Pale People," she continued, "the
best tonio I have ever known "
"A friend not long ago was telling me
of her mother who is at a critical period
in bar life. Hbe bad been subject to
terrible fainting spells, and the whole
family would work over her. Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills have not only stopped
tbe fainting spells, but given ber so
much strength that sbe is able to take
up life's duties again.
"I recommended tbe pills also to a
young lady wi ose pale face made one
pity her. She looked as if tbere wasn't
a drop of blood in ber body. She was
so weak thai she wbs not able to attend
school, bat after taking Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for awbile sbe has gone back
to sohool, and, with ber rosy oheeks and
bright eyes, she looks like another girl.
(Signed) "Mrs. L. E Browning."
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 19th day of May. A. D., 1897.
George W. Gill. Notary Public
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo
pie oontain, in a oondensed form, all tbe
elements necessary to give new life and
riohneaB to tbe blood and restore shat
tered nerves. Tbey are an unfailing
specific for snob diseases as locomotor
ataxtia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus'
dance, sciatica, neurolgia, rheumatism,
nervous headeobe, tbe after effect of la
grippe, palpitation of the heart, pale and
eallow complexions, all forms of weak
ness either in male or female. Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills are Bold by all
dealers, or will be sent post paid on
reoeipt of prioe, 50 cents a box, or six
boxes for $2.50 (they are never sold in
bulk or by the 100), by addressing Dr.
Williams' Medioine Co., Sobneotsdy,
N. Y. i
Dec. 10, im. Notice la hereby given that
the followinar-named settler has filed notice of
till intention to make final proof in support of
hia claim, and that said proof will be made
before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
uregon, on January zi, v&a, vu:
Hd. No. 425ft, for the 8 NE and Z 8EK Bee
22. Tp. 5. H Of R 28 E W M.
fie names the following witnesses to prove I
his continuous residence upon and cultivation I
of said land, viz: John Zollinger, Sylvester I
W. Kloreon. Robert 1). Watklns and Louis
Groshens, all of Heppner, Morrow county. Or.
V. 8. Land Office, La Grand, Orb.,
December 13th. 1897.
Complaint having been made at this office by
the dill v verified and corroborated affidavit of I
John B. Manning alleging that Kate Russell
who made limber culture Jintry no. 1550 at
the U. 8. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon,
January 31, 18S5. for the of 8Wand 8E
of BWK and 8WJ4 of 6E'4 of Sec. 8, Tp. t 8. K
27, E. W. M. has wholly failed to comply with
the vear 1886 whollv abandon said tract of land ;
that ever since has continued to abandon the
same and has made no improvements upon
sum tract or any pan inereor.
Therefore, with the view of the cancellation
of the said entry the said parties are hereby
summoned ana required to De ana appear oe-
fore J. W. Morrow. County Clerk of Morrow
Countv. Oregon, at his office at Heppner. Ore
gon, on the 15th day of February, 1898, at the
hour of 10 o'clock a m.. of said day. then and
there to produce such testimony as they may
have concerning said allegations. Final hear
ing to be had at the office of the register and
receiver a( ija uranae, uregon, maron ibot,
at iu o clock, a. m.
E. W. BARTLETT, Register,
10-21 J. H. BOBBINS, Receiver,
The Palace
bs J 9 I "V
...Has been leased by...
' Who has secured the services of
As manager. It will be run in hrst class shape
in every department.
Rates reasonable.
l Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Alex Lindsay was in from Hioton
oreek yesterday.
Elmer Oeotry visited tbe metropolis
of Morrow oonnty on Saturday.
Sterling Kelthley has been beard from
up at Botte, Mont., where be will prob
ably locate,
M. B. Galloway is teaching a large
and enthusiastic olaes in the mysteries
of photography.
Goo. French, of Butter Greek, was in
town yesterday to attend the wool
growers' meeting.
Fine hoine-made taffy at tbe OraDge
Front. A olean, fresh stock of goods
leave yonr orders. If.
A. E. Shilling, oonsin of tbe Watkins
boys, is down from Walla Walla to re-
T.-M: Prof. A. W. Lundell, teacher
of mnsic and harmony, arrived here this
morning from Heppner, and will locate
in tbe oity for tbe winter.
The Liun County Republican is
the latest newspaper venture at
& Somers. We would guess that
Mr. Somers is none other than tbe
lion. Jsbn M. Somoru, tbe fighting
republican representative from
Linn in the late attempt to bold a
session of legislature.
case, isotore long be win rant
with Corbett, Sharkey and Charley
Mitchell, jawbone experts of some
prominence. When a man lets
his mnnth rnn him hA
invariably loses his influence and
consciousness, nor will the hooting
of bis bazoo supply a deficit in his
brain pan. If the burdensome
bleat of Woloott's bizoo was of
benefit to the cause of free silver
we would not discourage bim in
hi labial contortions, but as the
J. B. Cleland baa been chosen
by Qov. Lord to succeed Jndge
Stearns, of Portland, resigned
Judge Cleland is a prominent
Himon republican of course. Gov,
Lord would select no other. Dut
Judge Cleland it a splendid gen
tleman and the Gazette believes
that ho will make ao excellent
Although be is a much better
inan than bis loadiug opponents
and detractors in Ohio, it is not
the personal triumph of Mark
llanna that pleaoes the rcpubli
cans of tbe country most. It li
that tbe administration will have
bis positive and powerful support,
aud that treachery and trickery
get a black eye.
PuERIDEMT Dot. is coming from
Hawaii to consult with the admin
isliation at Washington in regard
to annexation matters. He is said
to be a man of a great deal of in
fluence and bis presence at lbs
national capitol while this subject
is np for consideration will duult-
less have the e(Tct of ofU-tting
great dual of the opposition tba
will apear against the measure.
1 !
Col. Kiu.riATr.ru and I. II
Tsflfe have boon couvictad down at
Tot Hand in the IT. B. court for
conspiring against the government
for tbe purpose of fraud. Jurors
a a DratUn and J. W. Walker
hoprt to gi free because of MetaU
ance given the government, though
either is more guiltv than Kill
feather or TafT.v. The taw reeog
bi?.e the help of stub culprits, as
a rule, but morally tbey are worse
than prtty larccoy thieves.
Tot last European nation to
take a place in tbe line of appli.
eants f.r a reciprocity treaty with
the U. H. is Germany, the country
which made a Muff wbeo th
Dtngley tariff tilt was tending
that was promptly called by om
- . ft a . a a
Hffmm si,. I IfeaMolit MchlhJff
lbs clause of the tariff that brough
and by virtue of an execution and order
of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the
State of Oreeon for the County of Morrow ana
to me directed and delivered, upon a judgment
rendered and entered in said court on the 7th
day of September, 1897, In favor of Ed Rood
Plaintiff, and airainst W. L. Saline. E. W. Rhea
and C. E. Redfleld Defendants, for the sum of
two hundred twenty-six and ta-iuu dollars witn
interest thereon from the 2nd day of August,
1897. at the rate of eieht per cent per annum,
and twenty-five dollars attorney's lee and the
further Bum of ten dollars costs; which judg
ment was enrolled and docketed In the Clerk's
office of said court In said county
on the vth nay ot September, is)v;
and whereas, it was further ordered and de
creed bv the court that the followinr described
real property, towit: the south half of the I
soutweBt Quarter and south half of the south
east quarter of section twenty-nine In township
one south of range twenty-seven east W. M. in
Morrow County. Oregon, be sold to satisfy said
judgment, costs and accruing costs. I will, on I
Wednesday, the 12th day of January, 1898.
at two o'clock p. m., of said day, at the front I
door or the court house in Heppner, Morrow
countv Oregon, sell all the right, title and In
terest of the said W. L. Baling, E. W. Rhea and
C. E. Redfleld in and to the above described
irooertv at public auction to the highest and
iest bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds to be I
ppuea to toe satisiaction oi saia execution ana
.11 costs, and coBts that may accrue.
K. L. Matlock. Sherlft of Morrow Co.. Or.
Dated Dec. 10. 1897. 604-614.
Restore full, regular action
of the bowels, do not Irri
tate or inflame, but leave
all the delicate digestive or
ganism in perfect condition. Try them. 16 centl.
Prepared only by O. L Hood Co., Lowell, Mass,
When you hear dem bells P-
Belled express is coming. Does delivery work
on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This
wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it,
or at "Central" telephone office.
Painless remedy (or ejtraoting teetb.
It Dot aa stated, no charges. Try Dr.
Vaugtiao's new plan. 604-it.
It yoa need something (or yonr system
uaii tue rnoutt Tne Telephone aa
looo, Oity hotel building- tf
T. D. Mathews was in from Batter
oreek last Friday. Ha report! mild
weatb.nr oat that way and everything
Father Briody, of Condon, will bold
Cttlbulio lervioea at Ueppoer next Boo-
AU members are ln-
roattor stands be is proving the day, Jan. 23, 18J8.
claims of (Jape ot al., regarding vited
free silver cranks. One fool in a I Dr. Lncy M, Iogersoll will lectors at
party may endanger its reputation the Christian obnrch this week Tbors
for intelligence. Muzzle bim. day sod Saturday aUernooos to tbe
The above IB from the Herald, Udiee. Admission free
published at Pendloton. the mouth- Boms artist down at Tbs Telephone
piece of tbe populist party of
Umatilla county. This is good
advice, and we teoommend that
our brother of the Herald, together
has deonrated one of the windows with
gilded kegs, emblematic do doobt of
what one might ex peo t to find therein
The Qusetts esrriea s full stock of
mourning note, oorreepondenoe style.
J. of Oreiton lor Morrow county.
The American Mortgage
uompany, oi Scotland,
Limited, a corporation,
Plaint! ITs,
John Q. Crafts, Annie
Crafts, J. W. Smith, M.
V. Har.ison, Jacob
Bortzer, and Colli n &
McFarland, as partners,
To John Q. Crafts, J. W. Smith and M. V. Harrl-
aton, defendants, above named:
I u the name of the Htate of Oregon: You are
hereby required to appear and answer the
complaint Bled against you In the above entitled
suit, on or before the first day of the next regu
lar term of the above entitled court following
order for publication of this summons, which
nrst aay win De Monday, the 7th day of March,
1KI8, and you and each of you will take notice
that if you fall to so appear and answer, for
want thereof plaintiff will apply to said
court for tbe relief demanded In Its com
plaint, to wit: For Judgment against John Q.
Crafts and Annie Crafts for the sum of lr00 to
gether with Interest thereon at the rate of eight
perceutper annum from the nrst day of De
cember, lwl. In accordance with the terms of
a certain promissory note, by them made and
delivered to plaintiff, on or about the lHth dav
of June, 18H7, for said sum: for the sum of $M)
attorneys fees, aud for the sum of f26.!2 ad
vance fur taxes, and for the costs and disburse
ments of this suit: also a decree for the fore
closure of the certain mortgage executed and
delivered by said defendants, John Q. Crafts
aud Annie Crafts, to plaintiffs to secure the
payment of the above described note, and for
the sale of said mortirsKed property situated In
Morrow county, Oregon, described as follows,
to-wlt: The south-east quarter of section 2,
To. 2. south of range '23 east W. M.. and that the
proceeulsof said sale be applied to the payment
oi me amonni Que piainun, attorneys loes ana
costs oi suit.
This summons Is served upon you by publi
cation thereof, in pursuance of an order of Hon.
Btephen A, Lowell, Judge of the above entitled
court, made at chambers, at Pendleton, Oregon,
and by virtue of an order of sale issued
out of the county court of the state of Oregon,
for Morrow county, on the 4th day of January,
1898. the undersigned, as administrator of the
estate of Hellen M. Allyn, will on and after the
4th day of February, 1898, proceed to sell at
private Bale for cash in hand, all the following
described real property of said estate, situated
in Morrow county, Oregon, to-wit: The north
east quarter of section thirty-one, in township
one. south of range twenty-five east W. M and
the north-east Quarter of section thirty-five, in
townshiDone. south of range twenty-six east
W. M.. also tbe south-east quarter of section
t.hirtv. In township one. south of range twenty-
live east w. M..togetner wnn an tne tenements,
hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto I
Dated at tteppner, uregon, January vm, iif
12-22 Administrator.
with a few of his party's leaders, with envelopes to matob. Tboaedesiring
hid themselves to the rear of the snob stationery ean have their wants
wood-bed and persuade BOroe ,oppUed M offlo6- L
hliilantiirrmifl ot.tlimn tr m.ni Lost-Oo ths road between Heppner
.1.MUnr i. ;nm. M1 Le Mondsy evening,
sj s v s v m w sjub vanuswMJB a s as i . 9
I ft Iafltt.sv hi Art k thsifc Bind Vt.ll. Find At
The above is to the point, however, pi, ,.,T, tt lbli ofTJc, or it j. F.
Willis', Lexington, Or. 5 8
Ellis & Phelps.
All business attended to in a prompt and
satisfactory manner. Notaries Public aud
Office In Natter Building, Heppner, Or.
ou the 1Mb day of January. 1898.
Attorneys for Plaintiff
Tits Millions a Tfsr.
When people I'tiY. try. and buy stain. It
mrsns they're Mlialml. 'I lie wiili of til
I inlr.l Malra ar now litmus I'aararrta
Candy I lliartk' at the rat nf two million
Imism s r ami It will ! Ihrr million !-
lure New rar'a. It ntmni mrnl pmrpd.
that ( H-rrt er the mt delightful lx I
rrftiUl,.r fur rcryUwly the ynt mund. All
UMiKiiisIs I'N-. '.' V, xk a hoi. rur g uaranlwd.
Jt, Jimim was la fmm Klf ht Mils Monday
I M llumphrry was or Iron Klfht Mils
;iMay vn Itusluvaa.
A 1ras rams tin ylr.lay from hi Al
pi in raura, rviurttiiif mi auirniiii.
f 1. Snavrman will Ira' shortly li Mai
l"fj mill b III swmt th unuiir.
U you hive cough4 and
coughed until the lining- mem
brane of your throat arvi longi
b inflame J,
Scott's Emulsion
oi Co44icr Oil will tooth.
t strengthen an4 probably cur.
m The cod-liver oil feeds and $
strengthen ths weakened til-
i vm. The glycerins soothes t
and heals them. Ths hypo
phosphites of lirr and soda
Impart tone and vigor. Don't
negWct thete coughs. One
bottle of the EirruUofl may do
more for you now than ten
can do Later on. Be sure you
get SOOTTS EmuUon.
AS V4m , H.Mi
2 atuTT ", Uwm, ax V.
Mrs. Jss. Morgan, aeoompenied by
ber sister. Miss Iney Vsa Winkle, who
baa been visiting Mrs. Morgan since
Christmas, arrived this morning on tbe
branob train from Ilbsa's siding.
Mrs. Lewis Kinney, dsugbter nt Q.
W. Swaggart, ot this oity, it reported to
be niuoli better. Mrs. Bwaggart returned
on Honday morning from Adams where
abs bad bn vUiiiug her daughter.
Harry Dsgley arrived fiom IlilUb'ro
this morning and will vlait Iriends here
for a tew days. Uarry is saeceeding
admirably in tbs praotios of law down at
lbs metropolis of Washington County.
MiasAllie Uogbes, Nt.rf.il, Vs., wee
frightfully boroed on the faoe and neck
I'ain was Instantly relieved by De Witt's
Wilob llssel st.lv, wbteh healed tbs in
Jury illiuot leaviug s soar. It la the
famous pile remedy. Coneer k Brock.
Tbs infant n ot Mr. and Mrs. John
Her died oa Huodsy morning aotl was
buried st Leaioglos in ths afternoon.
The sympathy of lbs community is i
tended to the family in their bereave
V. M. Htaafer, of Leiinglon, was in
Ueppoer Kaiurdar. Ue baa Just recent
ly retsroed from s two moulbs vieit
with relatives is Hicbmosd oonnty, A b.,
sad reports baring bad s flu time while
Frank McFarland bas bees appointed
special set of Ths Equitable Life As
sarsoe Co of New York, tbs strongest
la tbs world. Cb surplus to policy
holders of over 43 miltioi dollars. IXm'l
taks Insurascs without seeing ths new
plsue vt ths Eauiteht, Inenrva both
eeies st earns rat. 77 if
IU. Henry Darnbart, of Ailingtos,
prab-l in tbs Ilaptisl oburch si IM p
ar Basday, bulb m iming and sveoiug.
U will bold services si tbe earns church
oa seat Halsrday evening and sleooo
Monday mortis g and evening, and at
Dial lira sns ef bis diooUre4 will be
va tbs sul.j'U "Ths Immoilality of lbs
a n uregnn, inr Morrow county.
W. P. Lord, U. K. Ktncald
aud Phil. Metachen as
th board of commis
sioners etc., PlalutlRS,
Adelln Unwell, Henry
Howell, Mary Howell,
John How.il, Nellie
Howell, W tlllam Howell,
Stanford Howell, Joseph
Howell, Tilda Howell,
Ida Howell, Frank How
ell, Thomas Howell. Lilly
Howell, Hettl Farer,
KIs Farer, Adeline How.
ell, a administratrix
and Henry Howell aaad.
mlnislrator of Stanford
Howell, deceased, Defendant.
To William Howell, Hattle Farer and Rlx
rarer. Defendant:
In th nam of th Stat of Oreeon: Yon are
hereby required to appear and answer the
complaint died against you In th aliov sn
titim suit on or tx'ior th nrst day of th next
lYKiilar term of this court, to-wlt: Th 7th day
oi March, 1M, and If you fall to answer for
ant thsreof th plaintiff will apply to th
court lo (rant the relief demanded Id ths com
plaint, to-oil: ror liuliitnent aialnst you unoi
a certain promlsaory not for th sum of J kSO
nun inirreai inemin at tn rale oi eiant per
reiil r annum from April 1st, law, the sum of
140 attorneys lift and th coat and dlsliurse-
inetiu nf this suit, ami that tne morticag-e given
to i'iir the payment of aald not on th fol
lowing deairtiMxi rval property
east ouarter of Hi. to. Tp. 4, south of range
K. W.M., b forrcloed and aald property sold
amt th proceeds l said sal b applied to Ui
payment oi in. anioiini que piainun.
1 hi summons Is srrd iiixiii you In puraii
anca of annnternl th Hon Hlepheo A. Uiwrll
Judge nf th ahoy entitled court, mad ami
rntoraii in aalii suit on ino ain day nt January.
. an'iwH a KMir l r.l.ll
IS Jt Attorneys lor flalutlrTa.
LiKDOrrit g at Tsa DiUIi, Oa.ion,
January 17. Imat
mllowlng. named settler has Blixl nolle
of hi liilvntlon lo mak dual proof 1
support ol his claim, and that aald Drool wll
h mad brforv J. W. Morrow, l ountv t'lark
I Heppner, umron. oa rbruary Jft, 1km,
II K Na. for th kW of a, Tf I a, JS
S W M.
II name th following wlttmin to pmr
tit coiiilnuoin realrlem- ua and rultlvatlon
ol aald land, via- Frank Kmllh, Jamos H. Willis
end Jam Smwn. of llnUin, trin, and
1 homas A. lrtakU, of Ueppnar, Orecon.
l.va Krflswr.
HoVct of Intention.
4 Iw. IX. IW7. Koll.a la Kn.htr iini th.
th following nami srttler ha Bird Onll.aof
his luwnUou to mak Snal pr.l n support of
Ms rlaim. a 'tl that aald proof will ha mad
rwroraj.w. ,irro. bounty t lrk. al Hrppaef,
'''Tri, mm inurwiar. raoruary a, u
" Kjr.to' !r'olciT.Tp.iS.,
H aWV fl, W. II,
H namea lh f., How lug wllmw tn pmr
It la co, t,n ii. ma rai,lnr uion and rnltlTatlnn
i.l. aald land. K'tward Hunt. Iw.rd Prl
kil. Itoor fhlrk and Arthur Muni, all of
H'ppnar, Morrv ivunly. tr
tc vi
Will pay the highest
market price for
Hides, Pelts, Furs, Old Rub
ber and Brass.
Office at 8. P. Garriguea Feed Store.
Wm. Gordon has re-named
his stand the old Jones
livery stable
1110 Centrol.
Baled hay for sale. Charges reasonable. Call
on him ana havs your nurses well carea lor.
The Old Shop !
OF IONE xxxx
Keeps i W U o! Merchandise
Including all the Staples, Hardware, Tin
ware, Harness, Stockmens' Supplies,
Wood and Willowware.
First Class Goods and Low Prices
is his motto.
Is tbe place to go to get
yonr fine pork and lamb
chops, steaks and roasts.
Fine sugar-cured hams and bacon.
Pur leaf lard, kettle-rendered, old
style. Highest cash price paid lor
lat stock.
2: 8? 8S.LYIE I
Fossil (HO miles).. I.SU0 Round trip 1900
Merrill (M miles). 4 00 Round trip 7 00
Condon ( mile).. 100 Round trip S00
Clem (2 miles)... 300 Round trip IM
Oie (1 miles) 190 Round trip IM
Pleas leeves Arlington every morning
(Sonde eieepted) St 6 o'clock; is das
at Oomlon at 3 p. oa. sod arrtyee st Fos
sil at 7 p. m.
Cotnfortabl covered eoeohee sod sare
fol, eiperieeoed d'lrer.
ICarvamtaad Trd-Markaiaa4a4 U fas-J
.M taiaawiwiiciH I'W sseaia.TS rtte.
Ouaomct iOee)iTt u. . "anarornet
an4 w taa w r patai aa m tus laa tau
lams turn Walnut maw
taaa vwo.1. Imut w4w "k Swrlp
tlrat, ttt a adrtM, M patmaiw ar But, In
Ow Im ar4 da I..I aiM k cmrrA.
a riiHur, " Hf"w liii l .twiia,"
tM ft aaa i Itx b S. a4 Kni caoaanai
They Are The "Mustard"
, Tli6 Pioneer Blacksitns
Have mad nm elegant ImpmremcuU In their establishment and added a tarn ab k
Iron, horaeahoes and other materials eawntlal to the happluea. of those bo 0.1 ouU k ritalt
lo tbelr aoiis, bu(.le or mhliiery. Their spwlalty 1 horarl,oliif. 1
Meadows i llallco are the Boys lo do Toor A'ork E urht, &d do il Qukk, W
River and Po
ivw unvt I ' I I taaw V
in i it i si
mm reanon ion 'n
Lsstiot Alder 8lret Diok. Tortleod, for Astoria Uoo. Lne( furh (Was
Park and Nshcotla. ihreot Ootioeotios wilb llaraoo steamers aod rail
road; also st Youor's lie; with 8eahore Railroad.
Uares Portland I 1 X. Daii,, Ir,p Sunday. Leare Asbiria t P. M Daily. trp Send
Learee Portland P. M. Ially, ssrapt iMinday. ttaluMay biM. It P M rw
at 4 to A. M.,scept Sunday and Monday, elui., a" ht, iT.T!
Uares Portland and rnns direct to Ila.. Toa.tay and Thuraday y II H ....M., , , M
Umrm ll.aco dnM.l.j aud Friday at J m , M. Oa 1? , JiM t F. i. "
Bogt Cbtflnl b RaJrod Pcstkatioa Bulb Bcarhrs Krtt of Expee
At Coas Jon' Old Ward.
Rhavinar. - - 15 Ctm.
Hair Cutting. . 25 "
Jo la kwplnc p the ropuMllos. of thl hf
for Smt-rlM work aud would l bleaaad l
bay you celt.
Put your eld hnok. and In Ma
la it tt ytMir ( out
lhm Mt
collar tloua
s st laltr of Sard
Mathews &. Gentry,
p d.et Soai. s P.Ar.
Fotawrtr ol 04 Ma
Tonsorial Artist.
Germaoy's rl U down to askbg
2S M
"'l 1 Of.fna
lOSloe ia
Mste Cattln,
. MaUrk twiwf.
iVr, -i "B.'t'fi'i ii iitTi