A LITTLE SUFFERER Faoe, Handa and Arma Covered With Scrofulous Humora-How a Cure Waa Effected. " When five years old my little boy had scrofula on his face, hands and arms. It was worst on his chin, although the sores on his cheeks and hands were very bad. It appeared in the form of red pimples which would fester, break open and run and then scab over. After disappearing they would break out again. They caused Intense Itching and the little sufferer had to be watched continually to keep him from scratching the sores. .We became greatly alarmed at his condition. My wife's mother had had scrofula and the only medicine which had helpd her was Hood's Sarsaparilla. Wo decided to give it to our boy and we noted an improve ment in his case very soon. After giving him four bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla the humor had all been driven out of his blood and it has never since returned." William Bartz, 416 South Williams St., South Bend, Indiana. You can buy Hood's Sarsaparilla of all druggists. Be sure to get only Hood's. HnnH'd Pillc curlI'lT"'Ills:eaiytntake1 ,,uuu r I US easy to operate, 25 ceuU. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. The Gazette can offer the following dabbing rates: The GAZETTE 13.00 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonian, $1.50... tg.oo " 8. F. Examiner, 11,60 8.25 ' N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 2,7 5 " Inter-Ocean, $1.00 2.50 " 8. F. Chronicle, $1.60 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle and map 2,00. . . 8.75 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 2.75 Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.00 Leslie'! Weekly, $4.00 4.50 Rural Spirit, $2.00 8,00 New York Wool Record, $2.00 8.00 McCall'a Magazine $1.00 1,30 Yearly subaoribera to the Gazette can get clubbing rates with any paper on earth. METH. EPI8C. CHURCH. 8KBTI0KS. Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Classes No. 1 and Si at 12:10 p. m. fcpworth League Devotional meeting at T p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8 p. m. The Spirit and the bri e sy. Coma." The pal tor may be fonnd at the parsonage ad. joining the oharoh, where he will be glad to meet aiy wN) may desire to oonenlt Tiiin on rehoioru, soual, civio, philosophic, educational, or any other subjacta. J. W. FLKBHER. Minister. The Ladies' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at 8 o'clock, p. in., oil the first Wednesday of each mouth, at the home of Mrs. T. 1. Matlock. Take Notice. L The spm of five cent per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists of wedding presents and donors, and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whatever purpose. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to In every Instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. Could Not be Gotten Complete for Last Issue. Newspapers Each Charging Fraud. Saturday, Jan. 8, 1898. Judges and clerks for the June election were appointed as follows: Eight Mile, Peter Bren ner, Luther Huston, F M Courier, judges; M C Fuqua, and Jake Young, clerks. Dairy, R Allen, Hi Nash, Geo Robinson, judges; C M Hogue and John F Royse, clerks. Dry Fork, N R Mc Vay, W J Flemmlng. A 8 Shadduck, judges ; Harvey Akers and T W Morgan, clerks. lone, B F Perkins, B F King, Paul Reitman, judges; KCSperryandW 8 Conner, clerks. Heppner, O E Farnsworth, J J Adklns, Luther Hamilton, judges; 8 P Florence and Geo Thornton, clerks. Lena, Ed Day, W J Brown, J as A McLaughlin, judges; Jas Johnson and J M Waddell, clerks. Pine City, Tom Scott, Geo W Vincent, W J Wat tenburger, judges; TD Mathews and J T Hos klns, clerks. Alpine, A Andrews, H R Thomp son, D P Doherty, judges ; O 8 Hodsdon and H E Bartholomew, clerks. Gentry, Jay Devin, J R 8imons, John Elder, judges; W U McCarty and N C Maris, clerks. Mount Vernon, W W Smead, Frank Rogers. G W Smith, Judges; Sam Leezer and Fred dart, clerks. Lexington, W B McAlis ter, Jas Leach, Ed Palmer, Judges; JM White and W 0 Hill, clerks. Wells Springs, John Handy, N O Smead, Johannes TroedBon, judges; Geo 8 Crane and W B Parsons, clerks. Cecil, J HFiikins, Robert Sayer, W H Wilmot, judges; W A Thomas and Carl Troedson, clerks. Matte- son, Silas Wright, John T Kirk. H Schlrsinger, judges; E P Greene and Frank Beard, clerks. Matter of official paper deferred until Thurs day, Jan. 20, 1898, publisher of each the Times and Gazette charging fraud. Warrant issued for the collection of all de linquent taxes. Monday, Jan, 10, 1898. Jury list of 200 names selected for the March term of circuit court. Petition of Geo W Chapin asking that the county court appoint T J Merrill and C M Hogue, respectively, judge and clerk of election for Dairy. Same granted. Tuesday, Jan, 11, 1898. Report of H C Gay, supervisor ot Road Dlst. No. 21, accepted and Ed C Ashbaugh appointed. Report of W G McCarty, supervisor of Road Dist. No. 11, accepted and R W Turner ap pointed. - T J Carl is awarded contract for building ad dition to poor house at $99.12. Bills allowed: J L Howard, $31; J W Beckett, $33; J W Morrow, $1; Bills & Phelps, 110. To Care Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic, luo or 250. It C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money. IONS MATTERS. Here and There. Liobtentbal & Co. for shoes. Eiolusive boa store. Handle! tbe best. 83tf Baths down at the Jones' barber shop, 23 oenU. Orville Jones manager, tf Statements for tbe Famous Simple Account File printed at tbe Gazette of fioe. tf. QnioDeise's famous old "Dublin Stout," imported, at Obris Borobers' tf Common and seleot ilook of tomatoes od canned corn tit T. R. Howard's. 605-tf. "Oo'o juice" is all right but Low Til lard has a brand ot 14-year-old good that Is bard lo beat. 603 -If. Heppner Candy Faotory for fresh ereama and Ufflea. W. H. Tan Darn, Prop., with E. J. Sloe am. 6o8-t. Aoy on 'desiring to build either boose or baro will make money by call ing on the Gazette offloa. 67 tf Pbil Coho is Paying tbe blgbeat price for sheep pelts, beef bides green or dry, fare, eto. Don't forget Tbil. 5tf Qo to tbe Matlock corner tod try Armstrong k Cooper's whiskey and eigars. If you like tbe sample buy some. Ctf Com lo the Gasettt ofQoe sod get decent lot of envelops prioted. Government envelope look cheap, sod besides yoa cannot get your bosineee card printed tbereoo. tf Snyder Bros, bav snoceeded Willis Stewart lo the livery business, oext door to lbs Omstte ofOos, sod will do general livery sod feed business. Rigs, saddle bones end ttall room at reon ble rate. 611 If. 01i?r Snyder bat taken charge of tbe Hotel Heppner feed barn and will tar nish stall room, grain or bay si reason bis flgore. Span over eight, fed at 73 onto. Will also do dray work Mid Dealing. 'Bat to end from trains. If Cor J ray, the pioor theatre man of Fortlend In tbe line of "popular prlo," bat refitted tbe VYoatiagloa Hi. theatre, formerly known m the "New Park." Cord ray always ha eomMbing bsw, sod oar people, when below, ran spend pleasant ealog at bis place, tf 3. M. SiabbleSetd earns over from Monameat yesterday, banog It charge Mrs. 8 M. Cocbrao, whom be wee tak ing to Salem where she "til be plaod in the MTlatn. Uis eons, Tom and Geo. HlabbUfield, are on Ibe way lo tbe Klondike sod Ibe last ward ritd from them stated that lhy were gelling throng b oil right. Tbe Maiqnsa Grand, on Morrient) tree! in tbe Meroaea baildiog. is under tine I lent nsoagwcaeal aed tbe paMia will be royally eetertelntd ibie wloUr. New oenpaala) aad new fee will ap pear from lima lo time at Ibie pnpelsr. Brat-el Ibeetrt of Portland, o4 whea la ParUead oar da! taoalti not Ull to take la aoate ef It fit e drama that will be paeU1. If 1 k. -. aJj.-i U J." n i i L.L- A recent visit to lone convinced the writer that this town is growing has grown and will continue to grow. All the necessary business houses of a pushing little city are represented here. Even now, In the middle of winter, there Is life. Wheat Is still "moving," in the com mercial sense, but much of It remains unsold. lone has a Klondike of Its own, but whether it is worthy of Its name, the writer cannot say. It is evident, however, that It has enjoyed a goodly share of prosperity this fall, dealing out that which cheers and often Inebriates. A great deal of grain has been sown In the vicinity of lone this fall, and as this locality is almost a sure crop-producer, all the farmers want is a good price. With that they are the most Independent and prosperous people on earth. The Gazette found a good many old friends in lone. He found them happy without exception. Johnny Cochran Is running a restaurant, Nat Hale an insurance and notarial shop, T J League the postofflce and drug store, Torn Woolery and Chas. Robinson the saloon, while Mat Halvor sen and Joe Woolery each run general mer chandising establishments. Bud Haney Is In the hotel business but was not at home. Mr. Haney't brother, Joe, Is landlord, while Mrs. Mary Cavlness has charge of the dining room. The Gazette representative met W. M. Hague wood, the blacksmith, who gave the visitor courteous treatment. He expects a big busi ness in the spring. A Mr. Keller Is also In that bushiest there but the scribe did not meet him. Neither did he tee the saddler and harness man. Borne young men are running a photo studio with success, for they care more for ex perience than dollars, Just now. In the list of old-timers, Reub Bperry bobbed up serenely, while Billy Corson, a formor resi dent of The Dalles, Is on the roll of new deul xens. Tbe Gazette man found Mat Halvorsen ready and willing to do a little business with the Ga zette, and his ad. appears In this issue. Mat Is doing a safe business and carries a clean stock. He Is succeeding admirably, as h richly de serve. Other merchants of lone are expected to Join the list of advertisers' for spring busi ness In the columns of this paper. Th Odd Fellows' hall at lone Is a beauty. It shows np well for the boys down there. There Is room for more fraternal work In this field. While In lone th writer hid th pleasure of meeting Hon. A. H. Wratherford, brother of Hon. 1. K. Weatherford, of Albany, Oregon. Th former It at present located at Douglas having bought the old Douglas ranch. Mr. Weatherford It a very agreeable gentlemsn and bat many friends where he it known. He bat been honored In both the ttate of Oregon and Washington. Just befor tbe division of Wasco county, In ISSJ, Mr. Weatherford was chosen as oot of th commissioner of th old county, and upon th creation of Gilliam county was ten dered th Judgeship of that county, but refuted this as he desired to serve out hts term of com missioner, and thereupon wu appointed by Gov. Moody a the short term man. t'pon com pleting his term h moved tit Columbia county, nuh, When Hon. John B Allen was elected sensmr Mr. Weatherford vu on of the lew democratic representative In the legislature, havliis been dental from Columbia rountv lis afterward served his county two terms tberill which Is a strong testimonial as to his worth and popularity. II has In l,0 cre of wheat, down near the bom ranch, and hope for a splendid crop next season. DR. DftRRIN COMING Pleasing Announcement Dr. Darrin, of New York, San Francisco and Portland, the Celebrated Electric and Vital Magnetic Physician of Thirty Years Practice, has consented and is com ing to Heppner, Stopping at the Palace Hotel, Jan. 18 to Feb. 10, 1898. Elec tro Magnetism causes the deaf to hear, the blind to see, the lame to walk. Sufferers from rheumatism, asthma. consumption, ofttarrb., dyspepsia, indi gestion, eorofula, female weakness, can cer, heart disease, malaria, urinary troubles, piles, bowel troubles, fistulas, ulcerations, and all diseases of any kind should oall at onoe. A friendly talk will cost yon nothinar. and may save yon years of suffering, and perhaps your life. Youosr. middle- aged, old men suffering from the effects of follies and eioeeses restored to per fect health, manhood and vigor. Each visitor seen privately, and all communi cations received in saored confidence. Dr. Darrin makes' a speoialty of all diseases of the eye, ear, nose, and throat, oatnrrh and deafness, bronobitis, la giippp, consumption, dyspepsia, oon- trao'io'in, heart liver and kidney dis eases1, end nil cbrohio diseases. Oflice boors from 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sund.oe from 10 a. m to 2 p. m. Charges tor treatment low and reason ably, nooordiug to ability to pay. Ii qnliipg BDswered, sod oirculiirs and qnention blanks free. The pool treated free exoeiiting medi cine, from 9 to 10 a. m. References without number At bis offioe. Prosperity comes qoU kest to the man wbose liver it in good condition. De Wilt't Little Early Ilitere art famous little pills fur constipation, blllioosoeta, iodigettioa aad all stomaob and liver troubles. Conaer k Brock. Tom Keener I up from Islington Unity. R. L, Rest, representing Bradley, Bray man A CO ,of I'ortlaud, I lu tuwa today. Smith Iturrh got In this morning from an Oltndrd visit to Albany and Corvslllt, fteo. Bleakman It down from Hardmsa to ast, u think of leaving tuon for Alaska. A prarflxal miller of Pendleton wet looking ever ui iienpner plant last wees wiia view of purchasing. Jnha Carmlrhael Is la today from hi ranrh north ol her, rail town crop ar looklug wn wits aim. la Hallor. Chas. Boudrv and Millard yrenrk will each get th duett at Skagway, tnairoaw noma. W. I, mion. Merer At.raham. Kirs Roheru. Herman and Henry Nettle, traveling men, were in Heppner weuoesnaj last. Sheriff MaOorl has returned from th mono tains wher be bee been In summon hh-t fell til day yeeterde up Uiere and Ut earner wa hum qiaagracaot. Two f nun tanlr. ol la Orande, staler In law ot rlreuian Welle, of th Heppner branch. derted lat Tuee.ley ltf thlr borne, after sueodlnt th b-ni.Un In HIMf lb sell regret that II was Bo!.. to tear their Rllly Rtewsrt ka a pier ol quart tmm a Wllluw ereek wiloe that hoes Irre gold la aielii sUhl. It saat "war op . Ibe claim Ut"o In Rllly, art Minor d others Ibe le.tse spin tv will 4 well aeniieq iMtteiflpMBl wurk I la pruxrM. C,n. furl H) Imeji ttlcht Mlltidf tm ttaeineae He tnfnrnted reumentelle ol tM papa (kal t. A 0. meeting wxild be bald la ieilr.i. on Jan. fm tl eh irk time tee metter of moving tne anet to Hetitmef will ha AaridaiL AU member a rsueelae to be peasant. Care ILkl cuagb ailh Mbilob't Cure Ttt bel tviagb ear. Klive troop iropl'y. ( Riilhoa bottle ) la ). 4) Jim4 f .r t Hold b; Co tmt k Lf x k. y Cnrlons Cnban Caves. There is a series of small and large caverns in the marble rocks of the Cuban mountains which are being grad ually filled up, and that too in a mopt remarla.bl munner. The common land snails, of which there are many species and varieties In Cuba, make those caves a resort during the dry sea son. They congregate on the floors of the caverns in immense numbers and millions of them never leave. The rea son is this: The water whfch drops from the roofs or ceilngs of the differ ent caverns contains a large per cent, of carbonate of lime. When the water evaporates the lime is left behind, and. net-in f? as a ocmcnt, it glues gront laycrr? of the FT.nil shells together fvcry year. This process going on season after sea son is gradually filling up the Cuban caves, and It is only a question of time when there will not be a single cavern left on the island. Thousands are Trying; It, Tn order to prove the great merit of Ely's Cream Balm, the most effective cure for Catarrh and Cold in Head, we have pre pared a generous trial size for 10 cent. Qet it of your druggixt or send 10 cents to ELY BH0S., CO Warreu St., N. Y. City. I suffered from cnUrrh of the worst kind ever since a boy, and I never hoped for cure, but Ely's Cream Palm teems to do even taut Jinny acquaintance have nsed it with exoelleut results. Oscar Oaurum, 45 Warren Ave., Chicago, 111. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure fur catarrh and oontulns no oocaine, mercury nor any injurious drug. Fries, 60 cents. At drngiott or by mniL ATTENTION REPUBLICAN. A meeting of the republican olnb of Morrow county is called for Saturday, January 1Mb, 1898, at tbe coart bouse in Beppner, at 2 p. m., for tbe purpose of electing delegates to tbe state meeting n republican clubs, wblob oonvenee lo tbe city of Portland on the 2d Tuesday of Febraary, and also to elot officers for Ibe ensuing year. All republicans are urgently rt quest tl to attend. W. W. Smead, Pres. J. W. Hobnob, Seo'y . Dr. John W. Ktsmnt. ot tba "Red- light," ever on tbe alert for something oew , oaa farnltb yoa tbe fines I cock tails io th laod Manbatteo, Jersey, Vermouth or Gin made by an artist in tbe business. Drop In and take the taste out of jour mouth. If Best accommodation and eourteoui treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wash. Stt., Portland, Oregon. Heated bids rtqaeeled for tba delivery at my ranob, oo the bead of Ituee creek, of one hundred cords of pine, fonr-fot t wood, said wood to be delivered not later than middle of Angnat. 1M1H. htrlt opened Ibe 15th day of Jaoaary. IKH l(earv the right to rjot any and all bids. J. W. M. rrow. ixfl-jtoia. miitr MIXTION. Fioe home-made taffy al tbe Ortngt Front. A oleto, frttb ttock of goods- leave your orders. tf, Palole remedy for eitroetiof Uetb, If not a staled, do eLtrge. jry Dr, Y aagbea'a aew plaa. 604-tf. If yoa need something for yoar system ell at Iba Tboee The Telephone sa liH.a, Oily botel bailJing. tf Tba (is set it earrie a fall stock of mourning ante, errepiodeno sly la, with Mi ve lope to ruelcb. Tboe desiring tocb stationery eta bsv their wonta tappllcd at Ibit t ffloa. If, Frank MeFarlaod he ba appoloted special agtsl of Tba Eqaitable Uf At toraoe Co, of New Trk, Ibe atrnogetl la lb world Ch tarplua to policy holder of over ii cnillio dollars. Dob'l like ietarsace without seeing the new plane of the Eqiit!!. Insure tutb seie at tenia retro, 77 tf Whose a Who? Did you say that the old firm of.... . to 4 Co. WERE JUST DIGGING FOR BUSI NESS THE SAME AS EVER? IF YOU DID YOU TOLD A FACT. HARD FACTS COUNT. Winter is fairly on ,and bargains in winter goods can be had at the store of E. W. RHEA & CO., FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, HEPPNER, OREGON. I The Leader I Of Course! vi ito ib h vi tV vl . v vii Hi Hi it ill Xi The man that Leads is the one from whom people like to buy. The slow, plodders all stand aside for him. That suggests a good reason why so many customers are being added to the list at T. R. HOWARD'S The Beginning of this New Year 1898. ' (0 m m MINOR & CO. The Pioneer Merchants of Heppner have not sold out, but on the contrary will start East About Jan. 17, '98 And will add many new lines to their stock of General Merchandise We are now moving to the old Heppner & Blackman stand as our business forces ub to larger quarters. Look out for t I OUR NEW LINE e ABOUT MARCH 1. 08, THE ART Of BREWING. Was Perfected by the Production of.... HOP GOIvD A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures, jjy Hi is a joy forever." That's what you'll find at Heppner. Oregon. m m ft And now the entire world Knows this verfect product As the Star Brewery beer,.... On draught at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY COMPANY, 203 Waahlngton St., Portland, Or. The Best Bargains A NEW FIRM ! E. G. Noble & Co., Successors to Noble & Co., Ar in this Held at th old stand with Hsrness, Saddle. Wblps, Spun, nd sn endless lot of Yer'lhlni in their Una. E. 0. Noble nd Mrs. (ieo. Nobl comprls th new Arm who will ptjr sll bill oi th old Arm as wall a collect what Is due. O. NOBIVB CO. Are out to do business and plenty of it. Don't overlook this. Repair work a specialty. It. C. WILLS' BOOTS AND SHOES ei OmiU' heavy Creol ,1km 1 75 Ocnta' heavy shiw i 9fi Units' heavy shin 1 SA "iiarn aaii," uml sno on rin. l ui "Hard Cash," tmt sIhk lor hoys. I 7r Mpd's B A llcrht's dress shite .. 4 00 Men's slliiprrs. very lanry ... 12ft MImmsH heel shoe, kan. calf.... I 50 Misses H heel, Imiq Win. beat 17ft Hoys' K verlastl n srhool sho . . . 2 0 l.alle' shoes, heavy 1 Ml lavliea' Knsll.h kus I ftft Men's 'Frisco Uetn. B.sH " (tents' boot I Ml H'Mita, (nod Itradn I 7ft (tents' sum boots I Hi Hoys' sum hoots I 7ft Hoys' and Mlase rubbar M Men s rnblNirs 7 Htibbersforlelts I 7ft Mines' and child's high over she, button, vary Sue I 7ft si mot f 1 on 1 w. I lift 1 Ml I V, I in I 1 Id 1 XI 1 Ml 1 V. 1 7ft 1 Oil 1 i'l 1 V, I Id I v 1 9 My Whole Stock of Shoes In Proportion. DRY GOODS, CR0CESIES, FURNISHING GOODS Men' eottoDsd pent, old prtc, lie; nw prlwi, tor- hoy' pant, all ages, old prks, Jo to e; nw prire, mm MJ aiie. Men's overalls, old prlra, Mic; new prlre, 0e Hoy's overalls, old price, 4b; new prtr-, '-, Men's tMinta, old prltw, li lo H .76; nw prlo II r, io.i(i Men s suits, old price), 1L W: new pries. UK niansets, ota pn. . i.7ft; new prlre, ll.fu. Quilt, old prle II Ml: l,e orl'W. II IV (enu' K,( (tilt bat, old prlc 1.1.74; nw prlt. It t.ent oil hals, old prtc. H V) lo 11.7ft; nw pn'-e, si tn v f l. Hente' underwear, oil wool, old prltw, ti lt) new price, II AU, enu' aura si, l wool, old prtc, fl M Daw prtrw. It A. (.anu eotton Underwear, trm lind, old prlre, II. 40, ew price, int' macklokiahM, old prtc, 7.M); nw prie 94 iai. lavlles- all wool underwear, old prl(! 2; new price, 1 ZV laviie eotton underwear, old prlo. ftoc; new price inc. Ille' ll wool bos, ld prlc, 50c; new price, am. Children's wool bo, old prio,4'; new price, Hied rlove. beat buck, old nrlea. Si Ml- na price, v. Lined Australian goat, old prlc. 7ftc; new prlc, e. Hents' ocki, per doten, old prlc, 75c ; new price, Arhuckl end I. Ion eoltnt,. R noiiml. nM tH..e l H; new prlc, II. r On laille' lacket. Mo. Oft. old nrlea. Ill Vi ne w prlc, 7 Ml. 11 Ira' button biwe. old tirlca. i(k: new hrlf. tn. w r ' Th best U- that aver cam to HeiDiicr. old price, '-; he w prle. 4&e. O. N. T. (pool cotton thread, t spools, old price, IV; new prtr, spools, finest Una dauiaak, old prlc, '; new price, Ifi rents. riiieal Turkey red. old nrta. Mir: new 9 rent. T Imck oneta, old price, l,7ft; new prlra, l ft. All gralM Klugliaina. old Itrlc. la vanla: new price, in yards. All (redes calico, old prk, l yards; new prlre, Is yards. (Jiir (reda ol dreae goods are too Is rg to make mention ol In this Hal, but will b cut lu pro portion to everything else. ( ..recta, we have a hlg lln; old prtr. 7fte to l 'i, new prlre, Mir to l III, iwe r ii ruins nin prlre. II HO; new price, fin. He'l.nrea.la. old nrina. ItJat an Si it: bear II HI Ui I 'iS r rine purket books, old prlc. Joe; nw prtr, J cent. "ho polish of all rade, old prlo, sfte; new prlra, l. (tenia' eotton rlannel night shirt, old prlc, 7.V-; new prks, V. M napkin old prtr, II K; nw prtc. Vn (tverahlru. old prlre, Mir, 7e, l (at, ;ti tlto. new price, gm was, 7 i, II On ut. Yarn, old prk'. II in, new prln, Ma- Haionv yarn, old price, I biiiw has lor r; Haw prlre, i Lunelle lor em. lavlle' leaittier belu, old prtc. Mm to (Ac; na prl.e, vet lo 4 m. w hv th nice! sod nwt supply ol rlon In town. ladles' and Mlaaa rtuhmere ftTerallers, old prlre. l:m to 1 Ui, new prlra. ' lo Mai. ARE NOT THE GOODS BOUGHT FOR THE LEAST MONEY But are those of greatest value in proportion to cost. If you want to get your mouey'a worth of honest goods in Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, ConfeciioDery OR MACHINERY. CALL ON O. THOMPSON QO., W are increasing our stock for fall and winter. Call and see as. That 14-YearOld Stuff, "Cohen's Best," On Tap Down at The one Saloon Teleph a a IT iB hahh ooooa a a New Stand, Oily Hotel Baildiog, iow arirrvFuo, prop. IT HAS BEEN SOLD ! I J. L YftRirflp Bought several car loads of furniture last fall, but J H'ai ll oama ... J (til uuiid ituw. new n orders have renlenUhtrl the stock, however, and he Is In It yet. Ix)w Prices and Good Quality all count. Sco him at j1.11 1 V f a Ta uio om Biana. undertaking a specialty. B 00TS AND SHOES: a THE FLACK TO OCT THCM It Of AX. IvICIIXJSlV'rilTv Xs CO. Thf bav anything In this lln thai you mar dwrlr and on fan detxnd on It yon it a good artl. i when tu guarantee lu SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. OH St. !, Msls Sr.. R...IHf.f . S.aelalty IIKI'I'NKR, Og., Nov. 12, ItwT. JfrMrs. Cukmt 4 ilrort, llfmrr, Or, (sti.ss:-I "a rvanilr Ukn with sever ralit which rsjI m ry hoars and ramlarwl m unlit In aiu-nd to btialn. A frland of rnln railed Oif altanllon to vour Dr. Rarlhlow cough svrttp end 1 bought a bottle, coating B Meant, whkh rllvd m al on. and com ltlr ciirwl m. 1 m aithjaet to throat dlltlrulty and I bav found nothing thai gave me o murh rallal a thl eougb eur. I at Informed that It Is sellot for eold. bronrhllls, (shooping eotigb and all throat and lung troubles I bag (a remain, moat tnUr four. OTIN rATTK KrtUN, Bd. Oasatt. Anything you want in (jcntu' Whito and Colored Fancy Shirt and collar and cuffn and tie of all kind. Everytmno Less man Cost. Must Nave Moneu. l. VBRAI-IjfVALSICK, Merchant Tailoring! Fino Suitn Mudo to Order and Hatinfaotion (Juarantei-i. Hepairin, Chaning and Dye ing ClothiH a SjM'cialty. CALL, AND HEE ME. ON MAY BTHEET