Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 11, 1898, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Tuesday, Jan. 11, 1898.
should not be forgotten that the
payments made on account of the
purchase of the Union Pacific rail
road were not included to make
that December surplus. While
this condition is gratifying to
Blood Poison.
Contagious B'ood Poison has been ap
propriately called tne curse oi matutina
Th following aditnriAl HHfl President McKinley and every re- it . the, on.. di J7ZZ
o ' I ... . , . i . f I QUI tUIC, IUCU M"-".ui e ouu sswaavu i MUD w on I
"About Fusion," is taken from the l"ni " 18 vvJ ,'"". "remedies only bottle up tne poison in Xom lDgr8m of Heppner, who is well-
Peooles Press, the leadins dodu- in 10 airman uingiey, woo pre
Gettiaf the Lis la Good Shape.
IkeEnoia, one of lbs owners of tbe
Heppoer sod Canyon City telephone
line, was in the city the fore part of tbe
week. He is orer potting tbe Hoe in
shape for winter and also putting Bell
telephones in tbe various offices in lien
of tbe ones that were pat in wben tbe
line was built. He is being assisted by
Should be In every family nav
medicine chest and every 19 all st
traveller's grip. They are III 9
Invaluable when the stomach
la out ot order j euro headache, bUlouiueu and
ail liver trouble. Mild and efficient. eanta.
noeiru 00 ,be -
wreck of the svstem. mhen first put through. Messrs. Eonis
Mr. Frank B. Martin, a prominent and Ingram left on Wednesday for Can-
jeweler at 926 rensylvama Ave., wasuv
tsusi ;i urn m m
v" a m Tk.w hi 11
1 1 wi mat I
I was for a long
time under treat
ment of two of
the best physi
cians of this city,
for a severe case
of blood poison,
but my condition
grew worse alt
the while, not-
. charged me three
. ' hundred dollars.
My mouth was
filled with eating sores; my tongue was
almost eaten away, so that for three
mnntvia t wjut unable to taste any solid
J. A. Perkins, ot Antiquity, O , was for
thirty years needlessly tortured by phy
sicians for tbe cure of eozma. He was
withstanding tbe qniokJy cured by neing DeWitt's Witob
fact that tney uszei saive, me lamons Dealing saive
for piles and skin diseases. Conser k
list nanr of Oreron. nnhliHhd dicted maDy month8 ft8 when the
at Albany- extra session of congress was con-
"In some parts of the state, efforts 8idering hifJ tariff m tha he
looking to fusion or union of all government's financial condition
forces opposed to the single gold would improve, just as it has done
standard are being made and which under the operation of that bill as
promise some degree of success. a ,aw- On Saturday, Mr. Dingley
Whether or not a union can be '"""shed the Press Association
fifTflr-fAd thrnnormnr. th .tnbi nnnn wth a detailed statement of the
the lines proposed by those who "venues under the Dingley law
i u . ia; ana 01 me revenue ouulkjk..
of the movement at the present
time, is exceedinelv oroblematical. Pbesident McKinley is thor-
w er
So far, the fusion movement seems oughly alive to the meaning of the
vj ciuiuauQ ciivuoi nnuiu tuv 1 r - r 1 - ' . , ...
ranks of the silver republican and ers of Europe towards China. He f SSaTo'rribleTx! ThadWd
democratic parties. As either of knows that they are after com- various treatments, and was nearly dis-
these parties have all to gain and merce as well as territory. The gf Vad take 1S5
nothing to, lose by such action, one U. S. wants no territory as far began to get better, and when I had
cannot help but impute "selfish away as China, but it does want to ffi
purpose" as making up their keep the valuable Chinese trade it blemish, and I have had no return of
motive to a more or less ex- already has and to add to it, and,
tent Within the ranks of the while not intending to get mixed vegetable) will cure any case of blood investing it
, xl. i... . ; TT,on ola poison, noons on utu..c.
peoples party, tne iubioii or uuiuu " -' an(j jjs treat-
irlflii in viowArt with nnmA rlfiivrfie of sauabbles, it does intend to take ment. mailed
. . o - - . . ,
suspicion. They believe that the whatever steps that may be ueces-
secret purpose of many of these s&ry to protect American commer-
fuaion agitators is the disruption cial interests in China. The U. S.
of the populist party in the state has treaty rights in China which
of Oregon. Populists place princi- must be recognized by any power
yon Oily to complete their work, which,
when done, will be greatly appreciated
by tbe patrons ot the line, as tbe new
phones are far superior to tbe old ones.
Long Creek Eagle.
Will pay the highest
market price for
Hides, Pelta, Furs, Old Rub
ber and Brass.
Office at 8. P. Garriguei Feed Store.
outstanding Morrow county warrants reg
istered prior to. and including July 5, 1895, will
be Daid udod Dreaentation at the office ol the
treasurer of aaid county. Interest ceases after
the date of this notice.
Dated this 11th day of Jan., 1808.
Frank Gilliam,
It County Treas.
A Chans; In Business.
Tbe past week a ohafage was made in
tbe harness Bnd saddlery business of
Noble & Co. Mrs. Qeo. Nobl- mother I
D. S. Land Office, Li Grande, Ore.,
December 13th, 1897.
Comolaint having been made at this office by
the duly verified and corroborated affidavit of
John B. Manning alleging that Kate Russell
wno made limber uuiiure Entry no. laau at
nf V. n Knhln nnrnhiiHnrl thfl interest of the U. 8. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon,
or J!x. u. JMODie, purchased me interest or Jan S1 lgS5 for the w of 8WiRnd EV
W. O. Gentry in tbe business, and tbe of swu and sw of be of See. 8, Tp. 4 8. R
firm will hereafter be known by tbe name
free by Swift
Specific Co.,
Atlanta, Ga.
of E. Q- Noble & Co. Mrs. Noble re
cently reoeived quite a sum of money
from an estate and takes this means of
Mr. Gentry, who bas been
connected with tbe firm for a number of
years,, will likely leave Heppner, but
just how soon he will go, and wbere be
Will looate, he bas not yet fully daoided.
This paper wishes the new firm of Noble
& Co. the success they so richly deserve.
27. E. W. M. has wholly failed to comply with
a miring
pie above party.
"The Frees has been said to
favor the fusion or union movement
This is untrue.
"The fact of the business is there
Getting Ready for Alaska.
E. C. Warren, better known as "Jack" Warren,
a wall-known traveling man who la often seen
In Heppner, Is preparing two outfits for the
Klondike, and has employed Joe Scraggs, down
at the mouth of Willow creek, to break In five
"Injun" dogs for each man. He pays fare and
furnishes outfit and $150 In cash for each pros
pector. Eoch outfit will contain plenty of
crackers and candy, the former furnished by
the Timoer Culture Law; that she dl
the year 1886 wholly abandon said tract of land
that ever since has continued to abandon the
same and has made no improvements upon
said tract or anv nart thereof.
Therefore, with the view of the cancellation
of the said entry the said parties are hereby
summonea ana required io De ana appear 06'
fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk of Morrow
County, Oregon, at his office at Heppner, Ore
gon, on the 15th day of February, 1898, at the
hour of 10 o'clock a m., of said day, then and
there to produce such testimony as they may
have concerning said allegations. Final hear
ing to be had at the office of the register and
receiver at la uranue, Oregon, b arcn Mil, 1898,
at iu o ciock, a. m.
E. W. B RTLETT, Register,
iu-.il j. a. KUBtsiNS, Keceiver,
that acquires territory by any
meaDB in that country, and with
that end solely in view, the presi
dent and bis advisers are watch
ing every move made by the
are certain politicians in the state powers of Europe in or towards The Portland cracker Co., and the utter by
, . , , , ,, . iiu- l xl j i ' Sweet Candy Co., both Portland firms, thus
who desire to lead the reform Uiina. In other words, wo Lave in0WlI,K thjt Mr. watren has faith in the goods
movement, yet who, for reasons nothing to do with the relations
best known to themselves, have not of China and other nations so long
become allied with the people's as our treaty rights are respected
party men who, in the past, have
been the most violent opposers the Judge Stephen A. Lowell is
people's party had. They now be
that he Is selling. Some dried salmon from the
tepees of the Columbia will complete the out
fit. Warren will get his men oft from the mouth
of Willow creek about Feb. 1st.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Thfl Rnat Halvfl in the world for (Juts.
mentioned as a Dossible candidate I o. ..:. u... m. a..u tt,.nn.
f - - UfUlrjrD uui on J iut rjf unit uubuuii
gin to see the "Jti and writing on the of the republicans for governor in Fever 8or,,gi Xetteri chapped Hands,
wall!" and aspire to be in the swim t S?!Sm . r PubllBUed ?. the Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup-
and as leaders Now can Dooulists Eftt10reB01'la?- republicHM tious. and posiiively cure. Pile, or no
ana as leaders, jmow can populists, couIj not nmmiiate a better can- Ttinrbd u i8 guaranteed to give
who have been allied with its didate Judge L.well is eminently Derfeot BatUf'8ction or money refunded.
ioroes ior years ana many irom ine nueu tor uie position, xua iixaBi prjCe 25 cents per box. For tale by
beginning, be blamed for doubting Oregouian believes he would Berve Slooam DrUi4 Co., E. j. giooum, manager.
ft. hone8lj of ,u, po.8 o, lhMe P' HT ." """
BOlI-COnBtltUted leaders 1 he Tress mi, n it ll u x-l Assessor Pettey Back.
fnvirnnlln Haai.Ad Iha J 1 J
, -i j -ii .. dorse "ie candidacy of Judge
This Is Your Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps,
a generous sample will be mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure
(ISly s Ureara lialm) snlhcient to aemon
s t rate the great merits of the remedy.
66 Warren St., New York City.
Rev. John Keid, Jr. . of Great Falls, Mont. ,
recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. j
oan emphasize his statement, "It is a posi
tive cure for catarrh if used as directed."
Rev. Francis V. Poole, Pastor CentralPres.
Church, Helena, Mont.
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, 50 cents..
Healed bid. requested for tbe delivery
at my ranoh, on the head of Rhea oreek,
of one hundred cords of pine, four-foot
wood, said wood to be delivered not
later than middle of August, 1898, bids
opened tbe 15th day of January, 1898.
Reserve the right to rejeot any and all
J. W. Mobkow.
The Palace
...Has been leased by...
Who has secured the services of - ,
As manager. It will be run in first class shape
in every department. Rates reasonable..
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars
will be a meeting ot the stockholders of
the First National Bank of Heppner, at their
office on the 2nd Tuesday of January, 1898, be
tween the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock
p. m., of said day, for the purpose of electinjr
d Irectors and for the transaction of such other
business as may appear:
GEO. CON8ER, Cashier.
Heppner, Or., Dec. 10, 1897. -13
When you hear dem bells !
Belled express is coming. Does delivery work
on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This
. . wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it,
or at "Central" telephone office.
Assessor A. C.Pettcys Is In town today for the
first lime In two months. He and his wife and
Fine home-made taffy at tbe Orange
11 ;.i -n
toro ro lueBauaa win aia ftDj-beiieve(J that nothing rrrT"', -' & olean, reah etaok of gooda-
Bny and all honest DUrnoseS to ..... . visit to Tlllnmook county and other Motions o( I ,v-
bring this desired result about;
bat is unwilling to assist in placing
in position of trust and power, men
whose personal ambitions are their
chief incentive in taking up the
reform movement, and we fear
some of the leading agitators of
the present fusion or uniou move
ment, are men of this class,
"The press believes tnat the peo
ple's party elmuld hold an early
convention, nominate good, clean,
conservative and competent candi
dates, fight the campaign through
io a manly, straightforward, honest
manner, and victory will result
wnnld rrivp ftiA ntnnlo nf r Ha Ami I ,i. .tt. Thif .. ..v- mnoh lnnmn leave your order. . If.
Of his iudicial distrust creater than they anticipated on leaving, owing to bad Painleaa remedy for extracting teetb.
" weather on the sea ana tne impossibility 01
pleasure than to VOte for the hon- boat getting in and out over the Tillamook
orable gentleman to be governor bRr- Mr I'ettcy. wa. much pleased with the
. . . , , country over on the coast and speaks In high
Of this great State of Oregon. Let terms of the resources and industries of Tllla-
hisboom Continue. This part Of mook county and thinks It a great seetion for
A man in an tn mik. mntlAV Hnth ffnlnff and
the state is entitled to that office coming the sea was pretty rough, but aside
It not aa elated, no charges. Try Dr.
Vaugban'a new plan. 604-If.
If son need something for your system
oall at tbe Tboue-rThe Telephone sa
loon, City hotel bnilding. tf
Tbe OaEetle oarnea a full stock ot
and by virtue of an execution and order
of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of Ihe
State of Oregon for the County of Morrow and
to me directed and delivered, upon a judgment
rendered ana enterea in saia court on tne vin
day of September, 1897, In favor of Ed Rood
Plaintiff, and against W. L. Baling, E. A. Rhea
and C. E. RedOeld Defendants, for the sum of
two hundred twenty -six and t'.M00 dollars with
interest thereon from the 2nd day of August,
1H7, at the rate of eight per cent per annum,
and twenty-five dollars attorney's lee and the
further sum of ten dollars coeta; which liitiK
ment was enrolled and docketed in the Clerk's
ottice of said court In said county
on tne 7tn nay oi September, i)7;
and whereas, it was further ordered and de
creed by the court (hat the following described
real property, towlt: the south half of the
soutwest quarter and south half of the south
east quarter of section twenty-nine in township
one soutn oi range twenty-seven east w. m. in
Morrow County. Oreuon. be sold to satisfy said
judgment, costs and accruing costs. 1 will, on
Wednesday, the 12th day of January, 1898.
at two o'clock p. m.. of said day, at the front
xloor ol tne court house in Heppner, Morrow
county uregon, sen an ine rigm, line ana in
terest of the said W. L. Hallux, E. W. Rbeaand
C. E. Red Held in and to the above described
property at public auction to the highest and
best bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds to be
applied to the satisfaction of said execution and
an costs, and costs tnat may accrue.
E. L. Matlock, SherlU of Morrow Co., Or.
Dated Dec. 10, 1897. 004-614.
with honor aud
anyway and Judge Lowell is just ,rom thU Mr' ,etu,y" ,,d ,ftm"!r e,1)oyed tho,r mourning note, oorrespondenoe style,
ii a nit i .1 " ' ' '
me man io nil it
The tide in the Ohio legislature
seems to be turning in favor of
Senator Hanna and his managers
confidently believe he has the
necessary votes to secure bis elec
tion. Tbe first vote is to be taken
Two Millions a Year.
When people buy, try, and buy again, it
menus they're satiHlied. The people of the
I'nilfil State are now buviiig C'awarela
Candy Cathartic at the rate of two million
boxes a year and it will he three million tie
fore New Year's. It means merit proved,
that Cawarets arc the most delightful bowel
regulator for everybody the year round. All
druggiata 10c, 25c, 60c a box, cure guaranteed.
V. .It ....
n uoes not Doneve mat 'swapping but it 18 thoocht that no
horieijn midstream' is good eeclioQ win re8ult on the fit
1W ballot as two votes are still lack.
While the Gazolte does not rep. ing in the eonat(? When the joint
resent their sido of the question at bHnot is tftkf however, the house
all, neither do we prosume to, yet w:n m.i,a nn their deficiency. The
... r in v io ii. win in vii inniuij iiw nu w imt i - -
wo uoiieve mat me auove very BPuaUirial fight in Ohio is still very what there is in the ledge, and mtmeeuthe Qaito a large Bomber of our citizens
bave already left (or tbat eouolry ana
many more arc preparing to take tbeir
departure very soon.
Dowa From the Hlaes.
Tom I Forgls was in Monday from the Wil
low creek camp where development work ts In
progress. The tunnel Is now coin pleted more
than too feel Into the mountain and the quarts
still shows up well. II Is the Intention In the
near future lo ship several tons of ore for the
purpose of making a mill test. When this test
Is made It will then be possible to know Just
with envelopes to match. Those desiring
suob stationery can bave their wants
supplied at this office. tf.
Frank MoFarland bas been appointed
speoial agenl of Tbe Equitable Life As
suranoe Co., ot New York, tbe strongest
iu tbe world. Caeb surplus to policy
holders of over 43 million dollars. Don't
take Insurance without seeing tbe new
plant ot the Equitable, Insures botb
if let at tame rates. , 77tf
J. T. MoAlisler, of Islington, will
lake bit departure on Wednesday for
Dyea, Alaska, and from there ba will
make bit way into the gold fields of tbe
Klondike. Barely tbe Eloodiks fever it
striking Morrow county pretty bard.
Notice of Intention.
l J Dec. 23, 1897. Notice ts herebv given that
the following named settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
Detorej. n. Morrow, uounty uiera, at Heppner,
uregon, on inursnay, reuruary a, iuh, vis:
Hd. E. No. 4580, for the N WJi of Sec 17, Tp. S 8.,
K. X E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous resilience upon and cultivation
of, said land, vis: Edward Hunt. Edward Drls-
kell, George Shlck and Arthur Hunt, all pf
neppner, ftiurruw uuuxxiy, ur,
jab. F. auuKb,
608-19. Register,
C. 1 I 1. I ItSU ISxVl I uj r iliimii tTllkX uifltv.i'T " a ,
They Are The "Mustard"
wine Pioneer Blacksmiths
Have made some elegant improvements In their establishment and added a large stork ot
iron, horseshoes and other materials essential to the happiness of those who need quick repairs
to their wagons, buggies or machinery. Their specialty Is horseshoeing.
Meadows & Men are the Boys to do Your Work Bight, and do it Quick, too.
Dec. 10, 1HW.
the following-named settler has
Notice ts hereby given that
filed notice of
cloarlv ronrOBonta the Otliniona o( i.m l - lclatlons of Its owners a mill wHI be erected
.. ,. , , 7 u,urr B,UI luo "i'l""1'"" "oeu. once. The Giuette hopes that the district
the tlOpullHlS Ot Morrow COUBty &tof URDDa tre rflRkiog him ail may prove to be a good one. for U will do much
upon this fusioa subject They MCeeJingly hrtrd fight To a ca- " ,urth,r dlv'r""r """ ot "r "c"tr-
nave an along conieimoa ior a Ufti oh80rver such acenea aa are
priuciplo, claiuitDg that they would now bpirjg enact6a i that atate
fight it out along thia line whether are vory diBgracef0i aDd only tend
they won or lott The (union idea to Bagton thft d,T when U. 8. aon-
ia atroply a Rame put up by thoae atori win choaen by a direct
who uomre lo m Doomed into Uote 0f people.
. I !x : - -i it! I "
oiucs auu ii 10 not a airaugq uiing
his Intention to make final proof In support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on January fel, lmM, vis:
Hd. No.tlW.for iheH" NEfc and KV4 sE!i Sec.
22, Tp, 5, H of R 3H E W M.
He names Ihe following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
ol said land, vis: John Zollinger, Hylvester
W. rlorenn, Kotwrt D. Watklna and Louis
To Care Constipation forever.
Take CaM'arets funilv C'ullmrtic. 1T or Be.
If U C. C fall to cure, druggisu rrfuotl money.
Word reoeived at thia Office from W. Grosheus, all of Heppner, Morrow county. Or.
c. n. DiiTLiiT, negisier.
L. Baling, atalet thai hit school wtt to
begin Monday, Jan. 10. This it the first
school ot Sampler, it begun in a school
house jusl completed. W. L. will have
out assistant and lb school bas so at
teudaooe at present ot 100. lie antioi-
that right thinking populist look
with much aunpicion upon their
effort. We believe that many
populinta in thia county, rather
than unite with their old enemiea
and help to put them in office on a
hybrid ticket, will fall back into
line with the old partita from
whence they came, providing)
atraight ticketa are put up by
them. Thia would certainly be
the more houorable ataud to tak&
To H keg way.
Tomorrow evening Leslie Mallork and Horace
Matlock, his cousin, will depart forskagway.
Alaska, with a number of horses and males pttet a lol of work getting tTerythlog in ?u,' heeounty court of Ihe state ol Oregon.
...... .... - I . . . .. .... lor Morrow county, on the 4th clay ol January,
goon running order, mr. Deling rouoa
Xl and by virtue of an order of sale issued
Is that of plain and decorated
Chinaware & Queensware At
Gilliam & Bisbee's
And by the way they have anything yon ran tall for In the line of . .
Hardware, Stores aud Tinware.
Si'AlN i about to make a deal,
through the mediatiou of the
United Btatea, by which it will
diapone of Cuba. It Hpain can toll
Cuba for a reasonable amount it
would twin that it would be wine
for that oountiy to make the trade.
Cuba will be free, that it almost
absolutely certain.
hlch they will take up for Hun. W. t, Matloek
who will use them for pecking purposes. Tbe
young men will perhaps locate In that vicinity.
They will be Jollied at some place on the road
by Wesley Matlock who has Just returned from
t'alllornla, whore he has been for his health.
in Children
Now that Durrant baa been dia
poaed of, it ia hoped by all decent
people that hit remain may be
allowed to i fat in peace. Purely
a long-auflVring public have hoard
rehearainl the atory of hi aaful
Crimea often enough.
The V. K treasury ataita into
lB'.H with a more pleating out
look than it Laa had at the begin
bing of a year for aome time.
There waa a turplut of aUiut
7."0,(Xm for the month of Decem
ber, and it i reasonably certain
that with the riception ot the
present month, and poibly April,
when heavy quarterly payments
on accoobt ot pruiiuna hare to l
ma etrry toonth u the pteaeot
Cecal yM wj'J t!mw a aurplna. It
Ij'RlN waa 'whitewaahed" at
the populiat gathering at Oregou
City laat Saturday, lie bad been tan U overcome in almost nil caic
accutivl by oue of Lit brethren, fer the use of Scott. Emulsion ol
xt, . ,........:.... Cod-Liver Oil and the Hvcochoi-
., . . . , phitet xA Lime and Soda. While
H.mouttea. Though he waa ad- f, u ft axicntific f ct that cod-liver
judged "not guilty yet the fact oi lg the most digestible oil in cx-
rrmaiua jut tbe aame that he U Istcncc in
rilCrilDINT McKlSI.EY Will Dot FTIItf CfITF
, ,, . SwIHWSsWlVIt
send the nomination of dov
Uriggt to be attorney general to U ! ot.?nlT ftUxthk H lt,h
,. , , i , . , lrdy dleested and made ready
Ihe senate until the nomination of of immcdlAtc absorption kr the
Atterney Cleneral MtKeuua lo the lystem. It U also combined with
aupreme court baa been confirmed,
but no delay is looked for in tie
all tlit Deppuer people at Sampler doing
ell, and very glad to tee him.
Tbe mall oontrsot Tielweeo Deppotr
and Canyon City baa bees awarded
Eastern parties at $3,500 a year, with
a day and eight service between the two
polnlt. Tbis will plaoe Ctnyoi City
wilblo 24 bonrt ot railroad eommaDlea.
tion. It it not seen bow Ibit service
can ts given for tbs money, tor Ibt
present letees ot tbs line art receiving
14 800 tor a 4H boor tsrvios and art
not making any big money either.
1m, the undersigned, as administrator of the
mate of Hellen M. Allyn, will on and after the
4th day of Cebruary, 1MM, proceed to sell at
private sale for eash In hand, all the following
described real proiwrty of said estate, situated
In Morrow county, Oregon, to wlt: The north
east quarter ol sertlon thirty-one. In township
one, south of range tweuty 'tve east W. M., and
the north east quarter nf section thirty five. In
township one, south of range twenty si ( east
VY. M., also the south-east quarter of sertlon
thirty, In township one, south of range twenty
Ave east W, M.,togther with all the tenements,
hereditaments aud appurtenances thereunto
luted at Heppner, Oregon, January 7th, Iff.
12.23 Administrator.
bums hat rfjtHteJ tbe I'ompro-
iniao and hat demonttrated there
by the topif me hoggiehness of his
nature. Itule or tuio teeius to 1
the only desire of himoq nJ bit
mull fotcri of follnweia,
the hvpophc4iehitcs,wh!ch
supply food not only ior
the tissues oi the body, but
ior the bones and nerves,
and will build up the child
when its ordinary food
does not supply proper
a su vn i v OTT1 taMhlve. St tM the
AS enitoH t V. ad i .
SCOTT low ht, Ll h Yeta.
Frrarb Taw a Whirls Has ( era lata a
Heritage mt Caaaasaptloa.
It ba long brvn a cauae of con-
lrtvrv niuoug sioiittis aa to whrlh
er cniitituti is eontagitme or not,
atnl one of tbe alrongrst arptito'ttU,
aye tbe New York Journal, I tint it it
I lint has yet Iran iroducrJ ia the skiry
of Ihe fair of the illagvra of MenUine.
forty year ap) this plat's) was one of
he lira It hieel villagpa In France , wlioae
InlinliilanU were of aua-f h phyairaj do
tclopment. It ii d eeoveml alaut
this time that I be climate ot Mrntone
waa rrmarkatily tarnoAHaJ in rar of
lung UiMrnorei, and people afllielrd In
I lila way fliK-keit Ihllbrr frotii all nrla
of KurtM, The natural result tsaa
that the -ile b bad hitherto Un
rngairiHl In furtninp one and ail Utpk
t1nnirne lo ininlatrring In tariotia
a to Ihe throng of Intaluls. The
Mroiig kml henliliy Hoiurn of MiSilone
twH'ame laundrrawa and aabe.l, with
out taking the leant prwautlitoa, the
cottanguplivea' tluthes. The plac It
now rli-.-ril-l aa twlriff "tia-lllua pra
bole." Thn very snl nt air art aM K
I Hnlari'ntt,
Notice of Intention.
LKD Orrus AT Ths Pi.Lt, Oatunir.
Hef-eniher J. W.
lollowlng named settlor has filed notice ol
his Intention to make Snal proof la support of
hlsrlalm, and that said proof will he mail ba
for J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at llpur,
Oregon, on January la, lja, vit:
FRANCIs M. WILKlNHON.of neppner.
It. R. No. forth Ki NW4 and i NK',
oi ere. js, i p. s ., n. s a, w . m.
II names the following witnesses In prove
his etinttnuous rmuieni upon anl enitivatton
..( said Und. via: hrl.- W. Cradli k and
jls rarmnt, of llrppner, reon: Jthn w
tra.llik and U V. tHitldson. nf Kluht Miir or.
je. f. MooKK.
aoii Reciswr.
Cavat,aa4 lrdMra eMaNd east ail l'sa-
wwknaasicoailsxsdl-w sjeasaavs rue. .
OueOencCieOeevetvgu.S. rTjv Orntt
s4 caaK nf puu4 as sue bat lae tawat
raNl tmai waaSmf Hia
kaast mkfl, fhnsa, wiia eWrlp
rfna. W l'ua, II simt af S tf at
twf. Ow I da till Ma enrf,
a eii(va " H"W OMata I " wlik
t vt mm ia tae w. s eaa iwri;a aeiia
mmm. ssaMSi ffcaYttosT- wtf s taBSltMVwatW A sB
Mathews & Gentry,
Shop two doors South of Pnstoffles.
Formerly of Pendleton
Tonsorial Artist.
Shaving, 16 Cents
. Hair Cutting, 25 "
Shop, Matlock Comer, Heppner, Oregon.
General Collector
Put your old hooks and not In his
hands and get your money out of
thrro. Makes a specialty of bard
Office in J N. Brown'a Building.
The Old Shop!
Wm. Gordon has re-named
liis stand the old Jonea
livery stable
Tlio Controls
Baled hay for sale, rharge reasonable. Tall
on him and bare your horare well cared for.
Ellis 8c Phelps.
Alt bus! neas attended U In a prompt and
aallslartory mauurr. NoUrles Public and
Oftlcs la Ratter Building, Heppaer, Or.
At Chas lone' Old Htand.
Bhavintr. - - 15 Ct.
Hair Cuttinir. - as
iolak-plng up th reputation af this show
for Brat rlua work aid would be pleaa la
have you call.
if A
Ia tbe) place to go to get
jour fine pork and lamb
cLopa, a teak a and Totals.
Sine snrsr-enred ham tid (aeia
Pur ll lard, krfia rrii.lrr.. nld
style. Hlgbrat rut prte pakl (
lal Mark.
I!. HEED i , ,
A. O. OUILTIE f rro lwtors.
nest! (Hi aillrai . :.w ... Bound trip (at at
M.yvlll iM !!-) en .... RHiad trip Tot
.-rrtwtoefaJa.il..) tan Hon 4 trip tea
CIS ( Hll .. .,, B,a,B4 lilp tm
Utetlltatlle.) ... .... Ban4 trip lis
Ptae le.v.a Arttr-tloti rearf Bsomtaf
(Ksn.lay lnepleJ) al s'eloekj a as
at Omd a at I p . aiij an irs at o
SMi at ? p. at.