mwm TO THB ama thi ohoich Of Two Transcontinental GREAT OREGON NORTHERN Ry. SHORT LINE, via; VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha AHD AMD Chicago Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. Steamers Monthly from Portland ' to Yokoboma and Hong Kong; via, The Northern Pacifio Steamship Go. in con. nection with O. R. & N. For fall details oall on 0. R. A N. Agent at Heppner, cr address W. H. HTJRLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland. Oregon. HUE YOU GIG EAST? If so, be sare and see tbat your tioket reads via Tie Hofinwesiern Line ....THE.... CHICAGO, 8T. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY v THIS IS THB Great Short Lir)c BETWEEN DULUTH, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND pOUTH. Tholr MKRtiiflcetit Trark, Pnarlraa Veatibulod Dining and Hleenltig Car Trains, and Mottoi "always on time" has given this road a national mentation. All ulaaims of paaaengers carried on the vcatlbnlwl trains without extra charge. Hhlp your freight and travol over tliti lamoua lino. All agouti have ticket. W. H. MEAD, F.C. BAVAGR, Oon. A Bunt. Trav. If. fc V. Agt. m Washington Bt Portlaiid. Or. CHICAGO Iwaiee k St. Paul R'g This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famous blook system; Light its trains by eleotrlolly tbrough- oat; Uses the celebrated elsatrio berth read, ing lump; Hons speedily equippad passenger trains every day and eight between tit. Paal and Cbioago, and Omuha and Cbioago; ins Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operates steam-heated vestibnled trains, dairying the latest private compartment ears, library buffet smok ing ears, and palace drawing room sleepers. Parlor ears, tree reclining chair oars, and the very best dining chair ear service. For lowest raUs to any point in the United Mates or Canada, apply to agent or address 0. J. EDDY, J. W. CAHEY, General Agent, Traf. Pass. Agent. Portland, Or. THROUGH lUK.Seasrr Hr. PAUL MINNKAPOLIS TO DUI.UTU r'AKUO IH'TTE V HELEN A Tukets issued to all point la the United rHetrs and Canada, QUICK TIME TO ClIll'AlU! WiaaiNitniM lUtriMoMa New Vukl Itvrrtu) All other f Omasa Mete I Kansas Oitt la the Mr. Jaesrs East and Nt. Lotta (Southeast (.U-iaToit I'atrisi rVpot fnnneetions at Mt, Paul, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Omaha, Hi. lottts) and other promt sat (Hunts Deggage ebecksj through to dsettoalloa ol tickets. Through lkkU to Jsdbb and f blua, via Tannine and Northern l'erifte Heem ship Ooaipany's Una, For fall information, tins eards, beeps, tickets, io tall on or write W. O. Auawat, A. I. CsUftLtwS, Airi N. P. Ity. Asst. Gen. l a. Agt. Tbs Dalles, Or. Portland, Or s Keep Stepjni Gel Bicti. THE WOOL RECORD Talis You How to Do It. By a speoial arrangement we offer to oar readers The Wool Record and Semi-Weekly Gazette, one year for 53.UU. The Wool Record is the only national wool organ and covers the wool industry from the raising of the sheep to the sell ing ot tbe manufactured article. It is published weekly at New York and the reenter Dries in S2.00 a vr ria mo.ui reports are fall and complete and its ooeep meeuers' xaiks alone are worth 10 times tbe price of tbe paper. sample copies on application. We heartily 'mnnmnuml thia onmhi- nation to oar subscribers. NORTH PACIFIC Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 1869.) Published Weekly at Portland, Or. DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. Worth its weight in gold to every farmer ana Dreeaer id uregon. SUBSCRIPTION: 82.0(1 PER YEAR. -: Sample oopies free.) Raral Spirit and Gazette both for $3.00, oasb, at tbis office. 44y. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE I RADC MARKS Designs r'rTvv, Copyrights Ac. Anyone aaniltng a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention la prohahlv nalentahle. ftimniiinir. lenranie. lommunlca Handbookon Patents iinnaairiouyoonnaenuai. liananooaon Patent lent free. Oldest auencT for sncurlno- nitlAnta. Patents taken through Munn 4 Co. receive IW'tol notice, without charm. In the scientific jfttierkaii. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest dr. dilation of any aclentlnc Journal. Terms, S3 a year ; four montha, $L gold by all newsdealers. MUNN &Co.38,B"d"''. New York Branch Orooe. 626 F HU Washington, D. C. SPOKANE FALLS 4 NORTHERN NELSON 4 FORT SHEPPARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS Tlie Only All-Rail Route Without Change of Cars Between Spokane, Rossland and Jfeleon. Also between Nelson an! Kossland, daily exoept Sunday: Ioave. Arrive. A- M H.kmie fl;o V. M. 'A.! A-..M ItoaalBUll M P. M. :10 A.M Nlm :45 P. M. Cloae wmnect'ona at Nelwm with ateumera for Kaalo, ami all Kootmial like pointa. I'anra for'Kettle hlver and Bonmlary ( rk cvnniHit at Murana witli ataue dailv. Riri n You can M li. Lll bo cured If yon inner from any of tha ilia erf men, coma to the nldrst .I-iuim on IKS J'ACIItC vut, OH. JOHUAII CO., ,1081 Market at. tat d 1852. Vonnar mm and mldilln , , , M.rn win arauncring ' rrom lha eiTcctt ut vtmihiul nlivm;i... rawiin nutiinr ye.ira. Nr.nn ami Ihvvir,,! ' wnnii; imiiiilrari.lmi NanhiMS eialliitrmniir.itniia; knrraialorrhva, I rrolaliirrhnu iMnrrbiria, Ulrrt, sonilunatHin uf rrniadiei.cH srtai ctiratirapow r, the lincti h.i . ertaiwed liu trratment I ibrt it will am only aff.mi imnwlUte nhef but ,-......, ln. inxmr a,inm claim to I r' wm nilr.ii In. Iiul ia 1 . I .,. anil wiun I'hmri.ui anil Snn-rnn. n- in hii.r,lliy-ltlwlui-) nf tlcn. .lillla ihimiimhiv enulli-ntiil Iroui tha Syi, in withnii 1 1. ina Mrrruri, rn ai'pii ii, m na will re- I e'V"ir d'MMI "puK.iw nt hiri,niplnlnt, II e will Uunranttr a I'Osl I I VK CI ' UK TbeaxnaS Ikollnra. 1 i.T?'l':2T.tM,' K ni 'ly private. TM m , U f (A t,H,k f. mm.) i it m. josnAics Orrat IMiikoiiiu f Anatomv tlif Hiwat and latdMi kt.. ... L...I 1 tl'l. I nnia ami I-.,., k. ....... i ra n,,l; hw tn avoi l ait kna an,l dixa. are r-wi niiMir ,.!, n, inunwna, i 14 l.uul K thKK. r.S or wrUiT "PI M Street, ,n rra-wlice. CM. SCMUUXS. IS TIIK rllU't lT Tftl RT OF Tlllf, HTATK nl (irvnn. lor Uie t'ounty o Morrow. M liiHl. l iatiitlil, a. Frank Raney and Win Uinllo. pefemtahta. To frank Kaiwy, one ul tlia alxite namrd ite rpiiilaiila. in th nam ol the att ol On-yon: Von are rr,nire.i in ai'prar alut anawpy lli complaint ol plalnlltt iIIihI In Hie elv riitlllxl rourt amt .'ill on or In-lore thf flret ilay ol tha nut tvanlar trrm ol aalil rourt. t lt. On Ilia tlrat nouoey ol Marvh, I mat. ami It yon Ui to ao aiiawer, pl.lMlllt w ill linlnmrnt and tie. crw., lorwloalnf he lnorlmiKe ilwrllmi In aal.l complaint on tha NWW ol w xv lulu. M. SWWnl N't ami NKW ol Vt W ' p. l I H K W M, ami that lha aau.e I aoltl that the prormxla lie appllr.1 lo II, paymaut ol lha aum ol Ilia i k Itli Inhrrvt amt aliornpta' hwa ui ai,,l pialntllt nia ami ilia- u,rwiiiViiw inn aim rwi ol aaie. lliia aiimmoiia la uliilelia by firilwr nl trpnrn a. ijiKell. H. W. ttKA, I'lalutira Ally. 111 le , lav?. 4 (7 Notice of Intention. t Orrii s a t llaP. llaaooH, IH ' I IMIT Vunn is nrhiitv hvkn tha nit 11 lolloKlKf haniMl eottlar haaAlr.1 Ilia tlllvlltlon to HMli Al,.l IH .nt.H.tH nl hla rlalm. aul Ihel hi, I pr,, Kill U N I.t i oihOt l l..rk. Morrow I'niiuly, Urraoii, at ltuer, tlrvton. on rb. Snl, Isaa, Til ItU IS OKoellKMS, M.t o Km,lf the Vt u i,l N W U an,) W '4 n e y l aw. li t a, a hv k k w.V Ha naniM Ua Intlowloa ltiMwilnpmre hit roiitliiiioiia txaliUo, kmi ami rultlaUiMi l aalil lamt, Hliltant Viarrvn, Vh Uir till tH, t harlot Bwu.lrvy aaxt I Nw Hung, all ol Mappnat, Mutrow hhiI, tr,i t. v.BitTtTr. am It, Kttf, SUTtCK OF ftriH'KlioLDKh'S ML'nisa, 'pi i to irtii.tsHs"or tr mmn I I laht A Wain I oii,M,oy will hoi. I limit annual euavtlnf kar Mo lion nl din kira a4 fHhw toiittiiMe oil tb fouittl Mrtmlay nl Jana ary. A. U , lava. T. W. A V k K a, , I Herniary, a. LOCAL 8QCIBS. ; Wo. Eetes' family are down with measles. tbe Perry Mi ler was in from Gooseberry Tuesday laet. : A. S. Shaddock was in from Goose berry Tuesday last. To trade A good heating stove, for cordwood. Call at office. tf. Leslie Matlock has decided to go to Alaska in the near future. What is Hop Gold 7 Beet beer on earth, bee ad. elsewhere. "TJnole" Jack Morrow is below enjoy ing the sights of tbe metropolis. Tbos. Graham and Ohaa. Hsms were in from Hard man Wednesday last. , Born To tbe wife of 'Gene Matteson, on Rhea creek, Jan. 5, 1898, a boy. ' Felt boots and rubbers, and Arotio overshoes at T. B. Howard's. 605-tf. J. I. Corson visited the metropolis last week and reports tbe old town all right. i One Minute Goupb Care cares qaiokly. That's what yon want! Conser & Brock Tbe splendid new ad. of Cbris Borch ers for tbe Palace hotel looms np in this issue. Tom La Forge and Wm. Stewsrt were down from tbe Willow creek mines yes terday. Capt. T. J. League-was up Wednesday last from lotie. As lone's Nasby he is a great snocess. Fine home-made taffy at the Orange Front. A clean, fresh stock of goods- leave your orders. . If. Mesdames E, A, Vaughan and T, W. Ayers, jr., departed Wednesday for their homes at Pendleton. Painless remedy for extracting teeth. It not as stated, no oharges. Try Dr. Vaughan's new plan. 604-tf. Wallaoe Smead won the fine silk quilt, down ut Morrow & Bishop's store, at the rallle yesterday. Miss Ollie McDowell, ot Idaho, is visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Minnie McDowell of Heppner. If yon need something for yoar system oall at the 'Phone Tbe Telephone sa loon, City hotel building. tt Jesse Stewart got baok from Hilleboro yesterday. He bed a very enjoyable time with the home folks. For sale residence ' property. Barn and good oatborrses. Will sed obeap on easy terms. Cull at offloe. 83 tf. Snowing, raiuing, thawing and the son shilling, all in one day, is what was ex perienced yesterday in Heppner. Pbil Cohn is paying tbe highest price for sheep pelts, beef hides green or dry, furs, etc Don't forget Phil. 5tt Geo. Vinoent, one of ' tbe school authorities of Galloway, reports thai his district has voted a five mill tax. You shouldn't forget to see Wills' new ad. with prioe list. Tbis is novel bat one can see just what tbey can get at Wills'. On account of tbe prevalence of mea sles, Heppner's sobools will not open sgain nntil Jan. 21th. This action was wiss, M. M. Briarly and Otis Welob arrived Wednesday from Monument. Cattle and all stock are doing well over in Grant, Frank Roberts, better known as "Mike," has sailed from Seattle and Is now well on his way to bis new boms in tbe icy nurtb. Heppner's ladies' band, which is known all over the United States, baa been reorganized and bave employed Prof, Hiram Henry as teaober. Core tbat cough with Shilob'i Cure. Tbe best oough oars. Relieves croup promptly. One million bottles sold last year. 40 doees for 2Sota. Sold by Con ser A Brock. y The Gazette carries s fall stock of mourning note, correspondence style. with envelopes to mstob. Those desiring saob stationary can have tbsir wants sapplied at this offloe. - tf. John Moyer, an old resident ot Eight Mile, returned Tuesday from two week's trip to Colorado, lit came baok to Morrow county well pleaaed with bis old borne, tbis section. Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant laxative. Regulates tbe bowels, parities tbs blood. Clears tbe complexion. Easy to make atid pleasant to take. 25 ots. Sold by Conser A Brock. y Tbs dlreolors of Ueppner aobcol dis trict report tbat they will bold the special meeting for tbe voting of a school lax at some data tbe last ot tbe present month. Timely notios will be given. Tottrr, fUlr.llheum ami Kraeraav, The Intense lulling and smarting, inci dent to the discaattai is Instantly allayed by applying ChamWUliTs Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have Wn permanently rami by it. It is ixjnally r trident for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sort nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyre. 33 eta. per box. Dr. Cadj's CeadiUoH PewdiTH, are JuMt what home nmls when in bid condition. Tonic, blood partner and vermifuge. Thev are not food but mmicine anil tbe best la one to pat a borwi in prime condition. Price 23 cents per package. Dstt'l J. Fry, repreeentisg Fry's Hqulrrwl Poison, maaofecturml b Balam, Or., Mr, Fry's borne, is in town today on business). Tbe Gsietts is glad to say that Mr. Fry bandies aa eicelleot)Qalily or gooua, it repntaiion oonnts for any thing, and no doubt be will bave little difHoatiy is placing bis goods a poo the Heppner market. hire. Mary tlinl, llarrisuurg, e.,sys. "My child is worth Billions te see, yet I would have kt bar by croup bad I net iovested twenty flvs cents tn a bottle of Otis Minute Ooogb Cere." It carta Songhs, colds snd all throat and long troubles. Cunser A Broek. InaUllatloi of Owla. On tbe first Saturday before the fall moon of last month, tbe Owls, a very select secret order of Heppner, elected and installed, tbis being tbe 4665 con olave, equal to fiscal years of other orders. Dick Neville, one of tbe promi nent members, was chosen as the Boss owL The meeting was called to order by tbe Knight of the Pepper Box, Sam Jonkin, who was - also tbe installing officer till aoout tbe middle of the meet ing when serious charges were prefered against Sam, wbiob were sustained and be lost bis exalted position. The next member in line of promotion was Pap Minor and he took op the work where Sam left off and completed it without incident, Mr. Neville ordered Sam Teed to read a letter from a member living in Skagway who wants a dispensation to organize a lodge of Artie Owls up there. This request was granted and tbe lodge closed in regular order. $100 Reward 1100. Tbe readers of thia paper will be pleased to learn tbat there is at least one dreaded disease tbat soienoe has been able to oure in all its stages, and tbat is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Care is tbe only positive oure known to tbe medioal fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, noting direotlj upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys tem, thereby destroying tbe foundation ot the disease, and giving the patient strength by building op tbe constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. Tbe proprietors bave -so muoh faith in its curative powers, tbat tbey offer one hundred dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Odd Fellows' Installation. The installation ot the Heppner Odd Fellows, Willow Lodge's newly eleoted officers, occurred on last ' Wednesday evening, with Crocket Kirk as installing officer. Tom Morgan. Noble Grand. made tbe following appointments: E. G. Sperry, B. 8. ; B. F.' VangbBn, L. 8.; F. P. Vaughn, B. 8. V. G ; J. B. Hunt, L. S. V. G. ; N. S. Whetstone, B. 8. 8.; Aody Stevenson, LS.8.; Geo. Noble. Chaplain; Otto Friedrioh, I. G. A good ly number of members were present and a most enjoyable time was bad . Dreadfully Neryous. Gents: I was dreadfully nervous, snd for relief took your Karl's Clover Boot Tea, It quieted my nerves and strength ened my whole nervous system. I was troubled with oonstipation, kidney and bowel trouble. . Tour Tea soon cleansed my system so thoroughly tbat I rapidly regained health and strength. Mrs. 8. A. Sweet, Hartford, Conn, Sold by Conser A Brook. y Down to the Mines. C. E. Rsnous left last Wednesday evening for the mines of Douglas county where be was summoned by J. J. and I. N.Day, who are interested largely in mining in the Olalla district and who wish tbe services of Mr. Ranous in tbs oonstrnotioo ot a flame 500 feet long on one ot the mines whiob tbey are devel oping down there- It will require from three weeks to a month to complete this job, after wbioh Mr. Ranous will return to Heppner In rediness tor spring work. Beaatjr la Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tio clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body, liegin to-day to baniah pimplea, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that aickly bilious complexion by taking CnaoaretH,--henuty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. ; Bhonld be the Case Everywhere. Aa exohange tells ot an editor who wrote an article on patronizing borne in dustries and one ot tbe store keepers wrote bim thanking bira for tbe senti ment on a letterhead printed in Ohioago. Of course Prineville is an exoeptioo to this rale. Tbey expect their borne pspers to work for tbe general Interests ot all business enterprises ot their town snd in oonsrqoenoe they patronize their home papers by getting their printing at, borne and not patronising eastern firms from which tbey reap no benefit, Prineville Review. . It is easy to catch a oold and just as easy to gel rid of it if you oommeooe early to use One Minute Oough Care. It oares coughs, eolds, bronchitis, pneu monia and all throat and long troubles. It is pleasant to take, safe to use and sure to cure Cooeei A Brock Mormoalaa Expos. Evangelista II. L. Holt and A. M Cbase are giving free lectures on "The Latter Day Baints; Who are Tbeyf And Where liars Tbey Come From 7 and other snbjvcts, at tbe Cbistian church. Their first lectures were gives yester day and will eontinoe till January 1Mb. Bervioee commence at 7 P. tn. . Yoa are UBvited. Bring your friends. W. W. Smead showed a reporter ot this paper a sample of tbe keolie, or fine clay, recently discovered ia this vicinity tbis paper naee tbs term "thia vicinity tbongb in fact tbe mine is in Grant county, Tbe quality of tbe elay is ex eelleet aed tble paper hopes tbat the deposit stay prove riteosiy enough to be vslasble. Mrs. Stark, riesaant Ridge, O., says; "After twe doctors gsve up say boy to aie, 1 saved tun rroai croup by using One Mieate Oeegb Care." It is the e,ik'kest sad rnoet eertela remedy for roughs, clle and alt throat aallneg trouble, ajoneer m isroea. Arthur Minor, jk beg tbe niaeager of ilieor A Ce., will r oasis in tbe service ot tbe stw firm. No better svr more faithful rasa ooold be found anywhere. "Art" grew from bey hood to man estate is Heppner aed everybody knows bim aed all respect bim. K. OF P. INSTALLATION. Tbe Boyg Meet and Have a Pleaaaat Little Tims. On laet Tuesday evening the members of. Doric Lodge No. 20, or at least all those who oould be present assisted D. G. O , J. J. Roberts, to install the newly elected officers, wbioh was accomplished in the usual ritaalistio manner. After the installation J. R. Simons, tbe Chan oellor Commander for the ensuing term of one year, was presented with an iron gavel by Otis Patterson, on behalf of John Hughes, who made a few fitting remarks. Bro. Simons was taken by surprise completely, bat be feelingly re sponded and thanked bis old friend, the dooor, for tbe present and the lodge for their expressions of brotherly good will. The gavel is a beautiful pieoe of work and has "Pap's" initials engraved on same, with date of presentation. It is unnecessary to say that "Pap" is proud ot his present. This occasion will long be remembered as one ot Doric's gala days. The Coming' Woman Who goes to the olub while her husband tends the baby, as well as tbe good old fashioned woman who looks after her home, will both at times get ran down in health. Tbey will be troubled witb loss of appetite, headaches, sleepless ness, fainting or dizzy spells. Tbe most wonderful remedy for these women is Eleotrio Bitters. Thousands of sufferers from lame baok and weak kidneys rise op and call it blessed. It is the medi cine for women. Female oom plaints and nervous troubles of all kinds are soon relieved by the use ot Eleotrio Bitters. Delicate women should keep this remedy on band to build up the system. Only 50c. per bottle. For sale by Sloonm Drag Co., E. J. Slouam, manager. PRESS COMMENT. And still there is tbe old ory of "bard times and no money in the country" being beard from people and newspapers of Umatilla oouoty. Every eonoeivable pretext is grasped for continuing the great wail that, for three long years, deafened every other Bound in the land. For shame ! Look at the evidenoes ot good times and plenty ot money in tbe country tbat are shown on every hand; read the testimonials of tbe business men ot Pendleton tbat tbey - have never experienced such prosperity as they have during tbe year just olosed ; liBten to tbe congratulations and happy greet ings of the farmers of tbis conntry as tbey meet on the streets and talk over the prosperity.tbey enjoy as tbe trait of the industry and fair weather of 1897. Then, if you may, grumble and get back under your tub. Pendleton Tribune. The Portland Telegram will "write up" and "illustrate" Baker City on the 8tb mat. Why was not thia service per formed by one of Baker City's three papers? Sorely if any money is to be spent by a town for printer's ink it can be spent to better advantage with tbe home pspers than with outside ones. Tbe Telegram ia an exoellent publica tion with a large oiroulatioo, but a large majority ot those who read it bave no interest in Baker City. The looal papers, on tbe other hand, bave readera partionlarly interested in tbe welfare ot Baker City, who oould clroulate oopies of tbe borne paper among their friends and acquaintances in tbs east and else where that would result to tbe good ol Baker, both city and county. The fault lies witb tbe looal paper frequently be- oanse it is not better patronized, but as frequently tbe citizens ot tbe place are at fault for not giving the looal paper a obanoe to do what an outside paper is paid to do for them. A citizea who is loyal to hia town never overlooks the looal paper, tbat is always at work for tbe town, to tbe benefit of tbe people thereof. E. O. Tbe Mitchell wing ot tbe republican party of tbis oily bave made a proposi tion to Donald MoKay, chairman of tbe ooaoty central oommittee, to meet and adjust grievanoes relative to the fee tlonal distarbanoe tbat ocoarred in tbis state two years ago. The Chronicle would like to sse tbe republican party in Moltonomab oounty united so tbat per fect barmony would prevail at tbe com ing elate campaign. However, there are greve qnestions to be considered and it remains for party lesders to find a way to adjust matters, If possible. Portlsnd Cbroniole. Tbe middle ot tbe road populists, in determining te bold their cational con vsntion in, 1898, two years before lha other parties, are trying to brad off fate. Is tbe recent elections their party's vote waa ioaignifioanl. They are the only populist party which ia left, tbe larger end ot it having been ebenrbed ia tbe Bryaoite combination. There ia a strong probability that tbe suoceesor ot that eoalitioe, whether it be called tbe demoo- racy, tbe popooracy qr some name yet to be devised, will eompromiee, in 190(1, practical ly all tbe radicals, inplaeebUe end Irreconcilable, except perhsps tbe socialists, the single laxsre aed a te ether odds aad ends of tbe Impracti cable. The middle of tbe road mo will bave hard work to keep themselves from drifting into one or the other of these elements. 8alem Statesman. ttoesty. Utility aad Vale Are happily combined io Hood's Haree- parillseottpos eeUodar for 1.1 Tbe lovely child's bead in sn embnstwd gold frame, surrounded by eprsye of Bowsre to mosaic, tbs harmonious pad Is blue witb clear figures, sod tbe ooepoes by means of sbkh sassy valuable books and other articles may be obtained, snake op the most desirable ealaedar we bave ever seen. Tbe first eospo article is flood a Praoih'el Cook Book, a hand some, ueefii! volume of &0 pages Ak your draggle tor UixhTb eoupou ealae dar, or ead 4 eeets is stamps 4rr oss lo 0. 1. Hood A Co, Lowell, Mass. Se II. Lkliteotbal A Co. for shoes, a THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE LCNB TKOOBLfcS AMD CONSUMPTION CAN HE CORED. Aa Eminent New Tork Chemist aad Scientist Mskes a Free Offer to Our Headers. , The distinguished ohemist, T. A. Slo onm, of New York City, demonstrating his disoovery of a reliable oure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronohial, lung and ehest troubles, stubborn coughs, catarrhal affections, general deoline and weakness, loss ot flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of his New Dis coveries to any afflicted reader bt this paper writing for them. His "New Scientific Treatment" bag oared thousands permanently by its timely use, and be considers It a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of his infallible oure. Soienoe daily develops new wonders, and tbis great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, has produoed results as beneficial to humanity as can be claimed by any modern genius. His. assertion tbat lung troubles and con sumption are curable in any climate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in his American and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those cured in all parts of tbe world. . The dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and certain death. Simply write to T. A, Sloonm, M. 0., 98 Pine street, New York, giving post office and express address, and the free medicine will be promptly sent direct from bis laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage ot his generous proposition. Please tell the Dootor that you saw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. Jaly 9-7-1 yr. I. B. Eateb, of Gooseberry, came in Wednesday, accompanied by bis son, Samuel, who returned to enter school, and was disappointed on ' account of the holiday recess being postponed till the 24tbinst. Miss Alhe Hughes, NorfolV, Vs., waa frightfully burned on tbe face and neck. Pain was instantly relieved by DeWitt's Witob Hazel sulve, wbioh healed the in jury without leaving a soar. It is the famous pile remedy. Conser & Brook. Those who desire to build should not forget tbat O. E. Ranous, the con tractor, is ready to make estimates at any time. 6Utf Submit your plans to Banous before giving out your oontraot tf ' ELY'S CREAM BALM la positive enr. Apply Into tha noetrila. It la quickly abeorbed. SO centa at Draeeiat or by mall I aamplea 10c. by mall. KXY BHOTUKH8. M Warren bu. New Tork Citf. ki Eastern Oregon State Normal School, 'I ONLY STATE SCHOOL IN Located on the O. R. k N. Railway midway between Pendleton end Walla Walla. StudenU admitted at all times of tbe year. First-Class Training School for . Teachers. Vocal and Instrumental Musio taagbt by competent instructors. A gradu ate of tbe Boston Conservatory bas ebarge ot tbe Instruments! depart ment. AX"lio Xrficllest9 Boortllntr; Hail Is thoroughly equipped and offers ex oellent eoora mod at kjo a at reason a tla rates. Bend for oatelogue, Asdeeee M. G. ROYAL, President of Feculty or P. A. WORTHING TON, Secretary Board of Regents, Weston, Ore. 01ltllltlllfMltlIltlttltl0ltllft 111! Weekly! LARGEST CIRCUUTI01 OF III It b radically Republican, advocating tbs Cardinal doctrines of that party with ability and txmatatmJJjtJl 1 THI WEEKLY INTI OCCAM SUPPLIES ALL THI NEWS AND BESTOURRENTLITERATUstE It b Morally CScsS aad as s Tk Utirttur pi lit column 1$ qumt fo that ot th As maga Bio. It la ImtarattlDg to tkatmlh afrva) at will at lha paraata. s 0: TlfS INTER OCEAN is a TESTERN NETSPAPER. a 3 I snd whiW It brings to the family THE NEWS OF I at Tl IE WORLD and vs tti n6r It br and aUrU - dWtaaeoas of sJI qisratioos of tbs sky. N kt ka Ml sympathy ss "B tbs kkas aad aaptratJons of West profit and ! diKiiaaw totvatwrs sod fxOuaa from tbt Vcahrrs tUidpiafitwM (so ti ftfi DRirr p?r rtnn is era vris.ti aa !! lSSItSSItlISSSISStlSfltlSISItStlssttai With The Gazette, $2.50 per Year. FORYOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing LWt Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore tbe Gazette's job depart ment baa tried to do so work other than , nl ftin nrintino TTnisovaw .V. .kAH 2. now prepared to tackle anything in any ; line and will meet prices of any person under the sun in the line of druggists supplies, blank books, bank work ouuoty wore, or any eon ot Dook bind ingwork tbat yoa have heretofore sent away to get done. The Gazette shop is not a oharity concern bat if you will give us a obanoe we. will see tbat you are satisfied in everv DBrtinnlnr. Buy your goods at borne. Bemember that Abe Linooln said that when one bought , goods away from , home tbe foreigner got the money and we got the .j . . 1 1 . . ... . a,Uuv, , ju, wuou iue kooos were bought at home we bad both money and goods. This is good doctrine. We are willing to abide by it. When the printing drummer cornea to town, re member it and call up 'phone No. 8. 560-tf "The teik Line" Tie Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co, GTEAMEEa ...... "DALLE8 CITY" AND "REGULATOR" Leave The Dalles daily (exoept Sunday) at 7:30 a. m. Leave Portland at 7.00 a. m. When yon go to Portland, stop off at The Dalles and take a trip down the , Columbia; you will enjoy it, and save money. W. O. ALLAWAY, ; General Agent. QTJICH: TI3VIU I TO San. Franolsoo And all points In California, via the Mt. Bhaeta ronte of tha Southern Pacific Co The great highway' through California to all point East and Sontb.. Grand Hoenio Ronte of the Pacific Goaat. Pullman Boffet Bleepera. Beoond-olaaa Hleepen Attached to express trains, affording superior accommodations for aeoond-claaa paaaengera. For ratea, tickets, Bleeping ear reearrationa, etc., call npon or address R. KOKHLkr, Manager, C. H. MARKHAM, Hen. F. A P. Agt., Portland, Oregon The beat VV .sl seeda grown are lI Lftn,! Ferry'e. The beat Vt.VS II seeds sown are f erry's. a fj k Tha beat aeeda known are ST v Kerry's. It pays to plant FERRY'S Famous Seeds Aak the dealer for them. Bend for FERRY'S SEED ANNUAL ana get all that's good and BW I natha lufAul u rt J the beat. , , M. FERRY A CO., Detroit, Mich. A 2 Weston, Oregon 1 THE a nter Ocean POUTICIL PiPER II THB WESTS it ca always 1st rclkd on' foe I lit and boacst reports of all po- J Utkal raovcaMntojii jMjM jt 1 Family Piper It Wlihoot s Peer. m viae. aasMa 1 m iuni fhvn -