Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 07, 1898, Image 3

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OhJo Woman Suffered Great Agony
From a Terrible Sore Her Story of
the Case, and Her Cure.
"For many years I wag afflicted with a
milk leg, and a tew years ago it broke out
In a sore and spread from my foot to my
knee. I suffered great agony. It would
burn and itch all the time and discharge
c great deal. My health was good with
the exception of this sore. I tried a great
tnany kinds of salve, but some would
irritate the sore so that I could hardly
stand the pain. I could not go near the
fire without suffering intensely. Someone
sent me papers containing testimonials of
cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and I told
my husband I would like to try this med
icine. He got me a bottle and I found it
helped me. I kept on taking it nntil my
limb was completely healed. I cannot
praise Hood's Sarsaparilla enough for the
great benefit it has been to me. It
cleanses the blood of all impurities and
leaves it rich and pure." Mrs. Anna E.
EAKBN, Whittlesey, Ohio.
You can buy Hood's Sarsaparilla of all
druggists. Be sure to get only Hood's.
HnnH'c Pi lie are tne ,aTOrite tamlIy
11WU r-llla cathartic. Prlnn inn.
The Gazette can offer the following
clubbing rates:
The GAZETTE 12.00 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonian, 11.50 f.3.00
" 8. F. Examiner, $1.60 8.25
' N. y. Tribune, $1.00 2,75
" Inter-Ocean, $1.00 2.50
" 8. F. Chronicle, $1.60 8.25
" . 8. F. Chronicle and map $2.00... 8.75
Thrtce-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 2.75
Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.00
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 4.50
Rural Spirit, $2.00 8.00
New York Wool Record, $2.00 ..... 8.00
McCall'i Magazine $1.00 1.30
Yearly subscribers to th Gazette oan
get olubblng rates with any paper on
He Expiates His Sentence on
the Scaffold Today The
Public Satisfied.
A telephone message from Portland
today gives the news ot Theodore Dar
rant's execution at 10:35 Ibis morning.
Tbe people of Heppner as a role believe
tbat Dnrrant was guilty and are uni
versally satisfied tbat tbe fiend bas met
his just deserts.
Band Officers Elected.
Tbe Ls-diea' Comet Band, of Heppner,
at a meeting on Thursday night, elected
the following offioers: Mrs 8. W. Spen
cer, president; Mrs. 0. A. Minor, seore
tary; Mrs. R C. Wills, treasurer; Mies
Dot Warmotb, dispatcher ; Mrs. J.
D. Brown, Leader. Tbe ladies have
taken up tbe work for the winter season
with muob earnestness, and contemplate
an ooohsiodhI open air performance
when the days grow warmer.
Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school
10 a. m. Clauses No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m.
Epworth League Devotional meeting at T p. m.
Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8 p. m.
'The Spirit and the bri te say, Ooms."
The pastor may be fonnd at the parsonage ad
joining the church, where he will be glad to
meet any may dcBire to ooneult niin on
relisions, social, civic, philosophic, educational,
or any other subjects.
J, W. FLEHuER. Minister.
The Ladles' Guild of the Episcopal church
will meet at 3 o'clock, p. m., on the first
Wednesday ol each month, at the home of Mrs.
T. i. Matlock.
The Birth of tbe "Greater" New York.
With tbe dawn of tbe New year tbe
"Greater" York is nshered into the world
a fall grown giant. The problem of
muuioipal government is to be .at to
the sapremest test. Within its limits is
contained a population equal to that of
thirteen ot our sovereign states at onr
last oeosns, and as numerous as tbat of
the original thirteen states. Provisions
for the life and health of this vast multi
tape of all nations and dimes is an un
solved enigma. Thousands of sufferers
in New York and elsewhere are wrested
from the grasp of that agooiziog com
plaint, rbeamatism, by tbe timely use ot
Hosteller's Stomach Bitters, which is a
preventative of malaria and kidney oom
plaint, and a curative of liver complain t
constipation and nervousness.
Be cot deoeived! A cough, hoarsnees
or croup are not to be trmed with. A
dose in time of Shiloh's Cure will save
you much trouble. Bold by Conger
Brock. J
Mrs. J. J. Adkins returned this morn
ing from Junction City. Bhe was bo
oompaaied by her brother, Mr. Albert
MoClure and his two children, of Fa
louse City, Wash. After a short visit
with the folks here, Mr. MoOlure will
proceed to his home. Mrs. Adkins and
brother have been attending a family
reunion down at Junotiou City. .
The series ot addressee on the life and
work of St. Paul, now being delivered
on Sunday evenings in Plymouth church,
Brooklyn, by Lyman Abbott, are ex-
oiting not a little disousBion. Tbey are
to be revised by Dr. Abbott, and to be
printed in full in Tbe Outlook. The
first of tbe series appears in The Out
look dated January 1, wbiob is tbe Jan
uary Magazine Number. Tbe other ad
dresses will be printed in suooeesive
numbers ot The Outlook. ($3 a year.
The Outlook Company, 13 Astor Place,
New York.)
Take Notm.
L The mm ol five cents per line will be
charged lor "cards ol thanks," "resolutions of
respect," lists of wedding presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
X Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
cants a line. These rules will be strictly edher
e 1 to In every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
Here and There.
Frank McFarland is in Portland oo
business. . :
Tilden, the boss paintei. Bigos a
peoialty. 11-tf
Wes MoNsb was up from lone yester
day on business.
W. F. Barnett was up from Lexington
on Wednesday last.
Lioblentbal & Oo. for shoes. Exclnsive
shoe store. Handles tbe best. 83t(
Baths down at the Jones' barber tbop,
23 oents. Orville Joore manager, tt
Statements tor tbe Famona Simple
A ooooo I File printed at the Oazette of
fice., tf.
Gulncewe's famous old "Dnblin
Stool," imported, at Cbrla Borobers'
Common And select tlook of tomatoes
and oaooed corn at T. R. Howard's.
O. V7. Peok, J.F. Willis and W. n.
lloAlitter were np from the Lexington
locality Wednesday.
"Oo'o juice" i all right but Low Til
lard baa a brand of 14-year-old goods
tbat Is bard to beat. , 603 -If,
Heppner Candy Factory tor fresh
creams sod taffies. W. H. Tan Doyo,
Prop., with E. J. Slocom. - 608 t
Aoy ooe desiring to build cither i
boose or bsro will make money by call
log oo tbe Osietts oflloe. 67t
Beet aooonimodatioa and Courteous
treatment al tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Wash. Sis., Portland, Oregon.
Oo to tbe Matlock Corner tod try
Armstrong k Cooper's whiskey and
cigars. I( yoo like the sample buy
some. Gtf
Tbe filling io of the city ball, al On
tario, Canada, killed a great meoy pet-
eon! oo the 8'd lost. It was terrible
Kvury sw taheeriher of the Oaaotte
from this dele, May 25, 1W7, will receive
m prtmlnm a book worth a tons the
price ef the enbeorlptloo. tf
W, R. Mankere was over from Hard
sen Wednesday last. Us reports
Christ ojm tree ool tbsre on tbeJtth oil.
ad other Interesting festivities.
Harry llmr, who broke Jail Oregoo
Cily reeeally, tamed op la Tbe Pallet
last Friday aad to Iryiog lo arret! bis
Ibe officers were eompsli 1 to kill bl
DyspefwU cored. Hb Hub's Tilalttr
lmnsiislt rsllsvss tour eUimaob, com
leg np of food dielreee, and is Ibe great
kl.lnsy and liver rsronly. Huld by Con
terA-tWk. y
Married At Ibe bone of Ibe brids'e
partita, tt II spiraea, on Road.?, Jaa.
X im, Alt 0. Dof and Mise Elsie
Mtnllb, Jadge Jeektne perforating Ibe
esrvtsoat , The Oea.tte eitsoils eon
The old style ot portraying famous
people through a "sketoh" or "biog
raphy" is to be modernized in The
Ladies' Home Journal during 1898. Five
ot the most prominent Amo.rioans have
been chosen for tbe departure: Presi
dent MoEioley, Mrs. Cleveland, Mark
waio, Joseph Jefferson, and Thomas A.
Edison. Each will have a special article,
biob will oonsist ot about fifteen or
twenty fresh, unpubliebed stories and
anecdotes etrnug together, eaoh anec
dote showing some oharaoteriutio trait or
preseoting a different aide of the subjeot,
Tbe idea is to show famous personalities
through their own doings nnd sayings,
and to make these articles accurate the
relatives and olosest personal friends of
the sobjeots have assisted and given to
the Journal tbe best stories and aneo
dotes within their owo knowledge. Each
article will thus tepreeent tbe olosest
view of the one sketohed. No author
ship will be attached to any of tbe
Thousands are Trying; It.
In order to prove the great merit of
Ely's Cream Balm, the most effeotlve cure
for Catarrh and Cold in Head, we have pre
pared a generons trial size for 10 cents.
Qet it of your druggist or send 10 cents to
ELY B-IOS., CO Warrea St., N. Y. City.
I suffered from cxtrrh of the worst kind
ever sinco a hoy. n:i.l I novcr hoped for
cure, bat Ely'a Cream Ualin eeems to do
even ! int. Many acquaintances have used
it wil'i p-.oellent results. Oscar Ostrum,
40 Warren Ave., Chicago, 111.
r.ly'.s Cream Balm is the acknowledged
curi'i r catarrh an I contains no cocaine,
moron- nor n'17 injurious- drug. Trice,
60 eeutd. At druggists or j matt.
n H vah cav that ) I ili - - . HZ
a-r i vs j v n usjaj vaius, L2l SJ 9 Va0W9O Ji
i thPi n lii tirm r.t w A P
) ft i SUCCESSORS TO . . . -X U
YOU DID YOU TOLD A FACT. ? 2$ I Will occupy this space just as g J
HARD FACTS COUNT. ; " S S00n as the Set time to f
' ( 4 write an advertisement.
Winter is fairly on and bargains in ? J
winter goods can be had S J OOijkjiio
at the store of J h
E, W. KHEA & CO., I :
rmcr vi a Tivi a i davis di tn ri vi uennvico rr nr'rwi i A!. iIA.
. 4
Z tlfff
Mrs. Annie Adkins, daughter of Mrs.
J. 31. Sahog, came up from The Dulles
this morning to remain for a time visit
ing relatives in this oity and the Eight
Mile neighborhood.
Educate Tow Bowels With Cuscarets.
Candy Cathartic, eure constipation forever.
iuc ii u v- v. iau, aruggisia reiuna money.
' Snyder Bros, have succeeded Willis
Stewart in the livery business, next
door to the Gazette office, and will do a
general livery and feed business. Bigs,
saddle horses and stall room at reason
able rates. 611-tf.
Gome to tbe Oazette offioe and set a
decent lot of envelops printed.
Government envelops look cheap, and
besides you cannot get yonr business
oard printed thereon. tf
The Leader
Of Course!
Was Perfected by the
Production of....
The man that Leads is the one from whom
people like to huy. The slow, plodders all
stand aside for him. That suggests a good
reason why so many customers are being
added to the list at ,
Jnd now the entire world
fll Knows this verfect product
(j As the Star Brewery beer...:.
On draught at
all popular saloons
1 203 Washington St., Portland, Or.
1 T. R. HOWARD'S 1 The Best BaSi
6, 1898.
Two Millions a. Year.
When oeoDle buv. trv. and buy attain, it
menns they're sutixfted. The people of the
I nitd Mntes are now buvinK C'asrarets
Candy Cathartic at the rate of two million
boxes a year and it will be three million be
fore New War's. It means merit proved,
that Casearets are the most delightful bowel
regulator for everybody the year round. All
druggists 10c, 25c, 50c a box, cure guaranteed.
For week Ending Thursday, Jan.
J B Turner, Portland 3 T Reddish, Pendleton
Geo Morsn. The Robt Haver. DoukIss
Dalles M P Gerkinf?, Hardman
I Bordweil, Haraman mm nucitiey, city
R J Wilkin, city F P Rupach, Portland
1 w Vaughn, city v Harnett, u r &
D A Greenwood, Lone C W Owney, city
Rovlc Ed SchersiiiEer. city
C L Bowrlry, Umatilla Scott 1 nomas, Butter
Orvllle Brown Creek
M R Morgan and wife, E J Jones, La Grande
lone ' C H Horsemsn. Rldire
J 8 Honk Ins. Hardman F T Easton, Hardman
A meeting of the republican olub of
Morrow oonoty Is oalled (or Saturday,
Jaouary 15tb, 1898, at tbo conrt boose In
Beppoer, at 2 p. m., for tbe purpose of
eleotina delegates to tbe state meetiog
of republican elubf, wbiob onnvenes io
tbe city ot Portland oo the 2d Tuesday
ot February, aod also to elotoffloers for
tbe ensuing year. All republicans are
urgently r quests I to attend.
W. W. 8m ad, Pres.
J. W. Hobnob, Heo'y .
F Willis, Lexington
Ira Levde. city
Geo M Holmes, Drip
ping Hnnngs
Miss Dells Delmot,
Win H titreeter, Portl'd
L Hnyder. city
Dennis Hplllsln, Clk's
Coleitoek, city
G llsrt, ORi N
W Worden, Deer
Lodes. Mont
Fred Melrhlor, 8 Mile
R Nicholson, g Mile
M Kees. lone
L R Hlewart
Chester Hathaway
j w ltepiiy
W T McNsbb, lone
A Mnrer.8 Ml e
E B Hteele. Portland
A HiiKhes, lone
Mrs W P Hnyder,
R LMurry. Miles City
Prosperity comes quickest to the mao
whose liver is in good condition. Le
Witt's Little Early Riaere are fatnone
little pills for eoostipatinn, blllioosnees,
Indigestion aod all stomach and liver
troubles. Conser k Brock.
Tbe Msiqnsm Ursnd, on Morrison
street In tbe Msrqnam building, is under
tieellenl managemeDt aod tbe pnMio
will be royally eotertained this winter.
New companies and new faeee will ap
pear from time to time at this popular.
first, el ass theatre of Portland, and when
in Portland onr deolieoe should not fall
to take lo some ot the fire dramas that
will be presented. tf
Dr. John W. Ksamoe, of tbe "Red
light," ever en tbe alert for sometbiog
, eao fnrnlsh yon tbe floret cock
tails in the land Manhattan, Jersey,
Vermooth or Oto made by an artist in
tbe buslaeae. Drop in and take the
taste out of yonr mouth. tf
Crdrsy, the pioneer theatre man of
Portland in Ike Hoe of " popular pries,'
baa ft fitted the Westingtoo HI. theatre.
fornwrly koon ee tbe "Nsw perk."
Ourdray alvejs Lae eotsetbing new, aod
oar people, when below, csn spend
pleesatit eveolog at hie pi see. tf
Ts Cars) laxllHiim f ,
TssrMis I i.H nti m mSs,
tiC.CC U4 lir. sixi'Mi flutut swwi
Avl t. 4 IS. ,
e.s s'lwt m CX ei a
3. k Perkiss, of Aotiqnity, ()., wss for
thirty years needlessly tortured by phy
slrlsBS for the care of ectsme. lie wee
qalekly cared by oslng DwWilt'i Witrb
llstel salve, tbe fsmooe healing salve
for pib and skin dieeeeee, Goser t
Oliver Holder bae leka eherge nf tbe
Ilntsl Hepneer feed bare and ertll for
lab etall mnm, grain or bey at reason
able Htrn. Hpn over biabt, M at 7)
erts. Will else do dray aiork and
henlieg I)qs to so l frnnt traioe. If
1 tU.rf.
Rev I L Bwitt, Goose
W B McMillan, Lex
V W Tillard.city
L 8 Read, Baltimore, Md
w r Hcnvner, city
R W Turner, Band
John Murray, city
W T Hstten, city
M Lsndus, Hoksne
Wm Rors, Punland'l
R L KMbonrn, 8 Mile
H W Buckeley and son
Ed Moore, lone
i Neelsen, Sumpter
H Corbin
1 r Wilson, John Day
T J Lessue. lone
W L Gibson, Pendleton
Chss Hunton. 8 Mile
G uuttrldge, Clscksmss
Riley Hnyder, Goose
berry M L Ackers, city
The Beginning of this
New Year 1898.
A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures,
Is a "joy forever." That's what
you'll find at
Heppner. Oregon.'
But are those ot greatest value In proportion tn cost. K you want to get your
money's worth ol honest goods in
s llUilUMUlVJ llUHUlVs
W are Increasing our stock (or fall and winter. Call and lee us.
Tbe Weather oa Onr Neighboring 1'lanet
Is Always Fine.
The Martian meteorology is less com
plicated and more pleasant than thatt f
he earth, says the Ivorth American lie-
view. There the weather in almost el
ways fine, especially uurloir euminer,
Very seldom are there clouds even In
winter, tienerally, when we are un
able to distinguish through the telt
scoe the details of the (rt'ogramical
C'Oiitiiruraticns ujkjo the plnnct the fault
in our own atnioxphere and not tr
that of Mars. It is very rarely the cnae
that when our atmospheric conditions
are good we are unable to fcee these de
tails. During the lust iieriod of oil
serration of Mara in H4, 1,top-ak for
myself, rn'-ountered only 15 days (from
October 10 to 2J) when the surface of
the planet wss veiled by its own atmoi:
phere. rimide are rxecasivcly rare on
the surface of Mars, Slid pcrhnp rxlet
at all only an fogs or light cirrim: they
re not clouds of rain or rloriii. These
veils are very liifrcfpicnt Ihcie, whi!
tlicy are iM-rin-tual upon Uie earth
Probably there is not a single day in
the yrnr when the entire aurluce of thi
earth Is tincovrrrd tn Unit it could le
satisfactorily nbsrnrd from space. The
two planets have two inrU-orloglci'l
systems that are absolutely antithetic
Furthermore, In the rarefied itmov
phere of Mars there can be no powerful
winds, like the trade winds, and the
tin (luiiiimiiit etmosiihiric currrnta
which rule terrestrial climatea. Oc
rakna'lv, however, obeeners Imve
noted strcalis of snow which sp
peer to hae been prixlurcl by currents
in a Iraiupi'l trinilieie. rM-MspHrrlli
for liistaPcf, obsi-tvel euch strcal-.s
( "tr s'l.n a"f in Vi.; mbtT nitcl Dirrni
lN-r, t- l. srutind t!ic n. rtli- rn pole. and
ti i d i g a considerable ilmtnoi-e from
it. Hot smdi thing are esccption'
Tlie normal condition of Mare la fin'
wea Utrr.
A feH of much scientific interest. If
nol of tinnie(lisl cfinmcrcisl value, le
the prxlii ikin of chmi're! sugsr by
frr,fs. I ilrfr and TM in b laleire-
u,rv of the fpler!ty f Worrt 'rg. It
has ell of H; propcr rs and appear
encra of grnu'1. Or rt'rl sugar. et
rept thst i ! Incapuble of rotating a
tieam Ot JirIriWl ngni, .
Oents' hesvy Creole shoes I 1 75
Oents' heavy shoes 1 '
tients' hesvy shoes 1 M
iisra usin, Dest snoa on sarin, i "
IU.nl fmmh V.. mtxn for w.v. I 71
Men's B 4 Hecht's dress shoes... 4 00
Men's slippers, very fancy 125
Misses neel snoes, ssn. csu
I so
M Isses 8 heel, tmn bin, best 175
Boys' Everlasting school shoe... 2(0
.lls' shoes, heavy 1 M
Utiles' Kntltth Hose 1 M
Men's 'Frisco Oein. B. h H IM
UenU' bonU I W)
Boots, amid anules s 75
dents' gum boots. t 50
Hoys gum boots I it
Hoys' and Misses rubbers M
Men s rutilwrs 75
Kuhbers tor lelts 175
Misses' snd child's high over-
sties, button, vary one 1 75
$ 1 Oil
1 35
1 25
1 50
1 46
8 411
1 10
1 so
1 50
1 25
1 25
J 75
2 on
2 45
2 2.'
1 10
1 25
1 10
My Whole Stock of Shoes
In Proportion.
Men's eottonsde pants, old price, 75c: new
pries, Mb.
Hoys' psnts, all ages, old price, &0e to A5c; new
pries, juc in
men s overalls, oio pries, nc; new price, sue
Hoy's ovsrslls, old price, 45; new prfi:s,
Men's nan!, old Drlus. 12 to S4.75: new uric
II IS to 1.1 III
mm! suns, nia price, ii..td; new pnre, ss.a.
nisnssis, oh! price, i,7.i; new pnre. li.su.
UullU, olit prlro, 11.50; t.ew prim, II 15,
(, nils' Knox stiff hats, old IrlieH.75: new
price, 11
oriiis snu nsrs, oio pries, s.i.iw u) new
pru-s, u r ui i.
tlniu' umtrrwear, all wool, old price, ; 511
new price, II 50.
ortii. eitrs sisee, all wool, oil price, n an
new pries, ti.iti.
nts cotton unixrwear, nrsre iinsq. old
Dries. 11.50: new pries. II.
inns iiisciiiitosnss, uia prios, s'.w; new
price s-i no.
I Art Irs' sll wool underwear, old Dries li: nsw
price, 11 25.
Idlrs' cotton underwear, old price, 50c; new
price. 115c.
tdls' all wool hose, eld price, toe; new
pries, '200.
cniiiirens wool nose, 01a pnee,4ic; new price,
JO cents. r
Miiel gloves, best buck, old Dilca. i 5fi: n
price. Ws.
Uned Austrslian goat, old price, 75c; new
price, 40c.
Hems- socks, per aosen, via price, 75c; new
price, 5iic.
ArDucsis and i.inn cones, s Douniis old nrtcA.
(1.25; new price. It.
una isiiics' iscxet, po, so, old price, 112.50;
nsw price, 17.50.
I Adits' cotton hose, old price, 10c; new price,
The best tea thst ever came to Bstmnsr. old
price, 6.1c; uaw price, 450.
u. N. T. spool cotUin thread. spools, old
pries, c; new price, S spools, 25n.
Fltwst Hue damask, old price, e6o; new price,
rl:uiHt Turkey red. old Price. SOa: new nrle.
liiiek costs, old pries. 11.75: nsw Dries. SI 15
All grsdes gtnghsms, old price, A ysrds: nsw
price, is ysrils.
ah irsors eaiico, om price, is yards; nsw
prlf s. Is ysrds.
Our grsdtts of dress goods are too largs to Bisks
mention of In this list, but will be cut In pro
portion to everything slss.
Corsets, ws hsve a bis llns: old trte 7V tn
VI. JMt iiw friev, iwir w Vl.l.i.
lAi ciiriliis. old pries. II 00: new ones. II 00.
Hrd.prrsils. old Dries. 11.50 to 12 ui: nmm i,rl,
l ou to l
Kins pocket books, old price, 20c; nsw price,
I ernts.
Hhos poluih of altf rsdee, old price, '; nsw
pries, 15c.
items cotton flsnnsl night shirts, old price,
75r; new pries, '.
Mesnsptlns. old price, II. 8"; new price. 7V.
Ovsrahlrts, old price, 5ftr, 7 , l UI, l lit
: Oil; usw plies, Hte, 7.1r, II 00, !.!,
Ysrn, old price, II Ui; new pries, Msi.
Hsioiiv ysrn, old prlns.l bum-has lor ; nsw
prtea. 4 biiiH hsS lor
lAdlrs' iratbsr belu, old price, Wis to S5e; nsw
pries, 5C to 4',
Ws bsvs the alesst and nswsst supply of
ribbon In town.
lAdb s'snd Misses rsshmers ovsrrslUrt, old
pries, 71c to I.Ui; nsw prhw, 4An to Urn.
That U-Year Old Stuff,
"Cohen's Best,"
On Tap Down at The
Telephone Saloon
e e e it ism
hahu ooodsi e e e
New Stand, Oity Hotel Building,
J, L feager 1
Bought several car loads
furniture last fall, but
s an gone now. New
orders have replenished
the stock, however, and he Is In It yet.
Low Prices and Good Quality all count. Seo him at
tho old stand. Undertaking a Specialty.
They have anything In this Una that you msr de.lrs snd yon rsn depsnd on It you get a
good artkls when they gusrsnlos It
OM Stansl, M.ln Street Repelrlna a Speeleltv
Anything you want in (JcntV-White and Colored Fancy
Shirts and collars and cuffs and ties of all kind.
Everytlilno Less than Cost. Most Have Money.
Columbia River and Fowl Sound Navigation Co
Leaelnt Aider Hlreet IX ck. Portlaod, fcif Astoria. Il.aeo, I0f Deaeb, f)rwae
I'afk end Nebcotta. Dtrsel ennostwo witb Ilwaeo eUamere and rail-'
roe4; alee at Yooog'e Uey .lib 8aebere Kailroa-I.
Uevas rnrtlsad f A. si. 111;, sinpt anansy. Lssvss A.lie? P. M. Dsllv. sio.pt iMinls
Lsavss arUaa4 f . M Ixlly, siwpl s.mrt.y, swiuMsy nl.t.t, II P H mim Atrfls ba
st IkA. M.,si"sptuiMlsysn4 stonnsy. NuiMiay eiaht, 1 f. M
vaa rnniaM IM runs Mrrr tn llwsro, Tnsalir smt Thtirotsr si ( A. M. ffatartsf si I P, M
ummvm iise .nww) inn rri'tsy si I m a. m. UN Mta Bisul a f X, M.
IIKI'i'NKK, OR , Nov. m.
Urttti. Omtr 4 Brock, HqFpnrr, Or.
nri.ssjiN:I wse rerantly uksu with a mvrrsisiM
which Bs4e we vsry hoarss snl rsnilsna Uis unlit to
atUnit tutiuslnsss. A trtsml ol tulne calls.1 my sttsntlnn
to your lr. Bsrthlue's entigh i)rrup ami I bought a bottle,
cutting ms Wrcnta, hh-h rllevsl ma at ours andonn
blsUly earsd ms. I am suti)wt to throat dlltlciilty sn.l I
bare loas4 aoUilsg that gav bis so much rsllsl ss this
eeugh ears.
, 1 set Iftfurateit lirMIt Is eirsllsnl lor eoldt, hroinhltls,
BMipUg sooe s4 all throat and lung Iroithli-s.
I s te rsaaaln, must truly yours,
OTIH PATTKKmiN, Id. flstetls.
Merchant Tailoring!
Fine Suits Made to Order and Satisfaction
Guaranteed. Repairing, Cleaning and Dye
ing Clothes a Specialty.