The Gazette. Friday, Jax. 7, 1898. speaks for itself. Li. li. Dunn & Uo. s summary baa done to John Ball becomes of tbe business for 1897 is as fol lows: Tha fnilnroa tnr tlia vanr nrViin.ri closed last night have been smaller &PParDt than in ftnv nthpr vfinr oinne 1892. in number smaller than in any Julian Bays that "Fitz" will ir. year except in 1895. and in aver- sue no more manifestoes, but that age liabilities, per failure, smaller Corbett must whip Maher before tnan inany year oaring tne Fitz" will fight him. aggregate of all failures, commer cial and banking, was $180,000,000, John Fox has been appointed by of wnicn o,uu,uuu was m Dans- the preBideDt to be collector of Tl,anflvr onftn with nrli. customs at the port of Astoria. tions radically different from those This appointment will give general which prevailed one year ago. satisfaction Great financial distrust existed . . -a a. i tnen, but nas passed away Alter A H0T time ia on in Clackamas a whole year ol entire treeaom When it is remembered that tbe Hanna led the republican forces U. S. furnishes the largest and to victory and republicans gener beet market in the world for seal ally respect bim and wish him skins and that the business of success, but deplore the fact that supplying that market has been Oregon is not tbe only state that partially monopolized as to raw indulges in bushwhacking meth skins by Canada, and entirely as ods and sustains some republicans to dyed ekins by England, the full that are a disgrace to the party, significance of what Uncle Sam THE TalafS INSPIRED CAMP COOK. Buckles 's Arnica Salve. Tbe Best Salve in tbe world (or (Jute, Bruises, Bores, TJloers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all 8kio Erup tions, and positively cures Files or do pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 oents per box. For sale by Slooum Drug Co., . J. Blocum, manager. BTABTINO A EKPCBUCAN PARTY. A Document That Mark the Origin of the Republican Party In Oregon. The following is a true copy of the first call and resolutions of the first meeting for the formation of the repub lican party in Oregon, says tne Oregon State Journal. This copy is made from a paper in possession of Hon. T. J, Yangban, of Oobnrg, father of Dr. B. F Vaughan, of tbis place, and was made on tbe 7tb day of Deoember, 1897 : Willamette Forks, O. T., July 14, 1856, from S.S.nce or .l77n - which the country has paid a heavy lfle nWu PVa mixing up wun foreign indebtedness, taken and Joe Simon in a conspiracy. His D - I - paid many millions for stocks sent trial comes off tomorrow. from abroad, and accumulated credits acainst other credits reDre- . . . . i , i I vt J.i.- . sented Dy mercnanaise DaiaDces, 1UUU'" 1 " piemiiug In pnr8n9D0e of the recommendation witn more tnan kw,wv,vw in us vary tast au over tne country and 0f Ben Davis and FJ. Sbaw, r.s to staiting tavor ror tne past iour montns, Eastern Oregon and Washington a republican party, (be undernamed SSin wlU farni8ha large number who .. time baa come. The old than $20,000,000 held by New York parties have lost .11 the good that was banks alone, while the great indus- will leave in tne early spring for jn h bM oome when tries have been pushing their way tne irozen gold neias ot tne nortn. tbe repubiiofln i8 the part, of the age into roreign. maricets wun unpre- itarlanf annAooa tha mnnofarv aitnn- tion is no longer a matter of anx- TflE operation performed by Dr, iety. More than half a million Schlatter, the Swiss physician, men in a few states, according to proves conclusively that the stom official reports, are .employed now aca jB not necessary to sustain life, M. Wilkinsf Thomas Cady is secretary He Hut Know to Make Ufa rituul for Hia Comrade. Outing tells about camp cookery, in cluding the cook. The genuine camp cook is an artist in hia way. The musi cian makes men hear things entrancing and the painter brings tears to the eyes if inspired. The camp cook genius, dj the very way in which he does his work. makes men hungry. The camp cook, aa,ys the writer, "should take pride in the artistic hand ling of his utensils, particularly in the ability to keep half a dozen things goinsr at once; he must keep already cooked things hot; and cook the uncooked things in the meantime. To do this he has to understand the kinds of fire to have, whether large or small blaze, hot ashes or red-hot embers. He should also know how to get the most work at the least expenditure of labor from hia comrades. Something many cooks are lacking in is the way to keep camp dishes clean for cooking. An unwashed apple saucepan will serve to fry trout in and give them a pleasant taste, but an unwashed fish spider will scarcely serve to cook apple sauce m. In other words, the cook should know when and what to wash." A STRANGE CHARITY. rouse the liver, cure bilious- 13 II 4 ness, headache, dizziness, III S oar stomach, eonittpatian, li III te. Price to sent. Sold by alt dnnnrl.t. Tne 0017 fills to take with Hood's SarsaparUla. NOTICE OF HEARING OFCONTESTl V. 8. Land Orncs, La Grande, Ore., December 13th. 1897. Complaint having been made at this office by the duly verified and corroborated affidavit of I John B. Manning alleging; that Kate Russell who made Timber Culture Entry No. 1550 at I the u. a. Land umce at La ttrande, Oregon, oi ewu and 8Wii of BE 14" of Sec. 8. tp. 4. 8. R 27. E. W. M. has wholly failed to comply with January 31. 185. for the 'U of 8WJi and SE! the Timoer Culture Law: that she did durinc the year 1886 wholly abandon said tract of land ; that ever since has continued to abandon the same and has made no improvements upon said tract or any part thereof. Therefore, w ith the view of the cancellation of the said entry, the said parties are hereby summoned ana required to re ana appear oe-1 tore J. m. Morrow, bounty ciera 01 Morrow County, Oregon, at his office at Heppner, Ore gon, on tne tatn aay 01 reoruary, at tne hour 01 10 o clock a m., of said day. then and there to produce such testimony as they may have concerning said allegations. Final hear ing to be had at the office ot the register and receiver at La Grande, Oregon, March ith, 1898, at iu o ciock, a. m. E. W. B 4 RTLETT, Register, 10-21 . J. H. ROBBINS. Receiver, THE BIG BRICK HOTEL, The Palace ...Has been leased by... jyO. BORCHERS Who has secured the services of AIRS. MARGARET VON CADOW As manager. It will be run in first class shape in every department. Rates reasonable SAMPLE ROOMS IN CONNECTION. THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. O. BOROHEES, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors land Cigars We thick that tbe Bpread ot slavery should be stopped. We, tbe under signed citizens, join tbe Dew party. On motion of Hiram Smith, T. J. Vanghan is chairman, and on motion of who were idle uuo year bku buu j u,.t l ut the general advance iu wages for ... . . ... . ., . thnal anMvA haa nnna tor. r J will gain in weight without that Sj 11 lJ UliJ &. 1 S V ULl U l-MU BL. JU 1J M. U J. LW I restore the rates prevailing before organ. the panio. . This statement is encouraging One hundred dollar counteifeit to the American people. Let these silver certificates have been re conditions continue, as most of us ceived at the sub-treasurv of the! Henry Smith hnlinva tHnw will nrA thio mnntru 1I f3 of Knii Vrrt an mall otq BlDjmona ii - 1 1 ii. l j t i- 1 John Post will aninn fi nviunavnna ara I nnraH thai narantmn woa ir rii -i c, i I ble until the bills were put into -p. Newland hot water and the two parts, of Jamea Uoanals 1 which tbe bill was composed, were H. Miller BnhaA onart M. Wilkini I. Vanduyn J. O. Spore Dave Wilson John Boney Frank Boney E. J. Keith A. Wadswortb EXTORTIONS REPORTED. If reports from the Klondike correctly state tbe customs fees levied upon American miners by Canadian officials in the British poBsosaions in tuat resign, it is W. Nelson James Lytle II. Greenwood Cbairmno.T. Tboorfna Cady. A. H. Vanghan Jaoob Zimmer W. Oranem J. S. Fields W. Whitney S. Bonnelte M. H. Harlow Q. R. Ward Hiram Smith Wm Long Wilson Smith John Yonng B. Ramsey William Polio John Maxwell Shel Spenoer A. A. Spenoer Thomas Cady T. J. Vanghan John Slppi. Vanghan; aeoretary, There is lack of harmony in Robert Wilson tViA nnnnmMn onmn TT lion ufill O. U Morton Dlain that the svstem is outrace- adv,He a oonsolidation of populists, ouslv ODDressive and uniuBt. savs '"esilver republicans and auti. the SrjokaDe Chronicle. Pennoyer democrats, but will take Accordinc to these advices the 00 Parl 1D tUQ hooper-bimetallic " 1 . , i. - . . . Amprican nrnnrw.rnr mnut nun Ss.' I union arrangement, in lact he 18 for the light to bunt for gold, 25 opposing the union movement. cents a cord for the privilege of TbI8 Wl11 weaken fusion, if at- cuttiDC wood. $8 for Derraission to tempteu, ana if harmony prevails tonic ore by au druggist guaranteed to cure " 11 1 , 1 or money refiinOed. C C C are a lure build a log hut and 10 cents for ln tne republican camp, the latter thin, fry a box to-day, 10c., a.ic.. 60& ... . ... mil or n Buini'18 ana DooUlot Iroe. Due our Dig au. enuu iiy uo uHt's id ooDBirucung .1 tare Thins; for ictivn In which youcai for Ton. A transaction In which you cannot loselsa sure llilug. tiiliousness, bick iieuuuctie, lur- red tongue, lever, piles and a Uioubuuu oilier ills are caused by constipation and sluirgish Ivor. (Jmcai'cut Umldv Cullmruc. the won- dorfnl new liver stimulant and intestinal it, CO cents a ton for all the hay or grass he may harvest and $15 for reoording a mining claim. These charges are bo unreason- The prospects of Hawaiian an nexation grow brigbtor day by day. The attitude of the powors toward WE EAT TOO MUCH. Twelve Ounces of Food Is a Meal for Brain Worker, The present mode of eating; now prae able that they amount to aotual Cbina 8 changing the miuds of tised by the unacientiflc public atdivera extortion, and if mposed by any many so.ato.s in regard to the an. !" ZlX other than governmental authority nexatiou question and each day duya in the year is evidently all wronpr. less, Would 1)0 denounced as a mild M- to the Cause. l-u mo e. too mucn. i fpi 1 .1 1 n an runf in iiir r ww ivr iui ui mugur rorraoilUOIl. ...Culto lucnnuio .1Ile. Dr. Nichols declures that the aver The charcos made are no doubt believe they can secure for it 02 ne qumiUty of water-free aliment re correct, but it must not be for. in the senate or three more 1, ol ? mf gotten that our people have Dot lU8U 19 neeuou. oeuajor uavis, rP4lt 1UH,.lar activity are well fed on chairman ot the committee on lor Bread Dispensed Free In the Village of Broogbton-in-Fnrness. The efforts of the organized charity associations jn this country sometimes take on strange phases, as in the wood- yards, and in the free coffee stands es tablished a few years ago iu the east ern cities. A Cincinnatinn who recently visited England tells about a queer charity he noticed lhere. In the little village of Broughton-in-Furness is a small baker's shop, over the door of which is the following inscription: One piece of bread, to be eaten on the premises, given to anyone passing through Broughton direct until ten p. m. this extraordinary signooara was affixed on the shop eight years ago by a neighbor, .who recoups th baker for the bread which he disposes of in this singular way. ' KAISER AS AN INVENTOR. Devises sv System of Fastenings for Doors In Men-of-War. The latest capacity in which the Ger man emperor has chosen to reveal him self, saj s the New York Times, is that of an inventor of a new cystem of fast enings for watertight doors in men-of war. He turned up in the harbor of Syracuse recently in the Hohenzollern, and the officers of the British cruiber Astroea, which happened to be lying there, were not a little astonished soon after to see him approaching their ves sel m a steam launch, attired in the panopoly of a British admiral. He in spected the Astroea minutely and then urried off tha captnin to the Hohtn- .ollern. After entertaining him royal ly he took him down into the engine room and there pointed out a water tight door in one of the bulkheads, which, he said, he had invented himself and expected to see imitated generally The door was of the kind known tech nically ns a clipped door" that is, it Is secured wrlen shut by means of short lever catchefcrwhich are called "clips," In the English service as many as a dozen of these clips are often used to secure one door. The improvement claimed by the emperor is that Instead of having to work the clips singly, thus involving several operations, he can, by an arrangement of levers, work them sin.ultnneouHly in one operation only, Provide & the mechanism is not too com plicated nnd likely to get out of order, the Invention seems to be one of consid erable practical value, th". manifest ob jection iM'ing that if the lever huppens to be out of order at a critical moment U the clips and the door would be use- NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THERE will be a mectine of the stockholders of the First National Bank of Heppner. at their I office on the 2nd Tuesday of January, 1898, be-1 iween tne nours 01 iu 0 ciocjc a. m. ana 4 o ciock p. m.. of said dav. for the purpose of electine d i rectors and for the transaction of such other I business as may appear. ueu. 1; (, uasnier. Heppner, Or., Dec. 10, 1897 . 4-13 1 BICYCLES OF GREAT COST. been clear of oppression. At Bkagway, American officials charged, not long ago, 10 per head tariff for the admission of ciyoHoa worth Kiss than Bo long as Americana follow thi course they can expect no other result tlinu that reported up iu the mining regiou. sign affaire, will call tbe treaty up at the first executive session of the senate. There seems to be but little doubt dow that Hawaii ill become a part of the United States, and we believe it will be an acqniiution of much value. JiixiE William rtatea that the use of his name as arbitrator in The act for the relief of those Americans who are ia tbe Klon dike gold region, and hn, it it the factional tnmU of M,a r. WieTinl, will U in pressing need publicans down in Portland was of fiKKl Mor6 pt'm WM H not authorized as he bad not been P""P"J 'B001 D7 rwawobi flic noken to concerning the matter. K,u,l,f M U WM l"u,"pJ brcoB- r yet he woe'd gladly assist in Bot tling all differences. Good! This shows that the Mitchell faction are not indulging in jobbery. grew, D'l it now only remains to I get the relief to the sufferers in order to make it effective. This ii in the bands of Secretary Alger, and if success is potmible, ha will achieve it, as his sympathy for the Klondikers is of the active kind a! 1 1 a 1. rtr I wi new mm no on or. wttka at .a ago 10 advance the money tt i . ii .. um i.e dam ruuueu 11 in on I John Itull iu the bill doaling with open sea sealing, which Las passed lMth branches of congress out 0f hi. OWII to (,nil r. and only needs tbe president's jf huJ practical way of doing signature to become a law, and .0 oouU be pointed out Secre. tt..t :t .:i .... 1 . t 1 1 i i . .. iu. . -.i..ruuui7K,.i. vansAia, tary Alger will go to Ottawa to Lacked by Lnglaud, has played wit the cooperation of the Ca- he nog rigbt through iu this ileal. Badiao authorities io relief open ik iiuniui-, 17 rt'iumogio join liona. the U. a. io efforts to prevrnt tha poeuy ueairuetion or alltLa aeala TflK Foraker faction, represeoU by agreeing to a cessation of ocn cd by Gov. llubooll,baverobiud nea sealing lot even a limited I witta the democrats of Ohio to de. A At 11 ' a.. 1 lime, ana Uio lanaaiani IioMIom rra Benat4r II anna f.,r m..W1i.iii. chucklcvl with joy, wheo thia bill Tbia ia a baj piece of bosiueM, wnicn proimnta opor, sea sealing M, rrnw.ta discredit on evert- re- I I I .. il . Si a a 17 ma citizens 01 ite V. i. waa introduced, io the senate, because of their belief that it would leave them a tnouopoly of tha taking of seals io tha open sea. Hut they will not chuckle, tior will their Lnghsh supporters, when they publicao connected with the affair. Wbca the election waaou last fall Urdus waa the only avowed can- didate for senator at the handa of tha republican party, and the ue- Ceaa of that l artv waa Ukeo to UHO thaailivwaa if Hanna Hanna Lfern 1,A hn,,u,.l - . f 1 . ....... ..,.,..,.. . awuon 01 oay liavt borna, but tha Gazette tha bill that was kept quiet while , decidedly to favor cf him, borna the inea-ura waa pending Mot or 00 b.ri,s, and though il may U congress. That aectiuu alolutely uumpular to aay so, jt thia 1 a- pruu.uHaui-t.r.Dgiogoiaeaiakina pr willaUta tU oonvictioua and toto ilia l, tt. froia any source. I ut a th r..i,a,inn,. i..vl , . - ivh' i ' s 10 to SO ounces. Dr. Mchols' advice is to find the minimum quantity which enables a man to do his daily work ithout loss of wplpl.t, by experiment, ond then hnbltually keep to it. In the midst of the dietary counsels of the vcftetnrlnna on the one aide and the raw-Wf and hot-water theorist 011 the other, It Is interesting to con template the poKHthilitles of the eatinff of the future. It la probable thateat Injr In the Soth eentu.y will Im ml need ti the minimum, and a century or so thereafter le altolished altofrtuer, if the prewnt tre-nd of scientific dietetic Olscovery rontinues. The Rood old fi-aata of Thanksgiving and Christmas are decried a bsrlwrous iiidulirencc rf the aiiin.aJ npotlte, and It ia only lieccaaarv to attend a blh tea of aso cial new woman or a debutante lunch eon of aciMtkliijf-M'hooI (rriuliiiite to find oideneo of tJie etliereallntion of the latter-day eatlnif. I'p to date no table ii'hote hna advertised Ita dinner by the metric sylein, and no restaurant hi wrved meals bv the solid ounce, nut American are a nation of dyspeptics, (he end la not vet. Modern Treatment of Consumption The latest work on the treatment of iluuet, written by forty eminent American physicians, says l "Cod-liver oil has done more for the con sumptive than all other reme dies put together." It also says 1 "The hypophosphltes of lime and soda are regarded by many English observers as specifics for consumption." Scott's Emulsion contains the best cod-liver oil ln a partially digested form, combined with the Ilypophos phlits of Lime An J SoJj. This remedy, a standard for a quarter of a century, Is in ctact 'accord with the latest views of the medical profession. Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. H im 1 vw i a aroTT a akL ikw. k.-. Vl aaa Mew York Firm to Meet a Demand for S 1,000 Bicycles. The most prominent New York jew elry firm has something new for wheel men in a adver bicycle, which waa put on exhibition at their store a few days ago. The wheel ia the first of the kind ever made. In order to insure strength and durability it waa necessary to have the supporting rods and spokes of steel. All the rest of the frame is of sterling silver. The handle bar is of plain sil ver, with burnished ivory handles. The other silver part are finely engraved by hand, with repouase etching of the Louis XVI. style. The sprocket wheel is of plain silver. The saddle itself is studded with silver nails. The cost of the machine, as it stands, is $500. A silver lantern to go with it will add from 1 100 to $300 to the price, The completed wheel welgha about 18 pounds. A member of the company said, in explaining the construction of the new bike: "This wheel was built to supply a demand which we know to . SHERIFFS SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT USDER and by virtue of an execution and order I of sale Issued out of the Circuit Court of tbe I State of Oregon for the County of Morrow and to me directed and delivered, upon a judgment I rendered and entered ln said court on the 7th dav of BeDtember. 1897. ln favor of Ed Rood Plaintiff, and against W. L. Saline. E. W. Rhea and C. E. Red field Defendants, for the sum of I two hundred twenty-six and 62-100 dollars with interest tnereon irom tne zna aay 01 August, 1897, at the rate of eight per cent per annum. and twenty-five dollars attorney's fee and the further sum of ten dollars costs: which judg ment was enrolled and docketed in the Clerk's office of ; said court in said county on the 7th day of September, 1897; and whereas, it was further ordered and de creed by the court that the following described real property, towit: the south half of the I soutwest Quarter and south half of the south east quarter of section twenty-nine in township I one soutn 01 range twenty-seven eaBt w. ia. in Morrow County, Oregon, be sold to satisfy said judgment, costs and accruing costs. I will, on Wednesday, the 12th day of January, 1898. at two o'clock p. m., of said day, at the front I door of the court house ln Heppner, Morrow county Oregon, sell all the right, title and in terest of tne said w. L. Haling, E. w. Rhea and C. E. Redfleld in and to the above described ronertv at public auction to the highest and st Diaaer tor cann in nana, tne proceeas to De applied to the satisfaction of said execution and ail costs, ana costs mat may accrue. E. L. Matlock. Sheriff of Morrow Co.. Or. Dated Dec. 10, 1897. . , 604-614. Notice of Intention. r AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES. OREGON. l-J Dec. ?:!. 1897. Notice Is hereby riven that the following named settler has filed notice of I his Intention to make final proof in support of I nis ciaim, ann mat saia prooi win De maae oeiore J. n. Morrow. uounty Heppner. uregon, on Thursday, February 8, 1898, viz: JOHN B. HUNT, Hd. E. No. 4580, for the NWJ, of Bee. 17, Tp. 3 8., R. 16 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to Drove his continuous residence unon and cultivation 1 of, said land, viz: - Edward Hunt, Edward Oris-1 sell, ueorge union ana Arthur Hunt, alt of Heppner, Morrow county, ur. AO. r . BUUBE, 608-19. . Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. F AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE. OREGON. I J Dec. 10. 1897. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof ln support of I his claim, and that said proof will be made I before J. w. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, uregon, on January a, two, viz: WILLIAM WARREN. II A ICrt jnnA f- Biz KVlj: .1 Vi CUh aA .1,.. ..... '1 1 ' ' HI. 1 . - 1". 7. DCV. 22. To. 5. 8 of R 28 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, rir,: John Zollinger, Sylvester I W. Floreon, Robert D. Watklns and Louis Grosheus, all Of Heppner, Morrow county. Or. f.. W. BAHTLSTT, Kegltler. 605-16. When you hear dem bells!' YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT THE HEPPNER TRANSFER CO'S Belled express is coming. Does delivery work on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it, or at "Central" telephone office. WE MOVE ANYTHING ! j PRAGTI(li SaRE)SIV& PORTIAimOR: ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE REAL PROPERTY. OF They Are The "Mustard" MEADOWS & HATTEN, wTii6 Pioneer BlaGksmltlis Have made some elegant improvements in their establishment and added s large stock of Iron, horseshoes and other materials essential to the happiness of those who need quick repairs to their wagons, buggies or machinery. Their specialty is horseshoeing. ' Meadows & Ilallen are the Boys Id do Tour Work Right, and do it Quick, too. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and by virtue of an order of sale issued I out of the county court of the state of Oregon, I for norrow county, on the 4tn nay 01 January, 1M(M, the undersigned, as administrator of the estate of Hellen M. Allyn, will on and after the 4th day of February, 18V8, proceed to sell at the following desciited real property of said estate, situated in Morrow county, Oregon, to-wit: The north east quarter of section thirty-one, In township I one, south of range twenty-rive east W. M , and I the north-east quarter of section inirty nve.ini township one, south of range twenty-six east! W. M., also the south-east quarter of section! thirty, in township one, south of range twenty five east W. M.. together with all the tenements. hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto I Dvl'iUKing. Dated at Heppner, Oregon, January 7tn, iwg. 12-23 Administrator. Notice of intention. Laud Orrtci it Ths Dam., Orcook. Iecember2. lwr7. OTICR 18 HERKBY OIVKN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of exist MHOIlir some Of our patrons for intention to mase nnsi proot in support ,01 a better and more exix-nsive wheel than fore J. w.' Morrow. County Clerk, at Heppner. can tx had on the market at present, "regon, on January 10, iim vis: Such wheel we have tried to make. rRAnt isat. wiLRiwnun, oi neppner. snd I beJieve tl.nt another scaaon will H.B.Ho. 4408 for the Et WWU and W' NE A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is that of plain and decorated China ware & Queensware At Gilliam t Bisbee's And by the way they have anything yon ran rail for In the line ol Hardware, stoves and Tinware. GO WHERE YOU CAN GET WHAT YOU WANT. N Mathews 8c Gentry, BARBERS see many of fhem at the fashionable resort a. A woman's wheel is bring finished In the firm's shops. Thia wheel will I much more richly ornamented, and its price will be $1,000. A lantern, which is ttcing inatle to go with It, will lie act with precious stance and will rost several hundred dollars. THE INTELLIGENT JURY. Brest Ike Ceer lllwslr io4 Is and (ssrs, "I dini't bflleve everything I hear alxnit the Ignorance of the aveniifrv jury," wti.l an uld law eer in rvmlnUi-cnt iihnmI, rvlutt-a the letroit Free Tna, "hut on.v, when I viaiied a biickwomta nturt In tj.e nuiuntalns of North Cam- Him, 1 ilitl huin on an IncU'iit thnt Sinn my ruth for a time. 1 d c was brfore a qilU'O fclnl the prisoner niw up for htsjr stvalin. It wax the ritdcat court and surrouiiiliiifra I evvsr Cut into and I should uttt huve lwn surprined st anyth nif, but I sis. Aftrr a rMiii if jai-k-rrr lawyer had ff-T In what tlicy had to nay the court turned the cae over to a Jury and it to a Itarn to dn-ide the in l.oci'iu-c or jniilt of the prisoner. And uch a jurj I I ran in-ver forprt what a nuitlev traug that jury was. In half an hour it suie lawk enid reaunail Its l.lm-e In c-curt. "ae i tilt founil a verdict? a-kel the squire. " What's IhslT reDded the fore tiioi. " 'Have ,011 fwml a erd et? That's whst," rrplii-d the mi n-. "'Sh. Hjii re,' hrit;it. d tlie fore msn, with a foolh rriii. 'we didn't know tbar wu one loat; did we, boysT And en-en that court ronldu't atauJ it but rot up and iwore5,- ol Hee. M. Tp. 1 ., R. 24 It. W. M. He names ths following witnesses to prove! his continuous resilience upon ami cultivation I of said land, vis: Chsries w. t'raillrl and lewis Farraiit, of Henpner, Oregon; John . tvlilsi Shaving 15 Crallck aud U P. Dav 601411 Cents. Chop two doors South of PostofDca. D. A. CURRAY, formerly of Pendleton Healed bids requested for tha deliferj Tftnftrl e I Artist u .1.- -a tju i. I "w v . mmtiw ai my ranout on toe urau oi ikura oreest Wii. of KlKht Mile, or. J AS. t". MfHIKK, Register. NOT1TR. of one bnndrsd eords of pine, fonr-fool wood, said wood to ne delivered not later than mKldla of Aacnst. 18DH, bids opened tbe loth dsf of Jsoosry, jtH. iteaerva lha right to reieol any and all bids. J. W. Mobrow. (102 -Jan 15. Frank MoFarlaod bsa been appoloted special atreol ot Tha E.joitsble Life As soranea CaH of New York, lha atroDgeet Io tba world. Cseb surplus to policy holders ot over 43 ttillio: dollars. IWt tska tnsnrsoee withont seetog tba De plana ot tha Equitable. 1 seies at same rates. Shaving, Hale Cutting, "hop, Matlock Corner, IS Canta 25 " Bripner, Orefnn. D. E. GILMAN, 6cneral Collector Put your old hnoss snit Bon In tits hsmls snl set your aioury nut ot them. Msire a sperUUy ol bard collections. Office la J X. Brown's HailJiog. NEW NAME I Wm. Gordon has re-namcl his stand tho old Jones livery stable Tlio Control. KsM hay for sals. Chart munnahla Call on blm sod have your horsce cared Inf. Ellis & Phelps. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All business attended I satlalwuwy manner. CollecUira, s la a prompt and Notaries I'ublie sad Offk la Natter Balldlag. Hsppaer, or. sajfajfh sa.1. s at sa, -sj -sj "w 'e' w w 'a. " 't "Sssa Csrxt. aad 1 radMa ohtsiawd Sad aU tm- .at simiiwss en4nd tot ajoetaavs ftts. i Oua Ornil is Oeeeem W. a. savtav Oriel 4 caa an ' al taa tw lesa law nmu Ir-" V aahuitlea. sad KHiilat, Srix( r fHv, wii sWrV1 iW. W a U swantatw or sk. irr M laart. tW in Uit fwirat s aerar.. A PlSMi(f, " 11 -w M l'M., ri.nis" mat t l aaasa in h V. i a4 !( swaaUia. was In. AOrfraaS, C.A.SriOWcSCsCO. aajajjaj)aja)as) -MThc Old Sliop! LIBERTY MARKET It tbe 1ace to go to get your fine pork and Iamb chops, ateaki totl roasla. FISH EVERY FRIDAY fin siifaenrd hams sd Kars, P'ira leaf r.. SrtlU ran.lrrvl oil atria. Hit-bra eaaa vrir f for lal slora. RHEA ft MATI.EW& J. L. GIBSON, At Cbas Jones' Old Dtand. Rhavinur. - - IS Ctn, Hair Cuttinyr. tir Joe Is iwplnt np lha rpu'atlnn at this shea' fnr Br.tia aulk and aouij b t' ml Is baas yon call. " flRLINOTON-FOSSIL STAGELINE II. REKI A I, , k. O. OtJILVIE f rrP"a. f AWt FROM ARLINGTON TO foasll ine mUm) . -, . , . Unnn4 trta MayvlIleiMmllaa) S Rmiad lip ? wm"s niiaa) . s as (Lie fa aulas) .. tan (liallaa) .t aMtri tat laaad trip a at aVmad Irtp I f rttajfa le.tea Afl.n.t.M, ever paofniac P"-l-a at 3 p pa. and mM at .111 7 p. IB j CoBfirlshl roearaj oaehat ti tare, i toL ttfflaeceJ drlera.