Portland Library YOUR MONEY'S WORTH OFFICIAL PAPER ADVERTISING WILL PAY IF THE .... Semi-Weekly Gazette IS YOUR MEDIUM 'THE Semi-Weekly Gazette AT $2.00 A YEAR. FIFTEENTH YEAR SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED - Tuesdays and Fridays ... . BT . THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus, Man. At $3.0) per year, 11.00 (or six months, BO ots. cor three mornos, striotly in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. . Entered at the Postoffloe at Heppner, Oregon, as second-class matter. THI8 PAPKR is kept on file at E. G. Dake's Advertising Agenoy, 64 and 65 Merchants dxonangSiBan rranoiaco, uaurorma, wnere cou raota (or advertising oan be made (or it. LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTIB- ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Build ing, Ban tranoisoo. Is our aathorized agent. This pap3r is kept on file at his office. 0. R. & N.-L0CAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p. m. daily exoept Sunday arriving at Heppner Junotion 12115 a. ni. Leaves Heppner Junotion 3:30 a, m. and ar rives at Heppner 6:00 a.m. Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2.-00 p. m- and arrives at Heppner Junotion 7:50 p. m. and Umatilla 8:50 p. m. Portland Express No. 3, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 6:00 a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00 m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. Fast Hail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junotion 825 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:30 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at rieppner Junotion 12:25 a, m. and at Portland 7 :2C a. m. For further information inquire ot J. C. Hart, Agent O. B 4 N., Heppner, Ore. ' oraraciA.! sibectost. United States Officials. President. William McKinley Vie-Presldent ..Garret A. Hobart Secretary o( State.. ....John Sherman beoretary of Treasury Lyman J. Gage Seoretary o( Interior Cornelius N. Bliss Secretary of War liusaell . Alger Seoretary of Navy John D. Long Postmaster-General ....James A. Gary Attorney-General Joseph MoKenna Seoretary. Agrioulture James Wilson State of Oregon. (Governor W. P. Lord Seoretary of State H. K. Kinoald Treasurer Phil. MeUohan Bnpt. Publio Instruction G. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman Senators . W.MoBrid. Congremen... S"" PHater W. H. Leeds SR. S. Bean, F. A. Moore, C. K. Wolverton Slxttt Jadlelal District. Circuit Judge ..Stephen .Lowell I'roseoutintr Attorney H. J. Bean . Morrow County Officials. Joint Benator... ... ..... ..A. W. Oowan Uopraeentattve. J. N. Brown ('onnti Judge A. G. Bartholomew ' Commissioners J. It. Howard J. W. Beckett. " Clerk J. W. Morrow " Sheriff E. 'L. Matlock '""Treamrer Frank (tilharn Assessor A. O. Fetters " Surveyor.. J. W. Hornor Suhool Sup't Jay W. Shipley Coroner B. V. Vaughan HEPMBB TOW OjrtOIM. Mior., Ttaos. Morgan C'HincUiaan Geo. Conser, Frank Gilliam. Arthur Minor, K. J. Slocum, U. LichUtnthal and J. H. Simons. ... . , Hounier W. A. Rlchardaoo TVoMiiror U W. liriggs kUrshal A. A. Huberts Precinct OOeer. Jnrtioe of the Peace W. K. Kicharrleon CousUble. M. 8. Whetstone Cslted States Lead Offloera. TBI DAIXB. OB. 1. 1. Moore Register A. S. Biggs Beoe-r LA OBABDB, OB. , B. F, WiW RedUter J. H. Kobbtns Receiver aoavr socixTixtj. HAWLINS POST, NO. U. G. A. B. Meets at Lexington, Or the last Ratordxy of acfc month. AU veterans are Invited to Jena. 0. W. Smith. C. G. KuyUA. Adjutant, tf CacDmaadar, Dr. P. B. McSwords, ' PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office in tb City Drag Store, ntar City Hotel, tt . D.J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OREGON. Offie boars, 8 to 10 . m., and 12 lo 2 p. Dt., at reaideoc. W. A. Kirk' prop erty, rast of M. B chnrrb, Sooib, and 10 to 12. a. m , to 2 to 5 p. ra. , at offlo to lb rar of Borg jewelry More. Brown & Redfield, Attorneys at Law, Offio la lb Kir. I National Bank BoilJlog. Ilirrxaa, : i Obiooi. if W. A. RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace and City Recorder. COUNCIL CNIHIIM Bells sad tare reel estate, rents fcmnre. ears KBivevawIn end Kill arve fan In ay tai la kla Hue. at rses unable Sguna. U First National Bank or HErrsER C. A. HMtA, . President T. A. Rut A, VI "VaeldeM GCO. W. CONtIN, - CsiMsr . W. SPlNCl". AeotCethler Tfttwti i (lootnl Btdlsf, hkm. 3SXCIIA.NGK Oa all tarla el U uti4 Bought and Sold. Cui0rim e4 aa all aula M , vvwannebie terete, eretxa a4 4IWU4 PrsflM. Sll-OuQ 00. TU Oa-U 111 lak pntakw), B pta, tr of belter oa lerH-4Wm aoreenia. Ay oae awine: tbla oCaoraa aitl Itxtr arnai la tbia atfr ti taa'l 4o It looaon to ttil Going East? IF YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET Three Important Points, FIRST Go via. St. Paul be cause the lines to that point will afford you the very best service. SECOND See that the coupoD beyond St. Paul reads via. the Wisconsin CeDtral because that line makes close connections with all the trans-continental lines en tering the Union DeDot there, and its service is first-class m every particular. THIRD For informatinn. arII on your neighbor and friend the nearest iicKet agent acd ask for a ticket reading eutrai lines, or aaaress l i i; ii Jas. C. Pond. or Geo, 8. Batty, General Agent, 246 Stark St., Portland Or. lien. fas. Agt., Milwaukee, Wis. H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR 01 the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & Q-. C. M. & 8t. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. 6 C. and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. ATE(4 a.oo PRH DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton SU., CHIOAGIO, ILL. The WEEKLY MONTHLY Outlook Published Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York Tba Outlook will be in 1897. u it hat been during eaob of ita twenty-teres 7an, History of Oar Own Timet. Io ltt varioai editorial department! Tbe Ootlook givet oompaot review ot tbe world'a program; it follow! witb care all tba important pbilantbroDio and in. dmtrial movementi of tbe dav: bat a complete department ot religioul newt; devotee maob tpece to tbe intereett of tbe borne: reviewt earrrnt literalara: farniibee cheerful table-talk aboot men and things: and, in abort, aimt to give freab information, orlgioal obeerration. and reaaonable etitertainment. Beginning witb tbe fifty fliftb volame, tbe paper will aetame tbe regular maga cine tiu, wbiob will add greatly lo ita OonTeoltnoe and attractiveaeaa. Tbe Outlook ia pnblUhed every Saturday fifty-two Issue a year. Tba first (aue lo each month ia an IMnitraled Magaaine Number, eon taming about twice at many Paget at tbs ordinary (mum, together wftb large Bomber of picture. Tb prleof Tb Outlook ia three dollar year Id advance, or lea tbao a cent a day. fiend for apeeimeo oopy and illustrat ed proepMtot to Tb Ootlook, IS Aator Fleoe, New Toik Oltv. TOCl BUN Da). Willie toe tea Mir eabeartntioa iA mm eaa kp mm brand la fraeof eharwa. IW.. T. O.. Kaw, CH.-Hoea., P B CI Uft elweiiWi eallK awe oa Uft kin. Took, A. J..Ina.(r.-Hitwe.Bn rltlwml vmr, i m ! ruai hip; ear asatk eaoare erut) ufl lafl and aulil ia nUt. UmwUmi. W. M . (hllnw. Or-Tattle. R D en riahi la.ewilw-furk la eaoh eari kmmm, H 1) ea left alp. urn. imasus.iT-iinrw tra'11 Kl.l a Uft ehnaldw, mmuim earn oa Ufihip. buls Waaa. L. A IWMr. fWWfla l.a rlhi hii knsis. f wii bar aaW ee. rUbi jneMa, narrv, nttw. ur tlnrmm braaKMl at 4 am Uw left ehonUbwi ns'lle brewta4 J am nmiU kin Aite 1 1 ' U . u i Bturruw mumn't. inkre.. Failt. laa. Or.-H.Mae aiUT em la nM eM'et4it Utm Wmmrnf, k., lmT. )v.-H.ae Ww4mI I V ,M Uf hi a. atl ia Mta uJ . i. ar aatar am Um rwtt Immhf.J. W Mfar Ur -NunM braaU4 kip, trauie evaf nhl ere, ! eiiia la rabt kin-, nf, iiaitM rtt -4 mium, M D ee rWt.1 Mr U im left aaunkler, know. M. M. nnvm. Ot. nrMe, kl i e Ml aaJda Mix mum mm Uft turn. fhitm. J. W.. lunulas. I Iv i -- llM LJ efcililari eeille eaaM rt,t kis. rHrko UksMa, Hmfi U4 efcaehW. i.O.-lt ilPea rtrm.l H . Tln.n Or.-W.ma. )M mm. mmmm (-ntU.UleJ-.eae-ekJ kl. "W kti e mmm aar. KW J. W . llaMif - - in Wft skJdar. imtUm. (I aa rlM klk t T . 0. KrJ-r. . - r.HW f! Ml hie. we .,i.t ami tiwIaiHi la left Mar. eValaUi kna W Cm lafl Mm Liar J. A . Unnm'. Nnvwa I as ! efc-al MIJa I w laft .fcael4a. Tnu H W. M,m IH.-mi aal t let Ua, wua avae mm laft kie wt et-l.i la kntk an. mmUmmtrntf. W. $ , il.t:,.nf lie., aaar.ar I W aa Vil.l aV.WW, awli. aw-r n. J W aa HeM fcia a. .4 nM a. '" i-ft aw. Kace ia Hurrww a4 V eenuiuaa, HEPPNER, MORROW Motel I-Iexx33nLer (Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.) HEPPNER, OREGON. MRS. L. SMALL, Manager. Now Open. New Methods. New Manage ment. Strictly First Class. Rates, $1.00 Per SPECIAL RATES BY 8A first-class feed b an1!fr?m a11 train8: we solicit your For more than fifty-six in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and villagers throughout the U. S. . IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity and happiness, for the Improvement of their ?i' 5" a"ime itont. tot education, for the elevation of American Talihoirl nd rt a "uiimiiju-jH. HA8tfndesSirt?si.ae' lntereitiD nd tructlve stories of the doings of the world, the IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved methods of cultivating and harvesting his IT ma iJi'7. .ii i'ir " wponyeri mem into the largest poss ble amount of monev. 1T iteu'lu'r'i MelrtT XT IB TUB a-rW New York Weekly Tribune, And we furnlah It with the GAZ ETTE. on year foe . . .-, - ta.ro, aan m advane. -- Addre- all Order, to THE GAZETTE. Wr vlJ?yr.nm j"d 1,dre,, on Pwl card, send tt to Goo. W. Beit, Tribune Oliloe New York City, and a sample copy of the New York WeeklyT rlbune will be mailed to you. A Campaign Of Education How to Get it Mtliiitiiii, UKPOBBLLELED aepartmenuj are edited with con summate skill. Hiicb a paper Is a great popular educator. It should be in every borne. The subscription price of Lealle'e la4p nnum. We make the unparalleled oner of a copy of Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi- neeKiy one year ior only 3.4.50. Ko such oftVr was ever nade before. Mo eurh ofrer will ever be made agalu. These two papers make a most acceptable Christmas or blrthdsy gilt, and be constant reminders of the giver's kludnass. kemit by xll nrder or cberk lo Uie IIc?Ipnor, Oretroii. : FRANK ROwtRS Rogers & Roberts, Contractors sod Builders. Plans and Estimates Given on Short Notice. All Kinds of Repair Work OFFICE H0URSI)ay and Night Ilace" and Ko or Jim will cct iJSSSitpA f) Don t V) All 11 co l6 proenrrd at Thrfton A I5iuii, Iower Main Btreel. S a iirjitr, ur-Roo. Tiii. en e.i ernatntMl alia Ireel. Hirwf, Cm. Olllleai aad etbef eouatiat aat re m.ui a4 Urn la msIi. tlwai uune a ita traveling an, PrV la kavplbg alia iae Unwa, THOMHHON inisrNs, XaXVV;ir. KAPPircii. ' COUNTY. OREGON. Day and Upwards; THE WEEK OR MONTH. patronage. ' 587-nov.l2 BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. years it has never failed r$4.50 To be educated one must read the beat literature. The best literature ia eipeiislve. Laalla'a llluatrated Weekly. PubUsned at 110 pifth Avenue, New York, la full of the best thing. Its illustrations are superb; Ita stories charming; aud Ita literary $. I. ROBERTS Dune Leave your orders "Anr Old. 'em. o o o o o o o r....r. . t ou vvant a K,s You Want si Place to rut up Your Team ? Arc You in Need of a Saddle orsc ? TUESDAY. JAN. 18. HOW TO FIND OCT. Fill a bottle or oommon class with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or settling indicates an un healthy oondition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen it is evidenoe of kid ney trouble. Too frequent desire to ori nate or pain in the back, is also oonvinn. ing proof thai the kidneys and bludder are out of order. WHAT TO 1)0. There is oomfort in tbe knowledge so often expressed, tbat Dr. Kilmer's 8wamp-Root, tbe great kidnev remerlv fulfils every wish in relieving pain in the baok, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary rjassairea. It oor- reots inability to hold urine and soald- mg pain in passing it, or bad effects fol- wing use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant neoessity of being compelled to get up many times uring the night to nrinate. Tbe milH and the extraordinary effect ot Swama root is soon realized. It stands tbe highest for its wonderful onreeofthe most distressing oases. It you need a medicine you should have tbe best. Sold by druggists, price fifty oents and one dollar. Ton may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention tbe Heppner Qaaette and eend your addreas In TV ITilmav Mr rv. -r. - -.i.uw. w w., UIU- hampton, N. Y. The proprietore of this paper guarantee tbe genuineness ot this offer. Oregon is a Great State. The Eugene Journal. Seoretarv o! Rtata Kincald's paper, eayg; The report ot the statistician of the state of Oreeon for the ourrenl year will show it to have been tbe most prosperous in the history of the commonwealth. With 90,000 square mile of territory, Oregon has at the present time less than 400,000 in habitants. A thickly settled aa Eng land, it would give sabstanoe to ever 80,000,000 people. It has thie year pro duced 40,000,000 bushels of wheat which broaKbt an average of 75 cents a bushel an aggregate of $30,000,000 for one orop alone. lie fruit, lumber, lifestock, flab and mineral prodoota will amonnt to at least 850,000,000 more, making a grand total or vB'J.OOO.OOO for one year' yield or an average of $200 for eery man, woman and child within her borders. Th Greatest Dlacovery Yet. W. M. Renins! bAHav Tiifru J.' rn "Chief," says: "We won't keep bouse without Dr. Kins' New Disonverv fnr Consumption, Congb and Golds. Ex perimented witb maoy other, but never got tbe trne remedy until we used Dr. King a New Dieoovery. No other irma. dy oan take it place in our home, aa in it we bare a certain and lo'e our for Coughs, Colds, Whooping Oougb, etc.'' It it idle to experiment with other rem dies, even if they are urged on von aa just at good aa Dr. Kiug'e New Discov ery. They are not a g,iod, beoao.se this remedy baa record of oure and beahlea i guaranteed. It never fail to aatisfv. Trial buttle fr at glooaru Drug Gu'a, . J. rJlooum, manager. At HI Old Baslaesa Agaia. Mr. O. T. Porter, ex U. 8. mar eh el of Alaska, Id taw day will issue repub lican paper in Albany to be known aa th Lino County Itepublioan. It will b printed on tb Telescope pre and that paper will be discontinued. Mr. Porter is aa old Dtpaper man. He started tb first newspaper at 11 arris- Da rg, then moved to Albany, sod for s wuue edited tb Herald, afterward run. nlog a paper lo tb block now oconnta.l by Kneot k UeUer. J. M. Bomer. on of the leading republican ot tbe valley, and a prominent number of tbe last Ionia. lalure, will be associated witb Mr. Pur. ler io tb publication of tb paper. Wkat Ur. A. t. Halter Say. Doffalo, N. T.-OeoU:-From n personal knowledge, gaiuej in obaervina tb effect of your Hbilob's dm in cum ot advanced oonioisptioo, I am prepared io eay it la lb most re markabia tamarl tbat ba ever been brought to tn at tan. tion. It ha oerteioly eared tnaoy from eonaomptloo. rVld by Cooeer 4 tWk. Uft for Mkagway Athena Pre: Lester Kwauuari ...! wife left TaeeJay eveulog fur Hkagway, Alaska, wber tbey loteod to resl.l lu tb tutor. At Pandletoa the ware joined by Mr. an I Mr. Weelay Matlock, who will also make tbeir home in that thriving Dortbero low. Tba 1'raea osad arriagement witb Mr. Hwaggart I act a apaolal corrriondafitf and at imi oo od moolb our ralar nay look fur loterestluf letter rarlln lh eon o try oo wbleb tb eye of lb world are bow loraed. It ta easy to tatob s eld and t.ut aa easy U get rid of u if yoq eun.mao early lo os Oo alluata (Jungh Cor, ft ear soogbs, ooljs, ttronobiti. poeu ' 4 til tbroet to J long iroabl. It I pleaeabt to take, safe in Baa mA ear to are Conaer k Itr-iet 8m Willi. o cf i. V. U'liiu .. Lctiogtoo, wbo arrived la u,,t seniloo frota Iowa last .Ni.v.rnUr waa In ka.a Hstorday, aronmpaiiled by bit lalber aaa ot io brolUr, A. A. and J,. Willi. II toorh lilr..fl all). II... etioo aol bm dtJ,d to luectw ler t-eriuaGttiuy. 1898. PBES8 COMMENT. The London Post declares tbat "Preai dent McKinley is drifting hopelessly and trying to satisfy everybody." If Presi dent MoKinley believes in a govern ment of the people, and be dues, why should he not try to satisfy everybody, as least tbe people. In England so long aa tbe "upper o I fuses" are satisfied the "lower classes" have to be. Ia America there are no such classes as yet, but there promisee to be, just because our states men are inolined to administer ooverni ment in the interest of the influential and wealthy and Bgainsl the mass of tbe plain people. It is gratifying to have a London paper declare tbat Presidni McKinley is trying to satisfy everybody. He is deserving of commendation for making tbe effort. It ia a stood sh tbat his heart is still in the right plaoe and tbat it beats in sympathy for tbe man who struggles hard for what he trete in this world. East Oregon i an. Under ordinary oiroumstanoes Pendla ton can develop more candidates for office and get less recognition at the nand ol tbe dominant party than anv other town ot ita size in the stain. ' Tf the republican party of Eastern Oregon ia not have so many good men who were willing to aacrlfloe tbeir personal Interests to serve tbe state, or tbe nation for tbat matter, we believe it would ha possible, by pulling together, to aeoure ine nomination of some good republican of this seotion for an iruDortant stale offloe, next spring, and one at tbat who is in no way oonceoted with the rlaRmn. able Pendleton ring, or the Multnomah Kilkenny oat tight. But we need not look for anything more lerion than a soore or more oandidates, eaoh going it aiono ror tbi or that offloe, with tbe usual result. If the time ever oomes when tbe republican party of Eastern Oregon is united it oao demand and re ceive th recognition due an important seotiou of oouutry, and the repre sentatives of a party giving evidenoe of tbeir sanity and earnestness in isking for what they believe to be justly due them. Will tbat time ever noma rw tainly not io long a tb people of this seotiou imagine there i something to be gained by "atandlng In" with Jo Simon ana Multnomah oonotv instead of Unri. log on tbeir own bottom, aa tbey will ooner or later hav. to acPendletoo ReDubrir.an ' . ' . - J. N. (Jaffln, nonulist. aneaker of the Nebraaka bouse, bought a laroe flunk of sheep when tbe Dingley bill passed. He baa just told 2.000 at s profit ot f 1 a bead. The Llooolo Journal pointedly remark; "And Qaffln, with hi usual hypocrisy, will take part of tbat money, with torn more ot tbe aama kiod, and nse it in hi aull-tariff oamDtiffo for a-ov- trnor next year." II it Dot tb only on, there ar lot of them ready to baok at the bridge that baa oarried them over Boia Blateeaian. Tb great majority of tb nnublican paper of Oregon oommend tb proDo- slllon mad by th republioao commit tee, headed by Mr. Hlraob, sod oondttn tb aotion ot lb Simon ollqa la arbi trarily and lotnltiosly releotlnir It. The doubtleea voloe th opiotoo ol tb re publioan voter generally. Portland Trlbun. Tb ropulitt wbiUwaibloa meet in a last Saturday we oondooiv of tt leaat on good retult, for, lo additloo to ooo- victing th chief ooDipiretor ot aatittina to defeat tb will of tb peopU.itopeoed to poblio giB th moral ttttut of th two principal. It thowed. too. that acb oo depended opou relative for npport wblie tbey traveled about tbe oouutry trying to abtp tb floaooial policy of a nation. Dishwashing waa tb ooly labor claimed to have been per formed by either. Tb trio would t complet wllb Mary Ellen Least io tbe center to furnish bralnt wbil Iht ola- nlet mad tb noit. Tb ntrtr of "grtat faodats-btal prioelulaa-U iud-e,! lo a bad way for loader when thit daaa of traitor ia followed . Oregon City KDterprlse. Catarra at a blseaat Wblcb reqolrtt soooatitutkibal remedy. It otnoot b cored by local pplioatioo. Hoor Htrtabarllla i woodsrfully tuo- oMiful lo oaring eatarrh bacaua it eiadtoaU from tb LIod tb tcrololoot talut wbieb caot it Hoflerer wllb etttrrb Cod a our In Llood' Htrsspa- riiia,vn trier other rmdie otterlv fall. Hood' Pill ar prompt, tffloieol, al ways reliable, ttty to tak. ay lo op rat. Mr. Veroa Hieevee ba rtoeollv nf ftred from very amor spell of tick- bm at II. lt'iiB of Mr. Tlllard ia tbU oily, bat at th pretest writing h I greatly Improved. Ilarrlog this attack, Mr. Maevee be enjoyed very ood heellh elan oailn to Uappasr aed thi paper bop to bo abl ooo to rbrotiicl hi coinplet recovery from tb ailmeet from wbiob be it tofferlng. Reaaff Is tllaad llee. Chan I.IikhI rrwtwi clraa skin. No tiaauly without it aaarla, C amljr ( sthr tie rl.ia your hlK tml kp it rlrsn, l) adrting tt. li, lacy liver aii'l driving til im iwitire from the lly. )um today lo Uii.h iin,la, l-.lla. LUrt. lies, ble klira-U. til that si lly IiiImhis i-tn'leiHia t 'kmg I s siH.,-liilr fug ten reule. All dru t ste, tatiWaeta goartaued, tX, Uv, NO. 615 KSi BT-A' 1 1 Wit5 POWDER Absolutely Pure MEETING LABT 8ATUKDAI. The Morrow County Repabllcan Club ElecU Delegates and Choses Officers for the Ea. suIdk Year. The Morrow Couuty ReDuhlinan ninK met in Heppner last Baturdav and elat ed the following delegates to tbe state league oonyention lo be held m pnvfc land, February 1 : W. W. Smead, JK. F. Hynd. J. W. Shin. ley, Otia Patterson. 0. A. Johnson. H n Kelly, N. B. Whetstone, Frank Gilliam, u. cj. earnsworth, A. C. Pettya. I he following resolutions were intrn. duoed by W. W. Smead, and passed by nnanimous vote ot tbe olub: "Resolved, That we reiolce with tha true republioans of Ohio over their suo oess in returning to the United States senate, to succeed himself, Hon. Marcus A. Hanna, as senator from Ohio. "Resolved, That we endorse onr dflla. gation in oongrees. and Dledtre onr Hnia. gates to labor for tbeir return. "Resolved, Tbat we deeolv dsnlnra the lack ot harmony in our Darlv in thia state, and that our delegates be requested to isDor ror organized, harmonious work, tbat auooess may be assured in the com. ing oampaign ." The following offioera were elected fne tbe ensuing term: President, W. W. Smead: dent, J. F. Willis; seoretary, F. Q. Hart, treaeurer, J. W. Shipley. X be olub adjourned until Febmarv R. and at this time a big meeting will ha bald. It is hoped that all republioao woo oan will be present. J. A. Perkins, nf Ar.tiV.nlf. n . ---i-", v , nue iu thirty yean needlessly tortured by pby. slalana for the quiokiy cured by using lie Witt' Witob uezei flmvB, ine ramou healing aalv for piles and akin disease. Conser k Brook. tt t . i. ... ... TUB WHEAT MAHKET. Chicago, Jan. 17. Tb wheat market ruled very quiet todav with anamai. anything doing. Tbe general undertone being firm on more atiafaotnr fnraian adyioea. Cable being usually quoted firm and at an advaoos. May wheat bad buyer at OOf DO, at tb opening tbi morning, against Saturday's closing prio of U, held around Oof -Ola el. mott tbd entir tetsioa. The American vlaibl supply showed a decrease of 1,026,000 bushel, and now total 87, iwh,wo botbtl a oomnared with B2.. 469,000 bushel tb corresponding tlm a year ago. Northwest receiDte oontinna large, but do oot exceed tbe demand. Oulotb and Minneapolis receiving 535 carta dompared witb IBS ear a year sgo. ' Liverpool thowed a decline of Ui for May from Saturday's on th opening cables, but regained tbat and fl mora beforatbe market closed today. Car goes wer quiet and aleadr. Enaliah oonntry market generally 6d cheaper. Antwerp and Taria closed steady. World shipment art 7,007,000 bnabelt. Amount on paettge decreased 500,000 butbtlt. Tb loeal prio for wheat to.lav ia aboot 59 cant. Dickie' Araka Mai vs. Tb Bee! Half in th world for Cut, Bruise, More, TJloer, Halt Ilbeum, Fever Sore, Tetter, Cbapped Uaod, Chilblain, Corn, sad all Sklo Erup tion, and positively cure File or no pay required It t guaranteed to giv perfect aliafaolloo or money refunded, Prlc25 cent per box. For tale bv Hlooom Drug Co., R. J.flooum, manager. Meetlag of Sbeeyaita. Yttterdty afternoon at 3 o'olock th Morrow County Woolgrowere' Associa tion mtt at the ooort bona and eleotad ofTioer for tb ensuing year aa follow: O. E. rarntwottb, Pre j A. R Tbomsoo, He, sod Tree. Tb ieentiv Com. it oompoeed ol Ed. Day, Air I Tbompen, W . Dutton, D. O. Joatut and tb presi tleot BBd Bterettry. It wtt decided to renew th offer of 1,7)0 rtwaid for tb err! and ronvlotloo of th perwoa or proo wbo killed A. H. Thorn ton't thtep Utl tprlng oa lodita ereek, tad tie-i to offer 1100 reward for th arret! tad eoBvlotlon of aoy trno robbiot? od burolog tbeep etrapt. Other bosi- Be of tmpoileoe w tranaactad, a few billt allowed aad tbea tb oeia- tioa aej rjrae,l to meet la March. Cettrrb cored. A olttr bead Bad wet brealb secored wild Hbilob's Oatarrb Itemed; ; told ob b gaaraot. Naeal loje. tor fre. Mi by Cotittr k Broek. , F. U. Oorter walked io yesterday from bit ranch oa Eight Mile, 17 mile from town, tod arrived lo good taatoo. Tuls id pMtty f M fur tuto. siarl; W yars el tg .