Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 14, 1898, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Friday, Jan. 14, 1898.
incurred by him in the numerous I ln. Beadsman Stevenson, Headsman
and ATtAnaioA nnrmn W k.. hun Clarksoo and Headsman Maxwell were
. ,
takiDg of late. We do not pre-
A terrible tornado swept over
Fort Smith, Arkansas, on Tuesday moneV and 18 D0W considered to be
night, resulting in the loss of fifty very ncL And this money hfl8
lives End doing untold damage to com,e' too' from thoee who are
property loudest in their demands against
men who become so wealthy in a
Judge McXenna's appointment vftry few years. They have suc-
is meeting with Borne opposition ceeded in making Uryan a rich
in the senate and that body may man, but as yet he has done little
decide not to confirm him as a
more conspicuous in tbe Washington
itianatoriAQ than fnriat AftHinat rifrtnflrfl.
tend to know where it all comes Io im 1889 aud 93 ,he beadg of tn
from, but this much is certain, be fonrtb-oluss postmasters fell by bon
has made an immense amount of dred ery day. Now no one knows
who is third assistant postmaster gen
eral. Here is one indication that tbe
present is a civil service reform administration.
supreme justice.
The Gazette's trial subscription
is now oft Hereafter subscrip
tions will be taken at the reduced
yearly rate, $2.00. For a twice-a-week
paper, full of home news,
and matter of general interest, this
is a reasonable price for the paper.
Come on with your subscriptions.
The Oregonian ia now praising James
Lotan because be baa withdrawn from
tbe Mitohell republican central commit
tee. And this is the same Jim Lotun
whom tbe Oresoniao had exhausted its
to alleviate the sufferings of the vooabolaiy in abasing, principally be-
masses, giving nothing in return oanse be was an opponent of Joe Simon
for the money he has received at
their hands except wind. It looks
like the people would take a turn-
ble to themselves after a while.
The Birth of the "Greater" New York.
With the dawn of tbe New year the
"Greater" York is ushered into tbe world
a full grown giant. Tbe problem of
municipal government is to be put to
tbe supremest test. Within Its limits is
contained a population equal to that of
WHAT'S the matter with Hanna? thirteen of oar sovereign states at onr
lie is elected senator from Ohio last oensus, and as numerous as that of
for both the short and long terms. tne original thirteen states. Provisions
The first joint ballot settled the o' the life and health of this vast mult,.
,, . ,. tnde of all nations and climes is an un-
uiawei ouu uuw " " toived enigma. Thousands of sufferers
Lotan is not tbe proper man to be at
the head of tbe party's councils, bat
neither is Simon, and when the Ore
gonian praises Lotan when, through
some reason or other, probably due to
business causes, be has withdrawn from
active participation io politics; wben the
Oregonian thus commends him, it ouly
shows bow prejudiced, servile and un
trustworthy that paper is in dealing
with state or looal politics. As a news
paper the Oregonian deserves high
standing; but as a guide for tbe people
of Oregon to follow, it should not te
trusted. Tbe Dalles Chronicle.
The wheal market at Heppner ia very
quiet at present. Very little wheal is
coming in, and fsw sales are reported.
Wheat in Heppner today, 6960o.
Tbe following market letter received
from Portland, gives tbe condition of
the market at tbe close of business late
yesterday afternoon :
Another slow quiet day was noted in
wheat, the market exhibiting little life,
fluctuations eovering but o. The
trade was almost entire'y local and the
feeling and sentiment a trifla weaker un
til shortly before the olose wben there
was a little reaction, tbe final Ann res be
ing practically tbe same as yesterday.
Tbe weakness at tbe start was attrib
utable to the aotion of Liverpool wbioh
showed a loss at the opening of d. The
clique bought moderately, and the
market seemed oversold locally. May
opened at 90903c, held between that
price and 90 till afternoon, closing at
90Jo for May. Car receipts for two
days were 332, against 277 oars a year
aiio. Local reoeipts were 32 oaiB.
The dosing Liverpool cables showed
an additional loss of J-a0 'rom tne open
ing figures. Antwerp wheat qiiet, Paris
firm. There was a fair demand for corni
and not much doing in provisions.
and by virtue of n execution and order
of sale lmued out of the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for the Count; of Morrow and
to me directed and delivered, upon a Judgment
rendered and entered In aaid court on the 7th
day of September. 1897, In favor of Ed Rood
Plaintiff, and against W. L. Baling, E. . Rhea
and C. E. Kedtield Defendant, for the mm of
two hundred twenty-six and 02-100 dollar! with
interest thereon from the 2nd day of Auguit,
1897, at the rate of eight per cent per annum,
and twenty-five dollar attorney fee and the
further um of ten dollar cost: which Judg
ment was enrolled and docketed In the Clerk'
office of ald court In aald county
on the 7th day of September, 1897;
and where, it waa further ordered and de
creed bv thn court that the following described
real property, tonlt: the louth half of the
soutwest Quarter and south half of tbe louth
east quarter of section twenty-nine in township
one Boutn of range twemy-aeven eat w. M. in
Morrow County, Oregon, be old to atify aald
judgment, coat and accruing coat. I will, on
Wednesday, the 12th day of January, 1898.
at two o'clock p. m., of aald day, at the front
door of the court hoiiBe in Heppner, morrow
countv Oreeon. sell all the right, title and in
terest of the said W. L. Baling, E. W. Rhea and
C. E. Red field in and to the above described
tironertv at nubile auction to tbe highest and
best bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds to be
applied to tbe satisfaction of said execution and
ail costs, ana costs tnat mav accrue.
E. L. Matlock. Sheriff of Morrow Co., Or.
Dated Dec. 10. 1897. 604-614.
What Everybody Knows,
Or ought to know, is that health and
even life itself depends upon tbe condi
tion of tbe blood. Feeding, as it does,
all tbe organs of tbe body, it mast be
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cute,
Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rbenm,
papers who had him defeated and jn New York and elsewhere are wrested Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, rion ad pare in or(jer to give proper
buried long ago Will be Compelled from tbe graep of that agonizing oom- Chilblains, Corns, and all Shin limp- nourishment. Hood's 8arsaparilla
to acknowledge his resurrection, plaint, rheumatism, by the timely use of tious, and positively cures Files or no makes the blood pure, rioh and nonrieb
Uostetter s Hiomacb uitters, whiob is a pay requirea. n is guaranteed to give jDg, and in this way strengthens tbe
preventative of malaria and kidney com- perfect satisfaction or money refunded. nerves, creates an appetite, tones the
i.1 and by virtue of an order of sale issued
out of tne county court oi tne state or uregon
for Morrow countv. on tne n aay oi January
1898. the undersigned, a administrator of the
estate of Hellen M. Allyn, will on and after the
4th day of February, 1898, proceed to sell at
private sale for cash in hand, all the following
described real property of said estate, situated
in Morrow nnuntv. tlrecon. to-wu: ine norm-
east quarter of section thirty-one, in township
one, south of range twenty-flve east W. M., and
the north-east auarter of section thirty-five, in
townBbipone, south of range twenty-six east
W. M also the south-east quarter of section
thlrtv, in township one, south of range twenty
five eaBt W. M.. together with all the tenements,
hereditaments and appurtenance thereunto
Dated at Heppner, Oregon, January 7th, 1898.
12-22 Administrator.
It is never best to count on a
- 1:1 t I
man ueitmu unui mo piaint, and a ooretive of livercomplaint.
bus been securely seated. constipation and nervousness.
Price 26 oents per box. For sale by
Blooum Drug Co., E. J. Slooum, manager.
Odb American steel-rail makers
have apparently secured a nraa As the Observer predicted last week
hold on foreign markets for their the Joe Simon republicans refuse to bar-
rmvWa. Thfl Tllinoia Rteel Com. monize tbe republicans of Multnomah
nnnit Yaa cinnf Kit fMVl Inno i"F of Aal
' ' oans, so-called, asked for was a return to
rails io japan aione, ana anomer ,he priDCipel of mjujty rule. Now
concern, the Maryland Steel Com- tbat the Simon faction reject these offers
pany, is sending 18,000 tons to without giving good reasons they will
British India, Australia, Mexico bave to 8D8wer fnr u be,ore ,ba Btte
and South Africa. Increased ex- 'nM;n-. ' P b"
. they want to rule or rum. Oregon has
nnria mam mrra lnnm fnr A marl- . .....
u .v,. . naaqnite enough oi tneir rule or ruin
Can workmen. and will take no more of it. Moro Ob
in y.ooiuuuu uov.mcu iii tw Irl ,he Cornel, case, now before the
sition on the silver question to oommittee of privileges of the United
Senator Chandler at Washington Slates senate, Senator Borrows dissents expectations will no doubt be realized
The Skasway Paper.
Tbe Gazette received today a oopy of
tbe Skagway News, with tbe compli
ments of Chas. Smitb, formerly of Hepp
ner, but who is at present a resident of
tbat thriving new town of the north.
This number is illustrated, and gives an
extensive description of Skagway and
other points of interest along tbe route
to Klondike. From this paper we dip
tbe following item:
Tbe firm of Matlock, Smitb & Hilts,
who bave been coostruoting a lodging
bouse and restaurant at Lake Bennett,
bave tbeir struoture about completed,
and it will be ready for occupancy about
tbe 15th of January. Tbe gentlemen
expect Io do a large business during the
ash of people to the interior, and their
stomaob and builds up the health.
Hood's Sarsaparilla wards off colds.
pneumonia and fevers, which are preva
lent at Ibis time.
Tbe Matlock cousins left one day
earlier than they anticipated, departing
Tuesday evening instead of Wednesday.
They were also accompanied by their
unole, Oasa Matlock, who may locate
in Alaska.
Ellis & Phelps,
All business attended to in a prompt and
satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and
Office In Natter Building. Heppner, Or.
Will pay the highest
market price for
Hides, Pelts, Furs, Old Rub
ber and Brass.
Office at 8. P. Garrigue Feed 8tore.
The Palace
...Has been leased by...
Who has Becured too services of
As manager. It will be run m nrst class shape
. in every department.
Hates reasonable.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars
When you hear dem bells!1
Belled express is coming. Does delivery work
on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This
wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it,
or at "Central" telephone office.
Are gaining favor rapidly.
Business men and travel
lers carry them In vest
pockets, ladles carry them
in purses, housekeepers keep them in medicine
closet, friends recommend them to friends. 2Ao
Plllc Mathews & Gentry,
DflriuLn J
tne otber day. lie bbvb
not given up tbe matter of an in-
be baB 01' "fl "ie "D'y rf-pnbhoarj oo tue
oommittee that Joes o. He bold, that
li aunt Mr flnrKutl im n V d iip.n.il.nt
ternational agreement and expects Bnd oontr,; to the deoiflIon of the
io again sena ma envoys io Europe te io the Mantle owe, wbioh was ngainat
as Boon as conditions are favorable the appointment of senators where the
for continuing negotiations. Ne
gotiations were ouly temporarily
Buspended on account of tbe pecul
iar situation in India.
legislatcre ha had opportunity to aot.
Tbe position that Senator Burrows takes
ia the matter will prevent Ce gnatiog of
Mr. Oorbett, and Oregon will have to
oontiuue to struggle along with one sen
tor until at otber is provided at the
neit session of the Ipglnlatnre. The dis
appointmnnt of ex Snoator Corbxtt it
undoubtedly bitter. To think that tbe
Mr. Hilts, who returned to Skagway
from there last Saturday, says that Mr.
Matlock will bring 200 borci bere in
the spring, to do pscking between Hkng-
way and Bennett. There are at the
present time, about fifteen Louses, tents
and shacks at tbe lake, and more being
The latest reports from Dawson
City seem to indicate tbat tbere is
no need of tbe government going old millionaire, after all be has done for
to tbe expense of sending a relief he party and 'or "sound money," is do
expedition up tbere. Tbere is
quite a shortage in the food supply
but no danger of starvation. Meat
is said to bo very plentiful, large
berds of moose aud cariboo being
killed for. food purposes, which is
furnished to tbe miners and others
at about 40 (touts a pound.
Two Millions a Year.
When people buy, try, and buy again, it
menus they're ntiHflfdi The people of the
I'nited St'iittn are now Imyinn Casrarcts
dimly Catlmi'tic at the rate of two million
Poxes n year mm it will lie tnree minion ne-
fore New Year s. It menns merit proven,
that Chuck rets are the most dcliulitful bowel
rt'Kiilntnr for everybody the yenr round. All
(li nguists 10c, 2ic, QUc a box, cure guaranteed,
Died admittHiioe to the Uoited (Hates
senate, in tbe fnoe of bis appointment to
the high ( ftke by the ttovernnr of Ore
gon! The rioh have their woes as well I
ai tbe poor. East Oregonian.
I of Oregon, for Morrow county.
W. P. Lord, H. R. Klncald
and Phil Metachen a
the board of commis
sioners, etc., Plaintiffs,
vs. i
Adeline Howell, Henry
Howell, Mary Howell.
John Howe 1, Nellie
Howell. William Howell.
Htanford Howell, Joseph
Howell, Tiuia Howell,
Ida Howell, Frank How
ell, Thoma. Howell, Lilly
noweii, tieuip rarer,
Rix Farer. Adeline How.
ell, a administratrix
and Henry Howeuaaaa.
mlnistrator of mauiord
Howell, deceased. De
fendants. : :
To William' Howell, Hattfo Farer and Rix
Farer, Defendant:
In the name of the Stat of Oreeon: You are
hereby required to appear and answer the
complaint filed agattnl you In the above en
titled suit ou or belore the nrst day of the next
reicular term of this court, to wit: The 7th day
ot March, 1KM, and If you fail to answer for
want thereof the Dlalntllt will apply to the
court to grant the relief demanded In the com
pliant, to-wit: For ludiment analust you upon
a certain promissory note for the sum of :ta0
wun interest inereon at tne rate oi emni per
rent per annum from April 1st, lH'.KI, the sum of
I HI attorney fee and the coat aud dlsburae-
8hop two door South of Postofllce.
Formerly of Pendleton
Tonsorial Artiste
Hair Cutting,
Shop, Matlock Corner,
15 Cents
25 "
Heppner, Oregon.
At Cha Jones' Old Stand.
Shaving, - - '"15' Ota
Hair Cutting, - 25
Joe 1 keeping up the reputation of this shop
for flrst-clus work and would be pleased to
have you call.
8o tbe ''Union" party was formed last
week and ia ready to do bnsiness during
the next campaign. Some appear to
think this means tbe death of tbe repub-
II. E. Warren and wife retnrned from
below on Tuesday. They report having
bad a nice time and eiijuyed tneir wed- meM, thll llti ,na tMt the mortgage given
inn irln verv mnoh. The were sere- !,'re. the wment of ld note on the I..1-
naded by tbe ladies' band on Tuesday
evening, wbioh organization treated tbe
.nnnn r.M.t.1 in some verv choioe musio. tne P" ol ."' "'.Df IM' ,n
, 9 r-r.- . , i pavineut oi tne amount due Planum.
this summons Is served upon you in pumi-
ance of an order of the Hon mephen A. Lowell,
lowing described real property situated In I
Morrow county, mate oi Oregon to-wtt: South-
E. W. M be foreclosed and aald property (old
General Collector
Put your old book and note in hi
hmU and vet vour monev out of
them. Make a apeclalty of hard
Office ia J, N. Brown's Building,
J. A. Ferkins. ot Antiqnity. O was tor judge of the above entitled court, made and
i:..n ..!. 1. n,..n. n.win !. th , . . . . .... emcrea III ald lull on tne sin any or January,
. , , m. ... . i . tuny Yearn uceuiawaiy iuhuiou vui- iww. hkuwn a ks.iifiki.ii
The bUUhUcs of lynching in the
United HtateB indicate tbat this 1
base their elalra, we know not, for tbe .i0i-ni for the cure of eciema. lie was
If aot of tbe combination taking on tbe ...mi. rnr,l h n.inu IWiti'. Witnb
name "Uuioo ' will not draw to tbem ii..hi ..iVi. th. famoua bealinn salve
reprolioiiBible ciime continues to one vote more than they polled in 9fi; jor pile, nd skin diaeases. Oouser A
flmirinh in nnitft of Ilia well meant hey would lie a thousand or more ipnnh.
efforts in some parts of the country y,0'" beJ in, ,b r0' h"
. i f that, conditions bave ohanged and will
io einmp u uuW tuo v.rKn.- ,., to cb(MIBB 0Bll tll, prwielll
ian. The whole numbor of lynch- .dmlninlratlon. Trioes bave gone op
ings for the year amounted to ICO tor farm prodoots, laborers can now get
against 131 in 18. Of tbotie oo- remnnerative wages, and
curring during the last year Hfl 'b-'onghont there I. an air of prpenly,
, .. ,, i ,i where two years ago general stagnation
were in the south and 20 in the ftM w, In.t buoJrll,. o
northern states, 122 of the victims repablioens who were ooi.ids of the
being negrqrs, J'J Whites and 5 party traces will sea that they were pur-
I suing an Imaginary political squid and
will drop back into party lines and tbat
tbe republicans will sweep the state by
s sale majority. Valley Transcript.
Attorneys lor Plaintiffs.
Wm. Gordon has re-named
NOTiCEOFUEARiNaoFCONTEST his stand the old Jones
livery stable
1lio Central.
The new firm ot . O. Noble ft Co
II o,.IUn .t,,t mi all kills nf tha iAi the U. M. tnd OITtc at
. . . . .... January 81, ll5, for the WU olHWU at
Arm of Noble A Oo. All those indebted of hwv and BWK of UK of Kec. b, tp
i.. .1.. ..I I n.m ... ...I iM.i 27. K. V?. M. ha. wholly failed to comi.l
onoe aud settle. The new firm ia de
sirous of beginning bnslues witb
olean reoord, so be prompt with yonr
Diiiector Pbestos of the Unit
ed States mint estimates that the
gold mined throughout the world
This is tbe Drat administration for 12
during the year just passed has years without a beadsman, says theCooj.
Inn t'.'-lfl OfKl OfYV nr an incrAA meroial Advertiser. Under Cleveland.
of about tweuty per cent over last onJer 1Urrl" ,nJ uoJ,r 1" !
The indications are that io
Dan ltioe was in from iiardman tbe
first of this we k witb a petition for
bog law whiob bad been gotten op in
tbe Bardraan and Eight Mile teetions.
It bad tbe requisite 100 names, and over,
aod the county court will no doubt aot
promptly at its oeil regular seeeioo.
lings ought not to be allowed to ruo at
V. 8. Laud Orrics, 1.4 Grande, Oai.,
December 1.1th, IW7.
Complaint havln been made at this office by
the duly verl lied and corroborated attldavlt oil
John H. Mannlns allcKlni; that Kate KiiimII
who made Tim lie r culture Kntry No. l.ViO at
Ia Orande, Oreaon,
and BK14
B. K
miily with
the Timner Culture lw; that she did durlnt
the vrar I wholly abandon aald tract nf land :
that ever since ba continued to abandon the
Mine and ha made no improvement upon
aid tract or any port thereof.
Therelore, with tha view of th cancellation
of the aald entry the said parties are hereby
inmmiiiim and reqiiirM to d ana appear ue
tore J. W. Morrow. Countv Clerk of Morrow
Countv. Onwon. at hi office at Heppner, Ore-
ion, on the I.Mh day of February, lhtst, at the
iiiiur hi in 11 run m iu., otmm u j t mih wuu m
there to prod nee such testimony a they may I i
have conrernlns aald allegation. Final hear-1 I
In to be had at tha oltln of the rectster and
receiver at la Orande, Oregon, March lh, llMS,
al 10 o clock, a. m.
a. w. n n 1 i.r. 1 1 , nnrisier,
10-21 J. H. KOBBl.NH, Kecelver.
Baled hay for sale. Charge reasonable. Call
on blin and bave your hone well cared for.
The Old Shop
Is tbe place to go to get
your fine pork and lamb
chops, steaks and roasts.
OF IONE. xxv
t Keeps i U Si::!: o! Merchandise
Including all the Staples, Hardware, Tin
ware, Harness, Stockmens' Supplies,
Wood and Willowware.
First Class Goods and Low Prices
is his motto.
1808 tins amount will lo still fur.
ther increastnl. In view, therefore,
of tbe fact that the population of
the wothl incieaaos only aliout one
lor eont pnr annum, no alarm neetl
lx felt that the increMe in money
will not keep pace with the in
creae in population.
The populists of the state are
having a "hot time" over their
leailors, Young and U'Uen. These
men were accused hy numerous
republican papers of having sold
out to Himon, llourue, et al., down
at Kalom last winter, aud now cor.
repoudnce tHirtaioing to that
subject and Hiving the whole thing
away, baa been brought to light
and proves tbat what these papers
had to say was correct. Any
amount of "whitewash will not
avail to cover up the treachery of
these men to their party. Tbey
should I dropped like bot bricks.
linn blood
Where the blood hut its
intense red grows thin and
watery, as in anemia there is
constant feeling of exhaus
tion, a lack of ene r gy vitality
and the spirits depressed.
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo-
ihoiphitcs of Lime and Soda
s peculiarly adapted to correct
this condition. The cod-liver
Mrs. M. U. Ford. lUiJdeU's, UU sot-
tertHl tor eitfbt years from d)i)is sod
olirontd euoatipatloo sod was finally
ourej by naing L Will's Ltttls Early
llisers, lbs famous littlo plils (or all
stouisx-b aud liter trouble. CooserA
oil, emulsified to an exquisite
fineness, enters the blood direct
and feeds its every corpuscle. S
restoring the natural color and S
giving vitality to the whole f
. rt..i 1 ..- W
y iirin. 1 nc nypupnoapiuics
reach the brain and nerve
centres and add their strength J
ening and beneficial citcct. !
If the roses have left your
checks, if you arc growing ;
thin and exhausted from over
work, or if age is beginning
..it .... tM i-i t: r .
Home gmxl, boneat opulist .j "
papers are bciuuiiig to eBuire r h s-ott ium.. ;
whore llrjao pots the oney news. co11 t''?iTJZ ? vi j
sary to defrsy the Urge eipensesls
E. F. Caroiliell is soffonng from s
largo oarbuncU ffbieh bad to l attend
d to by a phyaioiao wbo lauoed it tour
lime. Hiooo tbs oporailoo Mr. Camp
hell baa len relivt o( a (reat deal ol
Mim Allies Ilogbro, Norfo, Vs., was
trigblfully boroej on tha far and Bwk
I'ain was lustanlly lolivrod by lVWitt's
Witoh IUt-1 SuWa, wbiob lir-alrd lbs In
Jury without laaviog scar. It Is tbo
famnn (il rsusity. ITobim m hrooa. "
Lost la las aWaaUlM
Word rveoifixl at this ntfliw givM tbs
loforrostioi tbat Frank Kiog, a roU!ot
ol (Irani eoanly, was kol io tb moun
tains In tbo vicinity ot Lull Wall rk
(or ou or two days lb Oral ot lb w.k.
lis was out with a booting party at tbo
tin, but lonod hi way boat on
Wrdorsday morniag, eoosl.larably Bai
povr bt i(rMtte. Tb 0ilt's
Inforoiaot eoold ant slat whslhar Ur.
King bad laid ool oo or two Bight,
hot nrT-rtbsIra bnrTrd prtiy mnoh
fioro tb cold.
I4iiniatr KwU With rrr.
I'Mtity t'lhnlr, ur rontlraili cirir.
llAk il Ci C C. tall, druTtai fvluaJ BMWir.
Notice of Intention.
J live. n. IW7. Nolle Is hrrrbT slr.n that
th liillowlna namtvt (plllrr ha Slfd nollrcol
hi InUiiiUon Io mak tnal proi( In iiiport ot
hi. rlann. and that aalil pmolwlll h mU
Mnni. W. Morniw.l'oiinty l.rk.ai Hrppnrr,
Orvfon, on Thursday, r.iiruarr s, lava, l:
Itil. R No. 4M, lor th Wl ol 17, Tp. S S.,
H . W. M.
Ha namrs th fnllnwltif wltnff. to pm?
Mi roniliMinu. rualiiriH- upon ami riiuivaiion
ol. alt lamt. rt: S.lanl Hunt. FMwant (rts-
(II, tlwrir Hhlrk anil Arthur Hunt, all of
llrppurr, Morrow eouiiljr, tir.
4 AO. r. MINIHK,
fin surr-rurt ham anil baron.
Pur Iml lani, krillo-ranilarwi. old
sty I. Highest run prlc palJ lor
lal stock.
I ami orrtcit at uoimnii, oititoo,
4 !". in. IW7. Niitl. I h.rrhT its that
th liilliiwln nainnt avltlcr ha Sim liutli-.nl
hi. IntvtiUon In mak Snal prool In .til'iuirl ol
hi. plaint, and that aald pninl will l mad
twfur J. W, Mormw, t nnnlf t'lprk, al Hrppucr,
lirr.iu, oa January ti, Iwk, via:
Xit. t:.vt, l,.r ti. s NEI and lH KU .
V. Tp. a, aot Ml W M.
H n.mr th lullnwirf HnfM In pro
ol Mid land. Tli: Juhl
hlsrontlnuona wlilr tito and eoltltlnn
ol aald land, trli: Jitha I.illltir, mIthm
W. klnrnin, Rnlwrt I). ltii. and Loiil
Unhna,ail ol Mvppnvr, Morm eount. (Mr.
a. w. ttirun, K-i.irr.
A. O. OUtLVIE IOPnelor,
roasll (SO nils).. .s0 Round trip 00
MarvllUlUmfl.). 100 Round trip 7 00
Condon (W atllrs) . S 00 Round trip 00
rUm ( Mill) . . 09 Round trip I M
011 lit mllwl 1 Roundtrlp S
Plav Uavs Arllngkto ry morning
(Sonday nMpd) at A o'olork; I dn
al Onndoo al S p. m. aod art it si rot-
all at 7 iv. m.
CoafortabU rorrd eoaohao4 r-
(ol, nprlrM1 driver.
Notlci of InUntlon.
Laao Prruk at Tas Dtitta, Oaano
lw.-pi l-r t tnfi,
lolliivlitl namnl attlf tM 8l. aotlo n(
hi Inuntloa to mak taaJ prool In .iirpnit ol
hi. rlalm, and thai aald pronl will tw ina.1 -lrJ
. Marrow, toaa'T (lrfc, at MrpBf,
Oroa, January la, tw. u
H R No. 4na lor th f'4 RWt sad KT.
ui a ja, Tp. u.kxt . n.
nsnamr in loiiowinf .ilnmi to pmr
his miitinuKii rm,iM' um au l rollliallnq
ol aald land. la ( harlx W. t r.Hi k and
wi. P(tnl, ol llt .ii. nntns, ibn W.
( rdl k and L, t. ! t, l..n, ol P'nl.l n it
jAa. F, M'XiHK.
11 RnLlrr.
CMta, awa 1nd-Mara aotataad aa4 ail !
tmt .i enaSttad Haataar Stt.
Oua Oftt i Omft U, . .nwotfut
H4nilirt pawatta W UM Ua law
tad KMdri, Pv. Htk Wrt
tmm. W. lMa, H pamiafe a 4, t" m
llSMUf II" C r.waw. wttfc
4 II MaTia'th I. A. aad Wna tmmuym
rat bw. A
etmm tmtt. tsrsaHiwaTwa. B. C.
They Are The "Mustard"
r:THe Pioneer Blacksmltlis
liar mad som tlffinl lmprOT.mnU In their Mlabll.hmrnl and mAAt a i..
Iron. horanhoM and othr mattirlal Marnttal to th hapfilntaa ol thosa wbo sttd oulrk kiih
to th.lr wasona, buksla or machln.ry. Th.lr sprclalty 1 horMaho-itif . 1
Mduwi I Bitlco irt the Boji to do Tour Work Riiiit, ltd do il Quirk, U.
Is that of plain and decorated
Chinaware & Quccnswarc At
Gilliam Bisbee's
Andhyth way lhy h anything yott ran rail fnf In Ih. Un ol
Hard vara, OUirr and Ttnwatw.
Columbia River and Puget Sound Navigation Co
Lieg AMor 8lrol Dtx-k. rortlaoj, for A'torla, !lwo. ru..w
1'wk aod Nahcoii. l,rtwonn.lKf,tb iliJCZft?9
ttd; Jm at Tooog-s llay Hh r,l.r Hk.lmll!
M. Dally. rM Sandar. Um iiu. at u
Ut iSrtland If.l li:r . serd (Kind...
al M A. M ,
1 .. wm Kutl.u .
- . ... . h milimiHMiT, 1MM M... a M ..
,,,, ,,, ,IWMN .
aatttrdav ait.. hum .
r aunday and Mondat. . .. '.TT1 "-t Da
' ' '"'. 1 r m
Uts Portland and Mn.dlrl to liw. Twl.y and lk.i.f - 4 w .
CWled li M NitjUoi U hiAn fm if h?t