OFFICIAL S151WKV YOUR MONEY'S WODTH , P A 1J3 It ADVERTISING WILL PAY IF.THE .... Semi-Weekly Gazette IS YOUR jMF.nilliH- ' THE Semi-Weekly Gazette h AT $2.00 A YEAR. y mm. or i a .r- ' i .lit aa, a- i m j i ji sr v i w i u an i i w aa m .w -aa- . aa m - rw ww- i aju jaiieiBiit -, - ir i w - -ary j k a its w, v , . T - r ..awe. m r in- ikt t a ns . - aav .. a J atsi ua i av a7. -aavx. FIFTEENTH YEAR SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. FOBUSHSD Tuesdays and Fridays " BT THE PATTERSON PCBLISHINS COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man. V At (3.0) per year, $1.00 for biz months, SO ota. tor three moncns, striotly in advanoe. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the" Postoffice at Heppner, Oregon, aa second-class matter. THIS PAPER ia kept on file at E. C. Dake's Advertising Agency, 84 and 65 derohants Exchange, Ban Franoieco, California, where oou raota for advertising can be made for it. LP. FISBEH,: NEWBPAPEll ADVERTI8- ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Build ing, San B ranoisoo, la onr authorized agent. This papsr ia kept on file at hia office. 0, ?.; & N.-L0CAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 9:80 p. m. daily except Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 1209 a. ru. Leaves Heppner Junciioa 8:30 a. m. and ar rives at Heppner 6:00 a. m Spokane Express No, 1 leavee Portland at 2:00 p. m . and arrives at Heppner 1 unction 7 0 p. m. and Uma'illa 8:60 p. m. Portland Express No. 8, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 0:00 a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00 ' m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and arrives at Happner Jauotion 8::5 a. m. and at Umatilla 1:80 a.m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junotion 12:25 a. m. and at Portland 7 :2t a. m. For farther information inquire of J. C, Hart, Agent O. K A N., Heppner, Ore. OinrTCX-AJLi SISECTOIiT. United States Officials. Ptoeident ..William McKinley V'on-Frnsident tiarret A. Hobart Beoretaryof State John Sherman Beowtaryof Treaanry .Lyman J. (age Beoretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss Secretary of War. ....Kussell A. Alger Secretary of Navy John I). Long Postmaster-General..., James A. Gary Attorney-General Joseph McKenna Secretary f Agriculture... ....... James Wilson State of Oregon. rtovernor ..'.W. P. Lord Beoretaryof State.. H. K. Kincald Treaaurer ......Phil. Metaohan Bnp. rublio Instruction O. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman u..n.. (G. W. MoBride Senators iT u in,i,ii (G. W.MoBri )J. H. Hitch! Congreeamen.... I Bioger Hermann W. ft. Ellis .... .......W. H. Leeds Printer...,. ( R. 8. Bean, luDreme Jndaec F. A. Moore. (C K. Wolverton 8ixth JuaiclaJ District. Otrroit Jndge Stephen . Lowell I' Attorney.. H. J. Uean i" Morrow County Officials. Joint Senator... ... A, W. Onwan Kepmsentative J. N. Brown l'imtyJadge..... A. Q. Bartht'omew : ' (jomniissionera. J, K. Howard J. W. Beckett. . " (ilerk J.W.Morrow ' " Sheriff. ........... W....E. L. Watlook ' ' .Treasurer Frank Gilliam '' Assessor ...A. C. Petteys ""Surveyor... J. W. Hornor School Bup't Jay W. Shipley ' (kroner B. F. Vaughan biffneb iow ornoiRS. Mayor Thos. Morgan Geo. Consor, Frank (iilliara, AiViur Minor, E. J. Sloenm, U. . Lichtenthal and J. B. Simons. H loorder W. A. Richardson Treasurer . wt BriKH Marshal A. A. BobarUi . PreeuctOfleere. Jnatioeof the Paaoa..... W. K Hichardaon Constable. N. B. WheUtone - Halted States Laa Offieen. tub Daxus, oa. . . t. . Moore Kegister A. 8. Biggs Beoeivec hk OBARDI, oa. B. F. Wilson ....Brlater J. H. Bobbins Keceiver BAWUNS POST, NO. IL O. A. B. VI oats at Lennrtrm, Or., the Ust Saturday of oh month. All Teteran art lnviteit to Join. 0. W. Smith, U. O. Fogn. AdJaUmt, tf Commander, Dr. P. B.'McSwords, PHYSICIAN and SURQE0M. OfBoa in tbe Ciy Drog Store, near City Uotel. t( D. J. McFaul, M. D. . 1IEPPNER, OREOON. Offloe boora, 8 to 10 a. m., and 12 to 3 p. m., at realdeooe, W. A. Kirk'a prop. riy, east of M. K cbnrcb, Sootb, and 10 to. 12, ft. m , to 2 to 6 p. nv , at offloe io tb raat of Bortft Jewelry atora. Brown &c Redfield, ' Attorneys at Law, Offlo In tb Firal National Bank Boildillg. llirriiia, : t Ouboom. If W. A. RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace and City Recorder. Office T council CMAitacaa w Us and burs real MU'e. rents linneM, aavs km diwa rHTya.Hiii( and III rve you in any ar In bu Hue. at naonalil ngurea. U First National Bank OF HE1TMEB cTa. RMCA. - Prwalalont T. A. RHCA. - Via PrwalelaM OCO. W. CONtCR. Caahlaf S. W. SPINCl). . Aaa't CaahUr 1 Truwti t Oaril luMtii hwa. EXCHANGE Oa all pnn ol the wotA Bought and Sold. ColWflona au4 all pole's cm reaauoaMa Tareie. wrftaa aa4 aa4lvkte4 Pmlta. Mt.OUfl 00. To Oaawtta will tahapotalMM, ( Im, t or bailer abMrtptka Mroeoia. Any oa evint Uila afCswraa) aeitla bir sorfiaU la tbit aaoaer nJ aaa't do it ao aooQ to aatt ua. Going East? .IP TOTJ ARE, DO NOT FORGET FIRST Go via. St Paul cause the lines to that point will anora you tiie very best service. SECOND Saa fhnf. thA beyond St. Paul reads via. the Wisconsin Central hnnnnaA that line makes i close connections with all the trans-continental lines en tering the Union Depot there, and its service is first-class in avatw particular., . THIRD For information null on your neighbor and friend tbe nearest ticket ntTAnt nrrl naV fnr a ticket reading via. the Wisconsin uenirai lines, or address Jaa. f!. Pnnrl or Geo. 8. Batty, General Agent, 246 Stark St., Fortlane' Or. (Sen. Pas. Agt., Milwaukee, Wis. H, W. Fall, . . ... PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL., Half block west of the Dnion Depot of C. B. & Q., C. M. & 8t P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. & C. . and the C. St. L. 4 P. Railroads. BA.TES a.oo PBR DAY " Cor. W. Madlaon and Clinton Bt., CHICAGO, XXiXk The WEEKLY MONTHLY 4 Outlook Published Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York The Outlook will be In 1897, aa it baa been daring eaob of iti twenty-aeven years", a History of Oar Own Timee. Ia ita various editorial departments Tbe Outlook gives a oompaot review of tbe world'a progress j it follows witb care all tbe important philanthropic and in dastrial movements of the day; baa a complete department of religious news; devotes mnob space to tbe fnteresta of tbe borne; reviews oorrent literature; furnishes cheerful table-talk about men and things : and, io abort, aims to give freeb information, original observation, and reasonable entertainment. Beginning witb tbe fifty flifth volume, tbe paper will aesnme tbe regular mage zina aiae, wbiob will add greatly to ita oonvenlenee and attractiveoesa. Tbe Outlook ia published every Saturday fifty-two issues a year, r Tba first issue Io saob mootb ia an Illustrated Magaaiae Number, containing a boat twice as aaaay pagea aa tbe ordinary issue, together witb a large Dumber of pictnres. Tba price ol The Outlook is three dollars a year In advanoe, or leas than a cent a day. Bead for a specimen oopy and illustrat ed pros oeo t us to Tbe Outlook, 13 Astor Plaoa, New York Cltv. , 8TOC& BRANDS. While foa aae font rabeoriptloa paid ap ftt stake roar brand is free of chart. Bora. P. O.. Hppar. OrHoraee, PBct left sboabiar; ealtU, eaaaa oa left alp. Cook. A. J..Urte.Or.Hnraa, tOoa riirhtakota owr. MJ, Mm on riant hi pi r aaark rjtart arop o0 Uft ad split io riant. lmUae. W. M , Hallow . Or.-CaMJe, R D an riarbt . wibw-torfe ka aauib ear; heraaa. H I) a left kip. Elr. Urn. nnaata.Or. RotMa branded KLY oa Uft aanuldOT, eaula aaana oa Mtbip. bole la nhl aw. - flnrwie. L. A., Honpner. Ov. ( (U, Uf oa riaht hip; hot, f witk bar aadar oa rUkt ebuaUdar. Jimms. Harrt. Bapp". (r nfa branded at I oa tbe left .hunki; earU brs.iriad J oa rtaht kip. alau aadarUt ia lafl aw. ltao la kturrvw aoaatr. Jrnm, F.ll. Iea. Or. Him a. a4rxUT mm kaft suBi oaule. hiu oa aHkt kip. Bade kail trap la n mmd eulit jmUtXtrnt Ranar, M ike, Happner, . Horaaa braadMt KM 1 oa tort kip eaitla aan and arop of kaft aan aadar elope oa tba tight . LW. J. W. Happnar Ur.-Huraa braod4 L a4 Ml abnabWi sttto eaaae a laft hip, watU over rif bt , Utna aiiia ia nabt r. Misnf, Oanw, rifpaur Or. 4 oiua. I Dm rWktkipi tmm Mat toft akaJW. Mnr . H. M rlaftpatae. Or. Rnnaa, I Oa toft esnaldoi asuto aaaa oa toft kip. Oahtwa. 4. W., Dnaala. tr. knraaa O oa tof atnaMari aUto aaiaa ua rtabl kip. PHir (JU.JO. IUrdoMua.Oi.-UoaalPo (ftakoaloW. Pip-r. 1. H fotrnatoa. Or.-Hiraaa, it mm. eartaa) imfi WaLlw; Uto, MM aa tof kip. n.U btl la awifc aar. i. W . H-vpaMf. Cr.-Haraa. JO m taftaaMictor. CaVU. rlabt kip. mrrf . I. 0. n-rvmrnt. Or. Pal t to W C aa toft kip. avnp of r,..( and aontorbtt ta kaft Mar, knraa W Cm toft aawaldar. , Taoaipat. 4. An IW'ii, Or.-H.waae. 1 e toft aWtoi aattto. 1 aa toft akaahiar. Tamar H. W. Haiaar. (w. omU Baikal T toft atxaititor, Umi aaitia aawa oa toft kip tnik 4m ia kma aara. Walimjar, W. $., Oallowaa, r. kaa Oaaria nrrm W am fiM tilitoi nulla nwta I W "a rtM ki atid nM ata. r and toxa ia tori oar. lk ia MarrvW mmd I liiaUii eevjDUaa. m Important Points HEPPNER, MORROW Hotel -Heppner (Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.) HEPPNER, MRS. L. SMALL, Manager J Now Open. New Methods. . New Mana ment. Strictly First Class. Rates, $i.oo Per SPECIAL RATES BY .nJ( .11 i..:.. .iTT. w umi-uiBBO ibbu uarn rnn ami uum ou irmiiB, . tve soiicu yoar For more than fifty-six in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and villagers , throughout the U. S. IT HAS faithfuny labored for their prosnerltr and happiness, for the improvement of their , fl "i8 i,,te,e"u' or education, for the elevation of AmeScan manhood and "w iiuHiouiHnji,, Mt? Intere8t,n lua tnstructWe stoiiesof the doings of the world, the IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved methods of cultivating and harvesting his it una Ti In .. " , ?"':en 1T HA8ftenntuM IT 153 TIIHT-y New York Weekly Tribune, S Turn,,n n w,tn $2.75, cash In advanoa. Address all Order, to Wri7i?l'un,,ne,.an( d,,,,'e9, on VoM card, York City, and a sample copy of the New York A Campaign Of Education How to Get It Mttittiuiit UKPflBflLLELED , aepartmenta are edited with con- ' summat .kill. Such a paper is a great popular educator. It should be In every bom. The subscription price dLapH,, Is tip nmim. We make tbe unparalleled oner of a copy of Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi Weekly one year for only $4.50. No such offer was over Bade before. No such offer will ever be made again. These two papers make a most anoepUbls Christmas or birthday gift, and will be constant reminders of tba giver's kindness. Keailt by postal order or oheck to the Heppner, Ore'con. rUANK R04ERS Rogers & Roberts, -Contractor, and Builderi. Plans, and' Estimates . All Kinds of Repair Work OFFICE H0URSDay and Night aft H aj SPa, a mm mce anaKoj. or Jim will get IMSSSfcrt Do You Want a Ri ? Li ' Ilk r..A.r ii r tm 1 1 ion i All thr-ae can b procured at ThorjaiMton k Binfia, Lower Main IStreet iieppDer, Kjrfgoa. Tkaaa Chtlia ara wall amiultilMl alta Hraat. Urmmm runt . . and raa aara moutf and lime In inaklul lliesa ear frVaa la leaping vlih ik times. THOMPSON T.nrzavuvir COUNTY, OREGON, OREGON. OTP. ii Day and; Upwards. THE WEEK OB M&NTH. in nrtnviani'ir.n in. i: ;"o oua hid io patronage. .. ' 587-nov.l2 BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. years it has never failed ,nem lmo lne largest possible amount of money. -er a"SaU gazette, one year for THE GAZETTE. send It to Geo. W. Best, Tribune Otlloe New WeeklyT rlbune will be mailed to you! !W$4.50 To be educated one must read the beat literature. The best literature la expensive.' ' Lealla'a llluatratad Weakly. rub'Uned at 110 rifth Avenue, New York, is full of the best things. Its illustrations are superb; Its atortea charming; and Ita literary 4. 4. ROBERTS Given on Short Notice. Done. Leave your orders "Anr Old. " em. o o o o o o o x ou want a riace to Put up Your Team ? Arc You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? tioua a lib traveling ua, & BT2ST2STS, a..- ' v rnyp TUESDAY, JAN. 11, i . . " - . i 1 HOW TO FIND OCT. . Fill a bottle or common glass with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; sediment or settling indicates an un healthy condition ot the kidneys. When urine stains linen it ia evidence of kid ney trouble. Too frequent deaite to uri nata or pain in the back, is also oonvino. ing proof that tbe kidneys and , bludder are ont of order. WHAT TO DO. I There is Comfort In the knowledge so often 'expressed, 'that Dr.1 Kilmer' SwaiDp-Root, tha great kidpey , remedy foinis every wish la relieving pain in tbe bBok, kidneys, liver, Madder and everv P"t, urinary, passages. It oor feota inability to hold urine and scald- ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant neoessitv of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. Tbe mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp, root "is soon realized. It stands tbe highest for its wonderful on res of the most distressing oases. If you need a medicine you should have the beet. Sold by druggists, price fifty oenta and one dollar. Ton may have a sample bottle ana pamphlet , both sent free by mail. Mention the Heppner Gazette and aend your address to Dr. Kilmer k Co., Biog- bemoton. N. T. The nrnnriatnva r9 ttiia paper guarantee the geauineness ot this offer. A McKlNI.EY REPUBLICAN PAKTY. From Pendleton Republican. Binoe our remarka on Bufua Mallory'a reply to the proposition an&mitted by tbe friends of Senator Mitohell to tbe oimon faction were put into type.oomes tbe reply of Donald Maokar . obairman of the republican oeBtral oommittee of Multnomah county. Laok of apaoe only prevents its publioetion in full. It ia a remarkable document and beara the ear marks of H. W. Scott, the relentless foe of Senator Mitchell. Although not In tended, no higher compliment could be possibly paid Benator Mitohell than tbe linking of bia name with that of Judge Williams, one of tbe most hichlv re spected oitizena ot tbe commonwealth ot Oregon. Mo one bas been mora c-ealoua in bis advocacy ot tbe Mitohell lepublioan oauae than baa Judge Williams been tinoe tba tuna to ret took bra aeat witb the Mitchell republicans Id the atata convention of 1896. Every act ot bis baa tended to strengthen tba cause ot Mitobell-republioaua. Through bia effort tbe delegation to tbe atata conven tion from Multnomah county was divid ed between tbe republioana and the Mitohell-republicane, witb tbe exoeptiou ot two delegates, who were elected witb. out opposition, as a matter ot "personla oomtiiment" Judge Williams and Hoi Uirsb. Judge Williams tba a having it in his power to maintain, it he bad seep fit to do so, tbe equality ot the two con tending parties before tbe state conven tion, instead of rlnlnu an. al.ia.l nn occasion witb tbe Mitohell republicans, inereoy easting the vote ot Multnomah County ia tha atata oonventinn in tba In. terest ol tha Mitobell-republioaoa. And again: With tbia record ataring as in the faoe, bow can tbia committee eooede to the atatement made to tha Mitohell re publicans, that Judge Williams would make an impartial arbiter? This com mittee does not question tbe integrity, tha totally, tha ll.Liim.n.hiM . great ability of Judge Williams; but it uuea ooniana iu&i toe record made by Judge Williams io tbe interest ot tbe Milobell republioana will not justify the Claim that ha nnnnl l.a iw. controlled, iulluenoed or biased by that taction. What do tba old-time renublioans ol tbia atata think ot auob an unjustified attack upon tba honesty, integrity and personal character of that grand old man of Oregon, Judge Oeoraa U. Wil liams, by tbe servile toola ot tba Simon riogT Only a few veara aero, when all efforts to ra-eleot Senator Dolph failed, aod tba came of Judge Williams was proposed as bia auooeeaor. tbeOrraonian referred to bim aa tba very paragon of political purity, stateatnanibtD. loyalty aod Integrity and added, If we remem ber correctly, that to George IL Wil liams was Senator DoIdd aad lha a.liir of tbe Oregooiao indebted very largely for wbal they knew about tba eoinuce of moory and otber bLilruae questions, and that no other man io tbia atata aa batter qualifled in all reaoaota fur tha offloe of United 8Ute senator. Nw tie ia not deemed good anoogb to aaaoriate allb auob republicaaa as old Corbet t, old Malbiry, Jo Simon aad Mr. Bsoil, However, man? of aa will still think that be la altogether too good, too eteea and eontcieotious a repobllosn to fraternise wiib snob a botorloasly eor rapt combination of oaprlnefpled politi cal tricksters. Now tbat tba Simon ring ia wlsposed to treat witb contempt all tba overtoraa looking to a barmoeioue organisation la this atata It devolves npoa tba aatt flog republioana to organza a MoKloley republloan party, maklog promioaot the two dominant iaeaee, proteolion aod bl melalllsm by tuternaiioeal agraement, aad allow Mr. Him ia aod bU deapmebls riag to boost their single gold standard aod frae trade dKjtrme to their heart's eooteot. Tbay will, perhaps, .receive eaongb voUs to wad a abut gao, witb wbiob to end their polilioal earaers. Mrs. M . B. Frrd, Ituddall'p, lll .euf farad for eight years front djSepeis aad obrook eoeatlpalioa aod waa finally 80 raj by uaipg DeWlu'a Lillla Karly Ilisers, tba famous little pi lie for all ebiuietb and liver trouble. CoeserA Urock. a 1898. LVNCH1NU AT COLFAX. One Prisoner Taken From the Jail and Hanged Another is Shot in Bis Cell and Left for Dead. . Colfax, Wash,, Jan. 8 Marshal Chnri wick, tbe suspected murderer of vnnno Uayden, near Farmington, on the night ot uotioer 22, was taken from jail by a moo at 2 o'oleck this morning and banged to the west wall of tbe oourt- bonse. Yesterday there waa a suspicion tbat a moo waa, collecting, but tbe offioera made no preparation to resist The train from Spokane last night arrived an hour ate, at nearly 1 o'clock. A tew m,nQ. afterward the prisoners saw a body of masked men march no Mill street Aut of the jail. Jailer H. B. Treff. who waa tha nnlv officer about the courthouse, was awak ened and informed tbat anoffloer wanted a prisoner locked up. He dressed and came out, and ; was confronted by masked men t with cooked wvolvers. Trtff was informed that the mob wanted to bang "Blaokey" Cbadwiok, Marshall Bnd t'Dakota Blim" MoDooald, and de manded that Trfffgive ud the iail kava. Tbe officer led the way to tbe aheriffe offloe. opened tbe safe, got tbe keys and gave them to bia captore. , . Twelve members of tbe mob tben entered the jail, taking Treff wjtb them. They first went into the woman's wing, where "Dakota Blim" was Confined. When tbe mob, came to bia oell door I'Slim" protested bia innoenoe and said: Take 'Blaokey,' who admits his guilt, and if he implicates me I will go." The mob thought this only fair, and went Into tbe east wing of the tall, tha cell wing proper. "Blackey's" oell waa uniooked and the inmate awakened. He bad only time to say: "Don't hurt me. Before God I am innooent."' When a member of tbe mob atruok him heavy blow over tbe bead with an iron bar, etunning bim. 1 A rope waa then fastened around "Blaokey'a" neok aod ha waa oarried and and dragged out of tbe jail and up tbe narrow stairs to tbe suDerior and to one of tbe west double windows, where a rope waa tied around a atanH. ard between tbe windowa and "Blaok ey'a" body waa pitobed out bead fore moat at the end of an eight-foot rope and left dangling against tha OOUtbonaa wall In plain view of people on, Main street - While this was being done, part ot tba mob went to "Dakota Slim V oell again. During tbeir absenoe, tba prisoner had atuffed tbe keybole of tba eell door with rags aad fastened a sharp knife on tba end of a broomstick. With this spear be kept jabbing through the barred door of the cell, preventing any one ap- proaoniog tba door to d ok tba rana nni of the keyhole. Hia oell bad two doors, tbe inoer one of solid ateel and behind tbia ba protected bia body. Finally, a member of tbe mob, catob ing a glimpse of Slim'a aboolder. aimed aod fired at bim, tba bullet splitting on the door and ona portion striking tba wall outside of tba cell. Tbe larffer half of the bullet passed, through Slim's sieeve, cutting tbe skin and striking tba wall, splattered and rebounded, four amall pieoea striking bim on tbe breast. Slim fell to tba floor, sbovlna tha solid door to with bia foot at the aame time, and eialaimiog "My God, they have killed me." One member of the mob waa beard to say, "Let's be sore we've killed him." Another aaid "Let'a oiva bim another shot aod finish bim." finally, tba mob decided Slim waa dead and left him. Tba mob was at tbe Jail less than 10 mlaotee when tbay left Thev Inroad Treff loose. "Blaokey a- body was not cut down on nl about 8 o'clock. , Tba mob'a visitation we of tba qulstest Character. Trtff. family, witb roome directly beneath the iail. did not know of any disturbance until Treff told tbem after tba body waa taken down. Sheriff Si ma 1 ft leaterdav eflarniinri for Spokane. Lie la eipeotad to return by nooo. Nothing is beina done la learn tba Identity ol the mob. Tba people gaaerally applaud Ita action. Tha in quest over tha body ot "Ulackey" ia Io ba held tbia aftereooo. Fran tka flrel "1 suffered witb headaches and Intense attacka of neuralgia, aad became vary feeble. I began taking flood's Barse parilla, though so wsak I could only lake small dose. 1 frail belter from tbe first and I bav not bad ao atlaok of any aa verity sines I hagso nslsi it." O. A. Button, Uillburst, Waahlogtoo. Hood's Mils are tba beat family eatbar lie and liver too to. Geotla, reliable, sure. Tba Ladles Cora el Baod ia pracllo ing regolarly two nights each week and also on Sunday aftaraoona aad inert aoon to furnish good locale for all once aloes. As yet tbay have chosen no in structor fur tba winter, bat may do ao before loog. KaeMkeily Bays Sat Caanarata f'eadv CeUiartkt, ttte at oat wow. dei lul Ri'J nal ilia oery of lite a", plae ant and refrrahins; to tlM taaia, a I panuy and positively oa kidneys, liver and howele, rk-aiieiiit the enure evem, dlatwl eolde, euro hoa.lanlia, fever, habitual metlieUoa ami bliloiierMiee. I'leaaa buy and try a bna of c :. ;. fwiev; io, stv m mu. riokl aad g'laraabssKt io cure by all dngrgtata. Every asw salecriber ot tbe Uesette from tbia data, May 35, ltr7, will receive eat premium book worth alone the prka of the aobaoriplion. tf NO. 613 I am ; III PQVDEn 'Absolutely Pure f Portland gets tharb, Secnres Most of the Awards on Klondike Belief Supplies. ' All awards thus far made by Captain Brainard, in charge ot the In kon relief expedition, for supplies to ba delivered by the BUOnflnnfnl Hil.lo. n . i - nv feyea, uave beeu seoured by. Portland merchants. fPk. . 3 a : iuo awaruB maae so far are as follows: Baking powder 8,8(30 lbe.r flour 112,500 lba., beans 6,000 lbs., sugar 15,000 lbs., vinegar 1,000 lbs. . salt innn ih. n 250 lbs., candles 480 lbs., ohooolate 2,000 Ibe., milk (oond) 1,000 cans, butler 4,000 lbs., ooffee 5,000 lbs. No award has VAt ViPon moin ar ayva auaurj 11T UH oon.noa and tea. Tbe Seattle Hard ware oompany, or Seattle, waa awarded tbe OOOtraot to furnish alorla stookiogs for the fifty men from oom- . n , ... .... yuj a, Mm iniantry, who are to go iu advanoe of the relief expedition. liumilen & Co.. of Portland . i T - ---SMa.. ITUID awTTIlIU- ed tbe.ooptraot for sleeping bags. , Something to Know. It may be worth something to know that the very best medioine for restoring tbe tired out nervous system to a haaiih vigor is Eleotrio Bitters. This medioine is purely vegetable, sots by oivino tnn to. tbe nerve centres in tbe stomach, gently stimulates the liver and kidnava and aids these orsans In hrnm r impurities in tbe blood. Electric Bitters Improves tbe appetite, aida digeetioa, and la pronounoed bv those who haa tried it as the very best blood purifier and nerve Ionic Try it. Sold for wv, or $1. per bottle at Slooum Drug Go's, a. f. Diocnvva. ager...-. , Weather for January. Bav. Irl Hicks, tbe weather nronhet. wrltea tbe following concerning January weather: "A regolsr storm period la central nn tbe 3d, heooe It will obange to warmer. uarometer will fall, and arorma of rain aod mow will fall about 3d to 5tb. Bis- ing barometer,, with oold northwest wiods and bard freezing mav ba ar. peoted about 4tb to 7lh. Reactionary storms, bringing higher temperature aod falling barometer, will be dna about tba 9th to lltb. Boow aod blizzards need not surprise. Cold wsve will follow about lltb to Uth. Tbe next regular atorm period ia central on tbe 15tb, call log for mora or less storms tf rain and enow from 15th to 17th. Bene wed oold ill succeed tbe storms for several Java. On and touobiog tba 21st it will grow much wsrmsr, tba barometer will fall, aod storms of rain and anow will begin ta tbe west. From 21st to 23d they will move eastward over tbe ooontry. with a oold wave following tha storm from tha northwest. Very oold weather will nrs. vail generally fur aeveral days after tha storms. Tha last storm period for Jan uary will be central on tha 20th. brina tug eh a tigs to falling barometer and warmer, ending In mora atorma ot rain aod snow shoot to 2!tb. Cold, fair weather generally will prevail the last few days of tha month." Wkal Dr. A. B. Halter Hays. Buffalo, N. Y. Oeo te-From my personal knowledge, gained in obearvitig tbe affect of your Hhiluh's Cure In cases of advanced eoneomptioo, I am prepared to aay it ia tbe moat remarkable remedy tbat baa ever been brought to my atten tion. It has or Mainly saved many from consumption, gold by Cooaer A Brix-k. Tilden, the boss paloter. Higoa specialty. Ji-tf E. C. Warren, representing lha Port land Cracker Co., waa in Heppner Ha t urday, Mrs. Ol Joalas ia qqita airb at bar borne io Heppner witb throat trouble brought on by aa attack ot tba meaalea. Tboa. U. Ppeoeer, representing Oeo. A. Baylet, of 61. Looii, arrived oa Hun day morning's train to interview tba Ilsppovf merchants. Slop Ibateoogbl Teka warning. II may lead to anasamplbn. A 25 but lie of Sbllub's Cora may save your life. Hold by Cooaer A Brock. i Geo. Lund waa la from tba eouotry on Hatordsy. (M. U la charge of a band of sheep thle winter, aod at lba boaieaee of berdiag ba la a complete aooftee. IIKarl's Clover 1Uk.I Tea, f.r Cooatipa- tton It's lha beat and If after esiog II you don't aay ao, return package aad gat yoar money. Hold by Cooaer A Brock. t W. E. llr.ak on last evealog f or Utllaboro. Mr. Urock baa boalneee Mmnut n thai ctty and will U alneel a abort time Im.kitig after Lis affaire and viaiiieg witb tela- IjVea aatj friend a