0 OFFICIAL s1'"5 PAPER ' IIf Tho Heppner Semi. Weekly 'L' I Gaaottej from' now until ' f Z W .X '- I-. 1 ' . ;, FIFTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. JAN. 7. 1898. NOm SKMIWEEKLY GAZETTE. . . p nn!Hote1 THTffTrh TTbTfH Fvih EOW tTfINB OCT. , ' t t n j s ,. aa- - ii-- ir- -aa..aa. -aaa- aa PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays THE PATTERSON PMISHIN8 COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON.' Editor , and Bus. Man. At $2.0) per year, tl.00 for biz months, SO ots. tor three monens, atriotly in advancei Aduertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Postofflce at Heppner, Oregon, aa aecond-claaa matter. THIS PAPER is kept on file at E. C. Dake's Advertising Agency, 64 and 66 Merchants Exchange, Ban Franoiaoo, California, where oou raota for advertising can be made for it. - LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVKRTIB- ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exohangi Build ing, San FranoiBOO, Is our authorised agent. This papar is kept on file at his office. O.R. & N. -Local card. Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p. m. daily except Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 12:09 a. m. Leaves Heppner J (motion 8:30 a. m.. and ar rives at Heppner 8:00 a. m - Spokane Express No; 1 leaves Portland at 2.-00 p. m and arrives at Heppner Junction 7 40 p. m, and Umatilla 8:60 p. m. Portland Express No. 8, from Spokane, arrivss at Umatilla 01)0 a. m. and Heppner Junction 7KX) m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Janotion 1:25 a. m, and at Umatilla 1:80 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umati'la 11:10 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junotion 12:25 a, m. and at Portland 7 :2C a. m. For further information inquire of J. C. Hart, Agent O. K 4 N., Heppner, Ore. OFFICIAL TSUaECTORTT. United States Officials. P:osident William McKinley Vim-President Garret A. Hobart Secretary of State. .". John Sherman ttworetary of Treasury .....Lyman J, Sage Secretary of Interior -.-Cornelius N. Bliss Seoreuiry of War ..Russell k. Alger Secretary of Navy...).,.., ..John B. Long Pontmsstar-ttsnaral., ......... ....Jamns A. Gary Attorney-General Joseph llcKenna Seoretary f Agrioultnre. ......... James Wilson i , . State of Oregon. tfoveraor..... ,..Wi P. Lord Seoretary of State ...H. K. Kinoaid Treasons...... .... .......... ..Phil. Metaohan Hupt. Public Instruction G. M. Iiwin Attomer General C. M. Idleman ,,. ( G. W. McBride Henntors.... i T u Mith.n J G. W. Mc h H. Mi Binger Her W. ft. Ellis ....W. H. Congressmen . Binger Hermann IW.R. Ellis Printer... ......w. a. uaeaa (R. S. Bean, jnnteme Judaea t F. A. Moore. . f C. E. Wolverton , Sixth Jadlelal District. Circuit Judge........... Stephen . Lowell Prosecuting Attorney ...H. J. bean Morrow Connty Officials. - - ,k Joint 'Senator... ... A, W. Oewan BeprtmntetiTe.. ......... J. N. Brawn tionntjrJndga.. ...... .... ....A. ft. Bartholomew ' Oornmiasinners..... ........ I.K.Howard J. W. Beckett. ' i'lerk ...J.W.Morrow " Sheriff...... , E. L. Matlock ' ' Treaanrer... Frank Gilliam ' Assessor A. C. Petteys Bnrreyor. J. W. Hornor School Sup't Jay W. Shipley ' Coroner B. F. Vaughau ' inrin town omocRR. M tym.. Thos. Morgan Omrthnen Goo. Conner, Frank Gilliam, Arthur Minor, E. J. Blooum, U. Lichtenthal and J. K, Simons. Kioorder W. A. Richardson Trsesnrer I W. Bnggs Marshal A. A. Roberta . Precinct Officer. . , Justice ef the Peaoe W. E. Kichardeon TonsUble. N. B.WheUtona United Btatea Lend Officers. .. Til dallss, oa. . J.?, Moor. Register A. B. Biggs Receiver LA QBAKOBOB. B. F, Wilson Register J.H. Bobbins...... Receiver XOIUET SJOGXBTXXS. RAWLINS POST, NO. IU G.A.B. Meets at Lexington. Or, tha last Saturday of arh month. All vataraoa are Invited tn Join. G. W. Smith, CO. Fcyoa. Adjutant, tf Commander. Dr. P. B. McSwords, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Offlne in tb Ciy Drag Store, oetr City Hotel. tt D. J. McFaul, M. D. , HEPPNER, OREGON. Offloe boon, 8 to 10 m.p end 12 to 2 p. in., at rraidence, W, A. Ktrk'a prop arty, east of M. E chorcb. Boatb, end 10 to 12, . m , to 2 to 5 p. m. , at cfllee in lb rear of Borgi jewelry itore. Brown & Redfield, Attorneys at Law, Offloe In tb First Netiootl Bauk Baildlog. Ilirmt, : t Oaioox. tf W.A.RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace and City Recorder. orriec COUNCIL CMAMBina Nells and burs real eala'e. rents houare, pars taie.rtneeiinveyaminian4 will serve you In en; way In his Hue, at rMsunable Bgurea. ti First National Bank or HErrNEs- C. A. RMCA. T. A. Rmia. GCO. W. CONSCN, a. w. srcNCcit, Prwela1iit Via frHnt Caehler Am'I Cashier , Tm3arti i General Baaklog hms. i all parts o tha world- Bought and Sold. Coltertlms aiaU oa all polnu en raaannabla Term. IKirlns enf a4trMe4 tt, tilJOUO 01. TbeOeaoUa will takepotaloea, irW, gga or batter sohaeriptkm aecaanta. Aay oae owing Ibt offinaran eatlle lhatr arrwaoU la this eaaaetf "J eaa'l do it loeaoos to sait aa. IP YOU ARE, DO NOl FOBQET Three Important FIRST Go via. St Paul; be cause the lines to that point will afford you the very best service. SECOND See that the coupon beyond St Paul reads via. the Wisconsin Ceotral because, . that line makes close connections with all the trans-continental lines en tering the Union Depot there, and its service is first-class in every particular. THIRD For information, call on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent and ask for a ticket reading via. the Wisconsin Central lines, or address Jas. C. Pond, or Geo. 8. Batty, General A Rent, 246 Stark St.. . . . Portland Or. Gen. Pas. Agt., Milwaukee, Wis. H, W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, , CHICAGO, ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. A Q., Ci M. & Bt. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. 1 C. and the C. St. L4P. Railroads. HATES a.OO PBHt XAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Bts., The WEEKLY MONTHLY Outlook . Pnbllahed Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York The Outlook will be In 1897, as it hat been doring ttaoh of ita tweoty-aereo yean, a History of Oar Own Times. Io its various editorial departments Tbe Outlook gives a oompaot review of the world's progress; it follows with oare all the important philanthropic and in dustrial movements of the day; baa a complete department of religious news; devotes muoh space to tha interests of the home; reviews current literature; furnishes cheerful table-talk about men and things: and, ta short, aims to give fresh information, original observation, and reasonable entertainment. Beginning with tbe fifty flifth volume, tbe paper will assume tbe regular maga zine size, wbiob will add greatly to its oonvenienoe sod attractiveoess. Tbe Outlook la publinhed every Saturday fifty-two iasnea a year. Tbe first issue In eaob montn is an Illustrated Magazine Number, oootainiog about twice aa many pages aa tbe ordinary issue, together with large Dumber of pictnres. Tbe prioe of Tbe Outlook ia three dollars a year In advanoe, or less than a cent a day. 8eod for a specimen eopy and illustrat ed prospeotus to Tbe Outlook, 13 Astor Place, New Toik Oitv. STOCK BRANDS. While ftm aasp soar svjbsarlptlno paid sp yra aaakaap foarbraad la fraaof odirp, Bnrc. f. O., Happnar, Or. Horsaa, P Be left ahuaUW-, aalUa, wu on left alp. Cook. k. JlMia.Or. Hiitm SDm H,).K..t dart ('(U, aamauo riahthipi aar Bark aquara vnp uu wiv qu ivm ta nub Unoavaaa. W. at,. Sallowar. On-Catla, HVm rlshtuils. swaiUrwofk Io sank sari kwraaa, U O on laft hip. Kir, Brr, Daalaa.Or. Rims hmadud F.LV oa lft ahcmkUr, oa(Ua aataa en tafthip. buls la nalit aar. ' mnwnea, L. A Happnar, Or. Tattla. LP oa naai nipi aowa. . P with bar nndar oa ribt stwOidar. J'maa, narrv, Htpwr, (r Hnraaa branriarf H J oa Urn lft thimltlm; oa'tla bra idad J nil haktblp. alan aadarbU ia laft aar. Kanfa la Uumrm soaatF. inliaana. Valla, Lana, Or.Wawa. atntlaT w laft stiHa; eaula, Santa oa rlht hip, aad haU nip la n-l aa1 auia la laft aar Ranar, Mika, llspcaiar, wr-Waraaa DrannM KNI oa iartkia aaWaaaiaaajMi amp a Ml art aadar alnpa oa Uf rtabt lmhf, J. W. Happnar Ur.-Mnnaa branM Land A a l"t aiiwicWi Ml la aama oa laft kip, wattia ovar nM ara, Uxrm tiita la nsh! aar. Mianr, Oaaar, nmfrtmr nr.-4t(Ua, M D oa rtaalbip.boraa. M oa laft sajunluar. Mnnran H. K- Happoar, Or.-ttnraaa, MI a laft sbaairfaa eaMto aaoia ow laft hip. nhr.ra. J. W.. D,ataa. (r. karaaa OmM afcflaUiari raitl saaaa oa rtabt hip. i , Parhar niaaaua. Hardiaaa.Or,-Horaaa IPoa Wt ahoalHar. Pi par, J. ft., f ilntia. (r. Htiraaa, JX ana. Mad m. mt ah.wl.tari aauia, MM an W kip. anW b4l la aaflk aar. Haxtaar. i. W., Haepaar, Or. Ruraaa, JO aa laft aboaldar. Cat Ua, () aa rlbt kip. Unam. K. fl. Hrmoar. Or. CaMta W (1 itt kip. rmp off nli and andarbti la haft taar, T-V J . U , W , lr aaxalayri raiUa. t oa Ml atMMbtar. I Taniar K. W Namm Or.-atmaU aaptOtl T Mt aaaail4ar. kuraaat aaUl OkaM oa loft aip ' with avtit ia Walk aw. I WalUaharoar. W. I.. OaJInwu. Or.i kuraaia W"rar rria J W o rtt't awmUW; oMiia qnartar rirola 4 W mm rWrh kip and nrlit aw4 a, r"0 ami kna ia Ml aar, iUrga ia MiktoW aed (Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.) HEPPNER, OREGON. 'MBS. Li SMALL, Manager.- Now Open. New Methods. New Manage ment. Strictly First Glass; Rates, $1.00 Per SPECIAL RATES BY THE JVEEK OR MONTH. 8A firet-claes feed barn run in oonnfiRtinn. Vr&n ' Rna in and from all irains. We solicit your For more than fifty-six years it has never failed in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and villagers throughout the U. S. IT HA8 faithfully labored for their prosperity and happiness,' for tha Improvement of their - business and home interests, for education, for the elevation of American manhood and true womanhood. . . , . IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and Instructive stories of the doings of the World, the nation and states. IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved methods of cultivating and harvesting his r, . a crW- nd th proper time to convert them Into the largest possible amount of money. IT HAU led in all matters pertaining to the welfare of farmers and villagers, and for over a nail a century has held their confidence and esteem. , i IT IS THE. 4V Now York Weekly Tribune, And we furnleh it with the GAZETTE, one year for $2.76, oaah In advance. . Address all Orders to THE GAZETTE Write your name and address on a postal csrd, send It to Geo. W. Bost, Tribune Omoe. New ( York City, and a sample copy of the New York WeeklyfT ribune will be mailed to you. A Campaign Of Education How to Get' it Mttlm AS U N Pfi B fl L L E LED summate skill. Such a paper Is a great popular educator. It should be la every borne. The subscription price of Leelle'a U U pa nnnm. We make the unparalleled offer of a eopy of Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi Weekly one year for only $4.50. No snob offer was ever made before. No such offer will ever be made again. These two papers make a most acceptable Christmas or birthday flit, and will bs constant reminders of the giver's kindness. . Kainlt by postal order or check Io 'u Ileppnor, Oreiron. FRANK R06ERS Rogers & Contractors Plans and Estimates All Kindsof Repair Work OFFICE H0URSDay and'Night Place" and K02. or Jim will net : II orse All tLeM can ba procured at Thomiaoii & Linns, Iower Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. Thaa tmclrmra ara vll emlRta4 wlrk Oiaat, Harnry, Crook. OlMlaaj and athef aoaaUa aad aaa save noiwy aad Htm la roaktnf Ik us sacUims w Ita travailuf Mi. PrVra In keying alio the t liars. THOM PSON & BTNN8, Day and Upwards! patronage. 587-nov.l2 B O It N SEPTEMBER 18, - 1841. . To be educated one must read the beet literature. -Tbe beat literature la eipenslve. Leelle'a llluatreted Weakly. Fub'isned at 110 fifth Avenue Mew York, Is fnll of tbe best things. Its illustrations ara superb; Ita stories obarmlo(; aad lla literary departments are edited with con tha i. . ROBERT Roberts, and Builders.- Given on Short Notice. Done- Leave your orders "Any Old. 'em. o o o o o o o $4.50 Tt Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Fill a bottle or oomrnon glass , with urine and let it stand tweoty-four boars; a sediment or settling indioates bo un healthy oondition o( the kidneys. When urine stains linen it is evidence of kid ney .trouble. ..Too frequent desire to uri nate or pain in tbe baok, ia also convinc ing proof that the kidneys and bludder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. There is comfort in tbe knowledge so often expressed, that . Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the Break kidney remedy fulfils every wish in relieving pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It cor rects inability to hold urine and aoald ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful oureeotthe most distressing oases. It yon need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists, price fifty oente and one dollar. Ton may have a sample bottle and pampblet both sent f reeby mail. Mention tbe Heppner Gazette and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing. bampton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee tbe genuineness of tbie offer. UNCLE SAM'8 DUTY TO INTERFERE. Senator Teller Talks About tbe Dismember ment of Chlna-Tlie U. a. Has Great Inter ests at Stake. In conversation with a New. York World correspondent at Washington City on Tuesday, Senator Teller said: "It is our plain duty to prevent the die member men I of China." "We should join with Oreat Britain in a notice to Russia and Germany that dismember ment will not be permitted. Even with out Great Britain, we should give each ootioe. Almost our very eiistenoe as a nation ia involved. Should we permit it we would have nothing mora than a mere existenoa. When it is ssfd tbaf the United States oWnnut interfere.!! should be understood 'what a failure io inter fere will involve. The dismemberment of China means the outtiog off of our oommerce in the Orient and tbe intro duction of a competitor who will deprive us of tbe rest of tbe world and even sup ply our own people. We cannot permit thia without beoomiog a third or fourth rate nation. We would have to submit to tbe domination of an absolutism among the nations; our own Institutions would take on a deoline and tbe civilis ation by this government and tbe Eng lish government oease to progrees. "W would suffer more than any other people. We bave more involved and would ba more directly injured. ' It is folly therefore to say that we should have nothing to say. If this dismember ment ia permitted, our traahna with China fail and we ahall bave to deal with tbe powers who take poeeesaion of tha Chinese territory. Russia will get the biggest slioe and if abe Is not par tic alar ty a competitor of ours now, she will be come one. Germany and Pranoearsnot likely to get muoh out of tbe division of lbs empire. Russia will be the great power. But, however it is divided, a barriar will be erected against our trade. After the dismemberment we eantiol aa to Iba governments tbal have taken poa- seselon of China that ws bave certain treaty rights. They will reply that there Is DO China and therefore do treaties. . "But that ia not the worst of it. If ibis dismemberment ocours the people of what is now Cblaa will beoome lbs pro ducers for tbs whole world. A com petitive production aed trade will ba In troduced against wblob other people can sot successfully eoolend. Tha Monla of China have a greater power of pro duction men any tttiar like number of people. All they need Is to bo aronaed and to have their rffurta properly di rected. Inspired by tha enterprise and aoergy of Germany and Russia, t ay would become tbe producers of the globe and weold produce so anaanlv thai tka ooald be no competition." Free af Charge Buff a rare. Cut this oat and take it to your drag giat and get a sample bottle free) of Dr. Klog'a New Discovery, for annanmiji.. coagbe and oolds. Tbay da not aak you Ai. a . . io ooy wrote trying. Tula will ahoe you the areat mania of il.la derfal remedy, and abow you what a so L . . ua Boosmpiianej ry tbe rag alar else bot tle. This la oo fiporlmeul aad would ba disastrous to il.a r,r..r..i.t.... they not know It would lavarlably flora. IX - .... . . auy 01 ins uasi pLyalolana are lot Using it in Iheir prex-Me with great ra enlta. and ara rrlnog no It ia nwial aavare caes. I ia gafaald. Trial bcrtUae fraa at Womim Proa- (Jo., K. J Minora, mgr. It-Kolar aiaa ) amis and ,!.). Preae Grreevell paaaad tbroagb lUpp. ser yaaUrday os Me way hme from bis node's. I'raea Thiiranawin n ah.u a. Creeewell baa bs aiteding during Iba lormars rarant llivaaa. Mr, Tbompaoa Is now ap and ab's to U alx.al agale. Mra. M. B. Pwd. Ituddall's, IMsof farad for eight years from dy4pala and cbronio sosatlpstloa and was flalt; Soradby using DaWltls UU Karlf Ifaaara, lbs famoas little piils fr all atofliarb and Mvtr Inmblia. Oaaor A Droek. . Dnrrsnt, In Discussing: bis Exreatloa, Mani fests no Emotion Wbatever. 8 in Quentin, Oal., Jan. 5. Durraut has rehearsed the ' scene of bis own death. At his own request, made abso lutely without emotion, be has been told every incident that will mark tbe minutea of bis last hours of life. From the moment that be awakens next Fri day morning until Warden Hale eives tbe signal to spring the gallows trap, Theodore1 Durrani knows what is ex pected of bim. . , t . , ,', ,. ' .A book and several papers on religion subjects were received at the prison yes terday for Durraut. They were offer ings from a woman -who resides in Toronto. She was a resident of Sen Fraocisoo three years ago and has dis played an interest in Durrant's affairs since bis arrest ' for tbe murder of Blanche , Lamont. . Deputy Warden Edgar made a thorough1 inspection of tbe books and papers and then permitted Durrani to bave them. ' ,The anthorities suspect that some of Durrant's legal advisers may attempt some play at the very moment of tbe exeoution. Durrani may invite five of the 60 people who will be present, but Warden Hale will revise the list, eo it is unlikely that any of bis attorneys will be Been beside the gsllows, The condemned man has made the following requests: First, tbal tbe rope used to bang him shall be destroyed immediately after his death, that no person oao say that he holds a pieoe of it as a momento; seoond, that none of tbe spectators shall bs al lowed to gaze upon bis features after be is exeouted; third, that no autopsy shall be held after death and that do physi cian be allowed to examine bis body ; fourth, that after be is pronounced dead bis remains shall be delivered to his parents as soon as possible. This Tells Where Health May be Found, And that ia more important tban making money. If your blood is imvareV Rood's 8araparnla .' is tbe only medioioe for yon. it-cures scrofula, salt rbeum, rheumatism, catarrh sod alt other dis eases originating in or promoted by im pure blood and low state of tbe system. Hood's Pills srs sasy to take, easy to operate. Cura indigestion, headache. WHO WILL GET ITF Portland Aatborltlea Think That Sheriff Matlock Is the Man. There appears to bs some question as to who will get tbe rewards offered for the arrest and cooviotion of Gua Wsoh liti, the , Washington oounty murderer. reoently oonvioted of murder in tha first degree for tbe killing of old man Led- rlok, aays tbe Telegram. . Boon after tbe remains of Ledriok were found the authorities of Washing ton county offered a reward of lllO far the arrest of and testimony leading to lbs conviction of tbe murderer. As thia reward, however, did not appear to ba a snfMi-ient stimulus to tbs ofBoers at work on tbs case, and time elapsed without any traos of tbe murderer Comloa to light, ths administrator of tbs estate of the murdered men, witb tbs consent of tbs heirs, waa authorised to offer I'JSO additional isward. Even this sddltios to the priss bad little e fleet aa far as im mediate results were eoooered, for over soother year elapsed before lbs murder- sr waa mo dowo. Wachlio was eventually arrested by Sheriff Matlock, of Morrow onuoty, sod by bim turned ovor to tbe autboritiea of Waabiogtoo county, tbs autboiities of which county proseooted and obtained ths svidenoe necessary to convict. Tha question now Is wbethsr Sheriff Mat lock, of Morrow county, Is entitled to sll lbs rewsrd for making tbs arrest, or bat bar Iba aatboritias of Waabiogtoo county who adduced tbs svidaoes sod proeecuted, srs entitled to belt of II for securing bis oonvlollon. Portland 0 Ho ars who bsva bean asked for ao opinion as to lbs praetioe in eurb esses srs In clined to Iba belief tbat all tbs reward should go to Sheriff Matlock, as with. out tbs arrest there oould bavs beso DO cooylctios. According to a eelebreted anatomist Ibare are apwards of B.lXXlXiO little glands Io the bomao stomach. These glands pour out lbs digeetjva Juices which dissolve or digaat the food. In digeatioo la waol of Julee, weakness of glabda, seed of help to reatoretba bealtb of Iheaa organs. Tbs bast sod moat sstaral balp is that glveo by Shaker Dl estiva Cordial. Aalural, baoanM it supplies lbs materials Deeded by tbe glands to prepare the digestive Juices, boeaoee It straagtlieas andio viforalea t ba glaada aed tbe stomach, ontil tbay ara able to do tbalr work elooe. Hhakar DlgMtiva(ir4ia4 sores indigestion ear. taiiily and permanently. doaa ao by natural saaans, aad Ihereie ltsj the aacret of ita woaderfal aad serened sunraaa, At dragg-ieta, price) 10 reels to II 00 par bottle. Poaail Joaroal.- IWf. J. L Great, fro as rneevllle, bas opesed revival aeettog la lb Baptist oburcb bare, bah will rso through tbs ooealeg wak sad pefbeps longer. Bo. 0. P. Bailey, from Greee Valley, will arrive Is 0 few daya to teed baad with lbs alia 1 . 1Mb these salalstare baring maey friands bara.lt Is probable tbat Urge ooograsatiooa will tsrs out ostil the sloe of tba saaalloga. WW... POWDER Absolutely Pure I-" " m m aaaMaaaaa DEATH OF AN OLD COLORED MAN. He Was Highly Esteemed by all A Friend of the Editor of the Gazette, ; Tha Gazette's editor reoeived the sad news this week of the death of "Unole Billy', Johnson, sn. aged oolored man who resided near Danville, Ind., adjacent to the boyhood home of tha scribe. ' He was employed by William Patterson, tbe father of the writer, for most of the time between the years 1870 to 1880, about whioh ; time the son moved west. He waa the boy's friend, and during all of the letter's experience at home, and ever snoe, this old blaok man baa shown the greatest solioitude for the wellfare of tbe son of bis old employer. Why shouldn't bis death make one feel aad? He waa the oompanion in tbe poesum and ooon hunts. He waa the writer's historian pa slavery matters. . He was black man bat his soul was as white aa snow. He wbs tbe soul of honor, The Daoville Republican says of "Uncle Billy." William Johnson, an aged colored man, well known as "Unole Billy," died at bis home east of town Thursday morning of heart failure. He laoked two aays ot oemg 7 years of age. 1 He was born a slave in Bourbon county, Kentucky, and was owned by Caleb Let ton. Mr. Lelton1 died and he was sold tO Prof. John H. Hmith nf tha nnll.n. Carlisle, who waa a relative of Mrs. Ksnklaof tbis olty;r-Mrs. Kankia aaya Unois Billy bore a spleudid reputation aa an honest slave.. He was freed by tbe emancipation proclamation. ' In lHtlft. ha flimi Ia ITunrt.iiko n n t ing abont $160 wbiob he bad saved from ua rarnmRsaner ne neoame a freedman. D. J 1 . .. - . - " uiu oaavy wort wnen the i. ft Bt. i road was built, cutting out tiss. A measure of prosperty oame to bim and ba bought a few aores of ground where nis remsining aays were spent. lie was married fonr times, but two ohildreo are all of his Immadiate family that i survive bim. Uncle Billy waa an honest, indue- trlonS msn With msnv frinnda in thia community. Everybody Says Bo, Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won derful uitMllcal dmcovervof the age, pleaa snt and retraahing to the taste, aot gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowela, cleansinir the entire system, dispel colds, ourn houilaohe, fever, bnhttunl constipation and blllnnsness. Please buy and try a boa ot IX O. 0. to-dny; 10, W) cents, bold and guarautood to cure by all druggists. A PltOMINENT MAN. A HlaU Senator ia I NIK), la the Leglslatnre mat r.irrvro vol. a. V. Baker Seaator. . A. B. Florence died near Deopner on tba I'M of November, aged 80 years, says ths Portland Dispatob. Ha was ons of ths piooeers of Lane county and Io early days prominent In politics. Io IWO be was ons of tbs stats senators from Lane county and was ons of tha sight members of tbat body who ran away from Salem to break op quorum in order to prevent the elsotioo of Col. Baker to the U. 8. Senate, and remained in biding oear Oorvallia for three weeks, wbeo it was thought tbat lbs outrago wss detested. But it waa Dot sod wltbio 80 boors after Iba rsturo of those mem bers tbs Infamy was carried out and tbe purpose of Ibsse senators defeated. Mr. Florence was true to bis trust sod a mao of unblemished public sod private character. He cams to Oregon In 1850 from Virgioia, and first settled sear tbis city, later bs moved to Lane county and afterward returoed to Marloo county and In 1H79 ba moved to Morrow ooaaly. Us was tbs father of U ohildreo, Mrs. John Webran, of Fairfield, Marion eoooly, being 00s of bis daughters. Ladles, take tha beat. If you are troubled with constipation, sallow skin, sod tired fowling, take Karl's Clover Tee, it ia pleasant to take. Sold by Oooaer k Brock. y COIKTY COCIIT. Tbs officers cf lbs county Oourt wars so busy this morning that it waa impoe lible for tbs Ossette'e representative to gal lbs proceedings io detail Iboe far. M.irh bueioeae is being transected tbis larm A great many bills ware allowed yes terday and scrip Is being issued for soma, all ef It balng worth par, Judging from tbs Gasetto's eiperienne in tbat di rectum. Tbs proceedings wars sullvened yes terday by a small eorsp" balween lbs oswspspar publishers over the oftioial paper. Tbs peokagat containing tbs cer tified copies wars opeaad, bat aa Mr. Hbotl daeaorred to Iba aRl iavllof Ibo publisher of the (Isialle, Ibo matter was laid Over till 2 o'olock, p. ni, today for furtbor aotioo. Tba proposition of the Deppnar I.lghl sler Oo. to light Ibo oourt booas was rejected. Tbs court bas baas busy oearly all 4ay with aapeiviaqrs' reports. Tbis Is a tedloos tssk, but aa it entails etpwndi lore nf mooey, lbs ooort is Very wise in sraanlng ail ai eotints chieely.