Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 04, 1898, Image 4

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    Keen Sudani Get Bicd.
Tells You How to Do It.
jb A. nt
Of Two Transcontinental
Spokane Salt Lake
St. Paul Omaha
By tpeoial arrangement we offer to
oar readert
The Wool Record
arid Semi-Weekly Gazette, one year tor
83.00. i
The Wool Reoord is the only national
wool organ and covers the wool industry
from the raising of the sheep to the sell
ing of the manufactured artiole. It is
pablished weekly at New xork aod (be
regular prioe is $2.00 a year. lis market
reports are fall and complete and its
Sheep Breeders' Talks alone are wortb
10 times the price of the paper.
Sample oopies on application.
We heartily reoommend this combi
nation to oar sabsoribers.
Rural Spirit
Chicago Kansas City (established in i.)
rublished Weekly
Portland, Or.
Ooean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
Steamers Monthly from Portland to
Yokohoma and Hong Kong; via, The
Northern Paeiflo Steamship Oo. in con.
nection with O. R. & N.
and Turf
Eph Eskelson was op from Islington
Elder J. L. Swift waa in from Eight
Mile Friday.
Jerry Brosnan and wife visited Hepp-
ner on Friday.
Gov. Bea baa returned borne from a
visit to Portland.
Frank Kilkenny and Jas. Oarty spent
Friday in Heppner.
Lather Hnston and wife were in from
Eight Mile yesterday.
To trade A good heating stove, for
oordwood. Call at office. tf.
What is Hop Gold? Best beer on
earth. See ad. elsewhere.
F. P. Vaughn, of Eight Mile, was a
visitor to Heppner Friday last.
One Minute Cough Care cares quickly.
That's what yoa want! Coneer & Brock
F. H. Wilson, from the Jordan Fork
oonntry, was a visitor to Heppner on
Friday last.
M. Kelly, one of the old-time resi
dents of the Gooseberry section, was in
Heppner Friday.
Fine home-made taffy at the Orange
Front. A olean, fresh stock of' goods
leave your orders. tf.
They Coataia the Esseetial Element tor the
Perfect Nourishment of tne Body. .
"Cereals aod frails should form the
base of breakfast foods," writes Mrs. S.
T. Borer, on "Breakfast Cereala and
Fruits," in her oooking lesson in the
January Ladies' Home Journal. "Tbey
will support musoalar action, preserve
the beat of the body, and strengthen the
brain in its nervous aotivity. Whole or
steel cut oats, aad whole wheat, from
which our nineteenth century bread
should be made, contain the essential
elements for the perfeot nouisbment ot
the human body. The great objection
to oereal foods is their difficulty of di
gestion, not from any fault of the foods,
but first, in lack of time in oooking, and
second, from laok of proper mastication
Raw starobes are indigestible. The
first step, then, toward the digestion of
starches is over the fire. Eaoh little
oell must be raptured, and for tbis, long
and careful cookine is required. The
seoond step to the digestion ot starobes
is in the mouth. Tbey are there oon
verted from the insoluble starch to
soluble sugar. It they are swallowed
quickly, without mastication, they miss
tbis digestion, entering the stomach as
strangers. Tbis organ not being pre
pared to reoeive them, tbey are oast out
into the small intestines to be entirely,
She snuggled clou to me lor fear
The rain may toll her pretty dress;
I wonder If the knows how queer
My arm feels 'neath her soft caress?
Oh, could I shelter her for ay
From Time's rude hand and endless care,
She nestling as she doe today,
Happy with me her life to share.
I wish I dared to press his arm,
But he might think me over bold;
In modesty there is a charm
That never lets the pulse grow cold ;
So I will stifle all desire
And act PrisciUa, staid and prim.
Although my veins seem all afire,
While walking in the rain with him.
Left to the rain and beating wind,
Alas, no thought they give to me;
I pardon them, for they are blind,
And being blind they cannot see.
'Til retribution in the main,
I did the same, so never mind;
I often met Jack in the rain
And let poor mother walk behind.
Lug Virnom.
Aa Eminent New Tork Chemist aad Scientist
Hakes a Free Offer to Oar Headers.
If yon need something for your system instead of partly, digested. The organ,
Wortb its weight in gold to every farmer
and breeder in Oregon.
For full details oall on O. R. A
Agent at Heppner, cr address
Gen. Pass. Agt.
Portland. Obbooh.
Sample oopies free.
Rural Spirit sod Gazette both for
13.00, cash, at tbis offloe.
If so, be sore and see tbat your
tioket reads via
He KoitTiWBsteiu Line
Great Short LlQe
Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Veitlbuled
Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anyone sending a sketch and rteaortptlon may
Quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention Is probably patentable. Commnnlca-
agency ror aecurlnK pi
Patents taken throuxh Munn A Co.
ttnna strtotlr confidential. Handbook on Patent
sent free. Oldest agency lor securing patent.
nnldl notice, without charge. In the
Scientific American.
A handsomelv llluntrated weekly. Largest elr.
culatlun of any aclentltto journal. Terms, tS a
year: rour montns, si. ooio Djan newsunaiera,
MUNN & Co.86,Bro,dw"' New tork
ttranon uraoe, ran v ou, vvaaniugion, u. v.
Dining and HlwMilng Car
Trains, ana moiio:
has given this road a national reputation.
ulaaioa of iiassoinrer carried on
trains without extra charge. Hhlp your freight
awl travel over this fauious line. . All agents
have tickets.
Otm. Agent Trsv. F. A P. Agt.
zts wasnington nt., roruauu, ur.
The Only All-Rail Route Without
Change of Cars lie t ween Spokane
RoHsland and Nelson. Also between
I Nelson end Rosslaud, daily except
mm A. M Hpokane ..
lll A. M linwland ..
41:10 A.M Nvlaon
Clone oonnortuma nt Nelmin with steamers for
Kaalo, anil all Kontinml Lake point.
I'HMenmtrs fur'Kuttle Itlver and Himndurt
Crunk connect at Mamas with stmie daily.
.n;W P. M
, 8:111 V. M
..: I. M
milwauRBB & St. Paul B'y
This Railway Co.
Operates its trains on the famous blook
Lights its trains by eleotrioity through-
Uses the oelebretod electric berth reed-
Rons speedily equippsd passenger trains
every day and Bight between HI. Paal
and Chioago, aod Omaha and Chicago;
Chlcano. Milwaukee &
St. Paul
Also operates steam-heated veetibnled
trains, carrying the latent private
eomparttuent ears, library buffet smok
ing cars, aod palace drawing room
I'erlnr ears, free reclining ohair ears.
and the very best dining chair ear
For lowest rates to any point in the
United State or Canada, apply to
agent or aJdreea
J. W. CASEY, General Agent.
Trav. Pass. Agent. Portland, Or.
in i
t. a a
If you suffer from any of the
ills of men, cmte to the oMeat
Suetuliat on the Pacific Cuusl,
I0BI Market SL Eal a I&G2.
$t Yenna men snd middle
asril Ulf n who ara autterina
m boot ih effects u7 youthful imliacretionsarei-
in nwuurr r'riMi ami i ny.n n,
lrMltiv,lnspoieiiiey,l.oi MatnhiMMl
lnlht.(.'m.l,. aum,,; Hiirrmatwrrinra,
Pro.ialrrbra, fioiioi'i hira, Sjilevt,
rrfaarury r I' rlamllnif, ?e. lly
coniliinaitaa of rematiiea, of great nirativ pow
er, iha IHctic has so arranged his treatment
tli.it it will not only all d immediate relief but
permanent cure. 1 he IKkI.it due. not claim to
perform mir.n les, nut 1 well-known lo be a fair
and aquare rhyucian and Surgeon, pri-erauMiit
n mi i-. iiiv-aranr-ei or Si
SUfhllla llinroiiliivemllatinl Iruin the
SVt Ill WHIiout ii.Iiib H rt. r
IVtKt HAN ai.u l. , k o ti will re
sult e our awHeW 7lnm of hlaiHtniplnltit,
H (( (iimroiilcf a ItlSI II i'K VUKK fn
t"y tan Mf Mwlrrtaktf or JureU One
B imnnanu ifiii inn.
on.uliati.m fRV K snil strlcily private.
...... . ii i u i... . , t i
"Th hllaMnhv af M .m-l...
fre. (A valualile book for aies.)
Croat M um.tim of Anatomy
the nneat and Urgett Muwumia lit kind In l In
world. Coat and learn how wonderfully ymi
are madet hnw to avoid sit kne and rii.ti..
VI' e are rv-nxmiiHr ad' lm new .twciuwtia.
lATAl.Oul K MKK, tail or writ..
tOBt MaHiH Street. aa Frterlar. Csl
oall at the 'Phone The Telephone bb
loon, City hotel building. tf
For sale residence property. Barn
and good ontbouses. Will seil obeap on
easy terms. Call at offioe. 83-tf.
. Phil Cobu is paying the highest price
for sheep pelts, beef bides green or dry,
furs, etc Don't forget Phil. 5tf
W. A. Campbell, representing the
Penn . Mutual Life Ins. Co., was in Hepp
ner from Arlington on Friday.
gStop tbat ooogh! Take warning. It
may lead to consumption. A 25c bot
tle of Sbilob's Cure may save your life.
Sold by Coneer & Brook. x
Geo. Holmes was in from Gooseberry
on trid ay, leeiiug as joy mi as ever,
His brother, Frank Holmes, is now lo
cated at Park Place, near Oregon Gity,
and is doing well.
The Gazette carries a full stock of
mourning note, correspondence style,
with envelopes to match. Those desiring
snob, stationery oan have their wants
supplied at tbis offioe. tf.
Weston Leader: Rev. Adkios is so
far reoovered from his attack of rheu
matism as to be again seen on the streets.
He reports one of his little girls as quite
ill now ot malarial fever.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McHaley will leave
shortly for Southern California to be
absent about three months. This trip
is taken with the object ot benefitting
Mrs. MoHaley's health.
Mrs. W. P. Dutton departed on Satur
day eveniog for Pendleton to be at the
bedside of her mother, Mrs. Uallock,
who is very ill at the home of ber son,
H. H.Hallook.in tbatoity.
"For Constipation take Earl's Clover
Tea, the great Blood Purifier, oures
beadsohes, Nervousoess, Eruptions on
the face, snd makes the bead as olear as
a bell. Sold by ConserA Brook. z
J. W. Morrow, proprietor of the Pal
ace hotel, 11 preparing to put out some
shade trees in front of that structure.
This is a good move and will greatly add
to the appeal auoe of that already at
tractive oorner.
Sbilob's Consumption Cure oures
wbers others fail. It is the leading
Cough Cure, and no home should be
without it. Pleasant to taks and goes
tght to the spot. Sold by Conser t
Brook. z
M. Lichtetbal is in reoeipl ot a letter
from bis wife who reached her destina
tion, along with the family of Henry
Blahm, in the old oonntry, in good shape,
and is now having a nice time viiitiog
with friends aod relatives. It took five
wseks to make the trip.
It is easy to catch a cold and just as
easy to gel rid of it if you oomtnenoa
early to use On Minute Cough Gore. It
eures onnghs, colds, bronohitia, pneu
monia snd all throat and long troubles.
It is pleasant to take, ssfe to use and
sure lo eure Consei t Brock
Dr. MoPaul was called to Galloway
on Saturday evening to attend the baby
ot Wm. Oillett. The little ooe is suffer
ing with a bad akin disease and is in a
orittoal condition. Tb doctor fouod the
roads in very bad shape, lbs night wm
dark, snd wilbal he had anything but a
pleasant trip.
now compelled to do, in addition to its
own duties, the work of the month, soon
beoomes overtaxed, and we have, as a
result, the disease most oommon in this
oonntry intestinal indigestion.
"Of the breakfast cereals steel-oat
oats beads ths list. , Any of the wheat
germ preparations are good. After these
oo me the rolled wheat, and barley, and
rice preparations. All these foods, how
ever, must be thoroughly oooked, and
eaten without sugar."
The Coming Woman
Who goes to the olub while ber husband
tends the baby, as well aa the good old
fashioned woman who looks after her
home, will both at times get run down
in health. Tbey will be troubled with
loss of appetite, headaches, sleepless?
ness, fainting or dizzy spells. The most
wonderful remedy for these women is
Electric Bitters. Thousands ot sufferers
from lame back and weak kidneys rise
op and call it blessed. It is the medi
cine for women. Female oomplaints and
nervous troubles ot all kinds are soon
relieved by the use ot Eleotno Bitters.
Delioate women should keep this remedy
on hand to build up the system. Only
60c. per bottle. For sale by Slooum
Drug Co., E. J. Hlooum, manager.
$100 Beward S100.
The readers of tbis paper will be
pleaeed to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease tbat soienoe has
been able to oure in all ita stages, and tbat
is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the
only positive oore known to the medioal
fraternity. Catarrh being a oonetitu
tional disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Oure is taken
internally, aotins directly upon the
blood and muoous surfaces of the sys
tern, thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitution
and assisting nature in doing its work.
The proprietors have so rouob faith in
its curative powers, tbat tbey offer one
hundred dollars for any oase tbat it fails
to oure. Hend for list of testimonials
Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O,
Bold by druggists, 75c.
Now Trades at Heppner.
C. H. Horseman, a prominent stook-
raiser ana ranober ai Kiage, was in
Heppner on Friday. For a num
ber of years Mr. Horseman has done his
trading at Pendleton, but be has now
oome to Heppner, baviug the past few
years been doing bis banking through
the First National bank, of this olty, and
being called here frequently on that
aooount, he was led to do some business
with our merchants which proved very
satisfactory, and now he gives Heppner
bis patronage exclusively. Heppner's
merobants are competing with the mer
chants of all other towns in this part of
the state aod their liberal inducements
offered to the trade is constantly bring
ing new customers to the town. A
liberal use of printer's ink and the con
tinued proper treatment will add greatly
to their already increasing business.
The distinguished ohemist, T. A. Slo
oum, of New York City, demonstrating
his diBOovery ot a reliable oure for Con
sumption (Pulmonary Tuberouloeie),
bronobial, long and obest troubles,
stubborn oongbs, catarrhal affections,
general decline and weakness, loss ot
flesh, and all conditions of wasting
away, will send THREE FREE BOT
TLES (all different) of his New Dis
coveries to any afflicted reader of this
paper writing for them.
His "New Scientifio Treatment" has
oured thousands permanently by its
timely nee, and be considers it a simple
professional duty to suffering humanity
to donate a trial of bis intaHible oure.
8oienoe daily develops new wonders,
and this great chemist, patiently experi
menting for years, has produoed results
as beneficial to humanity as can be
ol aimed by any modern genius. His
assertion tbat lung troubles and con
sumption are ourable in any climate is
proven by "heartfelt letters of grati
tude," filed in his American and Euro
pean laboratories in thousands from
those oured in all parts of the world.
The dread Consumption, uninter
rupted, means speedy and certain death.
Simply write to T. A. Slooum, M. C,
98 Pine street, New York, giving post-
office and express address, and the free
medicine will be promptly sent direct
from bis laboratory.
Sufferers should take instant advan
tage of bis generous proposition.
Please tell the JJootor that you saw
this in the Gazette, published at Hepp
ner, Oregon. July --! yr.
Now Prepared to do Any
Kind of Printing -Don't
Send Your Orders' Away
'Till You Get the Gazette's
Heretofore the Gazette's job depart
ment has tried to do no work other than
plain printing. However, this shop is
now prepared to taokle anything in any
line and will meet prices of any person
under the sun in the line ot druggists
supplies, blank books, bank work
oounty work, or any sort ot book bind
ingwork tbat you have heretofore sent
away to get done.
The Gazette shop is not a oharity
ooncern but it you will give us a ohanoe
we will see that you are satisfied in
every particular.
Buy your goods at borne.- Remember
tbat Abe Linouln said that when one
bought goods away from home the
foreigner got the money and we got the
goods. But wnen tne goods were
bought at home we had both money
and goods. This is good doctrine. We
are willing to abide by it. When the
printing drummer cornea to town, re
member it and call up 'phone No. 3.
"Tlie Wator Line"
The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co.
Dan Stalter has two men working on
bis quartz lode, np near John Zolling
er's, and tbey are making fair progress.
Sam Creeson and Bob Johnson are the
members of the foroe at present. The
rock still oootiones good aa tbey pro
oeed down.
Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Ridge, O., says;
"After two dootors gave up my boy to
die, I saved him from croup by using
One Minute Cough Cure." It is the
Quickest and most certain remedy for
coughs, colds and all throat anl lung
troubles. Conser k Brook.
Leave The Dalles daily (exospt Sunday)
at 730 a. m. Leave Portland at 7:00
a. m.
When yon go to Portland, stop off at
The Dalles and taks a trip down the
Columbia; yoa will enjoy it, and save
General Agent.
A lilllHll 111.
kanry, one ol Hi sUiv naiiDsl ite-
Hr. PAH.
Ttrktts lean.! to all poibt in the Ceiled
Htates and Canada.
s ol urraim. fur In County tH Mormw.
Kit KiK-l. I lalutin.
rank Saury snd Wm Kndlii. IVIriiitanls.
In r rana Ki
Iii Ihr iiauie nt the stal nl On-run : You are
minimi to anwar and an.wer the pninidalnt
i plaintiff rilixl In His ali entitled court
and suit nil air Iwfum the Am da of Iha no
regular trrni ill aalit iiiiirl. to all. On lh Oral
Muiiday nl Mar. h, !', and If run (all In an
auswrr, Walnut! will lake )iiila-tinnt and
rre. lumliaalni Ilia lunrtaua ilraarllir.1
aald mtiitdallil nil III N V nf tW IV In I ).
H 'jr. a V. M, hvvu NW. ,, s l. l W V
ulew r.ln I S g AM W M. and thai the Minn
i toi.i thai in .r.-r-.te I alil In Ih
Imrment til Ih auiu nl a ai Hit Inti n-.! and
allorii..a U-r $ui and flail 11 (I el data and Ul
uurwntenla nt anil and i-oata nl ealn.
Ihla auinumna la mil.llahe.1 hv order ol
HU(ih A. Iiwll.
t W. HR A, I'lallltirs Attr
Paled v. , lavl. (7
Tetter, Halt-llheum and Kcaeraaw
The Intense itching and smarting, inci
dent to theee diiMiuarHL is instantly allayed
by annlvlnir CbainWlain'a Eve and
Hkin Ointment. Many very bad caae
have been permanently cured by it. It
is equally efficient fur itching ptlea and
a favorite rrmmtv for sore nipples,
chapped hand, chilblains, frost tiitea
and chronic sore eyes. 83 eta, per box.
Dr. Cadt'i Condition Pew dors, are
just what a home needs when in bad
condition. Tonic, blood purifier and
vermifuge. Ther are not food but
medicine and the best In use to put a
home In prime condition. lTice 83
cent per package.
Gazette's Kenorter Tells of the Good
TimeFall Program Given.
Rev. L. Grsy, of Tbe Dalles, held in
teresting servioes at the Lutheian
ohuroh, near Fairview, on Tuesday even
ing, Deo. 28, wbioh waa followed by a
Christmas tree snd entertainment. Mrs.
Coffey, of Fairview, kindly loaned her
organ for tbeoooaeion, whioh materially
assisted In making tbe program more
attraotive. Tbe program in full waa
rendered as follows :
Song, "When Jesus Gams to Bethle
hem," by tbe oongregation.
Scripture reading and prayer by tbe
Song, "Wonderful Story of Love," by
the oboir.
Address by the pastor to the obildren.
Solo, by August Lundell.
Declamation, by Veroia Griffin.
Deolamation, by Mr.N. Leach.
Declamation, by Mary Lundell.
Song, by tbe oboir.
Deolamation, by Virda Griffin.
Solo, by August Lundell.
Declamation, by Anna Lundell.
Deolamation, by Emil Carlson.
Song, by the oboir.
Declamation, by Myrtle Simpson
Deolamation, by Robert Graham.
Song by the oboir.
Declamation, by Albert Nelson.
Song by ths choir.
The benediction waa then prononnoed
and tbe oandy and presents were dis
tributed, mnoh to tbe j y ot all present.
Mr. T. 0. Aubrey followed with a very
able address. Tbe crowd wm large and
all seemed to enjoy themselves im
Tbe next item of interest from tbis
neighborhood will be a rabbit bunt
which la now being arranged to take
plaoe shortly. Rabbits were qmte
plentiful while tbe snow lasted, but
seem now to have disappeared and it Is
not likely tbe boys will secure many
Faibviiw, Or., Deo. 81, 97.
Two Millions a Year.
Xnn. iuu.nl. Iiiiir fetr nnrl lint . tnitl if
f 11C1I '.'piC UUJ, ,IJ, Ml. WJ ...-,
means they're satisfied. The people of the
United Stateg are now buvinit CascareU
Candy Cathartic at the rate of two million
i :il I. - a.1 Ml: 1
noxefl a year ana n win oe mree iiiiuiuu uc
fore New Year's. It means merit proved,
thnt Cascarets are the most delightful bowel
regulator for everybody the year round. All
druggists 10c, 23c, 50c a box, cure guaranteed.
Chas. Sheldon writes Phil Cohn from
Wauwatosa, Wis., a suburb ot Milwau
kee, that he is married aod settled down
to business. At present be is oonductor
on a motor line tbat runs out of Mil
waukee. He sends bis "best" to all old
friends in Heppner.
Are Making Good Floor.
Sinoe starting up tbis winter
Heppner flouring mill has been manu
facturing an exoellent quality of flour.
This paper oao truthfully make tbis as
sertion for its editor has practically de
monstrated by bis own use ot samples of
bread made from tbe new flour tbat it is
par-exoellenoe. Heppner people should
build up this industry by using tbe
Heppner flour, and more especially so
when it is just as good, if not a better
artiole, than oan be purchased else
where. Tbis mill baa bad many strug
gles to the past to keep up and has not
met with all tbe encouragement tbat it
should, and tbe Gazette hopes tbe new
year will mark a period of genuine pros-
perty and suooess for the eoierpriso and
those engaged in it.
Miss Alhe Hughes, Norfolk, Va., was
frightfully burned on tbe faoe and neok.
Pain was instantly relieved by DeWitt'i
Witoh Hazel sulve, wbioh healed tbe in'
jury without leaving a soar. It is tbe
famous pile remedy. Conser & Brock.
Those who desire to build should not
forget that 0. E. Ranous, tbe oon
tractor, is ready to make estimates at
any time. COtf
San Fronolsoo
And all point in California, via the Mt. Bhasta
route or uui
Southern Pacific Co
The neat hia-hwa through California to all
point East and sooth. Grand ooenio Bont
of the Pacific. Coast. Pullman Buffet
Bleepers. Second-class Bleepec
Attached to exDins trains, affordinsr snnerior
accommodations for seoond-olaa passengers.
For rate, tickets, sleeping oar reservations,
etc., oall npon or address
EL KOKhLkk, Manager, C. H. MARKHAM,
Sen. F. 4 P. Agt, Portland, Oregon
Submit your plans to Ranoua before
giving out your oontraot. tf
Ask your
Drugs! St
for a generous
Ely's Cream Bulm
contain no cocaine,
mercury nor any other
injurious drag.
It I quickly Absorbed,
Gives Relief atone.
Tt opens snd cleanses
I ths Nasal Passages.
I AMava Inflammation.
I Heals and Protects the Membrane. Restore the
Scnae ot Taste snd Smell. Full Six Sue. ; Trial
I Size inc.! st Dnitrirlste or by malL
ELY I1ROTUKHH, M Warren Street, New Tork.
Eastern Oregon
State Normal School,
Weston, Oregon
Catarrh oured. A olear head aod
sweet breath secured with Sbilob's
Cstarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee.
Nasal injector tree. Sold by Conser A
Brook. x
neaalr le Ulauel !.
Clean lilnod mean a clean akin. No
knautv without it. I'ascsrrte. Tandy I'alliur
tto cU-an your blood and keep it elean, t
sttrrins; un the lair liver ami driving an im-
liiintir from the t-ody. legtn to-day to
lutntalt pimple, boil, bloti he, blackheads,
and that awkly hihoiis eomplexmn by Ukin
I sersreta, lien illy lor ten rem, ah "rug
gist, satisfaction guaranteed, lUc,25c,&(f.
Store to Close at p. at.
Thirty four of the leading stores in
Tbe Dallea, says tbe T.-M bsye signed
an agreement to oloae their places of
business at 6 o'clock eaoh evening dar
ing the months ot January and Febro-
ary, consequently after tomorrow the
early closing will taks effect, and cus
tomers ot the stores will bear in mind
tbat tbey most do their trading daring
tbe daytime the next two months. Tbis
is a good move. Why eao't Heppner's
Merchants do the same thiog. There
oogbt to be at least two months in tbe
year, when a rush ot business w not oo,
that the proprietors and clerks do not
have to work ot eveniogs, tons giving
tbam a chanee to rest and attend to a
tew ot lbs social do ties of life.
Located on the O. R. k N. Railway
midway between Pendleton and
Walla Walla. Students admitted at
all times of tbe year.
Training School for Teachers.
Vocal and Instrumental Music taught
by competent instructors. A gradu
ate ot tbe Boston Conservatory baa
oharge ot the instrumental department.
The I tidies' Boarding Hall
Is thoroughly eqnioped and offers ex
oellent aceomrnodetiona at reasonable
rates. Bend for catalogue.
Astdsess M. G. ROYAL. President of faoulty ee P. A. WORTHING-
TON, Secretary Bear) ef Regents, Weaton, Or.
Karl's Clover Root Tea, for Conatipa
tion It's tbe beet and it after using it
yon don't say so, relorn package aad
tret your money. Hold by Conser A
Brock. I
s hi i ....the.... -hi:
m Weekly Inter Ocean ffij
Largest circoliiioi op ut political piper a m mil .
Nsw Tons
All other
la the
Kl and
Kan Citv
Nr. Joaira
ut. lone
I'ekio lepol ronoeetione
at HI. Paul, Minneapolis,
Kansas City, Omaha, Hi.
I-oata and ether promt
neat pwats...,.
bf-ge checked through to destination
ol t kU.
T ii rough tk kts to Jspaa and Chine, via
1 aeons a aad northern TaflAo rttearn
ship Company's Una.
for full Information, time earda,mpa,
tickets, eta, sell on or writ
W. 0. Aw Away, A. D. Ca.airos.
Aft N.P. Hy. Asst. (ten. IW Agt.
Tbe llta,Or Portland, Or
Notice Of Intention.
tnt (rrn s tt .s uaai. (latuott.
H1 "it, I'M?
Y"Tii i rirfcinv ihvi that tut
11 lull. i.lnii uaniMl rttl.r haafllwl notice) il
his nlutii,n In itiaaa final n.il In snir ol
his rlalui. ami that eat.t riwl sill I ma-U
Iwlor t'oiiiilv I lrk, Morrow l uniity, irvoa,
at He( .ii.i, Dr. O Int. lawn, Ul.
lot I t.lllllIN,
IM No Vw, 1-r the u nf nMVaiulVWot
M bullae,.. II In a. a H M. K w.V
II. nam os III Mhiaiui laitomn lo prove bis
rooiiHiioua meuiriir noun aim emulation ot
aal.l lanl. vie ttlillant Wari.n. VMUir lill-
Iwrt, I narlet Mti.n- ami l'lr Hun, all ul
lltnr, Mono muiiiv, on-goit
k. 1. ttASTt TT.
I. Ntslor,
or stock iotrir its
'I'll Ti Mini I'tK up THI
I I lM 4) V.el-l (oinuf Kill
fnetltig ftof eta Hoi
h.n.1 Ui.ir
annual metltift t,r et loot r i!!rrtr ami
ntliM luitiiteaa tk Wmtt) MfttMlei nl Jan
ry, A. l, lav. T. W.ATRH.
t'siallll reaaly's Big Wkeat Il.
By far tbe greatest ledividoal traae-
fr ot wheat made in Umatilla ooooty
this season was oonelnded yesterday,
Mall Miwgrove dtepnsed of 100,000 bush
els lo U W. Tracy, of Portland, through
II M. MeOomaa, eays ths Tribune. Tbe
price paid waa T'i oonta a bosbel. This
as the bulk ot the orop raised by Moe-
gruve the last eeaeoo, aad nearly all
grown oa the Umatilla reservation. U
stilt bsa 13.1KI.) bushsls to eelL Tb
wheal sold Is stored at Athena, Uavsee
aad Eastland.
Hubbea t Death.
Oeorge Bager, an old baohelor, living
about 3 mile from Dayton, Oregon,
near Weston Landing, waa fooad dead
within 60 feet ol hie bo us Tuesday ,
morning, bsviog been dead, tt Is be
lieved, eeveral day a. A knife waa tonnd
sticking lo bis body. Ths srooe ' Jury
rendered a verdict that death was eaosed
by knife woonda, aod that the man
murder!. There to do clue to tbe
murderers, nor Is Iner any motive
know a for the deed. There were evi
dence of a straggle, showing tbat Hget
fought bard for hie life.
Mrs. Msry Bird, llarriabarg.pa,, say s,
"My child is worth Billions to ma, yet I
weald have tost ber by croup bad I not
Invested twenty five Cents In bottle of
One Minute Cough Care." It enree
unghs, eM and all threat and long
troubles. Coneer A Broeh, "
Weal lr.e.K. Baiter lay.
Buffalo, N. T. Ou-rrom my
personal knowledge, gained la observing
tbe effret ot yoar Bbiloa's Our la
ot advaoeed Oooss optica, I am prepared
to aay it la tbe asoot remarkable remedy
that baa sver been brought to my atten
tion. It has eerlelaly saved maay from
, eonaamptloa. Sold by Oeaeer A Brock.
Will Crt a Saille.
Tbe adoption of tho title "reformers"
by the Oregon fosionlste la caloolated to I
make those acquaialeM with the leedieg
spirits ot tbe reform movement smile
a little. A more nosornpolooa eet of
spoils politicians could oot be golUo to-
etber ib tbe state.-Roawbarg Plain-
3. A. rerklos, of Antiquity, O , was tor
thirty yeare aeelleeely tortured by phy
sicians for the core ot ecsema. lie wee
quickly cored by nslog DeWiti ' Wiicb
liaselealve. the famous healing salve I
lor ntleo aod akla dieeaeee. Ueaeer m
Brook. 1
It Is radically Republican, advocating
2 ths CAHtrul doctrines of thai party
with ability and uratttarm
jJ(But it can always fx rtikd oa
for latr and honest reports ol all po
litical novmtotijSjlji JJljjtjt
It It Morally Clcaa gad si s Family Paper U Without s Peer.
Th Uiermlurt of lit column It
eynsf to that ol th btt mf
inss. HltMntlngHthitklU
4rtn aa will as tb psrtata......
and while M bnrifi to the Utrwly THE Nt S Or
T1IE VORLD and rive Hi naJcn ths brat aad ebUtf
discuailnrai of Q qumtioti oi the day, tt u full sympathy
with the toVas aod aptritnns rif Vest cm prapta and
ditcitiaci liuraturs and politics from ths Tcatcrn mnrtpmnt
Traly a Or! Par.
The Boston 11 scald bee takes time to
pay a deeerved tribute lo tbe Poctlaoi
Oretroaiaa. The Ikailca paper aays
Portlead'l paper la mentally euperkr to
a.By newspaper oa the PaeiSs eoeat, and
this la aadoaVtedty Ire.
Slllsi Tt SART A lisT I Ttnmnoe Of Ttl 1 1 I
Z V I lllU OCtAS All BUI wf taut EUB. I
2 II I 2 TH.f n.l! Vf email f e v t 2 1 1 I 5
U A as frte-s e( aaaulair Uy bmII fl ) a tr 1, U I
J a S alexia,! fcv eisailt ) er v-r J TT J
With The Gaizcttc, S2.50 per Year.