Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 11, 1898, Image 3

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    Poor aid Weak
Catarrh and Bronchial Trouble
Had no Appetite-Now Better In
- Every Way-A Delicate Child.
"Some time since I took a sodden cold
and could not get rid of it. Being subject
to catarrh and bronchial trouble I coughed
terribly. I lost my appetite and grew
poor and weak and I did not feel like
work. I began taking Hood's Sarsapa
lilla. In a short time the cough disap
peared, I slept well, had a good appetite
and I was better in every way. Last
spring I was not feeling well, I had no ap
petite and no strength. I resorted to
Hood's Sarsaparilla and soon felt more
like work. My little nephew was a deli
cate child and had a humor which trou
bled him so he could not rest at night.
He has taken a few bottles of Hood's Sar
saparilla and now he has a good appetite
and is able to sleep." Miss Abbik J.
Feekmak, South Duxbury, Mass.
la the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1.
'c Pillc are the best after-dinner
tr pIl3i ald digestion. 260.
The Oezette can offer the following
clubbing rates:
The GAZETTE 12.00 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonian, (1.50... ..' $3.00
" B. F. Examiner, $1.50 8.25
N. Y. Tribune, $1.00... 2.7 5
" Inter-Ocean, $1.00 2.60
" 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.25
" ' 8. F. Chronicle and map $2.00. .. 3.75
. Thrice-a-WeekN.Y. World, $1.00.. 2.75
Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.00
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 4 50
Rural Spirit, $2.00 8.00
New York Wool Record, $2.00 8.00
MeCall's Magaziue $1.00 ' 1.80
Yearly subscribers to the Gazette can
get clubbing rates with any paper on
C. A. Rhea was in from Rhea ereek yesterday.
Hike Kenny was In from Band Hollow yester
day.. ....
F. M. Jourter was In from Eight Mile Friday
last. .
Austin Yocum was over from Rhea creek yesterday.
last I
Couoty oonrt met in regular session
at the court boose in Heppner oo Wed
nesday, the third day of January, all
members of the oonrt being present, and
offioers Sheriff Matlock and Clerk Mor
row being present.
Bills ai:owd: J . W. Matlock. $166 -
66; Frank Gilliam, 383.33; Gilliam k
Biabee, $20; Siooum Drag Co., $14 60;
J. K Simons k Son, $16 50; A. T. Mo-
Nay, $2 60; Doherty k MoDaid, $9 35;
The Irwin -H odsou Co., $425; A. An
Davidson brothers were in from the west side drewe. $29 50 : A O. Barthnlnmew. 85 30-
of the county yesterday. , . -,,,,,,. 0.7 Kn. 1 to m
I w - M ntu(;i, vi IA V TV UJUllUWi
Joe Woolery's little daughter is 111 with
pneumonia at her lone home. I u ..0 ; c. u aiauooa, 4W; u. W. well,
Sumpter News: Born On Dec. 29. 1897, to fl6 66; C. H. Hams, $40; H. A. Tooum,
Devin was one of Ueppner's visitors on
Jas. HcHaley's little daughter, Annie, is down
with the measles.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John Iler Is
reported to be very sick.
Nat Hale, John Cochran and F. M. Griffith
are up from lone today.
The family of Assessor A. C. Petteys are
down with the measles. ,
$20; J. H. Wylaod. $46; J. W. Morrow,
$400; Cbas. Van Winkle, $4 20; . R.
Hud look, $16.66; A. G Bartholomew,
$150; H. J. Bean, $6 00; Glass k Prnd
bomme, $29.15; W. A. Riobardson, $3;
E.G. Sperry, $2; Geo. 8. Gray, $2; Wm.
Barton, $36 50; E. L. Matlook, $27.70;
Henry Wade, $9, $7 50 allowed.
Bill of costs in the onse of State vs.
the wife of S. S. Horner, a daughter.
The young son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Minor is
down with the common complaint, measles.
The familiar face of A. P. Bradbury, the popu
lar knight of the grip, is noticed on our streets
A case of scarlet fever is reported at lone, hut
whether a severe or mild form, this paper is un
able to state.
D. A. Hamilton's folks are down with the
measles. In fact measles seem to be prevalent
in Heppner.
Mrs. Geo. Swaeeart denarted last nieht for Clyde 8nerrv. Bmonntina to 841. 45. al-
Adams, to be at the bedside of her daughter, ., T . D. . , n
Mrs. Lew Kinney, , ' lowed, Judge Richardson, Geo. Gray,
Wilson Brock, wife and little son denarted Geo. Noble, jr., Tilt Warren, Mies Ada
Iahnnt1fL'X,ortlau and HillBboro' 10 be Ritchie, Mrs. Ritchie and M. 8. Driskell
k n T.mm. , nf , wtoi TTdnnnM 06io g me parties interested in toe emo
came up from Portland Saturday to look after laments of the aas6.
sheriff's deed for t e 8 WW Seo. 18, Tp,
1 north, range 26 E. W. M.
H. W. Rartholomew and Roy Parsell came In in,..,., t. 18Qo
rlrlav frnm the Alntno ranch Th rennrt ,flut,QS'i JMl' U9S'
the roads in very bad condition. oapemsor's reports: J, A. Hughes,
Yesterday Sheriff Matlock turned over to the Diet. 9. report socepted. re-BDDointed.
coumy as corns on recent lax sales f uk.ou. in is a Bilnari1 47 n
Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school
10 a. m. Clatses No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m.
Ep worth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m.
Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8 p. m.
i "The Spibit ajd the bn 'a Bay. Coma."
The pastor may be found at the parsonaee ad
joining the church, where he will be glad to
meet any wko may desire to consult lain on
reunions, soiinl, civic philosophic, educational,
or any other subjects.
J. W. FLK8UER. Minister.
The Ladles' Guild of the Episcopal church
will meet at 3 o'clock, p. m., on the first
Wednesday of each month, at the home of Mrs.
T. J. nauock.
Rev. Henry Barnhart. of Arlington, preached'
at the Baptist church last Saturday evening,
nuuuay morning ana evening.
pays well for the expense thereto attached.
Heppner over Bunday visitine friends. Mr.
Hamblet is about to leave for California for his
R C. and Tom Breeding were over from Wan
ner yesterday and left for home this morning
loauea wun supplies purcnasea oi our merchants.
Millard French and Chas. Boudry will leave
this week for Alaska, going direct to Skagway,
irom wntcn place tney will go on to the Klon-
ante eariy in me spring.
Rev. C. R. Howard went out to Llbertv school
house yesterday to continue the meeting he
Degan mere last ween tie reports good inter
est and a large attendance. ,
Dr. B. F. Vauehan. the dentist, will- co down
to lone on Friday next and will remain till
Tuesday. Those in that vicinity needing work
should avail themselves oi the opportunity.
John McFee was down from the Penland
ot snow up there. Feeding sheep is therefore
tinue to be so long as the snow lasts.
Whose a Who?
Did you say that
the old firm of....
E, M. Shutt demurs to affidavit of Otis
Patterson In tbe matter of offioial paper.
Demurrer sustained and Patterson given
till 2 o'olock, p. m.. Jan. 7. 1898. to
amend t-ffiduvit
Proposition of H. V. Gates to light
oovt hoisf, rf-j'oted.
Supervisors' reports; F. D. Cox,
Dist. 30, accepted, re-nppointed, and
$23 50 sllowed; John Blnnd. Dist. 84,
Bcrtptcd, Frank Elder appnin'ed, By
lain! i. Mowed $34; Herman Wilson, Dist,
25, i ccep'ed, J. F. Rnyse appointed
Wilson allowed $18 50; John
M Gulloagh, Diet. 27, neoepted,
ranch yesterday and reports about eight inches re.nnn.iinted ullnwprl 3 M Wnrl.
nl inw nn thorn. Vfiprilnir .hflen 1. (hl " "PP ",oleQ "UOWea , tl. AI. VI Ba
the necessary exercises each day and will con- dell, Dist. 18 Dave Preesley appoint, d;
0. A. Renass. . Dist. . allowed. S'rnv
tviiiiv uruutn;iiiiK over in inn cuuiiirv De- in.. - . . . -
tween Sand Hollow and Butter creek recentlv. KooertS re appoinlea, aliowea 1U; Ji
miKo jveiiiiey uiuiiu several colors oi goia in a g, cox, Dist 28, aooepted, re appointed
nan nf black Rand tAknn from n .iirliiir Mnrrnt v ' ' wwvtKou, ,jjjuiuilu
county will yet prove to be a vertiable Klon- and allowed SiC; W. J. Brown, Dist. 19,
U 1 JVC,
Winter is fairly on and bargains in
winter goods can be had
at the store of
E. W. RHEA & CO.,
Dr. J. M. Wilson, the well-known sheenbuver.
Tnha Nnttno i came in nuuaay irora Wyoming ana will look
I Una nOllCe. after the purchase of muttons for next season
1. The snm of five cents per line will be: He will suend his leisure time before starting
cnargea tor "cards oi tnanas," "resolutions oi tne uocas eastward at rortiana ana son rran-
respect," lists of wedding present and donors, Cisco.
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and Edward O Ivcr, the man who shot Peter
notices of special meetings for whateverpurpose. r rejich over in barney county, had his examl-
X Notlcesof church and society and all other nation last week and was admitted to ball by
entertainments from which revenue is to be de- ' J"1""08 ' tne Peace, 1,1 the sum of 110,000
rived, shall be chanted for at tbe rate of Ave This is a ra'her unusua proceeding, but doubt-
cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher-
e 1 to in every Instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and madeknown
upon application.
Here and There.
less shows the feeling that exists over there in
regard to tne killing.
The Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. R.W.Turner
died on Bunday morning and was burled at
Hepper yesteraay. me little one was about
lour inonn oi age
time with some
reaved parents have the sincere sympathy i
in tneir saa aniicuon.
ay. The little one was about '
a and was sick but a very short $4015; J, M.
infantile complaint The be. Tin R T
ave the sincere sympathy of all U o; J
Free Green was In town Saturday and reports
considerable snow up on the reservation. Be
was accompanied ny Austin locum ana j. u
Lambert, and while on the way down they bad
the inliifortiinft to be turned over and drairuAri
Batbs down at the Jones barber shop, I for some distance under the sleigh. No one
I - - I . . 1 .. .1, 1 . V. ... 1.1... ......
j- . n .., v .m I wbi iiuuiw iu bile ivnab uj but ui.eiicu, uun
J.. ...I. I la all ! a Tahos m nnii.ma if I '
mj vouiiaj v via.? vuu.tj umu,'.' i, i aver.
' Liob tenth al k Oo. for shoes. Exclusive
Shoe store. Handles tbe best. 83(t
aooepted, J. D. French appointed,
Brown allowed $24; C. W. Valentine,
Dist. 17, accepted, reappointed, and
ullowed $30; Chas. Anderson, Dist. 20,
accepted, F. P. Qiabsm Biipointed, An
derson allowed $14; 0. E. Miller, Dist.
26, accepted, re-appointtd and allowed
89 70. Bis allowed: O. E. Ksnonsi
S10; T. R. Howard, $38 15; Conser k
Brock, 82 80; Hotel Heppner. 819.70;
H L & W. O j., $18; Patterson Pub. .Co.,
HaRer, $14.90; Heppner
L. Tenner, $36,20; T. J,
Corle, $12; A. M. Hloonm, $27 65; W. F
Burnett, (3; W. B. MoAlister, $1; Chas.
Ba-nett, $1; D. Q. Jenkins, $3; E. 8.
Friday, January 7, 1898.
Supervisor's report; Wm, H agues,
SP v
The Leader
Of Course!
I t Morrow S Bishop, f 1
I S Minor. & Co. 1
! X Will occupy this space just as X !
f f soon as they get time to T :J
4 write an advertisement. V j
The man that Leads is the one from whom
people like to huy. The slow, plodders all
stand aside for him. That suggests a good
reason why so many customers are being
added to the list at
Statements for the Famous Simple
Aoooant File printed at the Gozette of
fice. If.
Oninceese's fbmons old "Dublin
Stoat," imported, st Cbris Borobers'
"Uncle" Chas. Anderson Is in from Elaht Ulsl. ii, SCOeptea, AiOers uemm sp-
M lelflday He recently got buried np under a pointej Hoghes allowed $9; H. A,
killed had his young son not been present to Yooum. Dist. 27, aooepted. E. P. Greene
I -. K , ... ( .. . -I ..... ( V. I It . . i . k. - 1 '
was sulnciently injured to take to bis bed for a Appointed, Yocnm allowed $40; Peter
couple of weeks and is yet unable to get around RaoerofiBUd. Dist 31. aooepted. re-aD-
wiLiiont inn mMiituiirA oi a. paiia. i
Th.o.hUntKnv nmitM a f. th. pointed, allowed 84; J. W. Ueboru. UlSt
names of those installed at the last meeting of 14. BCOepted. re-BDpointed. and allowed
$14; I, R. Esteb, Diet. 14, aooepted,
ously been elected who took their stations, are: I nniiintil and allowed t27 Xi- f! N
8. P. Devln.V.O.! J. UYeager, Heo.; M. Lieh- pPIDWa' ,lia ,,owea V. .
tenthsl, Treas. Mr. Lichteuthal has served in I Peck, Diet. 16, accepoted, A. A. Willis
ill ! capacity lur mi a. ur mvu yvarm.
For some reason, which our reporter failed to
learn, tne trade Detween Minor 6t o. ana
Morrow tft Bishop fell throiiah with. Minor:
Co. still continue In the business and will pro
ceed at once to move Into the "pioneer" brick
which has been elegantly nttea up lor r i.
It is their Intention to put lu the larne. and
most complete stock of general merchandise
ever brouirht to Morrow county, ana they will
have ample room in which to display their
Newspapers make mistakes as well as people.
Pap Minor is not the Knlirhtof the Pepper Box appointed, Allen allowed 513
oi me oroer oi uwis, as was reportea in last
Issue. Tom Hook ley holds the coveted honor
and is wellqualliied for the place. 1'ap Minor
is not shorn of distinction, however, for he yet
retains the position of w blttllug owl, or Knlaht
I of the Knitting Needle. It Is the purpose of
this paper to publish Internal as well as other
news, ana manes tne correction ireeiy.
Chas. Barnett Is on the sick list.
Lee Raney Is very 111 with tbe measles.
ueo. Smith and wife were In town Saturday
Chas. Johnson returned from Balem last Frt-
.al.nl .InnV nf lnm.lu Odd rellows In Heppner. 1. L. Van winkle
v""'""" . anoointed Warden. Others havlne Drevl
nd canned oorn at 1. ti. uowara s.
"Oo'n jaioa" U all right bnt Low Til
lard has a brand of 14-year-old goods
Ibat is bard to beat. 603 -If.
Heppner Candy Factory for fresh
eresma and taffies. W. H. Van Duyn,
Prop., with E. J. 8locom. . 603-t.
Any one desiring to baud either
boas or bsrn will make money by call
ing oo tbe Oszette offloe. 67tf
Pbil Oobn la paying tbe highest price
for sheep pelts, beef bidea green or dry,
fori, eto. Don't forget Phil. 5tt
Go to tbe Matlook corner and try
Armstrong k Oooper'a wbiskey and
cigars. If yon like tbe sample boy
some. 6tt
Gome to tbe Gaaelte offloe and get
decent lot of enrelopa printed.
Government envelope look cheap, and
besidee you cannot get yonr boeinesa day morning
osrd printed thereon. tf
Snyder Broe. have aaocesded Willie
Stewart in tbe livery business, next
door to the Osteite offios, and will do a
general livery and feed busioess. Rigs,
addle horses and stall room at reason
ableretec 011-lf.
nii... Bn...ts.a l.lr.ft skafol nf II,.
vii... Nli hiilsA LMi h. tha msrrhanta of this p ace.
Hotel Deppner feed barn and will for- are building an audition to their store building
-i-i. .-ii i l..- .t ... I Mr U. R. Drake, wife of Kev Drake, departed
o nan !..., . " on last Friday nUlus train for rortlaiid, lur
able Ouaree. Bpan over night, lea at ta iki trratmeui.
..,. n-iii -i.n ,1- Arm mark and frof. J. K. Artams and Mlas AOa uentry ae
ente. Will also oo nray wora maa , . Drm. lh. ork ara doillM
banlioa. 'Bos to and from trains, ll iu ins puunc stnooi
I Mr. and Sirs, wilmot s nepnew, rrea iwvis,
Curdray. tbe pioneer theatre man of of nrn-.n. r., s-sut a
Portland to tbe line of "popular prione
bat refitted tbe Wastiogton 81. theatre,
formerly known as the "New Park."
Oordray always has something uw, and
oar Deoole. when below, ro spend
pleasant evening at his place. tt
Coaoty co art will moot lo aJjoaroed
smmiob oa Jsa. 20:h to take op tbe
mtlter of awarding tbe oon-ily printing,
sod tnakteg the tag lvy for 1WH
Tbe way this mailer stands et preseet it
is bard to determine which of the c ooty
Dstrs is going to "knock Ibe per
Tbe Haiqnsm (irand, no MorneB
Street in tbe Mrqnro boildieg, to onder
fioelleot management aod the pontic
will be royally entertained Ibis winter.
Kew eompeniee sod ntw facee will ap
pear from time lo lime at this popster.
first-clase theatre of Portland, sod wl.ee
ia Portland oar doiine should not fall
to lake In eotu ef the fire drama that
rill be rruU1. If
... v
The Beginning of this
New Year 1898.
A good, clean stock; bought at reasonable figures,
is a "joy forever." That's what
you'll find at
Was Perfected by the
Production of....
And now the entire world
Knows this verfect vroduct
As the Star Brewery beer
On draught at
laRpopular saloons
203 Washington St., Portland, Or.
T. R. HOW ARD'S! The Best feS
Heppner. Oregon.
appointed. Peck allowed 111; W. B
McAlister, Diet. 10, accepted, re ap
pointed and allowed $12; John Barker,
Dist. 8, aooepted, J. T. Hoskina ap
pointed, Barker allowed SI; J. P. Rbea
Dist. 10, aocepted, W. 11 Morgan re
appointed, Rhea allowed $10, Rtnbeo
AlleD, Dist. 36, aooepted, Ben Parker
Gents' heavy Creole shoes I J 7
umits' neavjr tnoem
flmtit.' hnaw ihnM 1 no
Hara caali." best snoe on mrin.
Hard Cash." best shoe for boys. 1 75
Uun'. n A Uwht'i droas shoes. .. 4 00
Men's slliipers, very fancy. .... . las
Misses 8 heel shoes, San. call i no
Misses 6 heel, bon ton, beit 1 75
Ui.vi' EvKrlaitlntr school shoe... 2 0
I .hfaH. h..vff I 50
E. W. Rhea A. Co- nanner acrt.. 824.72 : Udia' Knirlish Hose 155
II ufc...i.. 1 K.M. " rnscouem, u.
urui u-uuni.ium. , .u.u """a" UenU' boots
aoot.. t50; Brown 4 R-xlfleld, expense
acot.HOOO; Rbea ft Matthews, pauper
aoot, 112 20; Boys and Oirls Aid Society,
Tbe petition of J. A. Woolery and
others for tbe vacation of county road
waa granted and the said road declared
to te vaoated.
Tbe following misoelaneona bills
sgainst tbe oonnty were ordered paid:
donation, $10 00; J. W. Shipley, soliool
Nels Masmison can boast ot harlot ths finest supt. salary, 121.20; W. L. 8s ling, as-
team lu Lexington. sistant exam ner teaobers. 11200
BUI CamptM-ll, ons of Social Bldgs farmers, t.- matter of the coaoty offioial PDSr
was ooo tin and for a day, on motion uf
visiting tha family of K. A. Mctiols. Brown k K-jdQald, Mr. OHltt s atlorosys.
John rartnlrhael and f ami It visited thai Tola gives the proceedings of tbe
family ol W. If. Bam.tt on last Bunds.. Lrt t j.n O.ir r.orUr fallal
Johnnr MoMlllan Is sick with tha measles, L ... . ... , , ,:..
aud a number of other cases ars reported. I lu " ' u-jhim-i
Mrhois A Lewh, hs msrrhanu of this PlaM, I give fall proceedings la this iisas, end
Boots, Rood grades
dents' gum boots
Boys gum ooota
Boys' and Misses rubbers
Men's rubbers
Rubbers for felts ...
Misses and child s high over-
slies, button, very fine nn
t 5U
S 75
t 50
1 75
1 75
I 1 0Q
1 85
1 25
1 45
I 40
1 10
1 DO
I 50
l -a
l 25
1 75
2 00
2 45
2 25
1 10
1 25
I 2
My Whole Stock of Shoes
In Proportion.
the balance
few dais visiting
with them last week.
Mlas Balslgrr. one nf Heppner'e trachera.
visited our school on Wadnrwlsv. Wie
some remarks on education whlcb wer appre
ciated hjr all llie pupils.
W are glad to learn that A. W. Patterson
wassiirceeaful In helping rarry off tha honors
In a del-ate by tha slii'letits ol the Columbia
U Sf'tirxil. Biirreea lo Alvah. RssbSB.
Lssliigtua, dr., January iu, iwm.
Illrihs la Holland.
In several towns In Holland a birth
i announced by the exposing at the
door of a silk pincuNhlon, coveecd and
rdifril by plaited lace, the erg. of the In-
fpnt being shown by the color for a
boy red; for girl, white. Tbe house
which showe in this manner that the
number ef inhabitants baa been In
creased enjoys by an ancient law ami
custom various Immunities and prlu-leges.
A Tragedy al the Altar.
A singular Incident la ivportd from
Chrastian. Ik.lienila, A loving pelr
vtrr in chun h to ! uniu-d for life
While the prirat pronounced the nup
tial bleaaltigs one of the cands on the
altar suddmly went out. Tbia, accord
Ing to popular trailit ion. herald the ad
tent of aome great niiaforliine. The
will appear lo Friday's
rrorperily c mee qoickest to tbe msa
wbnee liver is in good condition. De
Witt's Little Esrlv Risers are famooa
it.. i. -mi- .... , : . : Lni.....u.
II.UV yinm V't uouaiipaiicu, ifiuiuviuej.,
indigestioo and all stomach and liver
Irnnlilea. HoBsar it Itrix-k.
Men's enttonade pants, old price, 75c; new
price, .'i0n.
Boys' pants, all ages, old price, Mc to 65c; new
price, ic to sun.
men s overalls, m pricw, , "ww iriu-r. w
Bnv's overalls, old price, 45: new price,'-.
Men's pants, old price, li U 11.75; new price,
II 25 to II (
Men S suits, oio price, f 11..111; new pr-e,
Blankets, old price, II 7H new price, l.l.
(Mills, old prlce.4l.MI; MW price, l 15.
lieuU' knoi stiff hsU. old price H.75; new
Price. 12.
(tents' soft hats, old price, tl .50 lo l.7.i; new
price, 12 2-1 to II.
lienis unoerwear, an ww.ii, wij prit:-,, , mt
new price, ll.f-O.
Uenta' eiira slsea, sll wool, old price, H 50
new tirlra. 12. '25.
(lellis (vuuin unnerwear, hi--xtw ihiipi, umi
nHf-e SI Mi: new tirlf-e. II.
dents' mackintoshes, old price, 17.50; new
prlca a-l.au.
Isx1Ips' all wool underwear, old price 12: new
price, si.zj).
Indies' cotton underwear, old price, 50c; new
Drlce. 25c.
..aiiies en wool nose, eia price, sue; new
price, 20c.
Children's wool hose, old price, i-V: new price,
v ceuia.
Mued gloves, best buck, old price. 11.50: new
price. t'c.
Lined Australian goat, old price, 75c; new
price, 40c.
dents' socks, per dozen, old price, 75c; new
price. 50c.
Arbuckle and Lion coffee, I pounds, old price,
l. 25; new price, II.
one lames' jacket, no. an, 01a price, 112.50;
ew price, 17 50.
lilies' cotton hose, old price, 10c; new price,
But are those of greatest value In proportion to cost If you want to get your
money's worth of honest goods In
Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, - Confectionery '
We are Increasing our stock for fall and winter. Call and see us.
That 14-Year Old Stuff,
'Cohen's Best,"
On Tap Down at The . . . .
Telephone Saloon
, e e e it lea hahu Goona e a e
New Stand, City Hotel Building,
he best tea that ever came to Bennnsr. old
price, S5c ; new price, 45c.
U. N. T. spool cotton thread, spools, old
price, 25c; new price, s spools, 25ft.
Klnvst II us damask, old price, 85oi new price,
45 cents.
Finest Turkey red. old price. AOo: new price.
, t-enia.
Duck costs, old Price. 11.75: new Dries. St 15.
All grades ginghams, old price. 10 ranis: new
price. IS rards.
All grsdrs calico, old price, 16 yards; new
price, Ih yards.
Our grades of dress goods are too large to make
mention of In this list, but will be cut In pro-
IMiriiuu w eTerT.iiuia eiee.
Corsets, we have a big line: old erica. 75c to
fi.nu; new urica, r.n: vt tl.no.
lace eurtalns. old price. II HI: new Dries. II 00.
hwl.nreails. old price. 11.50 to 12.00: new nrlca
lino Pi l '25.
Clue pocket iMMiks, old price, 30c; new price,
5 cents.
nhoe pollin of all grades, old prloe.S5o; new
urlr-e. I lie.
dents' cotton flannel night shirts, old price,
w; new rn-e,
Mca napkins, old price, 11.10; new price, 7V.
Overshlru. old price. 50c, 7-e, l on. 1 Ml,
m'i. new wica, urn iui, i f, si an, fl.au.
Yarn, old prli-e, 1 1. On; new price. Mm.
Hasony jrarn, old prlc, bunches lor '; new
tirlce. 4 bunches for Va.
lailles' leather belts, old price, 50u to 65c; new
tirtce. 55c lo Vm.
have tha nicest end newest supply of
rl litem In town,
ladhs'and Misses cashmere evergallers, old
price, i:e U l.isi; naw price, 4Ae Ui
Bought several car loads
of furniture last fall, but
It's all gone now. New
orders have replenished
the stock, however, and he Is in It yet.
Low Prices and Good Quality all count. Seo him at
the old stand. Undertaking a Specialty.
vviu 11111 ui vaUiaJ , m
They have anything In this line that yon mar desire and yon can depend on tt you get a
good article when they guarantee lb
Old Btane. Main Street Repairing Beeelelty
A meetiog ef the republican clnb of
Morrow snooty ie ealled for Halordsy,
January 15tb, lliUH, at tbe conrt boose lo
Heppner. at 2 p. m., for tbe purpose of
electing delegates to Ibe elate meetiog
of re publican elnbe, wblob ' eonveoee lo
tbe city of Portland oa the 3d Taeeday
of Fsbroary, sad also to elet offieere for
tbe eDsqiog year. All repnbiieaas are
orgetitly rrejiiaatel to attend.
W. W. Bmbao, Pree,
J. W. IIobhor, Heo'y .
Anything you want in Gents' White and Colored Fancy
ShirU and collar and cuff and ticx of all kind.
Everutiilna Less than Cost. Must Have Hooeu.il
Columbia River and tat Soil Navigation Co
1 : ,7
, .. in. issMi young. Iwnutiful, and Jui ra lore a ao
I asa 'rrmm, Tn- : f-ndinir cry end fell aenacleaa Into the !
J -'.T. .:7rrJ -t arms of btr distressed lover. Bbedled,
lj ' vj a few rnlntitrs aftr, t!I f pvelrrped In
Dr. Joho W. Rasmns, of Ibe "Red
ligbl." ever oo Ibe elert for enmelblog
eew, ean fnrolsb yon tbe floeat cork
tails is the laod Id an bat tee, Jersey,
Verwooth or Oin made by an ertist to
tbe busioess. Drop io and take the
taste out of your moulb. tf
Beet eeeomroodatloa sod eoorteoas
trsslraeol at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh
ao 1 VTaab, Hit., Portlaod, Orsgoa,
Leaving Al.ler Blreet I es, Tortlsod, for Astoria. Ilwaao, Ixieg Beeeb, Ocee
1'ark and Nahcotta. Ihreet eonueotioe wiib llwsflo siesmers aad rail
road; also at Yooog'i Hay wltb Heerbore Railroed.
lses rofllaiid 7 A. M. iMIly, sscerrl Hundsf . Uavas AfU-ria I P. M. Dsllr, si apt Hunda
Uatet i-orllaud S P. M Ixllr. esr-t Sundsy. aaturdsy nll,t, II f M. m,m Astoria la
at t 4S A. M., sscept Sunday and Moixlar. euauay Bight, I V. M
Lmvcs Portland and rone direct to lloeco, Tdar and Thursday a S A. It. PalaMsy el I P, M
Laavas liaaoe Wadueadaf and friiley at 7.SV A, M On kandaf Blsbl at ( P.M.
a I!
IIEI'I'NKR, (JR., Nov. 12, laVT.
JrVun. fvawr aV Bnrk, lltypmrr, ih,
(Ismvlsmsm: I was racanlly taken with a severe cold
which made me very hoarse and rendered me unfit lo
attend to business. A friend of mine relied my attention
to your lr. Barthlvw's eough syrup and I liouglit a bottle,
costing me to cents, which relieved me atones and com
pletely cured ma. I am subject to throat dlfflcully and 1
have found nothing that gave me ao much relief as this
cough cure.
I am Informed that II Is Sicellsut lor enlds, hronchllls,
whooping sough and all throat and lung tmnhles.
I beg to remain, most trulr yours,
OTIM PATTtKHON, Kd. Oasetla.
IVlerchant Tailoring!
Kino Suit Made to Ortler and Satisfaction
Guaranteeo. Repairing, Cleaning and Dye
ing Clothes a Specialty.