Keep s to anti Get Bid. THE WOOL. RECORD Tells You How to Do It. TO THB GIVES THI OHOICB Of Two Transcontinental GREAT OREGON NORTHERN Ry. SHORT LINE. via; viai Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha a IMD- Chicago Kansas City LOW BATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. By a ipeoial arrangement we offer to oar reader The Wool Record Bod Semi-Weekly Gazette, one year for 83.00. The Wool Beoord ie the only national wool organ and covers the wool industry from the raising of the sheep to the sell ing of the manufactured article. It is published weekly at New York and tbe regular prioe ie $2.00 a year. Its market reports are full and oomp e and its Sheep Bleeders' Talks alone are worth 10 times tbe prioe of the paper. Sample copies on application. We heartily recommend this combi' nation to our subscribers. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. Steamers Monthly from Portland to Tokohoma and Hong Kong; via, Tbe Northern Pacific Steamship coo nection with O. R. & N. For full details call on O. R. Agent at Heppner, or address k N W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland. Obeoon, NORTH PACIFIC Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 1869.) Published Weekly at Portland, Or. DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. LOCAL 8QC1B9. IONS ITEMS. Tilden, the boss painter. Signs a specialty. 11 tf D. Oox, of Hinton creek, visited He pp. ner on Thursday. T. J. Andrews waa over from Lone Rook Wednesday. Dick Lahue was up from tbe lone eeotion yesterday. A. U. Walker came in yesterday from his mountain ranoh. Joe Robinson, of Lone Rook, was in Heppner Wednesday. To trade A good beating stove, for cord wood. Call at office. tf. What is Hop Gold? Best beer on earth. See ad. elsewhere. . Jaoobs, the liquor drummer, got iq Thursday evening from Condon. Felt boots and rubbers, and Arotio overshoes at T. R. Howard's. 605-tf. J. H. MoFarland is down from Weston looking after business interests here. Ben Watkins bas returned from Mon tana after an absence of several months. One Minute Cough Cure cures qniokly. That's wbatyou wont! Conser & Brock 4 J. W. Blake, of lone, and a leading sheepman of that section, was in Hepp ner Wednesday. Snow and rain is tbe order of the day. May your happiness this year, eolipee tbat of all past years. Louie Balsiger and siater are down from Heppner visiting while holidays last. Miss Hattie Schofield is spending tbe holidays among relatives 10 our neighborhood. Tbe students of our school have en- joyed a vacation for some time, tbe teaoher being on the sick list. lone is the plaoe for profitable invest ment of your bard oasb. For lots apply to E. ti. H perry or Ed Uluff. They are going fast. Morrow Art Hall is located In the business center of our town. It has one of the best artists of Oregon as its man ager. Try him and be convinoed. O. T. Walker bas added a furniture department to his store and is selling it rapidly. Reasonable rates and popular prioes ia what draws oustomers to lone. "Klondike" is the new came tor tbe lone dram sbop. If you have any gold there's where you can get rid of it in short order, instead of finding it. That's the only difference. It has been said tbat Heppner is the biggest little town in Oregon. Very Worth its weight in gold to every farmer and breeder in Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION: 82.00 PER YEAR. (Sample copies free.) Rural Spirit and Gazette both for 13.00, oasb, at this ollioe. SHE YOB GIG EAST? If so, be sure and see tbat your tioket reads via TKe Horinweslern Line ....THE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS THB Great Short Lir)c BETWEEN DULUTH, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH Their MaRnldiwit Track, Peerless Veatlliuled 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE flMl H Dining and Hlwplna; (Jar Trains, ana Motto: ALWAYS ON TIME All hu siren thl road a national reputation. vlaMua of paMuniKHri rarrlwl on the vrwtlhuled tralm without extra chariie. Hlilp your fraljfht ann imvtM over inn laiuout una. ah afonia nave ursois. W. II.MBAO, y, 0. HAVAGK Oeu. A limit. Trav. K. A t Agt. ivs naanuiKinn St., rortiana, ur, tLU MUbi! The Only All-Rail Route Without Change of Cars Between Spokane, Rosslaod and Nelaon. Also between Nelson anl Koinlund, daily except Sunday ; Loav. Arrive. Hpukanit ;40 P. M laiul H:ll) r. M ClIIOAOrO UlilwauRee & Si. Paul R'y This Railway Co. Operates its trains on tbe famous blook system; Lights Its trains by eteoUioily through out; Usee the celebrated eleetrio berth read log lamp; Runs speedily equipped passenger trains everv day and night between Ht. Paul and Chicago, aud Omaha and Chicago the Chicago. Milwaukee St. Paul & Also operate eleam-heeted vestihnled trains, carry lug tbe latest private compartment oars, library buffet amok tng care, and palace drswiag room sleepers. Farlor ears, free reclining chair oars. a oa me vary Deal timing ebeir oar service. For IowmI rates to any point in the United Mate or Canada, apply to agent or address 0. J. EDDY, J W PIUt'T (1 I ..... W v V1I'IMS ajVUPISlI nfHi Trav. l'aaa. Agent. Portland, Or. ! bbbTit .S' Til HOUGH CAUH. TO 8r. PAUL MINNKAPOLI8 PU1.U1U KAIKii) ni'Ti'K lUKLKNA Tirkrte leaned to all points la lb vailed MteUs and Canada. QUICK TIME TO. Chk-aoo V'iaaiKiriM lULTIMoag hum Toai Hrriu All other polote ia tbe I'mI and Oat ant KiXSAa ClTT Ht. Jir Mr. lorn Tradc Mark '?t1 Copyright Ac. An tot. 8 fletifllnff a nketch and dnficr.Dt.on ma quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention in probably patentable. Comniunlna tlonRRtrtctly confidential. Handbook on Patents nt free. Oldest agency for ftacurtng patent!, Pat Hutu taken through Munn & Co. receive tpfcUU notice, without charge, la the Scientific American. A handinmnlr llluRtratnd weekly. Largest cir culation or any iw.enuDa journal. Terms, 9.1 a year; four months $L Bold by all newsdralera. MUNN &Co.88,Bw"h" New York ilrancn (jrHoa, m V Bt Wasblugton, D. U. .'okane falls 4 northern nelson 4 fort s11eppard Ben Mitchell, representing Chevalier trae, but lone is the biggest little town & Co., was in Heppner looking np some business yesterday. Mat Halvorsen, tbe leading lone mer ohaot, has a new ad in this issue. Mat is a rustler after business. Mrs. Carrie Johnson, daughter of W. 0. Gentry, departed on Tuesday evening for her home at The Dalles. Mies May Smith is still in a very oriti cal oondition, but there now seems to be some hope that she may reoover. J. J. MoGee, county surveyor, hns been down from Hardmao this week on business oonneoted with bis office. A. T. Wilkeoson and Lincoln Crad dick came in Thursday from Dayton, Wash., where tbey spent the holidays A. U. Weatnertord and family are among ine latest arrivals at Uouglas. They reside on the old 0. T. Douglas place. L. O. Likin, representing tbe R teen feld-Smith Co., wholesale tobacco deal ers of Portland, was in Heppner on Wednesday. Green Matbews and family were in from the Morrow ranch Wednesday. As a ranober Green will prove to be a sno oess as be is a bustler. E. G. Noble & Co. are rustlers after business. The finest saddles and bar uess to be found iu Heppner. See their new ad in this issue. tf. See tbe new ad of Minor k Co. in this issue. This firm will soon be in new quarters and doing business on larger so Hie than ever. John Her was eicnsed from service A BIG BEAVER. Discovery of the Skall of Monater of the Jaarternary Afe. One of the rarest of fossil remains baa been unearthed in Michigan, near the Indiana state line, and is now in the possesion of George A. Baker, of South Bend, Ind., says the Cincinnati Com mercial-Gazette. It is the. skull of a mammoth beaver, a monster of the quaternary age, existing contempora neously with the mastodon and mega therium. In only five other instances in the United States, and in this coun try alone, have any portion of the re mains of a mammoth beaver been found, and these were always of tlw teeth or skull, but generally of only the teeth. The first discovery was at Nash- port, Licking county, O., by I'rof. Fos ter, whose ilnd, a skull, is described in American Ilocnti by Prof. Allen, and a cast of which was taken by Prof. Agas siz, and the ctust alone remains. The skull possessed by Mr. Baker is 12Vjjinches long, is about 6 inches wide, and stands about 5 inches high. It has the teeth and also the great incisors used in tree-cutting; the incis ors are about 9 inches long and l1. Inches in diameter. It was found in a bog, and from comparisons with other specimens it is the largest and finest specimen now known to exist. The live animal could not have weighed less than 400 pounds. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE LUNG TKOTJBLK3 AND CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. mm A. M 110 A. M :I0 A.M.. . It i NpIhoq. ... P. M CltiM Connection at Nnlwtn with HtAHinAr fnw Kal, and all KixitunM Uike DoiiitM. faMMintfere fprKnttli Klvr an. I TtfinmUr Cmtik ouuiiKOt at Mitrcui with aUute dnilv. 9 rWaS. 13.1 le!ro Kttc can cured 1 If too wfler from anr of tha ilia of men, rimn to tSa olilrt SMwlit on ilia I'itUic Lout, DR. KRDAN A CO.. ,1081 Market SL tit e 1082. Young ten aixl an Id ill RKMl inB ho am mHrin ftwii tha 0rtt of youihttil intliM-rniotiiorox- m ia nuiurr vnr. Nnvum tv I'hv.ii nl M-MIII, ,Im..-n- Maiiihuail (n Uiir .ni.i, jii .1.,; aii'rnialori liiru, r..H. mi ..rrn.rit. jt,,nrrn-a, uirrft, B IrNtariifir e,r rlamilMe;, !. Jiy a . tin IKictcir h rrani;l hu iraatnitnt f I'mi ii anl n.4 onir aS l immnlimeRlirf but prmaitnl cm, i ha I ttM ti !. not rUim in T i nurai Imi i, wtli.kmma to ba a fair i anl iqure I'tivtiriin and itKr.m, priniuiajit in mm iiv-IKreHrai or men. H Ilia llinrnnRhi v null.-ntrd bxui Ilia VI1IV Hl tti.i.U I,. In na will m. h'evilliiu.iranura hint mm i UKIn rrrry raw w nmi.ri.tta. r lurttU On a Ihnnannit Pollnra. 9 t oii.iiltaii. n KtK ni Mrlnl nival. "'I par ntiiy of l,f knar, hrni f b frra. T a'T tf 1 1 WW . Mnil hnik. A I he I'hlloeeuhy f Harriaif.'1 f a i i. t. . 'w x VIOIT bit. JoanK'a Oront iMiiNrtun of AiiHtntnr i III iiiaal ami lar(l Miiannnia'lra kln.l iallia iHliU l.tma anil katn b' vomlatfi -ta ewiiaj n.w to aij iiaa ami ate r..i.niiy aJ.'n( ntw l AVAUtUt H tl kK. la.lof wrlla. tO'.l V,,kt4 ti,i l,,l,iM 1 kin.l iallia ilatfullr y.hi Iml d.o a. laifMa. 9 rlla. Iwa, Cal 9 SUM HQS 8. IN TIIR CIHt'l'IT rol'RT Of Til It STATK a oi iirrann. mr tne t:miut ol Morrow. M Hood. I laliitm, a. frank Raw.j and Wm Kudl.i. IMndanta. To frank Hancy, una ol lliealane naiiirti tie Iriidanta In Hip nam ol tha ttat ofOn-ton: Voti art miulrr.1 to afi-'ar end antwar h rnmtilahil ol tdalntirr ttir.1 In th iuvt eatltliol rmiri and ill on or la-lor tlia tra day ol Ilia na rvanlai term ol aald court, to t tin the flral Monday , Man h. I"i. and II mt lall to to ". I'lannin lata judgment and (la. craw, lonviiMiiia- in tnortaw ilwa-rllw,! In al I poinlahii on th Nv ol Hr.' In I a H K at. w ol N. and SK W ol MW o( m r. to I e. H 11 K W M. and that th aam I .ld that lh lina-rrd h a.. lo II, a (wymanl ol tha ama ol llll aliti Invmi and aiiornria tare Ht and ialiiliR call and d la BonM-aiaiiia oi inn ami coaca ol a l a. Ihla anwiuou u iubllhatl hjr order of rifiia . iaa II. it W. RIA, rialntin Alt faUd IHw. t. Iw7. f; HoQlbMt UkavToH t'oU.e lVnol rotieaelixas I Hi. I'stil, Miaoraixilia, Kaoaas I'll-. Umaha, Ht. IxinU atil utliar iiruaal eat (xHtts Dmafe ebi-rkaJ throagh lo d-eilnalu.o Ol IK.IU. Throat b ttrktts to J apse anil China, via TtAMima Nrttkra t'axHOe his am ship Cutapaay'e line, Fof fall lafnfaaaliiia, time ear J a, mp Ur eta, tj, fall tm M nU W.O. Autttf, L D.CtikaLTUf), Agt Aa,l.tU.fa. Al. Tb I'eilee.Or. I'urtlMd, Or Notici of Intention. !" Orru a at 1. ( lim,i.. . . . I""-, it. IT x-tnii a ia Mii.isr i.lvitN mat tut 11 loll..a,i nain. arlilar haa Itlrd n.dli aol hla Inirtitlon to make Riml proof in anfiairt ol Ma rlaim. and that aald fr.. ii I. mad ii ' aiornia) vomity, Drrgon, ... i.,on, on rrn ii. laua. ia. I HI 4 KKiVIIKNa, in nn !vi.i.,r iha u i ia m w eiij.40 Ha ham -a tha h.t ailnraara lo .n.r 1,1 miiiliinooa r.i. rUiiiioi ..( .awi. an xi.llam Warran I. 1,4 till hart, I harlrf H..i.rr, and later lluiia allot lll 1'iirr, Morroa roulily lir..n B, . HASTI fTr, kaalaiav. in Morrow oonnty for doing business, Joe Woolery has sold as nmoh as $600 worth of goods in one day The postoffioe department is engaged in increasing money order offices wher ever they are greatly in need of them lone ia suoh a plaoe all tbat is neoes- sary is to make application for one. Let's have it. 'lone needs a bank and a good drag store. Home of Heppner's business men have contemplated starting snoh at lone Tbey will be welcomed by our oitizens, as mnob money is changing bands and our people are in need of a banking es tablishment.' It will make it more con venient tor the farmers of this neighbor hood. A petition should be circulated or ap plication made this year to have a depot erected tbis coming summer. For the amount of business we are doing and passenger traffic, it is a disgrace for the town cf lone to have only a little plat form, with no shelter tor psssengers or freight. Lexington, with not bait the bnsineea we are doing, has a fine depot. k teaober with a school having an en rollment of over forty, meets with con stant worry and vexations. Henoe it is tbe duty of all patrons of the school to co-operate with tbe teacher in tbe man agement of tbe sohool and make it as easy as possible. Parents who oan bare ly handle two or three of tbeir own, expeot a teaober to handle forty or more with ease. Snob is life. Wanted A good doctor, to put np an ollioe at lone and praotioe medicine. A dootor, in combination with a drug store, would do a splendid business here. lone is one of tbe healthiest towns in the west, yet we all have our Bilmenls at various times In life, and this thing of running twenty miles to Heppner won't do. A Oitizbn. lone, Or., Jan. 7, 1898. The weather moderated this morniog and it looks like a obinook waa ooming. Ad entertainmect by tbe I. O. O. F. lodge at tbis plaoe' is talked of in tbe near fotore. Editor Patterson, of tbe Gazette, wet with us Tuesday. Come again, Pat, we are glad to see you. Tbe youngest obild of J. A. Woolery Household Gods. The anoieot Greeks believed that the Penates were tbe gods who attended to tbe welfare and prosperity of tbe family. Tbey were worshipped as household gods in every borne. Tbe household god of today is Dr. King's Sew Diaoovery. For consumption, ooughs, colds and tor all affections of throat, obest and lungs it is invaluable. It bas been tried for a quarter of a century and is guaranteed to cure, or money returned. No house hold should be without this good angel. It is pleasant to take and a safe and sure remedy for old and young. Free trial bottles at Slocum Drug Go's, E. J. Slooum, m'gr. Regular size 50o and $1. Aa Emloeat New Tork Cheoiiat and oeleatist Makes a Free Offer to Oar Headers. The distinguished ohemist, T. A. Slo oum, of New York City, demonstrating his disoovery of a reliable oure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), broDOhial, lung and obest troubles, stubborn ooughs, oatarrbal affections, general deoline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions ot wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) ot his New Dis coveries to any afflicted reader ot this paper writing for them. His "New ScibDtifio Treatment" bas cured thousands permanently by its timely use, and be considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial ot bis infallible cure. Scienoe daily develops new wonders, and tbis great chemist, patiently expert meeting for years, bas produoed results as beneficial to humanity as can be claimed by any ' modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and con sumption are oursble in any climate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in bis American and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those on red in all parts of the world. Tbe dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and certain death. Simply write to T. A. Slocum, M. 0., 98 Pine street, New Tork, giving poet office and express address, and the tree medicine will be promptly sent direct from bis laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of bia generous proposition. fleaee tell tbe JDootor tbat yon saw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 yr. FOEYOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Doa't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore the Gazette's job depart ment bas tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, tbis shop is now prepared to tackle anything in any line and will meet prices of any person under tbe sun in the line ot druggists supplies, , blank . books, bank work oounty work, or any sort ot book bind ingwork tbat you have heretofore sent . away to get done. Tbe Gazette shop is not a charity concern but it you will give us a ohanoe we will see tbat you are satisfied in every particular. Buy your goods at home. Remember tbat Abe Linooln said that when one bought goods away from home tbe foreigner got tbe money and we got tbe goods, cat wnen . tbe goods were bought at home we had both money and goods. Tbis is good doctrine. We are willing to abide by it. When the printing drummer comes to town, re member it and call up 'phone Na 3. 560-tf "Tie Regulator Line" Rebekahs Installation. On Tuesday evening San Sousi Re bekah lodge met at I. O. O. F. hall for the purpose ot installing the newly elected offioers. Besides tbe regular exercises of tbe evening, an elegant lunch was prepared and served by tbe ladies of tbe order and a most enjoyable time ia reported. Tbe officers were in stalled as follows, by Mrs. Etta Ras mus, Past Noble Grand: Mrs. Addie Herren, N. G.; Miss Ada Jones, Y. G.; J. L. Yeager, Heo. ; Mrs. A. J. Stevenson, Treas.; Mrs. Etta Rasmus, Warden; Mrs. Nanoy Sperry, Chaplain ; D. W. Hornor, O. G ; D. A. Herren, R. S. N. G.; Mrs. Emma Welch, L. 8. N. G.; S. P. Devin, R. 8. V. G.; A. J. Stevenson, L. S. V. G. The steamer Elder sails from Port land tonight for Alaska with a full cargo ot freight and 400 passengers. Five parties from Eastern Oregon go on this trip ot tbe Elder, Heppner furnishing two, Pendleton one and Baker City two. All ot these outfits were purchased in Portland. Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Ridge, O., says; "After two dootors gave up my boy to die, I saved bim from croup by using One Minute Cough Cure." It is the quickest and most oertain remedy for ooughs, colds and all throat anl lung troubles. Conser k Brook. The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. BTEAIIEBS "DALLES CITY" AND "REGULATOR" Leave Tbe Dalles daily (exoept Sunday) at 7:30 a. m. Leave Portland at 7:00 a. m. When you go to Portland,, stop off. at The Dalles and take a trip down the Columbia; you will enjoy it, and save tnoney. ' W. C. ALL A WAT, General Agent. QUICK TI3VI33 I Charley Bartholomew got in from Pendleton Wednesday and is at present oonfined to the home ot bis parents by an attaok ot the measles. on the Epping ury down at Portland and returned home, tbe sioknese ot hit infant child being the cause, Jus. Jones this week moved his band ot sheep down to Osoar Mitchell's plaoe on lower Rhea creek where be will keep them tbe remainder of the winter. Another band, to be made np from tbe male portion of Heppner's popula tion, is in contemplation, but as yet tbs organtZ'ition baa not been completed. Billy" Brown, ot Lone Rock, is in Heppner. lie baa just reoeotly returned from tbe East where be went with a lot of mules. He found sales pretty slow. Be Dot deoeivedl A cough, hoarsnest or croup are not to be trifled with. A dose in time of Hhiloh's Cure will save h, qmte lick with pneumonia fever, but you mucn trouoie. BOIU by Uonser i. not reoorled danoerons. $100 toward 1100. The readers of tbis paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least I one dreaded disease tbat soienoe has been able to oure in all ite stages, and tbat is catarrh Hall's Catarrh Oure is the only poeitive oure known to tbe medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, aotiog directly upon tbe blood and muooui surfaces of tbe sys tem, thereby destroying the foundation of tbe disease, ana giving tbe patient I strength by building up tbe constitution snd assisting nature in doing its work. be proprietors bave no rauob faith in its curative powers, tbat tbey offer one hundred dollars for any case tbat it fails to oure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. Cheney k Co., Toledo, O. sold by arogKists, too. Hroci. t Mrs. E. 8. Saliog returned from Walls w sua on Wednesday. Hbe was accom panied by a little daughter of Mill Mor gan's who will make ber borne with Mrs. Haling Ibis winter. Litdies, take tbe best, It you are troubled with constipation, sallow akin. and a tired feeling, take Karl's Clover Tea, it is pleasant to take. Sold by Cooser k Brook. y Dan llioe, Pearl Jonei and others are iotereetml io a well-boring machine out oo Eigbt Mile and that seotion will no doubt be more plentifully supplied with good wells io tbe future. It is easy lo catob a eolJ and just as easy lo get rid ot il if you oommesos early to ate One Minute Cough Curs. II eures ooughs, eolds, brsnobltis, pneu monia aed all throat and lung trooblas. It it pleatanl to take, safe to as and sure to euro Ounaar A KroAk r.very wbere over tbe ooonlry farmers are pulling lo large aoeragt ot wheat sod the emp outlook Is floe. Coleas all signs fail. Morrow county will have the largest crop of its history sett teaeon. SM It. SUTICK or srtx'KitoLVKKs Trttrr, Halt-llhount ami Kinom. The tntna Ih-htng and smarting. Incl drut to theae dlwiu, is Instantl v allayed by applying ChauilwrUin's and Skin Uiutmtmt. Many very bad cum bave btrn prnnam-ntly cnrwl by it. It la equally rRU-ixiit for Itching piles and a favniita) raiitiml fur aura btntilr. chajipfd hands. chllbUlna, front bites aud i hrvmtc ar i-yra. S3 eta. per bos Dr. rally's ('ndUlua I'ewdert, are just what m home nrwxla wlwn In tl Condition. Tonic, tikmd purtftrr and vermifuge. Ttwy are not fmxl but niedU-ine and the bret tn nae to put a hora tn prime condition. lriot 83 cents pr ,Mn kare. Jarry Coho. who bas been flatting bis rrlalitre In lli poar lor several weeke, departed leal evening foi fortlesd wbers be will take tbe a Ira mar Elder for Hkig way, Alaaka. This paper wtabeo Jerry saeceae. Nat Hale and John Cochran, two of Ione'a jolly boys, spent Toesday io Heppoet and report good time with old friends while Ibere. Times are quiet here since tbe holi days, bnt we arc sll looking forward to a bountiful harvest next ysar and then lone will see many improvements before another pastes. Notices are potted for a ipeoial sohool meeting ou the 22d lost for tbe purpose ot voting a tax tor sohool purposes Come out, boys, we mutt have better school fsollitiwi. We are all tired of this opeo, freezing weather. What we want is good snow, od some good old winter, then when it goes sway we will feel liks II will be worth white to floiau np seeding. A. B. Grover departed for Helix oo last night's train lo be absent week or so visiting relatives and old friends, so be saiJ. But I think soma fair lady is io the calling tbs way A. B. smiled. Geo. Greer, I or roe r Morrow county boy, relaroed from Virginia a few days ao, where be bad been viaitiog this winter, end says Morrow eoooty is good enough for him. We were all surprised to s yoa beck, Oeorge, bat bere is our bead. Wes MoNabb, mayor of Douglas, waa In lone all day yesterday, talking, aed tbakiog good bye band with na. He will In tbe near tutors deparl for Klon dike where bs will bring borne for all tbe bote BBivets tbe sise of wheat an kt Succeaa to yoa. Wet. Mtsslee bsvs ttrnck the lows sod we eirtett a geoeral me a) ay time. Ho far only three eaatt are reported. One of Q T.Walker's girla. Mies Elm a Blake and Mai nalvoreen were lakes down laal evenloa. Mat eaa hardly realut bis misfortune, bet take good tare ot yonreelf. Mat, and ton will on bo oat again. ti Muaisan I'B,Jaa. U,M tea- Mr. Mary Bird, llamehart, IV, eaje, "My rhU.I la worth mtlltoot la m. y4 I nnl.l Kara Lt hf ti nmnn hal I Knl One Minute OmgB l.ere," II carve twtigbt, colds and all throat eaa) lneg annual na.lil.a l..r .loll..,, H ilinaa.n aa ha fc'iatii. ii, i,,ia i..nt1a ( Jana ar t a . ii,. iv aSaiut. r ratal r, troubles. Coneet Break. KaerrWUy Batje Sas raarLa Caa! Caihartlr, the asoet earful mail u ml da-oarT ol the tare. ant am) rwfrwehin to tne taate, a-t foetly an.) poaltlrrly m kUlneta. liver and howolt cleitatf tha entire araarm. dlii enlda, cm" iiKhlaoiMi. lar.-r. tial'ttual crnauiHaiio and bt'tmianaaa. I'lr bnv and try m tm off. C.t: to-dav; !, V Vii-amta. IMdaod f ifcwauVaod to eura by ail dratqrtate. Fee M. Ual.teatkal A Co. for tboeo. KLY'8 CREAM BALM Is a poaltlvcimro. Apply Into tha noatrlla, ll la quickly abaorned. 60 aenta at Drnirglata or br mull : aamplea 10c. br tnalU KLY B HOT 11 Kit. M Warren bu New York Clir. And all point in California, via tha Ml Shaate route ot tha Southern Pacific Co The great highway thronah California to ail pointa Kaat and South. Grand Hoanio Route Of the I'aoino Coast. Pullman Buffet Hleepma. Beoond-olaaa Hleepera Attaohed to exproaa traina, atfordine superior accommodations for eecond-olasa paesensera. For rates, tickets, elenpiug oar reserratlona, to,, oall upon or addreee ft. KOEhLeR, Manager, C. H. MARKHAM, Qen. F. P. Agt., Portland, Oregon II r.H ForD grow paying crops because tbey' fresh aud always tha beat. sale every where. Refuse substitutes. Btlck to Ferry's Bead and prosper. 1898 Bead Annual free. Write for It D. M. FERRY A CO., Detroit. Mich. A Han With a Broken Leg Crawls a Mile and a Hair. Henry Odell, ot Paulina, Grant ooun ty, while urging bis horse downhill at a stiff gallop, io pursuit ot a ooyote, was thrown upon a heap of stones. The horse fell on bim end broke Odell't lelt leg. Tbe leg was broken aod shattered a frightful manner just above tbe ankle, the broken bones protruding through ths flesh. In tbis oondition tbe poor fellow crawled a mils and a ball I after bis horse, till be succeeded lo catch ing bim. Then be somehow raised him self into the saddle, suspended the wonnded leg from tbe saddle born by a piece ot rope, and rode between eight aod nine miles to Paolina postoffioe. A messenger waa dispatobed for a doetor, I wbo bopea lo be able to save lbs leg. bnt It will be months, at beet, before il ean le need. Eastern Oregon State Normal School, Weston, Oregon ONLY STATC SC OOL IN EASTERN OREO A Sara Thine roe Tow. A transaction In wbkb youvaunntloeelse SUreUitug. tilliouaneee, aK-k tn-adacue, fur red lougua), lever, ptlea auU a Uiouaauu other ilia are cauaed by conaliimtinn and aluib liver. Caavaii-u Candy Cattiartlr, the won derful new liver stimulant aod Intra lnal touio are by all druggists guaranteed lo cure or monov refunded. C U. C are a sure . m. I . - .1 . . 1 1 u tl . , . ... ng. ITT S ana vr-uu, iw., aw., w tUttiide aud booklet true, ttoe our big ad. Located on tha O. B. k N. Railway midway between Pendleton and Walla Walla. Students admitted at all times of tbe year. First-Class Training School for Teachers, j Vooal and Instrumental Motio taught by competent Instructors. A gradu ate ot Ibe Boston Conservatory baa charge ot tbs instrumental depart ment. IMio Xncllee-' Boartllnc Hall Is thoroughly equipped and offers ei- eel I en I aroomritodations at restoaabla ratea. Bend for catalogue. Add tees M. G. ROYAL, President of Faculty er P. A. WORTHING TON, Secretary Beers ef Regents, Weston, Ore "J Postal aster Rob Ike Uevaraatal. It bas beeo discovered in ths post offioe department tbat frsodt to a coo eiderable eiteol have been systematical ly Impoeed noon tbe money ordf de partment ot postmasters. Illataidlbat this bas been made poeaibte by a change in Ibe mods of checking money order ac eooolt la lbs tod i tor 't offlcs Ibree years ago, dorisg the ClwelanJ aJmlnielra- tloo. Tbe change In the tyttem made it poetlbls for dtahoneet poelmaeters to rob tbs government In nice different ways. This was discovered bf Auditor! Cealls sooa after ttkieg ebame of tbe I office. Beveral caeee bave beea detected in hloh orders wers ieeoe4 as high as TO and SltX), and ware reported by Ibe poelmaeters at one aod two dollars earn Tbs e i taxi I of tbs fraud eaoeot be know a witbont aa i aminelion ot tbe money orders leaned dsrieg the three yeare alnas tne change. Tbis ieoloJe aboat l.ODO.aW money orders aod tbs auditor tbtoks tbs time ot ejaoniealloe weald ooeapy 100 me tor a year. 5 his THE iQls m Weekly Inter Ocean m LIRJGEST ClBCUIillOl OF AIT POLITICAL PIPER II IE8 WESTS It it raikaTjy R( publican, advocating S the cardinal doctrines oi that party with ability aod eamrttnrai jt jMB k can alwayt be k14 oa " for fair and honest rrpom ol all no- S THI WEEKLY INTKR OCEAN lUPPLItt ALL THINIWtANDIIITCURRINTLITERATURI It It MoriUy Clesd tad at TtmUj Piper Is Wltaowi i Peer. S Tbm Uttrwtmr oi Ht columm It rqvmi to that oi tbm kmtf mmga iaes. It 1$ lottrmUlag to t As c Yva s wtll as to pwtatt....... 9- T'ltZ INTER OCEAN k a TZSTERN NrTAPrR. I and while ii brtaft to ths Umily THE NETS Or 5 TIQ. VORLD and rirva Ms rtadVrt tbt bnt and ablaat a diacuaalont of aS autatiooe ol the day. M la ta lull trmpatby S vnh the kfcas and aapwmticaas at Y cater propla and ituciau si Utrrarurt aad potitia from tha Testtrn ttandporWi Karl's Clnvet Itml Tea la a pleaaeal Itialive. B-f olatee tbe bwata, poriOaa the blHd. Clears Ibe corstlloe. Kaay to nake at.d pleasant to take. 33 cU. Bold by Coaeec A Brot b. I JLca pricfcif BBiiii ri mi ti fin itii m jjsx mm mm " " w-ww vf mmmmt iw w aocw mmmm mjmww mm S 11 I S T nT A IlpTTt5rm1 OF Ttt 2 H 1 SlIlS r-"' "r ! tr Sill" ZUJLll frta .1 b. wall llM, II I e a ,," rr ir 5 TT twlllIMllltltlltlltlttttllla) With The Gazette, S2.50 per Year.