Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 11, 1898, Image 4

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    m TY WTT7
Talis You How to Do It.
a-ai . v x-v ii
Of Two Transcontinental
Salt Lake
St. Paul
Chicago Kansas City
Onean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
Steamers Monthly from Portland to
Yokoboma and Hone Kong; via, The
Northern PaoiBo Steamship Oo. in cod
nection with O. R. & N.
For (all details call on 0, Ii. 4 N.
Agent at Ileppner, or address
Gen. Pass. Aft.
arrangement we offer to
By a speoial
oar readers
The Wool Record
and Semi-Weekly QBZette, one year for
The Wool Reoord is the only national
wool organ and covers the wool industry
from the raising of the sheep to the sell
ing of the manufactured artiole. It is
published weekly at New York and the
regular prloe is $2.00 a year. lis market
reports are full and oomp e and its
Sheep Bleeders' Talks alone are worth
10 times tbe prioe of the paper.
Ham pie oopies on application.
We heartily recommend this combi
nation to oar subscribers.
Rural Spirit
Published Weekly
Portland, Or.
and Turf.
Worth its weight in gold to every farmer
and breeder in Oregon.
(Sample oopies free.) '
Rural Spirit and Gazette both for
$3.00, oasb, at this offioe.
If so, be sure and see that your
ticket reads via
TMoiliwsieni Line
Great Short LiQe
Tliolr Magnificent Track, Peerless Vestlbuled
Dining Mid HlemiliiR Car
Tralui, and Motto:
"always on time"
hu given thli road a national reputation. All
itliumM of tiaseermiri carried on the vestlbuled
tralui without extra charge, Hhlp your Ireliitit
ami travel over tills famous line. All agents
nave tickets.
Uen. Agont Trav. f. A I. Agt,
m Washington St., Portland, Or.
The Only Alt-Rail Route Wilbont
Change of Cars Between Hpokane,
Rosslund and Nelson. Also between
Nelson anl Roasland, daily eioept
Sunday :
M V. M.
11:11) P. M
B.45 P. M
Ilwate & Si. Paul R'g
This Railway Co.
Operates its trains on the famous block
Light its trains by eleotrlolty through
Uses the oaltbrted sleotrio berth read
" ing lamp;
Rons speedily equipped passenger trains
very day and Bight between HI. Paul
and Chiosgo, and Omaha and Chloago
Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul
Also operates team-heated veatibaled
trains, , carrying the latest private
eota part rueot ears, library buffet sraok
. ing cars, aod palace drawing room
let per.
I'arlor ears, free reclining chair oars.
son ins very Dent timing obair oar
For lowest rates to any point in ths
United Htalw or Cauada, apply to
agent or address
0. J. EDDT,
J. W. CASEY, General Ageot,
Trav. Pass, Agent. Portland, 0
Mr. PAl'l.
Ticket Issued In all point la ths Toiled
Hist and Caned.
Hat. Tma
Nsw VnKi
All other
Id ths
r.aal and
Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anvons sendlne a sketch and description miiv
qulitklv ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention in pnmmiiy naiHriianio. turamanim.
Hons strictly ountlilnntlal. Handbook on Patents
aent free. Oldest a-reiicv for securing patent.
I'atenU taken through Munu ft Co. reoelve
Irxciu notice, without charge, la the
Scientific jmterican.
A hanrtunmelT lllnntrated weekly. Largest cir
culation of anv scientluo Journal. Terms, 1.1 a
yHHr ; four months, $1. Hold by all newsdealers.
MUNN & Co.36,Brwd"' New York
llrauch Offloo, 625 F tSU, Washington, D. C.
Hull A. M Hpokane ...
IHI A. M Itoealand
:IU A.M Noleou
Close connections a! Nelson with steamera tir
Kaalo, anil all Kootenai lke point.
i sioti)j..rs rir-ftiue invar and rimindarf
rwea, ooiinect at Mnroue with slime dnilv.
If yon tulTtr (Wm any of the i
ilia of man. cithi lo the olilrftt
Specialiat on Hie Paiiftc Coaii,
di. mnnH k co..
.1081 MatUtSI, fe.trt 1852. 1
Voini nrmml middle ,
A MajrU mrn ho are.iiilin
ftrjin the rftfctsol ytitiihrnl indiu-ret ion. ores- i
esM. in nuhirfr vi' tr. Nrrv"in ami !'hvicid
lvblll(.v.lntiiuleir.l.l Manhuwil i
mull iL.inM 41 ion: aMrnintorrhii'a,
rmiaiorrsn n, iismirrlivs, Ulerl, ,
rniiii nrr of I rlHSllui, eis, My a 1
umiUtMiioa 4 tcineUtea. U grai rurstive pow
er, the linctur has a ananntd hit trmtmrnl '
thai ii aill out goly an" 1 nn,e,i,isrlKf but ,
rwrmaritni rurs. 1h i, d nt claim to '
prr(.m mirai Irs, kul is wrll lniuan to lie a (air i
Bud aquars I'huiri.o and Surgron, lrr-niiMllt
in hit iialiy- llrara mt VI cn.
veirtlMe thoronuiilr erndi. iiinlCiunithe
S.vt in wilbont iium Mlrftrii
I tl lir ii:m.'i in newlll re.
Oelvo nor hnrnfMlt fttnhm of lu Ptimldnliit,
rrry ra tw wiHirriiue, or JorJe4 One
onjnllitiin IKK and itrlnlf ntiralt.
' .1 n-r.. 4i .1 1 v m kw I-. , I I . 1 L
"Thai 1'btiaaoaliv ar M.rla.
free. (A valushle bk li eii )
ViaiT Us. JiiSBiti'S
Croitt 3IiiNfiim of Anatomy (
ths ftmtt and latftt Uiwruniuf n kml iaihs
WitfitU Omte and karn h.'W wondettiilly you i
are kuhIs) how In sv.1,1 aiika4 and dixa.
V ata f-.tnui'ly sjiluif arw iiumia.
i A I A l.uu ( a ;. hk. I .l ur wrtte.
1051 Market (teM(. San SraaHtew. Cat.
a i urenoii. lor the l uungr ol Murtuw,
K.I Koial, I'laintlA,
frank Manry and m Hndtu. Iirtpiidanla.
To Frank Kaiirjr, one ol the elwte liainrd df
In Die nam o( the state "I Orevon: Von are
riilrr-t lo sl MTf ai4 answer Hie cnmi (ilalnl
ol idaliitnf rllnl III the aie riillllt-.t r.mrl
and soli on or hrtor the Rret day ol ths oral
r,uler term ! said iirt, to II On Hie Aral
Monday ol Man h, I'm, ami II you tall lo so
answer, nlaliitin will take lodeim-nl and ile.
rrwe, lom-toeliis the mortgage ilwrtlasl In
a. roiti,lalnt on the N V) V ol frr loin,
Kl H, nl Kin', and M VI u ,, nu
nl mv T., Ii I S. & K W M. and that the same
lat sold thai the pf.a-.-ls Iw appllfl lo the
IX man I the sura ol Ilia ft J alih Intvrrai an.
aitaiu-)e' lore Ski ami plaintiff tis ami die
tMirwnieoU ol still and rala ol sale.
This eiiiiimous la iniliUshnl hy older ol
pfephea A. Lwwell.
i W. RCA. I'laluliraAllv
tatrJ tvec. t, lav?. ;
Miss Fay Bartholomew is on the sick
Ralph Beoge was " np from Social
Ridge on Saturday.
J. F. Willis was 10 from bis rano'inear
Lexington on Saturday.
To trade A good heating stove, for
oordwood. Gall at office. - tf.
What is Hop Gold? Best beer on
artb. Hee ad. elsewhere.
Mrs. Dave MoAtee is oortfined to her
home by an attack of quinsy.
Misses Eva and Jennie Bartholomew '
are convalescing from measles.
Felt boots and rubbers, and Arctic
overshoes at T. R. Howard's. ' 605-tf.
Bob Johnson wss In Saturday from
the mines up at John Zollinger's.
Mrs. Myrtle Seavey left last week for
Fomeroy, Wash., to join her husband.
One Minute Gouph Cure cures quiokly.
That's what you want! Conser & Brock
S. W. Frey, a San Francisco commer
cial traveler, was in Heppner over Hun
day, Sheriff E. L. Matlook got borne Satur
day from a visit of several days down at
J, W. Blake, of Condon, came over to
Heppner Sunday and Is registered down
at the Palace.
Judge Stephen A. Lowell wus in Hepp
ner on Saturday looking after matters
pertaining to his offioe.
Claus Johnson returned on Saturday
from Weiser, Idaho, wbere he bad been
on a visit to his brother.
W, D. Mitchell and L.' Coblentz,
knights of tbe grip representing Portland
bouses, were in Heppner on Friday.
Tom Oillfilleo left on 8aturday even
ing for Cbioago on a visit to some sisters
and cousins who reside in that burg.
Wm. Allison, one of Eight Mile's pros
parous residents, visited tbe metropolis
on Saturday, tie reports times quiet
out bis way.
S. P. Oarrigues returned on Saturday
from a visit to Portland aod Eugene.
He reports crop proepeott very bright
down in tbe valley.
Dave Aokermsn, representing a Port
land business house, was in Heppuer
Sunday, departing for Condon on Mon
day morning by team.
Rosooe F. Oukes, the popular repre
sentative of fteustsdter Bros., of Port
land, spent Sunday in Heppner and done
tome business fur bis firm.
John Her is one of tbe U. S. jurors on
tbe Eppiog osse, now in progress at
Portland. Epping is charged with oon
piring to rob tbe postoffice.
Gid Halt now has one of tbe chairs in
Gibson's barber shop wbere all bis old
friends and customers will be pleased to
find bim. Gid is a good "shaver."
I.N. and Sam Hughes returned Sat
urday from Wagner. Tbey report their
fa'ber, Mr, I. N. Hughes, Sr., who was
quite siok, as being greatly improved.
Mr. W. P. Dutton has word from
Pendleton that bis mother-in-law, Mrs
Uallock, is rapidly rsooyering from her
severe illness and at ths present is muob
Catarrh cured. A clear bead and
sweet breath secured with Sbilob's
Catarrh Remedy; sold oo a guarantee
Nasal injector free. Bold by Conser t
Brook. x
Deputy U. 8. Marshal Roberts and
Oolleotor of Internal Revenue Blaok
mao came np from Portland Sunday
morning on visit to their reepeotive
Friends in Bumpier inform this paper
that there is at piessnt two feet of snow,
on a level, at that point. Tbe weather
is not severe and so far there has been
do wind whatever.
For Constipation take Karl's Clover
Tea, ths great Blood Purifier, eures
beadaohes, Nervousness. Eruptioos on
the face, and makes ths bead as clear as
bell. Bold by Conser ft Brook. x
Norman J. Myers and wife took tbsir
departure on Saturday evening for
Humpler wbera tbey expect to reside la
tbe fatore. This paper wishes tbess
young people sbnmlsot s dooms when
ever tbey may east tbsir lot.
"Father" Koeelaod, who reside upon
ths "headquarters" ranch ot Wm. Pen-
land, is suffering from a very bad attack
of dropsy and is out si pec ted to live
is being attended by phjsioiaos from
tteppoer, but littls can bs don to ward
off ths bsnd ot approaching death.
It Is easy to catob a oold and just as
easy to gel rid ot it if you oommencs
early to oee On Miauls Cough Cure. It
eures ennghs, olds, bronchitis, posu
moo la sod all throat aod lung troubles.
It is pleasant to take, safe to oss and
sur lo our Onoasr ft Brock
From Ths Dalles Chronicle'.
The Simon men have refused tbe offer
of compromise made by tbe Mitohell re
publicans, and all prospeots of harmoni
ous aotion in Multnomah county have
vanished. Tbe oourss taken by Simon,
Mallory, et al., refusing to make peaoe
in tbe party will eome with little sur-
prise.' ; Unless tbey ' can control . tbe
whole maobinery of the party and state,
these self-ooostituted - leaders are .'dis
gruntled and revengeful. Io their selfish
ness tbey leave room for no one to aspire
to prominence outside of their qwn favor
ites and benobmen.
Tbe attaok made by Rufus Mallory
on Judge Geo, H. Williams in his letter
published two day ago, will go far to
wards strengthening the oause of the
Mitchell republicans. To charge Judge
Williams with being unduly partial or
prejudiced is to make allegations wbioh
tbe people at large will not believe true
lbe very fact that tbe Simon men are
unwilling that this venerable statesman
should sot as an arbiter of differences
because tbey fear be might decide in
favor of the Mitohell republican's con
tentlons, will be to many, strong evi
dence that the olaim of tbe Mitohell
men are meritorious.
, Tbe letter of Rufus Mallory and tbe
answer of the Simon oommittee will not
find oommeodation in the minds of fair-
minded people. Calling people hard
names is not argument, and abuse does
not win converts.
we bad hoped to see tbe trouble in
Multonomah county satisfactorily ad
justed, but the aotion of tbe Simon men
makes this impossible. Tbe fault lies
with tbe men who, in their blind pas
sion, would wreck the party rather than
Senator Mitchell should be re-eleoted.
Oregon City Enterprise.
Mr. Simon and bis oommittee have re
jected the fair and honorable propo
sition submitted to them by Hoo. Sol
Hirbb. ' This is not suprising. ; There is
only one thing left for the better ele
ment of republicans to do, and tbal is to
oleao out tbat rotten Simon-populist
borough in Portland that has so often
proved traitor to tbe republican party.
For the) Clot hi Of, Bnt Thousht Ticket
to Florida Should Ga with It. -
He was tattered and torn as he
knocked at the side door of a hospitable
uptown mansion, and stood shivering
in the cold November blast that almost
swept him from his feet. A benevolent-
looking' woman opened the door and
listened with a pensive, smile to his
plea for some oastoff clothing, says
the Detroit Free Press.
'Poor fellow," she said, ia kindly
tones; "stay there and I will see what
I can find in my husband's wardrobe,"
and she closed the door in his face.
After a long time she reappeared with
a pair or auck trousers, a wnne veei,
and some canvas shoes.
"I think those will fit you," she said,
as her eye took his dimensions, "and it
is really fortunateyou called thir
morning, as I was going to pack them
away for next summer."
"But I have no ticket," expostulated
the object sadly.
"Ticket? Oh, vou mean from some
charitable association?" '
"No, ma'am; but I thought vou ex
pected I was going there to wear these
clothes. I have just one favor to ask,
madam, if you will pardon the liberty."
"Well?" said the woman in a short
"Would you kindly add a fan ?"
' The door slammed, and as he turned
sadly away with his hot-weather cloth
ing he heard her putting on the bur
glar chain. i
Household Gods.
The ancient Greeks believed that the
Penates were tbe gods who attended to
tbe welfare and prosperity of tbe family.
They were worshipped as household
gods in every borne. Tbe household god
of today is Dr. King's New Discovery.
For consumption, ooughs, oolds and for
all affections of throat, obest and lungs
it is invaluable. It baa been tried tor a
quarter of a oentury and is guaranteed
to cure, or money returned. No house
hold should be without this good angel.
It is pleasant to take and a safe and sure
remedy for old and yonog. Free trial
bottles at Slocum Drug Go's, E. J.
Slooum, m'gr. Regular size 50o and $1.
Aa EariMat New York Chemist aad Helestiat
Hakes a Free Offer to Oar Headers.
Tbe distinguished chemist, T. A. Slo
cum, of New York City, demonstrating
bis discovery ot a reliable cure for Con
sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis),
brooobial, lung and obest troubles,
stubborn ooughs, catarrhal affections,
general decline and weakness, loss ot
flesh, and all condition of -wasting
way, will send THREE FREE BOT
TLES (all different) of his New Dis
ooyerie to any afflicted reader ot this
paper writing for them.
His "New Scientific Treatment" has
cured thousand permanently by its
timely use, and be considers it a simple
professional duty to suffering humanity
to donate a trial of bis infallible cure,
Scienoe daily develops new wonders,
and this great chemist, patiently experi
menting for years, has produoed results
as beneficial to humanity a can be
ol aimed by any modern genius. His
assertion tbat lung troubles and con
sumption are curable in any oliinate is
proven by "heartfelt . letter of : grati
tude," filed in bis Arxiericari and Euro
pean laboratories in tnousands . from
those cured in' all part of tbe world.
The dread Consumption, uninter
rupted, means speedy and oertain death.
Simply write to T. A. Slooum, M. C,
98 Pine street, New York', giving ' post
office and express address, and tbe free
medicine will be promptly aent direct
from bis laboratory.
Sufferer should take instant advan
tage of bis generous proposition.
Please tell tbe Doctor that you saw
this in the Gazette, published at Hepp
ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 r,
Now Prepared to do Any
Kind of PrintingDon't
Send Your Orders Away
'Till You Get the Gazette's
Heretofore the Gazette's job depart
ment has tried to do do work other than
plain printing. However, this sbop is
jow prepared to taokle anything in any
line and will meet prices of any person
under tbe sun in tbe line of druggist
supplies, blank , books, bank work
county work, or any sort of book bind
ingwork tbat you have heretofore sent
away to get done.
The Gasette shop is not a charity
Concern but it you .will give us a ohaboe
we will see tbat yon are satisfied in
every particular.
: Buy your goods at borne. . Remember
that Abe Lincoln said tbat when, one
bought goods away from 'home the
foreigner got the money and we got tbe
gooas. Bui wnen toe - good - were
bought at home we bad both money
and goods. This is good doctrine. We
are willing to abide by it. When the
printing drummer come to town, re
member it and call up 'phone No. 3.
The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co.
$100 Heward 1100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn tbat there is at least
one dreaded disease tbat scienoe has
been able to cure in all its stages, and tbat
ia catarrh Hall's Catarrh Cure is the
only positive onre known to tbe medioal
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu
tional disease, require a constitutional
treatment. Hall' Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, aoting directly upon , tbe
blood and rnnoou inrfaoe of tbe sys
tem, thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease, and giving tbe patient
strength by building up tbe constitution
end aesistiog nature In doing its work.
Tbe proprietors bave so ranob fsitb in
it curative power, tbat tbey offer one
hundred dollars for any case tbat it fails
to cure. Send tor list of testimonials.
Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 76c.
How I
Some are of tbe opinion that if tbe
free diver democrats, populist and
union , parties of this state unite, tbey
will eleot all their ticket. What ad
vantages would they possess over the
eleotioD of 1896? Then tbey were united
to a man on Bryan and tbe state went
republican by 2,000 vote. It scheming
politician should inoosed in bring'
ing about fusion of tbia kind, there
are seorea ot populist who would yote
with tbe republican. They are popu
list, not tusionists, and any intrigueing
with other parties will Dot be tolerated
by them. A fusion of tbat character,
bere tbe 16 to 1 issue alone would be
involved, oould not expeot to reoeive a
ingle vote from tbe sound money demo
orats, for do amount of argument can
peraoad them to support tbat issue.
Baker City Republican.
The State Board of Equalisation ba
met, adjourned, drawn it salary, and
gone borne. Tbey reduced tbe assess
ments as rsturnsd by the several ooun
tie nntil tb aum total ot taxable prop
erty in lb state amounted to $134,997,
448. Last year it wa f 143,176 971 f
Salem Sentinel.
So tb Oregoaian wart Senator sleo-
ted by direct vote. Senator Mitchell
worked long and faithfully for tbat very
thing, even got favorable report on a
bill from the committee. Aod it sen
tore were elected by direot vote why
he would be eerving the state in tbe
senate now. "Tbe combine'' ot last
wiuter In Oregon, aided and commended
by tb Oregonian would not bave been,
It makes big difference whose ox
gored. Yaqoioa Bay New.
Country Uooat Made the Hotel
Official Pay Up.
, A country guest at a certain London
hortel, having a dread of pickpockets,
weurt to the olork and haaded hdm, a
i.20 note to be put in the safe, says
'ornic Cuts. Asking for it next day
it was thunderstruck when the tunc
lionarv to whom he had given the
money coolly denied any recollection
of the matter. Whereupon the coun
tryman went to a lawyer.
, "Get another 20 note," said the law
yer, "and go, accompanied by a friend,
back to the hotel. Apologize to the
oleTk for your mistake. Say it was
x defect of ineimory. Attribute it to
absent-mindedness. Deposit the sec
ond 20 note in the presence of your
friend and come back to me.
The mystified, ruralist obi&rved in
Btructiona to the very lettter.
"Now," said the lawyer, "go baok
alone to the clerk and ask him for your
20 note. Knowing that your friend
sow him receive it he will give you back
ihe second one. Then take your friend
with you next oay, approacn me merit,
ask him boldly for that 20 note and
a there was no witness to your receipt
ol the second note he will be forced
to return that also."
The ruse proved completely success
ful, much to the gratification, of the
M.. Q. n -L. PI.....) X)iA f
mil. kJva. a, a. iBanni amuko, v. a oj a , I
After two doctor gave np my boy to
die, 1 saved him from croup by using
One Minute Cough Cure." It ia the
quickest and most oertsin remedy for
ooughs, colds and all throat anl lung
trouble. Corner ft Brook.
Mr,' Margaret Von Cadow and chil
dren arrived Saturday morning from
Portland and are now located at tbe
Palace hotel, where Mrs. Von Cadow
has assumed ber dntiea as manager of
that popular bostlery.
Miss Allie Hugbes, Norfolk, Vs., Was
frightfully burned on tbe face and neok.
Pain was instantly relieved by DeWitt's
Witch Hazel sulve, wbioh healed tbe in
jury witboot leaving a soar. It is tbe
famous pile remedy. Conser & Brook.
Leave The Dalles daily (exoept Sunday)
at 7:30 a. m. Leave Portland at 7:00
a. m.
When you go to Portland, stop off at
The Dalle and take a trip down the
Columbia; you will enjoy it, and save
General Agent.
Andrew M. Peterson' was in from his
Eight Mile possessions on Saturday.
Mr. Peterson ba leased hi ranob and
contemplate leaving Morrow county,
tor a time, at least, to aeek his fortune
io pastnrea new. Wherever be goes
this paper wishes bim suocess.
Kiii a aa City
HT. Jear
MT. Lnl'lS
UsUie Itopot rnnaaelMMis
I HC Paul, Miaueepolia,
Kansas City, (Irtish, Mt.
lioale ami oilier promt
aeb I wnats
Ha-efe ebrrked IbfoagQ to destination
ol Utile,
Thmee tU seta to Jsm and ('bias, via
Taeoiaa sod Norther I'ariOe Meein
ship Oumpaar's Una,
Fn full lafurmailon, time par Js, map,
lira eta, Call ua or writ
W. O. AUlWtT, A. It. CaaHLTOft,
Aa-t N. I'. Ity. A est, Use. I'aaa. Aft.
Tbsl'illes.Of, furtlsod, Or
Notice of Intention.
l.iae trri, s at La Uaaaix. nai.i..
w. Jl, !!?
ytTim IS MtklRV JilVKH UUt 1111
IV ilt.ialiif uinH erltler lias IM n.'lli sol
his ttttoiitltiii Ut make Snal pr.ail In SMarl ifi
his rlalm, ami na soul .ti. will I ma. Is
ll"' ( olinlf l lrrk, W.Wf I'ulllilV, OtrtMI,
al IWur, UruB, anl, Ian, vli.
Ut l.kltxllssa,
II I K K t, tor Ihe H ol KM w an4 vt'.nl
lS"CM.Itlpl, i.t e.
lis names lb MlosHiia a Itnaaan lopmv hie
eiMitinu,Mie rwihlni in en, rnlnaii.i
aaiil lal. l taiillent Martn k ux nil.
rwrt, I tiailrf ri.tu.lr... s. lir llui. all 1,4
H'ttr, M.urt.a ..eir 'rrg,M,
k. . kuiirTr.
Trttrr, HAlt-lthrum and Erarmft.
The Intone Itvhlng and smarting, Incl'
dont to these dlwjhHL Is Instantly allayed
by ainlvlnit L'hambnrUin' Eye and
hkln OtntnwMit. Many vry bad case
have Wn Mrrnnntly corej by It. It
bt equally -ft trnt for Itching pllee and
a favorite rvtutMiy for eore nipPH,
chap! bamla, chllblttlna, frost blue
and chrviilo sore eyre. S3 i t, per box,
I)r. fadj feadltloa Pewder. are
just what A horse nrods whi-n In bad
con.litl.m. Tnk Mxxl rmrtnrr and
vermifuge. Thr'a, are not food but
medicine end the U-et In use to put a
horse In prime oondiUoo. ITU.') So
conU per package.
Of fnxKItOU'Eh'H
Hilleboro ladepeadeot: Pbei 11 M al
io!, ol Ileppeer, wa in towa Wedoee
day. II wa not after lb wicked tbl
trip bat o a recreating vtett. Hberlff
Bradford' effi bl beedqnarler
tills here.
'I'M Ttti KttotHS or TI'K
I 11(1,14 Mairr (mfiir sail
annual Hialllif l..r la dull i.l
tiw tiu.iura a , b.aria M.
ery A l., i, w
.ii. (K.ir
lim b.ts ami
4a 4 laau-
aire. Mary llird, llarr isbarg, re., aaje,
"My rbilJ is worth aiilllo te bm, yet I
woul.l have toet ber by oroup bad I not
Invested twenty fit reaU la bottle nf
One Minute Cough Cere." Il cart
tuaghs, col.l sad all throat aaJ long
troahlee. CoDeer k Brock.
Free te Oar Reaslers.
Oar reader will be pleased lo learn
that Ihe eminent pbrsloiau and soieotitt,
Dr. Kilmer, after year ot reeearoh and
study, bae dieoovered aod given to the
world a most remarkable remedy, known
a Hwamp-Boot, for tb ear of kldoey
and blatider troable; the geoeroa
offer to tend a bottle free tbal all may
teal it woojerfal merit without i
pease, I la itealt sefllaieol to give the
public confidence and a deair to obtain
tl. Swamp Hoot ba aa established
reputation a tb most seeceaelal rem
dy, and U reeeiviag tb hearty sndorts
meal of all ep-lo date pbysleisee, boe-
pital and borne. It oar mea aad
woma teeder are la need of a medietas
ol this kind no tint shoeld be loel la
aadieg their eame eod eddree to Dr.
Kilmer k Oo Biogbsiuloa, N. aad
receive a sample battle and pamphlet,
both eeol alwolately Ire by mail. Tbe
regular site may be obtalaed at tbe
drag (lore. Weea wntieg pleas ay
yea read tbi hbersl offer to tbe Ilepp
eer Gaaette.
Beanty la Blood Deep.
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im
purities from the body. Begin to-day to
banish Dimities, boils, blotches, blackheads
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
tsscarets, beauty tor ten cents. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c.
" Those who desire to build should not
forget that O. E. Banous, tbe con
tractor, is ready to make estimates at
any time. 60tf
Submit your plane to Banous before
giving ont your oontraot. tf
And all point in California, via the oft. Bhaata
mate ol tlie
Southern Pacific Co
rhe great hiarhwaj throngh California tn all
points East and South. Grand ttcenie Routs
Of the Paoifio Coast. Pullman Buffet
Bleepera. Second-class Bleepere
Attached to express trains, affording- superior
accommodations for aeoond-olaae pnseancera.
For rates, tickets, sleeping oar reservation,
etc,, call upon or address
Gen. F. A P. Agt. Portland, Oregon
Ask your
tor a generous
Elj's Cream Balm
contains no cocaine,
mercury nor any ottier
Injurious drag.
It Is quickly Absorbed,
Gives Holief atones.
It opens and clonuses"
v .. I u.. , F
..nan, umi.
Allava Innammalion
Heals and Protects the Membrane. Restores the
Senses ot Taate and rmell. Full Size sue; Trial
Size 10c. ; at Drnralsts or I'T mull.
KLY BROTH Kli. M Warren cltreet, New Tork,
Evangelist Holt and Cbase who bave
been holding services at tbe Christian
church the past week, bave conoluded
to continue their meeting during this
week and will close on Sunday evening,
tbe 16th inet. Tbe meeting are being
quite well attended, and a cordial invi
tation ia extended to ths people of the I
town to oome out eaob night during tbe
present week.
A Mare Thine ret Tea.
A transaction In which youcannot loselsa
sure Uilurf. Biliousness, sick headache, f ur
red louuue, fever, piles and a thousand other
ills are caused bv coustiiiutiou and alucRisb
liver. Caararato Candy Cathartic, tlie won
durrul new liver stimulant ana iniesuuai
touio are by all druggists guaranteed to cure
or nionev refunded. C. C. C are a sure
thins:, fry a box today; 10c., Hie., 60c.
Bauuile and booklet tree.
Eastern Oregon
State Normal School,
Weston, Oregon
Bee our big ad.
II i with sadness that tbi pper
chronicle th death ol Elenor, lb only
living child ot Mr. aod Mr. Tamer
Oliver, of La Orande, which occurred at
tbat city early last wsek. Mr. Oliver Is
tbe retiring past Orand Cbaaoellor ot
tbe K of P., ot Oregen, aod bl brelh-
reo all over the stats extend to himself I
and wife tbeir looerest sympathise.
Located on tbe O. B. A N. Railway
midway between Pendleton and
. , Walla Walla. Btodent admitted al
all time of tbe year. .
First-Class Training School for Teachers.
Vocal and Instrumental Mnalo taught
by competent inatrnctor. A g redo
ate of tb Boston Conservatory ba
charge of the Instrumental depart
ment. '
Tli Iv radios' Boordlnc Hall
, I thoroughly equipped and offer si
oelleDt accommodations at reoobl
rate. Bend for catalogue.
ACdeee M. Q. ROYAL. President of Faoulty ar P. A. WORTHING
TON, Secretary Boar" cf Regents, Weeten, Ore.
Bhiloba Consumption Cur care
wber other fell. It i tb leading
Ooogh Onre, and do borne sbonld be
witbont it. Pleural lo take and goee
right to tb spot Sold by Conser A
Brook. X
For sale real.leoce props tj. Barn
and good oolboose. Will ! cheap oa
tasy tertna. Cell al office. 83 if.
Pee U, Lk liter, tb 4 Co. for bo, a
Arliogtoa Record: Married, at tb M.
E. pareoaage, ta Arliogton, Jaauary 1,
18UH, Melvern V. Logan and Mamie L.
Bennett, both of the Eight Mile country.
Tbey were aocompaoled to tbia place
by one of tbeir neighbor aad wife, aad
retaroed to tbeir bom immediately
after lbe word bad been said startieg
them oa tb right road. Tbia wa ia
tb eveolog (boat 6 o'clock. Every oael
who know tb partie will jua tb
writer tn wishing the coaple a bsppyl
Journey dowa th pathway ot life.
ihz the sOls
III Weekly Inter Ocean m
It Is radically Rr publican, adrocaunf
5 th Cardinal doctrines ol that party
with ability lad trnntuJijJl
JijiBist it can Always b ttlui co"
lor fair and honest rv ports of all po- Z
Utkal movvrncotiJl Jjl jtjjtjijlj
It Is Morally Clcaa tad at a Fimlly Paper U Wlthont a Peer.
JJ 0 - -
Th Uttntmr ot its coJumni In
eeoaJ ro that ot tbo btf maga
t . IthlntamtlagtothatblU
afrea aa are at tha parents........
K4eveM Vexs Itsiwela With C frets.
( aaxly Catbartte, stir eonatlpatlmi torevet.
10. llC O.U.tad, OusHisie rvlvaat aaoswy.
nrna inter ocean testern netspaper.
I and whiU It brinn to tb family THE NEVS OF
, THE VORLO and rtvts to ruder the- brat and abUst
dweusaioo of aQ cunttons ei tb day. tl Is a full sympathy
wtta rtb kk and aapirationa oil Wcstrra pvopl and
ducuaars literatur And fwbua Irorn tb Vcstrra stipwouat jl
Cb. Jobeeoa rtarad from Salem
on Friday last. Cb. be been below
atteadtog to hi dalle as a asembef of
tbe etale board ot eoaal.satlon. Tbe
aeeesmeat oa merchandise ia Morrea
cuonty wm raieed 10 per cent bnt we
loeered aoai ea real eelele. Otberwiee
Morrow' aeseeemeet wa not ebanged.
UC3 rnicE c:e cclui per teaulco
Ofj 4 afj " w w F--wasj whss wrajeH mom S-sv f MS - -
N UI1 lA A but or i mi ku. "VI"
111 T aaall , ft e .Me Ml I
" TT 9 lMltTa-4 eoawlar .F aaall M J Tl
With The Gazette, $2.50 per Year.